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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Validade fatorial do Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) em uma amostra brasileira de auxiliares de enfermagem de um hospital universitário: influência da depressão / Factorial validity of the Maslach Burnout inventory - human services survey (MBI-HSS) among Brazilian nurse assistants of a university hospital: the influence of depression

Trigo, Telma Ramos 18 February 2011 (has links)
A Síndrome de Burnout entre os profissionais da área da saúde vem sendo estudada em vários países e sua associação com transtornos depressivos tem sido relatada por vários estudos. Os resultados indicam validade para o burnout, diferenciando-o da depressão e por outro lado, associação dos índices de burnout e a sintomatologia depressiva. O Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Service Survey (MBI-HSS) é o instrumento mais utilizado para avaliar o burnout. A estrutura de três fatores do MBI tem sido confirmada em várias amostras de diversos países. Entretanto, não encontramos estudos investigando a influência da depressão nas características psicométricas do MBI-HSS. Portanto, neste estudo, investigamos a validade do MBI-HSS em uma amostra de 521 auxiliares de enfermagem de um hospital universitário utilizando a análise fatorial exploratória, análise fatorial confirmatória e consistência interna pelo alfa de Cronbach. A amostra total foi dividida em um grupo com depressão maior e outro sem depressão maior. Tanto a amostra total, quanto as subamostras apresentaram elevados valores de alfa de Cronbach para a subescala de esgotamento emocional e valores intermediários para as subescalas de realização pessoal e de despersonalização. A análise do gráfico Scree plot, diferente da análise fatorial exploratória sem fixar os fatores, indicou a solução de três fatores, como na versão original da MBI-HSS. Fixando-se em três fatores, a análise fatorial exploratória revelou maior carga fatorial em Esgotamento Emocional (EE) de dois itens de Despersonalização (DE) na subamostra com depressão maior, mas não na subamostra sem depressão maior. Diferentemente, os itens 6 e 16 de EE apresentaram maior carga fatorial em DE na subamostra sem depressão mas não a amostra com depressão. Nossos resultados indicam que a presença de depressão maior pode influenciar as propriedades psicométricas da MBI-HSS. Sugerimos que pesquisadores considerem a avaliação da validade da MBI-HSS na amostra em questão anteriormente ao uso do MBI-HSS, incluindo a avaliação dos indivíduos com e sem depressão separadamente. / The burnout syndrome among health professionals has been studied in several countries and its association with depressive disorders have been reported by several studies. The results indicate validity for burnout, differentiating it from depression and on the other hand, association between burnout and depressive symptomatology. The Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Service Survey (MBI-HSS) has been the most used instrument to evaluate burnout. The three-factor structure of the MBI has been confirmed in several samples from different countries. However, we did not find studies investigating the influence of depression on the psychometric characteristics of the MBI-HSS. Therefore, we investigated the validity of the MBI-HSS in a sample of 521 nursing assistants in a university hospital using exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency (Cronbachs alpha coefficient). The total sample was divided into a group with major depression and one without major depression. Both the total sample and the subsamples showed high values of Cronbach\'s alpha for the subscale of emotional exhaustion and intermediate values for the subscales of personal accomplishment and depersonalization. The Scree plot analysis, unlike exploratory factor analysis without fixing the factors, indicated the three-factor solution, as in the original MBI-HSS. Settling into three factors, the exploratory factor analysis revealed the highest load factor in Emotional Exhaustion (EE) of two items in the subsample of Depersonalization (DE) with major depression but not in the subsample without major depression. In contrast, items 6 and 16 of EE had higher factor loading in DE in the subsample without depression but not in the sample with depression. Our results indicate that the presence of major depression may influence the psychometric properties of the MBI-HSS. We suggest that researchers consider the evaluation of the validity of the MBI-HSS in the sample prior to the use of the MBI-HSS, including assessment of individuals with and without depression separately

Validade fatorial do Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) em uma amostra brasileira de auxiliares de enfermagem de um hospital universitário: influência da depressão / Factorial validity of the Maslach Burnout inventory - human services survey (MBI-HSS) among Brazilian nurse assistants of a university hospital: the influence of depression

Telma Ramos Trigo 18 February 2011 (has links)
A Síndrome de Burnout entre os profissionais da área da saúde vem sendo estudada em vários países e sua associação com transtornos depressivos tem sido relatada por vários estudos. Os resultados indicam validade para o burnout, diferenciando-o da depressão e por outro lado, associação dos índices de burnout e a sintomatologia depressiva. O Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Service Survey (MBI-HSS) é o instrumento mais utilizado para avaliar o burnout. A estrutura de três fatores do MBI tem sido confirmada em várias amostras de diversos países. Entretanto, não encontramos estudos investigando a influência da depressão nas características psicométricas do MBI-HSS. Portanto, neste estudo, investigamos a validade do MBI-HSS em uma amostra de 521 auxiliares de enfermagem de um hospital universitário utilizando a análise fatorial exploratória, análise fatorial confirmatória e consistência interna pelo alfa de Cronbach. A amostra total foi dividida em um grupo com depressão maior e outro sem depressão maior. Tanto a amostra total, quanto as subamostras apresentaram elevados valores de alfa de Cronbach para a subescala de esgotamento emocional e valores intermediários para as subescalas de realização pessoal e de despersonalização. A análise do gráfico Scree plot, diferente da análise fatorial exploratória sem fixar os fatores, indicou a solução de três fatores, como na versão original da MBI-HSS. Fixando-se em três fatores, a análise fatorial exploratória revelou maior carga fatorial em Esgotamento Emocional (EE) de dois itens de Despersonalização (DE) na subamostra com depressão maior, mas não na subamostra sem depressão maior. Diferentemente, os itens 6 e 16 de EE apresentaram maior carga fatorial em DE na subamostra sem depressão mas não a amostra com depressão. Nossos resultados indicam que a presença de depressão maior pode influenciar as propriedades psicométricas da MBI-HSS. Sugerimos que pesquisadores considerem a avaliação da validade da MBI-HSS na amostra em questão anteriormente ao uso do MBI-HSS, incluindo a avaliação dos indivíduos com e sem depressão separadamente. / The burnout syndrome among health professionals has been studied in several countries and its association with depressive disorders have been reported by several studies. The results indicate validity for burnout, differentiating it from depression and on the other hand, association between burnout and depressive symptomatology. The Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Service Survey (MBI-HSS) has been the most used instrument to evaluate burnout. The three-factor structure of the MBI has been confirmed in several samples from different countries. However, we did not find studies investigating the influence of depression on the psychometric characteristics of the MBI-HSS. Therefore, we investigated the validity of the MBI-HSS in a sample of 521 nursing assistants in a university hospital using exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency (Cronbachs alpha coefficient). The total sample was divided into a group with major depression and one without major depression. Both the total sample and the subsamples showed high values of Cronbach\'s alpha for the subscale of emotional exhaustion and intermediate values for the subscales of personal accomplishment and depersonalization. The Scree plot analysis, unlike exploratory factor analysis without fixing the factors, indicated the three-factor solution, as in the original MBI-HSS. Settling into three factors, the exploratory factor analysis revealed the highest load factor in Emotional Exhaustion (EE) of two items in the subsample of Depersonalization (DE) with major depression but not in the subsample without major depression. In contrast, items 6 and 16 of EE had higher factor loading in DE in the subsample without depression but not in the sample with depression. Our results indicate that the presence of major depression may influence the psychometric properties of the MBI-HSS. We suggest that researchers consider the evaluation of the validity of the MBI-HSS in the sample prior to the use of the MBI-HSS, including assessment of individuals with and without depression separately

Utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche en éducation Validation d’un questionnaire et proposition d’un modèle

Ramdé, Jean 08 1900 (has links)
La recherche sur l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche (CIR) est en pleine expansion. Plusieurs études ont montré que l’utilisation des CIR contribue à améliorer la réussite scolaire des élèves. Toutefois, il semble que les enseignants les utilisent très peu. Pour améliorer cette utilisation, il est nécessaire de développer un modèle explicatif de l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche. Ce modèle permet de rendre compte des mécanismes menant à l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche en milieu de pratique. Il permet également de mettre en évidence les facteurs les plus influents et l’agencement de ces différents facteurs dans le but de favoriser une meilleure utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche. Ce dernier aspect constitue l’objectif principal de cette thèse pour le domaine spécifique de l’éducation. Pour ce faire, un questionnaire sur l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche (QUC) est validé et un modèle est proposé. Le premier article de la thèse examine la fiabilité, la validité et la structure factorielle du QUC avec un échantillon francophone et anglophone d’un milieu défavorisé. Le QUC, composé de 43 items, mesure six dimensions, soit : l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche, le contexte organisationnel, la stratégie de soutien, l’opinion des utilisateurs et leur expertise ainsi que la fréquence d’accès aux sources des connaissances issues de la recherche. Au total, 2270 enseignants ont complété le questionnaire. Les résultats des différentes analyses montrent que le QUC doit être réduit à 20 items regroupés en cinq facteurs : l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche, l’opinion des utilisateurs, la stratégie de soutien, l’expertise des utilisateurs et les facteurs organisationnels. Le second article de cette thèse examine quel modèle permet de mieux expliquer l’utilisation des CIR. Pour ce faire, deux modèles sont testés avec le même échantillon que dans le premier article, soit un modèle de liens directs et un modèle avec médiation. Pour le premier modèle, un lien direct entre l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche et les facteurs qui favorisent cette utilisation est postulé : l’expertise, l’opinion, la stratégie de soutien et le facteur organisationnel auront des liens directs avec l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche. Le second modèle (modèle avec médiation) se base quant à lui sur les théories de l’action raisonnée et du comportement planifié et postule que le lien entre les facteurs et l’utilisation n’est pas direct; certains facteurs ont des effets directs et d’autres des effets indirects. Concrètement, ce second modèle postule que l’expertise et l’opinion agissent comme médiateurs entre, d’une part, les deux variables indépendantes (le facteur organisationnel et la stratégie de soutien), et, d’autre part, la variable dépendante (l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche). Les résultats des analyses montrent que le modèle avec médiation permet de mieux comprendre l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche. Cette étude a permis de valider un questionnaire sur l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche et aboutit à la proposition d’un modèle qui permet d’expliquer l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche spécialement conçu pour le domaine de l’éducation. Elle fournit des outils (un questionnaire validé et un modèle) qui permettent de mieux cerner le paradigme de l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche, ce qui pourrait favoriser une plus grande utilisation des CIR par les intervenants scolaires. En effet, les résultats de cette recherche peuvent guider les décideurs dans l’implantation des programmes menant à l’utilisation des connaissances issues de la recherche qui s’adressent aux enseignants. Ces résultats indiquent sur quels facteurs agir en premier lieu afin d’améliorer l’utilisation des CIR chez les enseignants du secondaire dans les milieux défavorisés. Le présent modèle pourrait être utilisé dans d’autres milieux scolaires (par exemple les milieux non défavorisés ou les milieux scolaires primaires) après validation. / Research on knowledge transfer is growing rapidly. Numerous studies have shown that the use of research-based Knowledge (RBK) contributes to student academic success. However, it seems that teachers make little use of RBK. To improve RBI use, a model for explaining knowledge use needs to be developed. This model shows the mechanisms of knowledge transfer in the practice setting. It also helps to highlight the most influential factors and the arrangement of these different factors in order to promote a better use of RBK. This is the primary objective of the present thesis, specifically with regard to the field of education. To do so, a questionnaire on the use of research-based knowledge (QURBK) is validated and a model proposed. The first article in this thesis examines the reliability, validity and factor structure of the QURBI with a sample of French and English teachers in the disadvantaged sections of the population. The QURBK, which comprises 43 items, measures six dimensions: knowledge use, organizational factors, support strategies, user opinions, user expertise and frequency of access to knowledge sources. In all, 2270 teachers completed the questionnaire. The results of the various analyses indicate that the QURBK should be reduced to 20 items, grouped into five factors: knowledge use, user opinions, support strategies, user expertise and organizational factors. The second article in this thesis explores what model best explains RBK use. Two models are tested using the same sample considered in the first article. In the case of the first model, a direct link is postulated between knowledge use and factors that promote use: expertise, opinions, support strategies and organizational factors are thus directly linked to knowledge use. The second model, which is based on the theories of reasoned action and planned behaviour, postulates that the link between factors and use is not direct; certain factors have direct effects and others have indirect effects. Specifically, the model, named mediation model, suggests that expertise and opinion serve as mediators between the two independent variables (organizational factors, support strategies) on the one hand, and the dependent variable (knowledge use) on the other. Following analysis, it appears that the mediation model is helpful to better understanding of the use of research-based knowledge. This study was used to validate a questionnaire on the use of research-based Knowledge and allows the proposal of a model explaining RBK use, designed specifically for the field of education. As well, it provides tools (a validated questionnaire and a model) that could contribute to the greater use of research-based knowledge. As a matter of fact, the results of this research could be helpful to the decision makers in setting up knowledge transfer programs, which lead to better use of RBK, made for teachers. These results indicate on which factor one should act first in order to improve the use of RBI by secondary schools teachers in the disadvantaged sections of the population. After its validation, the present model could be used in other schools (for example in non-disadvantaged or in primary schools).

Venture Performance and Motivation of Business Foundation - An empirical Study in the Free-state Saxony / Unternehmenserfolg und Motive der Existenzgründung - Eine empirische Untersuchung im Freistaat Sachsen

Kegel, Anja 26 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die Zielstellung der Arbeit besteht darin zu untersuchen, in welchem Umfang Motivation und Opferbereitschaft eines Unternehmers auf die Leistungskraft des Unternehmens wirken, und inwieweit demographische Faktoren wie Geschlecht und Alter die persönlichen Ansichten des Unternehmers, dessen Motivation, dessen Opferbereitschaft und die Start-up-Hürden beeinflussen. Im Weiteren geht es darum, die Bedeutung des Unternehmertums für die Wirtschaft zu analysieren, vor allem in den fünf neuen Bundesländern und insbesondere in Sachsen. Untersuchungsergebnisse in Bezug auf Persönlichkeitsmerkmale des Unternehmers im Zusammenhang mit dem Erfolg des eigenen Unternehmens werden vorgestellt. Es werden Hypothesen über den Zusammenhang zwischen Motivation, Opferbereitschaft und den Unternehmenserfolg aufgestellt und mit Methoden der mathematischen Statistik beurteilt. Schließlich werden die wesentlichen Merkmale eines Unternehmers beschrieben. Um statistische Analysen durchzuführen und tragfähige Aussagen zu gewinnen, wurden zuerst Fragebögen am mehr als 100 neugegründete Unternehmen verschickt. Im Rücklauf kamen 102 Fragebögen in die engere Auswertung. Es wurden zwei Faktorenanalysen mit SPSS durchgeführt, wobei hier insgesamt 35 erfasste Merkmale (mit jeweils 5 Merkmalsausprägungen) zur Unternehmensgründung eingegangen sind und 7 Faktoren für die weitere Betrachtung ausgewählt wurden: - Grad der Unabhängigkeit - Priorität der Familie - Grad der Selbständigkeit - Politische Entscheidungsmotive - Priorität des Unternehmens - Konfliktpotential - Risiken im Lebensunterhalt Mithilfe des Chi-Quadrat-Unabhängigkeitstests wurde abschließend der paarweise Zusammenhang jeweils zwischen einem der genannten 7 Faktoren und den zwei für die Zielgröße „Erfolg des Unternehmen“ ausgewählten Merkmale „Umsatzwachstum“ und „Kapitalrückfluss – Investition“ untersucht, um hier wesentliche Abhängigkeiten aufzudecken. / The purpose of this paper is to analyse the factors of successful entrepreneurship, whether or not age, sex or personal traits such as motivation and level of risk / sacrifice determine the outcome of business or if more external factors are the key drivers. Furthermore the research focusses on entrepreneurship in the New Laender, particularly Saxony, after the reunification and the importance for the economy in general. The research was done through interviews and mail-outs of questionnaires to more than 100 recently founded enterprises of which 102 replies were utilized in the final analyses. Hypotheses of potential correlation between personal traits and characteristics and success of business were analysed and tested using SPSS factor analyses. The SPSS analysis concentrated on 35 characteristics with 5 different values and an additional 7 factors: - Level of independence - Priority of family - Level of self-reliance - Political motivation in decision making - Priority of the business itself - Conflict potential - Level of risk taking Utilizing the ‚Chi-Square-Independence‘ - test further correlation analyses was performed to investigate the 7 factors and their individual relation / dependency with the two main characteristics Growth of Turnover and Return on Investment

Venture Performance and Motivation of Business Foundation - An empirical Study in the Free-state Saxony

Kegel, Anja 21 October 1998 (has links)
Die Zielstellung der Arbeit besteht darin zu untersuchen, in welchem Umfang Motivation und Opferbereitschaft eines Unternehmers auf die Leistungskraft des Unternehmens wirken, und inwieweit demographische Faktoren wie Geschlecht und Alter die persönlichen Ansichten des Unternehmers, dessen Motivation, dessen Opferbereitschaft und die Start-up-Hürden beeinflussen. Im Weiteren geht es darum, die Bedeutung des Unternehmertums für die Wirtschaft zu analysieren, vor allem in den fünf neuen Bundesländern und insbesondere in Sachsen. Untersuchungsergebnisse in Bezug auf Persönlichkeitsmerkmale des Unternehmers im Zusammenhang mit dem Erfolg des eigenen Unternehmens werden vorgestellt. Es werden Hypothesen über den Zusammenhang zwischen Motivation, Opferbereitschaft und den Unternehmenserfolg aufgestellt und mit Methoden der mathematischen Statistik beurteilt. Schließlich werden die wesentlichen Merkmale eines Unternehmers beschrieben. Um statistische Analysen durchzuführen und tragfähige Aussagen zu gewinnen, wurden zuerst Fragebögen am mehr als 100 neugegründete Unternehmen verschickt. Im Rücklauf kamen 102 Fragebögen in die engere Auswertung. Es wurden zwei Faktorenanalysen mit SPSS durchgeführt, wobei hier insgesamt 35 erfasste Merkmale (mit jeweils 5 Merkmalsausprägungen) zur Unternehmensgründung eingegangen sind und 7 Faktoren für die weitere Betrachtung ausgewählt wurden: - Grad der Unabhängigkeit - Priorität der Familie - Grad der Selbständigkeit - Politische Entscheidungsmotive - Priorität des Unternehmens - Konfliktpotential - Risiken im Lebensunterhalt Mithilfe des Chi-Quadrat-Unabhängigkeitstests wurde abschließend der paarweise Zusammenhang jeweils zwischen einem der genannten 7 Faktoren und den zwei für die Zielgröße „Erfolg des Unternehmen“ ausgewählten Merkmale „Umsatzwachstum“ und „Kapitalrückfluss – Investition“ untersucht, um hier wesentliche Abhängigkeiten aufzudecken. / The purpose of this paper is to analyse the factors of successful entrepreneurship, whether or not age, sex or personal traits such as motivation and level of risk / sacrifice determine the outcome of business or if more external factors are the key drivers. Furthermore the research focusses on entrepreneurship in the New Laender, particularly Saxony, after the reunification and the importance for the economy in general. The research was done through interviews and mail-outs of questionnaires to more than 100 recently founded enterprises of which 102 replies were utilized in the final analyses. Hypotheses of potential correlation between personal traits and characteristics and success of business were analysed and tested using SPSS factor analyses. The SPSS analysis concentrated on 35 characteristics with 5 different values and an additional 7 factors: - Level of independence - Priority of family - Level of self-reliance - Political motivation in decision making - Priority of the business itself - Conflict potential - Level of risk taking Utilizing the ‚Chi-Square-Independence‘ - test further correlation analyses was performed to investigate the 7 factors and their individual relation / dependency with the two main characteristics Growth of Turnover and Return on Investment

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