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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Europas första uniformerade tjänst : En fallstudie av Europeiska gräns- och kustbevakningsbyrån / Europe's first uniformed service : A case study of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency

Thulin, Clara January 2020 (has links)
The European migrant crisis showed how fragile the external borders of Europe were. In December 2015 the European Commission put forward a proposal to reinforce the current border agency, Frontex, to become the European Border and Coast Guard Agency to manage EUs external borders. The proposal included a stronger mandate for the agency toward member states and showed more integration toward an issue that has been historically sensitive, since border management is close to state sovereignty. This theory consuming study aim to give further explanation through liberal intergovernmentalism in how the member states were a big part in shaping the outcome of this chosen policy. The study is focusing on state actors as France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Hungary and Poland in how their preferences shaped the intergovernmental negotiations and give explanations if the border agency became more independent in its functions and toward member states.

Rozvojové projekty Euroregionu Glacensis

Kožená, Alena January 2007 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce podává ucelený přehled o česko-polské přeshraniční spolupráci na příkladu Euroregionu Glacensis. Součástí práce je nezbytné teoretické vymezení euroregionů a dalších přeshraničních struktur, vymezení jejich cílů a principů fungování, legislativní úprava a institucionální zabezpečení. Cílem práce je potvrdit význam a přínos přeshraniční spolupráce v procesu evropské integrace a zhodnotit do jaké míry tyto aktivity naplňují cíle vymezené ve strategii rozvoje ERG. Použitím metody komparace jsou zhodnoceny a srovnány programy, jejichž podpora je pro realizaci těchto rozvojových aktivit nezbytná. Pozornost je věnována předvstupním fondům Phare CREDO a Phare CBC, Iniciativě Společenství INTERREG IIIA a Novému operačnímu programu. Prostřednictvím dotazníkového šetření je zhodnocena informovanost studentů o existenci a aktivitách ERG. Výsledky šetření ukazují rovněž na vztah respondentů k obcím, ve kterých žijí a na jejich vztah k Polské republice.

Europas gräns under en säkerhetspolitisk förändring? : En fallstudie om säkerhetspolitiken vid den europeiska gränsen mellan 2007 och 2010 samt en prövning av Köpenhamnsskolans säkerhetiseringsteori / Europe's border under a security policy change? : A case study on security policy at the European border between 2007 - 2010 and a review ofthe Copenhagen School’s theory of Securitization

Cerda, Salvador January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of the essay is both to bring forward the threats images, sectors, actors and referents that can be found at the European border between 2007-2010 and to explore whether they change during this period. Furthermore, the essay also intends to review the Copenhagen School’s theory of securitization. The analysis of the essay will be done on the European commission’s “Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges”, a rapport that focus on the European border and its enlargement. The frame of analysis will be the Copenhagen School’s theory of Securitization with the acknowledgement of the critic brought forward by Johan Eriksson and Thierry Balzacq. The Copenhagen school brings forward with their theory, the importance of the discourse of security and thus presents actors and referents which are involved in the process. They also include different sectors in which the different threats images may appear. All of this will be crucial for my examination of the theory as a hole. Furthermore, the essay will modify its methodology to include some of the critic. The purpose is to test if the theory can give a satisfying view of the threat images, sectors, actors and referents at the European border, with a qualitative and a quantitative method. In conclusion, the essay found that the securitization actor during the period between 2007-2010 was the commission itself and the reference object was EU and indirect its members states. The functional actors was the organization PKK and the UN, who with their actions changes the security dynamic in the region. Furthermore, the threat images that was constantly present in the rapports, was organized crime which was consistent with the result that the most found sector was the military sector. These results can be linked to the work of Peter Andreas who argues that the American and European border have shifted from a military tasks to policing tasks. This task change is something that also can be related to Johan Eriksson’s work regarding the change of task in the Swedish security. My final conclusion is that the Securitization theory most be seen as a framework for analyses. Further discussions are need regarding the theories concepts. I notice there are three fundamental discussions that need to be focused on; the focus on the securitized threats images, the lack of including the context and the focus on the speech act.

Regionalmarketing in Euroregionen / Rahmenbedingungen, Erfolgsfaktoren und Herausforderungen in Deutschland und Polen

Greib, Martina 25 July 2013 (has links)
Euroregionen wird in Europa ein gewichtiger Beitrag zum länderübergreifenden Zusammenwachsen europäischer Grenzregionen beigemessen. Im internationalen Wettbewerb um fortschreitende wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, liefert Regionalmarketing einen Ansatz, um sich von anderen Regionen abzuheben und eigenständige regionale Wertschöpfungskreisläufe zu etablieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich mit den Erfolgsfaktoren und Problemfeldern von Regionalmarketing und regionalen Marketinginitiativen in Euroregionen in Deutschland und Polen auseinander. Im Zuge der Forschung wird als Fallbeispiel die Euroregion Spree-Neiße-Bober mit ihren deutschen und polnischen (Teil-) Märkten betrachtet. Im Einzelnen gliedern sich die Kapitel wie folgt: Das erste Kapitel widmet sich den Euroregionen. Sodann wird die Untersuchungsregion, die Euroregion Spree-Neiße-Bober, mit ihren deutschen und polnischen Teilregionen vorgestellt und der Forschungsstand im Forschungsgebiet des Regionalmarketings präsentiert. Im folgenden Kapitel wird die Transaktionskostentheorie als ökonomischer Ansatz der neuen Institutionenökonomik dargestellt. Darauf basierend wird das analytische Modell der Arbeit abgeleitet und die Untersuchungsmethodik vorgestellt. Sodann werden in Kapitel 7 und 8 die Forschungsergebnisse auf der Basis der Produzenten, Dienstleister-, Einzelhandels- und Händlerbefragung erläutert. In Kapitel 9 werden die Forschungsergebnisse für die gesamte Euroregion Spree-Neiße-Bober synthetisiert, neue wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse präsentiert und Empfehlungen für vertiefende Forschungsarbeiten gegeben. Die Arbeit schließt mit Handlungsempfehlungen und der Skizzierung der Entwicklungsperspektiven für grenzüberschreitende Marketinginitiativen ab. / A weighty contribution to the cross-border integration of European border regions is measured in so called „Euroregions“ in Europe. In the international competition for progressive economic development, regional marketing provides an approach to differentiate themselves from other regions and to establish independent regional value creation cycles. The present work deals with the success factors and challenges of regional marketing and regional marketing initiatives in Euroregions in Germany and Poland. In the context of research a case study is undertaken in the Spree-Neiße-Bober Euroregion paying tribute to its different German and Polish (partial) markets. In particular, the chapters are divided as follows: the first chapter is devoted to European cross-border and Euroregions. Then, the study region, the Spree-Neiße-Bober Euroregion is introduced and the present state of research in the field of regional marketing displayed. The following chapter describes the transaction costs theory before the analytic model is derived and the investigation methodology introduced. In chapter 7 and 8 the research results show the effects of regional marketing on producers, service providers, food manufacturers and traders in Germany and Poland. In the final chapter 9 the results of the research are synthesised, new scientific knowledge is presented and recommendations is given for deepening research projects. The work concludes with action recommendations and the sketching of the developing perspectives for international marketing initiatives.

Le contrôle des frontières et le régime des visas dans l'Union Européenne : sécurité intérieure ou prérogative de souveraineté ? / Border control and visa regime in the European Union : Internal Security or sovereign prerogative? : ¿Seguridad interior o prerrogativa soberana?

Rodriguez Bautista, Daniela 10 January 2017 (has links)
Portant sur le contrôle des frontières et la gestion des flux migratoires au sein de l’Union européenne, le présent travail a pour objectif de déterminer si le pouvoir discrétionnaire des États membres survient comme une prérogative de souveraineté pour des raisons de sécurité intérieure à l’Union, ou bien si cette prérogative souveraine se consolide à travers la sécurité intérieure. Ce travail permet ainsi d’illustrer l’importance du rôle joué par la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne dans l’harmonisation de l’Union sur ces questions. Concrètement, cette étude décrit en détail la façon dont « l’imprécision » du cadre juridique de l’Union autorise une marge d’appréciation aux autorités nationales dans l’interprétation des faits, conformément aux dispositions générales du cadre juridique. Ainsi, le pouvoir discrétionnaire avec lequel les autorités consulaires et frontalières des États membres appliquent cette législation, laisse un doute raisonnable sur la mise en œuvre adéquate du cadre juridique. En d’autres termes, les autorités des États membres disposent de facultés discrétionnaires, qui leur permettent d’adopter des solutions ad hoc afin de combler les vides laissés par la législation européenne. Par conséquent, l’intervention de la Cour de justice s’avère indispensable afin de garantir une mise en application uniforme du droit dérivé de l’Union. / In the field of the borders control and migration flows management, the aim of this analyse is determine whether Member States discretion arises as a prerogative of sovereignty for reasons of internal security of the Union, or whether this sovereign prerogative is consolidated through internal security. This analyse also serves to illustrate the importance of the work of the Court of Justice of the European Union to harmonize the EU legislation in this area. Specifically, this study details how the "imprecision" of the EU legal framework permits discretion to national authorities in the interpretation of facts, in accordance with the general provisions of the legal framework. So, discretionary power with which consular and border authorities of the Member States apply this legislation, leaves a reasonable doubt on the proper implementation of the legal framework. In other terms, authorities of the Member States have discretionary power, which allow them to adopt ad hoc solutions to fill the gaps left by European legislation. Consequently, intervention of the Court of Justice is essential in order to ensure a uniform application of the Union's secondary legislation. / El presente trabajo tiene por objeto de estudio determinar, en el ámbito del control de fronteras y la gestión de los flujos migratorios, por una parte, si la discrecionalidad de los Estados miembros surge por cuestiones que atañen a la seguridad interior de la Unión o por una prerrogativa soberana, o bien si la discrecionalidad se consolida a través de la seguridad interior. Y, por otra parte, destacar la importancia de la labor del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea para armonizar la normativa de la Unión en este ámbito. En concreto, este estudio describe con detalle como la “imprecisión” del ordenamiento de la Unión otorga un libre margen de apreciación a la autoridad nacional para interpretar los hechos conforme al precepto general del ordenamiento. De modo que, la discrecionalidad con la que esta legislación es aplicada por las autoridades consulares y fronterizas de los Estados miembros deja dudas razonables acerca de la correcta aplicación del ordenamiento. En otros términos, las autoridades de los Estados miembros disponen de facultades discrecionales que les permiten adoptar soluciones ad hoc para llenar los vacíos dejados por la legislación europea. Por lo tanto, la intervención del Tribunal de Justicia es indispensable para garantizar la aplicación uniforme del Derecho derivado de la Unión.

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