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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Håller vindkraften vad den lovar?

Viotti, Olle January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how much of the estimated annual electric energy production from Swedish wind power that actually was produced, as well as the history of this agreement over time. The aim is to also examine if there are properties that have caused some group of wind power plants to produce more or less, compared to their estimated production. Operational data on wind turbines collected by the Swedish Energy Agency was analyzed. A survey was made among owners of wind power plants with a nominal power of at least 2 MW. Two different methods for normal year correction of production data were used and compared. The result shows that wind power plants in the data from the Swedish Energy Agency on average had a normal year corrected production that amounted to 87 % of their estimated production during the years 2008 - 2010. The agreement between estimated and actual downtime appears to have a strong correlation to the agreement between actual and estimated production in all parts of the study. The larger wind power plants and the power plants taken into operation during the last ten years tend to have a normal year corrected production closer to their estimated production.

Analysis of fault ride through disturbances in wind energy

Mishra, Navin January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Lokalproducerad el : Solceller och dess inverkan på distributionsnätet / Distributed Generation : Photovoltaic and its Effect on the DistributionNetwork

Wikström, Bengt-Anders January 2014 (has links)
Målet med denna rapport har varit att konstatera den inverkan en stor installerad effekt av lokalproducerad el kan ha på ett landsbygdsnät. Studien har dels baserats på timmätningar från kundernas elmätare men även av elkvalitémätare som monterats vid tre olika platser i det för studien givna transformatorområdet. De platser som valdes var vid transformatorn, i ett kabelskåp mellan de båda produktionsanläggningarna samt vid en kund som är i elnätets periferi. Fokus har lagts på att studera tillfällen när förbrukningen i nätet är mindre än produktionen och även överspänningar. Även om fokus lagts på dessa två fenomen finns en förteckning över andra effekter anslutning av lokalproducerad el kan ha på elnätet. En påtaglig skillnad kan uppvisas för effektflödena i elnätet. Som mest matas nästan 17kW upp på det överliggande elnätet under en tiominutersperiod. Den kund som är belägen längst bort från transformatorn upplever en spänningshöjning när solcellerna genererar el. En jämförelse gjordes vidare mellan två olika elkvalitémätare. Under tre veckors mätintervall uppgick skillnaden mellan dessa endast till 0,13 procent. Spänningsnivåerna hölls inom hela mätperioden inom de gränser som regleras av standarden SS-EN 50160 för samtliga tre mätpunkter.

Sojaprotein, oxiderad majsstärkelse, vetestärkelse & ärtstärkelse som additiv i träpellets : Effekter på pelletsens kvalitet, CO2ekv utsläpp & energianvändning

Olofsson, Jonny January 2017 (has links)
Currently, only 2.8% of total energy use in the world is renewable energy. As a climate target in 2020, the European Union has set a goal of increasing the renewable energy to 20%. Renewable energy includes biofuel such as pellets.   Pellets use has already increased significantly and several large production units have been built in recent years. To achieve a competitive pellet, production must be improved in terms of quality, environmental impact, and electricity consumption. Adding additives can improve pellets strength, reduce CO2eq emissions and reduce energy consumption.   The purpose is to investigate how different percentages of additive affect pellets to achieve a more sustainable and competitive biofuel.   In the quality analysis where sustainability and hardness were investigated, oxidized corn starch showed the best result where sustainability increased from 94.8% to 97.86%. The hardness varied greatly from pellets to pellets from the same sample. Since the hardness varied so widely, it was impossible to say which sample who had the highest hardness. On the other hand, it is concluded that the oxidized cornstarch samples received higher hardness than the zero sample.   In the environmental section, CO2equivalents for pellet production were investigated in Sweden, OECD member countries and non-OECD member countries in Europe. In Sweden and in OECD member countries, pellets production did not reduce the CO2eq emissions with any added additive. In non-OECD member countries, wheat starch was the best additive and reduced CO2eq emissions by 2.4%.   The energy consumption in the pellet press was also analyzed and the results showed that all additives reduced energy consumption. The best additive in this study was wheat starch, which reduced electricity consumption by 3.9%.

Semi-kontinuerlig samrötning av ensilerat våtmarksgräs och matavfall : En studie av metan utbyte

Leijen, Sebastian January 2017 (has links)
Världens ökande energibehov och önskan om att minimera konsekvenserna av klimatförändringen har gjort att flera miljömål tagits fram både på nationella och internationella nivåer. Mycket resurser läggs ner på att utveckla nuvarande förnyelsebara energikällor och hitta nya alternativ till de fossila bränslena. En förnyelsebar energiresurs är biogas. Biogas bildas vid nedbrytning av organiskt material och bildar koldioxid och energirik metangas.   Detta examensarbete har fokuserat på två områden, det första att undersöka metanproduktionen i en samrötningsprocess med ensilage av våtmarksgräs och substrat från Mosseruds biogasanläggning. Mosserud ligger några km väster om Karlskoga och idag behandlas i huvudsak insamlat matavfall, nötflytgödsel och vallgröda. Våtmarksgräset kommer från Brosjö området utanför Säffle. Under 2010-2014 ingick Brosjö i ett EU projekt som främjar mångfaldignatur och utsatta djurarter, vilket bland annat har gett ett ekonomisk stöd i att skörda gräset. Det skördade gräset har idag ingen användning, men skulle kunna passa i en rötprocess.    Det andra området var att jämföra resultaten med tidigare rapporter inom rötning samt användandet av våtmarksgräs. Arbetet av Neldorin (2015) där en studie om substratmixen vid Mosserud gjordes, låg som grund för hur biogasproduktionen ser ut på Mosseruds anläggning idag och jämfördes med metanproduktionen i denna studie. Den andra rapporten studerade våtmarksgräs som additiv i pellets. Där Henriksson (2016) hade fokus på energiåtgången av pelleteringen när våtmarksgräs från Brosjö användes.      Rötningsförsöken skedde på Karlstads universitet, där rötningen var en semi- kontinuerlig våt process med mesofila förhållanden. Där inmatning och uttag av gas gjordes en gång om dagen, vilket var samma uppställning som Neldorin (2015) använde. Försöket varade under 10 veckors tid och 2 olika substratblandningar användes; en med 30 % gräs 70 % matavfall och en med 15 % gräs 85 % matavfall. Resultatet gav att rötningen med substratblandningen 30 % gräs 70 % substrat från Mosserud var att föredra. Den specifika metanproduktionen var 0,300 och 0,350 Nm3/kg VS/dag, vilket var mindre än de värde som kommit fram från Mosserud 0,352 Nm3/kg VS/dag. Den totala produktionen av metangas kunde ökas mellan 1,5 - 2,6 % då mer substrat fanns tillgängligt.   Våtmarksgräset var bättre att använda till rötning än till pelletering då rötning kunde öka den totala metanproduktionen, medans pelleten som tillverkades inte uppfyllde kraven på hållfasthet, bulkdensitet och andel finfraktion. De problem som är kopplade till att använda gräs i rötning är slambildning i reaktortanken och processen stabilitet under en längre tid, då pH värdet sjönk av ansamling av VFA. / The worlds increasing need for energy and the desire to minimize the consequences of climate change have led to several environmental goals at both national and international levels. Many resources are spent on developing the current renewable energy sources and to find new alternatives. One of the renewable energy resources is biogas. Biogas is formed when organic matter is decomposed which forms carbon dioxide and energy rich methane gas.   This master's thesis has focused on two areas, the first to examine methane production in a co- digestion process with silage of wetlands grass and food waste from Mosserud biogas plant. Mosserud is located a couple of kilometers west of Karlskoga city. Today the plant mainly uses food waste, manure and ley crops. The wetland grass originates from an area outside of Säffle called Brosjö. In 2010-2014 the Brosjö area was a part of an EU project that promotes bio diversity and threaten animal species, which . Due to this project the harvesting of grass has been made easier and has no use today, but could fit in an anaerobic digestion process.   The second area was to compare the results with earlier reports on anaerobic digestion and the use of wetland grass. Neldorin (2015),vconducted a study of the substrate mix at Mosserud, whihc lays as a basis for biogas production from Mosserud today compared to the results of this study. The second report studied wetland grass as an additive in pellets. Where Henriksson (2016) had focus on energy consumptions during production of pellets when using wetland grass from Brosjö.   The laboratory study was made at Karlstad University, the study was a semi continuous wet anaerobic process with mesophilic conditions. Feeding and withdrawal of gas was made once a day, using the same lab line up as Neldorin (2015) did. The experiment lasted 10 weeks and 2 different substrate mixtures were used; one with 30% grass 70% food waste and one with 15% grass 85% food waste. The result showed that digestion with 30 % grass mix was preferred. The specific methane production was 0.300 and 0.350 Nm3 / kg VS / day, which was less than those obtained from Mosserud at 0,352 Nm3 / kg VS / day. The total production of methane gas could be increased between 1.5 - 2.6% as there was access to more substrates.   Wetland grass was better used for digestion than pelleting as it could increase the total methane production, while the pellets produced did not meet the requirements of strength, bulk density and fractional fineness. The problems associated with using grass in digestion are sludge formation in the reactor tank and process stability for a long time, when the pH value fell by the accumulation of VFA.

Engineered light controlled cell development for enhanced hydrogen production in Nostoc punctiforme ATCC 29133

Llavero Pasquina, Marcel January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to enhance heterocyst-based hydrogen production inNostoc punctiforme ATCC 29133. We envision to do so by finely regulatingthe ratio of heterocyst in order to optimize the filament energy balance. Wehereby report the development of an optogenetic synthetic switch basedon the native PcpeC promoter. The optogenetic switch featured a 24-folddynamic range when measuring reporter sfGFP fluorescence. Such a geneticgate was conceived to artificially drive the expression of hetR, the masterregulator of heterocyst development. We achieved to induce enhancedheterocyst differentiation in the presence of ammonia only by changing thechromatic properties of the light source. Thus, the natural cell developmentregulation was substituted by effectively introducing a full person-drivencontrol over the process.

Utvecklingspotential i gamla vattenkraftsstationer : Fallstudie av Långgölsmåla vattenkraftsstation

Vadman, Patric, Burén, Peter January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Får positiva attityder till vindkraft snurr på etableringen av nya vindkraftverk? : En kvantitativ analys av attityder till vindkraft.

Walan, Jonas January 2018 (has links)
När Sverige tacklar klimatutsläppen för att nå Parisavtalets mål är energisektorn och vindkraften en essentiell del i arbetet. Att veta vad som behövs för att utbyggnaden av vindkraft ska öka är därmed av stort intresse. I uppsatsen undersöks sambandet mellan attityder till utbyggnad av vindkraft i Sverige och etableringen av ny vindkraft. Undersökningen skedde genom att sammanställa en modell med variabler som rimligen har en påverkan på utbyggnaden av vindkraftverk och sedan utföra en regressionsanalys med paneldata på länsnivå för åren 2003 till 2016. Resultatet visar att det inte går att finna ett samband mellan större andel som vill satsa mer på vindkraft och effekten från vindkraftverk. Däremot finner studien andra variabler som korrelerar med effekten från vindkraftverk.

Solenergi En del i ett långsiktigt, hållbart byggande

Hulefors, Anna, Kokacka, Ebba January 2012 (has links)
The sun is essential to life on earth and no matter where you are, there is a constant need of energy. Nearly 800 000 years ago man learned for the first time to use fire in a controlled way. Since then, fire has given us the opportunity to inhabit places despite a cold climate. In Sweden the resident sector accounts for a major part of the total consumption of energy. In a time when environmental issues and greenhouse effects are increasing, we also see a future of rising energy prices. With this perspective, we have in this bachelor thesis in the Building Environment at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, in Stockholm decided to focus on the renewable energy source, solar energy. The energy from solar radiation is a free resource and does not have any negative effects upon the environment. Some of the work involves the design of a house where we have chosen to give the architecture a central part. House´s open floor plan with large window parties have influenced the design and some of the work aims to study to what extent the house energy need can be completed with the help of solar cells and solar energy. Solar collector makes use of solar radiation and serves to heat water for further heating of the house. The solar panels have a very poor energy efficiency during the winter months, which necessitates an additional energy source. A pellet boiler is a great addition to collectors because it provides a high efficiency at sustained combustion, which is the case during the winter months. In a theoretical comparison over a 25 yr. period, solar collectors together with a pellet boiler have been compared to district heating and geothermal heating. This comparison concluded that district heating is the most economically viable option for the heating of the projected building. Despite a higher cost for the combination of solar collectors and pellet boiler, this system has been chosen as primary heating system because of the negligible impact on the environment. Since the design of the house isn’t optimal for installation of solar collectors, they have been placed in vicinity of the house.

En policyanalys av en integrerad certifikatmarknad för förnyelsebar elektricitet i Europa

Persson, Mattias January 2007 (has links)
Validerat; 20101217 (root)

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