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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Substratinduzierte Differenzierung von Endothelzellen

Herklotz, Manuela 19 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Der Erfolg neuer Strategien in der Regenerativen Medizin und im Tissue Engineering hängt maßgeblich von einem gut entwickeltem vaskulären Netzwerk ab, welches die auf den Implantaten wachsenden Zellen und Gewebe versorgen. Oberflächeneigenschaften der Implantate sowie die Präsentation verschiedener Liganden für extrazelluläre Matrixproteine spielen bei der Besiedlung der Implantate, als auch bei der Bildung versorgender Blutgefäße durch die Endothelzellen eine wesentliche Rolle. In dieser Arbeit konnte durch Variation der Anbindungsstärke (kovalent oder physisorptiv) des extrazellulären Matrixproteins Fibronektins an die MSA-Copolymere der Einfluss des Aufbaus der extrazellulären Matrix auf das Differenzierungsverhalten der Endothelzellen gezeigt werden. Auch die initiale Konzentration von Adhäsionsproteinen an der Substratoberfläche zeigte sich bedeutend für das Verhalten der Zellen. Optimal für eine gute Adhäsion, native Entwicklung und Kapillarbildung der Endothelzellen war die stabile (kovalente) Anbindung weniger Adhäsionsproteine (hier Fibronektin) an die Substratoberfläche, so dass die Zellen problemlos adhärieren konnten. Erfolgte die weiter Proteinadsorption an die Oberflächen in einem nativen Zustand (hier auf den hydrophilen Oberflächen) so waren die Endothelzellen in der Lage, die extrazelluläre Matrix zu reorganisieren und ein dem in vivo Zustand ähnlicher Aufbau der extrazellulären Matrix konnte realisiert werden. Dies ermöglichte den Zellen wiederum ein natürliches Verhalten. Die Ausbildung einer moderaten Anzahl von Adhäsionsstellen der Zellen, sowie der in vivo ähnliche Aufbau der Adhäsionspunkte ermöglichte den Zellen einen eher lockeren Kontakt zum Substrat. Daher waren sie sehr flexibel in ihrer Morphologieanpassung. Unter diesen Bedingungen war es möglich, dass die Endothelzellen bei Stimulierung der Angiogenese kapillarähnliche Strukturen ausbildeten. Die Verwendung dreidimensionaler Zellkulturträger zeigte eine Unterstützung der Kapillarbildung der Endothelzellen in Abhängigkeit unter den beschrieben Bedingungen. / The success of tissue engineering strategies using artificial scaffolds crucially depends on a controlled formation of well-developed vascular networks in growing tissues. The presentation of extracellular matrix ligands on scaffolds is often envisioned as an appropriate strategy to support capillary formation. We show that the control of primary coupling mode — covalent versus physisorbed — as well as of secondary interactions of cell-secreted extracellular matrix proteins have a strong impact on endothelial cell development. A set of maleic anhydride copolymer thin films was used as planar model substrates. They exhibit a switchable mode of primary matrix coupling combined with a gradation of secondary matrix–substrate interactions due to a variation of surface hydrophobicity and polarity. We found that the cells adhere in a more native state at a low amount of covalent primary coupled fibronectin ligands in conjunction with weak interactions of secondarily adsorbed adhesion ligands on hydrophilic surfaces. These substrates allow for a formation of capillary-like networks of endothelial cells. High ligand densities and strong secondary hydrophobic interactions inhibit a pronounced capillary formation. The composition and structure of the formed extracellular matrix correlates well with the specific integrin expression pattern. From these results it is concluded that the formation of blood capillaries in artificial scaffolds can be triggered by controlling primary and secondary coupling of cell adhesion ligands to implant materials. 2

Analyzing Interactions Between Cells And Extracellular Matrix By Atomic Force Microscopy

Friedrichs, Jens 10 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Interactions of cells with the extracellular matrix (ECM) have important roles in various physiological and pathological processes, including tissue morphogenesis during embryonic development, wound healing and tumor invasion. Although most of the proteins involved in cell-ECM interactions have been identified, the underlying mechanisms and involved signaling pathways are incompletely understood. Here, atomic force microscope-based imaging and single-cell force measurements were used to characterize the interactions of different cell types with ECM proteins. The interplay between cells and ECM is complex. However, two interaction types, protein-protein and protein-carbohydrate, predominate. Integrins, adhesion receptors for ECM, mediate the former, galectins, a family of animal lectins, the latter. In the second chapter of this thesis, the contributions of both receptor families to the interactions of epithelial MDCK cells with ECM proteins are presented. It was found that galectins-3 and 9 are highly expressed in MDCK cells and required for optimal long-term adhesion (90 minutes) to ECM proteins collagen-I and laminin-111. Interestingly, early adhesion (< 2 minutes) to laminin-111, was integrin-independent and instead mediated by carbohydrate interactions and galectins. In contrast, early adhesion to collagen-I was exclusively mediated by integrins. Moreover, cells frequently entered an enhanced adhesion state, marked by a significant increase in the force required for cell detachment. Although adhesion was mediated by integrins, adhesion enhancement was especially observed in cells depleted for galectin-3. It was proposed that galectin-3 influences integrin-mediated adhesion complex formation by altering receptor clustering. To control their attachment to ECM proteins, cells regulate integrin receptors. One regulatory process is integrin crosstalk, where the binding of one type of integrin influences the activity of another type. In the third chapter, the implementation of a single-cell force spectroscopy assay to identify such crosstalks and gain insight into their mechanisms is described. In this assay the interactions of integrin receptors being specifically attached to one ligand are characterized in dependence of another ligand-bond receptor pair. With this assay a crosstalk between collagen-binding integrin α1β1 and fibronectin-binding integrin α5β1 was identified in HeLa cells. This crosstalk was directional from integrin α1β1 to integrin α5β1 and appeared to regulate integrin α5β1 by inducing its endocytosis. In the fourth and final chapter, mechanisms of matrix-induced cell alignment were studied by imaging cells on two-dimensional matrices assembled of highly aligned collagen fibrils. Integrin α2β1 was identified as the predominant receptor mediating cell polarization. Time-lapse AFM demonstrated that during alignment cells deform the matrix by reorienting individual collagen fibrils. Cells deformed the collagen matrix asymmetrically, revealing an anisotropy in matrix rigidity. When matrix rigidity was rendered uniform by chemical cross-linking or when the matrix was formed from collagen fibrils of reduced tensile strength, cell polarization did not occur. This suggested that both the high tensile strength and pliability of collagen fibrils contribute to the anisotropic rigidity of the matrix and lead to directional cellular traction and cell polarization. During alignment, cellular protrusions contacted the collagen matrix from below and above. This complex entanglement of cellular protrusions and collagen fibrils may further promote cell alignment by maximizing cellular traction. The work presented here adds to the understanding of cell-ECM interactions. Atomic force microscopy imaging allowed characterizing the behavior of cells on nanopatterned collagen matrices whereas single-cell force spectroscopy revealed insights into the regulation of cell adhesion by galectins. Furthermore, methodological advances in the single-cell force spectroscopy assay allowed the intracellular regulation of receptor molecules to be studied. The work demonstrates that atomic force microscopy is a versatile tool to study cell-ECM interactions.

Untersuchungen zur Wechselwirkung von Interleukin-10 mit Glykosaminoglykanen mittels NMR-Spektroskopie

Künze, Georg 12 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Das Zytokin Interleukin-10 (IL-10) ist ein Schlüsselspieler in der Regulation des Immunsystems mit pro- und anti-inflammatorischen Funktionen. Es spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Terminierung und Unterdrückung einer Entzündungsantwort, die ansonsten zu einer bleibenden Schädigung des Gewebes führen kann. Eine Dysregulation von IL-10 ist mit verschiedenen Krankheitsbildern wie chronischen Entzündungen, Autoimmunerkrankungen und Krebs assoziiert. IL-10 wird von einem breiten Spektrum von Zelltypen, darunter hauptsächlich hämatopoetische Zellen, aber auch epitheliale und mesenchymale Zellen, gebildet und in den extrazellulären Raum freigesetzt, wo es mit Komponenten der extrazellulären Matrix in Kontakt kommt. Es ist bekannt, dass IL-10 an Glykosaminoglykane (GAGs) binden kann und dass diese Interaktion seine biologische Aktivität beeinflusst. GAGs sind eine Klasse linearer Polysaccharide der extrazellulären Matrix. Sie bestehen aus wiederholenden Disaccharideinheiten und haben einen hoch negativ geladenen Charakter, welcher durch einen hohen Grad an Sulfatierung in der Zuckerkette zustandekommt. Sie binden eine Vielzahl an Signalproteinen und regulieren deren biologische Funktionen, etwa indem sie Einfluss auf die Rezeptorbindung oder die räumliche Verteilung des Proteins im Gewebe nehmen. Die molekularen Mechanismen, wodurch GAGs die biologische Aktivität von IL-10 beeinflussen, sind bisher unbekannt. Insbesondere ist nichts über die strukturellen Grundlagen der Interaktion bekannt, die Voraussetzung für ihr funktionelles Verständnis sind. In dieser Arbeit wurden daher die Bindungseigenschaften von IL-10 und GAGs sowie der strukturelle Aufbau ihres molekularen Komplexes unter Verwendung von NMR-Spektroskopie in Lösung charakterisiert. Es wurde eine definierte GAG-Bindungsstelle in IL-10 identifiziert und die Bindungsepitope und Bindungsaffinitäten von GAGs bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit weisen auf eine wichtige Rolle, die GAGs in der Biologie von IL-10 spielen können, hin – etwa für seine Speicherung im Gewebe oder für die IL-10-Rezeptorbindung.

Annexin A1 im chronischen Nierenversagen / Annexin A1 in chronic renal failure

Neymeyer, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
Die Expansion des renalen Tubulointerstitiums aufgrund einer Akkumulation zellulärer Bestandteile und extrazellulärer Matrix ist eine charakteristische Eigenschaft der chronischen Nierenerkrankung (CKD) und führt zu einer Progression der Erkrankung in Richtung eines terminalen Nierenversagens. Die Fibroblasten Proliferation und ihre Transformation hin zum sekretorischen Myofibroblasten-Phänotyp stellen hierbei Schlüsselereignisse dar. Signalprozesse, die zur Induktion der Myofibroblasten führen, werden aktiv beforscht um anti-fibrotische Therapieansätze zu identifizieren. Das anti-inflammatorische Protein Annexin A1 und sein Rezeptor Formyl-Peptid Rezeptor 2 (FPR2) wurden in verschiedenen Organsystemen mit der Regulation von Fibroblastenaktivität in Verbindung gebracht, jedoch wurden ihre Expression und Funktion bei renalen fibrotischen Erkrankungen bisher nicht untersucht. Ziel der aktuellen Studie war daher die Untersuchung der renalen Annexin A1- und FPR2-Expression in einem Tiermodell des chronischen Nierenversagens, sowie die Charakterisierung der funktionellen Rolle von Annexin A1 in der Regulation des Fibroblasten Phänotyps und ihrer Syntheseleistung. Dazu wurden neugeborene Sprague-Dawley Ratten in den ersten zwei Wochen ihres Lebens entweder mit Vehikel oder mit einem Angiotensin II Typ I Rezeptor Antagonisten behandelt und ohne weitere Intervention bis zu einem Alter von 11 Monaten (CKD Ratten) gehalten. Die Regulation und Lokalisation von Annexin A1 und FPR2 wurden mit Hilfe von Real-Time PCR und Immunhistochemie erfasst. Annexin A1- und FPR2-exprimierende Zellen wurden weiter durch Doppelimmunfluoreszenzfärbungen charakterisiert. Gefärbt wurde mit Antikörpern gegen endotheliale Zellen (rat endothelial cell antigen), Makrophagen (CD 68), Fibroblasten (CD73) und Myofibroblasten (alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-sma)). Zellkulturstudien wurden an immortalisierten renalen kortikalen Fibroblasten aus Wildtyp- und Annexin A1-defizienten Mäusen, sowie an etablierten humanen und murinen renalen Fibrolasten durchgeführt. Eine Überexpression von Annexin A1 wurde durch eine stabile Transfektion erreicht. Die Expression von Annexin A1, α-sma und Kollagen 1α1 wurde durch Real-Time PCR, Western Blot und Immuhistochemie erfasst. Die Sekretion des Annexin A1 Proteins wurde nach TCA-Fällung des Zellkulturüberstandes im Western Blot untersucht. Wie zu erwarten zeigten die CKD Ratten eine geringere Anzahl an Nephronen mit deutlicher glomerulären Hypertrophie. Der tubulointerstitielle Raum war durch fibrilläres Kollagen, aktivierte Fibroblasten und inflammatorische Zellen expandiert. Parallel dazu war die mRNA Expression von Annexin A1 und Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) signifikant erhöht. Die Annexin A1-Lokalisation mittels Doppelimmunfluorsezenz identifizierte eine große Anzahl von CD73-positiven kortikalen Fibroblasten und eine Subpopulation von Makrophagen als Annexin A1-positiv. Die Annexin A1-Menge in Myofibroblasten und renalen Endothelien war gering. FPR2 konnte in der Mehrzahl der renalen Fibroblasten, in Myofibroblasten, in einer Subpopulation von Makrophagen und in renalen Epithelzellen nachgewiesen werden. Eine Behandlung der murinen Fibroblasten mit dem pro-fibrotischen Zytokin TGF-β führte zu einem parallelen Anstieg der α-sma-, Kollagen 1α1- und Annexin A1-Biosynthese und zu einer gesteigerten Sekretion von Annexin A1. Eine Überexpression von Annexin A1 in murinen Fibroblasten reduzierte das Ausmaß der TGF-β induzierten α-sma- und Kollagen 1α1-Biosynthese. Fibroblasten aus Annexin A1-defizienten Mäusen zeigten einen starken Myofibroblasten-Phänotyp mit einer gesteigerten Expression an α-sma und Kollagen 1α1. Der Einsatz eines Peptidantagonisten des FPR2 (WRW4) resultierte in einer Stimulation der α-sma-Biosynthese, was die Vermutung nahe legte, dass Annexin A1 FPR2-vermittelt anti-fibrotische Effekte hat. Zusammenfassend zeigen diese Ergebnisse, dass renale kortikale Fibroblasten eine Hauptquelle des Annexin A1 im renalen Interstitium und einen Ansatzpunkt für Annexin A1-Signalwege in der Niere darstellen. Das Annexin A1/FPR2-System könnte daher eine wichtige Rolle in der Kontrolle des Fibroblasten Phänotyp und der Fibroblasten Aktivität spielen und daher einen neuen Ansatz für die anti-fibrotischen pharmakologischen Strategien in der Behandlung des CKD darstellen. / Expansion of the renal tubulointerstitium due to an accumulation of cellular constituents and extracellular matrix is a characteristic feature of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and leads to the progression towards renal failure. Fibroblast proliferation and transformation to the secretory myofibroblast phenotype present key events herein. The signaling process which leads to the generation of myofibroblasts is actively investigated to identify targets for antifibrotic therapeutic strategies. The antiinflammatory protein annexin A1 and its receptor formyl peptide receptor 2 (FPR2) have been implicated in the regulation of fibroblasts from various organs but the expression and function of the two products in renal fibrotic disease have not been elucidated so far. Aim of the present study was therefore to investigate the renal expression of annexin A1 and FPR2 in an animal model of chronic kidney disease and to characterize the role of annexin A1 in the regulation of fibroblast phenotype and synthetic activity. To this end, newborn Sprague-Dawley rats were treated either with vehicle or with an angiotensin II type I receptor antagonist during the first two weeks of their life and kept without further intervention until the age of 11 month (CKD rats). Regulation and localization of annexin A1 and FPR2 were studied using real-time PCR and immunohistochemistry. Annexin A1 and FPR2 expressing cells were further characterized by double labeling immunofluorescence with markers for endothelial cells (rat endothelial cell antigen), macrophages (CD68), fibroblasts (CD73), and myofibroblasts (alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-sma)). Cell culture studies were conducted in immortalized renal cortical fibroblast derived from wildtype and from annexin A1-deficient mice as well as in established cell lines of human and murine renal fibroblasts. Overexpression of annexin A1 was achieved by stable transfection. Expression of annexin A1, α-sma and collagen 1α1 was determined using real-time PCR, Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Secretion of annexin A1 was studied using trichloroacetic acid protein precipitation of cell culture supernatants and Western blotting. As expected, CKD rats had an overall lower number of nephrons with a marked glomerular hypertrophy. The tubulointerstitial space was expanded due to an accumulation of fibrillar collagens, activated fibroblasts and inflammatory cells. In parallel, mRNA expression for Annexin A1 and transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) was significantly increased. Double labeling immunofluorescence localization of annexin A1 demonstrated a high abundance in CD73 positive cortical interstitial fibroblasts and in a subset of CD68 immunoreactive macrophages. The abundance in myofibroblasts and renal endothelia was low. FPR2 was found in the majority of renal fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, a subset of macrophages, and in renal endothelial cells. Treatment of cultured murine fibroblasts with the profibrotic cytokine TGF-β resulted in a parallel induction of α-sma-, collagen 1α1- and annexin A1 biosynthesis. In addition, annexin A1 secretion was markedly increased. Overexpression of annexin A1 in murine fibroblasts reduced TGF β-induced α-sma- and collagen 1α1-biosynthesis. Fibroblasts derived from annexin A1-deficient mice showed a strong myofibroblast phenotype with increased expression of both, α-sma-, and collagen 1α1. Application of a peptide antagonist of FPR2 receptor (WRW4) caused a stimulation of α-sma biosynthesis thus suggesting a role of FPR2 in the antifibrotic effects of annexin A1. In conclusion, these results identify renal cortical interstitial fibroblasts as major source and as a target for annexin A1 signalling in the kidney. The annexin A1/FPR2 signalling system may therefore play an important role in the control of fibroblast phenotype and activity and may therefore provide a novel target for antifibrotic pharmacological strategies in the treatment of CKD.

Untersuchungen zur Wechselwirkung von Interleukin-10 mit Glykosaminoglykanen mittels NMR-Spektroskopie

Künze, Georg 04 August 2015 (has links)
Das Zytokin Interleukin-10 (IL-10) ist ein Schlüsselspieler in der Regulation des Immunsystems mit pro- und anti-inflammatorischen Funktionen. Es spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Terminierung und Unterdrückung einer Entzündungsantwort, die ansonsten zu einer bleibenden Schädigung des Gewebes führen kann. Eine Dysregulation von IL-10 ist mit verschiedenen Krankheitsbildern wie chronischen Entzündungen, Autoimmunerkrankungen und Krebs assoziiert. IL-10 wird von einem breiten Spektrum von Zelltypen, darunter hauptsächlich hämatopoetische Zellen, aber auch epitheliale und mesenchymale Zellen, gebildet und in den extrazellulären Raum freigesetzt, wo es mit Komponenten der extrazellulären Matrix in Kontakt kommt. Es ist bekannt, dass IL-10 an Glykosaminoglykane (GAGs) binden kann und dass diese Interaktion seine biologische Aktivität beeinflusst. GAGs sind eine Klasse linearer Polysaccharide der extrazellulären Matrix. Sie bestehen aus wiederholenden Disaccharideinheiten und haben einen hoch negativ geladenen Charakter, welcher durch einen hohen Grad an Sulfatierung in der Zuckerkette zustandekommt. Sie binden eine Vielzahl an Signalproteinen und regulieren deren biologische Funktionen, etwa indem sie Einfluss auf die Rezeptorbindung oder die räumliche Verteilung des Proteins im Gewebe nehmen. Die molekularen Mechanismen, wodurch GAGs die biologische Aktivität von IL-10 beeinflussen, sind bisher unbekannt. Insbesondere ist nichts über die strukturellen Grundlagen der Interaktion bekannt, die Voraussetzung für ihr funktionelles Verständnis sind. In dieser Arbeit wurden daher die Bindungseigenschaften von IL-10 und GAGs sowie der strukturelle Aufbau ihres molekularen Komplexes unter Verwendung von NMR-Spektroskopie in Lösung charakterisiert. Es wurde eine definierte GAG-Bindungsstelle in IL-10 identifiziert und die Bindungsepitope und Bindungsaffinitäten von GAGs bestimmt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit weisen auf eine wichtige Rolle, die GAGs in der Biologie von IL-10 spielen können, hin – etwa für seine Speicherung im Gewebe oder für die IL-10-Rezeptorbindung.

Analyzing Interactions Between Cells And Extracellular Matrix By Atomic Force Microscopy

Friedrichs, Jens 11 November 2009 (has links)
Interactions of cells with the extracellular matrix (ECM) have important roles in various physiological and pathological processes, including tissue morphogenesis during embryonic development, wound healing and tumor invasion. Although most of the proteins involved in cell-ECM interactions have been identified, the underlying mechanisms and involved signaling pathways are incompletely understood. Here, atomic force microscope-based imaging and single-cell force measurements were used to characterize the interactions of different cell types with ECM proteins. The interplay between cells and ECM is complex. However, two interaction types, protein-protein and protein-carbohydrate, predominate. Integrins, adhesion receptors for ECM, mediate the former, galectins, a family of animal lectins, the latter. In the second chapter of this thesis, the contributions of both receptor families to the interactions of epithelial MDCK cells with ECM proteins are presented. It was found that galectins-3 and 9 are highly expressed in MDCK cells and required for optimal long-term adhesion (90 minutes) to ECM proteins collagen-I and laminin-111. Interestingly, early adhesion (< 2 minutes) to laminin-111, was integrin-independent and instead mediated by carbohydrate interactions and galectins. In contrast, early adhesion to collagen-I was exclusively mediated by integrins. Moreover, cells frequently entered an enhanced adhesion state, marked by a significant increase in the force required for cell detachment. Although adhesion was mediated by integrins, adhesion enhancement was especially observed in cells depleted for galectin-3. It was proposed that galectin-3 influences integrin-mediated adhesion complex formation by altering receptor clustering. To control their attachment to ECM proteins, cells regulate integrin receptors. One regulatory process is integrin crosstalk, where the binding of one type of integrin influences the activity of another type. In the third chapter, the implementation of a single-cell force spectroscopy assay to identify such crosstalks and gain insight into their mechanisms is described. In this assay the interactions of integrin receptors being specifically attached to one ligand are characterized in dependence of another ligand-bond receptor pair. With this assay a crosstalk between collagen-binding integrin α1β1 and fibronectin-binding integrin α5β1 was identified in HeLa cells. This crosstalk was directional from integrin α1β1 to integrin α5β1 and appeared to regulate integrin α5β1 by inducing its endocytosis. In the fourth and final chapter, mechanisms of matrix-induced cell alignment were studied by imaging cells on two-dimensional matrices assembled of highly aligned collagen fibrils. Integrin α2β1 was identified as the predominant receptor mediating cell polarization. Time-lapse AFM demonstrated that during alignment cells deform the matrix by reorienting individual collagen fibrils. Cells deformed the collagen matrix asymmetrically, revealing an anisotropy in matrix rigidity. When matrix rigidity was rendered uniform by chemical cross-linking or when the matrix was formed from collagen fibrils of reduced tensile strength, cell polarization did not occur. This suggested that both the high tensile strength and pliability of collagen fibrils contribute to the anisotropic rigidity of the matrix and lead to directional cellular traction and cell polarization. During alignment, cellular protrusions contacted the collagen matrix from below and above. This complex entanglement of cellular protrusions and collagen fibrils may further promote cell alignment by maximizing cellular traction. The work presented here adds to the understanding of cell-ECM interactions. Atomic force microscopy imaging allowed characterizing the behavior of cells on nanopatterned collagen matrices whereas single-cell force spectroscopy revealed insights into the regulation of cell adhesion by galectins. Furthermore, methodological advances in the single-cell force spectroscopy assay allowed the intracellular regulation of receptor molecules to be studied. The work demonstrates that atomic force microscopy is a versatile tool to study cell-ECM interactions.

Aligned Fibrillar Collagen Matrices for Tissue Engineering

Lanfer, Babette 21 April 2010 (has links)
The desire for repair of tissue defects and injury is the major need prompting research into tissue engineering. Engineering of anisotropic tissues requires production of ordered substrates that orient cells preferentially and support cell viability and differentiation. Towards this goal, this thesis investigated methodologies to align extracellular matrix structures in vitro to guide stem/progenitor cell behaviour for tissue regeneration. Aligned collagen fibrils were deposited on planar substrates from collagen solutions streaming through a microfluidic channel system. Collagen solution concentration, degree of gelation, shear rate and pre-coating of the substrate were demonstrated to determine the orientation and density of the immobilized fibrils. The degree of collagen fibril orientation increased with increasing flow rates of the solution while the matrix density increased at higher collagen solution concentrations and on hydrophobic polymer pre-coatings. Additionally, the length of the immobilized collagen fibrils increased with increasing solution concentration and gelation time. Aligned collagen matrices were refined by incorporating the glycosaminoglycan heparin to study multiple extracellular matrix components in a single system. Multilineage (osteogenic/adipogenic/chondrogenic) differentiation of mesenchymal stem and progenitor cells was maintained by the aligned structures. Most noticeable was the observation that during osteogenesis, aligned collagen substrates choreographed ordered matrix mineralization. Likewise, myotube assembly of C2C12 cells was profoundly influenced by aligned topographic features resulting in enhanced myotube organization and length. Neurites from neural stem cells were highly oriented in the direction of the underlying fibrils. Neurite outgrowth was enhanced on aligned collagen compared to non-aligned collagen or poly-D-lysine substrates, while neural differentiation and cell survival were not influenced by the type of substrate. Using the new method to align collagen type I, the interior walls of cellulose hollow fiber membranes were coated with longitudinally aligned collagen fibrils to fabricate an advanced guidance conduit for nerve regeneration. First cell culture experiments showed that the tubes coated with aligned collagen supported viability and adherence of spinal cord-derived neurospheres. Together, these results demonstrate the feasibility of aligned collagen matrices as a versatile platform to control cell behaviour towards tissue regeneration. Ultimately, the new method to align collagen fibrils and to coat hollow membranes may become an integral component of tissue engineering, working synergistically with other emerging techniques to promote functional tissue replacements.

Substratinduzierte Differenzierung von Endothelzellen

Herklotz, Manuela 24 June 2008 (has links)
Der Erfolg neuer Strategien in der Regenerativen Medizin und im Tissue Engineering hängt maßgeblich von einem gut entwickeltem vaskulären Netzwerk ab, welches die auf den Implantaten wachsenden Zellen und Gewebe versorgen. Oberflächeneigenschaften der Implantate sowie die Präsentation verschiedener Liganden für extrazelluläre Matrixproteine spielen bei der Besiedlung der Implantate, als auch bei der Bildung versorgender Blutgefäße durch die Endothelzellen eine wesentliche Rolle. In dieser Arbeit konnte durch Variation der Anbindungsstärke (kovalent oder physisorptiv) des extrazellulären Matrixproteins Fibronektins an die MSA-Copolymere der Einfluss des Aufbaus der extrazellulären Matrix auf das Differenzierungsverhalten der Endothelzellen gezeigt werden. Auch die initiale Konzentration von Adhäsionsproteinen an der Substratoberfläche zeigte sich bedeutend für das Verhalten der Zellen. Optimal für eine gute Adhäsion, native Entwicklung und Kapillarbildung der Endothelzellen war die stabile (kovalente) Anbindung weniger Adhäsionsproteine (hier Fibronektin) an die Substratoberfläche, so dass die Zellen problemlos adhärieren konnten. Erfolgte die weiter Proteinadsorption an die Oberflächen in einem nativen Zustand (hier auf den hydrophilen Oberflächen) so waren die Endothelzellen in der Lage, die extrazelluläre Matrix zu reorganisieren und ein dem in vivo Zustand ähnlicher Aufbau der extrazellulären Matrix konnte realisiert werden. Dies ermöglichte den Zellen wiederum ein natürliches Verhalten. Die Ausbildung einer moderaten Anzahl von Adhäsionsstellen der Zellen, sowie der in vivo ähnliche Aufbau der Adhäsionspunkte ermöglichte den Zellen einen eher lockeren Kontakt zum Substrat. Daher waren sie sehr flexibel in ihrer Morphologieanpassung. Unter diesen Bedingungen war es möglich, dass die Endothelzellen bei Stimulierung der Angiogenese kapillarähnliche Strukturen ausbildeten. Die Verwendung dreidimensionaler Zellkulturträger zeigte eine Unterstützung der Kapillarbildung der Endothelzellen in Abhängigkeit unter den beschrieben Bedingungen. / The success of tissue engineering strategies using artificial scaffolds crucially depends on a controlled formation of well-developed vascular networks in growing tissues. The presentation of extracellular matrix ligands on scaffolds is often envisioned as an appropriate strategy to support capillary formation. We show that the control of primary coupling mode — covalent versus physisorbed — as well as of secondary interactions of cell-secreted extracellular matrix proteins have a strong impact on endothelial cell development. A set of maleic anhydride copolymer thin films was used as planar model substrates. They exhibit a switchable mode of primary matrix coupling combined with a gradation of secondary matrix–substrate interactions due to a variation of surface hydrophobicity and polarity. We found that the cells adhere in a more native state at a low amount of covalent primary coupled fibronectin ligands in conjunction with weak interactions of secondarily adsorbed adhesion ligands on hydrophilic surfaces. These substrates allow for a formation of capillary-like networks of endothelial cells. High ligand densities and strong secondary hydrophobic interactions inhibit a pronounced capillary formation. The composition and structure of the formed extracellular matrix correlates well with the specific integrin expression pattern. From these results it is concluded that the formation of blood capillaries in artificial scaffolds can be triggered by controlling primary and secondary coupling of cell adhesion ligands to implant materials. 2

Bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cell-derived extracellular matrix displays altered glycosaminoglycan structure and impaired functionality in Myelodysplastic Syndromes

Kaur Bains, Amanpreet, Behrens Wu, Lena, Rivière, Jennifer, Rother, Sandra, Magno, Valentina, Friedrich, Jens, Werner, Carsten, Bornhäuser, Martin, Götze, Katharina S., Cross, Michael, Platzbecker, Uwe, Wobus, Manja 22 February 2024 (has links)
Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) comprise a heterogeneous group of hematologic malignancies characterized by clonal hematopoiesis, one or more cytopenias such as anemia, neutropenia, or thrombocytopenia, abnormal cellular maturation, and a high risk of progression to acute myeloid leukemia. The bone marrow microenvironment (BMME) in general and mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) in particular contribute to both the initiation and progression of MDS. However, little is known about the role of MSC-derived extracellular matrix (ECM) in this context. Therefore, we performed a comparative analysis of in vitro deposited MSC-derived ECM of different MDS subtypes and healthy controls. Atomic force microscopy analyses demonstrated that MDS ECM was significantly thicker and more compliant than those from healthy MSCs. Scanning electron microscopy showed a dense meshwork of fibrillar bundles connected by numerous smaller structures that span the distance between fibers in MDS ECM. Glycosaminoglycan (GAG) structures were detectable at high abundance in MDS ECM as white, sponge-like arrays on top of the fibrillar network. Quantification by Blyscan assay confirmed these observations, with higher concentrations of sulfated GAGs in MDS ECM. Fluorescent lectin staining with wheat germ agglutinin and peanut agglutinin demonstrated increased deposition of N-acetyl-glucosamine GAGs (hyaluronan (HA) and heparan sulfate) in low risk (LR) MDS ECM. Differential expression of N-acetyl-galactosamine GAGs (chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate) was observed between LR- and high risk (HR)-MDS. Moreover, increased amounts of HA in the matrix of MSCs from LR-MDS patients were found to correlate with enhanced HA synthase 1 mRNA expression in these cells. Stimulation of mononuclear cells from healthy donors with low molecular weight HA resulted in an increased expression of various pro-inflammatory cytokines suggesting a contribution of the ECM to the inflammatory BMME typical of LR-MDS. CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) displayed an impaired differentiation potential after cultivation on MDS ECM and modified morphology accompanied by decreased integrin expression which mediate cell-matrix interaction. In summary, we provide evidence for structural alterations of the MSC-derived ECM in both LR- and HR-MDS. GAGs may play an important role in this remodeling processes during the malignant transformation which leads to the observed disturbance in the support of normal hematopoiesis.

Exogenous modulation of embryonic tissue and stem cells to form nephronal structures

Sebinger, David Daniel Raphael 04 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Renal tissue engineering and regenerative medicine represent a significant clinical objective because of the very limited prospect of cure after classical kidney treatment. Thus, approaches to isolate, manipulate and reintegrate structures or stimulating the selfregenerative potential of renal tissue are of special interest. Such new strategies go back to knowledge and further outcome of developmental biological research. An understanding of extracellular matrix (ECM) structure and composition forms thereby a particularly significant aspect in comprehending the complex dynamics of tissue regeneration. Consequently the reconstruction of these structures offers beneficial options for advanced cell and tissue culture technology and tissue engineering. In an effort to investigate the influence of natural extracellular structures and components on embryonic stem cell and renal embryonic tissue, methodologies which allow the easy application of exogenous signals on tissue in vitro on the one hand and the straight forward evaluation of decellularization methods on the other hand, were developed. Both systems can be used to investigate and modulate behaviour of biological systems and represent novel interesting tools for tissue engineering. The novel technique for culturing tissue in vitro allows the growing of embryonic renal explants in very low volumes of medium and optimized observability, which makes it predestined for testing additives. In particular, this novel culture set up provides an ideal opportunity to investigate renal development and structure formation. Further studies indicated that the set is universally applicable on all kinds of (embryonic) tissue. Following hereon, more than 20 different ECM components were tested for their impact on kidney development under 116 different culture conditions, including different concentrations and being either bound to the substrate or dissolved in the culture medium. This allowed to study the role of ECM constituents on renal structure formation. In ongoing projects, kidney rudiments are exposed to aligned matrix fibrils and hydrogels with first promising results. The insights gained thereof gave rise to a basis for the rational application of exogenous signals in regenerative kidney therapies. Additionally new strategies for decellularization of whole murine adult kidneys were explored by applying different chemical agents. The obtained whole matrices were analysed for their degree of decellularization and their residual content and composition. In a new straight forward approach, a dependency of ECM decellularization efficiency to the different agents used for decellularization could be shown. Moreover the capability of the ECM isolated from whole adult kidneys to direct stem cell differentiation towards renal cell linage phenotypes was proved. The data obtained within this thesis give an innovative impetus to the design of biomaterial scaffolds with defined and distinct properties, offering exciting options for tissue engineering and regenerative kidney therapies by exogenous cues.

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