Spelling suggestions: "subject:"filled.""
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Impact of Filler Morphology and Distribution on the Mechanical Properties of Filled Elastomers : theory and simulations / Impact de la morphologie et de la distribution des charges sur les propriétés mécaniques des nano-composites : théorie et simulationTauban, Mathieu 08 June 2016 (has links)
Les nanocomposites présentent des propriétés uniques dont l'origine est sujette à débat. Dans ce travail, nous cherchons à déterminer quel est l'impact de la morphologie de la charge et de son état de distribution sur les propriétés des matériaux. Pour cela, nous avons étendu un modèle théorique que nous résolvons numériquement.Nous avons étudié l'effet de la distribution des charges dans la matrice. Nous montrons qu'un état de distribution fortement hétérogène conduit à un renforcement plus important qui s'étend dans une plus large gamme de températures, mais augmente aussi la dissipation d'énergie. Ensuite, nous étudions l'effet de la structure des charges. Des particules parfaitement sphériques sont comparées à des agrégats fractals plus ou moins finement définis. Nous montrons que des objets finement définis peuvent s'imbriquer au sein de la matrice et conduisent à une augmentation du renfort et de la dissipation dans ces matériaux.Puis, nous étudions la réponse de nos systèmes lorsqu'ils sont soumis à une première élongation de forte amplitude. Nous montrons alors qu'un système hétérogène se plastifie localement progressivement au cours de la déformation alors qu'un système homogène présente une plastification catastrophique généralisée à partir d'une déformation critique. Enfin dans une dernière partie nous évaluons la possibilité d'étendre le modèle afin de simuler l'endommagement des nanocomposites. Nous introduisons pour cela un critère rupture local afin de prendre en compte l'endommagement du polymère entre les charges. Nous étudions ensuite comment se comportent les matériaux simulés en faisant varier la morphologie de la charge, son état de distribution et son taux.Ce travail constitue la première étude systématique de l'effet de la morphologie et de la distribution des charges sur les propriétés mécaniques des nanocomposites. Nous montrons que ces paramètres peu contrôlés sont pourtant des paramètres clés et peuvent servir à optimiser les propriétés d’usage d'un nanocomposite / Nano-filled elastomer composites are used in a very broad range of applications such as tires, damping materials and impact modifiers. The addition of nanoscale rigid particles in a polymer matrix induces nonlinear effects that are not yet fully understood far above the glass transition temperature of the pure matrix. A model of the reinforcement of nanocomposites based on the reduced mobility of the polymer confined between two spherical filler particles has been developed over the last ten years. In order to study the influence of the filler shape, structure, size, and dispersion state, we have extended the model were the morphology of the fillers is defined explicitly as spherical particles aggregated in the polymer matrix. The model is then solved by mesoscale numerical simulation in order to describe the mechanical properties of the nanocomposite. We study the mechanical response of nanocomposite filled with aggregates of different shapes and distribution state to deformations of various amplitudes in the reinforcement regime. We show that the mechanical behavior of nanocomposites strongly depends on the filler morphology and we propose that stress-relaxation mechanisms in the material are related to the disorder (particle size, aggregation number, distribution state) in the filler population. In a second part of this work, we study the mechanical response at larger amplitude in both a non-destructive and destructive regime. For that matter, the model has been extended in order to account for damaging of the polymer between filler particles.Our model opens the path for the development of systems with tailored properties by adjusting the fillers morphology and distribution.
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Tenacidade à fratura , crescimento subcrítico de trinca e limite de fadiga de compósitos resinosos experimentais com diferentes tamanhos de partículas de carga / Fracture toughness, subcritical crack growth and fatigue limit of experimental resin composites with different filler sizes.Ornaghi, Bárbara Pick 02 July 2010 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a influência de diferentes tamanhos de partículas de carga na tenacidade à fratura (KIc), nos parâmetros do crescimento subcrítico de trinca (n e f0) e de Weibull (m e 0), na longevidade estimada pelo diagrama tensão-probabilidade-tempo (SPT) e no limite de fadiga cíclica (LFC) de compósitos resinosos experimentais. Quatro compósitos foram preparados contendo 78% em massa (59% em volume) de conteúdo inorgânico, constituído por 67% de pó de vidro com diferentes tamanhos de partículas (d50 = 0,5; 0,9; 1,2 e 1,9 µm) e 11% de sílica pirogênica. Dados de KIc obtidos pelo método single-edge notched beam (25x5x2,8 mm; n=15) foram submetidos a ANOVA/teste de Tukey (p < 0,05). n e f0 foram determinados através do ensaio de fadiga dinâmica (10-2 a 102 MPa/s) utilizando um dispositivo de flexão biaxial (12x1,2 mm; n=10). Para determinar m e 0, mais 20 espécimes de cada compósito foram testados na taxa de 100 MPa/s. Os diagramas SPT foram obtidos a partir dos dados da fadiga dinâmica e análise de Weibull. No ensaio de fadiga cíclica, um dispositivo de flexão biaxial (12x1,2 mm) foi utilizado para se obter a resistência à flexão inicial (RFI; n=14) e o LFC (n=20). LFC foi obtido pelo método escada após 105 ciclos. Para todos os testes, os espécimes foram armazenados em água destilada a 37oC por 24h. Foi realizada a fractografia dos espécimes fraturados nas taxas 10-2 e 10-1 MPa/s da fadiga dinâmica e nos ensaios para determinação da RFI e LFC. Houve relação direta entre d50 e KIc (C0,5: 1,2±0,1b; C0,9: 1,3±0,1ab; C1,2: 1,3±0,1ab; C1,9: 1,4±0,2a, em MPa.m0,5). C0,5 (31,2±6,2a) e C1,9 (34,7±7,4a) apresentaram valores de n superiores a C0,9 (20,3±3,0b) e C1,2 (17,3±1,8b). C1,2 (166,42±0,01a) apresentou o maior valor de f0 (em MPa), seguido pelo C1,9 (159,82±0,02b), C0,9 (159,59±0,02c) e C0,5 (158,40±0,02d). Não houve diferença estatística entre os valores de m (6,6 a 10,6) e 0 (170,6 a 176,4 MPa) dos compósitos. As reduções na tensão de fratura para uma probabilidade de falha de 5% após 10 anos estimadas pelo diagramas SPT foram de aproximadamente 22% para C0,5 e C1,9 e 36% para C0,9 e C1,2. Não houve diferença estatística entre as médias de RFI (155,4 a 170,7 MPa). C0,5 (93,0±18,6a) apresentou o maior LFC (em MPa), seguido pelo C1,2 (91,8±11,1ab), C1,9 (87,2±3,0b) e C0,9 (82,5±8,0c). Defeitos sub-superficiais e superficiais foram as principais origens de fratura. A trinca se propagou pela matriz polimérica ao redor das partículas (deflexão de trinca) e todas as superfícies apresentaram características de fratura frágil. Como conclusão, compósitos com partículas maiores apresentaram maior KIC, enquanto que partículas menores contribuíram para um maior LFC. Compósitos com distribuição granulométrica mais ampla, independentemente do d50, apresentaram maior resistência ao SCG. Nos demais parâmetros e propriedades avaliados (m, 0 e RFI) não houve influência do tamanho das partículas. / The aim of this study was to verify the influence of different filler sizes in the fracture toughness (KIc), subcritical crack growth (n e f0) and Weibull (m e 0) parameters, longevity estimated by the strength-probability-time (SPT) diagram and cyclic fatigue limit (CFL) of experimental resin composites. Four composites were prepared, each one containing 78 w% (59 vol%) of inorganic content, in which 67 w% were glass powder with different filler sizes (d50 = 0.5; 0.9; 1.2 e 1.9 µm) and 11 w% were pyrogenic silica. KIc data was obtained by the single-edge notched beam test and submitted to ANOVA/Tukey tests (p < 0.05). n and f0 were determined by the dynamic fatigue test (10-2 a 102 MPa/s) using a biaxial flexural device (12x1.2 mm; n=10). 20 specimens of each composite were tested at 100 MPa/s to determine Weibull parameters. SPT diagrams were constructed using the dynamic fatigue and Weibull data. For the cyclic fatigue test, a biaxial flexural device (12x1.2 mm) was used to obtain the initial flexural strength (IFS; n=14) and CFL (n=20). CFL was determined by staircase method after 105 cycles. For all tests, the specimens were stored in distilled water at 37oC for 24h. It was done the fractography of the fractured specimens that was subjected to the 10-2 e 10-1 MPa/s rates of the dynamic fatigue and to the IFS and CFL tests. There was a direct relation between d50 e KIc (C0.5: 1.2±0.1b; C0.9: 1.3±0.1ab; C1.2: 1.3±0.1ab; C1.9: 1.4±0,2a, in MPa.m0,5). C0.5 (31.2±6.2a) and C1.9 (34.7±7.4a) presented higher n values than C0.9 (20.3±3.0b) and C1.2 (17.3±1.8b). C1.2 (166.42±0.01a) showed the highest f0 value (in MPa), followed by C1.9 (159.82±0.02b), C0.9 (159.59±0.02c) and C0.5 (158.40±0.02d). There were no statistical differences among the m (6.6 to 10.6) and 0 (170.6 to 176.4 MPa) values of the composites. The reductions in fracture stress at 5% failure probability for a lifetime of 10 years estimated by the SPT diagrams were approximately 22% for C0.5 and C1.9 and 36% for C0.9 and C1.2. There were no statistical differences among the IFS means (155.4 to 170.7 MPa). C0.5 (93.0±18.6a) showed the highest CFL (in MPa), followed by C1.2 (91.8±11.1ab), C1.9 (87.2±3.0b) and C0.9 (82.5±8.0c). Near-surface and surface flaws were the main fracture origins. The crack propagated by the polymeric matrix around the fillers (crack deflection) and all the fracture surfaces showed brittle fracture features. As conclusion, composites with large fillers presented the highest KIC, while the small fillers contributed to increase the CFL. Composites with broader granulometric size distribution, regardless of d50, showed higher resistance to SCG. There was no influence of the composites filler sizes in the others parameters and properties evaluated (m, 0 and IFS).
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Estudo de viabilidade técnica da utilização de cinzas da queima da casca de Pinus em obras de pavimentação asfáltica / Study of the technical feasibility of the use of ash of the Pinus burning in hot-mix asphaltBardini, Vivian Silveira dos Santos 21 May 2008 (has links)
O processo industrial para fabricação de MDF - Medium Density Fiberboard - utiliza como combustível a casca de madeira Pinus, cuja queima gera um resíduo cinzas de granulometria fina, que constitui um problema ambiental por conter algumas substâncias em quantidade acima da permitida pela NBR 10004:2004, que o classifica como resíduo de classe II A - não inerte. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é testar a hipótese de que o resíduo cinzas podem ser utilizadas como fíler em misturas asfálticas, mediante a verificação das propriedades de interesse à engenharia através de ensaios de laboratório: resistência à tração por compressão diametral, módulo de resiliência, vida de fadiga, dano por umidade induzida, estabilidade e fluência Marshall. Foram realizados ensaios para determinação da massa específica das cinzas - resíduo, inclusive com picnometria de gás hélio. Primeiramente, o fíler mineral foi substituído em massa pelo resíduo, optando-se, em função dos resultados preliminares, pela equivalência em volume. As dosagens Marshall, para as misturas contendo resíduo, resultaram em um teor ótimo de ligante praticamente constante, independentemente do teor utilizado (3,5% e 6,0%). Quanto às propriedades mecânicas, nos ensaios de resistência à tração, os maiores valores foram verificados para as misturas contendo 3,5% de fíler mineral, enquanto as misturas contendo cinzas - resíduo - apresentaram os menores valores. Os maiores valores de módulo de resiliência foram das misturas contendo maiores teores de fíler, sendo que o fíler mineral resultou em maior módulo de resiliência do que o resíduo. Na avaliação do dano por umidade induzida, apenas as misturas contendo 6,0% de fíler mineral se mostraram não susceptíveis, enquanto que as misturas contendo resíduo foram as que apresentaram maior susceptibilidade. O resíduo também diminuiu a vida de fadiga, sendo a diferença para as misturas com fíler mineral mais acentuada para o menor teor de fíler. Apesar dos resultados indicarem uma piora de características com a utilização do resíduo, os valores obtidos ainda se situam, na maioria dos casos, acima dos limites mínimos estabelecidos pelas normas técnicas, encorajando pesquisas adicionais, principalmente em função do problema ambiental representado pelas cinzas da queima da casca de Pinus. / The industrial production of MDF - Medium Density Fiberboard - uses Pinus wood skin as a fuel, which, after the burning process, generates a fine gradation residue, an ash that is an environmental problem due to the content of some substances, above the quantity allowed by the NRB 10004:2004, and it is classified as a class II-A - non-inert product. The general purpose of this work is to test the hypothesis that the residue can be use as a filler in hot-mix asphalt, through the evaluation of technological properties by laboratory tests such as indirect tension, resilient modulus, fatigue life, moisture susceptibility, Marshall stability and creep. The evaluation of specific gravity of the residue was done by the gas pycnometer method. Initially, the substitution of the mineral filler by the residue was done in terms of weight, but the preliminary results showed that the best option was the substitution in terms of volume. The Marshall mix design for mixtures containing the residue resulted in a binder content approximately constant for both residue contents considered in this work (3.5% and 6.0%). The indirect tension test results showed higher values for mixtures containing 3.5% of mineral filler, being the lowest values associated to mixtures that use residue. The higher the filler content, the higher the resilient modulus and mixtures with mineral filler presented higher resilient modulus values. Only the mixture with 6.0% of mineral filler passed the moisture susceptibility test, and mixtures with residue presented higher moisture susceptibility. The residue also weakened the fatigue life, being the difference higher for mixtures with lower filler content. Although the results show a worsening of asphalt mixtures properties due to the use of the residue as a filler, for most of the obtained results the value remained above the minimum acceptable by technical standards, encouraging further researches on this subject, mainly due to the environmental problem associated to the burning of Pinus wood skin.
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Application of Functionally Graded Material for Reducing Electric Field on Electrode and Spacer InterfaceOkubo, Hitoshi, Takei, Masafumi, Hoshina, Yoshikazu, Hanai, Masahiro, Kato, Katsumi, Kurimoto, Muneaki 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Nylon-6/Agricultural Filler CompositesAmintowlieh, Yasaman January 2010 (has links)
Preparation of thermoplastics composites using engineering thermoplastics and plant fibers or fillers is a technical challenge because the processing temperature of the thermoplastics is generally above the temperature of degradation of plant fibers of fillers. There have been numerous attempts for processing high melting point engineering thermoplastics like Nylon-6 with plant natural fibers and fillers. Low temperature processing methods, fiber modification or addition of additives which drops polymer melting point are some of proposed solutions for this problem.
The objective of this thesis was to develop a formulation using wheat straw (WS) as a reinforcing fiber for Nylon-6. The concentration of WS was 15 wt-%. The thermoplastic composites were prepared by mixing grinded wheat straw and Nylon-6 using a laboratory scale twin-screw extruder; follow by preparation of samples using injection moulding. The strategy investigated in this thesis was utilization of additives to lower the melting point or to decrease the viscosity of Nylon-6. Lithium chloride salt (LiCl) and N-Butyl benzene Sulfon amide plasticizer (N-BBSA) were used as process additives to decrease melting point and to reduce the processing temperature and time.
The addition of the wheat straw (15 wt-%) to the Nylon-6 increased modulus by 26.9 % but decreased the strength by 9.9 %. Effect of different level of these two additives on mechanical, thermal, physical properties and processability of the composite runs were studied. Addition of 4 wt-% LiCl was found to decrease the melting point from 222 °C to 191 °C, to increase modulus by 14 % in comparison to Nylon-6/wheat straw (15 wt-%). However, it decreased the processability and strength by 12.7 %.
Plasticizer was investigated to easing processability and decreasing the degradation by reducing the residence time in the extruder, it does not affect the melting point of Nylon-6. The addition of 4 wt-% of plasticizer (N-BBSA) increased modulus and strength only by 2.6 % and 3 %, respectively, in comparison to Nylon-6/wheat straw (15 wt-%) composites. The results of mechanical properties were used as a benchmark for comparisons among samples with different formulations (levels of additives) to find out levels of LiCl and N-BBSA for the best mechanical properties. It was found that samples with 2 wt-% LiCl and 2 wt-% of N-BBSA had 29.3 % higher tensile modulus than neat Nylon-6, while its strength was almost same as neat Nylon-6 and 6.3 % higher than Nylon-6/WS (15 wt-%). These results were used to correlate the mechanical properties as a function of percentage of salt and plasticizer in the formulation.
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to evaluate the percentage of crystallinity and the melting point of the thermoplastic phase and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to measure the thermal stability of different formulation. The kinetics of crystallization and degradation were evaluated using results from DSC and TGA, respectively. The activation energy for thermal degradation and the percentage of crystallinity of the thermoplastic composites were correlated to mechanical properties using linear regression. It was found that fiber degradation had a significant effect on strength but the effects of percentage of crystallinity on composites strength were insignificant. On the other hand, the percentage of crystallinity affects stiffness and impact strength. The ductility was a function of both crystallinity and thermal stability.
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Beitrag zum induktiven Löten von Stählen mit unterschiedlichen KohlenstoffgehaltenMeininghaus, Thomas 17 October 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Das Löten wird als ein Fügeverfahren charakterisiert, bei dem die thermische Beeinflussung der Fügepartner minimal ist. Gleichzeitig ist damit jedoch der prinzipielle Mangel einer Lötverbindung verbunden, denn durch den Verzicht auf das Aufschmelzen des Grundwerkstoffs erreichen die Festigkeiten in der Regel nicht die der Grundwerkstoffe. Diesem Mangel läßt sich einerseits durch Überlapp- oder Steckverbindungen begegnen andererseits bilden sich bei sehr kleiner Lötspaltbreiten ( < 0,02 mm) und in Verbindung mit einem geeigneten Lot-Grundwerkstoff-System sog. Stengelkristallite aus, die über die Lötnaht wachsen und die Festigkeit des Lötverbundes nachhaltig verbessern.
Es wird ein Konzept vorgestellt, mit dem der Anwendungsbereich der Stengelkristallite auf industrieübliche Lötspaltbreiten von bis zu 0,2 mm ausgebreitet wird. Die theoretischen Grundlagen werden durch umfangreiche Versuchsplanung und -durchführung bestätigt. Die Bewertung dieses Verbindungstyps im Vergleich zu Verbindungen ohne Stengelkristallite wird in umfangreichen statischen und dynamischen Festigkeitsuntersuchungen dargelegt. Metallographische Untersuchungen bestätigen den Einfluss auf die Festigkeitserhöhung.
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Nylon-6/Agricultural Filler CompositesAmintowlieh, Yasaman January 2010 (has links)
Preparation of thermoplastics composites using engineering thermoplastics and plant fibers or fillers is a technical challenge because the processing temperature of the thermoplastics is generally above the temperature of degradation of plant fibers of fillers. There have been numerous attempts for processing high melting point engineering thermoplastics like Nylon-6 with plant natural fibers and fillers. Low temperature processing methods, fiber modification or addition of additives which drops polymer melting point are some of proposed solutions for this problem.
The objective of this thesis was to develop a formulation using wheat straw (WS) as a reinforcing fiber for Nylon-6. The concentration of WS was 15 wt-%. The thermoplastic composites were prepared by mixing grinded wheat straw and Nylon-6 using a laboratory scale twin-screw extruder; follow by preparation of samples using injection moulding. The strategy investigated in this thesis was utilization of additives to lower the melting point or to decrease the viscosity of Nylon-6. Lithium chloride salt (LiCl) and N-Butyl benzene Sulfon amide plasticizer (N-BBSA) were used as process additives to decrease melting point and to reduce the processing temperature and time.
The addition of the wheat straw (15 wt-%) to the Nylon-6 increased modulus by 26.9 % but decreased the strength by 9.9 %. Effect of different level of these two additives on mechanical, thermal, physical properties and processability of the composite runs were studied. Addition of 4 wt-% LiCl was found to decrease the melting point from 222 °C to 191 °C, to increase modulus by 14 % in comparison to Nylon-6/wheat straw (15 wt-%). However, it decreased the processability and strength by 12.7 %.
Plasticizer was investigated to easing processability and decreasing the degradation by reducing the residence time in the extruder, it does not affect the melting point of Nylon-6. The addition of 4 wt-% of plasticizer (N-BBSA) increased modulus and strength only by 2.6 % and 3 %, respectively, in comparison to Nylon-6/wheat straw (15 wt-%) composites. The results of mechanical properties were used as a benchmark for comparisons among samples with different formulations (levels of additives) to find out levels of LiCl and N-BBSA for the best mechanical properties. It was found that samples with 2 wt-% LiCl and 2 wt-% of N-BBSA had 29.3 % higher tensile modulus than neat Nylon-6, while its strength was almost same as neat Nylon-6 and 6.3 % higher than Nylon-6/WS (15 wt-%). These results were used to correlate the mechanical properties as a function of percentage of salt and plasticizer in the formulation.
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to evaluate the percentage of crystallinity and the melting point of the thermoplastic phase and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to measure the thermal stability of different formulation. The kinetics of crystallization and degradation were evaluated using results from DSC and TGA, respectively. The activation energy for thermal degradation and the percentage of crystallinity of the thermoplastic composites were correlated to mechanical properties using linear regression. It was found that fiber degradation had a significant effect on strength but the effects of percentage of crystallinity on composites strength were insignificant. On the other hand, the percentage of crystallinity affects stiffness and impact strength. The ductility was a function of both crystallinity and thermal stability.
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A study of laser-arc hybrid weldability of nickel-base INCONEL 738 LC superalloyOla, Oyedele 08 1900 (has links)
Precipitation strengthened nickel-base superalloys, such as IN 738, are very difficult to weld by fusion welding techniques due to their high susceptibility to heat-affected zone (HAZ) intergranular liquation cracking. An improvement in weldability could be realized by the deployment of innovative welding processes and/or the modification of the materials’ microstructural characteristics. Laser-arc hybrid welding is a relatively new welding process that appears to possess great potentials for joining the difficult-to-weld nickel-base superalloys. The research described in this Ph.D. dissertation was initiated to perform a systematic and comprehensive study of the cracking susceptibility of nickel-base IN 738 superalloy welds made by laser-arc hybrid welding process, and how to minimize it by using a combination of pre-weld microstructural modification and the application of various welding filler alloys.
Laser-arc hybrid welding produced a desirable weld geometry in IN 738 Superalloy. Cracking did not occur exclusively in the fusion zone. Analysis of the fusion zone material using EPMA, SEM, TEM and EBSD revealed elemental partitioning pattern, the presence of secondary solidification reaction constituents and the grain structure of the fusion zone. Non-equilibrium liquation of various second phases that were present in the alloy prior to welding contributed to intergranular liquation in the HAZ that consequently resulted in extensive HAZ intergranular cracking. A very significant reduction in HAZ intergranular liquation cracking was achieved by the use of an industrially deployable and effective pre-weld thermal processing procedure developed during this research work. This novel procedure, designated as FUMT, was developed on the basis of the control of both boride formation and intergranular boron segregation in the pre-weld material.
Propensity for HAZ intergranular liquation cracking in the weldments was also observed to vary depending on the Al+Ti+Nb+Ta concentration of the weld metal produced by different filler alloys, which can be attributed to variation in the extent of precipitation hardening in the weld metals. The newly developed FUMT treatment procedure, coupled with the selection of an appropriate type of filler alloy, is effective in reducing HAZ intergranular cracking both during laser-arc hybrid welding and during post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) of the laser-arc hybrid welded IN 738 superalloy.
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A study of laser-arc hybrid weldability of nickel-base INCONEL 738 LC superalloyOla, Oyedele 08 1900 (has links)
Precipitation strengthened nickel-base superalloys, such as IN 738, are very difficult to weld by fusion welding techniques due to their high susceptibility to heat-affected zone (HAZ) intergranular liquation cracking. An improvement in weldability could be realized by the deployment of innovative welding processes and/or the modification of the materials’ microstructural characteristics. Laser-arc hybrid welding is a relatively new welding process that appears to possess great potentials for joining the difficult-to-weld nickel-base superalloys. The research described in this Ph.D. dissertation was initiated to perform a systematic and comprehensive study of the cracking susceptibility of nickel-base IN 738 superalloy welds made by laser-arc hybrid welding process, and how to minimize it by using a combination of pre-weld microstructural modification and the application of various welding filler alloys.
Laser-arc hybrid welding produced a desirable weld geometry in IN 738 Superalloy. Cracking did not occur exclusively in the fusion zone. Analysis of the fusion zone material using EPMA, SEM, TEM and EBSD revealed elemental partitioning pattern, the presence of secondary solidification reaction constituents and the grain structure of the fusion zone. Non-equilibrium liquation of various second phases that were present in the alloy prior to welding contributed to intergranular liquation in the HAZ that consequently resulted in extensive HAZ intergranular cracking. A very significant reduction in HAZ intergranular liquation cracking was achieved by the use of an industrially deployable and effective pre-weld thermal processing procedure developed during this research work. This novel procedure, designated as FUMT, was developed on the basis of the control of both boride formation and intergranular boron segregation in the pre-weld material.
Propensity for HAZ intergranular liquation cracking in the weldments was also observed to vary depending on the Al+Ti+Nb+Ta concentration of the weld metal produced by different filler alloys, which can be attributed to variation in the extent of precipitation hardening in the weld metals. The newly developed FUMT treatment procedure, coupled with the selection of an appropriate type of filler alloy, is effective in reducing HAZ intergranular cracking both during laser-arc hybrid welding and during post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) of the laser-arc hybrid welded IN 738 superalloy.
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Contribuição ao estudo de propriedades do concreto autoadensável visando sua aplicação em elementos estruturaisCavalcanti, Diogo Jatobá de Holanda 02 June 2006 (has links)
The Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is already in use in several countries
and represents one of the biggest advances in concrete technology in the last
decades. Its name is related to the growth of productivity, the improvement on
constructive environment and the contribution of sustainable concrete technology
that is characterized as an environment-friendly material, obtained with high
volumes of industrial waste. As its development is characterized mainly by its
properties in its fresh stage, the studies of its mechanical properties, such as
compressive strength (fc), diametral compressive strength or traction strength (ft),
and the modulus of elasticity (Ec), as its evolution and relations between each other
have been little developed. The c.p s molding procedures with SCC is only
modified, since the self-compacting concrete doesn t need any vibration. Within
that focus, a SCC added with marble and the filler RSMG is produced, and its
mechanical properties are determined and compared with a conventional concrete
of reference and others SCC. The c.p. molding is also analyzed in order to verify its
compactibility.The study prove that the best way to fill the mold, is similar to the one
used for the reference conventional concrete, except the process of vibration.
Equations of the evolution of fc and relations between fc x ft e fc x Ec to SCC are also
accomplished and compared with the ones presented for conventional concrete.
The results proved that the equations used of conventional concrete are accepted
for the SCC. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / O concreto auto-adensável (CAA) já é utilizado em vários países e representa um dos maiores avanços na tecnologia do concreto das últimas décadas. Seu nome está relacionado com o aumento na produtividade, melhora do ambiente construtivo e contribuição da tecnologia sustentável do concreto, sendo caracterizado como um material ambientalmente amigável, e podendo ser obtido com altos volumes de resíduos industriais. Como seu desempenho está mais associado às suas propriedades no estado fresco, estudos de propriedades mecânicas, como: resistências à compressão (fc) e à tração (ft) e o módulo de deformação longitudinal (Ec), assim como sua evolução e relações entre as mesmas, têm sido pouco desenvolvidos. Dos procedimentos que antecedem a determinação das propriedades mecânicas do concreto, a moldagem dos c.p. com CAA é a única modificada, pois, o adensamento do concreto não necessita de vibração. Dentro deste enfoque, um concreto auto-adensável com a adição mineral do resíduo de serragem de mármore e granito (RSMG) é produzido, e suas propriedades mecânicas são determinadas e comparadas com as de um concreto convencional e de outros CAA. Diferentes métodos de moldagem em c.p cilíndricos com o CAA também são analisados, a fim de verificar sua auto-adensabilidade. O estudo comprova que a melhor forma de preenchimento dos moldes com CAA é semelhante ao adotado para concretos convencionais, a menos do processo de vibração. Equações de evolução de fc e relações fc x ft e fc x Ec para CAA também são obtidas e comparadas com as apresentadas para concreto convencional. Os resultados comprovam que as relações usadas para concreto convencional são aceitas para o CAA.
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