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Reaching Resilience: A Multiple Case Study of the Experience of Resilience and Protective Factors in Adult Children of DivorceThomas, Denis' A 01 December 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative case study was to describe the experiences of resilience following parental divorce for university freshmen. Five participants were interviewed using a multiple case study methodology and Richardson’s (2002) resilience model as the theoretical framework. It examined how the three needs of Self-Determination theory (autonomy, relatedness, and competence) and the three categories of protective factors (individual, family, and community) contributed to resilience. Data were collected through demographic surveys, divorce artwork, resilience artwork, and interview transcriptions. General themes, typological self-determination need themes, and typological protective factor themes were developed for each individual and across cases. The findings suggested that autonomy needs and individual protective factors were the same, competence needs and most community factors were the same, and relatedness needs and family protective factors, along with the community protective factor of friends, were same. Therefore, this study linked the empirical support of protective factor research to the tenet of self-determination theory that stated that by facilitating the three self-determination needs, optimal positive psychological, developmental and behavioral outcomes occur (Deci & Ryan, 2008). Findings also revealed a) the importance of cognitive coping strategies, b) the benefit of helping others, c) the significance of the relatedness need, and d) the value of multiple types of relationships. Implications for counselors and recommendations for future research on resilience in children of divorce were provided.
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Tonårsflickors val att avbryta eller fullfölja en behandlingGruffman, Åsa, Björk, Lis January 2007 (has links)
Summary: Teenage girls’ choice of dropping out or complete a treatment. The purpose of this study is to investigate, from a client’s perspective, why teenage girls (age 13 to 17) drop-out or complete a treatment at Familjehuset in Karlstad, Sweden. We also want to investigate if the teenage girls’ experiences coordinate with the social workers opinion of why the teenage girls choose to drop-out or complete the treatment. Earlier research shows that many factors influence the client’s choice. A good relationship between the social worker and the adolescent is of great importance when it comes to complete a treatment. A qualitative abductive method for the six interviews was used in order to gain a deeper understanding for these phenomena. Results show that the teenage girls were in a period of emancipation in creating their own identity, which made it difficult for them to communicate with, and trust grownups. We believe that the three girls that completed the treatment had come further in this development than the three girls that dropped out. The girls which dropped out of treatment have had numerous contacts with social workers in the past, and their attitudes were very negative towards professionals. This attitude influenced their treatment at Familjehuset and it was hard to communicate in order to gain a good relationship for further treatment. Mostly, the girls thought that the social workers at Familjehuset were easy to talk to, and that they had listened to them and understood them. They all said that at first they did not like the contact, but the three girls which completed the treatment, were of the opinion that they would give it a chance, and this developed into a relationship that increased their motivation and could be of good help for them. The social workers at Familjehuset described several reasons why teenage girls choose to drop-out or complete a treatment. Many of these reasons coordinated with the girl’s points of view, like the importance of listening, creating a good relationship to get them motivated for further treatment. Items that the social workers mention, but the girls not, were the importance of getting the family integrated in the treatment and the importance of the first contact. We hope that this study can come to help for the social workers at Familjehuset in their profession and that it also can be useful for further research.
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Moderators and mediators of therapeutic change in multisystemic treatment of serious juvenile offenders /Schaeffer, Cindy M. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2000. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 88-103). Also available on the Internet.
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Moderators and mediators of therapeutic change in multisystemic treatment of serious juvenile offendersSchaeffer, Cindy M. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2000. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 88-103). Also available on the Internet.
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Vad var det som hände? : En inventering av ett familjeprojekt under åren 2008-2009 på barn- och ungdomspsykiatriska kliniken i Stockholm. / What happened? : An inventory of a familyproject during the years of 2008-2009 at the child- and adolescent psychiatric clinic in Stockholm.Loftén, Pernilla January 2015 (has links)
Under åren 2008-2010 pågick ett familjeprojekt på barn- och ungdomspsykiatriska kliniken i Stockholm. Tjugofyra familjer skrevs in i projektet och sex behandlare medverkade. Projektets struktur byggde på att familjer, även syskon, till de inskrivna patienterna i högre grad än i vanlig slutenvård skulle närvara och delta i vården. Sessionerna var av en intensitet av tre timmar per dag, tre dagar i veckan, i tre veckor. Genom en kvalitativ studie med intervjuer med ett antal av de som var med, inventeras projektets genomförande och konsekvenser. De som svarat redogör för positiva förändringar, i synnerhet vad gäller relationerna i familjen. Föräldrarna uttrycker att de fått en annan förståelse för sitt barn och barnen att de känner sig mer förstådda. Samarbetet mellan familjerna och de professionella på kliniken verkar ha haft stor betydelse. Självskattningar på Client Satisfaction Questionnaire bekräftar de allmänt goda behandlingsresultaten. / During the years 2008-2010 a family treatment project was run at the child and adolescent psychiatric clinic in Stockholm. Twentyfour families were enrolled in the project and six therapists were involved. The project involved families, including siblings, related to the identified patients to a greater extent than in conventional inpatient care. The sessions had an intensity of three hours a day, three times a week, for three weeks. Through a qualitative study involving interviews with a sample of the participants the experiences and consequences of the project was explored. Respondents described positive changes, especially as regards the relations in the family. Parents expressed that they acquired a different understanding of their children while the children felt more understood than before. The collaboration between the families and the professionals at the clinic seems to have been of great significance to the participants. Ratings on the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire corroborate the positive results of the interviews.
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Erfarenheter av ABFT / Experiences of ABFT.Alissavakis, Gricel January 2015 (has links)
Sammanfattning Inledning: Den psykiska ohälsan och suicid hos ungdomar mellan 15-24 år har ökat i Sverige. Att undersöka metoder som kan bidra i arbetet mot psykisk ohälsa känns angeläget, detta när traditionella metoder inte alltid är tillräckliga för att behandla psykisk ohälsa hos ungdomar. Anknytningsbaserad familjeterapi, ABFT används idag för behandling av depression, ångest och suicidal problematik hos unga inom Barn och ungdomspsykiatrin (BUP), inom socialtjänstens behandling för ungdomar samt inom vissa statliga institutioner för unga (SIS). Frågeställning: Vilka olika erfarenheter finns av ABFT behandling hos psykoterapeuter, patienter och föräldrar ? Metod: semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med fyra psykoterapeuter, två patienter och två föräldrar. Kvalitativ metod har använts och insamlad data har analyserats med tematisk analys med induktiv ansats. Resultat : Resultatet knyts till fem teman ; Anknytning, kommunikation, relation, affekter och förändring. Psykoterapeuterna ser återanknytningsarbetet som nödvändig för att återupprätta dialog och kommunikation mellan förälder och ungdom. Detta förbättrar på sikt relationen och anknytningen, men även det psykiska måendet hos ungdomarna enligt psykoterapeuterna. Ungdomarnas erfarenhet är att de blev mer förstådda och hörda av sina föräldrar. Dialogen återupptogs och känslor kunde uttryckas till den det gällde. När behov och känslor togs emot av förälder ökade tilliten till föräldern, relationen förbättrades och föräldern kunde ses som en resurs. Föräldrars erfarenheter är att de fick andra sätt för att kommunicera, stödja och möta sin ungdom på. Diskussion: Visar att återanknytning och relationell omformulering av problem görs i ABFT behandling. De relationella problemen är följder av tidigare anknytningsskador. Återupprättad dialog möjliggör återanknytning vilket förbättrar relationen. Utvidgning av ungdomens och förälderns kapacitet till känslomässig bearbetning är förutsättning för förändring. Uttryckandet av känslor förknippade med anknytningskadan verkar läkande för ungdomen samt förbättrar relation och anknytning till förälder. Förändring sker när ungdom får sätta ord på och dela svåra känslor med föräldern. Att bli mottagen i sina känslor skapar en förändring i de inre arbetsmodellerna hos ungdom och förälder. Förändringar sker i interaktionen mellan föräldrar och ungdom vilket gör att de inre arbetsmodellerna av sig själv och annan kan omprövas. Nyckelord: Anknytningsbaserad familjeterapi, anknytning, relationer, kommunikation, affekter och förändring / Introduction: Mental illness and suicide in young people from 15-24 years has increased in Sweden. To examine methods which can help in the fight against mental illness feels crucial, when traditional methods not always is sufficient for the target audience and for treatment of mental illness in youths. Attachment-based family therapy, ABFT is used for young people with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and suicidality problems. ABFT is used today in child and youth psychiatry (BUP), in social services treatment for youth and in some state institutions for youth (SIS) in Sweden. Research questions: The study's purpose is to investigate psychotherapists, patients and parents different experiences of ABFT treatment. Interviews were conducted with four psychotherapists, two patients and two parents. Qualitative method was used and data collected have been analysed using thematic analysis of inductive approach. Results: The results are tied to five themes ; Attachment , relationships, communication, affects and change. Psychotherapists view re-attachment as necessary in order to re-establish dialogue and communication between parents and youth. This improves in the long run the relationship and affiliation, but also the mental state of youth according to psychotherapists. Young people's experience is that they became better understood and heard by their parents. The dialogue resumed and feelings could be expressed to the terms. When needs and feelings were received by the parent reliance grew on parents, the relationship improved and parents could be seen as a resource. Parents experience is that they got other ways to communicate, support and face his youth on. Discussion : Shows that reconnection and relational reformulation of the problems are made in the ABFT. The relational problems are consequences of the previous attachment injuries. Restored dialogue allows for reconnection, which improves the relationship. Extension of the fountain of youth and parent's capacity for emotional processing is the prerequisite for change. The expression of feelings associated with related injuries seems healing for young people as well as improves relationship and connection to the parent. Change occurs when youth put into words and share feelings with parents. To be received in their emotions creates a change in the internal working models of youth and parents. Changes occurs in the interaction between parents and youth which does that the internal working models of self and others can be reconsidered.
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Newly diagnosed pediatric oncology patients and their families : the effect of family therapy on anxiety and depressionParton, Victoria Teresa 18 February 2011 (has links)
The proposed study is a preliminary investigation of a hypothesized relationship between family therapy and levels of child patient and parent anxiety and depression. Currently, medical practice does not include mental health services and familial support to oncology patients in typical treatment protocol. While anxiety and depression appear to be present during all phases of cancer, providing family therapy at the time of diagnosis is warranted as symptom alleviation at this juncture may mitigate these symptoms throughout subsequent phases and potentially decrease somatic difficulties. Research questions will be addressed by analyzing data, including scores on measures of anxiety and depression. Statistical analyses will include two and three-way analyses of variance (ANOVA) and repeated measures multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). / text
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Black adults' perceptions of healthy family functioning / C. ZwaneZwane, Cynthia January 2004 (has links)
The aim of this research was to establish what black adults' perceptions are of factors that contribute to
healthy family functioning. Qualitative research was conducted. Random sampling was used to obtain
eighteen black participants between the ages of 20 and 50. These participants responded in writing to
the following open ended question: "What factors do you think contribute to healthy family
functioning?" Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with the eight participants who
presented with the richest data. Analysis of the data yielded 10 prevalent themes and eleven other
The 10 prevalent themes were: respect, love, communication, family time/spending time together,
trust, understanding, discipline, availability for each other, boundaries and religion. The other eleven
themes were: personal space, responsibility, hierarchy, family rules, conflict handling, morality, roles,
maturity, intelligence, culture and forgiveness. The above mentioned 21 themes were grouped in seven
broad categories, namely communication, conflict handling, affectionate involvement, family rules,
boundaries, religion and other dimensions.
All these themes were compared to existing research results. It appeared that themes of this study
correspond with many dimensions of family functioning as indicated by family therapy models and
existing research. Participants also indicated new dimensions not mentioned by the existing literature.
Recommendations were made concerning future research. / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.
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Arbetet med känslor i Anknytningsbaserad familjeterapi / The work with affects in Attachmentbased family therapyBergsten, Gunilla January 2014 (has links)
Inledning: Depression är ett av de vanligaste psykiatriska symtom hos svenska ungdomar och unga vuxna. Anknytningsbaserad familjeterapi (ABFT), är särskilt inriktad på depression och suicidnära ungdomar. Uppsatsen har fokus på arbetet med känslor i familjeterapi/ABFT. Frågeställning: Syfte att undersöka hur psykoterapeuter som följer ABFT-manualen kan arbeta med att fördjupa den emotionella nivån hos familjemedlemmarna. Går det att urskilja samband mellan terapeutens interventioner och känslomässig fördjupning hos familjen, hur ser i så fall dessa samband ut? Metod: Kvalitativ fallstudie på en hel filmad psykoterapi, totalt 18 sessioner. Familjen består av en ungdom och dennes föräldrar. Ett antal episoder har valts ut där psykoterapeutens interventioner och vad som hänt i respektive episod har studerats med tematisk analys. Resultat: Att rikta familjemedlemmar till varandra är det som väcker mest känslor i familjen. Möten uppstår som tolkas vara helande och ha långsiktiga effekter på familjemedlemmarnas relationer. Diskussion: Uppsatsens resultat kopplas till Daniel Sterns teori om ”mötesögonblick” (moments of meeting), intersubjektivitet inom familjen och familjeterapins unika möjlighet att arbeta med känslor i närvaro av de objekt som det faktiskt gäller. / Introduction: Depression is one of the most common psychiatric symptoms among Swedish adolescents and young adults. Attachment Based Family Therapy ( ABFT ) focuses specifically on depression and suicidal young people. This paper will focus on the work with emotions in family therapy/ABFT. Question: In order to explore how psychotherapists that follow ABFT manual can work to deepen the emotional level of the family members. Is it possible to see conections between therapist’s interventions and the emotional deepening in the family? Method: Qualitative case study on a filmed psychotherapy, a total of 18 sessions. The family consists of a youth and his or her parents. A number of episodes have been selected where the psychotherapist's interventions and what happened in each episode have been studied with thematic analysis. Result: To connect familymembers to each other awokes most emotions within the family. Meetings occur that are interpreted to be healing and to have long term effects at the family members' relationships. Discussion: The studys result are linked to Daniel Stern's theory of "moments of meeting", intersubjectivity in the family and family therapy unique opportunity to work with emotions in the presence of the objects that it actually applies to.
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How do Perceived Gender Roles Influence the Number of Attempted Medical Interventions of Infertile Couples?Aiello, Erin 01 January 2015 (has links)
Infertility affects 1 in 8 couples and the literature discusses the emotional effects infertility has on an individual. One option for infertility is to attempt medical interventions and the literature in the field does not explain why some people attempt more interventions than others. Using data from the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), Cycle 6, this quantitative study aims to understand the relationship between traditional gender roles and values and the attempted number of medical interventions by individuals within a relationship experiencing infertility. The results from this study indicate that both males and females that are in relationship experiencing infertility are more likely to attempt medical interventions when they highly value the meaning of family, rather than their views on traditional gender roles and values for men and women.
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