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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perceptions of risk and resilience of girl youths during an equine-assisted intervention

Nienaber, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Girl youth, especially those residing in resource-constrained communities such as Diepsloot, constitute a vulnerable population group because of the daily risks they face (Watts & Zimmerman, 2002). Researchers report that chronic exposure to risks can have a negative impact on girl youth’s ability to cope and adjust (Hawke, 2000). However, interventions focused on addressing risk draw on western paradigms of resilience, not accounting for cultural aspects of resilience. Therefore, understanding how girls in Diepsloot conceptualise risk and resilience is an important step in fostering resilience among girl youth. In the present study, I draw on an ecologically-oriented systemic approach to explore how girl youth from Diepsloot make meaning of risk and resilience during an equine assisted intervention called the Growing Great Girls program. Equine assisted interventions, in particular equine assisted interventions that follow an Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association model approach, has been found beneficial in promoting resilience among youth (Boyce, 2016). In the present study, equine assisted interventions played an important role in the process of gaining an understanding of risk and resilience from the perspectives of girl youth from Diepsloot. Using a qualitative exploratory case study design, I collected data from eight girl youth from Dieplsoot who attended the Growing Great Girls program over a period of eight weeks. From open-ended focus group interviews, photovoice, journal entries and observations as data sources, I used inductive thematic analysis to interrogate how girl youth make meaning of the risks they face to discover the source and nature of their resilience. Three themes emerged as the research results and included theme 1- individual psychosocial characteristics and family climate, theme 2- community related social issues and theme 3- broader societal issues. The findings of the present study contribute towards a broader understanding of risk and resilience that is ecologically relevant to the lives of girl youth from the Diepsloot community. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Educational Psychology / MEd / Unrestricted

If it’s safe, and it’s successful -then it’s OK : An ethnographic study of key factors and interaction in a Therapeutic Horsemanship program for Young People

Harri, Mia January 2021 (has links)
The cross-scientific field of Equine Assisted Interventions (EAI) for human health, education and wellbeing is wide, varied, and rapidly growing with an expressed need of increased knowledge. Interventions involving horses are used to address a variety of difficulties and suggested as an alternative option for children and youth in need of support, who for different reasons do not or cannot benefit from traditional therapeutic or educational contexts or settings. Research thus far has mainly investigated outcomes while systematic knowledge about processes and characteristics of these interventions is still lacking. The purpose of the study was to increase knowledge and understanding of EAI for children and youth by exploring key factors and interaction in a Therapeutic Horsemanship groundwork program for disadvantaged Young People. The research was of an exploratory nature, with qualitative research methods and an ethnographic approach where data was collected through a field study based on participant observation and semi-structured interviews. Data was analysed by Reflexive Thematic Analysis. Results show that the interaction can be understood as a triad consisting of child, practitioner(s) and horse. Key factors in the intervention can be understood through eight interrelated themes, divided into Framework Themes and Content Themes. The Framework Themes are Concept, Environment and Activity. The Content Themes are Safe Spaces, Communication is Key, Positive Perceptions, Helping Horses and Learning for Life. These themes interrelate, enabling and affecting the intervention and interaction in the triad. To understand processes in the intervention, findings were interpreted through Experiential Learning Theory and the Biophilia Hypothesis. Results show the significance of the whole concept and the equine environment, and that learning can be identified throughout the intervention. Through interaction, cooperation and training with the horse, the Young Person learns, acquires and develops awareness, competences and skills which can eventually be transferred to their everyday life, thus providing increased social competence and ability to handle difficulties. The intervention can be summarised as being child-centred, horse-focused and action-based. Findings suggest a significance of working exclusively with rescue horses,and that EAI based on groundwork activities can offer a novel and positive experiential learning experience for young people. Findings further suggest that the experiential learning process in EAI may be directable to address various issues, and that EAI/groundwork therefore could be a suitable option for children and youth for whom more traditional or conventional settings for education or therapy are not an option. / Det tvärvetenskapliga fältet hästunderstödda insatser (HUI) för mänsklig hälsa, lärande och välbefinnande är snabbt växande med ett behov av ökad kunskap. Tidigare forskning har huvudsakligen rört eventuella effekter och resultat, medan det saknas systematiserad kunskap om såväl processer som insatsernas karaktär. Studiens syfte var att öka kunskapen om hästunderstödda insatser genom att utforska nyckelfaktorer och interaktion i ett program baserat på markarbete med häst för utsatta barn och ungdomar. Studien var av utforskande karaktär, med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod och ett etnografiskt angreppssätt där datainsamling skedde genom en fältstudie baserad på deltagande observation och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Data analyserades genom Reflexiv Tematisk Analys. Resultaten visar att interaktionen kan förstås som en triad bestående av barn, praktiker och häst. Nyckelfaktorer i interventionen kan förstås genom åtta teman fördelade på två grupper; Ramverksteman: Concept, Environment och Activity, samt Innehållsteman: Safe Spaces, Communication is Key, Positive Perceptions,Helping Horses och Learning for Life. Dessa teman samverkar, möjliggör och påverkar insatsen och interaktionen i triaden. För att förstå processer i insatsen tolkades resultaten genom Experiential Learning Theory och The Biophilia Hypothesis. Resultaten visar en signifikans av hästens miljö, samt att upplevelsebaserat lärande kan identifieras genom hela insatsen, vilken kan sammanfattas som barncentrerad, hästfokuserad och aktivitetsbaserad. Resultaten visar vidare en signifikans av att arbeta uteslutande med hästar som omhändertagits eller omplacerats på grund av tex vanvård, samt att lärande kan identifieras genom hela insatsen och förefaller kunna riktas/anpassas efter olika behov och syften. Hästunderstödda insatser i form av markarbete kan ses som en lämplig metod att erbjuda upplevelsebaserat lärande, och upplevas som en ny och positiv erfarenhet för utsatta barn och ungdomar för vilka mer traditionella insatser inte är ett alternativ. Genom interaktion och samarbete med hästen lär sig, förvärvar och utvecklar barnet/ungdomen medvetande, kunskap och kompetenser vilka kan överföras till deras dagliga liv och leda till bland annat ökad social kompetens och förmåga att hantera svårigheter.

''Tänk om jag inte fått komma hit, då hade jag fortfarande varit inlagd och lika sjuk'' : En kvalitativ studie om hästunderstödda insatsers påverkan på människors psykiska hälsa. / ''Imagine if I hadn´t come here, then I would still been hospitalized and just as sick'' : A qualitative study of equine-assisted interventions impact on people´s mental health.

Cederlöf, Fanny January 2023 (has links)
I Sverige lider många personer av långvarig psykisk ohälsa, vilket tyder på att de behandlingsmetoder som först och främst erbjuds idag inte hjälper alla i samhället. Syftet med denhär studien är därför att lyfta kunskap om alternativa behandlignsmetoder med fokus på hästunderstödda insatser. Studien syftar till att utifrån behandlares perspektiv förstå hästarnas roll i hästunderstödda insatser och förstå vad hästunderstödda insatser har för betydelse i behandling av klienters psykiska hälsa. Datainsamlingsmetoden för studien har varit semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex stycken behandlare som arbetar med hästunderstödda insatser. Det insamlade meterialet har analyserats genom en tematisk analys för att presentera resultat och dess analys på ett tydligt sätt. Resultatet av intervjuerna vidade att hästen beskrevs som varm, lugn och respktfull, vilket på olika sätt ansågs vara bidragande faktorer till att hästunderstödda insatser anses vara en effektiv behadnlingsmetod. Vidare beskrivs flera faktorer i hästunderstödda insatser som bidragande till behandlingens effektfullhet, bland anant en ökning av självförtroende, självkänsla och stressreducering var faktorer som beskrevs som bidragande till klienternas psykiska välbefinnande. Det framkommer också att behandlarna arbetar på olika sätt med hästunderstödda insatser bereoende på den enskilda individens målsättning, således är samtliga behandlare överens om att hästar har visats ha en betydande positiv inverkan på klienter som lider av psykisk ohälsa. / In Sweden many people suffer from long-term mental illness, which suggests that the treatment methods that are primarily offered today doesn’t help everyone in their society. The purpose of this study is therefore to lift new knowledge about alternative treatments with focus on equine-assisted intervention. The study aims from the therapist’s perspective to understand the horses’ role in the equine-assisted intervention and to understand the meaning of the treatment for the clients’ mental illness. The data collection method for the study has been semi-structured interviews with six therapists who work with equine-assisted interventions. The collected material has been analyzed through a thematic analysis in order to present the results and analysis in a clear way. The results of the interviews showed that the horse was described as warm, calm, and respectful, which were considered in various ways to be contributing factors to equine-assisted interventions being considered an effective treatment method. Furthermore, several factors in equine-assisted intervention are described as contributing to the effectiveness of the treatment, including an increase in self-confidence, self-esteem and stress reduction are factors that contribute to clients psychological well-being. It also emerges that therapists work very differently with equine-assisted interventions depending on the individual they are working with, but all therapists agree that horses have shown to have a significant positive impact on clients suffering from mental illness.

Ett sätt att nå flera nivåer av rörelse samtidigt: Fysioterapeuters erfarenheter av att arbeta med Hästunderstödd terapi / A way to reach several levels of movement simultaneously: Physiotherpists’ experiences of Equine assisted therapy

Uggla, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Hästunderstödd terapi (HUT) är ett växande kunskapsområde där studier visat välgörande effekter i flertalet patientgrupper. Att beskriva HUT generellt har försvårats av metodologiska orsaker. Eftersom HUT i klinisk praxis används som komplement till grundprofessioner, vill denna studie fördjupa kunskapen utifrån fysioterapeutiskt perspektiv. Därigenom kan HUT beskrivas med en tydlig koppling till klinisk användbarhet.  Syfte: Att undersöka OHI-certifierade fysioterapeuters erfarenheter av att arbeta med HUT utifrån ett perspektiv av rörelse. Metod: Kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer med elva OHI-certifierade fysioterapeuter. Materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Graneheim och Lundman. Som teoretiskt ramverk användes ”The movement continuum Theory of Physical Therapy”. Resultat: Temat ”Hästen och dess miljö berikar det fysioterapeutiska arbetssättet” byggs av fyra subteman och nio sub-subteman. HUT har potential att berika fysioterapeutiskt arbetssätt  genom inverkan på flera nivåer av rörelse samtidigt. Ridmomentet kan ge externa förutsättningar som verkar rörelsefrämjande, men innebär också ett professionellt omdöme i avvägningen mellan nytta och riskmomentet. Genom HUT upplevs resurser att stimulera interna faktorer såsom motivation och engagemang samt sociala faktorer i alliansen. HUT upplevs stötta ett resursfokuserat förhållningssätt till rörelse, där kropp, sinne och känsla har en given plats.   Slutsats: Hur HUT berikar professionen beror på fysioterapeutens val utifrån syfte, yrkeskunskap och personliga kompetens. Det breda användningsområdet ger möjligheter att använda HUT i mötet med olika målgrupper. När arbetssättet i HUT beskrivs i sammanhanget av fysioterapi kan komplexiteten i HUT förstås, och termer som evidensbaserad praktik kommer inom räckhåll. / Introduction: The knowledge of Equine Assisted Therapy (EAT) is growing, and studies describe beneficial effects in various groups of patients. Describing EAT in general has been difficult due to methodological reasons. Since EAT in clinical practice serves as a complement to professions, this study wants to deepen the knowledge from a physiotherapeutic perspective. EAT can thereby be described with a clear connection to clinical applicability. Aims: Investigate OHI-certified physiotherapists' experiences of working with EAT from a perspective of movement. Methods: Qualitative study with semi-structured interviews with eleven OHI-certified physiotherapists, using qualitative content analysis by Graneheim and Lundman. As theoretical framework "The movement continuum Theory of Physical Therapy" was used.. Results: The theme ”The horse and its environment enriches the physiotherapeutic practice” is based on four sub themes and nine sub-sub themes. EAT has potential to enrich physiotherapeutic practice by influencing several levels of movement simultaneously. Riding can provide external conditions promoting movement, also involving professional judgment between benefits and elements of risk.  Resources to stimulate internal factors as motivation, commitment, and social factors in the alliance were experienced. EAT is perceived to support a resource-focused approach to movement, where body, mind and emotion are involved.  Conclusion: How EAT enriches the profession depends on the physiotherapist's decisions based on purpose, professional knowledge, and personal competence. The versatility provides opportunities to use EAT with different populations. When clinical practice of EAT are described in context of physiotherapy, the complexity of EAT can be understood, and terms as evidence-based practice come within reach.

Examining the need for parental satisfaction with the MSU Extension Equine Assisted Therapy Program

Kiker, Ashlyn Ann 10 December 2021 (has links)
Animal assisted interventions are becoming more prevalent in our society. Animal interventions have become a popular therapy technique that exist to aid a variety of disabilities. Equine therapeutic riding has become one of the most popular forms of animal assisted therapy for both children and adults. While research shows the importance and benefits of animal assisted therapy for children, there is a lack of research concerning parental satisfaction within therapeutic riding programs. This study tested a newly developed instrument for measuring parental satisfaction for therapeutic riding programs. The Parent/Caregiver Evaluation Tool (Kerr, 2021) was administered to parents/caregivers whose children participated at the North Dakota State University Bison Strides Riding Program to determine the instrument’s reliability. Secondly, the instrument was administered the parents/caregivers of the MSU Equine Assisted Therapeutic Riding Program. It was found that parents/caregivers were satisfied with the program, but there were some recommendations given.

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