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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterisation and utilisation of microbes in the production of fish sauce and paste

Lubbe, Beatrix 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc )--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Fermented fish products are popular food products mainly consumed and produced in Southeast Asia. These products are not produced in South Africa, and those available to the public are imported. The main action during the production and fermentation of this sort of product, is that of proteolysis, either by the bacteria or enzymes naturally present in the fish. The prevalent microbes present in six fermented fish samples from Bangkok (Thailand) and seven from Khon Kaen (Thailand), were determined, and using numerical methods, clustered into similarity groups using the calculated dendrogram .distance (Do) technique to determine their relation to reference strains. Forty-seven different bacterial strains were isolated, but no yeasts, moulds or lactic acid bacteria were found. Five Gram-negative, oxidase-positive species, five different Staphylococcus species and nine different endospore-forming species of the genus Bacillus, were isolated and identified using the API systems. The data indicated that members of the genus Bacillus were the prevalent organisms in all the products examined. The isolates were also scanned for general enzyme activity using the API Zym technology, and the production of proteases was investigated using the Standard Methods Caseinate and the Universal Protease Substrate methods. It was found that most of the isolated organisms produced protease, which is of major importance in the production of fermented fish products. Proteolytic cultures from the fermented fish products, as well as lactic acid starters, were used in the production of a fermented fresh water fish product. Production parameters including: glucose, inoculum, moisture content and incubation time, were evaluated in order to select optimum fermentation conditions. Fermentation efficiency was determined by measuring the final pH, titratable acid and the free amino nitrogen content. Optimum efficiency was obtained with 5% (w/w) added glucose at a moisture level of 150 ml water per 100 g fish. A factorial design (3 x 3 x 3) was used to indicate viable trends to facilitate optimisation of the fermentation process. The main effects, two-factor and three-factor interactions were calculated. Optimum trends obtained were a glucose concentration of 5% (wlw) , inoculum concentration of 1x10⁸ kve.ml ̄ ¹, an incubation period of 15 days and temperature of 30°C. Three lactic acid starters (226 - Lactobacillus plantarum, 140 - Lactococcus diacetylactis and 407 - Pediococcus cerevisiae) were selected as they produced some of the best fermentation results and are safe to use in food. It was found that a combination of all three strains (226, 140 and 407) yielded the best results. By using the above parameters, an acceptable product was produced in terms of consistency, colour and aroma. Further studies need to be conducted to optimise the safety of the product as well as the flavour, both chemically and sensorically optimisation of the product. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gefermenteerde visprodukte is populere voedselprodukte in die lande van Suidoos-Asie. Die produkte word nie in Suid-Afrika geproduseer nie, maar slegs ingevoer. Die hoof aksie tydens die fermentasie proses is proteolise deur die bakteriee en ensieme wat natuurlik teenwoordig is in vis. Die oorheersende mikrobes teenwoordig in ses gefermenteerde vis produkte van Bangkok (Thailand) en sewe van Khon Kaen (Thailand), is bepaal. Numeriese metodes is gevolg om die isolate in groepe te sorteer en te groepeer deur gebruik te maak van die berekende dendrogram afstand (Do) tegniek om hul verwantskap ten opsigte van die verwysingsorganisme te bepaal. Sewe-en-veertig verskillende bakteriee is ge·isoleer, maar geen fungi of melksuurbakteriee is ge·identifiseer nie. Vyf Gram-negatiewe, oksidase-positiewe spesies, vyf verskillende Staphylococcus spesies en nege verskillende endospoorvormende spesies van die genus Bacillus, is geisoleer en ge·identifiseer deur gebruik te maak van die API CHB sisteme. Die data het getoon dat lede van die genus Bacillus die oorheersende organismes was. Die isolate is daarna ondersoek vir algehele ensiemaktiwiteit deur van die API Zym tegnologie gebruik te maak. Daar is veral klem gelê op die protease aktiwiteit en dit is gemeet deur van die "Standard Methods Caseinate Agar" metode asook die "Universal Protease Substrate" metodes gebruik te maak. Daar is gevind dat die oorgrote meerderheid organismes proteolitiese ensieme produseer wat belangrik is in die produksie van gefermenteerde visprodukte. Kulture wat ge·isoleer is uit gefermenteerde visprodukte asook melkssuurkulture is gebruik vir die produksie van 'n gefermenteerde varswater visproduk. Produksieparameters insluitende: glukose-, inokulum- en voginhoud asook inkubasie tyd is ondersoek om die optimum fermentasie kondisies te bepaal. Optimum effektiwiteit is gevind by 'n 5% glukose konsentrasie en vogvlakke van 150 ml water per 100 9 vis. 'n Faktoriale ontwerp (3 x 3 x 3) is gebruik om die optimum kondisies te bepaal. Die hoof effekte asook die twee faktor en drie faktor interaksies is bereken. Optimum neigings is gevind by 'n glukose konsentrasie van 5%, inokulum konsentrasie van 1x10⁸ kve.ml ̄ ¹, 'n inkubasie tydperk van 15 dae en temperatuur van 30°C. Drie melksuurbakteriee (226 - Lactobacillus plantarum, 140 - Lactococcus diacetylactis en 407 - Pediococcus cerevisiae) is gekies aangesien hulle die beste resultate gelewer het en veilig vir gebruik in voedselprodukte is. Daar is gevind dat die drie melksuurkulture saam in kombinasie die beste fermentasie resultate opgelewer het. Deur gebruik te maak van die bogenoemde fermentasie kondisies, kon 'n aanvaarbare produk, in terme van kleur en geur, gelewer word. Verdere studies moet gedoen word om die veiligheid asook die geur, chemies asook sensories, te optimiseer.

PCR-RFLP typification of microbes used in the production of a fermented fish product

Spengler, C. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFoodSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The preservation of various fresh fish products is achieved by either smoking, salting, canning, freezing or fermenting a highly perishable raw product. Since many of these facilities are not readily available, the use of fermentation as a means of preserving the product has been extensively practiced. However, the fermentation of fish is a time consuming practise and only by accelerating the process would it be possible to ensure the production of a more cost effective and readily available safe end-product. The quality of the fermented fish product is partially determined by the fermentation conditions and the metabolic activity of the microbes present. The rapid identification of the microbes present during the fermentation would enable the selection of possible starters to ensure an accelerated production of high quality fermented fish products. This study was thus undertaken to develop identification fingerprints for bacteria isolated from fermented fish products. A 1300 bp fragment of the 16S rRNA genes of each of the bacteria previously isolated was successfully amplified using the PCR technique. The isolates included strains of the genera Bacillus, Staphylococcus, Sphingomonas, Kocuria, Brevibacillus, Cryseomonas, Vibrio, Stenotrophomonas and Agrobacterium. The data obtained can, therefore, be used in the identification of these microbes isolated from other similar fermented fish products. The fingerprints could also be used to assist in determining the dominant microbial populations responsible for the characteristic qualitative changes occurring in the fish product during fermentation. The microbial composition of a fermenting fish product partially determines the quality of the end-product, therefore, the use of selected bacterial starters could result in the accelerated production of a microbial safe fermented fish product. A further objective of this study was to accelerate the production of a fermented fish product by inoculating macerated trout with either selected lactic acid bacteria (LAB) or with selected bacteria with high proteolytic activity over a 30 day fermentation period. The LAB included a combination of Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactococcus diacetylactis and Pediococcus cerevisiae strains, whereas the bacteria with high proteolytic activity included strains of Kocuria varians, Bacillus subtilis, two strains of B. amyloliquefaciens and a combination of these bacterial species. The quality of the fermented product was determined using changes in product pH, titratable acidity (%TA) and free amino nitrogen (FAN) formation as efficiency parameters. The data obtained during the fermentation of the macerated trout showed that the selected starters did not have a significant effect on the pH decrease in the product over a 30 day fermentation period. The LAB strains did not have a significant effect on the %TA of the fermenting fish product, yet the presence of these bacteria appeared to limit the FAN production in the product. The bacteria with high proteolytic activity resulted in slightly enhanced %TA values and a higher FAN content in the fermented product. It was also determined that the LAB and Kocuria varians, in contrast to the Bacillus spp. inoculums, did not survive the fermentation conditions well, possibly due to the low pH environment. The presence of the starter bacteria in the fermenting fish mixture at the end of the fermentation was also successfully determined with the use of the PCR-RFLP technique. The fermented fish product, obtained at the end of the fermentation period, had a good aroma and compared favourably to similar commercially available fermented fish products. The use of different microbial starters could in future enable the production of a diverse range of high quality products, which could be produced and marketed locally. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die preservering van ‘n verskeidenheid vars vis produkte word bereik deur die hoogs bederfbare produk te rook, te sout, te blik, te vries of te fermenteer. Aangesien baie van hierdie fasiliteite nie geredelik beskikbaar is nie, is die gebruik van fermentasie as ‘n preserverings metode al ekstensief beoefen. Die fermentasie van vis is egter 'n tydsame proses en slegs deur die versnelling van die proses sal dit moontlik wees om die produksie van ‘n meer koste effektiewe en geredelike beskikbare veilige eindproduk te verseker. Die kwaliteit van die gefermenteerde vis produk word gedeeltelik bepaal deur die fermentasie kondisies en die metaboliese aktiwiteit van die mikrobes teenwoordig. Die vinnige identifikasie van die mikrobes teenwoordig gedurende die fermentasie sal die seleksie van moontlike suursels om die versnelde produksie van hoë kwaliteit gefermenteerde vis produkte moontlik maak. Hierdie studie is dus onderneem om identifikasie vingerafdrukke vir bakteriee wat gei'soleer is van gefermenteerde vis produkte moontlik te maak. ‘n 1300 bp fragment van die 16S rRNA gene van elkeen van die bakteriee wat voorheen gei'soleer is, is suksesvol geamplifiseer deur die PCR tegniek. Die isolate sluit in stamme van die genera Bacillus, Staphylococcus, Sphingomonas, Kocuria, Brevibacillus, Cryseomonas, Vibrio, Stenotrophomonas en Agrobacterium. Die data kan dus gebruik word in die identifikasie van hierdie mikrobes as dit gei'soleer word van ander gefermenteerde vis produkte. Die vingerafdrukke kan ook gebruik word om die dominante mikrobiese populasies wat verantwoordelik is vir die kenmerklike kwalitatiewe veranderinge wat plaasvind in die vis produk gedurende die fermentasie, te identifiseer. Die mikrobiese samestelling van ‘n fermenterende vis produk bepaal gedeeltelik die kwaliteit van die eindproduk, daarom kan die gebruik van geselekteerde bakteriese suursels die versnelde produksie van ‘n mikrobies veilige gefermenteerde vis produk teweeg bring. ‘n Verdere doel van hierdie studie was om die produksie van ‘n gefermenteerde vis produk te versnel deur fyngemaakte forel met of geselekteerde melksuurbakteriee of met geselekteerde bakteriee met hoë proteolitiese aktiwiteit te inokuleer oor ‘n 30 dag fermentasie periode. Die melksuurbakteriee het ingesluit ‘n kombinasie van Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactococcus diacetylactis en Pediococcus cerevisiae, terwyl die bakterieë met hoë proteolitiese aktiwiteit stamme van Kocuria varians, Bacillus subtilis, twee stamme van Bacillus amyloliquefaciens en ‘n kombinasie van hierdie bakteriese stamme ingesluit het. Die kwaliteit van die gefermenteerde produk is bepaal deur die veranderinge in die pH, titreerbare suur (%TS) en vrye amino stikstof (VAS) vorming van die produk as effektiwiteits parameters te gebruik. Die data wat verkry is gedurende die fermentasie van die fyngemaakte forel het gedui daarop dat die geselekteerde suursels nie ‘n merkwaardige effek op die afname in pH in die produk oor ‘n 30 dag fermentasie periode het nie. Die melksuurbakteriee het nie ‘n merkwaardige effek op die %TS van die gefermenteerde vis produk gehad nie, terwyl dit geblyk het dat die teenwoordigheid van hierdie bakterieë die produksie van VAS in die produk belemmer het. Die bakteriee met hoe proteolitiese aktiwiteit het ‘n effense verhoogde %TS en ‘n hoër VAS inhoud in die gefermenteerde produk veroorsaak. Dit is ook bepaal dat die melksuurbakteriee en Kocuria varians, in teenstelling met die Bacillus spp. inokulums, nie die fermentasie kondisies goed oorleef het nie, moontlik as gevolg van die lae pH omgewing. Die teenwoordigheid van die suursel bakteriee in die fermenterende vis mengsel aan die einde van die fermentasie is ook suksesvol bepaal met die PKR-RFLP tegniek. Die gefermenteerde vis produk, verkry aan die einde van die fermentasie periode, het ‘n goeie aroma gehad en het goed vergelyk met soortgelyke kommersieel beskikbare gefermenteerde vis produkte. Die gebruik van verskillende mikrobiese suursels kan in die toekoms die produksie van ‘n diverse reeks hoë kwaliteit produkte wat plaaslik geproduseer en bemark kan word moontlik maak.

Optimisation of kefir biomass and metabolite production in conjunction with sensory evaluation

Cerff, Jeanne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Developing countries such as South Africa are in dire need of nutritionally adequate dairy food and beverage sources that are ambient stable due to minimal access to refrigeration. One such product is Kefir, a naturally fermented milk beverage that originated in Caucasian China many centuries ago. The microorganisms responsible for fermentation of the milk are held together in a carbohydrate matrix in the form of small grains. These grains are then removed from the beverage prior to consumption, and added to fresh milk for new fermentations. This beverage holds great potential for large scale development due to the self-propagating nature of the grains, the lack of sophisticated equipment and knowledge necessary for production, and the appealing sensory characteristics of this beverage. This study was therefore performed as an initial investigation to determine the optimum fermentation conditions for large-scale grain production and optimal sensory appeal. Kefir grain production was found to be proportional to incubation temperature in the range studied (18°, 22°, 25° and 30°C), with maximum grain biomass increases of 500% for the Kefir incubated at 30°C over the 10 d trial. During fermentation of Kefir grains in milk, lactic acid and other metabolites are produced. Lactic acid results in coagulation of the milk, necessary to provide the characteristic texture and flavour of Kefir, as well as exerting a preservative effect. Lactic acid production was found to be strongly proportional to both incubation temperature and inoculum concentration. The samples containing 2% (w/v) Kefir grain inoculum concentration that were incubated at 25°C for 24 h were found to have optimum lactic acid levels for good quality Kefir (pH of 4.4 - 4.6 and TA of 1.0 - 1.15%). The other metabolites produced during Kefir fermentation are responsible for the specific flavour of Kefir, and include acetaldehyde, diacetyl, ethanol, acetone and 2-butanone. These compounds were studied using headspace gas chromatography over the fermentation period, which yielded good resolution and separation of all these compounds, however, only acetaldehyde, ethanol and acetone were found to be major metabolites in this study, These analytical results were then further compared to sensory results for key identified attributes, as obtained from a trained sensory panel, to enable recommendations for optimum fermentation conditions to be made. The studied attributes included sourness, sweetness, butteriness, creaminess, yoghurt flavour, cowiness, effervescence, yeastiness, smoothness and overall acceptability. It was apparent from this study that correlations between analytical and sensory data could be drawn, and that panellists were particularly accurate in detecting the attribute sourness resulting from the accumulated lactic acid in the Kefir. Overall acceptability also seemed to be intricately linked to the attribute creaminess, hence the regular literature references to full-cream Kefir as optimum for best sensory appeal. From this study, it was evident that Kefir with optimal sensory appeal is obtained with incubation for 18 h at moderate temperatures (22° or 25°C) and grain inoculum concentrations (0.8% w/v). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In ontwikkelende lande soos Suid-Afrika, bestaan daar 'n groot behoefte aan voedsame suiwelprodukte wat stabiel is by kamer temperatuur aangesien 'n groot deel van die bevolking beperkte toegang tot verkoelingsfasiliteite het. Een so 'n produk is Kefir, 'n natuurlike gefermenteerde suiwelproduk wat sy oorsprong eeue gelede in China gehad het. Die mikroorganismes wat verantwoordelik is vir die fermentasie, is saamgebind in 'n koolhidraat matriks in die vorm van klein korrels. Hierdie korrels word verwyder uit die drankie voordat dit gedrink word, en word dan weer by vars melk bygevoeg vir 'n verdere fermentasie. Hierdie gefermenteerde produk het baie potensiaal vir massa-produksie, omdat die korrels natuurlik vermeerder, geen gesofistikeerde toerusting of kennis nodig is nie, en die finale produk hoogs aanvaarbare sensoriese eienskappe het. Die doel van die studie was om 'n inleidende ondersoek uit te voer om die optimum fermentasie toestande vir massakweking van korrels en die mees aanvaarbare sensoriese eienskappe te bepaal. Uit hierdie studie is gevind dat Kefirkorrel vermeerdering proporsioneel is tot die verhoging in inkubasie temperatuur in die gebied 18°, 22°, 25° en 30°C, met maksimum biomassa toenames van tot 500% vir Kefir wat vir 10 dae by 30°C geïnkubeer was. Gedurende fermentasie van Kefirkorrels in melk, word melksuur en ander metaboliete gevorm. Melksuur lei tot die verlaging van die pH van die melk, en veroorsaak stolling, wat noodsaaklik is vir die kenmerkende tekstuur en geur van Kefir, maar dien ook as 'n preserveermiddel. Daar is ook gevind dat melksuur produksie 'n direkte verband het met die inkubasie temperatuur en inokulum konsentrasie. Die monsters met Kefirkorrel inokulum konsentrasie van 2% (miv) wat vir 24 h by 25°C geïnkubeer is, het die optimale melksuur konsentrasies vir goeie kwaliteit Kefir bevat (pH van 4.4 - 4.6 en TA van 1.0 - 1.15%). Ander metaboliete wat belangrike geurkomponente van Kefir is, is asetaldehied, diasetiel, etanol, asetoon en 2-butanoon. Hierdie metaboliete is bepaal en geëvalueer met bodamp gaschromatografiese tegnieke gedurende die fermentasie, wat 'n goeie resolusie en skeiding gelewer het. In hierdie studie is slegs asetaldehied, etanol en asetoon as hoof Kefir metaboliete gevind. Die analitiese data is verder vergelyk met die sensoriese data van die hoof sensoriese komponente, soos bepaal deur 'n opgeleide sensoriese paneel, om die mees gunstigde fermentasie parameters te bepaal. Die geëvalueerde eienskappe was suurheid, soetheid, botterigheid, romerigheid, joghurt geur, koeismaak, gas inhoud, gisagtigheid, gladheid en algehele aanvaarbaarheid. Uit hierdie data is gevind dat daar wel 'n sterk korrelasie bestaan tussen die analitiese en sensoriese resultate, en dat paneellede in staat was om die suurheid, as gevolg van die gevormde melksuur, te bepaal. Algehele aanvaarbaarheid is definitief gekoppel aan romerigheid, daarom word volroommelk Kefir verkies bo die wat met afgeroomde melk berei is. Die data uit hierdie studie het ook getoon dat Kefir met optimale sensoriese eienskappe verkry is na 'n inkubasietyd van 18 h by "matige temperature" (22° of 25°C) en 'n Kefirkorrel inokulum van 0.8% (mIv).

Produção de cachaça com grânulos de Kefir / Production of sugar cane with granules of Kefir

Dornelles, Anita Saraiva January 2007 (has links)
DORNELLES, Anita Saraiva. Produção de cachaça com grânulos de Kefir. 2007. 72 f. : Disertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Tecnologia de Alimento, Curso de Mestrado em Tecnologia de Alimentos, Fortaleza-CE, 2007 / Submitted by Nádja Goes (nmoraissoares@gmail.com) on 2016-05-31T12:31:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2007_dis_asdornelles.pdf: 1511119 bytes, checksum: f9b00aa807ca3e9e1c0ff21d577a1a14 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Nádja Goes (nmoraissoares@gmail.com) on 2016-05-31T12:31:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2007_dis_asdornelles.pdf: 1511119 bytes, checksum: f9b00aa807ca3e9e1c0ff21d577a1a14 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-31T12:31:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007_dis_asdornelles.pdf: 1511119 bytes, checksum: f9b00aa807ca3e9e1c0ff21d577a1a14 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007 / Sugar cane spirit is the most consumed alcoholic drink in Brazil. Ceará State is the 4th producer of sugar cane spirit in the country. In this way, studies regarding new alternatives to produce sugar cane spirits are very important for the local development. Sugar cane is the main raw material used in Brazil in alcoholic fermentation and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae is the microorganism used in industrial processes. However, other microorganisms are also able to produce ethanol using raw materials rich in sugars as substrate. In this work, the use of kefir granules in alcoholic fermentation using sugar cane as substrate is presented. Kefir granules are composed of several microorganisms entrapped in a polymeric matrix (kefiran). The main constituents of the granules are lactobacillus and yeasts (Saccharomyces, Kluyveromyces, Cândida and Pichia). These granules are traditionally used to produce fermented milk with low alcohol content. The use of such granules to produced distilled alcoholic beverages was not studied yet. A factorial planning was carried out to verify the influence of sugar concentration and the initial inocula in the ethanol yield in fermentation carried out using kefir granules an commercial baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisae). The fermented broth obtained using kefir presented higher residual sugars and lower ethanol content when compared to the fermented broth obtained using baker’s yeast. The fermented broth was distilled in a artisanal distilator (alambique). The sugar cane spirit obtained presented pleasant aroma and flavor. Physicochemical analyses of the distilled product attested their quality and conformity with the Brazilian regulations requirements considering its composition. The sugar cane spirit obtained using kefir granules was submitted to a sensory evaluation considering the product acceptance and sensory description. The spirit obtained using baker’s yeast was used as reference in the sensory evaluation of the product. / A cachaça é a bebida mais consumida no Brasil. O Ceará ocupa um lugar privilegiado entre os grandes produtores de cachaça do Brasil (4o lugar dentre os produtores nacionais). Dessa forma, estudos inovadores de produção de cachaça são de suma importância. A principal matéria-prima utilizada no Brasil para fermentação alcoólica é a cana-de-açúcar. A levedura Saccharomyces cerevisae é o microrganismo utilizado industrialmente nas destilarias. Entretanto, outros microrganismos são também capazes de produzir etanol utilizando matérias-primas açucaradas como substrato. Neste trabalho, é apresentado o estudo da produção de aguardente de cana através da fermentação alcoólica com grânulos de kefir, utilizando caldo de cana como substrato. Os grânulos de kefir são constituídos de uma microflora variada, tendo como principais constituintes bactérias do gênero Lactobacillus e leveduras (Saccharomyces, Kluyveromyces, Cândida e Pichia). Estes grânulos são tradicionalmente utilizados para produção de leites fermentados de baixo teor alcoólico. A produção de bebidas alcoólicas destiladas através destes grânulos nunca foi estudada. Através de um planejamento fatorial, foi possível verificar a influência do teor de açúcar e da massa de inóculo no rendimento em etanol para fermentações conduzidas com os grânulos de kefir e com o fermento de panificação (Saccharomyces cerevisae). O fermentado obtido com o kefir resultou em maiores teores de açúcar residual e menores teores de etanol quando comparado com a fermentação com a levedura. O fermentado (vinho) foi destilado em alambique artesanal. A cachaça assim produzida apresentou aroma e sabor agradáveis. As análises químicas demonstraram que a bebida atendeu aos requisitos legais com relação á sua composição. A bebida obtida utilizando-se a levedura Saccharomyces cerevisae serviu como referência na análise sensorial. Para saber se a cachaça satisfazia as expectativas dos consumidores, foram feitas análises sensoriais de aceitação e análise descritiva quantitativa.

Senzorické hodnocení vybraných mléčných produktů / Sensory evaluation of selected milk products

HALÁMKOVÁ, Eliška January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was carried out using one of the methods of analysis of sensory evaluation of selected dairy products. Based on the proposed questionnaire survey carried out simultaneously on consumption and preference for selected commodities. The thesis was part of the project ECOP CZ.1.07/2.3.00/09.0081: "Comprehensive training of human resources in the dairy."

Modulação da resposta imune através do consumo de produto probiótico de soja durante o desenvolvimento de câncer de mama murino experimental

Ribeiro, Lívia Carolina de Abreu [UNESP] 11 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-02-11Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:34:23Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 ribeiro_lca_me_arafcf.pdf: 496935 bytes, checksum: 779e7b40d373a53c216dd4ce5235cab2 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / No Brasil, o câncer é a segunda principal causa de morte, sendo o câncer de mama o segundo mais frequente entre as mulheres. Um tumor sólido é composto pelo tecido neoplásico, células estromais e o sistema imune. Todas as células envolvidas produzem mediadores de forma local e sistêmica que influenciam no desenvolvimento do tumor. Os macrófagos ativados se polarizam e são capazes de ativar uma resposta imune celular, induzindo as células T para um padrão Th1, eficaz na eliminação de tumores; ou ativar uma resposta imune humoral, induzindo Th2, ineficiente contra o câncer. Na teoria, uma imunoterapia eficiente poderia alterar a ativação das células envolvidas e gerar uma inflamação voltada para um padrão de resposta celular, que gerasse a destruição das células cancerígenas. Dentre as possíveis imunoterapias, encontra-se o consumo de alimentos funcionais. A soja vem sendo estudada como um dos alimentos capazes de prevenir o câncer de mama a longo prazo. Além disso, as bactérias probióticas, parecem ser capazes de prevenir o câncer. Neste trabalho, procuramos observar o potencial do produto de soja fermentado por Enterococcus faecium CRL 183 e Lactobacillus helveticus ssp jugurti 416 enquanto alimento funcional capaz de modular o sistema imune e exercer influência no desenvolvimento de câncer de mama experimental murino. Os animais consumiram diariamente produto não fermentado de soja (PNFS), produto fermentado de soja acrescido (PFSI) ou não (PFS) de isoflavonas por 40 dias, sendo o inóculo tumoral realizado no décimo dia. PNFS, PFS e PFSI elevam a produção de TNF-α, e PFS e PFSI eleva a atividade da enzima arginase de macrófagos peritoneais. PFS gera uma redução na produção de IFN-γ e PNFS, PFS e PFSI reduzem os níveis de IL-5 produzidos por linfócitos esplênicos. O volume tumoral é menor em PFS e PFSI, e o número de células apoptóticas... / In Brazil, cancer is the second main cause of death, and breast cancer is the second more frequent neoplasia in women. A solid tumor contains neoplastic tissue, stromal cells and immune cells. All cells present in this microenvironment may produce mediators locally and systemically which can influence tumor development. Activated macrophages polarize and are capable of activating a cellular response, inducing T cells into a Th1 cytokine pattern, which is effective against tumor; or activate a humoral response, leading T cells into Th2, unable to fight cancer properly. In theory, a effective immunotherapy could activate involved cells and trigger a acute inflammation, with a cellular pattern, capable of destroying cancer cells. One of the possible therapies is the use of functional food. Soy has been studied as one of the food capable of preventing breast cancer in a long term diet. Besides, probiotic bacteria seems to be able to prevent cancer as well. In the present work, we intended to observe the potential of a soy product fermented using Enterococcus faecium CRL 183 and Lactobacillus helveticus ssp jugurti 416 as a functional food capable of modulating immune system and influencing on experimental murine mamary tumor growth. Animals were fed daily non-fermented soy product (PNFS), fermented sou product (PFS) or fermented soy product plus isoflavones (PFSI) during 40 days, and tumor implant was performed on 10th day. PNFS, PFS and PFSI showed a higher production of TNF-α, while PFS and PFSI also showed a higher arginase activity by peritoneal macrophages. PFS reduced IFN-γ production, while PNFS, PFS and PFSI reduced IL-5 levels on splenic lymphocytes culture. Final tumor volume is reduced in PFS and PFSI, while number of apoptotic cells is elevated in these two groups. It appears that the product may influence on tumor development in a good way, but it is not clear whether immune system is important.

Elaboração e avaliação sensorial de pré-mistura de massa para pão sem glúten a partir de derivados energéticos de mandioca

Escouto, Luiz Fernando Santos [UNESP] 27 May 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:31:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2004-05-27Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:01:57Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 escouto_lfs_dr_botfca.pdf: 479899 bytes, checksum: a3a1caef46e19fb706e8e1afafddf237 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / Em pesquisa anterior, foi desenvolvida uma formulação para pão sem glúten, baseada em derivados de mandioca. O pão sem glúten visa os celíacos, para os quais a ingestão de alimentos contendo glúten danifica a superfície da mucosa do intestino delgado. Essa formulação exigia uma fase de escaldamento dos ingredientes, o que acarretava maior consumo de energia. O ponto mais importante, entretanto, é que o pão tem curta vida de prateleira e por isso é adequado à dispersão do mercado, uma característica dos consumidores celíacos. Para contornar essas limitações foi desenvolvida e avaliada uma pré-mistura de pão sem glúten baseada na formulação anterior, mas com ajustes dos ingredientes farinha de mandioca, amido pré-gelificado e lecitina. O uso de pré-mistura é uma tendência da panificação atual e permite a comercialização dispersa e por maior período. Para os testes de ajuste da formulação foi usada a análise estatística univariada com 3 ensaios e 3 tratamentos cada para dois ingredientes amido pré-gelificado e farinha de mandioca crua. Foram selecionados como fatores importantes na escolha da formulação: a cor da crosta, miolo e na escolha da pré-mistura, avaliação energética e econômica, índice de aceitabilidade, calorimetria, avaliação sensorial. Além desses foram usados indicadores de volume, como o volume específico, densidade, indicador de conversão, perda por evaporação, pontuação da qualidade. Essa análise permitiu a seleção de uma formulação de pré-mistura a qual foi caracterizada para cor, calorimetria, conteúdo energético, custo da matéria prima e preparo. Como forma de confirmar a aceitabilidade foram preparados pães com a formulação selecionada, que por sua vez foram avaliados por degustadores selecionados entre os prováveis consumidores do público celíaco, sócios da Associação dos Celíacos do Brasil - ACELBRA, de São Paulo. / In a previou research it was develop a formulation for bread without gluten, using energetic cassava derivatives. This bread aims the celiac persons, for whom the ingestion of food with gluten causes damages the mucosa surface of small bowl. In a specific phase of this formulation the ingredients had to be scalded, which spent more energy. The point important is that the bread has short shelf life and is for these adequated the market dispersion characteristic of the celiac consumers. In order to solve these limitations was developed and evaluated a premixture of bread without gluten based in the previous formulation, but adjusted for ingredients cassava flour, pregelatinized starch and lecithin. Nowadays the use of the premixture is a tendency of the modern bakery. In the adjust of these formulation it were used statistical analysis univariable with 3 essays and 3 treatment for each two ingredients pregelatinized starch and cassava flour. It was selected some factors that influence the formulation: selected crust color, crumb and into select of the premixture, energetic and economical evaluation, acceptability index, calorimetry, sensory evaluation. Besides was volume indicators as specific volume, density, conversion indicator, evaporation rate, quality punctuation, volume and losses after cooking. This analysis allowed the selection of a premixture formulation that was characterized in color, calorimetric, energetic content, costs and of preparation. In order to confirm the bread acceptability it was made breads using these selected formulation, which were tasted and evaluated by celiac consumers and members of the São Paulo section for Brazilian Association of Celiac ACELBRA of the São Paulo. It was also stablished the organoleptic characteristics of the bread made with a premixture: crust color, symmetry and shape, crust characteristics, color, porousness and texture of the crumb, flavor and taste.

Iogurte de soja como coadjuvante no tratamento de câncer de mama

Kinouchi, Fernanda Lopes [UNESP] 01 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006-11-01Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:22:12Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 kinouchi_fl_dr_arafcf.pdf: 729249 bytes, checksum: 40dc0249a850a1d16d680548a8140cb6 (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / O crescimento da demanda por alimentos saudáveis está estimulando a inovação e o desenvolvimento de novos produtos na indústria alimentícia. Os alimentos saudáveis são chamados de alimentos funcionais, que são alimentos consumidos como parte de uma dieta usual que produzem efeitos metabólicos ou fisiológicos, com capacidade de reduzirem o risco de doenças crônico - degenerativas, além de suas funções nutricionais básicas. Entre os alimentos funcionais, o presente estudo destaca os produtos derivados da soja e os probióticos. As isoflavonas da soja parecem ser os componentes principais no combate ao câncer, por apresentarem, atividade antioxidante, aumento da apoptose, inibição da angiogênese e modulação da resposta imune. O produto fermentado por bactérias láticas, induz resposta imune inata e adaptativa. Os mecanismos pelos quais o produto fermentado pode inibir o crescimento do tumor são diminuição da resposta inflamatória induzida pelo carcinógeno, aumento da IgA, aumento da apoptose celular e aumento da taxa de TNF-a . Considerando o efeito benéfico dos fitoestrogênios da soja em relação à inibição do câncer e considerando, também, o fato de que determinadas bactérias láticas apresentam atividade anti-tumoral, parece-nos plenamente justificável a realização do estudo para verificar se os alimentos: produto de soja não fermentado (PSNF); iogurte de soja (IS) e iogurte de soja suplementado com isoflavonas (ISS), e Ração (R) exercem efeito no desenvolvimento do câncer de mama e verificar os níveis das citocinas, bem como a concentração de óxido nítrico liberado por macrófagos, e IFN-g em cultura de células esplênicas, indução da apoptose/necrose em macrófagos e angiogêneses no tumor. / The growing demand for healthy foods is encouraging the development of new products by the food industry. Functional foods are normally part of a regular diet, but besides their nutritional properties, they also elicit metabolic and physiologic responses that may reduce the risk of chronic degenerative diseases. This study focuses on probiotics and soy-derived products. Soy isoflavones seem to play the most important role in the fight against cancer because, besides their anti-oxidant effects, they stimulate apoptosis, inhibit angiogenesis and modulate the immune response. Probiotics may inhibit tumor growth by diminishing the inflammatory response provoked by the carcinogen and by increasing apoptosis and TNF-_ and IgA levels. Considering the beneficial effects of soy phytoestrogens on cancer and the fact that some lactic bacteria have antitumor activity, is seems reasonable to carry out a study that analyzes whether non-fermented soy product (PSNF), soy yoghurt (IS), soy yoghurt supplemented with is flavones (ISS) and regular feed (R) have an effect on the development of breast cancer by assessing: 1. levels and nitric oxide (NO) produced by macrophages; 2. levels of IL-10 and IFN-g in spleen cell cultures; 3. induction of apoptosis/necrosis in macrophages; and 4. tumor angiogenesis.

Desenvolvimento de um meio de cultura alternativo para enumeração seletiva de Lactobacillus casei em leites fermentados / Development of a culture medium for alternate selective enumeration of Lactobacillus casei in fermented milks

Colombo, Monique 25 July 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:47:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 1110105 bytes, checksum: a122255067a39d8df06f289ce636ff42 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-25 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Monitoring the populations of probiotic organisms such as Lactobacillus casei in food is required by food industries in order to assure that a minimum concentration of these organisms will be ingested by consumers. In this context, Petrifilm AC plates can be used along with selective culture media to allow the enumeration of specific groups of lactic acid bacteria. The present study aimed to assess chemical substances as selective agents for Lb. casei in order to propose a selective culture medium to be used with Petrifilm AC plates as an alternative protocol for the enumeration of this probiotic organism in fermented milk. Twenty-six probiotic and starter cultures (including 6 strains of Lb. casei) were plated on de Man Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) agar with distinct concentrations of nalidixic acid, bile, lithium chloride, metronidazole, sodium propionate, and vancomycin. Vancomycin at 10 mg/L demonstrated selective activity for Lb. casei. In addition, 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chlorine was identified as a compound that did not inhibit Lb. casei, and Petrifilm AC plates used with MRS and vancomycin at 10 mg/L (MRS-V) demonstrated more colonies of this organism when incubated under anaerobic conditions than aerobic conditions. Acidophilus milk and yoghurt were prepared, added to Lb. casei strains, and stored at 4 °C. Lb. casei populations were monitored using MRS-V and MRTLV by conventional plating and associated with Petrifilm AC plates. All correlation indices between counts obtained by conventional plating and Petrifilm AC were significant (p < 0.05), but the best performance was observed for growth on MRS-V. The obtained data indicate the efficiency of using MRS-V associated with Petrifilm AC plates for the enumeration of Lb. casei strains in fermented milk. / Micro-organismos da espécie Lactobacillus casei são os probióticos mais estudados, uma vez que são capazes de promover efeitos benéficos para a saúde humana. Além disso, os micro-organismos dessa espécie são ácido-tolerantes, sendo capazes de sobreviver ao ambiente gastrointestinal sem serem inativados. Quando adicionados em alimentos, devem se apresentar numa concentração mínima (maior que 106 UFC/mL ou g) para exercerem efetivamente a atividade probiótica. Por essas características, é necessário o monitoramento das populações dessas culturas quando adicionadas em alimentos, apesar da ausência de um protocolo oficial com esta finalidade. O sistema Petrifilm AC pode representar uma alternativa para enumeração de culturas starter e probióticas, desde que associado com meios de cultura seletivos. O presente estudo teve como objetivo a avaliação de substâncias químicas como agentes seletivos para Lb. casei, a fim de propor um meio de cultura seletivo para ser associado a placas Petrifilm AC, a ser avaliado como um protocolo alternativo de enumeração deste probiótico em leites fermentados. Vinte e seis culturas probióticas e starter (incluindo 6 cepas de Lb. casei) foram plaqueadas em ágar MRS com diferentes concentrações de ácido nalidíxico, bile, cloreto de lítio, metronidazol, propionato de sódio e vancomicina; somente vancomicina (10 mg/L) apresentou atividade seletiva para Lb. casei. Cloreto de 2,3,5-trifeniltetrazólio foi identificado como não inibitório para Lb. casei e placas de Petrifilm AC associadas a MRS adicionado de vancomicina a 10 mg/L (MRS-V) apresentaram contagens mais elevadas quando incubadas sob anaerobiose que em aerobiose. Leites fermentados acidificados e iogurtes foram preparados, adicionados de cepas de Lb. casei, estocados a 4 °C e as populações de Lb. casei foram monitoradas usando MRS-V e MRTLV por plaqueamento convencional e pelo sistema Petrifilm AC. Todos os índices de correlação entre as contagens obtidas por plaqueamento convencional e pelo sistema Petrifilm AC foram significativos (p < 0.05), mas o melhor desempenho foi observado para MRS-V. Os dados obtidos indicaram a adequação do uso do MRS-V associado às placas Petrifilm AC para enumeração de Lb. casei em leites fermentados.

Desenvolvimento de bebida láctea probiótica carbonatada : características físico-químicas, microbiológicas e sensoriais /

Jardim, Fernanda Barbosa Borges. January 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Célia Maria de Sylos / Coorientador: Elizeu Antônio Rossi / Banca: Daise Aparecida Rossi / Banca: Daniela Cardoso Umbelino Cavallini / Banca: Daniele Peres Miguel / Banca: Sueli Ciabotti / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma bebida láctea sabor morango carbonatada e fermentada com bactérias probióticas. Foram elaboradas quatro formulações de bebida láctea: Controle (BL); Fermentada (BLF); Carbonatada (BLC) e Fermentada Carbonatada (BLFC). Nas amostras submetidas à carbonatação, utilizou-se um carbonatador para injeção do gás dióxido de carbono (CO2) dissolvido em água potável, resultando em um produto com a proporção de 2: 1 (volume de gás/ volume de bebida láctea) e nas amostras fermentadas, adotou-se o cultivo constituído das bactérias lácticas Lactobacillus acidophilus-LA-5®, Bifidobacterium BB-12® e Streptococcus thermophilus. As amostras foram caracterizadas quanto a parâmetros físico-químicos (composição química, índice de proteólise e teor de carbonatação), parâmetros microbiológicos (contagens de coliformes totais, E. coli, bolores e leveduras e viabilidade das bactérias lácticas) e aspectos sensoriais através de testes de aceitação e intenção de compra, ao longo de 28 dias de armazenamento refrigerado das bebidas lácteas. As formulações de bebidas fermentadas BLF e BLFC apresentaram diferenças significativas (p < 0,05) em relação às amostras não fermentadas BL e BLC nos parâmetros glicídeos redutores em lactose e em sacarose, pH e índice de proteólise, com menores médias absolutas e acidez com maiores médias em todos os tempos estudados. As bebidas fermentadas BLF e BLFC não apresentaram presença de microrganismos contaminantes. A amostra BLC apresentou presença de leveduras e coliformes totais, mas as contagens indicaram que estava própria para o consumo no tempo 28 dias. Entretanto, a amostra controle (BL) apresentou contagens... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The goal of this work was to develop a strawberry flavored dairy beverages carbonated and fermented with probiotic bacteria. Four formulas of dairy beverages were elaborated: Control (BL); Fermented (BLF); Carbonated (BLC) and Carbonated Fermented (BLFC). In samples submitted for carbonation, a carbonator was used for the carbon dioxide (CO2) gas injection dissolved in drinking water, resulting in a product with a ratio of 2:1 (volume of gas volume of dairy beverages) and the cultivation consisting of lactic bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus-LA-5®, Bifidobacterium BB-12® and Streptococcus thermophilus was employed on the fermented samples. The samples were characterized by physical and chemical parameters (chemical composition, proteolysis index and carbonation proportion), microbiological parameters (total coliform counts, E. coli, yeasts and molds and viability of the lactic bacteria) and sensory aspects through acceptance testing and purchase intention, over the course of 28 days of refrigerated storage of the dairy beverages. The formulations of the BLF and BLFC fermented drink presented significant differences (p < 0,05) in relation to the non-fermented samples BL and BLC in glucides reducer of lactose and sucrose parameters, pH and proteolysis index, with lower absolute averages and acidity with higher averages at all studied times. The fermented beverages BLF and BLFC did not show any presence of contaminating microorganisms. The BLC sample showed the presence of yeasts and coliform counts, but the counts indicated that it was suitable for consumption in 28 days time. However, the sample... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

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