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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Postavení českých studentek na půdě středních a vysokých škol na přelomu 19. a 20. století na příkladu sester Honzákových / Czech female students at high schools and universities at the turn of the 19th and 20th century: Case studies Honzák's sisters

Džurná, Hana January 2021 (has links)
The thesis is on female education at the turn of 19th and 20th century in the Czech kingdom. It researches the situation of female students at the Czech secondary schools and Czech universities at that time. The life story of sisters Honzák's is used as an example to describe the situation in detail. The thesis deals with their status at the society, their family background, their colleagues and teachers'attitude and the approach of Ministry of Cult and education. As the resources there are personal letters, school records and their own memories. The resource derives from both archive and periodicals which were interested in progress in female education. The topic of female higher education is taken in general at the beginning, the first chapters are concerned with history od female education and school laws and the first female grammar school Minerva which is an inseparable part of the history and takes an important part in my thesis, then i tis followed by students'memories. The first female students had to overcome lots of obstacles to get the same university degree as male students. Their rewarding experience and memories give us a possibility to realize how much effort they had to make to become equal members of an university.

Formulär för strukturerad fotundersökning hos patienter med diabetes : Utvärdering utifrån vårdpersonals erfarenheter / A structured foot exam form for patients with diabetes : Assessment based on health care workers experiences

Nyström, Ulrika, Väremo, Marika January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes drabbar allt fler människor och utgör ett hot mot folkhälsan. Följdsjukdomar som fotkomplikationer är vanliga. Fotsår resulterar i sänkt livskvalitet för personen som drabbas och ger ökade samhällskostnader. Regelbunden fotundersökning förebygger fotsår och utgör en rekommenderad intervention. Trots existerande riktlinjer är det skillnader i genomförandet av fotundersökningen vilket skapar ojämlik vård. I ett projekt har ett formulär baserat på riktlinjerna för fotundersökning utarbetats med syfte att underlätta och säkerställa en årlig fotundersökning med grund i evidens. Syfte: Att utvärdera vårdpersonals erfarenheter av att arbeta enligt ett formulär för strukturerad fotundersökning hos patienter med diabetes. Metod: Kvalitativ innehållsanalys utifrån Graneheim och Lundman. Studien är en del av ett projekt ” Optimerat omhändertagande av personer med diabetes och fotkomplikation” med Västra Götalandsregionen som forskningshuvudman. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomför dessom fokusgruppintervjuer samt som enskilda intervjuer. Totalt inkluderades åtta informanter av olika yrkestillhörighet vilka intervjuades angående sina erfarenheter av formuläret i kliniskpraxis. Resultat: Formuläret underlättade arbetet vid fotundersökningen genom ökad tydlighet, struktur och överblick. Formuläret kunde bidra till att likrikta fotundersökningen eftersom skillnader i arbetssätt synliggjordes. Vid fotsår upplevdes riskkategorierna som motsägelsefulla. Osäkerhet framkom angående definitioner av exempelvis förhårdnader och svårläkta sår. Förhoppningarna var att ett införande i digitalt journalsystem skulle underlätta dokumentationen och synliggöra fotundersökningen, med ökad tillgänglighet för alla berörda. Slutsats: Formuläret fungerar väl som stöd och beslutsunderlag i det preventiva arbetet med fotundersökningen och kan komma att bidra till likriktning av fotundersökningen enligt gällanderiktlinjer och därmed bidra till en säkrare och mer jämlik vård. / Background: Diabetes is a growing threat to public health. Secondary diseases like footcomplications are common. Foot ulcers affect individual’s quality of life and are a great cost to society. Regular foot examination prevents foot ulcers and is a recommended intervention. Despite existing guidelines there are differences in the execution of the foot exam which causes care inequality. A structured foot exam form based on the guidelines was developed in a project. The aim was to facilitate the foot exam and contribute to a uniform execution. Aim: To assess health care workers experiences of working with a structured foot exam form for patients with diabetes Method: Qualitative content analysis based on Graneheim and Lundman. The study is part of a larger project entitled “Optimized care of persons with diabetes and foot complications” with Västra Götalands region as responsible authority. Semi structured interviews were held in a focus group and individually with eight informants of different professions who were interviewed regarding their experiences of working with the form in clinical practice. Results: Experiences of working with the form were that it simplified the foot exam by giving itan overview and clear structure. Using the form made apparent differences in work routines between individuals. It was believed that by implementing the form routinely that it would contribute to a more uniform execution. When the patient had foot ulcers the risk categories were perceived as contradictory. There was an uncertainty about the definition of for example chronic ulcers and callosities. The hope was that the future digital format would simplify documentation and elucidate the foot exam as well as contribute to accessibility for all concerned. Conclusion: The foot exam form works well as a support during the preventative foot exam, gives a basis for decision making and could contribute to a uniform, safer foot exam with more care equality that is consistent with the current guidelines.

The Relationship between the Advanced Placement Calculus AB Exam and Student Achievement in College Level Math 1710-Calculus I

Bethley, Troy Y. 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation was to investigate the relationship between the Advanced Placement Calculus AB exam and student achievement in college level Math 1710-Calculus I. The review of literature shows that this possible relationship is based on Alexander Astin's longitudinal input-environment-outcome (I-E-O) model. The I-E-O model was used to analyze the relationship between the input and outcome of the two variables. In addition, this quantitative study determined the relationship between a score of 3 or lower on the Advanced Placement Calculus AB exam and student achievement in college level Math 1710-Calculus I. The sample population of this study contained 91 students from various high schools in Texas. Spearman's rank correlation revealed there was a statistically significant relationship between Advanced Placement Calculus AB exam scores and final grades in Math 1710-Calculus I.

A Case Study on the Process of Passing a Radiography Registry Examination

Chamberlain, Encarnita Antonia 01 January 2015 (has links)
This project study addressed the problem of the low percentage of a Mid-Atlantic university's radiography graduates passing their credentialing registry examination. The cohort had a 2014 pass rate of 83% while the majority of surrounding schools had pass rates of 100%. In order to become registered radiographers, graduates must be able to take what they have learned in their educational program and directly apply it to their professional skill set. The conceptual framework for the study was social constructivism, adapting and transforming what was new information to previous experiences and group activities. A qualitative case study research design was chosen, and interviews were conducted with 9 graduates from the 2014 radiography cohort. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, manually coded, and analyzed for emerging themes. Key results indicated the graduates needed to self-monitor, self-motivate, and self-propel to successfully pass their credentialing exam. A 3-day professional development plan for graduates was created based on the findings from the study. Passing the credentialing exam affects social change in that knowledge and education produces positive outcomes, and for allied health professionals, it produces optimum patient care. Social change is possible through education, which will enhance an individual's self-efficacy, thereby enriching the society and culture to which they contribute. This knowledge will support the local problem in that optimum performance for radiography graduates will be monitored for standards of excellence.

Analýza školních seznamů literárních děl k ústní části maturitní zkoušky z českého jazyka a literatury / The Analysis of school lists of literary works for oral maturity exam in the Czech language and literature

Horáková, Kristýna January 2021 (has links)
This thesis analyses reading lists composed by secondary schools in school year 2016/2017 for the purposes of common general part of maturity exam - oral exam from Czech language and literature. The thesis creates basic material for exploring the form and development of state maturity exam. Reading lists are put into context with literary theoretic conception of canon as the thesis touches upon literary science, pedagogy and didactics. The thesis proceeds from general analysis of literary canon to functions and forms of canon (school canon and maturity exam canon). Then it concentrates on documents, which were available to students taking the maturity exam. The thesis carries out research on collection of 461 secondary schools that offer studies completed by maturity exam. It is followed by presentation of obtained data, verification of its correspondence to binding criteria defined in Katalog požadavků zkoušek společné části maturitní zkoušky (document specifying requirements for common general part of maturity exam) and comparison of obtained data with available sources from school and literary background. The conclusions reveal the content of given part of maturity exam and are set into context of current knowledge of academic and professional society. Keywords Reading lists, maturity exam,...

The efficacy in the development and implementation of the California high school exit exam and the eighth-grade algebra 1 policy

Stovall, Theresa A. 01 January 2011 (has links)
This case study analyzed the roles development and implementation have had in the Eighth-grade Algebra I policy and the California High School Exit Exam policy. From a political, economical, and historical perspective, the intended purposes of many education policies have been distorted due to implementation. By investigating national and California education policies, this case study describes the roles development and implementation have had education policies. In addition, this case study found that the state of education in California is reliant on many mitigating factors affecting education policy development and implementation: Budget cuts, achievement gaps particularly with children of color, and teacher qualification issues. However, systemic education reform requires policy makers to juggle their political affiliations and the needs of students to create policies that improve curriculum, improve student achievement, and supports teachers and administrators. When policy makers do not utilize informed constituencies to assist in policy development, mandates such as the Eighth-grade Algebra I policy are created. Well developed and researched education policies like the California High School Exit Exam, which took about six years to develop before it was implemented in California, was successful because it involved collaboration of various interest groups, educators, local education agencies, and school administrators. Policy makers must learn to work in collaboration with its constituency to develop policies that empower schools to sustain and extend greater individualization on one hand, and broaden community interest on the other. The future of California schools in regard to the Race to the Top policies remain to be seen, but if policy makers rely on the informed voices of education researchers, constituents who are willing to put students' needs before their own political conquests, school administrators, teachers, parents, and students, then California's school will have a future of systemic reform that will be bright.

Studenternas uppsatser. När poliser får välja - vad vill man skapa vetenskaplig kunskap om? : En studie på tre års kandidatuppsatser vid Umeå universitet.

Sörman, Pauline January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to see what the students include in the area of police work and police science A summary of bachelor thesis hasn’t been done before. This thesis contribute to understand how police science in Sweden is interpreted by students at undergraduate level. The police science discipline is emerging and we have to make knowledge of what it is. All the studies that are included in this study are made by sworn police officers or police academy students that are qualified. That means that all studied bachelor thesis are made by persons within the police domain. By using grounded theory by Barney Glaser in the analysis, the author of this study has discovered themes of working method, leadership, working environment, law, equality, information and other. The result of this study shows that the law is the biggest theme and also working method and working environment are most of interest. Although even sports and foreign service is included as police work. This study has also been related to three Nordic overwievs from the early 90´s to 2011, to see similarities and differences of the author´s results. In the future there will be interesting to see if the themes that´s been found in this study are the same or if it´s changing over time.

Vilka faktorer påverkar gymnasieelevers möjligheter att nå kunskapsmålen och lyckas ta gymnasieexamen? : En kvantitativ studie baserad på Skolinspektionens Skolenkäten och elevresultat från vårterminen 2021 / What factors affect high school students' opportunities to reach the knowledge goals and succeed in obtaining the high school diploma? : A quantitative study based on the Swedish School Inspectorate's School Questionnaire and student results from the spring semester 2021

Larsson, Jan-Olof January 2023 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har genomfört en studie baserad på offentliga uppgifter om gymnasieskolor och på resultatet av Skolinspektionens Skolenkät 2021, med syftet att identifiera faktorer som visar på samband med gymnasieelevers möjligheter att nå kunskapsmålen och lyckas ta gymnasieexamen inom planerad tid. Skolenkäten visade sig dock inte vara helt optimalt utformad för att kunna identifiera samband mellan undervisningsrelaterade faktorer och elevresultat. De samband som studien lyckades att identifiera har utgjorts av faktorer som gymnasieskolor har mindre möjligheter att påverka. Elever med akademiska föräldrar utgjorde den främsta positivt påverkande faktorn för examensresultaten samt andelen elever med utländsk bakgrund och nyinvandrade elever de senaste 4 åren utgjorde de främsta negativt påverkande faktorerna. En förklaringsmodell togs även fram som klarar av att förklara 50 % av elevernas examensresultat. Skillnader mellan enkätsvar för matematikelever och Skolenkätsvar baserat på alla ämnen undersöktes även inom studien, där inga skillnader kunde observeras. Därav kan med viss försiktighet dras slutsatsen att de resultat som studien gett, även är giltiga inom ämnet matematik. Slutligen genomförs prediktioner av examensresultat med förklaringsmodellen, där ungefär just hälften av resultaten predikteras relativt precist. / This thesis reports from research based on public information about upper secondary schools and on the results of the Swedish School Inspectorate's School Survey 2021, with the aim of identifying factors that show a connection with students' opportunities to reach the knowledge goals and succeed in taking the high school diploma within the planned time. However, the school questionnaire was not optimally designed to be able to identify connections between teaching-related factors and student results. The connections that the study managed to identify were made up of factors that upper secondary schools have less opportunity to influence. Students with academic parents constituted the main positive influencing factor for the exam results, and the proportion of students with a foreign background and newly immigrated students in the last 4 years constituted the main negative influencing factors. An explanatory model was also developed which were able to explain 50% of the students' exam results. Differences between survey responses for mathematics students and School survey responses based on all subjects were also investigated within the study, where no differences could be observed. From this, with some caution, the conclusion can be drawn that the results the study gave are also valid within the subject of mathematics. Finally, predictions of exam results are carried out with the explanatory model, where approximately half of the results are predicted relatively precisely.


THIAGO EDMAR DE OLIVEIRA 29 April 2021 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia a fim de reduzir o deslocamento de candidatos em dias de prova em um exame de admissão de uma universidade no Brasil. O exame possui diferentes tipos de prova de acordo com a série do candidato e cada local de prova pode ofertar apenas um tipo de exame. A partir da teoria de localização de instalações, desenvolveu-se um modelo matemático de programação inteira para alocar candidatos de forma ótima considerando a distância entre eles e os vários locais de prova existentes. Foram realizados diversos testes com os dados de exames já aplicados, o que mostrou uma redução no deslocamento total superior a 30 porcento. Em seguida, a metodologia foi aplicada diretamente no mais recente exame de admissão da instituição, que conta com mais de 34 mil candidatos distribuídos por 70 locais de prova em 5 cidades, com a proporção de candidatos aptos a se locomoverem a pé sendo 4 vezes maior quando comparada com alocações utilizadas em anos anteriores. / [en] This work presents a methodology in order to reduce the displacement of candidates on test days in an admission exam of a university in Brazil. The exam has different types of tests according to the candidate s grade and each test site can offer only one type of exam. Based on the theory of facility location, a mathematical model of integer programming was developed to optimally allocate candidates considering the distance between them and the various existing exam locations. Several tests were carried out with the exam data already applied, which showed a reduction in total travel distance of more than 30 percent. Then, the methodology was applied directly in the most recent admission exam of the institution, which has more than 34 thousand candidates distributed over 70 exam places in 5 cities, with the proportion of candidates able to walk on foot being 4 times higher when compared to allocations used in previous years.

Фитнес как технология профилактики интернет-зависимости молодежи : магистерская диссертация / Fitness as a technology of prevention of Internet addiction

Щеголев, И. С., Shchegolev, I. S. January 2019 (has links)
Работа содержит теоретический анализ отечественной и зарубежной литературы по вопросам фитнеса как технологии профилактики интернет - зависимости учеников старших классов. В эмпирической части работы представлены результаты аналитических исследований, проведенных на базе школы 113 города Екатеринбурга, по вопросу наличия и степени развитости интернет-зависимости учащихся, а также проект реализации программы профилактической направленности интернет-завимимости учащихся старших классов. / The work contains a theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign literature on fitness as a technology of prevention of Internet addiction of high school students. The empirical part of the work presents the results of analytical studies conducted on the basis of school 113 in Yekaterinburg, on the presence and degree of development of Internet addiction of students, as well as the project of implementation of the program of preventive orientation of Internet addiction of high school students.

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