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A lembrança da marca em propagandas com apelo sexual: um estudo em anúncios de mídia impressa com a utilização do eye-tracking / Brand recall in advertising with sex appeal: a research with press advertising using eye-trackingBruno Tomaselli Fidelis 18 September 2015 (has links)
Estudos comprovam que a lembrança de determinada marca é um componente essencial para a geração de seu valor. Na tentativa de atrair a atenção visual e, consequentemente, influenciar o processo de fixação da marca na memória do consumidor, profissionais de marketing utilizam, em seus anúncios, conteúdos com a presença de apelo sexual. Tais conteúdos sugerem, dentre outras formas, a exposição da nudez (total ou parcial) de modelos fisicamente atraentes. Neste contexto, a presente pesquisa tem como principal objetivo verificar se a presença de apelo sexual em anúncios de mídia impressa influencia a lembrança da marca sob a ótica do Neuromarketing. A disciplina do Neuromarketing pode ser definida como uma área de estudo que utiliza ferramentas de análises clínicas para entender melhor reações fisiológicas dos indivíduos e como tais reações afetam o comportamento do consumidor. A ferramenta utilizada na pesquisa foi o Eye-Tracking, que consiste em um aparelho que capta a movimentação dos olhos e registra os pontos de maior atenção visual. A pesquisa foi realizada em três etapas: inicialmente, foram escolhidos trinta anúncios reais de mídia impressa e, por meio de uma pesquisa com 96 participantes, foram selecionados seis anúncios com apelo sexual. Em seguida, 201 participantes assistiram, durante cinco segundos, seis anúncios diferentes. Destes 201 participantes, 100 deles assistiram os anúncios com a presença de apelo sexual e 101 participantes assistiram anúncios sem a presença de apelo. Nesta etapa, os registros da movimentação ocular foram captados pelo eye-tracking. No final do experimento, os participantes responderam um questionário em que, dentre outras informações, mencionaram quais marcas estavam contidas nos anúncios. O teste estatístico para provar se há diferenças entre os dois grupos, considerando os dados coletados, foi o teste de Mann Whitney Wilcoxon. Os resultados evidenciaram que não existe diferença estatisticamente significante entre a lembrança da marca e a presença ou não de apelo sexual no anúncio. Já no contexto do Neuromarketing, os resultados mostraram que os participantes fixaram mais o olhar na imagem com apelo sexual do que na imagem sem apelo sexual. Entretanto, no que diz respeito à fixação do olhar na logomarca do anúncio, não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes do tempo de fixação na logomarca dos anúncios com apelo sexual e sem apelo sexual / Studies show that the recall of a particular brand is essential for its value generation . In an attempt to attract visual attention and thus influence the process of fixing the brand in the consumer\'s memory, marketing professionals use, in their ads, content with the presence of sex appeal. Such content suggest, among other forms, the exhibition of nudity (partial or total) of physically attractive models. In this context, this research aims to verify if the presence of sex appeal in advertisements for print media influences brand recall from the perspective of Neuromarketing. The discipline of Neuromarketing can be defined as an area of study that uses clinical analysis tools to better understand physiological reactions of individuals and how such these reactions affect consumer behavior. The tool used in the research was the Eye-Tracking, which consists of a device that captures eye movements and records the points of greatest visual attention. The research was conducted in three stages: initially, were chosen thirty real print media ads and , through a survey with 96 participants, six ads with sex appeal were selected. Then two hundred and one participants watched, for five seconds, six different ads. Of these two hundred participants, 100 of them watched the ads with the presence of sex appeal and the 101 watched ads without the presence of appeal. At this stage, the records of eye movements were captured by the eye-tracking. At the end of the experiment, participants answered a questionnaire that, among other information, mentioned which brands were contained in the ads. The statistical test to prove whether there are differences between the two groups, considering the data collected, was the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test. The results showed that the presence of sex appeal in advertising has no influence in the consumer\'s ability to remember a brand. Under the Neuromarketing vision, the results showed that participants spend more time looking to the sex appeal image comparing with the non sex appeal image. Considering the fixation duration in the brand image, the results presented that there no statistical difference between sex appel and non sex appeal advertising
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Immersion visuelle tridimensionnelle haute performance par suivi du mouvement des yeux / 3D visual augmented immersion with eyes trackingAurat, David 30 May 2016 (has links)
Les simulateurs sont de plus en plus intégrés dans le milieu industriel car ils facilitent les processus de fabrication et de test des objets. Dans ces simulateurs, comme dans d’autres domaines d’application de la réalité virtuelle, des écrans stéréoscopiques sont utilisés afin de rapprocher la vision sur écran de la vision naturelle. Toutefois, l’ajout de la stéréoscopie pose des problèmes au niveau physiologique, comme le conflit vergence-accommodation. Ce conflit est une des causes majeures de fatigue visuelle en vision stéréoscopique.Dans une première partie nous allons nous intéresser aux différentes méthodes permettant de réduire les effets du conflit vergence-accommodation. Puis, nous proposerons, expérimenterons et validerons un nouveau traitement : l’ajout d’un flou en vision périphérique. Ce traitement nous a permis de réduire la fatigue visuelle. Nous avons de plus trouvé que plus la zone nette est petite, plus le traitement est efficace.La deuxième partie de ce manuscrit sera consacrée à l’amélioration de la perception des formes en vision stéréoscopique artificielle. L’apport principal sera la prise en compte du point de regard dans le processus de rendu afin de reproduire l’impact de la direction du regard sur la perception de l’environnement et ainsi améliorer la perception de l’environnement virtuel. Cela génère des parallaxes verticales en vision périphérique. Cette nouvelle méthode de rendu permet d’améliorer la perception des formes lorsque celles-ci sont proches de l’utilisateur. / Simulators are more and more used in industry because they help for making and testing objects. Like in other domains, simulators use stereoscopic screen to get closer natural vision and artificial vision. However, stereoscopy create some physiological problems like vergence-accommodation conflict. This conflict is one of the main cause of visual strain while viewing stereoscopic contents. In a first part, we will see some methods to reduce visual fatigue due to vergence-accommodation conflict. Then, we will propose, test and validate a new method: a blur in peripheral vision. This treatment reduce eye strain. In addition, we found out that the smaller the sharp area is, the more effective the treatment is. In the second part, we will focus on the shape perception in stereoscopic vision and how to improve it. The main contribution will be to take into account the user’s gaze point in the rendering process to reproduce the effect of the gaze direction in natural vision and improve the perception of the virtual environment. This camera convergence create deformations – called vertical parallaxes – on the screen in peripheral vision. This new method improve shape perception if objects are located close to the user.
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Blicken i fokus : En ögonrörelsestudie om alternativ fokusanvändningBrandberg, Oscar, Ljungberg, Thomas January 2018 (has links)
Syftet för den här studien är att ta reda på hur och till vilken grad filmskapare kan styra tittarens perception genom skärpeanvändning utan att tittaren upplever sig kontrollerad. Metoden för studien har varit att genomföra ett experiment med eye-tracking för att ta reda på studiens problemställning och om våra hypoteser stämmer överens med verkligheten. Problemet vi ser och vill ta reda på är att kamerans fokus är olik människans, och hur man som filmskapare kan utveckla användandet av fokus i bildproduktion. Resultatet är att skärpan har en tydlig roll i hur vi ser på rörliga bilder och att den kan styra tittaren till en viss grad. Vår slutsats är att man kan styra tittaren med hjälp av fokusförändringar, men att vi behöver gå vidare med studien för att till exempel söka svar på var gränsen går för att kunna leda tittarens uppmärksamhet genom alternativ skärpeanvändning; utan att få personen att känna sig styrd.
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Effet de l'organisation des informations visuelles et de l'expertise sur les stratégies d'exploration visuelle dans un paradigme multitâches / Impact of visual elements organisation and the expertise on visual's exploration strategy on multitask paradigmDusaucy, Valériane 16 December 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est de montrer que l’'expertise peut-être une solution aux baisses de performances observées dans un paradigme de multitâche. Beaucoup d'expériences sur l'expertise expliquent que les experts vont mobiliser leurs connaissances antérieurement acquises afin de réaliser une tâche (stratégie top-down). Au contraire des novices, qui vont explorer le matériel de manière plus exhaustive en partant uniquement de l’objectif de la tâche à réaliser (stratégie bottom-up). Nous avons réalisé trois études. La première porte sur les patterns visuels des experts du jeu WoW. Alors que les experts devaient mémoriser des éléments d’une vidéo (simple vs complexe) tout en écoutant une histoire, on observe que lorsque le matériel est simple, les experts mettent en place une stratégie top-down, au contraire lorsque la tâche est plus complexe ils vont retourner progressivement à une stratégie bottom-up. Les novices, quant à eux suivront une stratégie bottom-up tout le long de l’expérience. La saillance capturerait le regard des novices, au contraire des experts qui arriveraient à l'inhiber. Grâce à ces résultats, nous avons mis à jour une grille d’heuristiques ergonomique. Enfin, nous avons étudié les patterns visuels dans un environnement plus écologique comme la réservation de billets d’avion en ligne. Les résultats, tout comme ceux de la première expérience, montrent le même type de pattern visuel trouvé dans les recherches n’impliquant que l’expertise. Les experts dans un domaine seraient aussi experts en multitâche dans ce domaine. De plus, la dernière expérience montre que les experts, quelques soient la charge de travail, mettent en place des stratégies top-down. / The aim of this project is to show how expertise can be a solution to the decrease of the performance in a multitasking paradigm. A lot of experience on the expertise explain that these experts will use their knowledge previously learned to explore an interface (top-down strategy). Unlike novices, who will explore the material in a more exhaustive way based on the objective of the task to be achieved (bottom-up strategy).We have carried out three studies to answer this problem. We studied the visual patterns of the WoW game experts, while asking them to memorize elements of a video (simple vs complex) and listening a story . We observe ambivalence in the strategy of exploration. Effectively, when the material is simple, experts will use a top-down strategy, and progressively with the complexity of the task, they will return to a bottom-up strategy. The novices, meanwhile, will follow a bottom-up strategy throughout the experience. The study of the map of salience shows that the attention of the novices will be captured by this one. This is not the case for experts who will inhibit it and explore the most important information for the task. From these results, we have updated an usability heuristic grid. Finally, we have completed this research by studying visual patterns in a more ecological context as booking airline tickets online. The results, like those of the first experiment, show the same type of visual pattern found in research involving only expertise. Experts in one field would also be experts in multitasking in this field. Moreover, in the last research, we found experts use all long these top-down’ strategy even on the more complex condition.
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The effect of product familiarity on consumers' attention to online advertisements : An eye-tracking experiment.Trel, Marion January 2017 (has links)
Purpose - The purpose of this research was to study millennial consumers' attention to online advertisements published by streetwear companies on social media. The aim was to investigate differences between consumers' attention to familiar products and unfamiliar products. Three hypotheses were constructed to test whether product familiarity affects consumers´ attention to advertisements: H1: Consumers who are familiar with the products are more likely to look at them in advertisements than consumers who are unfamiliar with the products. H2: Consumers who are familiar with the products will spend more time looking at them in advertisements than consumers who are unfamiliar with the products. H3: Consumers who are familiar with the products will find them faster from advertisements than consumers who are unfamiliar with the products. Method - The study applied between-subjects design by dividing 40 participants in two matched groups based on their gender. Both groups had 10 male and 10 female participants. During the eye-tracking experiment, participants in Group 1 were shown three product photos for two seconds and three advertisements containing the same products for four seconds. Participants in Group 2 were only presented with three advertisements for four seconds. The results of the study are presented in two parts. Firstly, heatmaps give an illustrative overview of the findings and Statistical analysis presents the results of statistical tests. Chi-square test was performed to test the first hypothesis and independent-samples t-tests were performed to test the second and third hypotheses. Results - The results of the study show that people who were familiar with the products were more likely to look at them in advertisements than consumers who were unfamiliar with the products. Also, people who were familiar with the products spent more time looking at them compared to people who were unfamiliar with the products. However, previous exposure to products did not result in faster identification of the products from advertisements.
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Differential Diagnosis of Pan-Uveitis: Behçet’s DiseaseBlosser, Peter, Simon, Remil, Ridner, Courtney 05 April 2018 (has links)
This report describes the case of a 56-year-old man who presented with blurry vision, increased intraocular pressure, and conjunctival injection after posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation. Initially post-operative endophalmitis and foreign body inflammation were considered as differential diagnoses, but after further examination pan-uveitis was diagnosed. Uveitis is an ocular finding that may indicate several diseases, one of which is Behçet’s Disease. During the interview, the patient mentioned a history of apthous ulcers and genital ulcers which then lead to the clinical diagnosis of Behçet’s Disease. This report emphasizes that Behçet’s Disease is rare in Caucasians. Therefore, is frequently misdiagnosed in North America due to variable presentations and by not exploring the option when analyzing differential diagnoses. Early diagnosis and intervention will prevent the development of blindness and fatality due to complications of the disease.
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Autism, Alexithymia, and Anxious Apprehension: A Multimethod Investigation of Eye FixationStephenson, Kevin G. 01 July 2018 (has links)
Reduced eye fixation and deficits in emotion identification accuracy have been commonly reported in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (AS), but are not ubiquitous. There is growing evidence that emotion processing deficits may be better accounted for by comorbid alexithymia (i.e., difficulty understanding and describing one's emotional state), rather than AS symptoms per se. Another possible explanation is anxiety, which is often comorbid with AS; emotion processing difficulties, including attentional biases, have also been observed in anxiety disorders, suggesting that anxiety symptoms may also influence emotion processing within AS. The purpose of the current study was to test the role of dimensional symptoms of autism, anxious apprehension (AA), and alexithymia in mediating eye fixation across two different facial processing tasks with three adult samples: adults diagnosed with autism (AS; n = 30), adults with clinically-elevated anxiety without autism (HI-ANX; n = 29), and neurotypical adults without high anxiety (NT; n = 46). Experiment 1 involved participants completing an emotion identification task involving short video clips. Experiment 2 was a luminescence change detection task with an emotional-expression photo paired with a neutral-expression photo. Joy, anger, and fear video and photo stimuli were used. Dimensional, mixed-effects models showed that symptoms of autism, but not alexithymia, predicted lower eye fixation across two separate face processing tasks. There were no group differences or significant dimensional effects for accuracy. Anxious apprehension was negatively related to response time in Experiment 1 and positively related to eye fixation in Experiment 2. An attentional avoidance of negative emotions was observed in the NT and HI-ANX group, but not the AS group. The bias was most pronounced at lower levels of AS symptoms and higher levels of AA symptoms. The results provide some evidence for a possible anxiety-related subtype in AS, with participants endorsing high autism symptoms, but low anxious apprehension, demonstrating more classic emotion processing deficits of reduced eye fixation.
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Očné centrum Cornea / Cornea - Clinic of eyeChmulíková, Mária January 2018 (has links)
The subject of the master thesis is the design of an eye center. It’s a three-floored building, where in the first floor is designed eye optics, pharmacy and main entrance to the eye center. During the design of the building, emphasis is placed on people with reduced mobility and orientation, technical building solution, thermal technical solution, as well as the assessment of fire safety. On the second floor there is an eye clinic and an operating theatre. On the third floor there are designed an operating theatre, a conference room and offices. The two types of roofs are designed - a vegetation flat roof and a walkable flat roof.
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Influence de la complexité visuelle du packaging sur le comportement des consommateurs : effets médiateur de l’attention et modérateur de l’âge / Influence of product package visual complexity on consumer behavior : the mediating effect of attention and moderating effect of ageMinvielle, Morgane 03 July 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objectif d’étudier l’influence de la complexité visuelle du packaging, opérationnalisée par le nombre d’informations figurant sur le facing, sur les réactions des consommateurs et plus précisément sur l’attention consacrée au packaging et à la marque, sur l’attitude envers le produit et le choix du produit ainsi que sur la mémorisation. Les éventuels effets médiateur de l’attention portée au packaging et modérateur de l’âge sur ces relations ont également été investigués.Pour ce faire, une expérimentation eye-tracking regroupant les données de plus de cent participants a été réalisée. Cette expérimentation a mis en jeu quatre packagings dans chacune de quatre catégories de produits, chaque packaging présentant deux degrés de complexité visuelle : un packaging simple présentant quatre unités d’information en plus de la marque et de l’image et un packaging complexe présentant neuf unités d’information en plus de la marque et de l’image. Deux tâches ont, en outre, été effectuées par chaque participant : une tâche d’évaluation des produits, lors de laquelle les packagings étaient présentés un par un, et une tâche de choix, lors de laquelle les packagings étaient présentés ensemble sur un set de choix.Les résultats ont montré un effet positif de la complexité visuelle du packaging sur l’attention portée au packaging et un effet opposé, selon la tâche/modalité de présentation des packagings, sur l’attention à la marque. La complexité visuelle a également eu un effet positif sur l’attitude envers le produit et sur le choix du produit, l’effet positif sur le choix étant médiatisé par l’attention : les packagings complexes ont été évalués plus positivement que les packagings simples et ils ont également été davantage regardés, ce qui explique qu’ils ont été plus choisis. En ce qui concerne les mesures explicites de mémorisation, les résultats ont été plus divers. La complexité n’a pas eu d’effet sur la reconnaissance exacte des marques. En revanche, concernant les packagings, les résultats ont été non concordants entre les tâches/modalités de présentation des packagings. En tâche d’évaluation (packagings présentés un par un), une absence d’effet de la complexité a ainsi été constatée alors qu’en tâche de choix de produit (packagings présentés par quatre), un effet positif de la complexité sur la reconnaissance exacte des packagings, effet médiatisé par l’attention, et un effet positif de la complexité sur la fausse reconnaissance des packagings ont été constatés. Par ailleurs, de façon surprenante, dans une très large majorité des cas l’âge n’a pas eu d’effet sur l’attention portée, ni au packaging ni à la marque. Les résultats ont par contre confirmé l’effet négatif de l’âge sur les mesures explicites de mémorisation. / The goal of this research is to study the influence of product package visual complexity, operationalized as the number of information items displayed on the package front, upon consumers’ reactions, and more specifically attention devoted to the product package and to the brand, attitude toward the product, product choice and memorization. The possible mediating and moderating effects of attention devoted to the product package and consumers’ age will also be investigated.To achieve this aim, an eye-tracking experiment including data of more than a hundred participants was conducted. This experiment involved four product packages of four product categories, and two levels of visual complexity were designed for each product package: a simple package displaying four information items, in addition to the brand and the image, and a complex package displaying nine information items in addition to the brand and the image, were designed. Besides, two tasks were completed by each participant: a product evaluation task, during which product packages were presented one by one, and a choice task, during wich four product packages were presented at the same time on a choice set.The findings showed a positive effect of the package visual complexity upon attention devoted to the package, and an opposite effect, depending on the task/product presentation, upon attention devoted to the brand. Visual complexity was further found to have a positive effect upon attitude toward the product, and product choice, attention having a mediating effect on product choice: complex package fronts were preferred to simple package fronts, and they were also looked at more, and were therefore more chosen.Regarding explicit measures of memorization, results were mixed. Complexity had no impact upon accurate recognition of the brands. However, regarding product packages, results were once more inconsistent between the tasks/product presentations: no effect was found in the evaluation task (packages displayed one by one); and complexity had a positive effect –mediated by attention – upon accurate recognition of the package fronts, and a positive effect upon false recognition of the package fronts in the choice task (four packages displayed .at the same time). Surprinsingly, consumers’ age had no impact upon attention devoted to the package nor to the brand in most cases. The findings further confirm the negative effect of age upon explicit measures of memorization.
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The Art and Science of Data AnalysisDaita, Ananda Rohit 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis aims to utilize data analysis and predictive modeling techniques and apply them in different domains for gaining insights. The topics were chosen keeping the same in mind. Analysis of customer interests is a crucial factor in present marketing trends and hence we worked on twitter data which is a significant part of digital marketing. Neuroscience, especially psychological behavior, is an important research area. We chose eye tracking data based on which we differentiated human concentration while watching controllable (video game) videos and uncontrollable (sports) videos. Currently, cities are using data analysis for becoming smart cities. We worked on the City of Lewisville emergency services data and predicted the vehicle-accident-prone areas for development of precautionary measures in those areas.
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