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<原著>教師から受けた感動体験速水, 敏彦, HAYAMIZU, Toshihiko, 高村, 和代, TAKAMURA, Kazuyo, 陳, 恵貞, CHEN, Hueichen, 浦上, 昌則, URAKAMI, Masanori 12 1900 (has links)
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Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att fråga patienter om våld i nära relationTerlinder, Petra, Fransson, Lovisa January 2013 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this study was to examine nurses experiences of asking patients aboutintimate partner violence and what the nurses believed could be of help or hindrance whenasking the question. Method: The study design was qualitative. Nine nurses from four different divisions wasinterviewed. The participants worked at a Swedish university hospital with an action plan fortaking care of violated women. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews usingan interview guide. The results were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Main result: The question about intimate partner violence raises a variety of feelings amongnurses, for example anger and empathy. When the question is asked, nurses describe bothaggravating and facilitative factors. Some of the nurses had experience of regularly askingpatients about violence, while others only ask of suspicion. Nurses enter both aggravating andfacilitators to ask the question of violence. These factors may be related to the nurse herself,such ignorance/knowledge on the topic intimate partner violence. Operational factors includelack of routine of asking the question, or that there are keywords for documentation ofviolence in the patient record. Examples of factors related to the patient may be the prejudicesthat some groups of patients are not exposed or that the nurse suspects that violence is presentin the patient. Conclusion: The nurses mentioned several different obstacles to asking the question aboutintimate partner violence, but also helping factors. Several of the interviewed nurses do notknow the hospital's action plan on taking care of abused women, which says that all patientsshould be asked about violence. This is likely to affect the extent to which the question isbeing asked by the nurses. / Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av attfråga patienter om våld i nära relation och vad sjuksköterskorna ansåg vara till hjälp ellerhinder för detta. Metod: En kvalitativ studie genomfördes. Nio sjuksköterskor från fyra olika avdelningarintervjuades. Deltagarna arbetade vid ett svenskt universitetssjukhus med en handlingsplan föromhändertagande av våldsutsatta kvinnor. Data samlades in genom semistruktureradeintervjuer med hjälp av en intervjuguide. Resultatet analyserades med kvalitativinnehållsanalys. Huvudresultat: Att fråga patienter om våld väcker en rad känslor hos sjuksköterskor där alltifrån ilska till empati har beskrivits. Några av sjuksköterskorna hade stor erfarenhet av attregelbundet ställa frågan om våld till patienter, medan andra enbart frågar då misstankeföreligger. Sjuksköterskorna anger både försvårande och underlättande faktorer för att ställafrågan om våld. Dessa faktorer kan vara relaterade till sjuksköterskan själv, exempelvisokunskap/kunskap om ämnet våld i nära relation. Verksamhetsrelaterade faktorer kan varaavsaknad av rutin för att ställa frågan eller att det finns sökord för dokumentation av våld ijournalsystemet. Exempel på faktorer relaterade till patienten kan vara fördomar att vissapatientgrupper inte är utsatta eller misstanke om att våld föreligger hos patienten. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskorna angav flera olika hinder för att ställa frågan om våld, mensamtidigt hjälpande faktorer för detta. Flera av de intervjuade sjuksköterskorna känner intetill sjukhusets handlingsplan om omhändertagande av våldsutsatta kvinnor, vilken säger attalla patienter ska tillfrågas. Detta kan sannolikt påverka i vilken utsträckning frågan omvåldsutsatthet ställs.
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Registered Nurses’ experiences of caring for children with HIV/AIDS in South Africa / Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda barn med HIV/AIDS i SydafrikaEnerholm, Elin, Fagrell, Lisa January 2012 (has links)
Background: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a global problem and the total number of people living with HIV is approximately 34 million. Little is known about registered nurses’ experiences of caring for children with HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe registered nurses’ experiences of caring for children with HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Method: A qualitative research approach was used. Data was collected by interviews which were analyzed using content analysis. The interviews were conducted at a private hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. Results: The following ten topics were found; self-fulfillment, being supportive, being hopeful, being adaptable, being non-judgmental, helplessness, loneliness, sadness, stress and frustration. Conclusion: There is a constant balance between feelings of powerlessness and the ability of being mentally strong when caring for children with HIV/AIDS. Keywords: HIV/AIDS, children, registered nurses’ experiences, South Africa
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Att leva med en inflammatorisk tarmsjukdomMartinsson, Sandra, Slijepcevic, Dijana January 2013 (has links)
Background: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is an umbrella term for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. These are characterized by a chronic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Living with chronic illness meant that life changed significantly. Quality of life was affected for these individuals and was stressful in their lives. Aim: The aim was to describe the experiences of living with inflammatory bowel disease. Method: A qualitative literature review was chosen to analyze articles that were related to the aim of this study. Results: Based on the chosen articles five themes were created; Commuting between hope and fear, symptoms of the disease and medication become everyday focus, struggling with the new identity, desire to control the disease- do I control my illness or does it control me and social relationships are affected. Conclusion: Inflammatory bowel disease is a distressing disease and can cause limitations in social life due to lack of knowledge by others about the disease. The affected felt a loss of control in their life due to the difficulty in managing the symptoms. They experienced a constant struggle and mixed emotions, such as anxiety, depression, stress, and denial of the disease, trying to feel like a healthy person.
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(Re) embodying identity: understanding belonging, ‘difference’ and transnational adoption through the lived experiences of Korean adopteesWalton, Jessica January 2009 (has links)
Research Doctorate - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Since the Korean War (1950‐1953), over 170,000 Korean children have been adopted from South Korea and dispersed across the world to families in ‘the West’. As Korean adoptees reach adulthood, many are going back to South Korea through their own initiatives to understand their ‘past’ and to try to identify with a part of themselves that feels ‘unknown’. This study considers the significance of these dual transnational movements for Korean adoptees’ identities. Based on their lived experiences, this dissertation explores the ways Korean adoptees make sense of their identities in their adoptive countries and in South Korea. Specifically, it draws on social scientific theories to focus on topics of ‘difference’, embodiment, experience and belonging. Another key aim of this study is to examine some of the conventional ideas about kinship and identity that are embedded in a Euro‐American construction of adoption. Through this analysis, issues associated with adoptees such as ‘loss’, ‘incomplete identities’ and ‘a need to search’ are alternatively considered to be socially and culturally derived rather than unproblematically viewed as individual problems. Overall, this is a qualitative anthropological study that engages with Korean adoptees’ lived experiences as they work to situate their identities within shifting socio‐cultural contexts. A central goal throughout the course of this research has been to generate greater understanding about the complex processes involved for transnationally adopted people as they try to negotiate their identities within contested spaces of belonging. This study concludes by looking at the significance of shared experiences and mutual understanding between adoptees and the impact this has on their sense of belonging.
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The classroom as a learning community? Voices from postgraduate students at a New Zealand UniversityHuang, Chungying January 2008 (has links)
How important is the social experience of learning in the postgraduate classroom? This thesis explores what eight postgraduate students judged to be their ‘best’ classroom experiences within one New Zealand university. The researcher started from the assumption that the students’ ‘best’ classroom experiences would correspond with what the literature characterises as ‘communities of learners’ in which the students felt that their past experiences were valued and personal relationships were respectful and relatively equal. This assumption was, for the most part, accurate. Problematic areas, such as assessment, were also identified. International students’ experiences were a key part of the research. Six of the students were studying in their second language yet that alone was not the main indicator of classroom participation as personality (such as shyness)also affected how students engaged with the course content, the lecturers, and with each other. The case study approach raises possibilities and questions as well as recognising trends that suggest that postgraduate students value interactive learning within meaningful classroom contexts.
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Becoming deafblind: Negotiating a place in a hostile worldSchneider, Julie January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / This study addresses the situation of adults who become deafblind. To date, their everday lives have received little attention in the research literature. Of the few studies conducted many involve surveys, the findings of which present the characteristics of people who are deafblind such as their rates of employment, need for support, or use of equipment. There are also a small number of qualitative studies that have explored the effects of having dual sensory impairment, and particularly in relation to communication and psycho-social wellbeing. Important as these research efforts have been, there is little empirical information available about the everyday lives of people who become deafblind and their concerns, nor any systematic attempt to theorise their experiences. There are however many personal anecdotes typically presented at conferences or through community publications and newsletters. This project aimed to redress the gap in the literature by developing a theoretical framework to explain the everyday experiences of adult who become deafblind. In doing so, it built upon the research and anecdotal literature with an overall purpose of presenting, through rigorous research, the experiences of adults who become deafblind and to do so within the broader discourse on disability and disablism. The study was informed by the social relational understanding of disability developed within the Nordic countries. Grounded theory was the method of choice to examine the lives of adults who become deafblind from their own perspective.Participant observation was employed through direct engagement in shared experiences with adults who have become deafblind both at a social group and via an e-mail list group. Mulitple in-depth interviews were undertaken both face to face and by e-mail with a smaller group of eight participants.The core finding from this study is that people who become deafblind are rendered interactionally powerless in a society predicated on seeing and hearing. The powerlessness that they experience comes from having this dual impairment in a world in which being able to see and hear are expected both in the physical and social environment. The inability of people who become deafblind to 'know and be' in the world in the same way as others results in them feeling, and experienceing, interactional powerlessness. In response, people who become deafblind actively engage in trying to minimise or remove their powerlessness. They do so by working to negotiate a place in this hostile world. They adopt four interrelated strategies, namely, doing things differently, managing support relationships, survivings others' perceptions and presenting sides of self.This study, with its central tenet that interactional powerlessness drives ongoing attempts to negotiate a place makes a theoretical contribution to understanding the experience of becoming deafblind. The findings support the concept of disbaility as social relational. Disability is not the same as the sensory impairment, rather it is expressed in the organisation of personal relations in society which render some more powerful than others and in this case, some less powerful due to their inability to use the natural means of communication of hearing and sight. Moreover, the study findings propose that professionals working with people with this dual sensory impairment must endeavour to reduce their part in the hostile world by providing information about options and support available; recognising the complexity of these adults support requirements; and considering the link between psycho-emotional issues and disablism. Further research is needed to understand empirically and theoretically the relative contribution of personal relationships vis a vis organisational or structural relationships in disabling people who become deafblind.
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Testing the IZOF directionality model in a team sportBrachlow, Manuela C. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Brock University, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 104-121). Also available online (PDF file) by a subscription to the set or by purchasing the individual file.
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Att vara tonåring och leva med diabetes : en litteraturstudie / Adolescents with diabetes : a literature studyHöjer, Cecilia, Bergström, Maria January 2009 (has links)
<p>Studiens syfte är att undersöka tonåringars upplevelser av att leva med diabetes och vilka problem de stöter på i vardagen. Tonårstiden är en omtumlande period då förvandlingen från att vara barn till att bli vuxen sker. Att samtidigt anpassa livet efter en kronisk sjukdom som innebär strikta regler och regelbunden vardag gällande mat och medicinering är påfrestande. En litteraturstudie har gjorts för att sammanställa forskning på området. Artiklarna hämtades i databaserna Cinhal och Medline. Sökorden som använts var: ungdomar, diabetes typ 1 och upplevelser. 14 artiklar valdes ut och analyserades. Två huvudteman definierades, det första var att leva med diabetes med underrubrikerna fritid, medicinering, kost och motion, skola och vård samt livskvalitet. Det andra var relationer med underrubrikerna familjen, vänner och frigörelse. Resultatet visar att tonåringar med diabetes typ 1 känner att de skiljer sig från sina vänner. De måste följa en regelbunden kost och medicinering. De kan inte vara spontana utan måste alltid planera sitt liv efter sin sjukdom. Frigörelseprocessen ser annorlunda ut för ungdomar med diabetes. Flickor och pojkar upplever sin sjukdom på olika sätt, pojkar har svårare att acceptera sin sjukdom och försöker dölja den, flickor identifierar sig mer med sin sjukdom men har svårare att följa de strikta och regelbundna rutinerna.</p> / <p>The aim of this study is to look into the experiences of adolescents living with diabetes and what problems they encounter in everyday life. Adolescence is a difficult period in life in which children grow up to become adults. At the same time it is stressful to adapt life to a chronic disease, with strict rules for food and medication on a regular timetable. A literature review has been made to compile research. Articles were retrieved in the databases Cinahl and Medline. The keywords used were: adolescent, type 1 diabetes and experiences. 14 Articles were selected and analyzed. Two main themes were defined, the first was to live with diabetes with subheadings leisure, medication, diet and exercise, quality of life, health care and school. The second was relationships with subheadings family, friends and emancipation. The result shows that teenagers with type 1 diabetes know that they are different from their friends. They must adhere to a regular diet and medication. They can not be spontaneous because they have to plan life to their illness. Emancipation process is different for adolescents with diabetes. Girls and boys experience their disease in different ways. Boys have more difficulties accepting their illness and try to hide it, girls identify more with it but find it harder to follow the strict and regular routines.</p>
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Ska jag säga ifrån? : Sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av visselblåsning / Should I speak up? : Nurses experiences of whistleblowingHaddy, Ndure, Karin, Lundholm January 2015 (has links)
Att agera visselblåsare innebär att säga ifrån när det etiska klimatet brister på arbetsplatsen. Det har visat sig att det finns ett flertal faktorer som har en inverkan på beslutet att ”blåsa i visslan”. Att vara en visselblåsande sjuksköterska innebär att hen observerar en händelse som kräver ett aktivt val; att rapportera eller att inte rapportera, och oavsett vilket beslut som tas kommer konsekvenser att följa. En litteraturstudie genomfördes med syftet att belysa sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av visselblåsning. Resultatet baserades på elva vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarnas resultat analyserades och utmynnade i tre kategorier: orsaker till visselblåsning, orsaker att avstå visselblåsning och konsekvenser av visselblåsning. Resultatet påvisar att sjuksköterskor i stor utsträckning har observerat en händelse som på något sätt har äventyrat patientsäkerheten. En orsak till visselblåsning kan vara oro för bristande patientsäkerhet. Ett stressigt arbetsklimat och rädslan för negativa påföljder kan vara orsaker att avstå visselblåsning. Konsekvenser av visselblåsning kan innefatta ångest, livsstilsförändringar och utanförskap på arbetsplatsen. Konklusionen av litteraturstudien är att sjuksköterskor har både positiva och negativa erfarenheter av visselblåsning samt att det finns ett flertal faktorer som påverkar beslutet att visselblåsa eller att avstå visselblåsning. Etiska dilemman förekommer i vården och det är av värde att diskutera detta samt stödja sjuksköterskor i sin profession. Av intresse, bör framtida forskning utforska hur hälso- och sjukvården betraktar visselblåsning, samt även belysa de positiva aspekterna. / To act whistleblower means to speak up when the ethical climate is absent in the workplace. It has been found that there are several factors which have an effect on the decision to ”blow the whistle”. Being a nurse that decides to blow the whistle means that the individual observes an incident that requires an active choice; to report or not to report, and no matter which decision is made, consequences will follow. A literature study was conducted with the aim to highlight nurses experiences of whistleblowing. The result was based on eleven scientific articles. The articles results were analysed and sorted into three categories; reasons for whistleblowing, reasons to abstain whistleblowing and consequences of whistleblowing. The results shows that nurses have observed an event that somehow have compromised patient-safety to a large extent. Reasons for whistleblowing may be concerns for inadequate patient care. A stressful work environment and the fear of adverse consequences could be reasons to abstain whistleblowing. These negative effects can include anxiety, lifestyle changes and alienation in the workplace. The conclusion from this studie shows that nurses have both positive and negative experiences of whistleblowing, and that there are several factors that influence the decision to ”blow the whistle”, or to abstain whistleblowing. Ethical dilemmas occur in health care and it is valuable to discuss this and support nurses in their profession. Of interest, future research should explore how organisations in health care looks upon whistleblowing, and also highlight the positive aspects.
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