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Traitement d'information mono-source pour la validation objective d'un modèle d'anxiété : application au signal de pression sanguine volumique / Objective assessment of an anxiety model from data processing of a single source : application to signal blood volume pulseHandouzi, Wahida 28 October 2014 (has links)
La détection et l’évaluation des émotions sont des domaines qui suscitent un grand intérêt par de nombreuses communautés tant au niveau des sciences humaines que des sciences exactes. Dans cette thèse nous nous intéressons à la reconnaissance de l’anxiété sociale qui est une peur irrationnelle ressentie par une personne lors de toute forme de relation sociale. L’anxiété peut être révélée par un ensemble de traits physiques et physiologiques tels que l’intonation de la voix, les mimiques faciales, l’augmentation du rythme cardiaque, le rougissement… etc. L’avantage de l’utilisation des mesures physiologiques est que les individus ne peuvent pas les manipuler, c’est une source continue de données et chaque émotion est caractérisée par une variation physiologique particulière. Dans ce travail, nous proposons un système de mesure d’anxiété basé sur l’utilisation d’un seul signal physiologique « signal de pression sanguine volumique (Blood volume pulse BVP)». Le choix d’un seul capteur limite la gêne des sujets due au nombre de capteurs. De ce signal nous avons sélectionné des paramètres pertinents représentant au mieux les relations étroites du signal BVP avec le processus émotionnel de l’anxiété. Cet ensemble de paramètres est classé en utilisant les séparateurs à vastes marges SVM. Les travaux engagés dans le domaine de la reconnaissance des émotions utilisent fréquemment, pour support d’information, des données peu fiables ne correspondant pas toujours aux situations envisagées. Ce manque de fiabilité peut être dû à plusieurs paramètres parmi eux la subjectivité de la méthode d’évaluation utilisée (questionnaire, auto-évaluation des sujets, …etc.). Nous avons développé une approche d’évaluation objective des données basée sur les dynamiques des paramètres sélectionnés. La base de données utilisée a été enregistrée dans notre laboratoire dans des conditions réelles acquises sur des sujets présentant un niveau d’anxiété face aux situations sociales et qui ne sont pas sous traitement psychologique. L’inducteur utilisé est l’exposition à des environnements virtuels représentant quelques situations sociales redoutées. L’étape d’évaluation, nous a permis d’obtenir un modèle de données fiable pour la reconnaissance de deux niveaux d’anxiété. Ce modèle a été testé dans une clinique spécialisée dans les thérapies cognitives comportementales (TCC) sur des sujets phobiques. Les résultats obtenus mettent en lumière la fiabilité du modèle construit notamment pour la reconnaissance des niveaux d’anxiété sur des sujets sains ou sur des sujets phobiques ce qui constitue une solution au manque de données dont souffrent les différents domaines de reconnaissances / Detection and evaluation of emotions are areas of great interest in many communities both in terms of human and exact sciences. In this thesis we focus on social anxiety recognition, which is an irrational fear felt by a person during any form of social relationship. Anxiety can be revealed by a set of physical and physiological traits such as tone of voice, facial expressions, increased heart rate, flushing ... etc. The interest to the physiological measures is motivated by them robustness to avoid the artifacts created by human social masking, they are a continuous source of data and each emotion is characterized by a particular physiological variation. In this work, we propose a measurement system based on the use of a single physiological signal "Blood volume pulse BVP". The use of a single sensor limits the subjects’ discomfort. From the BVP signal we selected three relevant features which best represents the close relationship between this signal and anxiety status. This features set is classified using support vector machine SVM. The work undertaken in the field of emotion recognition frequently use, for information support, unreliable data do not always correspond to the situations envisaged. This lack of reliability may be due to several parameters among them the subjectivity of the evaluation method used (self-evaluation questionnaire, subjects…etc.). We have developed an approach to objective assessment of data based on the dynamics of selected features. The used database was recorded in our laboratory under real conditions acquired in subjects with a level of anxiety during social situations and who are not under psychological treatment. The used stimulus is the exposition to virtual environments representing some feared social situations. After the evaluation stage, we obtained a reliable model for the recognition of two levels of anxiety. The latter was tested in a clinic specializing in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) on phobic subjects. The results highlight the reliability of the built model specifically for the recognition of anxiety levels in healthy subjects or of phobic subjects, what constitutes a solution to the lack of data affecting different areas of recognition
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Représentations d'images basées sur un principe de voisins partagés pour la classification fine / Spatially consistent nearest neighbor representations for fine-grained classificationLeveau, Valentin 09 November 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés au problème de la classification à « grain fin » qui est une tâche de classification particulière où les classes peuvent être visuellement distinguables seulement à partir de détails subtils et où le contexte agit souvent comme une source de bruit. Ce travail est principalement motivé par le besoin de concevoir des représentations d'images plus « fines » pour adresser de telles tâches de classification qui nécessitent un encodage d’informations discriminantes très fines et localisées. L'originalité principale de notre approche est d’intégrer dans une représentation globale de haute dimension une mesure de consistance géométrique locale entre l’image à représenter et les images d’une base de référence (que nous considérons comme un vocabulaire visuel possiblement constitué d’un grand nombre d’images). Ceci nous permet d’encoder dans une représentation vectorielle des motifs très localisés et géométriquement consistant avec l’image (contrairement aux méthodes de codage traditionnelles comme les Bag-of-Visual-Word, les vecteurs de Fisher ou les vecteurs VLAD). Plus en détails : Nous proposons dans un premier temps une approche de classification d'instances d'entités visuelles basée sur un classificateur par plus proches voisins qui agrège les similarités entre l'image requête et celles de la base d'apprentissage. Les similarités sont calculées avec prise en compte de la consistance géométrique locale entre les descripteurs locaux de la requête et ceux des images de la base d'apprentissage. Cette base pouvant être constituée de nombreux descripteurs locaux, nous proposons de passer notre méthode à l’échelle en utilisant des méthodes de recherche approximatives de plus proches voisins. Par la suite, nous avons mis au point un nouveau noyau de similarité entre des images basé sur les descripteurs locaux qu'elles partagent dans une base de référence. Nous avons nommé ce noyau Shared Nearest Neighbors Kernel (SNN Kernel), qui peut être utilisé comme n'importe quel autre noyau dans les machines à noyau. Nous avons dérivé, à partir de ce dernier, une représentation explicite globale des images à décrire. Cette représentation encode la similarité de l'image considérée avec les différentes régions visuelles des images de la base correspondant au vocabulaire visuel. Nous avons également rendu possible l'intégration de l'information de consistance géométrique dans nos représentations à l'aide de l'algorithme RANSAC amélioré que nous avons proposé dans notre contribution précédente. La classification des images se fait ensuite par un modèle linéaire appris sur ces représentations. Finalement, nous proposons, comme troisième contribution, une stratégie permettant de considérablement réduire, jusqu'à deux ordres de grandeur, la dimension de la représentation d'image sur-complète précédemment présentée tout en conservant une performance de classification compétitive aux méthodes de l’état de l’art. Nous avons validé nos approches en conduisant une série d’expérimentations sur plusieurs tâches de classification impliquant des objets rigides comme FlickrsLogos32 ou Vehicles29, mais aussi sur des tâches impliquant des concepts visuels plus finement discriminables comme la base FGVC-Aircrafts, Oxford-Flower102 ou CUB-Birds200. Nous avons aussi démontré des résultats significatifs sur des tâches de classification audio à grain fin comme la tâche d'identification d'espèce d'oiseau de LifeCLEF2015 en proposant une extension temporelle de notre représentation d'image. Finalement, nous avons montré que notre technique de réduction de dimension permet d’obtenir un vocabulaire visuel très interprétable composé des régions d'image les plus représentatives pour les concepts visuels représentés dans la base d’apprentissage. / This thesis focuses on the issue of fine-grained classification which is a particular classification task where classes may be visually distinguishable only from subtle localized details and where background often acts as a source of noise. This work is mainly motivated by the need to devise finer image representations to address such fine-grained classification tasks by encoding enough localized discriminant information such as spatial arrangement of local features.To this aim, the main research line we investigate in this work relies on spatially localized similarities between images computed thanks to efficient approximate nearest neighbor search techniques and localized parametric geometry. The main originality of our approach is to embed such spatially consistent localized similarities into a high-dimensional global image representation that preserves the spatial arrangement of the fine-grained visual patterns (contrary to traditional encoding methods such as BoW, Fisher or VLAD Vectors). In a nutshell, this is done by considering all raw patches of the training set as a large visual vocabulary and by explicitly encoding their similarity to the query image. In more details:The first contribution proposed in this work is a classification scheme based on a spatially consistent k-nn classifier that relies on pooling similarity scores between local features of the query and those of the similar retrieved images in the vocabulary set. As this set can be composed of a lot of local descriptors, we propose to scale up our approach by using approximate k-nearest neighbors search methods. Then, the main contribution of this work is a new aggregation-based explicit embedding derived from a newly introduced match kernel based on shared nearest neighbors of localized feature vectors combined with local geometric constraints. The originality of this new similarity-based representation space is that it directly integrates spatially localized geometric information in the aggregation process.Finally, as a third contribution, we proposed a strategy to drastically reduce, by up to two orders of magnitude, the high-dimensionality of the previously introduced over-complete image representation while still providing competitive image classification performance.We validated our approaches by conducting a series of experiments on several classification tasks involving rigid objects such as FlickrsLogos32 or Vehicles29 but also on tasks involving finer visual knowledge such as FGVC-Aircrafts, Oxford-Flower102 or CUB-Birds200. We also demonstrated significant results on fine-grained audio classification tasks such as the LifeCLEF 2015 bird species identification challenge by proposing a temporal extension of our image representation. Finally, we notably showed that our dimensionality reduction technique used on top of our representation resulted in highly interpretable visual vocabulary composed of the most representative image regions for different visual concepts of the training base.
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Caracterização farmacognóstica de Campomanesia xanthocarpa Myrtaceae ou Caracterização farmacognóstica de Campomanesia xanthocarpa Berg Myrtaceae / Pharmacognostic characterization of Campomanesia xanthocarpa Berg MyrtaceaeMarkman, Blanca Elena Ortega 07 August 2002 (has links)
Campomanesia xanthocarpa Berg, espécie pertencente à família Myrtaceae, é conhecida popularmente como gabiroba. Diversas propriedades terapêuticas são atribuídas às espécies de Campomanesia, tais como, combate à disenteria, febre, cistites e uretrites. O presente trabalho objetiva contribuir para elaboração de monografia da espécie, através do estudo químico e farmacológico do extrato hidroalcoólico liofilizado e da droga vegetal constituída de folhas. Os caracteres farmacobotânicos da droga vegetal são apresentados com o intuito de auxiliar a diagnose. Dentre as principais características macroscópicas das folhas desidratadas podem ser citadas: ondulação nas bordas; pontos translúcidos na lâmina, tipo de venação, forma da lâmina e dos pecíolos, e odor aromático. As características anatômicas que se destacaram são: mesofilo dorsiventral; grandes idioblastos contendo cristal prismático na região paliçádica; predominância de estômatos anomocíticos nas folhas hipoestomáticas; cavidades secretoras globosas, associadas a ambas as superfícies, recobertas por células dispostas aos pares em que a parede comissural mostra-se reta, sinuosa ou de \"zig-zag\"; feixe vascular bicolateral e sistema disposto em arco aberto; cristais prismáticos na região floemática. Fotomicrografias ilustraram o trabalho. A triagem fitoquímica da droga vegetal e do extrato liofilizado (EHA) indicou a presença de flavonóides, taninos, saponinas e óleo essencial. O teor de óleo essencial nas folhas frescas, foi de 0,11 %. Linalol (29%) e globulol (20%) foram identificados como os principais componentes do óleo. O teor de taninos na droga foi de 2,86 % e no extrato EHA, de 8,49 %. O teor de saponinas na droga foi de 6,27 % e no extrato EHA de 16%. O extrato apresentou elevada atividade antioxidante no modelo de medida de produção de malonildialdeído, com Q1/2 =0,2891 µg/mL. No ensaio da inibição da lipoperoxidação, induzida por sulfato de cobre, o extrato EHA reduziu significativamente o tempo de indução (\"Lag-time\") e o tempo de terminação (\"Peak-time\") da oxidabilidade de lipoproteínas de baixa densidade (LDL). O extrato EHA apresentou atividade antiúlcera no modelo de indução aguda por ácido clorídrico em etanol, com percentual de proteção de 62%. O extrato EHA apresentou atividade antimicrobiana com: CMI >1.000 e <500 µg/mL em relação a Staphylococcus aureus; CMI <500 e >100 µg/mL para Salmonella cholerasuis e CMI <1.000 e >500 µg/mL em relação a Candida albicans. O extrato EHA mostrou atividade citotóxica no ensaio da letalidade de artêmias, com DL50 de 0,503 mg/mL. O extrato EHA não apresentou toxicidade no ensaio de toxicidade aguda, na dose de 5g/kg de peso do animal, por via oral. / Campomanesia xanthocarpa Berg, a species that belongs to the Myrtaceae family, is popularly known as gabiroba. Several therapeutic properties are attributed to the various Campomanesia species, such as treating diarrhea, fever, cystitis and urethritis. This project aims at contributing through a chemical and pharmacological study of lyophilized hydrated alcohol extract and the vegetable drug made from leaves. The pharmacological and botanical features of the vegetable drug are indicated in order to help with the diagnosis. Main macroscopic features of the dehydrated leaves include: wavy edges, translucent blade spots, venation type, blade and leafstalk forms and scent. The main anatomical features are: dorsiventral mesophyll; large idoblasts containing prismatic crystal in the palisade parenchyma; predominance of anomocytic stomata in the hypostomatic leaves, globose segregating cavity associated to both surfaces, covered by cells organized in pairs where the commissure wall appears straight, sinuous, or in zigzag; bicollateral vascular bundle and system organized in an open arch, prismatic crystals in the phloem region. Photomicographs illustrate the study. The phytochemical screening of the vegetable drug and the lyophilized extract (EHA) indicated the presence of essential oil, flavonoids, tannins and saponins. The essential oil content in the fresh leaves was 0.11 %. Linalol (29%) and globulol (20%) were identified as the main oil components. Tannin content was 2.86% in the drug and 8.49% in the EHA extract. The saponin content was 6.27% in the drug and 16% in the EHA extract. The extract displayed a high antioxidant activity in the model of malonyl dialdehyde production measure with Q1/2 = 0,2891 µg/mL. In the copper sulfate-induced lipoperoxydation inhibition assay the EHA extract significantly reduced Lag-time and Peak-time for low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidability. The EHA extract displayed antiulceration activity in the acute induction model by hydrochloric acid in ethanol, with a 62% protection percentage. The EHA extract displayed antibacterial activity with: CMI >1,000 and <500 µg/mL relative to Staphylococcus aureus; CMI <500 and >100 µg/mL for Salmonella cholerasuis and CMI <1.000 and >500 µg/mL regarding Candida albicans. The EHA extract displayed cytotoxic activity in the artemias lethality trial, with DL50 of 0,503 mg/mL. The EHA extract displayed no toxicity in the acute toxicity trial in the 5g/kilo oral dosage per animal body weight.
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Previous issue date: 2016-03-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The biodiversity of plant species plays a key role in the Earth's ecology, providing food, shelter and maintaining a healthy breathable atmosphere for all living beings. The plants also have medicinal properties and are used for alternative energy sources, such as biofuel. However, the number of plants endangered has gradually increased and the difficulties in the plants manual recognition process, does become a complex and slow task. A viable method for the identification of plants, or to provide a categorization of the plant, is the plant image acquisition and use pattern recognition techniques. In this way, the use of computers, despite having little contribution in the area, can provide important information on the taxonomy of plants, and can serve as a basis for systems that perform tasks such as the selection of certain plants or to guide the specialist for possible decision-making. This paper proposes a method for classification of plants based on collaborative images of the world experts. This method is able to deal with some complexities imposed during the capture of images, as the presence of noise (lighting, shadows and undesirable objects) and plants position variations. To accomplish this task are used texture descriptors based on SIFT, SURF and HOG, which have shown excellent results in several works. To enable testing of the proposed method, we used an image provided by the global task basis for recognition of plants in 2011, ImageCLEF, containing about 2,586 plant samples composed by 41 species divided into two distinct categories: the first one with 13 species and images with presence of noise, and with the second species and 28 sheets of images plotted on a white background. The results of the experiments show that the classifiers trained with texture descriptors are able to achieve good hit rates close to 70%, given the complexity of the problem. Classifiers combination methods have also been used and have been shown capable to improve the performance of classifiers, especially in the test with images that has the presence of noises. / A biodiversidade das espécies de plantas desempenha um papel fundamental na ecologia da Terra, fornecendo alimento, abrigo e mantendo uma atmosfera respirável saudável para todos os seres vivos. As plantas também têm propriedades medicinais e são utilizadas para fontes alternativas de energia, como o biocombustível. No entanto, o número de plantas em risco de extinção tem aumentado gradativamente e as dificuldades presentes no processo manual de reconhecimento de plantas, torna esta tarefa muito complexa e morosa. Uma metodologia viável para a identificação das plantas, ou para fornecer uma categorização de plantas, é a aquisição da imagem da planta e o uso técnicas de reconhecimento de padrões. Dessa forma, o uso da computação, apesar de ainda ter pequena contribuição na área, pode prover informações importantes sobre a taxonomia das plantas, além de poder servir como base para sistemas que executem tarefas como a de seleção de determinado tipo de plantas ou que guiem o especialista para possíveis tomadas de decisões. Neste trabalho é proposto um método para classificação de plantas baseado em imagens colaborativas de especialistas do mundo inteiro. Esse método é capaz de lidar com algumas complexidades impostas durante a captura das imagens, como a presença de ruídos (luminosidade, sombras e objetos indesejáveis) e variações de posições das plantas. Para cumprir essa tarefa são utilizados descritores de textura baseados em SIFT, SURF e HOG, que têm mostrado excelentes resultados em diversos trabalhos. Para possibilitar os testes do método proposto, foi empregada uma base de imagens disponibilizada pela tarefa mundial de reconhecimento de plantas em 2011, ImageCLEF, que contém cerca de 2.586 amostras de plantas composta por 41 espécies divididas em duas categorias distintas: a primeira com 13 espécies e imagens com presença de ruídos, e a segunda com 28 espécies e imagens de folhas plotadas em um fundo branco. Os resultados dos experimentos mostram que os classificadores treinados com descritores de textura são capazes de atingir boas taxas de acertos, próximas a 70%, dada a complexidade do problema. Métodos de combinação de classificadores também foram utilizados e se mostraram capazes de melhorar o desempenho dos classificadores, principalmente nos testes com imagens que tem a presença de ruídos.
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Análise de estabilidade de vertentes por meio da utilização dos métodos de Feições Mínimas do relevo e Fator de Segurança / Stability analysis of slopes using the Minimum Feature of relief and Safety Factor methodsSantos, Michelle Odete dos 11 November 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo sistematizar métodos e informações e auxiliar a análise dos processos de escorregamento do tipo planar (ou translacional) em vertentes associados aos fatores naturais e antrópicos. Os métodos escolhidos foram a delimitação das formas das vertentes em feições mínimas (FM) do relevo e a análise destas formas e das condicionantes de escorregamentos através do cálculo do fator de segurança. Desta maneira, buscou-se um padrão para o comportamento dinâmico das feições. Foi fundamental a utilização de ferramentas de análise de Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG), tendo em vista a execução de cálculos, o desenvolvimento de matrizes de relação e de cartas com a espacialização dos resultados obtidos. Todas as técnicas utilizadas foram descritas neste trabalho. Os resultados revelaram a relação entre as condicionantes dos escorregamentos e as FM, mostrando que fatores como forma da vertente e o fluxo superficial são características importantes na determinação de áreas onde a possibilidade de ocorrência destes eventos seja maior, assim como as variáveis clinográficas e de uso e ocupação da terra / This research aims, through a methodological and informational systematization, to aid the analyses of translational slides in slops associated with natural and anthropic factors which determinate this process. The chosen methods were: the delimitation of slope shape on minimum feature; and the analysis of these features and their landslides conditions by the security factor calculation. Thus, the dynamic behavior of these features is standardized. It was essential to the research the use of the tools of Geographic Information Systems, in order to perform the calculations, to develop the matrix of relationship and the maps of specialization with the results. All techniques were described in this research. The results revealed a relation between the conditions of slides and the minimum features, they demonstrated that factors such as the slope shape and the superficial flow are important to determine where the possibilities of landslides are higher, and also that the slopes and the land-uses variables are relevant.
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Caracterização do estado nutricional de indivíduos portadores de deficiência motora praticantes de atividade física / Nutritional status characterization of phisically active handicapped individualsRibeiro, Sandra Maria Lima 08 October 2002 (has links)
OBJETIVOS: caracterizar o estado nutricional de indivíduos ativos, portadores de deficiência motora. METODOLOGIA: Foram avaliados 68 indivíduos ativos, do sexo masculino, portadores de lesão medular (LM, n= 28), seqüelas de poliomielite (L, n=32) ou amputados (A, n= 8). Foram avaliados: o consumo alimentar (recordatório de 24h e lista de freqüência de alimentos), antropometria (peso, altura, dobras cutâneas), composição corporal por DEXA e por bioimpedância. Quanto aos parâmetros bioquímicos: glicemia de jejum, lipídeos plasmáticos (colesterol total, LDL, HDL e triacilgliceróis), uréia e creatinina, insulina, cortisol e IGF-1 plasmáticos. Os dados dos grupos foram submetidos à análise univariada (ANOVA) e os contrastes significativos ao teste de Tuckey, além da análise multivariada para detecção das correlações entre os parâmetros de avaliação. RESULTADOS: os grupos apresentaram um consumo energético abaixo das predições normais, o que pode ser explicado pela menor necessidade decorrente da diminuição da massa muscular. A distribuição percentual da ingestão de lipídeos apresentou-se elevada, inversamente ao consumo de carboidratos. O IMC mostrou-se um bom indicador da gordura corporal, o DEXA mostrou alta correlação com os dados obtidos por dobras cutâneas e com as predições convencionais de gordura corporal. A densidade óssea do corpo total apresentou normalidade, porém, nos LMe nos P a região das pernas apontou para osteopenia e/ou osteoporose. Os dados bioquímicos apresentaram-se normais. CONCLUSÕES: a atividade física parece ter sido um fator determinante para a normalidade encontrada na maioria dos parâmetros avaliados, embora não tenha sido suficiente para manter a densidade óssea e muscular nas regiões paralisadas. Ficou evidente a necessidade de trabalhos de Educação Nutricional para esses indivíduos. No que diz respeito a parâmetros de densidade óssea, é importante a análise dos diferentes segmentos do corpo. / OBJECTIVES: to characterize the nutricional status of active, handicapped individuals. METHODOLOGY: 68 individuals active, men, with spinal cord injury (SCI) (LM, n = 28), poliomelite sequels (L, n=32) or amputed ( n = 8). They had been evaluated by: food consumption (24h dietary recall and food frequency), anthropometry (weight, height, skinfolders and cicunferences), body composition from DEXA and bioelectrical impedance. About the biochemical parameters: serum fast glucose, serum lipids (total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides), serum urea and creatinine, insulin, cortisol and IGF-1. The data had been submitted to the ANOVA and the significant contrasts to the Tuckey test, beyond the multivaried analysis for correlations values between the parameters. RESULTS: the groups had presented an energy consumption below of the normal predictions, what it can be explained by the muscle mass reduction. The distribution of the lipids ingestion was high, inversely to the carbohydrates consumption. The body mass index (BMI) revealed to be a good index of the body fat, the DEXA showed high correlation with the skinfolders and with the body fat predicictions. The total bone density presented normality, however, in the LM and the P the region of the legs pointed osteopenia and/or osteoporose. The biochemical data had been normal. CONCLUSIONS: the physical activity seems to have been a determinative factor for the normality found in the majority of the evaluated parameters, even so it has not been enough to keep the bone and muscle density in the paralyzed regions. The necessity of Nutricional Education was evident for these individuals. About the parameters of bone density, the analysis of the different regions is important .
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Novos descritores de texturas dinâmicas utilizando padrões locais e fusão de dados / New dynamic texture descriptors using local patterns and data fusionLangoni, Virgílio de Melo 21 September 2017 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, as texturas dinâmicas ou texturas temporais, que são texturas com movimento, tornaram-se objetos de intenso interesse por parte de pesquisadores das áreas de processamento digital de imagens e visão computacional. Várias técnicas vêm sendo desenvolvidas, ou aperfeiçoadas, para a extração de características baseada em texturas dinâmicas. Essas técnicas, em vários casos, são a combinação de duas ou mais metodologias pré-existentes que visam apenas a extração de características e não a melhora da qualidade das características extraídas. Além disso, para os casos em que as características são \"pobres\" em qualidade, o resultado final do processamento poderá apresentar queda de desempenho. Assim, este trabalho propõe descritores que extraiam características dinâmicas de sequências de vídeos e realize a fusão de informações buscando aumentar o desempenho geral na segmentação e/ou reconhecimento de texturas ou cenas em movimento. Os resultados obtidos utilizando-se duas bases de vídeos demonstram que os descritores propostos chamados de D-LMP e D-SLMP foram superiores ao descritor da literatura comparado e denominado de LBP-TOP. Além de apresentarem taxas globais de acurácia, precisão e sensibilidade superiores, os descritores propostos extraem características em um tempo inferior ao descritor LBP-TOP, o que os tornam mais práticos para a maioria das aplicações. A fusão de dados oriundos de regiões com diferentes características dinâmicas aumentou o desempenho dos descritores, demonstrando assim, que a técnica pode ser aplicada não somente para a classificação de texturas dinâmicas em sí, mas também para a classificação de cenas gerais em vídeos. / In the last decades, the dynamic textures or temporal textures, which are textures with movement, have become objects of intense interest on the part of researchers of the areas of digital image processing and computer vision. Several techniques have been developed, or perfected, for feature extraction based on dynamic textures. These techniques, in several cases, are the combination of two or more pre-existing methodologies that aim only the feature extraction and not the improvement of the quality of the extracted features. Moreover, in cases that the features are \"poor\" in quality, the final result of processing may present low performance. Thus, this work proposes descriptors that extract dynamic features of video sequences and perform the fusion of information seeking to increase the overall performance in the segmentation and/or recognition of textures or moving scenes. The results obtained using two video bases show that the proposed descriptors called D-LMP and D-SLMP were superior to the descriptor of the literature compared and denominated of LBP-TOP. In addition to presenting higher overall accuracy, precision and sensitivity rates, the proposed descriptors extract features at a shorter time than the LBP-TOP descriptor, which makes them more practical for most applications. The fusion of data from regions with different dynamic characteristics increased the performance of the descriptors, thus demonstrating that the technique can be applied not only to the classification of dynamic textures, but also to the classification of general scenes in videos.
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Traduzindo um país: um estudo da tradução de marcadores culturais a partir de corpora paralelos de textos português/inglês sobre o censo demográfico brasileiro / Translating a country: a study of the translation of cultural markers in Portuguese/English parallel corpora from texts about the Brazilian population censusPereira, Aline Milani Romeiro 03 December 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo da tradução para a língua inglesa de textos dos tipos release jornalístico e questionário, relativos ao Censo Demográfico 2010 e disponibilizados no website do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), com ênfase nas soluções tradutórias dadas aos vocábulos considerados marcadores culturais, pertencentes aos domínios da cultura ecológica, ideológica, material e social (AUBERT, 1981, 2006). Tomando como arcabouço teórico os Estudos da Tradução Baseados em Corpus (ETBC) (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996; CAMARGO, 2005, 2007), fundamentos da Linguística de Corpus (BERBER SARDINHA, 2000, 2004), e fazendo uso do programa WordSmith Tools, foram analisadas as soluções adotadas, à luz das modalidades de tradução de Aubert (1998), e identificados traços característicos da linguagem da tradução (BAKER, 1996), a saber: explicitação, normalização e simplificação, no corpus traduzido. Também foram feitas comparações com corpora de mesma temática formados por textos originalmente escritos em inglês e obtidos dos websites dos institutos internacionais US Census Bureau e Statistics Canada. Os resultados apontam os domínios da cultura social e ideológica como os mais e os menos frequentes, respectivamente, nas traduções. Os marcadores de maior chavicidade foram indígenas, nos releases, e município, no questionário. Quanto às modalidades, as mais recorrentes nos textos analisados foram: omissão, tradução literal, modulação e transposição. Dada a reduzida presença das características da tradução no questionário, este aspecto foi analisado a partir de exemplos dos releases, apenas, sendo a explicitação a marca menos observada, e a normalização, a característica mais presente nos textos. A comparação com os corpora dos institutos internacionais supracitados evidenciou a existência de três palavras-chave coincidentes nos releases census, population e household(s) e de apenas uma palavra-chave no caso do questionário person(s). As opções tradutórias adotadas para os marcadores culturais no texto do IBGE não foram encontradas nos corpora comparáveis. / This is a study of the translation into English of texts about the 2010 Population Census news releases and a questionnaire available from the IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) website, with a focus on the translation of the words considered cultural markers, according to Auberts classification (1981, 2006) into ecological, ideological, social and material cultural domains. Having Corpus-Based Translation Studies (CTS) (BAKER, 1993, 1995, 1996; CAMARGO, 2005, 2007) and fundamentals of Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2000, 2004) as its theoretical framework, and based on results provided by the software WordSmith Tools, this research study presents an analysis of the translations of cultural markers according to the concept of translation modalities (AUBERT, 1998), and investigates the occurrence of features of translation (BAKER, 1996): explicitation, normalization and simplification, in the translated corpus. Furthermore, it provides comparisons made with additional corpora about the same topic, formed by texts originally written in English, available from the websites of two international agencies: Us Census Bureau and Statistics Canada. The results show that the social and ideological cultural domains are, respectively, the most and the least common in the translations. The words indígenas, found in the releases, and munícípio, in the questionnaire, had the highest keyness values among the cultural markers analyzed. As for translation modalities, the most recurrent ones in the texts were: omission, literal translation, modulation and transposition. Considering the reduced number of translation features in the questionnaire, that aspect was analyzed in examples taken from the releases, only. In those texts, explicitation and normalization were, respectively, the least and most commonly observed features. The comparison between the IBGE corpus and the ones from the aforementioned agencies revealed that three key-words were found repeated in the releases from the three institutes census, population and household(s) versus only one key-word in the case of the questionnaire person(s). The words used to translate the cultural markers in the texts produced by the IBGE were not found in the comparable corpora.
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Aquisição da proforma \"ele mesmo\" no português brasileiro / Acquisition of the proform \"ele mesmo\" in Brazilian PortugueseVieira, Renato Caruso 19 March 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo investiga a aquisição da expressão reflexiva \'ele mesmo\' por crianças adquirindo Português Brasileiro como língua materna, considerando a influência que tal expressão sofre da alternância entre os traços semântico-pragmáticos de reflexividade [+ provável] e reflexividade [- provável] dos predicados em que se encontra. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos, um de produção e um de compreensão, para descobrirmos que, nem mesmo dentre as crianças mais velhas testadas por nós (5;7 - 6;6), o desempenho adulto com a proforma complexa foi verificado. A variação semântica dos predicados, tendo se mostrado apreendida já pelas crianças entre 3;6 - 4;6, foi descartada como agente causador dos erros cometidos pelos sujeitos, razão pela qual recorremos à explicação que responsabiliza, pelo domínio tardio da expressão, a sobrecarga computacional que as operações mentais relevantes à interpretação do \'ele mesmo\' impõem sobre a limitada memória de trabalho infantil. / The present study investigates the acquisition of the reflexive expression \'ele mesmo\' by children acquiring Brazilian Portuguese as their mother language, considering the influence that such expression suffers from the variation between the semantic-pragmatic features of [+ probable] reflexivity and [- probable] reflexivity of the predicates in which it is included. Two experiments were conducted, one of production and another of comprehension, and we discovered that, not even among the oldest children tested (between 5;7 - 6;6 years of age), adult performance with the complex proform was achieved. The younger children tested (between 3;6 - 4;6 years of age) showed mastery of the semantic variation of the predicates. Therefore, the mistakes committed by the subjects cannot be explained by a lack of knowledge of these pragmatic features. In order to account for such non-adult behavior, we resorted to an explanation that blames the computational overload that the relevant mental operations to the interpretation of \'ele mesmo\' impose over the limited working memory of the children.
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Komplexní slova typu 'absobloominlutely' / Complex words of the type 'absobloominlutely'Vojtěch, Albert January 2019 (has links)
iv Abstract The MA thesis examines the word-formation potential of expletive insertion with simple and complex words in English. It represents a linguistic phenomenon that is commonly used by native speakers, shows a certain degree of regularity and has gained popularity with the rise of the Internet, social media and the movie industry. The theoretical part introduces the previous studies on the phenomenon and presents the basic features of the phenomenon, namely the categorization of inserts and the classification of their positions in terms of the structure of the base as outlined by McMillan (1980). The extraction of the sample is described in the methodology section. The empirical part examines the phenomenon's main principles of use governed by prosody and morphology and illustrates the properties and both regularities and irregularities that the process exhibits (predictable insert position, poly-syllabicity of the base, its unchanged meaning and syntactic category, alternative categories of input bases and morphematic discontinuity of bases). The analysis comprises of two main parts: the study of the inserted bases (word-class, type of base, simple vs. complex, and a number of syllables) and the study of the expletive insert (representation of individual inserts and their position relative to stress...
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