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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recherche de stratégies d'amélioration de l'efficience d'utilisation du phosphore chez la fève (Vicia faba L.) dans les conditions d'agriculture pluviale au Maroc/Research of strategies for improving phosphorus use efficiency in Vicia faba L. conducted in pluvial conditions in Morocco

Daoui, Khalid 19 June 2007 (has links)
L'orientation du choix des agriculteurs vers des variétés efficientes dans l'utilisation du P est une issue économique pour améliorer leur productivité. Dans cette optique, la variation génétique de l'efficience d'utilisation du phosphore (EUP) chez la fève a été étudiée au champ (sous conditions pluviales) et en pots sous conditions semi-contrôlées. Dans les essais au champ sur deux années et dans deux situations de disponibilité du P dans le sol (faible/optimale) la variation génétique de l'EUP a été significative. La première année, avec une teneur en P du sol de 11,35 mg P(Olsen)/kg sol (niveau optimal), la variété Defès à petites graines, produisant peu de paille, s'est révélée la plus efficiente dans l'utilisation de P. Alors que la seconde année, avec une teneur en P du sol de 5 mg P(Olsen) /kg sol) (niveau faible) la variété Karabiga à grosses graines a été la plus efficiente dans l'utilisation du P. L'EUP a été positivement corrélée à l'indice de récolte (IR) et à l'indice de récolte relatif au P (IRP). La réserve totale du P dans le grain a été positivement corrélée au poids moyen du grain à l'inverse de sa concentration en P. Dans les essais en pots on a trouvé que la grosseur du grain par son influence positive sur la biomasse (MSR) et le volume (VR) racinaires détermine la variation génétique de l'EUP. Les génotypes à grosses graines se sont révélés les plus efficients que ce soit dans l'utilisation du P du sol ou de celui apporté. L'EUP calculée sur la base de la biomasse à la floraison a été positivement corrélée au VR et à la MSR mais elle a été négativement corrélée au rapport matière sèche racinaire à la matière sèche aérienne (MSRMSA). Les génotypes à petites graines montrent une meilleure réponse à l'apport de P. L'apport du phosphore a amélioré la surface foliaire (SF), la production en biomasse à la floraison et à la maturité, la rétention des organes reproducteurs et le rendement grain. La SF et le rapport MSRMSA différencient entre génotypes tolérants/sensibles à la déficience phosphatée. Les génotypes sensibles ont une SF moins importante et un MSRMSA élevé comparativement aux génotypes tolérants. Sur cette base, l'évaluation d'un plus grand nombre de génotypes pour l'EUP est réalisable économiquement en pots mais devrait être complétée par des essais au champ sur un nombre restreint de génotypes. Selon la conduite culturale (pluviale ou irriguée) et l'utilisation du produit final, les agriculteurs peuvent se baser sur le choix du calibre de la semence de fève pour une meilleure EUP. Pour les améliorateurs, l'EUP chez la fève pourrait être augmentée par l'amélioration des indices IR et IRP / To improve productivity in an economical way, farmers need to choose varieties with a high Phosphorus (P) use efficiency. This study focuses on genetic variation of P use efficiency (PUE) on Vicia faba L, both in field (pluvial conditions) and in pots (semi-controlled conditions). Trials in field were occurred during two years and in two different situations of P availability in soil (low/optimal). The genetic variation of PUE was significant. The first year, in soil with optimal phosphorus content (11.35 mg P(Olsen)/kg soil) the variety Defès, with small seeds and producing few straw, was the more efficient in P use. Harvest index (HI) and phosphorus harvest index (PHI) were positively correlated with PUE. The second year, in soil with low phosphorus content (5 mg P(Olsen)/kg soil), the variety Karabiga, large seeds one, was the most efficient in P use. The total storage of P in seed is positively correlated with seed dry weight, even if its concentration decreases with seed dry weight. Pots trials showed the positive influence of seed size on dry matter (RDM) and volume (RV) of roots. By that way, seed size determines genetic variation of PUE. Large seeds genotypes are the most efficient, both in use of soil P and fertilizer P. There is a positive correlation between PUE based on above ground biomass production at flowering and root's characteristics (RDM, RV). Inversely, PUE is negatively correlated with root to shoot ratio (RDSDM). The P supply improved leaf area (LA), dry matter production at flowering and at maturity, retention of flowers, and seed yield. Genotypes tolerant/sensitive to P deficiency can be differentiated thanks to LA and RDSDM. Sensitive genotypes have a smaller LA and a higher RDSDM than tolerant ones. According to farmer's practices (pluvial or irrigated) and the use of the final product, farmers' choice can be based on the seed size of faba bean to achieve the best PUE. For breeders, improvement of HI and PHI indices would increase PUE on faba bean

Odolnost luskovin vůči vybraným virovým patogenům

Malíček, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is aimed at the most widespread virus pathogens on faba bean (Vicia faba). The first part deals with the most frequent viruses, but with faba bean management also. Faba bean plants were tested for occurrence of several viruses in experimental part. The most widespread was Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV), Pea seed-borne mosaic virus (PSbMV) and Pea enation mosaic virus ( PEMV) were determined, also.

Análisis de compuestos antioxidantes presentes en haba (Vicia faba L.) para su consumo hortícola

Agurto Arias, Eugenia Sthepanie January 2012 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título profesional de Ingeniero Agrónomo Mención Fitotecnia / Las enfermedades crónicas constituyen la primera causa de muerte en Chile y la evidencia actual demuestra que este tipo de patologías está asociada a daño de tipo oxidativo. Por ello, los compuestos antioxidantes han tomado un papel primordial en nuestra alimentación. El presente estudio se efectuó con el objeto de evaluar la composición y concentración de compuestos antioxidantes presentes en tres cultivares de haba (Vicia faba L.) para consumo hortícola y determinar, en función de la humedad del grano, la variación en la concentración y composición de estos compuestos en tres estados de humedad. Para ello, se realizó un ensayo entre Junio y Diciembre del año 2010 en la Estación Experimental Antumapu, el cual contó con nueve tratamientos, que contemplaron la evaluación de tres cultivares de habas (Luz de Otoño, Verde Bonita y Aguadulce) cosechadas en tres estados de madurez de los granos (medidos en función del porcentaje de humedad). Al alcanzar la humedad requerida en los granos, según el tratamiento, se evaluaron los sólidos solubles, color de la testa, taninos totales y fenoles de bajo peso molecular. Los resultados obtenidos fueron sometidos a un análisis de varianza (ANDEVA) y en aquellos casos en que se obtuvo diferencias significativas, se realizó una prueba de comparación múltiple de Tukey. De acuerdo a los principales resultados se puede señalar que el contenido de sólidos solubles aumentó a medida que disminuyó la humedad en los granos de los tres cultivares evaluados, obteniendo el cultivar Aguadulce (10,2 ºBrix) el mayor contenido durante el estado de menor humedad. Respecto a los parámetros de color a*, b*, C* y hº en los cultivares Verde Bonita y Aguadulce no presentaron cambios a medida que disminuyó la humedad, en cambio en el cultivar Luz de Otoño los granos se volvieron menos verdes y más opacos. La concentración de taninos totales fue diferente para cada cultivar y cada estado de humedad del grano, destacándose el cultivar Verde Bonita entre los 74-65% de humedad que presentó la mayor concentración en mg L-1 de (-)-epicatequina. Los tres cultivares de haba evaluados presentaron compuestos fenólicos de bajo peso molecular, existiendo diferencias entre cultivares solo a nivel de concentración, dado que la composición fue la misma. Además se observó un descenso de estos compuestos a medida que disminuyó la humedad de los granos. / Chronic diseases are the main cause of death in Chile, and the actual evidence shows that this type of pathologies are associated with oxidative damage, for this reason the antioxidant compounds have an important role in our diet. This study was performed with the purpose to evaluate the composition and concentration of antioxidant compounds presents in three cultivars of Faba bean (Vicia faba L.), “Luz de Otoño”, “Aguadulce” y “Verde Bonita” for horticultural consumption, and to determine, depending on the moisture of the grain, the variation in concentration and composition of low molecular weight phenols and tannins, for three maturity stages. The assay was conducted between June and December of 2010 in “Antumapu” Experimental Station, which consisted of nine treatments, that contemplated the evaluation of three cultivars of beans harvested in three stages of maturity of the grains (measured depending on the percentage of moisture). When required moisture level in grains was reached, according to the treatment, soluble solids, color of the grain, total tannins and low molecular weight phenols were evaluated. Results were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Tukey’s multiple range test was used to establish differences among treatments. It is possible to indicate that the soluble solids content increases as the moisture level in grains decreases in the three cultivars evaluated and the cultivar “Aguadulce” obtained the highest content (10.2 ºBrix), in the state of lower moisture. The color parameters a*, b*, C* and hº in cultivars “Verde Bonita” and “Aguadulce” had no change as moisture level decreased, whereas in “Luz de Otoño” grains became less green and more opaque. Total concentration of tannins was different for each cultivar and each grain moisture level, highlighting “Verde Bonita” between 74-65% humidity, which presented the highest concentration of (-)-epicatechin expressed in mg L-1. The three faba bean cultivars evaluated presented low molecular weight phenolic compounds, showing differences between cultivars only in terms of concentration, and not in composition. A decrease of these compounds was observed as grain moisture decreased.

Integrating Faba Bean (Vicia faba Roth) into Cropping Systems as a Cover Crop, Intercrop, and Late-Season Forage Compared with Other Legume Cover Crops in the Upper Midwest

Andersen, Bryce James January 2019 (has links)
Faba bean (Vicia faba Roth) is grown worldwide as a protein source for food, used for animal feed, and is a common cover crop in Europe, but is underutilized in Midwest farming systems. Faba bean, field pea (Pisum sativum L.), and forage pea were evaluated for biomass and chemical composition when sown after wheat. Faba bean, forage pea, balansa clover (Trifolium michelanium Savi), red clover (T. pratense L.), and rye (Secale cereale L.) were evaluated similarly when intersown into maize. Cover crops after wheat had no significant biomass differences, averaging 1210 kg ha-1, enough to support 1.5 animal unit month (AUM) ha-1 for a 450 kg cow with calf. Rye yielded the greatest (374 kg ha-1) of the intercrops with faba bean averaging similarly and other intercrops averaging significantly less. Intercrops did not affect maize yield. Faba bean has similar potential as other commonly used cover crops in the Midwest.

Vicia faba root development: a partial analysis with 5-aminouracil

Rudolph, John 09 1900 (has links)
<p> Experiments described in this study were carried out 1n order to (a) extend previous studies on the analysis of the response to 5-aminoura.cil to small primordia and primary roots of Vicia faba and (b) to determine whether treatment with deoxynucleos1des would alter the cell's response to 5-aminouracil , either in DNA synthesis or at the S -G2 transition block. </p> <p> The present study reveals that the population heterogeneity, which was found to exist in lateral roots, just emerged roots, very large primordia, and large primordia, is also present in primary roots and small primordia: also, that the ratio of fast cycling cells to slow cycling cells remains constant throughout root development. </p> <p> All root meristems of V. faba exhibited the same general pattern of recovery after exposure to 5-aminouracil, i.e. the initial drop in mitotic index was followed by an increase to a value above controls. Variations between the different developmental stages were seen in (a) the time of onset of recovery, (b) the time of the appearance of the peak of mitoses, and (c) the degree of synchronization of recovery. </p> <p> Data from post-5-aminouracil nucleoside treatments revealed that the nucleosides were unable to produce a reversal of the 5-aminouracil-induced block at the S -G2 transition, but were able to increase the rate of DNA synthesis and thus alter one of the effects of 5-aminouracil on cell cycle kinetics. </p> / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Diversité fonctionnelle des rhizobia associés à la féverole en agro-écosystème Sud de France / Functional diversity of Faba-bean associated rhizobia in agro-ecosystem of South of France

Domergue, Odile 19 December 2017 (has links)
L’aptitude des symbioses rhizobium-légumineuses à fixer l’azote atmosphérique, peut offrir d’importants services aux agro-écosystèmes. Cependant, associés à des contraintes biotiques (i) absence et/ou (ii) inefficacité symbiotique des rhizobiums du sol, des facteurs abiotiques (i) excès d’intrants azotés et/ou (ii) carences en phosphore (P) peuvent limiter la fixation symbiotique d’azote (FSN). Le Myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (phytate), principale composante de P organique (Po) du sol, représente une potentielle source de P disponible du sol, bio-disponible pour la plante, en lien à des activités phytases microbiennes, minéralisatrices du phytate. Afin de rechercher des rhizobiums, symbiontes de Vicia faba, efficaces dans l’utilisation du P (EUP) pour la FSN, nous avons réalisé un diagnostic nodulaire multilocalisé, en agro-écosystèmes sud de France. Le niveau d’efficacité d’utilisation de la symbiose rhizobienne (EUSR), en intra- et inter-placettes agricoles et en conditions hydroaéroponiques en serre, a été déterminé en corrélation des biomasses aériennes et nodulaires de plants de V. faba, à floraison. Parmi 59 isolats de V. faba, 26 sont aptes à minéraliser le phytate (Phy +), en milieu solide et six d'entre eux confirment une activité phytase, en culture liquide. L’intérêt d’une sélection de rhizobiums locaux aptes à une EUP pour FSN, nous a conduits à une avancée dans la sélection de marqueurs moléculaires phytases pour le criblage d’isolats rhizobiens Phy+. Mots ClésRhizobium, diversité, phytase, féverole, Vicia faba, nodulation, France-sud, agro-écosystème. / The ability of rhizobium-legume symbiosis to fix atmospheric nitrogen can provide important services to agro-ecosystems. However, associated with biotic constraints (i) missing and/or (ii) phosphorus (P) deficiency, can limit symbiotic nitrogen fixation (SNF). Myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (phytate), the main soil organic P (Po) component, represents a potential source of soil P available for plant P bio-availability, connected with microbial phytate-mineralizing activities. In order to look for rhizobium-Vicia faba, in P use efficiency (PUE) for SNF ability, nodular diagnosis was performed from a multi-location survey in an agro-ecosystem in South France. The efficiency in use of rhizobial symbiosis (EURS) was deduced from V. faba nodule and shoot dry weight values at flowering state, and compared in intra- and inter agricultural fields and in greenhouse hydroaeroponic conditions. Among 59 V. faba isolates, 26 were able to mineralize phytate (Phy+) in solid medium and six of them confirmed phytase activity in liquid culture. Looking for local rhizobiums with PUE for SNF ability, led us to a forward step in molecular marker selection for Phy+ rhizobium isolate screening. KeywordsRhizobium, diversity, phytase, faba-bean, Vicia faba, nodulation, South-France, agro-ecosystem.


2015 May 1900 (has links)
The overarching goal of this research was to investigate the differences in the physicochemical and functional properties of protein isolates produced from seven different faba bean genotypes (CDC Fatima, Taboar, SSNS-1, FB9-4, FB18-20, Snowbird and CDC Snowdrop) grown at different locations in Canada (Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba) in 2011 and 2012. The protein isolates were prepared by alkaline extraction (pH 9.5) followed by isoelectric precipitation at pH 4.5. The isolates had an average protein content of ~94% and average protein and isolate yields of ~77% and ~25%, respectively. The physicochemical properties assessed in this study included surface charge/zeta potential (ZP), surface hydrophobicity (SH), and surface and interfacial tension (ST and IT). The functional properties tested included foaming capacity (FC) and foam stability (FS), emulsion capacity (EC) and creaming stability (CS), emulsion activity index (EAI) and emulsion stability index (ESI), oil holding capacity (OHC), and protein solubility. The findings indicated that all physicochemical properties for all isolates were independent of genotype. Overall, an average ZP of + 22.1 mV, SH of 47.2 arbitrary units, and ST and IT of 65.0 mN/m and 10.7 mN/m, respectively, were observed. However, with the exception of ZP considerable differences were observed due to the effect of environment. The ratio of the major globulin protein fractions [legumin:vicilin (L/V)] was found to shift during processing, from 3.8 (range: 3.4-4.6) in the flour to 4.5 (range 4.0-4.9) in the isolates. The L/V ratio for faba bean flour and isolate samples was also found to be independent of genotype. For all genotypes, with the exception of the zero-tannin varieties (Snowbird and CDC Snowdrop), the L/V ratio was affected by the environment. Similar to the physicochemical properties, all functional attributes were found to be independent of genotype. However, environmental effects were observed for all functional properties with the exception of EAI and ESI. Average values for FC of 162.0%, for FS of 65.0%, for EC of 184.0 g/g, for CS of 94.0%, for OHC of 5.7 g/g, for EAI of 13.0 m2/g, for ESI of 10.7 min and for solubility of 81.0% were reported. Zeta potential was observed to be positively correlated with CS (r = 0.46; p<0.05) and FS (r = 0.54; p<0.01), whereas SH and L/V ratio were not. The L/V ratio in the isolate, however, was correlated positively with SH (r = 0.40; p<0.05) and negatively with ZP (r = -0.39; p<0.05). Moreover, the solubility of faba bean isolates was found to be positively correlated with ZP (r = 0.44; p<0.05) and negatively correlated with both IT (r = -0.38; p<0.05) and OHC (r = -0.38; p<0.05). The functional properties of some commercial protein isolates (soy, pea, whey, egg and wheat) were evaluated for comparative purposes. The OHC of the faba bean isolate was found to be higher than that of any of the commercial isolates. With the exception of CS (soy and pea) and FC (egg), all of the emulsifying (EC, EAI and ESI) and foaming (FC and FS) properties of the faba bean protein isolates were comparable to those of soy, pea and egg isolates. In contrast, values for most of the other functional properties were greater for faba bean isolates than for the pea and wheat isolates, but lower than for the whey isolate. For example, the solubility of the protein isolates was observed to decrease in the following order: whey (89.0%) = egg (88.1%) > faba bean (81.0%) > soybean (30.5%) > pea (20.1%) > wheat (10.7%).

Ureide accumulation in faba bean (Vicia faba, L.)

2014 August 1900 (has links)
Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is a cool season crop that uses symbiotic biological nitrogen fixation to obtain atmospheric nitrogen (N), a limiting macronutrient, for growth and maintenance of the plant. Most cool season legumes like faba bean transport N from the nodules as amides, which are metabolized in destination tissues. Ureide metabolism is a catabolic process that produces N rich compounds from purine rings. Many warm season legumes such as soybean and common bean produce ureides (allantoin and allantoate) in their root nodules and then use these molecules to transport fixed nitrogen from root to shoot. Non-ureide exporting plants such as faba bean also produce ureides in normal purine recycling whereby these compounds may play a role in response to abiotic stress. This research aims to examine possible differences in ureide metabolism across genotypes and to assess the role of ureides in response to water limitation. In field grown faba bean, total ureides were found in highest concentrations in leaf tissue, followed by reproductive parts, stems, and nodules, but were not found to differ significantly among genotypes. Ureide concentrations varied throughout the growing season, decreasing over time as the plants reached physiological maturity. A water limitation experiment of faba bean grown in a controlled environment showed that faba bean accumulated the ureides allantoin and allantoate after six to eight days of water limitation when all data were pooled. However, no consistent trend was observed comparing results by genotype, and inoculated versus non-inoculated plants. Overall, results indicate that faba bean likely does not use ureides to transport symbiotically fixed N and that ureide accumulation in field grown plants is most likely in response to abiotic stress or remobilization of purine N from senescing tissues.

Efecto de la densidad de plantas sobre el rendimiento y los componentes de rendimiento en haba hortícola / Effect of plant density on yield and yield components in horticultural faba bean

Benavides Salinas, Stephan Inés January 2016 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título profesional de: Ingeniera Agrónoma / El cultivo de haba (Vicia faba L.) en Chile se limita al uso de cultivares de hábito de crecimiento indeterminado, existiendo una gran desuniformidad en la madurez de vainas y granos. La introducción de cultivares de hábito de crecimiento determinado al país, con el fin de concentrar la cosecha de vainas y granos, y permitir la recolección mecánica de las mismas, debe ir acompañada de cambios en el manejo agronómico del cultivo, entre ellos, la densidad de plantas. Para ello se realizó un ensayo en el campo experimental Antumapu, Región Metropolitana, donde se evaluó el efecto de la densidad sobre el rendimiento de vainas y granos, y la calidad de las vainas producidas (largo y ancho). Además, se evaluó si la densidad incidió sobre la altura de planta, número de ramas totales, productivas e improductivas por planta y la altura de inserción de la primera vaina comercial. El ensayo se estableció bajo un diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar con estructura factorial de tratamientos, utilizando 3 cultivares (2 determinados y 1 indeterminado) y 3 densidades (16, 25 y 50 plantas m-2).

Efecto de la inoculación con Rhizobium sobre el rendimiento de dos cultivares de haba (Vicia faba L.) de crecimiento determinado, establecidos en dos fechas de siembra / Effect of Rhizobium inoculation on the yield of two cultivars of broad bean (Vicia faba L.) with determinate growth, established two sowing dates

Sotomayor Sepúlveda, Paloma Andrea January 2013 (has links)
Memoria para optar al Título Profesional de: Ingeniera Agrónoma. Mención: Fitotecnia / En haba (Vicia faba L.) los requerimientos de nitrógeno pueden ser cubiertos, en parte, por la fijación biológica a través de la bacteria Rhizobium leguminosarum sv. viceae. La cantidad de nitrógeno fijado está determinada, entre otros factores, por el contenido de nitrógeno disponible en el suelo y las condiciones en las cuales está creciendo el cultivo, puesto que frente a cualquier estrés se reduce la fijación. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la fertilización nitrogenada e inoculación con Rhizobium, sobre el crecimiento y rendimiento de dos cultivares de haba de crecimiento determinado, establecidos en dos fechas de siembra. Para ello, en la localidad de Talagante se realizaron dos ensayos independientes (uno para cada fecha de siembra), cada fecha de siembra contó con seis tratamientos con arreglo factorial, los cuales correspondieron a la evaluación de los cultivares Retaca y Verde Bonita, cuyas plantas presentan hábito de crecimiento determinado, y tres fuentes de nitrógeno: inoculación de las semillas, aplicación de nitrógeno y un testigo sin inocular y sin nitrógeno. Los tratamientos se dispusieron en un diseño de bloques completos al azar, y cinco repeticiones. En cada fecha de siembra se midió el crecimiento, desarrollo de la planta, nodulación y se cuantificó el rendimiento y sus componentes. En las variables de crecimiento evaluadas no se observó efecto de las fuentes de nitrógeno utilizadas, sin embargo a nivel de cultivar, Verde Bonita logra la mayor producción de materia seca. En cuanto a la nodulación los tratamientos con aplicación de nitrógeno obtienen el menor peso seco de los nódulos. El rendimiento no presentó diferencias con las fuentes de nitrógeno, sin embargo a nivel de cultivar, este se ve afectado por la fecha de siembra, siendo Verde Bonita en la primera fecha, con las tres fuentes de nitrógeno donde se obtienen los mejores rendimientos de vainas y Retaca en la segunda fecha, con las tres fuentes de nitrógeno, donde los rendimientos de granos son los más bajos. Además Retaca mantiene sus rendimientos en granos y vainas al atrasar la fecha de siembra, sin embargo Verde Bonita los disminuye. / On broad bean (Vicia faba L.) nitrogen requirements can be covered in part by the biological fixation by the bacterium Rhizobium leguminosarum sv. viceae. The amount of fixed nitrogen is determined, among other factors, by the nitrogen content available in the soil and the conditions under which the crop is growing, as against any attachment stress is reduced. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of nitrogen fertilization and Rhizobium inoculation on growth and yield of two cultivars of determinate growth had established in two sowing dates. For this, in the locality of Talagante, there were two independent trials (one for each planting date), each planting date had factorial arrangement of six treatments, which corresponded to the evaluation of cultivars “Retaca” y “Verde Bonita”, whose plants exhibit determinate growth habit, and three nitrogen sources: seed inoculation, nitrogen application and control without inoculated and without nitrogen. Treatments were arranged in a design of randomized complete blocks, and five replications. In each planting date was measured growth, plant development, nodulation and quantified the yield and its components. In the growth variables evaluated no effect was seen of nitrogen sources used, however cultivar level, “Verde Bonita” produced the greatest dry matter production. Regarding the treatments nodulation nitrogen application get the lowest dry weight of the nodules. The yield did not differ with nitrogen sources, however cultivar level, this is affected by planting date, with “Verde Bonita” on the first date, with the three nitrogen sources where we get the best yields of pods and “Retaca” on the second date, with the three nitrogen sources, where grain yields are the lowest. Furthermore “Retaca” maintains its grain and pod yields by delaying the planting date, however the decreases “Verde Bonita”.

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