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Product Adaptation to Different Markets through Technology InnovationMusimiire, Angela, Chakhnashvili, Maka January 2012 (has links)
Background and Aim: Markets are getting increasingly complex, competitive and changing. A firm’s ability to respond to environmental challenges is a significant factor for its survival and success. To establish itself in the market, a company needs to adjust the product in a way that meets the expectations and required quality of the target market in other words, make relevant product adaptations. Many aspects of product adaptation have been discussed in the literature ranging from small changes in the product such as specification or design to modifying a company’s market strategy depending on which stage the product is in its life cycle. Technology innovation can enable a firm keep the market share and retain customers especially in a mature and technology driven industry where the market is saturated and consumers diffuse to competitors who easily copy the product. However, the role of technology innovation to adapt a product in the growth stage to mature markets is missing from the present literature. This present thesis will investigate the role of technology innovation in product adaptation and the factors to consider thereof the Swedish high tech company Saab will be used as the case study. Methodology: Research method for the present thesis includes the qualitative approach with the case study design. For the purposes of this thesis the Swedish high-tech company Saab will be studied to explore the practices of adapting product (field hospital) to different markets. Completion and results: Result of the study showed that there are similarities and differences between what literature provides and Saab does to adapt a product in markets. Analyzing the theory and practice recommendations for Saab were concluded. Suggestions drown for Saab can be useful for other high technology companies as well.
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Katastrofsjukhus : En ny robust typ av fältsjukhus / Emergency Hospital : A new robust type of field hospitalPehrson, Malin, Foss, Karin January 2012 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver framtagandet av Katastrofsjukhus, robustare fältsjukhus med förbättrad standard. Jämförelse görs mellan det framtagna Katastrofsjukhuset och uppblåsbara tältsjukhus samt standarden i svenska sjukhus. En färdig produkt finns ännu inte framtagen och rapporten lämnar en hel del lösa trådar, men är en bra grund för mer omfattande utveckling av konceptet och som en idéstudie till en vetenskaplig avhandling eller annan fortsatt forskning. Problemet med befintliga fältsjukhus är främst miljön i operationsavdelningen. Detta är något det lagts stor vikt vid och en strävan att uppnå svensk standard har genomsyrat hela processen. En annan viktig punkt vid framtagandet av Katastrofsjukhus har varit konstruktionens vikt, vilket är tältsjukhusens största fördel. Vikten är av stor betydelse vid både transport och uppbyggnad. Katastrofsjukhusets konstruktion utgår ifrån standardcontainrar för att skapa goda transportmöjligheter. Containrarna är en del av konstruktionen och de rymmer prefabricerade element som utgör Katastrofsjukhusets huvudmodul. Konstruktionen är dimensionerad för att klara kraftiga snö- och vindlaster. Trots detta har elementen gjorts så lätta att det är möjligt att bygga upp hela sjukhuset för hand. Dimensionering efter laster som verkar under en jordbävning har också beräknats redovisas inte i detta arbete då de ej är fullständiga. Utformningen av Katastrofsjukhuset har gjorts för att på bästa sätt fylla det stora behov som finns av sterila operationssalar, samtidigt som planlösningen är anpassningsbar för att Katastrofsjukhuset ska kunna erbjuda olika typer av vård. Rapporten ger även rekommendationer för fortsatt utveckling av Katastrofsjukhuset. / This report describes the development of Emergency Hospital, a robust field hospital with an improved standard. Comparison is made between the developed Emergency Hospital and inflatable tent hospitals and with the standard in Swedish hospitals. A completed product is not presented in this report and it leaves a lot of loose ends, but is a good basis for more extensive development of the concept and as a conceptual study of a scientific treatise, or other continued research. The problem with existing field hospitals is mainly the environment in the operating theater. This is something that has been a strong focus, and a desire to achieve the Swedish standard has permeated the entire process. Another important point in the development of Emergency Hospital has been the mass of the structure, which is the tent hospitals' greatest advantage. The weight is of great importance in both transportation and construction. The Emergency Hospital's design is based on standard containers to provide good transportation possibilities. The containers are a part of the design and they also contain all the prefabricated elements which create the Emergency Hospital's main module. The structure is dimensioned to handle heavy snow and wind loads. Nevertheless, the elements made so light that it is possible to build up the hospital by hand. The design for loads acting during an earthquake has been calculated, but is not included in this report since they are not complete. The hospital has been designed to fill the large needs for sterile operating room, but at the same time the layout is adaptable for different types of care needs. The report also gives recommendations for further development of the Emergency Hospital.
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Ventilation i Fältsjukhus under en pandemiKabawi, Marial, Chamoun, Gabro January 2021 (has links)
As a measure to deal with Covid-19, the Swedish Armed Forces built field hospitals inStockholm and Gothenburg, in order to accommodate several patients, as the Stockholm regionand the Västra Götaland region feared that the pandemic would overload the intensive care unitin particular. Field hospitals were criticized for poor coverage and dimensioning of the variouscare facilities as well as poor ventilation.The aim of the study is to limit the spread of infection in the intensive care unit at field hospitalsand hospitals. The ventilation systems are studied and investigated the possibility ofsupplementing the system with cost-effective equipment, such as air purifiers. The two questionsare how do the number of air turnovers per hour affect the air quality in the room and how is theparticle concentration in a care room affected by the placement of independent air purification.The study is based on several particle measurements and a smoke test.Particle measurements were performed sequentially, to create a level playing field before eachmeasurement. In addition, three different placements were presented on standalone airpurification and a smoke test was performed to visualize the movement of the air. The resultsshow that with the help of the air purifier, particle reduction can increase to 50% already at 5air turnovers per hour (ACH). The most effective air turnover is considered to be ACH, as thisreduces the particle content of a room with a patient to as low levels as if ther was not a patientin the room.
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