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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Specifika výkonu v testu Rey-Osterriethovy komplexní figury u schizofrenní populace / The Rey-Osterrieth complex figure: a specificity of performance in schizophrenic patients

Kortusová, Pavlína January 2018 (has links)
This Master thesis focuses on the neuropsychological test called Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test and its diagnostic value in the clinical assesment of schizophrenic patients. Deficiency of cognitive functioning is a dominating feature in the clinical picture of schizophrenic patients. Attention is brought especially to the specific aspects of the ROCF performance in the clinical group of schizophrenic patients. Theoretical part is based on the realized investigative studies focused on the Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test and its value in cognitive assesment in psychodiagnostic praxis. The diagnostic method ROCF is presented in its complexity, the way of administration, assesment and interpretation are described and attention is also brought to the specific features of ROCF performance in healthy, neurological and psychiatric patients with focus on schizophrenic individuals. Empirical part of the thesis in the first section compares the ROCF performance of Czech healthy individuals and schizophrenic patients. The influence of demografic and other factors on the ROCF performance was analyzed and isolated elements of the figure and their difficultness was evaluated in both surveyed groups. Outcomes of this master thesis could contribute to the present knowledge of the diagnostic possibilities of...

Pojetí, význam a vývoj role lásky na první pohled ve vybrané literatuře / Concept, meaning and development in the role of love at first sight in select literary pieces

Umlaufová, Pavla January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Rétorické figury ve vizuální reklamě vybraných módních domů / Rhetorical Figures in Visual Advertisements of Selected Fashion Houses

Dvořáková, Andrea January 2012 (has links)
Selected fashion houses that exclusively offer luxurious goods use specific form of promotion of their products. Each house usually holds onto traditions of its country and features essential for its own brand while creating new collections. From the point of view of neo-rhetoric it would be appropriate to analyze visual advertisements of the houses (Chanel, Dolce & Gabbana, Burberry) if they create certain models via them. The main advertising campaigns for the spring/summer 2011 season were chosen for this comparison. Under the terms of observation and semiotic analysis of the fashion advertisement focused on rhetoric figures it can be proved that individual fashion houses aim their attention to how their potential customers' thinking is influenced by their advertising. The model of Roland Barthes is used for the analysis of chosen visual advertisements. Out of all rhetorical tropes the attention is paid to main four - visual metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche and irony. Fashion advertising meets unwritten norm that sets a target to convince the customer of suitability of the products for him.

Porovnání standardizovaného testování a dynamické diagnostiky u žáků se specifickými poruchami učení při testování Rey-Osterriethovou komplexní figurou / The comparison of standardized testing and dynamic diagnostics of pupils with specific learning disabilities while using the Rey-Osterrieth complex figure

Baborová, Aneta January 2022 (has links)
The thesis deals with the comparison of standardized testing, and dynamic diagnostics of pupils with specific learning disabilities while using the Rey-Osterrieth complex figure. The thesis aimed to find out the advantages and disadvantages of dynamic diagnostics of pupils with specific learning disabilities while using the above-mentioned diagnostic tool. The implementation of research is based on the theoretical part, which consists of two large areas. These areas are standardized testing/dynamic diagnostics and specific learning/behavioral disabilities. The aspects that most correlate with the empirical part are highlighted. From the first area it is specifically the critique of standardized testing, dynamic diagnostics, the theoretical framework of dynamic diagnostics, the dynamic approach in consulting practice, and the critique of dynamic diagnostics. The second area concerns the types of specific learning disabilities, their social context, and specific behavioral disabilities. Research data were obtained using the Rey-Osterrieth complex figure and the WISC-III intelligence scale. The WISC-III intelligence scale was essential for determination of the research set, for the interpretation of the data based on cognitive profile, and for the negative interference in the testing using the...

La vara como herramienta de creación y fortalecimiento de la presencia física del actor y actriz en formación

Herencia Guerrero, Klaus Eloy 15 November 2023 (has links)
La presencia física es un concepto que parte del desarrollo de un entrenamiento corporal, investigado por Eugenio Barba y otros autores que definen este concepto con otros términos. Sin embargo, desde la perspectiva de Barba, la presencia física parte del estudio específico del cuerpo. En ese sentido, la presente investigación establece el uso de la técnica de manipulación de la vara como punto de inicio alternativo para el desarrollo de la presencia física e investiga el potencial de la vara como herramienta de creación en los actores y actrices en formación. La relevancia del estudio de la presencia física radica en el auto descubrimiento de las posibilidades del artista en formación, mejorando su técnica, ampliando su bagaje de herramientas y descubriendo estrategias diferentes para abordar una creación por medio del uso de la vara. Partiendo del diseño y ejecución de un laboratorio, la investigación se enfoca en el análisis del aprendizaje de manejo de la vara, el proceso creativo de los participantes y las estrategias para incorporar los recursos de la imaginación e instinto lúdico. Como resultado, el uso de vara brinda posibilidades concretas que ayudan a afianzar la presencia física, convirtiéndose en un estímulo que propicia la creación de una secuencia física.

Análisis lingüístico de un corpus de eslóganes y frases publicitarias de marcas comerciales

Musté Ferrero, Paloma 30 March 2015 (has links)
El objetivo principal de la publicidad no es solo informar sino convencer. Todo texto publicitario, tanto el nombre comercial como el eslogan que lo acompaña, encierra en sí mismo una estrategia persuasiva que trata de vender las bondades del producto o servicio. El contenido lingüístico de las marcas registradas está sujeto a las técnicas de marketing que emplean los publicistas en la fase de diseño de la marca. En este sentido, la retórica, el arte de persuasión por excelencia, se convierte en una herramienta imprescindible en la publicidad. Nuestra investigación pretende describir las características lingüísticas intrínsecas del género publicitario actual a partir de un corpus sincrónico propio de marcas registradas en lengua inglesa procedentes de la Oficina de Patentes y Marcas Registradas de EEUU (USPTO), el Brand Corpus (BRC). Este corpus está compuesto por datos reales rastreables desde el punto de vista legal, que posteriormente han sido analizados haciendo uso de herramientas informáticas que dotan de rigor los resultados obtenidos. En realidad, el lenguaje publicitario está plagado de desviaciones del uso normal de una lengua, que sirven para hacer más persuasivo el producto o servicio y para reforzar su memorabilidad. En esta tesis presentamos los resultados del análisis del BRC en torno a cuatro niveles lingüísticos: fonológico, léxico-gramatical, sintáctico y semántico. La frase publicitaria efectiva contiene recursos estilísticos que consiguen despertar en el público una actitud más receptiva y, por ende, incitarle al consumo. Según su naturaleza, se pueden clasificar en (1) recursos que consisten en la repetición de alguno de sus elementos; (2) recursos que originan una situación metafórica que promueve una reacción en el receptor; y (3) recursos que se basan en la reiteración de algún componente y la modificación semántica. / Musté Ferrero, P. (2014). Análisis lingüístico de un corpus de eslóganes y frases publicitarias de marcas comerciales [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48463


MARILENE SANTORO SCOFANO 09 May 2024 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa propõe um estudo com objetivo de validação clínica do Sistema Brasileiro de Avaliação Qualitativa da Figura de Rey (BRAS-ROCF). A partir de uma amostra total de 80 crianças e adolescentes foram verificados critérios quantitativos e qualitativos da cópia do teste Figura Complexa de Rey (ROCF), comparando o desempenho de dois grupos: (1) Grupo com diagnóstico prévio de TEA (GTEA) e (2) um grupo sem diagnóstico de TEA (GST). O primeiro estudo analisou os resultados quantitativos da ROCF, encontrando diferença significativa (t (77) = 3.457, p .037) entre os grupos. O segundo estudo analisou a validade clínica do BRS-ROCF sendo a estratégia de elementos idiossincráticos mais utilizada (21 por cento) pelo GTEA e uma das menos utilizadas pelo grupo GST (5 por cento). A estratégia de desenho com início por metades ou quadrantes foi mais utilizada (36 por cento) pelo GST. Comparando os dois grupos quanto a estratégia aplicada para cópia da figura de Rey foi detectada uma relação forte (r = .702, p < .001) entre os critérios de correção qualitativa da ROCF e os critérios propostos pelo BRS-ROCF. A partir dos achados, conclui-se que a análise qualitativa BRAS-ROCF tem utilidade clínica como medida de funcionamento executivo. / [en] This research proposes a study aiming to clinically validate the Brazilian System of Qualitative Assessment of the Rey Figure (BRAS-ROCF). From a total sample of 80 children and adolescents, quantitative and qualitative criteria of the Rey Complex Figure Test (ROCF) copy were verified, comparing the performance of two groups: (1) a group with a previous diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (GTEA) and (2) a group without a diagnosis of ASD (GST). The first study analyzed the quantitative results of the ROCF, finding a significant difference (t(77) = 3.457, p .037) between the groups. The second study examined the clinical validity of the BRS-ROCF, with the idiosyncratic element s strategy being the most utilized (21 percent) by the GTEA and one of the least utilized by the GST (5 percent). The strategy of drawing with beginning by halves or quadrants was more utilized (36 percent) by the GST. Comparing GTEA and GST, a strong relationship (r = .702, p < .001) was observed in this modality between the qualitative correction criteria of the ROCF and the criteria proposed by the BRS-ROCF. From these findings, it is concluded that the qualitative analysis of BRAS-ROCF has clinical utility as a measure of executive functioning.

Práctica pictórica: un estudio sobre la presencia visible e invisible del cuerpo en la pintura contemporánea

Alarcón Pino, Natalia Rosa 29 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] La siguiente investigación busca, desde la teoría y la propia práctica pictórica, profundizar en la problemática de re-presentación del cuerpo que se distancia de cierta normalización del mismo. Se centrará, por un lado, en identificar a pintores contemporáneos que logren exponer corporalidades y subjetividades que se distancien de la producción e imagen mediática, es decir, del canon y normalización de los cuerpos. Buscando visualizar aquellas manifestaciones pictóricas contemporáneas donde el cuerpo cobra importancia como imagen representada y también como un cuerpo que surge dentro del propio quehacer pictórico, vale decir, la existencia de una corporalidad en el propio acto de pintar. Desde esta perspectiva, proponemos que se posibilitan vías para visualizar y conocer el cuerpo, desde la figuración y la abstracción, desde lo visible e invisible. Hablaremos del acto pictórico, de lo que con él acontece y los significados y sentidos que este mismo levanta hoy en día. La pintura metaforiza al cuerpo a la vez que este aparece representando. Es decir, la imagen manual representa una subjetividad, involucra un cuerpo y la pintura hace y deja un registro de ese proceso, que se hace visible desde su temporalidad, sus movimientos y actos en forma y color, haciendo presente otras posibilidades corporales, que nos posicionan como sujetos sensibles dentro de un espacio determinado o delimitado. Esto da pie a reflexiones sobre la pintura, el cuerpo, la identidad y la visualidad hoy en día. / [CA] La següent investigació busca, des de la teoria i la pròpia pràctica pictòrica, aprofundir en la problemàtica de re-presentació del cos que es distancia d'una certa normalització d'aquest. Se centrarà, d'una banda, a identificar a pintors contemporanis que aconseguisquen exposar corporalitats i subjectivitats que es distancien de la producció i imatge mediàtica, és a dir, del cànon i normalització dels cossos. Buscant visualitzar aquelles manifestacions pictòriques contemporànies on el cos cobra importància com a imatge representada que s'allunya d'un cànon i també com un cos que sorgeix dins del propi quefer pictòric, val dir, l'existència d'una corporalitat en el propi acte de pintar. Des d'aquesta perspectiva, proposem que es possibiliten vies per a visualitzar i conéixer el cos, des de la figuració i l'abstracció, des del visible i invisible. Val dir que, parlarem de l'acte pictòric, del que amb ell esdevé i els significats i sentits que aquest mateix alça hui dia. La pintura *metaforiza al cos alhora que aquest apareix representant. És a dir, la imatge manual representa una subjectivitat, involucra un cos i la pintura fa i deixa un registre d'aqueix procés, que es fa visible des de la seua temporalitat, els seus moviments i actes en forma i color, fent present altres possibilitats corporals, que ens posicionen com a subjectes sensibles dins d'un espai determinat o delimitat. Això dona peu a reflexions sobre la pintura, el cos, la identitat i la visualitat hui dia. / [EN] The following research seeks, from the theory and the pictorial practice itself, to deepen in the problematic of re-presentation of the body that distances itself from certain normalization of the same. It will focus, on the one hand, on identifying contemporary painters who manage to expose corporealities and subjectivities that distance themselves from the media production and image, that is, from the canon and normalization of bodies. We seek to visualize those contemporary pictorial manifestations where the body becomes important as a represented image that distances itself from a canon and also as a body that emerges within the pictorial work itself, that is, the existence of a corporeality in the act of painting itself. From this perspective, we propose the possibility of visualizing and knowing the body, from figuration and abstraction, from the visible and the invisible. That is to say, we will talk about the pictorial act, what happens with it and the meanings and senses that it raises today. Painting metaphorizes the body at the same time that it appears to represent. That is to say, the manual image represents a subjectivity, it involves a body and the painting makes and leaves a record of that process, which becomes visible from its temporality, its movements and acts in form and color, making present other bodily possibilities, which position us as sensitive subjects within a determined or delimited space. This gives rise to reflections on painting, the body, identity and visuality today. / Alarcón Pino, NR. (2023). Práctica pictórica: un estudio sobre la presencia visible e invisible del cuerpo en la pintura contemporánea [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/202311

Rétorické figury v překladu neliterárních textů / Figures of speech in non-literary translations

Mazancová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
The present thesis deals with figures of speech in non-literary texts and with the problems connected to their translation. The first part is dedicated to the theoretical description of figures of speech. First we deal with their definition according to the Czech and Spanish terminology and next we proceed to the figures that can be expected in popular science texts. We deal mainly with metaphors, their classification and opinions of translation scientists about the possibilities of their translation; but we mention also simile, metonymy and synecdoche. The second chapter is dedicated to popular science texts, to the problems connected to their translation, to the presence of metaphors in this type of texts and to their translation. In the second part we describe the analysed texts and the methods used in our work; the third part deals with the results of our analysis. During our analysis we found the same amount of figures of speech in both languages. Metaphors predominate in both languages, but while in Czech they represent the absolute majority of all figures, in Spanish they represent only a half of all the examples. Personification also appears many times in Spanish texts, but in Czech texts it doesn't appear in such a large measure. Metonymy, synecdoche and rhetorical question are represented...

Itinerário, estudo estético e estilístico de uma escultura Dogon: \"figura hermafrodita\" do mestre de Yayé / Itinerary, aesthetic and stylistic study of a sculpture Dogon: \"hermaphrodite figure\" the master of Yayé.

Guilherme Filho, Jair 30 September 2014 (has links)
A Escultura Dogon, produzida no Mali, ao noroeste do continente africano, constitui um dos mais importantes acervos das artes africanas, recolhidos a partir das Missões coloniais Etnológicas-Etnográficas coordenadas por Marcel Griaule desde 1931. ITINERÁRIO, ESTUDO ESTÉTICO E ESTILÍSTICO DE UMA ESCULTURA DOGON: \"FIGURA HERMAFRODITA\" DO MESTRE DE YAYÉ, trata da construção de uma análise dos estilos dessa arte estatuária assim como a análise específica sobre o percurso da peça em questão, desde o vilarejo de Yayé em Bandiagara, no Mali, até o acervo do museu du Quai Branly, na cidade de Paris, França. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi fortalecer os estudos sobre a Arte Africana no Brasil, contribuindo para o conhecimento da sociedade Dogon a partir de sua expressão artística, e como pensar a Arte Africana e a África a partir de sua produção estética. / The Dogon sculpture, produced in Mali, northwest of the african continent, is one of the most important collections of African art, collected from the Colonial Missions Ethnological-Ethnographic coordinated by Marcel Griaule since 1931. ITINERARY, AESTHETIC AND STYLISTIC STUDY OF A SCULPTURE DOGON \"HERMAPHRODITE FIGURE\" THE MASTER OF YAYÉ, is the construction of an analysis of styles such statuary as well as specific analysis on the route of the piece in question, from the village of Yayé in Bandiagara, Mali to the museum\'s collection du Quai Branly, in Paris, France. The objective of this research was to strengthen the studies on African Art in Brazil, contributing to the knowledge of the Dogon society from their artistic expression, and how to think African Art and Africa from its aesthetic production.

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