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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Punção em lajes-cogumelo de concreto de alta resistência reforçado com fibras de aço / Punching shear in high-strength concrete flat slabs reinforced with steel fibre

Elioth Neyl Zambrana Vargas 16 June 1997 (has links)
Neste trabalho investiga-se o comportamento resistente de lajes-cogumelo de concreto armado, analisando-se as possibilidades de melhoria de desempenho com relação ao fenômeno de punção, pelo emprego de concreto de alta resistência, pelo reforço com fibras de aço e pelo uso de armaduras transversais de combate à punção, através de ensaios de modelos de lajes-cogumelo quadradas que representam a ligação laje-pilar para o caso do pilar interno. Apresenta-se também uma revisão de conhecimentos sobre as lajes-cogumelo, o seu comportamento estrutural com ênfase no fenômeno da punção, e os principais conceitos sobre os concretos de alta resistência e os compósitos constituídos de matriz de cimento reforçada com fibras. Doze modelos de laje-cogumelo foram ensaiados com diferentes combinações de concreto de alta resistência, concreto de resistência convencional, armadura transversal e volume de fibras (0%, 0,75% e 1,5%). Um acréscimo significativo de resistência à punção foi observado, devido ao uso de concreto de alta resistência e à adição de fibras. A combinação de concreto de alta resistência com 1,5% de volume de fibras e armadura transversal proporcionaram o dobro de aumento na resistência à punção em relação ao modelo de concreto convencional sem armadura transversal e sem adição de fibras. A adição de fibras é a suposta responsável por cerca de 50% de acréscimo de resistência e o aumento da ductilidade. Outras comparações incluindo as previsões teóricas (Texto Base da NB1/94, CEB/90, AGI 318/89 e EUROCODE N.2) são comentadas. / This work investigates the behavior of reinforced concrete flat slabs, analysing the possibility of performance improvement, in relation to punching shear phenomenon, regarding to the use of high strength concrete, the addition of steel fibres and the use of transversal steel reinforcement against punching shear, through tests of flat slab square models that represent the slab-column connection, for the case of an interior column. lt introduce a revision of knowledge of flat slabs, their structural behavior with emphasis on the punching shear phenomenon, and the main concepts about high strength concretes and the composites made of cement matrix reinforced with fibres. Twelve flat slab models were tested in different combinations of high strength concrete, ordinary strength, shear reinforcement and steel fibre volume fraction (0%, 0,75% e 1,5%). A significant increase in the punching shear strength was observed, either due to the use of high strength and the addition of steel fibres. The combination of high strength concrete with 1,5% fibre volume fraction and shear reinforcement provide twice the punching shear resistance of an ordinary concrete strength model without shear reinforcement and without fibre. Fibre addition is supposed to be responsible by about 50% of the resistance improvement and the increase of ductility. Other comparisons including theoretical previsions (Texto Base da NB1/94, CEB/90, ACI 318/89 e EUROCODE N.2) are commented.

Proposta de metodologia alternativa para controle de qualidade da aplicação estrutural do concreto projeto reforçado com fibras de aço. / Proposed alternative methodology for the quality control of the strctural application of steel fiber reinforced sprayed concrete.

Cesar Luiz Silva 27 October 2016 (has links)
O concreto é o material de construção mais utilizado no mundo apesar do seu comportamento frágil e sua baixa capacidade de resistir a esforços de tração. As fibras de aço podem ser adicionadas ao concreto para aumentar sua tenacidade resultando no concreto reforçado com fibras (CRF) que pode ser utilizado em muitas aplicações, incluindo o concreto projetado. Desta forma, os parâmetros de tenacidade e de resistência residual são fundamentais para a caracterização do concreto projetado reforçado com fibras de aço (CPRFA) e para seu controle de qualidade quando utilizado com função estrutural. Atualmente, o controle do comportamento pós-fissuração do CPRFA é realizado, fundamentalmente, através do ensaio de flexão de prismas. Isto demanda atividades bastante trabalhosas, desde a moldagem de placas extras e a extração de testemunhos prismáticos como a realização de ensaios que requerem muitos cuidados e, também, gera um volume maior de resíduos. A variabilidade dos resultados também é elevada, reduzindo o grau de confiabilidade do processo. Como as fibras são o material com menor nível de incorporação ao concreto devido ao efeito da reflexão, o controle do teor efetivamente incorporado ao CPRFA é um aspecto fundamental desta tecnologia. Atualmente, a estimativa deste teor de fibras é realizada por medições de massa do conteúdo de fibra obtido por esmagamento de corpos de prova endurecidos ou por lavagem de amostra de CPRFA em estado fresco, métodos considerados dispendiosos ou que consomem muita água. A fim de resolver alguns dos inconvenientes atuais, o presente estudo experimental foi realizado com o objetivo de se avaliar a utilização do ensaio Barcelona para classificar a resistência residual do CPRFA e compará-lo com o ensaio de flexão de prismas. Para a determinação do teor de fibras o método indutivo foi realizado nos mesmos corpos de prova. Nesse sentido, concretos projetados com diferentes teores de fibra foram analisados através dos métodos de ensaio referidos. Os resultados do ensaio Barcelona foram analisados estatisticamente e demostraram boa correlação com os resultados do ensaio de prismas e capacidade de caracterização do comportamento pós-fissuração do CPRFA. O ensaio indutivo permitiu a determinação do teor de fibras efetivamente incorporado ao concreto a partir dos mesmos corpos de prova usados no ensaio Barcelona, sem que houvesse a necessidade de extração de novas amostras. Este estudo apresentou, então, contribuições ao estabelecimento de programas de controle de qualidade do CPRFA, demonstrando a viabilidade da utilização conjunta do ensaio Barcelona e do método indutivo como ferramentas de caracterização e controle do CPRFA. A aplicação conjunta dos dois ensaios proporciona redução significativa em termos de tempo de trabalho e de resíduos processo de controle do material. / Concrete is the most used construction material in the world despite its fragility and low capacity to bear tensile stresses. Steel fibres may be added to the material in order to increase its toughness providing conditions to fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) to be used in many applications, such as sprayed concrete. Thus, the toughness and residual strength are key parameters for the characterization of the steel fiber reinforced sprayed concrete (SFRSC). So, both parameters are frequently used in the quality control program of SFRSC when applied as a structural material. Currently, the control of post-cracking behavior of SFRSC is carried out primarily through the bending test of prismatic specimens. This test procedure is quite laborious involving time demanding activities such as the molding of extra panels and the extraction of prismatic specimens, as well as, the test requires great care, generating a larger volume of waste. The variability of the results is also high, reducing the degree of process reliability. As the fibers are the material with lower incorporation into the concrete due to the effect of rebound, the determination of the fiber content incorporated into the SFRSC is a key aspect of this technological control. Currently, the estimation of the actual content of the fibers in SFRSC is carried out by mass measurements of the fibers extracted from crushing the hardened specimens or by washing fresh SFRSC samples. Both teste methods are considered expensive and consume high volumes of water. In order to solve some of the current drawbacks, the present experimental study was carried out to promote the assessment of the use of the Barcelona test to classify the residual strength of the SFRSC and to compare it with the prismatic specimens flexural test. To determine the fibre content the inductive test method was performed in the same specimens. In that sense, SFRSC was used to produce series of test panels varying the fibre content. Prismatic and cylindrical specimens were extracted from these test panels and submitted to the referred test methods. The results were statistically analysed and demonstrate a good correlation between flexural and Barcelona test results. The results confirm the ability of the Barcelona test to characterize the SFRSC post-cracking behavior. The inductive test, carried out in the same specimen of Barcelona test allowed the determination of actual fiber content to the concrete without the need of extra samples. This study presents, then, contributions to the quality control program for SFRSC and demonstrates the feasibility of using the Barcelona test and inductive method as tools for characterization and control for SFRSC. The combined application of the two tests provides a significant reduction in terms of labour time and waste generated during the quality control process.

Influence du revêtement sur le comportement en fatigue des dalles orthotropes : étude d'une solution en BFUP / Influence of topping layer on fatigue behaviour of orthotropic steel bridge deck : study of an UHPFRC solution

Gomes, Fernanda 09 November 2012 (has links)
Les tabliers métalliques à dalle orthotrope sont sensibles au phénomène de fatigue produit par les charges des poids lourds du trafic. Ce comportement n'est pas précisément prédit avec les méthodes de l'Eurocode 3, compte tenu de la complexité des effets locaux et de la connaissance insuffisante du rôle mécanique du revêtement (diffusion des charges et participation à la flexion locale). De plus l'augmentation du trafic des camions et éventuellement celle des charges admissibles par essieu en Europe tend à rendre ce problème bien plus critique. Le renforcement de ces tabliers est donc souhaitable de façon à prolonger la durée de vie des ponts existants, et aussi augmenter la durabilité des nouveaux ponts. Le béton fibré à ultra hautes performances (BFUP) a été envisagé comme nouvelle solution de revêtement, étant donné ses propriétés mécaniques, ses possibilités de mise en œuvre et sa durabilité. L'objectif de cette thèse, réalisée dans le cadre du projet ANR Orthoplus, est de quantifier expérimentalement l'apport des revêtements couramment utilisés dans les structures à dalle orthotrope et de valider la solution innovante en BFUP. Des essais statiques et dynamiques sur corps d'épreuve à grande échelle (2,40x4,00) m2 ont été réalisés sur la plate-forme d'essai des structures de l'IFSTTAR. Quatre corps d'épreuve ont été testés : tôle de platelage de 14 mm non revêtue et revêtue de 80 mm de béton bitumineux, tôle de 10 mm revêtue de 35 mm de BFUP et tôle de 12 mm revêtue de 35 mm de BFUP. L'influence des différents types de chargement positionnés au centre des corps d'épreuve a été analysée : plaques métalliques type Eurocode 1 et vraies roues de camion. L'étude a porté sur le détail de fatigue: liaison auget-tôle de platelage entre pièces de pont. La contrainte géométrique de fatigue (extrapolation au point chaud) a été évaluée expérimentalement en utilisant deux schémas d'extrapolation linéaire des déformations à proximité du cordon de soudure du détail étudié, le schéma du rapport CECA et celui proposé par l'Institut International de Soudure, à partir des mesures réalisées au-dessous de la tôle de platelage (σT) et sur l'âme de l'auget (σA).La cohérence entre estimation quasi-statique des déformations et comportement sous cycles de fatigue a été vérifiée, ainsi que la rigidification importante apportée par le BFUP, bien que ce dernier ne participe pas avec une connexion totale. Les résultats expérimentaux ont été confrontés à des modèles de différents niveaux de complexité qu'il reste nécessaire de calibrer empiriquement pour prévoir les contraintes géométriques. A partir des contraintes de fatigue obtenues expérimentalement, nous avons calculé la durée de vie des dalles orthotropes testés à l'aide de la règle du cumul linéaire de l'endommagement. Enfin nous avons mené une étude par analyse de cycle de vie d'un pont à dalle orthotrope pour vérifier la pertinence environnementale des différentes solutions de revêtement. Les nombreuses données expérimentales acquises dans ce travail sont de nature à permettre une amélioration significative du dimensionnement rationnel des tabliers à dalle orthotrope et de leur revêtement pour une meilleure prise en compte de leur gestion durable / Orthotropic steel bridge decks are sensitive to fatigue damage induced by live heavy traffic loads. This behaviour is not precisely predicted by Eurocode 3, because of the complexity of local effects. The pavement overlay is not taken into account for calculating the fatigue resistance because of the lack of knowledge concerning its mechanical behaviour (loads diffusion and participation in the local deflection) and the behaviour of the composite structure. Moreover, the increase in heavy traffic and potential regulations evolution in Europe – towards an increase of acceptable loads of truck axles - tend to render the orthotropic decks fatigue behaviour an even more critical issue. The reinforcement of these steel decks is therefore crucial to extend the service life of existing bridges, and also increase the durability of new bridges. Ultra-high performance fibre-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) has been chosen as a possible alternative topping layer considering its remarkable durability, flowability and mechanical properties. The purpose of this thesis, carried out within the framework of a joint R&D project called Orthoplus, is to quantify experimentally the mechanical contribution of topping layers currently used in orthotropic steel bridge decks and validate an alternative concept using UHPFRC coating. Static and dynamic tests of large scale panels (2,40x4,00) m2 were carried out at the IFSTTAR Structures Laboratory. Four prototypes have been tested: a 14 mm thick deck plate without surfacing, the same deck plate associated with 80 mm of bituminous concrete surfacing, a 10 mm thick deck plate topped with 35 mm of UHPFRC and a panel with the same UHPFRC topping layer and a 12 mm thick deck plate. The influence of different centered load types and configurations has been analyzed: rectangular steel plates according to Eurocode 1 and real truck wheels. The experimental programme has been focused on the rib-to-deck welded joints at mid-span between two transverse crossbeams. The fatigue geometrical stresses in the deck and the trough, respectively denoted as σD and σT, have been derived from two linear extrapolations of measured strains next to the toe of the welded joint: the extrapolation schemes from the ECSC report and from the IIW document. Consistency between quasi static strains and deflections estimate and behaviour under fatigue cycles has been verified, as well as the significant additional stiffness provided by the UHPFRC overlay, although its contribution does not correspond to a perfectly connected composite section. The experimental results have been compared to simple and more complex models which still need empirical calibration for predicting the geometrical stresses. Using the experimentally obtained fatigue geometrical stresses the service life of the tested prototypes were calculated using Miner's rule. Finally a life cycle assessment study of an orthotropic steel bridge deck was carried out to verify the environmental relevance of the alternative topping layer solutions. The numerous experimental data obtained from this work shall make it possible to significantly improve the rational design method of orthotropic slabs and their associated deck overlay, in view of a better accounting of their long term and sustainable structural management

Shear strength of structural elements in high performance fibre reinforced concrete (HPFRC) / Comportement au cisaillement d'éléments de structures en béton fibré à hautes performances (BFHP)

Moreillon, Lionel 19 March 2013 (has links)
Pour les poutres et les dalles ne comportant pas d'armatures de cisaillement, la résistance à l'effort tranchant ou au poinçonnement est souvent un critère important de dimensionnement. Ce type de rupture est caractérisé par un comportement fragile pouvant conduire à l'effondrement partiel voir total de la structure. Malgré de nombreuse recherche dans ce domaine, la résistance à l'effort tranchant et au poinçonnement des structure en béton armé ou précontraint demeure un phénomène complexe et dont l'approche normative est souvent empirique est simplifiée. La capacité des bétons renforcés de fibres métalliques à réduire voir à remplacer totalement les armatures de cisaillement des structures en béton armé et précontraint a été mis en évidence par plusieurs études expérimentales. Cependant, et malgré ses nombreux atouts, l'application à l'échelle industrielle des bétons de fibres est restée marginal, principalement due au manques d'un cadre normatif cohérent et reconnu. Les processus fixes d'une usine de préfabrication d'éléments en béton offre des possibilités optimales pour utiliser des matériaux cimentaires à hautes performances tel que les bétons autoplaçant, les bétons à hautes résistances, etc. Du point de vue de l'auteur, l'utilisation de bétons à hautes performances renforcés de fibres métalliques est le pas de développement et d'optimisation pour cette industrie. Les Bétons Fibrés à Hautes Performances (BFHP) reprennent une matrice similaire aux Bétons à Hautes Performances (BHP) auxquels est ajouté une certaine quantité de fibres métalliques conférant au matériau un comportement au niveau de la structure exploitable dans le dimensionnement. Les BFHP présentent un ratio résistances/coûts intéressant ainsi qu'une alternative au Béton Fibré Ultra-Performants (BFUP). L'objectif principal de ce travail est d'analyser le comportement au cisaillement et au poinçonnement d'éléments de structures en BFHP et en BFUP sans armatures de cisaillement et proposé des recommandations et des règles de dimensionnement adaptées aux ingénieurs de la pratique (…) / For members and flat slabs without shear reinforcement, the shear and punching shear strength are often the determining design criteria. These failure modes are characterized by a fragile behaviour implying possible partial or total collapse of the structure. Despite extensive research in this field, shear and punching shear in reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, remain complex phenomena so much that the current approach is often empirical or simplified. The ability of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) to reduce shear reinforcement in reinforced and prestressed concrete members and slabs,or even eliminate it, is supported by several experimental studies. However its practical application remains marginal mainly due to the lack of standard, procedures and rules adapted to its performance. The stationary processes in precast industry offer optimal possibilities for using high performance cementitious materials such as Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) and High Strength Concrete (HSC). For the author, the combination of High Performance Concrete and steel fibres is the following step in the development and the optimization of this industry. The High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete (HPFRC) stands between conventional SFRC and Ultra-High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC). The HPFRC exhibiting a good strength/cost ratio is, thus, an alternative of UHPFRC for precast elements. The principal aim of this work was to analyse the shear and punching shear behaviour of HPFRC and UHPFRC structures without transversal reinforcement and to propose recommendations and design models adapted for practitioners. Several experimental studies on structural elements, i.e. beams and slabs, were undertaken for this purpose. Firstly, an original experimental campaign was performed on pre-tensioned members in HPFRC. A total number of six shear-critical beams of a 3.6 m span each, and two full scale beams of a 12 m span each, were tested in order to evaluate the shear and flexural strength. The principal parameter between the specimens was the fibres (…)

Optimisation de la dispersion des fibres pendant le cycle de malaxage des bétons industriels / Optimization of fiber dispersion during fibred concrete mixing

David, Marie 30 June 2014 (has links)
L'homogénéité des caractéristiques est garantie par une présence en fibres constante en tout point du matériau. La dispersion d'une espèce dans une autre est régie par des mécanismes de convection et/ou de diffusion. Pour des objets de la taille d'une fibre métallique, ces deux phénomènes trouvent leur origine dans le cisaillement appliqué au matériau, une donnée souvent inconnue et difficile à mesurer dans des malaxeurs à béton. Dans un premier temps, nous proposons une méthode permettant d'estimer l'efficacité d'un malaxeur. Elle est basée sur la mesure du diamètre moyen de granules de ciment fabriqués dans ce malaxeur. Nous montrons que la mesure de ce diamètre moyen permet de quantifier le cisaillement moyen. Dans un second temps, nous présentons un moyen de mesurer la dispersion des fibres pendant le malaxage des bétons à base de mesures de résistivité électrique. Puis, dans un troisième temps, nous mesurons la présence en fibres pendant le malaxage et relions le temps nécessaire à l'obtention d'une répartition homogène à la capacité de cisaillement du malaxeur / Fibers are added to the concrete to give it news properties. The homogeneity of these characteristics is assured by a constant presence of fiber as the whole material. The dispersion of one species within another is governed by convection and/or diffusion mechanisms. Concerning objects having the size of steel fiber, these two phenomena are caused by the shearing applied to the material, an unknown and difficult to measure datum in the case of concrete mixer. To begin, a method allowing to estimate the mixer's shearing is suggested. This method is based on the measurement of the medium diameter of cement aggregates produced in the mixer. The link between the medium diameter and the mean shearing is established. In a second time, a mean to measure fiber dispersion from electrical resistivity measurements during the concrete mixing is presented. Then, in a third time, fiber dispersion are measured during mixing. The link between necessary time to obtain an homogeneous distribution and the mixer's shearing ability is established

Proposta de metodologia alternativa para controle de qualidade da aplicação estrutural do concreto projeto reforçado com fibras de aço. / Proposed alternative methodology for the quality control of the strctural application of steel fiber reinforced sprayed concrete.

Silva, Cesar Luiz 27 October 2016 (has links)
O concreto é o material de construção mais utilizado no mundo apesar do seu comportamento frágil e sua baixa capacidade de resistir a esforços de tração. As fibras de aço podem ser adicionadas ao concreto para aumentar sua tenacidade resultando no concreto reforçado com fibras (CRF) que pode ser utilizado em muitas aplicações, incluindo o concreto projetado. Desta forma, os parâmetros de tenacidade e de resistência residual são fundamentais para a caracterização do concreto projetado reforçado com fibras de aço (CPRFA) e para seu controle de qualidade quando utilizado com função estrutural. Atualmente, o controle do comportamento pós-fissuração do CPRFA é realizado, fundamentalmente, através do ensaio de flexão de prismas. Isto demanda atividades bastante trabalhosas, desde a moldagem de placas extras e a extração de testemunhos prismáticos como a realização de ensaios que requerem muitos cuidados e, também, gera um volume maior de resíduos. A variabilidade dos resultados também é elevada, reduzindo o grau de confiabilidade do processo. Como as fibras são o material com menor nível de incorporação ao concreto devido ao efeito da reflexão, o controle do teor efetivamente incorporado ao CPRFA é um aspecto fundamental desta tecnologia. Atualmente, a estimativa deste teor de fibras é realizada por medições de massa do conteúdo de fibra obtido por esmagamento de corpos de prova endurecidos ou por lavagem de amostra de CPRFA em estado fresco, métodos considerados dispendiosos ou que consomem muita água. A fim de resolver alguns dos inconvenientes atuais, o presente estudo experimental foi realizado com o objetivo de se avaliar a utilização do ensaio Barcelona para classificar a resistência residual do CPRFA e compará-lo com o ensaio de flexão de prismas. Para a determinação do teor de fibras o método indutivo foi realizado nos mesmos corpos de prova. Nesse sentido, concretos projetados com diferentes teores de fibra foram analisados através dos métodos de ensaio referidos. Os resultados do ensaio Barcelona foram analisados estatisticamente e demostraram boa correlação com os resultados do ensaio de prismas e capacidade de caracterização do comportamento pós-fissuração do CPRFA. O ensaio indutivo permitiu a determinação do teor de fibras efetivamente incorporado ao concreto a partir dos mesmos corpos de prova usados no ensaio Barcelona, sem que houvesse a necessidade de extração de novas amostras. Este estudo apresentou, então, contribuições ao estabelecimento de programas de controle de qualidade do CPRFA, demonstrando a viabilidade da utilização conjunta do ensaio Barcelona e do método indutivo como ferramentas de caracterização e controle do CPRFA. A aplicação conjunta dos dois ensaios proporciona redução significativa em termos de tempo de trabalho e de resíduos processo de controle do material. / Concrete is the most used construction material in the world despite its fragility and low capacity to bear tensile stresses. Steel fibres may be added to the material in order to increase its toughness providing conditions to fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) to be used in many applications, such as sprayed concrete. Thus, the toughness and residual strength are key parameters for the characterization of the steel fiber reinforced sprayed concrete (SFRSC). So, both parameters are frequently used in the quality control program of SFRSC when applied as a structural material. Currently, the control of post-cracking behavior of SFRSC is carried out primarily through the bending test of prismatic specimens. This test procedure is quite laborious involving time demanding activities such as the molding of extra panels and the extraction of prismatic specimens, as well as, the test requires great care, generating a larger volume of waste. The variability of the results is also high, reducing the degree of process reliability. As the fibers are the material with lower incorporation into the concrete due to the effect of rebound, the determination of the fiber content incorporated into the SFRSC is a key aspect of this technological control. Currently, the estimation of the actual content of the fibers in SFRSC is carried out by mass measurements of the fibers extracted from crushing the hardened specimens or by washing fresh SFRSC samples. Both teste methods are considered expensive and consume high volumes of water. In order to solve some of the current drawbacks, the present experimental study was carried out to promote the assessment of the use of the Barcelona test to classify the residual strength of the SFRSC and to compare it with the prismatic specimens flexural test. To determine the fibre content the inductive test method was performed in the same specimens. In that sense, SFRSC was used to produce series of test panels varying the fibre content. Prismatic and cylindrical specimens were extracted from these test panels and submitted to the referred test methods. The results were statistically analysed and demonstrate a good correlation between flexural and Barcelona test results. The results confirm the ability of the Barcelona test to characterize the SFRSC post-cracking behavior. The inductive test, carried out in the same specimen of Barcelona test allowed the determination of actual fiber content to the concrete without the need of extra samples. This study presents, then, contributions to the quality control program for SFRSC and demonstrates the feasibility of using the Barcelona test and inductive method as tools for characterization and control for SFRSC. The combined application of the two tests provides a significant reduction in terms of labour time and waste generated during the quality control process.

Effectiveness of polypropylene fibres as shear reinforcement in structural elements

Ortiz Navas, Francisco Roberto 26 October 2020 (has links)
[EN] Several efforts have been made in experimental and theoretical research about shear to understand all the variables that influence the phenomenon. Nowadays, however, due to its complexity, the shear performance of structural concrete elements, especially those without any traditional transversal reinforcement, continue with no clear explanation of the problem. Uncertainty about the problem grows when new variables like fibres are incorporated into the shear study. Research works have demonstrated the effectiveness of steel fibre in improving the mechanical properties of concrete elements. Experimental results reveal that steel fibres have proven effective in improving shear resistance, and they confer some concrete elements more ductility. In adequate amounts, steel fibres can completely or partially substitute traditional shear reinforcements. This is why international codes have included some requirements to take into account the action of fibres on the shear response of concrete elements. However, most recommendations and requirements for steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) were originally created. New fibres with different materials properties and shapes, such as macrosynthetic fibres, are now available on the market. These fibres, some of which are made of polypropylene, are an alternative in the construction industry given their properties and final cost. Initially, polypropylene fibres were used to control shrinkage cracking. Nevertheless, in the last decade the chemical industry has created larger fibres with better surface shapes, which allows polypropylene fibres to meet the requirements of international codes so they can be used in structural elements. Within this framework, the present PhD thesis aims to contribute to knowledge about fibre reinforced concrete (FRC), especially to study the effectiveness of polypropylene fibres when used as shear reinforcement. For this purpose, a literature review of the material, polypropylene fibre-reinforced concrete (PFRC) and its structural applications is first carried out. This study also discusses the parameters that affect the shear behaviour of traditional concrete and FRC. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of polypropylene fibres in shear, three experimental campaigns are presented. Each campaign represents a different level of study. The first corresponds to the material level, where the shear behaviour of PFRC is evaluated by push-off specimens. The second level involves studying shear in real scale elements. For this purpose, shear critical slender beams were manufactured and tested. The last level corresponds to real application of polypropylene fibres to act as shear reinforcement. In this campaign, deep hollow core slabs, with real sections and supports conditions, were tested. At each level, the shear behaviour of PFRC was evaluated against control reinforced concrete specimens, which were also tested during each campaign. / [ES] Varias investigaciones experimentales y teóricas han sido realizadas para entender el comportamiento a cortante de elementos de hormigón y sus variables. Sin embargo, hoy en día debido a la complejidad del tema, el comportamiento a cortante de elementos de hormigón armado y en especial aquellos que no tienen refuerzo transversal, continúan sin tener una explicación clara. Por otro lado, esta complejidad del cortante aumenta cuando nuevas variables, como las fibras, se incorporan al estudio. Investigaciones han demostrado la efectividad de las fibras de acero para mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de hormigón. Según resultados experimentales, la fibra de acero mejora la resistencia cortante y ductilidad de ciertos elementos. Y en cantidades adecuadas, la fibra puede sustituir total o parcialmente los refuerzos tradicionales de cortante. Es así que varios códigos internacionales han incluido requisitos para tener a las fibras en la respuesta estructural de elementos de hormigón. Sin embargo, estos requerimientos se han creado originalmente para el hormigón reforzado con fibra de acero (Steel fibre-reinforced concrete -SFRC). Nuevas fibras con diferentes materiales y formas, como las fibras macro-sintéticas, han sido introducidas en el mercado. Estas fibras, también llamadas fibras de polipropileno o poliolefina, son una alternativa en la construcción debido a su propiedades y costo final. Inicialmente, las fibras de polipropileno eran usadas únicamente en el hormigón para controlar la fisuración por retracción. Sin embargo, en la última década la industria química ha desarrollado fibras más grandes y con mejores prestaciones de adherencia, que permiten a estas fibras cumplir con requisitos para ser utilizadas estructuralmente. En este contexto, la presente tesis pretende ser una contribución al conocimiento sobre el hormigón reforzado con fibras (Fibre-reinforced concrete - FRC), especialmente en la efectividad de las fibras de polipropileno como refuerzo a cortante. Para esto, primero se realiza un estudio bibliográfico del hormigón reforzado con fibra de polipropileno (PFRC) como material y sus aplicaciones estructurales. Este estudio también tratará sobre los parámetros que afectan el comportamiento a cortante del hormigón tradicional y hormigón reforzado con fibras. Para evaluar la efectividad de las fibras de polipropileno en el cortante, se realizarán tres campañas experimentales. Cada campaña representa un nivel de estudio diferente. El primero es a nivel material en donde se evalúa el comportamiento a cortante a través de especímenes tipo Push-off. El segundo nivel, corresponde al estudio del cortante en elementos a escala real. Para esto se fabrican y ensayan vigas esbeltas críticas a cortante. El último nivel corresponde a una aplicación real de fibras de polipropileno actuando como refuerzo cortante. En esta campaña, se fabrican y ensayan placas alveolares de gran canto con secciones y condiciones de apoyos reales. / [CA] Diverses investigacions experimentals i teòriques han estat realitzades per entendre el comportament a tallant d'elements de formigó i les seues variables. No obstant això, hui en dia a causa de la complexitat del tema, el comportament a tallant d'elements de formigó armat i especialment aquells que no tenen reforç transversal, continuen sense tindre una explicació clara. D'altra banda, aquesta complexitat del tallant augmenta quan noves variables, com les fibres, s'incorporen a l'estudi. Investigacions han demostrat l'efectivitat de les fibres d'acer per a millorar les propietats mecàniques del formigó. Segons resultats experimentals, les fibres d'acer milloren la resistència a tallant i la ductilitat de certs elements. A més, en quantitats adequades, les fibres poden substituir total o parcialment els reforços tradicionals de tallant. És així que diversos codis internacionals han inclòs requisits per a tindre amb compte la resposta estructural de les fibres en els elements de formigó. No obstant això, aquests requeriments s'han creat originalment per al formigó reforçat amb fibres d'acer (Steel fibre-reinforced concrete -SFRC). Noves fibres amb diferents materials i formes, com les fibres macro-sintètiques, han estat introduïdes al mercat. Aquestes fibres, també anomenades fibres de polipropilè o poliolefina, són una alternativa a la construcció a causa de les seues propietats i cost final. Inicialment, les fibres de polipropilè eren usades únicament en el formigó per controlar la fissuració per retracció. No obstant això, en l'última dècada, la industria química ha desenvolupat fibres més grans i amb millors prestacions d'adherència, que permeten a aquestes fibres complir amb requisits per a ser utilitzades estructuralment. En aquest context, la present tesi pretén ser una contribució al coneixement sobre el formigó reforçat amb fibres (Fibre-reinforced concrete - FRC), especialment en l'efectivitat de les fibres de polipropilè com a reforç a tallant. Per això, primer es realitza un estudi bibliogràfic del formigó reforçat amb fibres de polipropilè (PFRC) com a material i les seues plicacions estructurals. Aquest estudi també tractarà sobre els paràmetres que afecten el comportament a tallant del formigó tradicional i del formigó reforçat amb fibres. Per avaluar l'efectivitat de les fibres de polipropilè en el tallant, es realitzaran tres campanyes experimentals. Cada campanya representa un nivell d'estudi diferent. El primer és a nivell material on s'avalua el comportament a tallant a través d'espècimens tipus Push-off. El segon nivell, correspon a l'estudi del tallant en elements a escala real. Per això es fabriquen i assagen bigues esveltes crítiques a tallant. L'últim nivell correspon a una aplicació real de fibres de polipropilè actuant com a reforç a tallant. En aquesta campanya, es fabriquen i assagen plaques alveolars de gran cantell amb seccions i condicions de suports reals. / Ortiz Navas, FR. (2020). Effectiveness of polypropylene fibres as shear reinforcement in structural elements [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/153147 / TESIS

Experimentální ověření vlivu typu vláken na chování vláknobetonů / Experimental Investigation of the Influence of the Type of Fibres on the Behaviour of Fibre Concrete

Hanuš, Petr January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the comparison of different properties of fibre-reinforced concrete according to the type of fibres. The main monitored property is flexural strength, tested on prisms with a cross section of 150x150 mm and a length of 600 mm. Four concretes of natural aggregate and four concrete of lightweight aggregate were prepared for the experiment. There were 2 reference concrete and 6 fibre-reinforced concrete. Three types of fibres were used: steel, polypropylene and glass. More than 2500 kg of concrete was produced. The aim of the thesis is to assess the influence of fibres on the flexural strength and other characteristics of fibre-reinforced concrete.

Punching Shear Capacity of Fibre Reinforced Concrete Slabs with Conventional Reinforcement : Computational analysis of punching models

Tazaly, Zeinab January 2012 (has links)
Steel fibre reinforced concrete is not a novel concept, it has been around since the mid-1900s, but despite its great success in shotcrete-reinforced rock walls and industrial floors it has not made any impact on either beams or elevated slab. Apparently, the absence of standards is the main reason. However, the combination of steel fibre reinforced concrete and conventional reinforcement has in many researches shown to emphasize good bearing capacrty. In this thesis, two punching shear capacity models have been analysed and adapted on 136 test slabs perfomred by previous researchers. The first punching model altemative is proposed in DAfStB - BetonKalender 201l, and the second punching model alternative is established in Swedish Concrete Association - Report No. 4 1994. Due to missing information of the experimental measured residual tensile strength, a theoretical residual tensile strength was estimated in two different manners to be able to adapt the DAfStB punching model altemative on the refereed test slabs. The first solution is an derivation of a suggestion made by Silfiverbrand (2000) and the second solution is drawn from a proposal made by Choi etal. (2007). The result indicates that the SCA punching model alternative is easier to adapt and provides the most representative result. Also DAfStb altemative with the second solution of estimating the residual strength contributes to arbitrary result, however due to the uncertainty of the estimation of the residual tensile strength, the SCA punching model is recommended to be applied until further investigation can confirm the accuracy of the DAfStB alternative with experimentally obtained residual tensile strength.

An application of asymmetrical glass fibre-reinforced plastics for the manufacture of curved fibre reinforced concrete

Funke, Henrik, Gelbrich, Sandra, Ulke-Winter , Lars, Kroll , Lothar, Petzoldt, Carolin 28 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
There was developed a novel technological and constructive approach for the low-cost production of curved freeform formworks, which allow the production of single and double-curved fibre reinforced concrete. The scheduled approach was based on a flexible, asymmetrical multi-layered formwork system, which consists of glass-fibre reinforced plastic (GFRP). By using of the unusual anisotropic structural behavior, these GFRP formwork elements permitted a specific adjustment of defined curvature. The system design of the developed GFRP formwork was examined exhaustively. There were designed, numerically computed and produced prototypical curved freeform surfaces with different curvature radii. The fibre reinforced concrete had a compressive strength of 101.4 MPa and a 3-point bending tensile strength of 17.41 MPa. Beyond that, it was ensured that the TRC had a high durability, which has been shown by the capillary suction of de-icing solution and freeze thaw test with a total amount of scaled material of 874 g/m² and a relative dynamic E-Modulus of 100% after 28 freeze-thaw cycles.

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