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Men's knowledge and attitude towards vasectomy in east Wollega zone of Oromia region, EthiopiaBelay Ejeta Awie 03 June 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to assess men’s knowledge and attitude towards vasectomy as a family planning method options available to men in East Wollega zone of Oromia Region. Male sterilisation in sub-Saharan countries including Ethiopia is very much limited due to lots of reasons despite its many advantages than other family planning methods. Quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional research was used to describe level of knowledge and attitude towards vasectomy. Data were collected using structured questionnaire in which a total of 150 respondents, who were selected using non-random purposive sampling technique participated in the study. The data were analysed using SPSS version 20. Hence the findings revealed the lack of knowledge and low interest on vasectomy among respondents. The concerted effort from all stakeholders and use of multiple strategies to educate the community will raise awareness which in turn improves vasectomy service uptake / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)
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Civil society organisations and societal transformation in Africa : the case of EthiopiaFeleke Tadele 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with civil society organisations (CSOs) and the challenges of facilitating sustainable societal transformation in Africa, focusing on the case of Ethiopia. The thesis underlines the fact that the conceptualisation of civil society is controversial. Some western scholars argue that the Enlightenment period in Europe provided the bedrock for the foundation of „modern‟ CSOs. As a result, they believed that the life patterns and „traditional‟ social organising practices of Africans, Asians and other societies of the world are incompatible with the civilised world. This outlook constitutes the mainstream view that has played an uncontested role in the decades of development in Africa.
Proponents of African and „traditional‟ perspectives of civil society, however, argue that many nations in Africa have centuries-old humanism and a history of volunteerism and civic institutions, which form the backbone of their social fabric. They argue that Africa has its own rich culture and civilisation which is the bedrock for generating and developing healthy human societies and effectively functioning CSOs on the continent. These African civic cultures nurture character and intellect within communities and social spaces despite the challenges of colonialism, globalisation and other external pressures. For this reason, they challenge western-based perspectives on „modern‟ CSOs. Given the predominance of and the tension in these two perspectives, this thesis calls for a re-examination of the concepts, meanings and practices of CSOs and the exploration of the role of „traditional‟ CSOs in facilitating societal transformation in contemporary Ethiopia, Africa.
In so doing, it critically examines how the tensions in various international development agendas have led to the legitimisation and proliferation of „modern‟ and western-based non-governmental organisation (NGO) interventions in Africa, and then discusses the way the civil society sector, particularly „traditional‟ CSOs, is side-lined owing to the funding formulas that regard western-based NGOs as preferred development partners.
For this, the thesis takes a case-based approach to the study of „traditional‟ CSOs in Ethiopia, and examines their goals and practices leading to social transformation experiences by reviewing the political history, genesis and civic functions of CSOs and the social changes at grassroots levels. The thesis also analyses the ways in which local communities organise their „traditional‟ associations and collectively engage in social action to transform their communities. It also highlights the negative implications of the neoliberal theoretical discourses and the developmental state approaches in relation to „traditional‟ African CSOs. In conclusion, the thesis suggests critical pathways for harnessing the role of „traditional‟ African CSOs in the future societal transformation process in Africa. / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Development Studies)
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Drivers of manufacturing performance in medium and large scale firms in Ethiopia (evidence from Addis Ababa and its periphery)Getnet Begashaw Ketema 09 1900 (has links)
Manufacturing performance measures the extent to which the manufacturing plant has built capabilities like low cost, high quality, delivery, and flexibility. The importance of identifying drivers of these capabilities has been underscored by many scholars although limited evidence exists so far regarding this issue. The available evidence is also primarily based on data obtained from manufacturing firms operating in developed and emerging economies and not from firms in developing economies. This study, therefore, bridges this gap by exploring key internal and external drivers of manufacturing performance taking evidence from the manufacturing sector of a developing economy - Ethiopia. A quant-emphasis mixed method approach was used along with cross-sectional survey design to gather data and answer the research questions in the study. The unit of analysis is the manufacturing plant, and hence primary data was collected using multidimensional questionnaires at plant level from 197 medium and large scale firms from Addis Ababa and its periphery. Secondary data was obtained from census reports, the country’s Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP), and report on the performance of the Ethiopian economy, which were analyzed qualitatively and the implications to manufacturing performance drawn in the study.
A series of scale checks and analyses were made to test unidimensionality, reliability, and validity of measures and then structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze hypothesized relationships. The main finding is that environmental dynamism significantly influences competitive priorities and firm’s strategic orientation, which in turn significantly influence manufacturing decisions. Structural and infrastructural manufacturing decisions eventually significantly influence manufacturing performance when firms place increased emphasis on quality or delivery. The competitive priorities also significantly influence external learning capability of the manufacturing plant, although the influence of strategic orientation on this variable was not significant even at the 0.1 level except in the delivery priority model. Both the competitive priorities and strategic orientation, however, play little role in guiding leadership practices of manufacturing managers. The study further indicates that government support directly influences manufacturing performance, though it does not significantly influence external learning capability. Based on the findings, it is suggested that manufacturing firms should give due attention to what is going on in their external environment and accordingly align their competitive priorities, strategic orientation, and investments in structural and infrastructural resources to enhance plant performance. They should exhaustively utilize the supports provided by government as well. / Business Management / DBL
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The social dislocation of and social support for female street children engaged in commercial sex work : an explorative study in the Addis Ketema sub-city, Addis Ababa, EthiopiaLude Abiy Melaku 10 1900 (has links)
In this study semi-structured, in-depth individual interviews were conducted with sixteen female street children aged 15 to 18, who were engaged in commercial sex work. These children were conveniently selected to explore the social dislocation of and social support for female street children engaged in commercial sex work. In addition, two focus group discussions consisting of nine female street children each, as well as seven key informant individual interviews, were conducted. This study found that female children engaged in commercial sex work experienced a high degree of social dislocation and that the children who participated in this study tended to create their own communities and isolated themselves from the broader community in which they lived. This study further found that different support programmes had been introduced to alleviate the problems experienced by these children and that a number of organisations delivered support services to address their needs. / Sociology / M. A. (Sociology)
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Risk factors for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / Risk factors for multidrug-ressistant tuberculosis in Addis Ababa, EthiopiaFikadu Tadesse Nigusso 25 July 2013 (has links)
This quantitative, descriptive study investigated risk factors for MDR-TB in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A total of 439 medical records belonging to MDR-TB and non MDR-TB patients managed in public health centres from January 2008 to December 2011 were analysed. Data were transcribed from each TB patient‟s medical records using a specifically designed checklist.
The findings revealed that male gender, previous history of TB treatment, poor treatment adherence, an outcome of failure after TB re-treatment, previous category of failure, pulmonary involvement of TB infection and HIV infection were associated with MDR-TB. The findings illustrate that efforts should be made to prioritise the development and implementation of effective MDR TB screening and treatment protocols for these high risk groups to improve treatment outcome and minimize the emergence of XDR TB. / Health Studies / M. Public Health
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The social dislocation of and social support for female street children engaged in commercial sex work : an explorative study in the Addis Ketema sub-city, Addis Ababa, EthiopiaLude Abiy Melaku 10 1900 (has links)
In this study semi-structured, in-depth individual interviews were conducted with sixteen female street children aged 15 to 18, who were engaged in commercial sex work. These children were conveniently selected to explore the social dislocation of and social support for female street children engaged in commercial sex work. In addition, two focus group discussions consisting of nine female street children each, as well as seven key informant individual interviews, were conducted. This study found that female children engaged in commercial sex work experienced a high degree of social dislocation and that the children who participated in this study tended to create their own communities and isolated themselves from the broader community in which they lived. This study further found that different support programmes had been introduced to alleviate the problems experienced by these children and that a number of organisations delivered support services to address their needs. / Sociology / M. A. (Sociology)
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Reintegration of illegal migration returnees in Omo Nada District, Jimma Zone, Oromia Region, EthiopiaFojo Gudina Abshula 04 1900 (has links)
Text in English with appendices in Afaan Oromoo (Oromo language) / Despite the imperative of reintegration assistance for returnees of illegal migration, which will enable them to become independent and productive members of the community, the reintegration needs and experiences of returned illegal migrants are neglected in academic studies. The objectives of the study were to explore the socio-contextual factors that gave rise to the illegal migration of the study participants; their illegal migration abuse and exploitation experiences; the reintegration needs they sought after return; and the responses of relevant stakeholders to meet the reintegration needs of the returnees and help them reintegrate into the community. To this end, I conducted a qualitative study in Omo Nada district in 2017. I collected the data by means of indepth interviews, key informant interviews and focus group discussions. I used thematic analysis to analyze the findings. The study revealed that the decision to migrate ‘illegally’ was the result of
numerous drivers: poverty, unemployment, political discrimination, family pressure, and absence of legal means, the influence of brokers and smugglers, and socio-cultural and religious factors. The returned migrants experienced various types of abuse and exploitation, including physical abuse, economic, labour and sexual exploitation both on the migration journey and at the place of destination. The long periods of isolation some experienced also resulted in the disintegration of their families. Participants identified the need for support in the form of health services, counselling, housing, employment, skills training, finances, loans and social support from relevant stakeholders such as family, the community, the government and non-governmental organizations. Despite the many needs identified, the relevant bodies provided very little reintegration support. Due to this, the returnees were not able to reintegrate into their communities. Returning to the premigration conditions which drove them to migrate ‘illegally' in the first place, with no hope of any reintegration assistance, led some returnees to re-migrate illegally. Reintegration is a key aspect for return migration. Therefore, to be sustainable and for the reintegration process to be successful it must be widely supported. The consequences of illegal migration and reintegration support must be taken seriously and supported by the government in all its aspects. Government agencies such as the Labour and Social Affairs Office must be capacitated to provide the necessary assistance and supports to effect sustainable integration. / Sociology / Ph. D. (Sociology)
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The Nexus between water supply infrastructure and socio-economic developments in Amhara Region, Ethiopia, 1941-2005Derb Tefera Tassew 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the historical introduction and spatial expansion of modern water supply infrastructure in Amhara region across the three successive regimes: imperial, military, and EPRDF. It attempts to explore the institutional setup of the three governments together with their policies and strategies. The study also aims at giving an idea about the socio-economic changes registered because of improved access to safe water. Furthermore, it assesses the water consumption and conservation pattern of the society and the environmental impact of the water infrastructure development.
Modern infrastructure development in Ethiopia traced its beginning back to the late 19th century. Safe drinking water supply had been one of those modern infrastructures introduced in Addis Ababa. Not long afterwards, it proliferated to the provinces. In Amhara region, drinking water supply infrastructure construction began in the early 20th century. However, this thesis inquired whether there was a programmed water supply infrastructure development before the mid-1950s or not. The water supply work started gaining momentum and became a state program in the late imperial period. However, it was affected by financial, technological and trained human resource constraints, lack of appropriate institution, defective management systems, and improper implementation methods.
The military government had strengthened water supply institutions and improved workers'
expertise. These developments helped the water supply infrastructure work to be executed in a programmed manner. Yet, financial restraints, the incessant political chaos of the time and the accompanied disruptive working environment had greatly impacted the temporal and spatial coverage of the water supply infrastructure development.
The promising start of the Derg period did not continue with similar pace during the early years of the EPRDF rule. Despite the efforts made to set up water institutions at Regional, Zonal and Woreda (district) levels, no significant achievement was recorded in the field. The aftermath of the civil war together with internal and external challenges epitomized the transition period had impinged on the water supply work.
This thesis testifies to the emergence of some socio-economic changes in the region. Yet, the slow progress of the water supply infrastructure work had stalled the socio-economic change that should have been registered through improved access to safe water supply. Despite the observable environmental degradation, the thesis argues that the retarded water supply work had nothing to do with the dearth of fresh water. While the trend shows steady growth of water consumption level across the three regimes, the conservation habit of the population remained low. / D.Litt. et Phil. (History)
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Laws of investment and environmental protection : the case of Ethiopian largescale agricultureTesfaye Abate Abebe 21 August 2018 (has links)
A contradiction between the Ethiopian law of investment and environmental law is prevalent
since law of investment promotes development while environmental law protects the
environment. The thesis investigates the general legal issue: How do the investment and
environmental laws of Ethiopia promote large-scale agricultural development without adversely
affecting the environment? In the research, comparative legal research methodology is
employed: comparison is made between the internationally accepted principles of large-scale
agricultural investment and Ethiopian laws; the laws and experiences of Brazil and South Africa
are showed that law of sustainable large-scale agricultural investment is vital to promote
agricultural development and protect the environment. International law on investment and
environment are also considered. International legal principles of solving the contradiction
between environmental law and investment law are analysed. Legal and document analysis of
Ethiopian laws, policies and government documents have been made. Interviews have been
made, data through questionnaires have been collected and analysed, and 12 large-scale
agricultural investment farms have been observed and critically analysed. The thesis identified
that law of large-scale agricultural investment promotes development while Ethiopian
environmental law protects the environment. The law has a role in promoting large-scale
agricultural development by recognising the right to development and providing incentives and
creating conducive environment. Thus, the law should be used to promote both the right to
development and environmental protection. The nexus between investment law and
environmental law should be strengthening. It is identified that the law of sustainable large-scale
agricultural development could protect the environment while promoting large-scale agricultural
development. The thesis identified the Ethiopian law and the practices do not promote
sustainable large-scale agricultural development. Thus, it is recommended that precautionary
principle, like EIA should be made a requirement for large-scale agricultural investment, implementing efficiently and effectively the large-scale agricultural law principles, and laws to
achieve sustainable large-scale agriculture. / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LL. D.
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Managing university-industry linkage in government universities of Ethiopia : challenges and opportunitiesMisganu Legesse Bareke 02 1900 (has links)
This study set-out to examine how university-industry linkage (UIL) is managed in government universities of Ethiopia to contribute to the economic development of the country. Basic questions related to the level of management of UIL, areas of linkage, benefits obtained so far from this partnership, challenges to the proper management of UIL, and the existing opportunities for promoting UIL were raised. In addition to this, strategies for strengthening UIL were also dealt with.
In relation to this, the study was framed with the system theory viewpoints and human capital theory viewing universities as a system linked to its external environment like industries. As a model, interactive/balanced type of Triple Helix model was used as it integrates the activities of the government, universities and the industries. Moreover, this study reviewed global perspectives on UIL and an overview of the study context with greater emphasis on higher education reforms and proclamations.
Philosophically, this study followed pragmatism research paradigm using mixed research approach. It also employed concurrent/parallel/convergent design in which both quantitative and qualitative data were collected simultaneously, interpreted separately and combined at the time of discussion for better understanding of the problem. Equal importance for both data sets was given. Data were gathered from 99 college deans and department heads, 200 instructors and 316 prospective graduates. In addition to this, 23 interviewees from UILOs, industries, MoE, and MoST took part in this study. Moreover, two focus group discussions were also conducted with the university alumni and data were gathered through survey questionnaires, semi-structured interview, FGD question guides and document reviews.
The study result indicated that both quantitative and qualitative data support one another. It was found out that UIL was at its infant stage of development in government universities of Ethiopia with limited areas, dominated by students’ internship. Ethiopian government universities have a link with the industries in areas of some limited joint research projects, consultancies and capacity building. Consequently, universities benefitted by attaching their students with the industries and students got practical exposure to the real world of work. Industries also benefitted from the training provided to them, consultancies and joint research projects.
On the other hand, UIL in government universities of Ethiopia was challenged by institutional bottlenecks, policy-practice gaps, contextual variation and information gaps, finance and awareness related caveats, work overload, and facility related hurdles. Moreover, lack of trust and commitment between U & I, lack of commitment and support from the leadership of both universities and industries, and the reluctance of the local industries to work with the universities remained a big rift to UIL.
This study also sheds light on the expansion of universities and industries in different parts of the country as the opportunities to be tapped to promote UIL. Further, the attention of the government by designing different policies, strategies, directives and conferences was taken as the opportunity. As a major contribution, this study came up with the model that was designed to improve the practice of management of UIL in government universities of Ethiopia. To overcome the above challenges and to make use of existing opportunities, it was recommended that improving leadership and management related challenges through joint planning, organising, staffing and decision-making. Moreover, it was highly laudable to make a paradigm shift in the roles of universities from teaching dominated to research and innovation universities. Finally, bridging policy-practice gaps, increase networking, arranging various sensitising and advertising programmes and creating a further avenue for more research were commented. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)
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