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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caractéristiques qui influencent la façon dont les personnes formées à l’étranger déterminent les réponses à l’examen d’admission à la profession infirmière au Québec

Lemay, Chantal 11 1900 (has links)
Le but de la présente recherche est de documenter, à partir d’une approche de recherche pragmatique qui s’inspire d’une méthode de recherche de type mixte, ce qui influence la performance des personnes formées à l’étranger (ci-après « PFÉ ») à l’examen d’admission à la profession infirmière au Québec (ci-après « examen »). Un devis séquentiel explicatif permet de découper cette recherche en deux grandes phases qui s’intéressent, respectivement, à des données quantitatives et à des données qualitatives. Les objectifs de cette recherche sont de 1) déterminer s’il existe une différence entre les scores observés à l’examen du 12 septembre 2020 pour les PFÉ et les personnes formées au Québec (ci-après « PFQ »), 2) déterminer s’il existe une association entre certaines caractéristiques connues des PFÉ et les scores observés à l’examen du 12 septembre 2020 et 3) décrire les caractéristiques reliées aux PFÉ et aux items qui influencent la mise en œuvre du jugement clinique infirmier lors de la détermination des réponses aux items de l’examen du 12 septembre 2020. Les deux échantillons de la première phase contiennent 1 050 PFQ et 199 PFÉ en premier essai à l’examen de septembre 2020. La collecte de données pour cette première phase a été réalisée à l’aide d’un fichier d’information obtenu auprès de l’Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec. Des analyses comparatives des deux échantillons permettent de conclure qu’il existe une différence statistiquement significative entre les scores moyens observés à l’examen pour l’échantillon des PFQ et celui des PFÉ et que la taille de l’effet est considérée comme étant modérée. Des analyses additionnelles sont réalisées afin de déterminer s’il existe une association statistiquement significative entre certaines variables disponibles, notamment l’âge, le sexe, le délai depuis la diplomation, l’indice de développement humain (ci-après « IDH ») du pays de diplomation et les scores moyens observés pour les PFÉ. Ainsi, les résultats suggèrent l’absence d’association entre l’âge ou le délai depuis la diplomation et les scores observés à l’examen. Par ailleurs, les analyses permettent d’observer une association statistiquement significative entre les scores observés des PFÉ à l’examen et le sexe ainsi que l’IDH du pays de diplomation, même si la taille de l’effet est considérée comme étant faible. L’échantillon de la deuxième phase de cette recherche contient huit PFÉ en premier essai à l’examen de septembre 2020. La collecte de données s’est effectuée à l’aide d’entrevues individuelles semi-structurées réalisées à distance et enregistrées à l’aide du logiciel Microsoft Teams. Le guide d’entrevue, explorant les thèmes tirés du cadre de référence, est construit à partir de la littérature consultée au sujet des caractéristiques pouvant agir sur les réponses aux items d’un examen. Les données ont fait l’objet d’un codage thématique à l’aide d’une grille. Les résultats indiquent que la mise en œuvre du jugement clinique infirmier, incluant la mobilisation des savoirs appropriés lors de la résolution d’items de l’examen, constitue un défi pour les PFÉ qui participent aux entrevues (ci-après « PFÉP »). Ainsi, les savoirs infirmiers mobilisés s’appuient, en partie, sur des connaissances et des expériences acquises avant l’arrivée au Québec qui diffèrent des savoirs qui sont ciblés par les items de l’examen. Ceci n’est pas surprenant puisque les PFÉP constituent un groupe hétérogène d’individus avec des parcours professionnels extrêmement variés et le contenu de l’examen cible spécifiquement les aspects requis pour exercer au Québec. Bien que les savoirs acquis après l’arrivée au Québec soient aussi mobilisés lors de la résolution des items de l’examen, ces nouvelles connaissances sont parfois insuffisantes pour certaines PFÉP qui présentent de trop grands écarts de savoirs professionnels. Par ailleurs, l’état psychologique des PFÉP, les difficultés à lire et à bien comprendre les situations cliniques de l’examen et le manque de temps influencent certainement la capacité de choisir les réponses attendues aux items de l’examen. Les résultats de cette recherche contribuent aux connaissances en éducation puisqu’ils permettent une meilleure documentation des caractéristiques qui influencent la détermination des réponses à un examen en contexte d’immigration professionnelle. Ils contribuent aussi aux connaissances en matière d’intégration professionnelle des PFÉ en mettant en lumière le caractère hétérogène de ce groupe de personnes qui exerçaient la profession infirmière dans leur pays d’origine et l’importance d’adopter une approche individuelle aux défis de ces personnes qui souhaitent obtenir un permis d’exercice au Québec, notamment les outils de préparation à l’examen. Les résultats peuvent aider les instances touchées par l’administration d’un examen à considérer différentes caractéristiques reliées à la personne ou aux items qui influencent la détermination des réponses aux items. / The goal of this research project is to document, using a pragmatic approach inspired by a mixed-method paradigm, what influences the performance of internationally educated nurses (IENs) at the entry-level exam in Québec. As is done with an explanatory sequential design, this research is divided into two phases. The first phase relates to quantitative data and the second phase relates to qualitative data. The objectives of this research are 1) to determine if there is a difference between the scores observed at the exam for IENs and Québec trained nurses (QTNs), 2) to determine if there is an association between certain IEN characteristics and the scores observed at the exam and 3) to describe the characteristics of IENs that influence the use of nursing clinical judgement while responding to the items in the September 12, 2022 exam. The two samples for the first phase of this research are made up of 1,050 QTNs and 199 IENs who were first-time writers at the September 2020 exam. The data collection for this first phase was done using information obtained from the Ordre des infirmières et infirmiers du Québec. Comparative analysis of the two samples suggests that there is a statistically significant difference between the mean scores observed at the exam for the QTN and IEN samples with an effect size that is considered moderate. Additional analyses were used to determine if there is a statistically significant association between certain variables such as age, sex, time lapse since graduating, human development index (HDI) for the country of graduation and the mean scores observed at the exam for IENs. The results suggest the absence of an association between age or the time elapsed since graduation and the observed scores at the exam. Moreover, the analyses show that there is a statistically significant association between the mean scores observed at the exam for IENs, sex and the HDI for the country of graduation, although this effect size is considered weak. The sample for the second phase of this research is made up of 8 IENs who were first-time writers at the September 2020 exam. The data collection was done through individual semi-structured interviews held remotely and recorded using Microsoft Teams. The interview guide explored themes inspired by the framework based on available literature related to characteristics which can influence item response. The data collected was coded using a themed grid. The results suggest that the use of nursing clinical judgement, including the mobilization of appropriate knowledge to respond correctly to exam items, is challenging for the participating IENs. Moreover, the nursing knowledge mobilized during item response refers, partly, to knowledge and experience acquired before arriving in Québec, which are different from the knowledge tested in the exam items. This is not surprising since IENs are a heterogeneous group with a variety of professional pathways and the content of the exam targets specific aspects required for nursing practice in Québec. Although the knowledge acquired after arriving in Québec is also mobilized by the IENs during item response at the exam, this new knowledge is sometimes insufficient for some IENs who have an important knowledge gap. Also, the psychological state of IENs, challenges with reading and understanding the clinical situations presented in the exam, and the lack of time during the examen certainly influenced the capacity to respond correctly to the items. The results of this research will contribute to the educational knowledge base because they document some of the characteristics that influence exam item response in the context of professional immigration. These results will also contribute knowledge related to the professional integration of IENs who previously practised nursing in their country of origin by highlighting the heterogeneity of this group and the importance of adopting an individualized approach to the unique challenges ¬– such as those associated with exam preparation materials – faced by IENs who wish to obtain a nursing permit in Québec. These results can help all organizations involved in administering entry-level professional exams take into consideration the different personal characteristics or items that could influence the item response process.

Season Long Changes in Performance Outcome Measures Using the Functional Preparticipation Examination

Sabol, Todd C. 16 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Hur svårt kan det vara? : En flermetodsstudie kring förutsättningarna för att erhålla ett godkänt resultat på revisorsexamen / How Difficult Can it Be? : A mixed-methods research regarding the prerequisites for achieving a passing grade on the Certified Public Accountant Examination

Valtersson, Tilda, Svensson, Maya January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Att erhålla ett godkänt resultat på auktorisationsprovet och därmed bli auktoriserad revisor utgör ett långsiktigt mål och milstople för många revisionsmedarbetare. I Sverige motsvarar denna titel en kvalitetsstämpel på att revisorn har den kompetens som krävs för att enligt nationell lagstiftning utöva professionen. I dagens föränderliga samhälle möter revisionsyrket nya krav, dilemman och reformer för att säkerställa att branschen balanserar yrkets attraktion med kompetens. Studien ämnar således att utforska de komplexiteter och utmaningar som är förknippade med att uppnå denna eftertraktade titel med hänsyn till branschens föränderliga krav och den föränderliga utbildningsmiljön som råder för framtida revisorer. Speciellt med tanke på att det är cirka 40 procent som i dagsläget erhåller ett underkänt resultat. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att analysera eventuella mönster, trender och hinder som påverkar möjligheterna till auktorisation. Metod: Studien bygger på en deduktiv flermetodsstudie där befintlig teori har använts för att härleda hypoteser som sedan testas statistiskt utifrån data tilldelad av Revisorsinspektionen. För att skapa ytterligare förståelse för resultaten från den kvantitativa delstudien utförs även semistrukturerade intervjuer som syftar till att inkludera tentandernas egna uppfattningar och erfarenheter. På så sätt tillåts fördjupande inslag för att vidga insikterna och generera en helhetlig bild över tentandernas potential att erhålla ett godkänt resultat.  Slutsats: Utifrån teorier om profession, kompetensutveckling, genus och socialt kapital visar resultaten att byråtillhörighet, ålder och provtillfälle har en avgörande påverkan på om tentanden lyckas på auktorisationsprovet. Arbetslivserfarenhet från Big-4-byråer anses vara betydande för framgång på provet, vilket medför att provets bredd och relevans i förhållande till verkliga typsituationer kan ifrågasättas. Dessutom poängteras det även hur individuella faktorer har ett inflytande på utfallet. Vidare visar resultatet hur RIFS 2018:1's införande har haft en negativ påverkan på erhållna poäng och möjligheten till ett godkänt resultat. Trots detta anses yrkets roll som profession inte hotad i och med provets bibehållande svårighetsgrad såväl som att arbetslivserfarenhet uppfattas som det främsta medlet för kunskapsinsamling. / Background and Problem: The pursuit of achieving a passing result on the certification exam, and thereby becoming a certified public accountant, is a long-term goal and milestone for many audit employees. In Sweden, this title represents a benchmark of quality assurance that the auditor has the competence required to practice the profession according to national legislation. In today's changing society, the audit profession faces new demands, dilemmas, and reforms to ensure that the industry balances professional attractiveness with competence. The study thus aims to explore the complexities and challenges associated with achieving this coveted title, taking into account the changing demands of the industry and the changing educational environment prevailing for future accountants, especially considering that it is approximately 40 percent who currently receive a failing result.  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to analyze possible patterns, trends, and obstacles that affect the possibilities for authorization.  Method: The study is based on a mixed-methods research with a deductive approach, where existing theory has been used to derive hypotheses that are then tested statistcally based on data provided by Revisorsinspektionen. In order to gain further understanding of the results from the quantitative sub-study, semi-structured interviews are also conducted with the aim of incorporating the examinees' own perceptions and experiences. With this approach, deeper insights are allowed to broaden and generate a holistic picture of the examinees' potential to obtain a passing result.  Conclusion: Based on theories about profession, competence development, gender and social capital, the results show that agency affiliation, age, and the time of examination significantly influence whether the examinee suceeds in the CPA-exam or not. Work experience from Big-4 agencies is considered significant for success on the exam, which disputes the exam´s relevance to real-life situations. Additionally, results demonstrate how the introduction of RIFS 2018:1 has negatively impacted the points obtained and the possibility of achieving a passing result. Despite this, the auditing profession is not considered threatened due to the CPA-exam's maintained level of difficulty, as well as the perception that practical expertise is the primary means of acquiring knowledge.

Výuka a testování dovednosti psaní. Nad státní maturitní zkouškou z německého jazyka / Teaching and Testing Writing. On the Common State School Leaving Exam in German Language

Kolářová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
Title: Teaching and Testing Writing. On the Common State School Leaving Exam in German Language. Author: Martina Kolářová Department: Institute of German Studies, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague Superviser: doc. PhDr. Marie Vachková, Ph.D. Abstract: This thesis deals with the topic of writing ability in lessons of German as a foreign language in a context of a State-school leaving exam in German language. New model of this exam is managed centrally and its global character influences the school study in all grammar schools. The thesis concentrates on the way in which this exam influences the study and which consequences it has for the writing ability of students. The research gains the data mainly from the point of view of teachers, but it considers the student's point of view too and analyses results of their written exams. The concern in this topic is based on the current situation of modification of the state-school leaving exam in foreign languages and the criticism of its benefits for students and their study. The foreign language testing has a long tradition and counts to detailed researched fields of didactics which allows a global view on the issues in context of other foreign language exams and on teaching fields connected with testing which creates a theoretical frame of this thesis....

L’examen médical à la suite d’une agression sexuelle : qui sont les enfants qui en bénéficient

Guertin, Valérie 08 1900 (has links)
À la suite du dévoilement d’une agression sexuelle, l’examen médical est l’une des étapes importantes qui sont recommandées pour les enfants victimes, mais seulement certains d’entre eux le complètent. L’objectif de la présente étude est de vérifier si les enfants qui font l’examen anogénital à la suite du dévoilement d’agression sexuelle sont différents de ceux qui n’en font pas ainsi que de documenter les variables, notamment les caractéristiques de l’enfant, de la famille, de l’agresseur et de l’agression, qui pourraient prédire le fait de compléter cet examen. L’échantillon est composé de 211 enfants âgés de 6 à 13 ans recevant des services au Centre d’expertise Marie-Vincent. Une régression logistique binaire révèle que l’absence d’emploi de la mère (RC = 6,15), être victime d’une agression sexuelle très sévère (RC = 6,02), être victime d’un agresseur adulte (RC = 3,43) et provenir d’une famille monoparentale (RC = 2,89) contribuent à prédire si l’examen anogénital est réalisé ou pas à la suite du dévoilement. Les résultats confirment que les enfants complètent l’examen surtout afin de trouver des éléments de preuves et que parmi ceux qui pourraient en bénéficier pour leur bien-être, plusieurs ne sont pas rencontrés. / Following the disclosure of sexual assault, the medical examination is one of the most important steps recommended for child victims, but only some of them undergo the examination. The objective of this study was to determine whether children who undergo an anogenital examination following a disclosure of sexual assault are different than those who do not, as well as to document the variables, particularly, the characteristics of the child, the family, the aggressor and the assault, that could predict whether or not an anogenital examination is conducted. The study group was composed of 211 children within between the ages of 6 to 13 years old receiving services at the Centre d’expertise Marie-Vincent. A binary logistic regression reveals that when the mother is unemployed (RC = 6.15), being a victim of a very violent sexual assault (RC = 6.02), being a victim of an adult aggressor (RC = 3.43) and coming from a single-parent family (RC = 2.89) contribute to predicting if the anogenital exam is given or not following the disclosure. Results confirm that the primary goal of the anogenital examination is to find elements of proof and that many children who could benefit from this test for their wellbeing are not being examined.

Postava Jidáše Iškariotského prizmatem médií a veřejnosti v 21. století v kontextu státních maturit a současné populární kultury / The figure of Judas Iscariot through the prism of the media and the public in the 21st century in the context of state leaving exam and contemporary pop culture

Dostálová, Marie January 2016 (has links)
The following thesis, The Judas Iscariot figure, as seen by media and the public, in the 21st century in the context of the state graduation exam and contemporary pop culture, deals with the biblical figure who has betrayed Jesus Christ. The apostle, whose name has become a synonym for betrayal, was mentioned in one of the questions of the didactical test regarding Czech language and literature in the state graduation exam in the Czech Republic in 2015. The pupils were supposed to recognize Judas with help of his cognomen and other hints. Many students have complained about this task, saying that it was too difficult, while others have claimed that the question was not related to the subject. The complaint became an issue frequented in all the significant media and heavily discussed in society. The first chapters of the thesis describe the official requirements for the state graduation exam and the study plans for secondary schools, where the Bible is listed. The following chapters highlight and discuss the media coverage of the affair in the printed and online media, as well as in the radio and TV stations. Additionally, the student's opinions about the issue are mentioned, together with the jokes related to the topic, reactions of the experts and internet users commenting the topic under the internet...

Exames para certificação de conclusão de escolaridade: os casos do Encceja e do Enem / Basic adult education exams: Encceja and Enem analysis

Serrao, Luis Felipe Soares 26 September 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação decorre de pesquisa que reuniu e analisou informações sobre o Exame Nacional para Certificação de Competências de Jovens e Adultos (Encceja) e o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem) para compreender se e em que medida eles, enquanto modernos programas de avaliação educacional cujos resultados podem ser usados para fins de certificação de conclusão de etapas da educação básica (nos moldes dos antigos exames supletivos), têm se configurado enquanto uma alternativa à educação escolar presencial para conclusão da escolaridade básica, de modo que amplie as oportunidades educacionais para o público da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). Alternativamente, manteve-se a hipótese auxiliar de que Enem e Encceja funcionariam como mecanismos de ampliação das oportunidades educacionais para parcela importante do público potencialmente demandante da EJA, estivesse ele regularmente atendido no ensino regular/convencional ou fora do alcance de ações educativas tradicionais. À luz da literatura sobre análise de políticas públicas, buscou-se explorar dados sobre diferentes etapas desses dois programas por meio da revisão da literatura sobre estas experiências e outras similares no Brasil, da análise de legislação, documentos e posicionamentos oficiais relativos à concepção e à implementação desses programas, de entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto a gestores diretamente relacionados à criação e às reformulações desses programas, e da análise microdados disponíveis ao público para compreender traços característicos do conjunto dos participantes. O recorte temporal utilizado para o Encceja foi entre 2002 e 2010 e para o Enem, entre 2002 e 2012. Foi possível constatar intensas disputas sobre o sentido da EJA. De um lado, seus opositores, ao defenderem os princípios de uma educação emancipadora, enxergaram tais programas como estratégias de precarização do atendimento educacional na medida em que privilegiavam processos acelerados de certificação, além de serem concebidos e executados de maneira desarticulada em relação às políticas e demandas locais e por ignorarem a autonomia de estados e municípios. De outro, defensores argumentaram a favor da necessidade de alternativas ao modelo escolar de atendimento desse público e de sua qualidade e sofisticação técnica e pedagógica frente a exames estaduais ultrapassados, pouco ou nada articulados com as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para EJA. Na prática, ambos os programas se disseminaram nacionalmente e se tornaram mais atrativos a jovens e adultos interessados em retomar suas trajetórias educacionais para ascender profissionalmente ou mesmo ingressar no ensino superior ou técnico. Ao mesmo tempo, esses exames tornaram-se convenientes a estados e municípios, pois a adesão a eles praticamente não implicava em investimentos de recursos humanos ou custos financeiros adicionais. Pela análise dos microdados do Enem, foi possível ilustrar que a maioria de participantes que solicitou a certificação não estava estudando e, dentre aqueles que frequentavam os bancos escolares e também solicitaram a certificação, a maioria estava na escola regular/convencional, e não em turmas de EJA. Nesse sentido, esses dados reforçam a hipótese de os exames constituírem-se como alternativa complementar à escolarização e também a hipótese auxiliar, indicando que os exames estariam, no momento desta pesquisa, auxiliando na correção da distorção idade-série/ano. / This thesis is the result of a research that gathered and analyzed information about the National Exam for the Certification of Competences of Youths and Adults (Encceja) and National High-School Exam (Enem) to understand whether and to what extent these exams, while modern programs of educational assessment whose results may be utilized to certify the completion of basic education (adult education exams), have turned out to be an option to complete basic schooling in order to expand educational opportunities for the public of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) in Brazil. Alternatively, an auxiliary assumption was kept that Enem and Encceja would be working as a mechanism of increasing educational opportunities for a significant portion of the public that potentially demands EJA, which has been regularly met in the conventional/regular schooling or away from traditional educational actions. In the light of the literature about the analysis of public policies, data was explored concerning the different stages of these two educational programs by a review of the literature about these and other similar experiences in Brazil, the analysis of legislation, documents and official statements related to the conception and implementation of such programs, semi-structured interviews with education managers directly involved in the creation and reformulations of these programs, and the analysis of databases available for the public to understand features that are characteristic of the participants. The time frame used for Encceja was between 2002 and 2010 and for the Enem, between 2002 and 2012. It was possible to find intense struggles about the meaning of EJA. On one hand, its opponents, by defending the principles of emancipating education, see such programs as strategies that impoverish the process of meeting educational needs required by the potential public of EJA since they privilege speedy certification, in addition to being conceived and carried out with no articulation with the local policies and demands and because they disregard the autonomy of states and municipalities. On the other hand, advocates argue that alternatives to the exclusively schooled model of education are needed with its own technical and pedagogical quality and sophistication, towards outdated regional adult exams, with no or scarce articulation with the National Curricular Guidelines for EJA. In fact, both programs have been disseminated nationwide and gradually became attractive to youths and adults interested in resuming their educational trajectories to ascend professionally or even to enter technical and higher education. At the same time, these exams became convenient to states and municipalities, as adhering to them practically do not require investments in human or financial resources, meaning additional costs for those federal entities. The analysis of Enem´s databases, it was possible to show that most participants requesting certification was not going to school and, among those actually attending classes who also requested certification, the majority was from regular/conventional school and not from EJA classrooms. Thus, this data reinforces the auxiliary assumption that the exams are, at the time of the research, complementary alternative to schooling and also helping correct the age/grade distortion.

Faculty Senate Minutes April 7, 2014

University of Arizona Faculty Senate 08 May 2014 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.

L’examen médical à la suite d’une agression sexuelle : qui sont les enfants qui en bénéficient

Guertin, Valérie 08 1900 (has links)
À la suite du dévoilement d’une agression sexuelle, l’examen médical est l’une des étapes importantes qui sont recommandées pour les enfants victimes, mais seulement certains d’entre eux le complètent. L’objectif de la présente étude est de vérifier si les enfants qui font l’examen anogénital à la suite du dévoilement d’agression sexuelle sont différents de ceux qui n’en font pas ainsi que de documenter les variables, notamment les caractéristiques de l’enfant, de la famille, de l’agresseur et de l’agression, qui pourraient prédire le fait de compléter cet examen. L’échantillon est composé de 211 enfants âgés de 6 à 13 ans recevant des services au Centre d’expertise Marie-Vincent. Une régression logistique binaire révèle que l’absence d’emploi de la mère (RC = 6,15), être victime d’une agression sexuelle très sévère (RC = 6,02), être victime d’un agresseur adulte (RC = 3,43) et provenir d’une famille monoparentale (RC = 2,89) contribuent à prédire si l’examen anogénital est réalisé ou pas à la suite du dévoilement. Les résultats confirment que les enfants complètent l’examen surtout afin de trouver des éléments de preuves et que parmi ceux qui pourraient en bénéficier pour leur bien-être, plusieurs ne sont pas rencontrés. / Following the disclosure of sexual assault, the medical examination is one of the most important steps recommended for child victims, but only some of them undergo the examination. The objective of this study was to determine whether children who undergo an anogenital examination following a disclosure of sexual assault are different than those who do not, as well as to document the variables, particularly, the characteristics of the child, the family, the aggressor and the assault, that could predict whether or not an anogenital examination is conducted. The study group was composed of 211 children within between the ages of 6 to 13 years old receiving services at the Centre d’expertise Marie-Vincent. A binary logistic regression reveals that when the mother is unemployed (RC = 6.15), being a victim of a very violent sexual assault (RC = 6.02), being a victim of an adult aggressor (RC = 3.43) and coming from a single-parent family (RC = 2.89) contribute to predicting if the anogenital exam is given or not following the disclosure. Results confirm that the primary goal of the anogenital examination is to find elements of proof and that many children who could benefit from this test for their wellbeing are not being examined.

Ganhos informacionais do ENEM: impactos sobre o desemprego

Castro, Marcelo Araújo 08 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Marcelo Castro (macbhmgbr@yahoo.com.br) on 2012-04-03T18:51:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_ganhos_enem_FINAL_correcoes12.pdf: 858499 bytes, checksum: dd6ba5532a447c8d771ec2c398f87931 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Gisele Isaura Hannickel (gisele.hannickel@fgv.br) on 2012-04-03T19:15:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_ganhos_enem_FINAL_correcoes12.pdf: 858499 bytes, checksum: dd6ba5532a447c8d771ec2c398f87931 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-04-03T19:16:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_ganhos_enem_FINAL_correcoes12.pdf: 858499 bytes, checksum: dd6ba5532a447c8d771ec2c398f87931 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-08 / Este estudo analisa os impactos de um exame que indica a qualidade da educação de ensino médio no Brasil, o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio, o ENEM, sobre a rotatividade no mercado de trabalho, a partir do início da divulgação pública das notas médias das escolas. A hipótese testada é se a divulgação das notas médias das escolas aumentou de forma significativa o conjunto de informações disponíveis ao público sobre a produtividade real dos trabalhadores, o que geraria um efeito, ceteris paribus, de reduzir a taxa de desligamento nos meses iniciais de trabalho. As principais conclusões são que uma maior variação das notas das escolas no ENEM em uma cidade parece estar correlacionada com mais desligamentos para trabalhadores de nível médio antes da divulgação, e esse efeito parece ter diminuído devido à divulgação. Foram encontradas evidências de impactos sobre a decisão de participação na força de trabalho. / This study analyzes the impacts of a test that indicates the quality of school education in Brazil, the National Exam of Secondary Education, on turnover in the labor market from the beginning of pubic disclosure of average scores schools. The hypothesis tested is whether disclosure of the average scores of schools has increased significantly the number of public available information on the actual productivity of workers, which would generate an effect, ceteris paribus, to reduce the rate of shutdown in the early months of work. The main conclusions are that a greater variation in scores of schools in ENEM in a city seems to be correlated with more layoffs for workers of average schooling before the release, and this effect seems to have decreased due to the increase in the available information. We found evidence of impacts on the decision to participate in the workforce.

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