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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modulation zellulärer Signalwege und antiviraler Mechanismen in Makrophagen durch Orthopockenviren

Bourquain, Daniel 13 May 2013 (has links)
Nach der Eradikation der humanen Pockenerkrankung stellen zoonotische Orthopockenvirus-(OPV-)Infektionen heute eine mögliche Bedrohung der öffentlichen Gesundheit dar. Hierbei sind insbesondere Kuhpocken-(CPXV), Affenpocken-(MPXV) und Vaccinia Viren (VACV) von Bedeutung. In dieser Arbeit wurde das Genexpressionsprofil humaner (HeLa) Zellen nach Infektion mit CPXV, MPXV oder VACV untersucht. Es wurden sowohl zelluläre Gene identifiziert, welche generell von allen verwendeten Viren reguliert wurden, als auch Gene, die eine Virus-spezifische Regulation durch individuelle OPV aufwiesen. Gemeinsamkeiten zeigten sich insbesondere zwischen CPXV und MPXV, welche, im Gegensatz zu VACV, die Expression zahlreicher Cytokine und Chemokine induzierten. Insbesondere für Interleukin-6, -8 und CXCL1 konnte auch auf Proteinebene eine gesteigerte Sekretion durch CPXV-infizierte Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Vermutlich aufgrund dieser Induktion, trat in vitro eine verstärkte Rekrutierung von Monozyten und Makrophagen in Folge einer CPXV-, nicht aber einer VACV-Infektion auf. Makrophagen spielen eine kontroverse Rolle im Rahmen einer OPV-Infektion und sind sowohl für deren Bekämpfung, als auch, im infizierten Zustand, für die Ausbreitung der Viren im Organismus von Bedeutung. Daher wurde die Replikationsfähigkeit von CPXV und VACV in Makrophagen charakterisiert. Der Virulenzfaktor p28, welcher von den meisten VACV Stämmen nicht kodiert wird, konnte als essentiell für die Replikation von CPXV in einer murinen Makrophagen-Zelllinie, primären peritonealen Makrophagen der Ratte und in Makrophagen aus primären humanen PBMCs identifiziert werden. In Anbetracht der Bedeutung der Replikationsfähigkeit in Makrophagen für die Ausbreitung einer OPV-Infektion im Wirtsorganismus, deuten diese Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass CPXV, im Fall einer weiteren Adaption an den Menschen, ein höheres Bedrohungspotential im Vergleich zu VACV aufweisen könnten. / Today, following the eradication of human smallpox, zoonotic infections caused by orthopoxviruses (OPV) are emerging as a potential human health threat. Especially cowpox viruses (CPXV), vaccinia viruses (VACV), and monkeypox viruses (MPXV) are gaining importance as a cause of infectious disease of man and livestock. This study aimed to analyse and compare the gene expression profile of human (HeLa) cells following infection with CPXV, MPXV or VACV. Cellular genes were identified which were either commonly modulated by infection with any of the three viruses, or which were specifically modulated by one individual OPV. Particularly similar effects on cellular gene expression were observed in the case of CPXV and MPXV infection, which both induced the expression of several cytokine and chemokine genes. Especially interleukin-6, -8, and CXCL1 were strongly secreted by CPXV-infected cells but not by VACV-infected cells. Consequently, CPXV infection also induced a strong chemotactic recruitment of monocytes and macrophages in vitro in contrast to VACV infection. Especially macrophages are known to play a controversial role during OPV infection. On the one hand, macrophages are of importance for the control of the infection. On the other hand, infected macrophages also facilitate virus spread across the organism. Therefore, the capability of CPXV and VACV to replicate in macrophages was analysed. Thereby, the poxviral virulence factor p28, which is absent from most strains of VACV, was identified as an essential factor, allowing CPXV replication in a murine macrophage cell line, primary peritoneal rat macrophages and in human PBMC-derived macrophages. Concerning the importance of productively infected macrophages for OPV spread, these results suggest that CPXV, if further adapted to human beings as host species, may harbor a greater threat to human health when compared to VACV.

Identifizierung differenziell exprimierter Gene in soliden Tumoren am Beispiel des Prostatakarzinoms und der Einsatz ausgewählter Gene (CD24, CD166) als molekulare Prognosemarker

Kristiansen, Glen 13 July 2004 (has links)
Durch Anwendung Array-basierter Transkriptanalyse auf mikrodissezierte Prostatagewebe konnten eine Vielzahl differenziell exprimierter Gene des Prostatakarzinoms identifiziert werden. Innerhalb dieser wurden CD166 und CD24 für die weiterführende Analyse ausgewählt. CD24 ist ein kleines Zelloberflächenmolekül, das ursprünglich in B-Zellen und malignen hämatologischen Erkrankungen beschrieben wurde. Eine CD24 Expression wurde auch in verschiedenen soliden Tumoren gefunden. Da CD24 ein Ligand von P-Selektin ist, könnte CD24 den Tumorzellen pro-metastatische Eigenschaften verleihen. Ziel der Studie war, die CD24 Expression in unseren Tumorkollektiven von Mamma- (n=201), Prostata- (n=102), Nicht-kleinzelligen Lungen- (n=89), Ovarial- (n=56) und Pankreaskarzinomen (n=95) immunhistologisch zu bestimmen. Diese Ergebnisse wurden mit klinisch-pathologischen Daten einschliesslich der Überlebensdaten korreliert. Die differenzielle Expression von CD166 wurde ebenfalls immunhistochemisch validiert. Eine CD24 Expression fand sich in 85% der Mammakarzinome, 48% der Prostatakarzinome, 45% der NSCLC, in 84% der Ovarialkarzinome und 72% der Pankreaskarzinome. CD24 Expression korrelierte univariat und multivariat signifikant (p / Applying array based transcript analysis to microdissected prostate tissues, a variety of differentially expressed genes of prostate cancer were identified. Among these, CD166 and CD24 were selected for further analysis. CD24 is a small cell surface molecule that has originally been described in B-cells and hematologic malignancies. Expression of CD24 was also found in various solid tumours. Being a ligand of P-selectin, CD24 might confer pro-metastatic properties to tumour cells. We aimed to clarify the expression of CD24 in our collectives of breast cancer (n=201), prostate cancer (n=102), non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC, n=89), epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC, n=56) and pancreatic cancer (n=95) by immunohistochemistry. These results were correlated to clinicopathological parameters including survival data. The differential expression of CD166 was validated immunohistochemically as well. Expression of CD24 was found in 85% of breast cancer, 48% of prostate cancer, 45% of NSCLC, 84% of EOC and 72% of pancreatic cancer. CD24 expression correlated significantly (p

Análise transcriptômica em estruturas encefálicas de ratos jovens e idosos submetidos ao modelo de ligadura e perfuração cecal / Transcriptomic analysis of encephalic structures of young and aging rats submitted to the model of cecal ligation and puncture

Hamasaki, Mike Yoshio 30 May 2018 (has links)
Dentre as manifestações clínicas observadas em pacientes sépticos, as disfunções neurológicas são, provavelmente, as de fisiopatologia mais obscura e pobremente explorada, o que consequentemente as torna de difícil entendimento e tratamento médico. Adicionalmente, estudos epidemiológicos indicam que a síndrome séptica é mais frequente e mais letal em pacientes idosos. Nesse contexto, este trabalho objetivou comparar os efeitos da sepse, induzida pelo modelo de ligadura e perfuração cecal, no encéfalo de ratos jovens e idosos por meio da análise da expressão gênica de larga escala (transcriptoma), a fim de averiguar como as alterações no padrão de expressão podem estar relacionadas a disfunções neurológicas. Os resultados deste estudo indicaram a diminuição da expressão dos genes Bcl-3, S100A8 e uridina fosforilase 1, bem como o aumento da expressão de Stefin A3, sendo tais efeitos característicos das manifestações comuns da sepse no sistema nervoso central, independentemente da idade dos animais; por outro lado, a diminuição da expressão do gene da haptoglobina foi observada apenas nos animais idosos com sepse. De forma geral, na comparação entre animais idosos e jovens, os resultados desta pesquisa apontaram que animais idosos apresentam uma quantidade menor de genes modificados pela sepse, o que sugere menor capacidade de ativar mecanismos neuroprotetores / Among the clinical manifestations observed in septic patients, the neurological dysfunctions are probably the most obscure and poorly explored pathophysiology, which consequently makes them difficult to understand and to treat. Additionally, epidemiological studies indicate that septic syndrome is more frequent and more lethal in elderly patients. In this context, this article is aimed at comparing the effects of sepsis, induced by the ligature model and cecal perforation, on the brain of young and elderly rats by means of the analysis of the large scale gene expression (transcriptome), in order to investigate how the changes in this expression may be related to neurological dysfunctions. The results of this study indicated decreased expression of the Bcl-3, S100A8 and uridine phosphorylase 1 genes, as well as increased expression of Stefin A3, these effects being characteristic of the common manifestations of central nervous system sepsis regardless of the age of the animals; on the other hand, decreased haptoglobin gene expression was observed only in the elderly animals with sepsis. In general, in the comparison between old and young animals, the results of this research indicated that elderly animals present a smaller amount of genes modified by sepsis, which suggests a smaller capacity to activate neuroprotective mechanisms

Micro RNA em adenocarcinoma de próstata: caracterização da expressão em tumores de baixo grau, órgão-confinados / Micro RNA in prostate adenocarcinoma : characterization of expression in low-grade tumors, organ-confined tumours

Tomiyama, Alberto Hiroyuki 18 November 2011 (has links)
Introdução: Os micro RNA (miRNA) são formados a partir de RNA precursores de fita dupla que contém entre 60 a 110 nucleotídeos e formam estruturas do tipo hairpin. Imediatamente após sua transcrição pela RNA polimerase II a enzima Dicer promove a clivagem do RNA precursor em seqüências menores contendo 19 a 22 nucleotídeos. Após a clivagem, o miRNA integra-se ao complexo silenciador induzido pelo RNA (RISC) que o conduz ao seu RNA mensageiro (mRNA) homólogo recém transcrito. Esta associação promove a degradação do mRNA, ou interfere na tradução da proteína caracterizando um grande mecanismo de controle da expressão dos genes. Este mecanismo está relacionado ao desenvolvimento de órgãos e tecidos, e está envolvido no processo de carcinogênese. Nosso objetivo é identificar um perfil de expressão de miRNA que defina o adenocarcinoma de próstata de prognóstico favorável e desfavorável considerando os níveis de PSA e dados anatomopatológicos. Materiais e métodos: Foram selecionados 53 pacientes com tumores desfavoráveis (mediana do escore de Gleason igual a 8, 79,2% estadiados pT3, mediana de PSA 10,1 ng/mL e mediana do volume tumoral de 23%) e 45 considerados favoráveis (mediana do escore de Gleason igual a 5, 80% estadiados pT2, mediana de PSA de 7,8 ng/mL e mediana do volume tumoral de 11,5%). O controle foi representado por 7 pacientes com hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB). Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a prostatectomia radical pelo mesmo cirurgião. Os espécimes cirúrgicos foram examinados na sua totalidade pelo mesmo patologista. A análise dos miRNA foi feita a partir de tecido congelado e tecido incluído em parafina usando a técnica da reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real quantitativa (qRT-PCR) utilizando primers e sondas Taqman® específicas. O RNU43 foi usado como controle interno. Resultados: Com exceção dos miRNA 199a, 21, 15a, 16 e 25 que se mostraram subexpressos tanto nos casos desfavoráveis como nos favoráveis, houve uma diminuição global na expressão dos miRNA com redução estatisticamente significativa na expressão dos miRNA 143, 145 e 146a, 191, 218 e Let7c em tumores desfavoráveis em relação aos tumores favoráveis. Conclusão: Demonstramos que no processo de transição entre os carcinomas favoráveis e desfavoráveis de próstata existe uma perda global na expressão de miRNA que podem ser importantes controladores de expressão de uma série de genes relacionados a progressão desta neoplasia. Dados experimentais avaliando o papel desses miRNA devem ser conduzidos para que possamos definir seu papel na evolução do câncer de próstata / Introduction: micro RNA (miRNA) are formed from double-stranded RNA precursors that contain between 60-110 nucleotides and form structures such as hairpin. Immediately after their transcription by RNA polymerase II, the enzyme Dicer promotes the cleavage of precursor RNA sequences containing minor 19-22 nucleotides. After cleavage, the miRNA is part of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) that leads to its messenger RNA (mRNA) newly transcribed counterpart. This association promotes the degradation of mRNA, or interferes with the protein translation characterizing a great mechanism for controlling gene expression. This mechanism is related to the development of organs and tissues, and may be involved in the process of carcinogenesis. Our goal is to identify a miRNA expression profile that distinguishes prostate adenocarcinoma of favorable and unfavorable prognosis considering the PSA and pathological findings. Material and Methods: We studied 53 patients with tumors considered unfavorable (Median of Gleason score 8, 79.2% staged pT3, median of PSA 10.1 ng/mL and median of tumor volume of 23%) and 45 considered favorable (Median of Gleason score 5, 80% staged pT2, median of PSA 7.8 ng/mL and median of tumor volume of 11.5%). The control group was represented by seven patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). All patients underwent radical prostatectomy by the same surgeon. The surgical specimen was examined entirely by the same pathologist. The analysis of miRNA was made from frozen and paraffin embedded tissue by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) using the Taqman® specific primers and probes. The RNU43 was used as a internal control. Results: Except for miRNAs 199a, 21, 15a, 16 e 25 that were underexpressed by both favorable and unfavorable prostate cancer, there was a global decrease of all miRNAs studied, and some differences were statistically significant as miRNAs 143, 145 e 146a, 191, 218 e Let7c that were underexpressed in unfavorable carcinomas compared favorable tumor. Conclusion: We have demonstrated that in the process of transition between favorable and unfavorable prostate cancer there is a global loss of expression of miRNAs. These molecules can be important controllers of a series of genes related to cancer progression. Experimental studies are needed in order to comprehend the role of these genes in prostate carcinogenesis

Caractérisation des Carcinomes Papillaires du Rein / Characterisation of Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma

Albiges-Sauvin, Laurence 17 October 2013 (has links)
Les Carcinomes Papillaires du Rein (pRCC) représentent la seconde forme histologique de cancers du rein . Ils correspondent à une entité hétérogène de tumeurs subdivisées en type I et type II sur leurs caractéristiques anatomopathologiques. Leur pronostic au stade métastatique est inferieur à celui des carcinomes à cellules claires. Les caractéristiques biologiques des pRCC sont mal connues et n’ont pas permis de développer jusqu'à ce jour de thérapeutiques spécifiques.Ce travail propose, en première partie, une synthèse des données disponibles biologiques, anatomo-pathologiques, thérapeutiques et pronostiques des pRCC. Cette synthèse a fait l’objet d’une publication. ( Albiges et al. The Oncologist 2012)Le second volet est dédié à l’analyse de la place du proto-oncogène MET au sein des pRCC de type I et II et plus particulièrement les différentes modalités d’activation de ce gène. Cette analyse (i) caractérise les anomalies quantitatives de l’ADN du gène MET (CGH array pour les pRCC de type II et CGMA pour les pRCC de type I) et leur corrélation au niveau d’expression génique; (ii) recherche l’existence de mutations activatrices du domaine tyrosine kinase par séquençage du gène MET chez les pRCC de type I; et (iii) analyse également les niveaux d’expression du ligand et des co-activateurs de ce récepteur MET. Ces résultats sont en cours de publication (Albiges et al. Clinical Cancer Research)Le troisième et dernier volet de ce travail vise à identifier des pistes biologiques propres aux pRCC par l’analyses de sous groupes distinguable en termes de profils d’expression génique et surtout par l’analyses des anomalies de l’ADN identifiées par CGH array des pRCC de type II, couplées aux données de transcriptome. / Papillary renal cell carcinomas (pRCC) are the second most common form of Renal Carcinomas and belongs to the non clear cell carcinomas family. This tumour type is an heterogeneous group of tumours usually subdivided in type I and type II according to pathological features. The prognosis of pRCC in the metastatic setting is worse to clear cell carcinoma’s prognosis. Biological characteristics of pRCC are poorly known and did not allow the development of specific targeted therapies.This work first presents a synthesis of published data regarding biology, pathology, therapeutics and prognosis of pRCC. This review has been published. (Albiges et al. The Oncologist 2012)Second part is dedicated to the analysis of MET proto-oncogene across pRCC. The main focus is to assess MET activation drivers. This analysis (i) characterises MET gene DNA copy number alterations (CGH array for type II pRCC and CGMA approach for Type I pRCC) and their correlation with gene expression profiling; (ii) assess activating mutations within the tyrosine kinase of MET gene in the type I pRCC; and (iii) investigate expression level of ligand and co-activators of MET receptor. This analysis is under publication. (Albiges et al. Clinical Cancer Research)Third and last part of this work aims at identifing new biological pathway specific to pRCC using clustering of gene expression profiling and DNA abnormalities assessed by CGHarray inthe type II pRCC subtypes with matching gene expression data.

Expression profiling and sequence diversity of novel DREB genes from common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and their association with drought-related traits / Expressão gênica e diversidade nucleotídica de novos genes DREB em feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) e sua associação com parâmetros de déficit hídrico

Konzen, Enéas Ricardo 26 January 2016 (has links)
Common bean is a major dietary component in several countries, but its productivity is negatively affected by abiotic stresses. Dissecting candidate genes involved in abiotic stress tolerance is a paramount step toward the improvement of common bean performance under such constraints. Thereby, this thesis presents a systematic analysis of the DEHYDRATION RESPONSIVE ELEMENT-BINDING (DREB) gene subfamily, which encompasses genes that regulate several processes during stress responses, but with limited information for common bean. First, a series of in silico analyses with sequences retrieved from the P. vulgaris genome on Phytozome supported the categorization of 54 putative PvDREB genes distributed within six phylogenetic subgroups (A-1 to A-6), along the 11 chromosomes. Second, we cloned four novel PvDREB genes and determined their inducibility-factors, including the dehydration-, salinity- and cold-inducible genes PvDREB1F and PvDREB5A, and the dehydration- and cold-inducible genes PvDREB2A and PvDREB6B. Afterwards, nucleotide polymorphisms were searched through Sanger sequencing along those genes, revealing a high number of single nucleotide polymorphisms within PvDREB6B by the comparison of Mesoamerican and Andean genotypes. The nomenclature of PvDREB6B is discussed in details. Furthermore, we used the BARCBean6K_3 SNP platform to identify and genotype the closest SNP to each one of the 54 PvDREB genes. We selected PvDREB6B for a broader study encompassing a collection of wild common bean accessions of Mesoamerican origin. The population structure of the wild beans was accessed using sequence polymorphisms of PvDREB6B. The genetic clusters were partially associated with variation in latitude, altitude, precipitation and temperature throughout the areas such beans are distributed. With an emphasis on drought stress, an adapted tube-screening method in greenhouse conditions enabled the phenotyping of several drought-related traits in the wild collection. Interestingly, our data revealed a correlation between root depth, plant height and biomass and the environmental data of the location of the accessions. Correlation was also observed between the population structure determined through PvDREB6B and the environmental data. An association study combining data from the SNP array and DREB polymorphisms enabled the detection of SNP associated with drought-related traits through a compressed mixed linear model (CMLM) analysis. This thesis highlighted important features of DREB genes in common bean, revealing candidates for further strategies aimed at improvement of abiotic stress tolerance, with emphasis on drought tolerance / O feijoeiro é um componente essencial na dieta em diversos países, no entanto, sua produção é afetada negativamente por estresses abióticos. O estudo de genes candidatos envolvidos na adaptação aos estresses é uma etapa fundamental para o melhoramento da performance do feijoeiro sob tais estresses. Desse modo, esta tese apresenta uma análise sistemática da subfamília de genes DEHYDRATION RESPONSIVE ELEMENT-BINDING (DREB), que reúne genes envolvidos em diversos processos em resposta a estresses, mas pouco estudados no feijoeiro. Primeiramente, uma série de análises in silico com sequências de feijoeiro obtidas da plataforma Phytozome possibilitaram a categorização de 54 genes PvDREB putativos, distribuídos em seis subgrupos (A-1 até A-6) nos 11 cromossomos da espécie. Posteriormente, quatro novos genes PvDREB foram clonados e seus padrões de inducibilidade foram determinados. PvDREB1F e PvDREB5A foram induzidos por desidratação, baixa temperatura e salinidade, enquanto PvDREB2A e PvDREB6B foram predominantemente induzidos por desidratação e baixa temperatura. Polimorfismos de nucleotídeos foram buscados através de sequenciamento por método derivado de Sanger, revelando elevado número de SNP no gene PvDREB6B. A nomenclatura desse gene foi discutida detalhadamente ao longo da tese. A plataforma de marcadores SNP BARCBean6K_3 foi acessada para identificar o SNP mais próximo de cada um dos 54 PvDREB. O gene PvDREB6B foi selecionado para um estudo mais amplo, envolvendo uma coleção de acessos selvagens de origem Mesoamericana. A estrutura populacional destes genótipos foi analisada a partir de polimorfismos na sequência de PvDREB6B. Os grupos genéticos apresentaram associação parcial com variação da latitude, altitude, precipitação e temperatura das áreas em que os acessos naturalmente ocorrem. Com ênfase no estudo do déficit hídrico, uma plataforma de fenotipagem destes acessos em casa de vegetação, utilizando um sistema de tubos plásticos, foi elaborada para a análise de diversos parâmetros relacionados ao estresse por déficit hídrico. Os dados revelaram correlação entre profundidade de raízes, altura das plantas e a biomassa e as variáveis ambientais de cada local. A correlação também foi detectada entre a estrutura populacional estudada por PvDREB6B e os dados ambientais. Finalmente, um estudo de associação genética foi realizado entre os SNP da plataforma e ligados a DREB e os parâmetros fenotípicos, permitindo a identificação de marcadores SNP associados a caracteres específicos, usando um modelo linear misto (CMLM). Esta tese apresentou importantes aspectos sobre os genes DREB em feijoeiro, revelando candidatos para seu uso em estratégias de melhoramento para tolerância a estresses abióticos, com ênfase em déficit hídrico

Gene expression profiling during the development of testicular hypertrophy in neonatal hypothyroid rats.

January 2005 (has links)
Tao Kin Pong. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 144-152). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Chapter i. --- Cover page --- p.1 / Chapter ii. --- Table of contents --- p.2 / Chapter iii. --- Abstract of thesis (English version and Chinese Version) --- p.4 / Chapter iv. --- Acknowledgements --- p.8 / Chapter v. --- Abbreviations --- p.9 / Chapter 1. --- Introduction / Interstitial tissue and Leydig cells --- p.11 / Seminiferous tubules --- p.11 / "Male germ cell line and spermatogenesis (Mitotic, Meiotic and Post-meiotic)" --- p.12 / Sertoli cells --- p.14 / Specialized organizations of junction present in testis --- p.15 / Dynamic nature of Sertoli-Sertoli & Sertoli-germ cell junctions --- p.16 / Role of proteases and protease inhibitors in male gametogenesis --- p.17 / Proteases and Proteases Inhibitors expressed in testis --- p.18 / Hormonal control of spermatogenesis --- p.19 / Hypothyroidism and testis development --- p.21 / Genes to be studied: / Proteases --- p.22 / Proteases Inhibitors --- p.27 / Other spermatogenesis related genes --- p.30 / Chapter 2. --- Objectives --- p.32 / Chapter 3. --- Materials and Methods / Animal treatments and tissue collection --- p.33 / RNA preparation --- p.34 / RT-PCRs --- p.35 / Real-time PCRs --- p.35 / Data manipulations and Statistics --- p.36 / Primer sequences used in this experiment --- p.37 / Chapter 4. --- Results / "Effect of neonatal hypothyroidism on developmental profile of body weight, absolute and relative testicular weight" --- p.40 / Developmental transcription profiles of genes under normal and hypothyroidism --- p.43 / Screening Data --- p.78 / Expression of non-spermatogenic genes at neonatal age --- p.88 / Responsiveness of gene transcription after thyroxin replacement --- p.89 / Changes of gene expression under different hypothyroid regimens --- p.97 / Chapter 5. --- Discussion / Changes in testicular size under hypothyroidism --- p.107 / Five patterns of transcription profile --- p.107 / "Suggestion on the role of ""MEIOTIC"" proteases and inhibitors" --- p.111 / "Suggestion on the role of ""POST-MEIOTIC"" proteases and inhibitors" --- p.113 / "Explanations on ""SOMATIC"" genes" --- p.114 / "Explanations on ""MITOTIC"" genes" --- p.115 / Explanations on the un-clustered pattern --- p.116 / Explanations on the age down-regulated group --- p.116 / Proposed clustering of genes according to their transcription profile --- p.117 / "Expression of some ""non-spermatogenic"" genes before puberty" --- p.123 / Neonatal hypothyroidism as a model for studying reproductive physiology --- p.125 / Different components of spermatogenesis --- p.127 / Chapter I. --- Roles of nuclear and chromatin related genes in assisting meiosis --- p.128 / Chapter II. --- Roles of specific transcription regulators in assisting gene selection --- p.129 / Chapter III. --- Role of signal transduction molecules for translation and activation --- p.131 / Chapter IV. --- Role of proteases and inhibitors for matrix and junctions dynamics --- p.132 / The somatic proteases and inhibitors system in the testis --- p.133 / Spermatogenic proteases and inhibitors system --- p.134 / Chapter V. --- Role of matrix and junctional molecules in intercellular interactions --- p.137 / Chapter VI. --- Role of cytoplasmic motors in cellular movement --- p.139 / Chapter 6. --- Conclusion / Proposed story of spermatogenesis - involvement of proteases and inhibitors --- p.140 / Future Direction --- p.141 / Chapter 7. --- References --- p.144

Análise do perfil transcricional de células dendríticas derivadas de monócitos utilizadas na vacina terapêutica anti-HIV-1 / Transcription profile of monocyte derived dendritic cells used in therapeutic HIV-1 vaccine model

Rafael Martins de Oliveira 27 May 2010 (has links)
Aplicando tecnologia de microarray, objetivamos traçar o perfil do programa de maturação das Mo-DC pulsadas com HIV autólogo inativado por AT-2, a fim de identificar marcadores específicos de ativação funcional e sugerir um perfil de expressão de genes úteis na identificação de respostas ao modelo in vitro das Mo-vacina DC. Essas informações podem ajudar a estabelecer assinaturas moleculares das funções celulares mais relevante para a melhoria das vacinas terapêuticas. O perfil transcricional foi analisado com base das vias celulares moduladas das Mo-DCs no estado imaturo, transitório e maduro. O HIV-1 inativado por AT-2 induz ativação de genes associados à apresentação de antígenos. Os conjuntos de genes do citoesqueleto podem influenciar a mudança de comportamento migratório das Mo-DCs ativadas. O aumento na expressão dos receptores celulares contribuem para o recrutamento de monócitos, DCs e macrófagos para o local da infecção. Além disso, modulam a resposta imune inata e adaptativa, incluindo a polarização das células Th e sub-regulação da resposta inflamatória, que pode interferir significativamente com a resposta imune. Coletivamente, o perfil transcricional das Mo-DCs induzido pelo HIV-1 inativado com AT-2 reflete uma significativa reprogramação imunológica e celular das células envolvidas na resposta imune do hospedeiro. Os resultados deste estudo focaram na interpretação de genes específicos dos perfis de transcrição das Mo-DCs como modelo terapêutico utilizado na vacina anti-HIV. As análises de assinaturas gene associado e sua correlação as respostas funcionais simplificam a identificação de indivíduos susceptíveis a vacina e a compreensão de eventuais falhas em ensaios clínicos. Microarray permitiu a análise quantitativa e simultânea da expressão de um elevado número de genes. Os estudos do perfil de expressão foram extremamente úteis para identificar os eventos moleculares e vias envolvidas nas funções de celular induzida por estímulos específicos. Em particular, os resultados sobre o padrão global da expressão dos genes subjacentes as modificações induzidas pelo HIV-1 inativado por AT-2, na fase inicial da administração do antígeno, pôde ser extremamente útil para a identificarmos marcadores de ativação e avaliar os efeitos biológicos que poderiam estar envolvidos para modificação e otimização de estratégias vacinação com Mo-DC / Applying microarray technology, we intend to profile the program to mature Mo-DC pulsed with autologous inactivated HIV by AT-2, in order to identify specific markers of functional activation and suggest a profile of expression of specific genes, useful identification of responders to in vitro model of Mo-DC vaccine. Such information may help to establish detailed molecular signatures of cellular functions most relevant to improving the therapeutic vaccines. The transcriptional profile was analyzed on the basis of the cellular pathways modulated in immature MoDC, transitional MoDC and mature MoDC. The AT-2-inactivated HIV-1 induction of MoDC results in the activation of genes associated with antigen presentation functions. A set of cytoskeletal genes that may potentially mediate shape change and migratory behavior of activated MoDC is also observed. The increase in the expression of immune receptors contribute to the recruitment of monocytes, DCs, and macrophages to the site of infection. Moreover, they modulate both innate and adaptive immune response, including the polarization of Th cells, and the down-regulation of the inflammatory response, which may significantly interfere with the immune response. Collectively, the transcriptional profile induced by AT-2-inactivated HIV-1 in MoDc reflects a significant cellular and immunological reprogramming of cells directly involved in the host immune response. The results of this study focused on the interpretation of specific genes of transcription profile of MoDC used in therapeutic HIV vaccine model. Supplementing the analyses with examination of associated gene signatures and their correlation to functional responses will simplify the identification of responsive vaccine individuals and the understanding of eventual failures in individuals enrolled in clinical trials. Microarray approach allows quantitative and simultaneous analysis of gene expression of a large amount of genes and the systematic studies of expression patterns are extremely useful for identify molecular events and key pathways involved in cellular functions induced by specific stimuli. In particular, data on the global pattern of gene expression underlying the modifications induced by AT-2-inactivated HIV-1 in MoDC, at early stages of antigen administration, may be extremely helpful for the identification of exclusive activation markers to trace the biological effects of modifications/optimizations of the MoDc vaccination strategy

Predição de comprometimento metastático axilar em pacientes com câncer de mama em estádio inicial de acordo com o subtipo imunoistoquímico, idade e tamanho tumoral / Prediction of metastatic axillary lymph node in patients with breast cancer in early stages according to the immunohistochemical subtype, age and tumor size

Helio Rubens de Oliveira Filho 12 April 2011 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O aprimoramento dos métodos de rastreamento e a conscientização da população geral contribuíram para o diagnóstico cada vez mais precoce do câncer de mama e proporcionou, juntamente com o avanço na terapêutica, altas taxas de sobrevida. O estado do acometimento axilar por metástase é um dos principais fatores prognósticos em pacientes com câncer de mama, particularmente naquelas com diagnóstico em estádio inicial. Na última década, esforços científicos foram direcionados para simplificar a amostragem dos linfonodos axilares, diminuindo a morbidade, mas respeitando os princípios oncológicos. Nesse sentindo, a biópsia do linfonodo sentinela foi considerada o avanço mais importante. Ao se obter um método preditor do estado axilar, que apresente os benefícios da abordagem padrão dissecção axilar e biópsia de linfonodo sentinela porém sem seus efeitos colaterais e que seja facilmente reproduzível, realizaremos um grande avanço na avaliação e terapêutica do câncer de mama inicial. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo transversal retrospectivo com base nos prontuários de pacientes com câncer de mama invasivo, não metastático, com qualquer idade, atendidas entre 1999 e 2007 no Setor de Mastologia da Disciplina de Ginecologia do Departamento de Obstetrícia e Ginecologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo e Clínica Professor José Aristodemo Pinotti, cujo estudo histopatológico e imunoistoquímico foi supervisionado por um único médico patologista. Realizamos uma subdivisão imunoistoquímica dos tumores, sendo considerado luminal A os tumores com receptores hormonais positivos e HER 2 negativo; luminal B os com receptores hormonais positivos e HER 2 positivo; HER 2 as pacientes com receptores hormonais negativos e HER 2 positivo e triplo negativo aquelas com receptores hormonais e HER 2 negativos. Correlacionamos esses subtipos com as variáveis clínicas idade e tamanho tumoral para predizer a probabilidade de acometimento linfonodal axilar. RESULTADOS: Duzentos e trinta e nove casos foram analisados. No subtipo luminal A, a possibilidade de metástase foi maior quanto menor a idade da paciente e maior o tamanho do tumor. Essa foi a única associação que apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante. As pacientes que possuíam tumores triplo negativo tiveram, aproximadamente, 90% menos chance de metástase linfonodal que as pacientes com tumor luminal A. CONCLUSÕES: As pacientes com tumor luminal A apresentaram, significativamente, maior probabilidade de metástase linfonodal axilar. As pacientes com de tumores triplo negativo, com idade superior a 55 anos ou tumores menores que 2 cm, revelaram menor probabilidade de metástase axilar / INTRODUTION: The improvement of screening methods and awareness of general population contributed to the increasingly early diagnosis of breast cancer and provided, together with advances in therapy, high survival rates. The status of axillary involvement is a major prognostic factor in patients with breast cancer, particularly those with early stage. In the last decade, research efforts were directed to simplify the sampling of axillary lymph nodes, decreasing the morbidity, but respecting the oncological principles. In this sense, the sentinel lymph node biopsy was considered the most important advance. If we obtain a method to predict the axillary status, with the benefits of the standard approach - axillary dissection and sentinel lymph node biopsy - without its side effects and easily reproducible, we will hold a major advance in the assessment and treatment of early breast cancer. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cross-sectional study based on records of patients with invasive breast cancer, non metastatic, with any age, treated between 1999 and 2007 in the breast cancer Sector of the Gynecology Discilpine of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo and Private Clinic of Professor José Aristodemo Pinotti, whose histopathological studies were supervised by a single pathologist. We performed an immunohistochemical subdivision of the tumors, and considered luminal A tumors with positive hormonal receptors and negative HER 2, luminal B with positive hormonal receptors and positive HER 2, HER 2 patients with negative hormonal receptors and positive HER 2 and the triple-negative those with negative hormonal receptors and HER 2. Those subtypes were correlated with the clinical variables age and tumor size in predicting the likelihood of axillary lymph node involvement. RESULTS: Two hundred and nine cases were analyzed. In the luminal A, the possibility of axillary metastasis was higher in the younger patients and larger tumors. That was the only combination that showed statistically significant difference. The patients who had triplenegative tumors had approximately 90% less chance of lymph node metastasis than patients with tumors luminal A. CONCLUSIONS: The patients with luminal A tumors showed a significantly association with greater likelihood of axillary lymph node metastasis. The patients with triple negative tumors, age over 55 years or tumors smaller than 2 cm showed a lower likelihood of axillary lymph node metastasis

Análise transcriptômica em estruturas encefálicas de ratos jovens e idosos submetidos ao modelo de ligadura e perfuração cecal / Transcriptomic analysis of encephalic structures of young and aging rats submitted to the model of cecal ligation and puncture

Mike Yoshio Hamasaki 30 May 2018 (has links)
Dentre as manifestações clínicas observadas em pacientes sépticos, as disfunções neurológicas são, provavelmente, as de fisiopatologia mais obscura e pobremente explorada, o que consequentemente as torna de difícil entendimento e tratamento médico. Adicionalmente, estudos epidemiológicos indicam que a síndrome séptica é mais frequente e mais letal em pacientes idosos. Nesse contexto, este trabalho objetivou comparar os efeitos da sepse, induzida pelo modelo de ligadura e perfuração cecal, no encéfalo de ratos jovens e idosos por meio da análise da expressão gênica de larga escala (transcriptoma), a fim de averiguar como as alterações no padrão de expressão podem estar relacionadas a disfunções neurológicas. Os resultados deste estudo indicaram a diminuição da expressão dos genes Bcl-3, S100A8 e uridina fosforilase 1, bem como o aumento da expressão de Stefin A3, sendo tais efeitos característicos das manifestações comuns da sepse no sistema nervoso central, independentemente da idade dos animais; por outro lado, a diminuição da expressão do gene da haptoglobina foi observada apenas nos animais idosos com sepse. De forma geral, na comparação entre animais idosos e jovens, os resultados desta pesquisa apontaram que animais idosos apresentam uma quantidade menor de genes modificados pela sepse, o que sugere menor capacidade de ativar mecanismos neuroprotetores / Among the clinical manifestations observed in septic patients, the neurological dysfunctions are probably the most obscure and poorly explored pathophysiology, which consequently makes them difficult to understand and to treat. Additionally, epidemiological studies indicate that septic syndrome is more frequent and more lethal in elderly patients. In this context, this article is aimed at comparing the effects of sepsis, induced by the ligature model and cecal perforation, on the brain of young and elderly rats by means of the analysis of the large scale gene expression (transcriptome), in order to investigate how the changes in this expression may be related to neurological dysfunctions. The results of this study indicated decreased expression of the Bcl-3, S100A8 and uridine phosphorylase 1 genes, as well as increased expression of Stefin A3, these effects being characteristic of the common manifestations of central nervous system sepsis regardless of the age of the animals; on the other hand, decreased haptoglobin gene expression was observed only in the elderly animals with sepsis. In general, in the comparison between old and young animals, the results of this research indicated that elderly animals present a smaller amount of genes modified by sepsis, which suggests a smaller capacity to activate neuroprotective mechanisms

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