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Utilisation of digital media in improving children's reading habitsJurf, Dima R.M. January 2012 (has links)
Although digital media has been exploited to improve digital libraries,
social networking sites, and book promotion for adult and child
stakeholders, but encouraging children who have the choice to either
read from a book or on a screen remains limited worldwide, including
Jordan. This interest has meant that data about children¿s reading habits
were needed, and the present study was intended as a contribution
towards this aim.
Interviews were conducted with Jordanian writers, publishers, child
specialists, and various children¿s cultural centres. The managers and
personnel unanimously showed that Jordanian children are not good
readers and that a limited number of books are published for children as
there are actual boundaries preventing Jordanian writers from publishing
In particular, subjecting the typical sorts of children¿s websites ¿ 'Club
Penguin', 'PBS Kids', 'A Story before Bed', 'Baraem', 'Storyline Online',
and 'Raneen' ¿ to evaluation showed that 'Club Penguin' got the highest
rank among the other websites in terms of multimodal features, usability,
and language, while 'PBS Kids' got the highest rank regarding
interactivity, and 'A Story before Bed' got the highest rank in reading
activities. Although it was realised that most children were satisfied with
the aspects of usability and ease of use rather than the structure or the
aesthetic of the website, and were more attracted to the websites that
provide multimodal features such as special characters, narration,
gesture, and interactivity.
The targeted websites¿ parameters obtained from the survey were used
as guidance in the design structure of the KITABAK website, as a virtual
reading environment for children¿s reading practices. The evaluation
results that were obtained showed that there is a significant correlation
towards encouraging children¿s reading habits and reading from printed
books accompanying the website; girls showed more interest in reading
than boys; and there is an obvious willingness for the adaptation of the
website as a part of the Jordanian school curriculum. In addition, the
KITABAK website was accepted significantly more than 'Club Penguin',
mainly because the KITABAK website has facilities, games and reading
activities. Also, results showed that children who were subjected to
testing the KITABAK website for a one-week period proved to accept the
website significantly more than those who were subjected to testing it
once. / Applied Science University
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A Mixed Methodology Approach to Extend Understanding of the Success Factors of Performance-Based ContractingUvet, Hasan 08 1900 (has links)
Performance-based contracting (PBC) is an outcome-based product support strategy that provides efficient performance solutions for buyers. Suppliers under performance-based contracting are rewarded after achieving desired performance objectives. While current scholarship has deepened our knowledge of the benefits of PBC, the particular factors behind effective and efficient performance-based contracts (PBCs) are still vague. Thus, this dissertation will focus on essential dimensions for the successful PBC. There remains a great deal that is not understood about the success factors for effective PBCs. When looking at the critical criteria for the selection of suppliers in the context of PBC, even less is known. This dissertation contains three essays with the purpose of: (1) investigating the effect of supply chain collaboration and upfront investments on the benefits of the PBC; (2) exploring supplier selection criteria for successful PBC; and (3) examining the effect of contract length and fleet size on upfront investments for effective and efficient PBC. These three essays offer a solid foundation for theoretical and practitioner understanding for effective PBCs.
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Literární dílo na pomezí romantismu a realismu / Literary work between romanticism and realismMikulová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with detection of romantic and realistic components in three selected novels, traditionally placed on the border between romanticism and realism, and more closely examines if their ambiguity in terms of literary movement is from a contemporary point of view up-to-date and relevant, and what constitutes it. This main goal is preceded by the need to define the most complex concepts of literary romanticism and realism, including their specific characteristics, tendencies and distinct feautures. Particular analyses are developed according to a preselected warp whose individual items are universal aspects of a literary work such as subject matter, plot, narration, characters, space-time and language devices which are monitored, on the basis of conclusions rendered in a theoretical part of this thesis, for a particular degree of romantic and realistic heritage. Within each analysis we were able to decide which aspects of the work are fully or rather consistent with the principles of romanticism and which are conversely in accordance with realistic tradition. The subsequent summary analysis helped to answer the question whether the work as a whole is closer to romanticism or realism. Recognition of different forms of realationship between romantic and realistic principle that naturally...
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Síntese, caracterização, estudo espectroscópico e termoanalítico de complexos de picratos de terras raras (III) e aminoácidos / Synthesis, characterization, Thermal analysis and spectroscopic study of complexes of rare earth picrates (III) and amino acidsMartins, Tereza da Silva 25 November 2004 (has links)
O estudo envolvendo a interação entre picratos de terras raras (III) hidratados e aminoácidos é reportado no presente trabalho. Este estudo consiste na preparação dos compostos de adição entre esses sais e os aminoácidos Larginina (Arg), L-lisina (Lys) e L-Ieucina (Leu), bem como a caracterização dos mesmos utilizando várias técnicas físico-químicas e analíticas. Os compostos foram preparados na relação molar 1:2 entre os respectivos sais hidratados e os ligantes (Arg, Lys e Leu) utilizando rotas de sínteses específicas para cada um desses aminoácidos. Os compostos obtidos são sólidos pouco cristalinos e higroscópicos. Os compostos com Arg e Lys são aparentemente, parcialmente solúveis em água e insolúveis em etanol, metanol, acetonitrila e nitrometano. Os compostos com Leu são aparentemente, solúveis em água, acetona, etanol, metanol, nitrometano, parcialmente solúveis em acetonitrila e comportam-se como não-eletrólitos em soluções de acetona e nitrometano. As fórmulas gerais dos compostos foram propostas tomando-se como base os teores de terras raras obtidos por análise complexométrica com EDTA e termogravimetria, dos teores de água também obtidos por termogravimetria, além dos teores de C, N e H obtidos por análise elementar. Através da combinação desses resultados foi possível sugerir as seguintes fórmulas gerais: TR(pic)32AA.2H2O e TR(pic)32Leu.5H2O (TR = La - Lu e Y, pic = picrato, AA = Arg e Lys). Em todos os compostos, os aminoácidos estão coordenados aos íons terras raras através do átomo de nitrogênio do grupo amino do carbono α e os picratos, pelos menos em parte, estão coordenados de forma bidentada, através do átomo de oxigênio do grupo fenólico e um átomo de oxigênio de um dos grupos orto-nitro, conforme evidenciado por espectros de absorção no infravermelho. Todos os compostos de lisina são isomorfos entre si. Os compostos TR(pic)3.2Arg.2H2O (TR = La - Nd e Gd - Lu) formam uma série isomorfa, porém os compostos TR(pic)32Arg.2H2O (TR = Sm, Eu e Y) não pertencem a série citada e também não são isomorfos entre si. Os compostos de leucina formam três séries isomorfas. A primeira série corresponde aos compostos dos elementos La - Nd, a segunda Tb e Gd e a terceira Ho - Lu e Y. Os compostos de Sm, Eu e Dy não pertencem as séries citadas e também não são isomorfos entre si. Através dos parâmetros obtidos dos espectros de absorção na região do visível dos compostos de neodímio, foi verificado que as ligações metais-ligantes são de baixo caráter covalente. Os compostos de európio apresentam luminescência à temperatura ambiente e 77 K, já os compostos com térbio não mostram luminescência devido a seu estado emissor estar acima do estado tripleto do ligante, sendo este determinado utilizando o espectro de fosforescência do picrato, no complexo de gadolínio. As características espectrais e o comportamento biexponencial dos compostos de európio mostram que existe a presença de mais de um ambiente químico ao redor do íon Eu3+, ou seja, os compostos podem formar estruturas poliméricas. A estabilidade e o comportamento térmico dos compostos foram estudados por meio das técnicas de termogravimetrialtermogravimetria derivada (TG/DTG) e calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC). A estabilidade térmica dos compostos dentro de cada série é semelhante e comparando os compostos com os três aminoácidos, verifica-se que os compostos com o aminoácido Lys são os mais estáveis e os com Arg os menos estáveis. A decomposição térmica dos compostos com os três aminoácidos é distinta, porém dentro de cada série o processo ocorre de forma similar. Através das curvas termogravimétricas, além de informações quanto à estabilidade e os processos de decomposição térmica, foi possível também determinar a quantidade de moléculas de água, bem como as percentagens dos íons terras raras. / A study involving the interaction of rare-earth (III) hydrated picrates and amino acids is reported in this work. The addition compounds with L-arginine (Arg), L-Iysine (Lys) and L-Ieucine (Leu) were prepared and characterized by severaI common techniques. The compounds were prepared in the molar ratio 1:2 (hydrated salts: ligands, Arg, Lys and Leu) using specific synthetic routes for each amino acid. The Arg and Lys complexes are partially soluble in water and insoluble in ethanol, methanol,acetonitrile and nitromethane. The Leu complexes are soluble in water, acetone, ethanol, methanol and nitromethane; they are partially soluble in acetonitrile and they are non-electrolytes in acetone and nitromethane. The general formulae for the complexes, determined by EOTA titrations, elemental analyses and thermogravimetry, are RE(pic) 3.2AA.2H2O and RE(pic) 3.2Leu.5H2) (RE =La-Lu and Y, pic =picrate, AA =Arg and Lys). In all compounds, the amino acids are bonded to RE(III) ions through the αaminogroup nitrogen atom and picrates, at least partially, are coordinated as bidentate ligands, through the phenoxy oxygen and one o-nitrogroup oxygen atom, as evidenced by IR absorption spectra. The Arg and Lys complexes display only one isomorphous series, but the Leu compounds present three isomorphous series. Parameters obtained from visible absorption spectra of the Nd complexes indicate that ligand-metal bonds are weakly covalent. Eu complexes are luminescent, both at room temperature and at 77K. Tb complexes are not luminescent, since their upper emitting state is above the Iigand\'s triplet state. The position of this state was determined by the picrate phosphorescence spectra of the Gd compound. Spectral characteristics, as well as the biexponential decay of Eu luminescence suggest that there is more than one coordination environment around the Eu(III) ion and that these complexes have polymeric structures. The stability and thermal behavior of these compounds were studied by thermogravimetry (TG), derivative thermogravimetry (DTG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). In the three series of complexes thermal stability is similar, but the Lys complexes are the most stable and the Arg complexes the least stable ones. Thermal decompositions differ, but in each series the decomposition is similar. From TG curves it was possible also to determine water contents and the RE percent compositions.
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Graphics Recognition using Spatial Relations and Shape Analysis / Reconnaissance de Graphiques en utilisant les Relations Spatiales et Analyse de la FormeK. C., Santosh 28 November 2011 (has links)
Dans l’état de l’art actuel, la reconnaissance de symboles signifie généralement la reconnaissance des symboles isolés. Cependant, ces méthodes de reconnaissance de symboles isolés ne sont pas toujours adaptés pour résoudre les problèmes du monde réel. Dans le cas des documents composites qui contiennent des éléments textuels et graphiques, on doit être capable d’extraire et de formaliser les liens qui existent entre les images et le texte environnant, afin d’exploiter les informations incorporées dans ces documents.Liés à ce contexte, nous avons d’abord introduit une méthode de reconnaissance graphique basée sur la programmation dynamique et la mise en correspondance de caractéristiques issues de la transformée de Radon. Cette méthode permet d’exploiter la propriété de cette transformée pour inclure à la fois le contour et la structure interne des formes sans utiliser de techniques de compression de la représentation du motif dans un seul vecteur et qui pourrait passer à côté d’informations importantes. La méthode surpasse en performances les descripteurs de forme de l’état de l’art, mais reste principalement adapté pour la reconnaissance de symboles isolés seulement. Nous l’avons donc intégrée dans une approche complètement nouvelle pour la reconnaissance de symboles basé sur la description spatio-structurelle d’un «vocabulaire» de primitives visuelles extraites. La méthode est basée sur les relations spatiales entre des paires de types étiquetés de ce vocabulaire (dont certains peuvent être caractérisés avec le descripteur mentionné précédemment), qui sont ensuite utilisées comme base pour construire un graphe relationnel attribué (ARG) qui décrit des symboles. Grâce à notre étiquetage des types d’attribut, nous évitons le problème classique NP-difficile d’appariement de graphes. Nous effectuons une comparaison exhaustive avec d’autres modèles de relations spatiales ainsi qu’avec l’état de l’art des approches pour la reconnaissance des graphismes afin de prouver que notre approche combine efficacement les descripteurs statistiques structurels et globaux et les surpasse de manière significative.Dans la dernière partie de cette thèse, nous présentons une approche de type sac de caractéristiques utilisant les relations spatiales, où chaque paire possible primitives visuelles est indexée par sa configuration topologique et les types visuels de ses composants. Ceci fournit un moyen de récupérer les symboles isolés ainsi que d’importantes parties connues de symboles en appliquant soit un symbole isolée comme une requête soit une collection de relations entre les primitives visuelles. Finalement, ceci ouvre des perspectives vers des processus de reconnaissance de symboles fondés sur le langage naturel / In the current state-of-the-art, symbol recognition usually means recognising isolated symbols. However, isolated symbol recognition methods are not always suitable for solving real-world problems. In case of composite documents that contain textual and graphical elements, one needs to be able to extract and formalise the links that exist between the images and the surrounding text, in order to exploit the information embedded in those documents.Related to this context, we first introduce a method for graphics recognition based on dynamic programming matching of the Radon features. This method allows to exploit the Radon Transform property to include both boundary and internal structure of shapes without compressing the pattern representation into a single vector that may miss information. The method outperforms all major set of state-of-the-art of shape descriptors but remains mainly suited for isolated symbol recognition only. We therefore integrate it in a completely new approach for symbol recognition based on the spatio-structural description of a ‘vocabulary’ of extracted visual primitives. The method is based on spatial relations between pairs of labelled vocabulary types (some of which can be characterised with the previously mentioned descriptor), which are further used as a basis for building an attributed relational graph (ARG) to describe symbols. Thanks to our labelling of attribute types, we avoid the general NP-hard graph matching problem. We provide a comprehensive comparison with other spatial relation models as well as state-of-the-art approaches for graphics recognition and prove that our approach effectively combines structural and statistical descriptors together and outperforms them significantly.In the final part of this thesis, we present a Bag-Of-Features (BOFs) approach using spatial relations where every possible pair of individual visual primitives is indexed by its topological configuration and the visual type of its components. This provides a way to retrieve isolated symbols as well as significant known parts of symbols by applying either an isolated symbol as a query or a collection of relations between the important visual primitives. Eventually, it opens perspectives towards natural language based symbol recognition process
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TechREF: uma técnica de engenharia reversa orientada a featuresSantos, Maicon dos 18 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-04-25T16:10:27Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-01-18 / Nenhuma / Engenharia reversa de código desempenha um papel fundamental em várias atividades de Engenharia de Software, tais como geração de modelos a partir de código legado e recuperação de funcionalidades (ou features) de sistemas. No contexto de Linha de Produto de Software (LPS), por exemplo, um produto de software é formado por um conjunto de features que são constantemente alteradas para acomodar mudanças de regras de negócio. Consequentemente, o modelo (por exemplo, diagrama de classes da UML) que representa toda LPS precisa ser modificado para refletir as atualizações realizadas. Neste contexto, várias ferramentas têm sido propostas nas últimas décadas, por exemplo, Astah e ArgoUML. Porém, as ferramentas (e suas técnicas) não dão suporte à engenharia reversa orientada a features, são imprecisas no que se refere à completude dos diagramas gerados, bem como exige um alto esforço para atualização dos modelos pois são manuais ou semiautomáticas. Para mitigar esta problemática, este trabalho propõe a TechREF, uma técnica de engenharia reversa orientada a features. De forma automática, a TechREF captura o fluxo de execução do código associado a uma feature, identifica as informações estruturais e comportamentais do código, e gera diagramas de classes UML, bem como persiste tais diagramas. A TechREF foi avaliada através de um estudo de caso tendo cenários reais de engenharia reversa. Esta avaliação buscou verificar o esforço e a corretude das atividades que serão realizadas no experimento com o uso dos modelos orientados a features. / Reverse code engineering plays a key role in various Software Engineering activities, such as model generation from legacy code and retrieval of system features. In the context of Software Product Line (LPS), for example, a software product is composed of a set features that are constantly changed to accommodate changes in business rules. Consequently, the model (for example, UML class diagram) that represents the entire LPS needs to be modified to reflect the updates made. In this context, several tools have been proposed in the last decades, for example, Astah and ArgoUML. However, the tools (and their techniques) do not support feature-oriented reverse engineering, are imprecise in terms of the completeness of the generated diagrams, as well as requiring a high effort to update the models because they are manual or semiautomatic. To mitigate this problem, this paper proposes TechREF, a reverse engineering technique oriented to features. Automatically, TechREF captures the execution flow of code associated with a feature, identifies the structural and behavioral information of the code, and generates diagrams of UML classes, as well as persists such diagrams. TechREF was evaluated through a case study having real reverse engineering scenarios. This evaluation sought to verify the effort and correctness of the activities that will be carried out in the experiment with the use of the models oriented to features.
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Mediální obraz vybraných fotbalových klubů v sezoně 2010/2011 / Media Image of several football clubs during the season 2010/2011Štěpánková, Iva January 2012 (has links)
A topic of this thesis addresses the media image of three football clubs as this was reflected in the Czech press within 2010/2011 season. The attention is paid to the press coverage of Sparta Praha, Manchester United and Dukla Praha. The specifics of their image are followed in three differently profiled Czech titles. Deník Sport represents the sport - focused newspaper, Mladá fronta Dnes stands for the most widely read Czech newspaper with a special regional sport section and Hospodářské noviny has been chosen because of their specifically economic profile where the sport section represents just a minor part of each issue. The term "media image" is linked to the signs of evaluation and expression of support for a particular team as it is mediated through the articles. This support is analysed through the structure of topics and through the use of subjective language. The aim is to point on how these teams were presented during the season and how their presence kept changing in the press within the time. The possible differences and overlapping are explained more into details. The term "media bias" is related to subjective reporting that stresses negativity or stardom on the contrary. The term is used to point out potential devotion from objective reporting. It is used to address possibly...
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Síntese, caracterização, estudo espectroscópico e termoanalítico de complexos de picratos de terras raras (III) e aminoácidos / Synthesis, characterization, Thermal analysis and spectroscopic study of complexes of rare earth picrates (III) and amino acidsTereza da Silva Martins 25 November 2004 (has links)
O estudo envolvendo a interação entre picratos de terras raras (III) hidratados e aminoácidos é reportado no presente trabalho. Este estudo consiste na preparação dos compostos de adição entre esses sais e os aminoácidos Larginina (Arg), L-lisina (Lys) e L-Ieucina (Leu), bem como a caracterização dos mesmos utilizando várias técnicas físico-químicas e analíticas. Os compostos foram preparados na relação molar 1:2 entre os respectivos sais hidratados e os ligantes (Arg, Lys e Leu) utilizando rotas de sínteses específicas para cada um desses aminoácidos. Os compostos obtidos são sólidos pouco cristalinos e higroscópicos. Os compostos com Arg e Lys são aparentemente, parcialmente solúveis em água e insolúveis em etanol, metanol, acetonitrila e nitrometano. Os compostos com Leu são aparentemente, solúveis em água, acetona, etanol, metanol, nitrometano, parcialmente solúveis em acetonitrila e comportam-se como não-eletrólitos em soluções de acetona e nitrometano. As fórmulas gerais dos compostos foram propostas tomando-se como base os teores de terras raras obtidos por análise complexométrica com EDTA e termogravimetria, dos teores de água também obtidos por termogravimetria, além dos teores de C, N e H obtidos por análise elementar. Através da combinação desses resultados foi possível sugerir as seguintes fórmulas gerais: TR(pic)32AA.2H2O e TR(pic)32Leu.5H2O (TR = La - Lu e Y, pic = picrato, AA = Arg e Lys). Em todos os compostos, os aminoácidos estão coordenados aos íons terras raras através do átomo de nitrogênio do grupo amino do carbono α e os picratos, pelos menos em parte, estão coordenados de forma bidentada, através do átomo de oxigênio do grupo fenólico e um átomo de oxigênio de um dos grupos orto-nitro, conforme evidenciado por espectros de absorção no infravermelho. Todos os compostos de lisina são isomorfos entre si. Os compostos TR(pic)3.2Arg.2H2O (TR = La - Nd e Gd - Lu) formam uma série isomorfa, porém os compostos TR(pic)32Arg.2H2O (TR = Sm, Eu e Y) não pertencem a série citada e também não são isomorfos entre si. Os compostos de leucina formam três séries isomorfas. A primeira série corresponde aos compostos dos elementos La - Nd, a segunda Tb e Gd e a terceira Ho - Lu e Y. Os compostos de Sm, Eu e Dy não pertencem as séries citadas e também não são isomorfos entre si. Através dos parâmetros obtidos dos espectros de absorção na região do visível dos compostos de neodímio, foi verificado que as ligações metais-ligantes são de baixo caráter covalente. Os compostos de európio apresentam luminescência à temperatura ambiente e 77 K, já os compostos com térbio não mostram luminescência devido a seu estado emissor estar acima do estado tripleto do ligante, sendo este determinado utilizando o espectro de fosforescência do picrato, no complexo de gadolínio. As características espectrais e o comportamento biexponencial dos compostos de európio mostram que existe a presença de mais de um ambiente químico ao redor do íon Eu3+, ou seja, os compostos podem formar estruturas poliméricas. A estabilidade e o comportamento térmico dos compostos foram estudados por meio das técnicas de termogravimetrialtermogravimetria derivada (TG/DTG) e calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC). A estabilidade térmica dos compostos dentro de cada série é semelhante e comparando os compostos com os três aminoácidos, verifica-se que os compostos com o aminoácido Lys são os mais estáveis e os com Arg os menos estáveis. A decomposição térmica dos compostos com os três aminoácidos é distinta, porém dentro de cada série o processo ocorre de forma similar. Através das curvas termogravimétricas, além de informações quanto à estabilidade e os processos de decomposição térmica, foi possível também determinar a quantidade de moléculas de água, bem como as percentagens dos íons terras raras. / A study involving the interaction of rare-earth (III) hydrated picrates and amino acids is reported in this work. The addition compounds with L-arginine (Arg), L-Iysine (Lys) and L-Ieucine (Leu) were prepared and characterized by severaI common techniques. The compounds were prepared in the molar ratio 1:2 (hydrated salts: ligands, Arg, Lys and Leu) using specific synthetic routes for each amino acid. The Arg and Lys complexes are partially soluble in water and insoluble in ethanol, methanol,acetonitrile and nitromethane. The Leu complexes are soluble in water, acetone, ethanol, methanol and nitromethane; they are partially soluble in acetonitrile and they are non-electrolytes in acetone and nitromethane. The general formulae for the complexes, determined by EOTA titrations, elemental analyses and thermogravimetry, are RE(pic) 3.2AA.2H2O and RE(pic) 3.2Leu.5H2) (RE =La-Lu and Y, pic =picrate, AA =Arg and Lys). In all compounds, the amino acids are bonded to RE(III) ions through the αaminogroup nitrogen atom and picrates, at least partially, are coordinated as bidentate ligands, through the phenoxy oxygen and one o-nitrogroup oxygen atom, as evidenced by IR absorption spectra. The Arg and Lys complexes display only one isomorphous series, but the Leu compounds present three isomorphous series. Parameters obtained from visible absorption spectra of the Nd complexes indicate that ligand-metal bonds are weakly covalent. Eu complexes are luminescent, both at room temperature and at 77K. Tb complexes are not luminescent, since their upper emitting state is above the Iigand\'s triplet state. The position of this state was determined by the picrate phosphorescence spectra of the Gd compound. Spectral characteristics, as well as the biexponential decay of Eu luminescence suggest that there is more than one coordination environment around the Eu(III) ion and that these complexes have polymeric structures. The stability and thermal behavior of these compounds were studied by thermogravimetry (TG), derivative thermogravimetry (DTG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). In the three series of complexes thermal stability is similar, but the Lys complexes are the most stable and the Arg complexes the least stable ones. Thermal decompositions differ, but in each series the decomposition is similar. From TG curves it was possible also to determine water contents and the RE percent compositions.
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Segmentation d'image par intégration itérative de connaissances / Image segmentation by iterative knowledge integrationChaibou salaou, Mahaman Sani 02 July 2019 (has links)
Le traitement d’images est un axe de recherche très actif depuis des années. L’interprétation des images constitue une de ses branches les plus importantes de par ses applications socio-économiques et scientifiques. Cependant cette interprétation, comme la plupart des processus de traitements d’images, nécessite une phase de segmentation pour délimiter les régions à analyser. En fait l’interprétation est un traitement qui permet de donner un sens aux régions détectées par la phase de segmentation. Ainsi, la phase d’interprétation ne pourra analyser que les régions détectées lors de la segmentation. Bien que l’objectif de l’interprétation automatique soit d’avoir le même résultat qu’une interprétation humaine, la logique des techniques classiques de ce domaine ne marie pas celle de l’interprétation humaine. La majorité des approches classiques d’interprétation d’images séparent la phase de segmentation et celle de l’interprétation. Les images sont d’abord segmentées puis les régions détectées sont interprétées. En plus, au niveau de la segmentation les techniques classiques parcourent les images de manière séquentielle, dans l’ordre de stockage des pixels. Ce parcours ne reflète pas nécessairement le parcours de l’expert humain lors de son exploration de l’image. En effet ce dernier commence le plus souvent par balayer l’image à la recherche d’éventuelles zones d’intérêts. Dans le cas échéant, il analyse les zones potentielles sous trois niveaux de vue pour essayer de reconnaitre de quel objet s’agit-il. Premièrement, il analyse la zone en se basant sur ses caractéristiques physiques. Ensuite il considère les zones avoisinantes de celle-ci et enfin il zoome sur toute l’image afin d’avoir une vue complète tout en considérant les informations locales à la zone et celles de ses voisines. Pendant son exploration, l’expert, en plus des informations directement obtenues sur les caractéristiques physiques de l’image, fait appel à plusieurs sources d’informations qu’il fusionne pour interpréter l’image. Ces sources peuvent inclure les connaissent acquises grâce à son expérience professionnelle, les contraintes existantes entre les objets de ce type d’images, etc. L’idée de l’approche présentée ici est que simuler l’activité visuelle de l’expert permettrait une meilleure compatibilité entre les résultats de l’interprétation et ceux de l’expert. Ainsi nous retenons de cette analyse trois aspects importants du processus d’interprétation d’image que nous allons modéliser dans l’approche proposée dans ce travail : 1. Le processus de segmentation n’est pas nécessairement séquentiel comme la plus part des techniques de segmentations qu’on rencontre, mais plutôt une suite de décisions pouvant remettre en cause leurs prédécesseurs. L’essentiel étant à la fin d’avoir la meilleure classification des régions. L’interprétation ne doit pas être limitée par la segmentation. 2. Le processus de caractérisation d’une zone d’intérêt n’est pas strictement monotone i.e. que l’expert peut aller d’une vue centrée sur la zone à vue plus large incluant ses voisines pour ensuite retourner vers la vue contenant uniquement la zone et vice-versa. 3. Lors de la décision plusieurs sources d’informations sont sollicitées et fusionnées pour une meilleure certitude. La modélisation proposée de ces trois niveaux met particulièrement l’accent sur les connaissances utilisées et le raisonnement qui mène à la segmentation des images. / Image processing has been a very active area of research for years. The interpretation of images is one of its most important branches because of its socio-economic and scientific applications. However, the interpretation, like most image processing processes, requires a segmentation phase to delimit the regions to be analyzed. In fact, interpretation is a process that gives meaning to the regions detected by the segmentation phase. Thus, the interpretation phase can only analyze the regions detected during the segmentation. Although the ultimate objective of automatic interpretation is to produce the same result as a human, the logic of classical techniques in this field does not marry that of human interpretation. Most conventional approaches to this task separate the segmentation phase from the interpretation phase. The images are first segmented and then the detected regions are interpreted. In addition, conventional techniques of segmentation scan images sequentially, in the order of pixels appearance. This way does not necessarily reflect the way of the expert during the image exploration. Indeed, a human usually starts by scanning the image for possible region of interest. When he finds a potential area, he analyzes it under three view points trying to recognize what object it is. First, he analyzes the area based on its physical characteristics. Then he considers the region's surrounding areas and finally he zooms in on the whole image in order to have a wider view while considering the information local to the region and those of its neighbors. In addition to information directly gathered from the physical characteristics of the image, the expert uses several sources of information that he merges to interpret the image. These sources include knowledge acquired through professional experience, existing constraints between objects from the images, and so on.The idea of the proposed approach, in this manuscript, is that simulating the visual activity of the expert would allow a better compatibility between the results of the interpretation and those ofthe expert. We retain from the analysis of the expert's behavior three important aspects of the image interpretation process that we will model in this work: 1. Unlike what most of the segmentation techniques suggest, the segmentation process is not necessarily sequential, but rather a series of decisions that each one may question the results of its predecessors. The main objective is to produce the best possible regions classification. 2. The process of characterizing an area of interest is not a one way process i.e. the expert can go from a local view restricted to the region of interest to a wider view of the area, including its neighbors and vice versa. 3. Several information sources are gathered and merged for a better certainty, during the decision of region characterisation. The proposed model of these three levels places particular emphasis on the knowledge used and the reasoning behind image segmentation.
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Conflict-Tolerant FeaturesGopinathan, Madhu 07 1900 (has links)
Large, software intensive systems are typically developed using a feature oriented development paradigm in which feature specifications are derived from domain requirements and features are implemented to satisfy such specifications. Historically, this approach has been followed in the telecommunications industry. More recently, in the automotive industry, features (for e.g. electronic stability control, collision avoidance etc.) are being developed as part of a software product line and a suitable subset of these features is integrated in an automobile model based on market requirements. Typically, features are designed independently by different engineering teams and are integrated later to create a system. Integrating features that are designed independently is extremely hard because the interactions between features are not understood properly and any incompatibilities may lead to costly redesign.
In this thesis, we propose a framework for developing feature based systems such that even if features are incompatible, they can be integrated without redesign. Our view is that a feature based system consists of a base system and multiple features (or controllers), each of which independently advise the base system on how to react to an input so as to conform to their respective specifications. Such a system may reach a point of “conflict” between two or more features when they do not agree on a common action that the base system should perform. Instead of redesigning one or more features for resolving a conflict, we propose the novel notion of “conflicttolerance”, which requires features to be “resilient” or “tolerant” with regard to violations of their advice. Thus, unlike a classical feature, a conflicttolerant feature observes that its advice has been overridden, and takes this fact into account before proceeding to offer advice for subsequent behaviour of the base system. Conflict-tolerant features are composed using a priority order such that whenever a conflict occurs between two features, the base system continues with the advice of the higher priority feature. We guarantee that each feature is “maximally” utilized in that its advice is not taken only when there is a conflict with some higher priority controller. We show how to specify conflict-tolerant features for finite state, timed, and hybrid systems and also provide decision procedures for automated verification of finite state and timed systems. This provides a compositional technique for verifying systems which are composed of conflict-tolerant features.
Our framework for developing feature based systems enables conflictresolution without redesign. The scope for reusing conflict tolerant features is significantly higher thus reducing design and verification effort.
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