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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contributions théoriques et expérimentales sur la ventilation naturelle hors cadre Boussinesq : application au désenfumage des bâtiments / Theoretical and experimental contributions on natural ventilation in the general non-Boussinesq case : application to smoke management in buildings

Koutaiba, El Mehdi 30 November 2016 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche présentés dans ce manuscrit portent sur le mécanisme de remplissage et de vidange simultanés d’un local ventilé naturellement, pouvant éventuellement être rencontré dans des situations d’incendie. L’objectif de ce travail et d'améliorer la compréhension des phénomènes physiques dominants ce mécanisme, notamment, une fois que le régime stationnaire est établi à partir d’études théoriques et expérimentales. Le travail est divisé en deux parties. Dans la première partie, nous reformulons dans un premier temps le modèle théorique de Linden et al. (1990) dans le cadre de l’approximation de Boussinesq basé sur la modélisation du panache turbulent proposé par Morton et al. (1956). Ce modèle est par la suite étendue au cadre général non-Boussineq. Dans un second temps, nous proposons un nouveau modèle basé sur les solutions exactes du panache turbulent à partir des travaux de Michaux & Vauquelin (2008). Une campagne d’essais densimétriques réalisée à échelle réduite permet ensuite d’éprouver et valider ces modèles. Dans la deuxième partie de ce mémoire, nous abordons la problématique de remplissage et de vidange dans le cadre plus spécifique de l'ingénieur de la sécurité incendie (ISI) appliquée au désenfumage. Nous commençons par présenter quelques modèles de flammes panache. Ensuite, ces modèles de flammes panache sont implémenté dans un modèle de remplissage vidange et comparés aux modèles présentés dans la première partie du manuscrit. La dernière partie porte sur une campagne d'essais thermiques à l'échelle du laboratoire. Le premier modèle théorique présenté dans la première partie est confronté aux différents résultats expérimentaux. / Research works presented in this thesis deals with the filling and simultaneous emptying of a naturally ventilated room subject to a continuous source of buoyancy, for example, the problem of natural ventilation of a room containing a fire. The aim of this work is to improve from a theoretical and experimental point of view the understanding of the dominant physical phenomena of this mechanism, especially once the stationary state is reached. This work is divided into two parts. In the first "academic" part, we revisit the theoretical model developed by Linden et al. (1990) under the Boussinesq approximation, based on Morton et al. (1956) turbulent plume assumption. This model is then extended in the general non-Boussinesq case and a parametric study highlights the influence of the governing parameters on which it depends. Secondly, we propose a new model based on the exact turbulent plume solutions proposed by Michaux & Vauquelin (2008). Laboratory experiments were also conducted using a light gas air-helium mixture in order to test and validate these models. In the second part of this work, we address the problem of filling and simultaneous emptying in the more specific context of fire safety engineering applied to smoke management. We begin by presenting some engineering relations for fire plumes, which we implement in a filling emptying model. A comparison is then made between these models and those presented in the first part of the manuscript. The last part deals with a fire test campaign at the laboratory scale and on full-scale. The first theoretical model presented in the first part is confronted with different experimental results.

Effective Resource Allocation for Non-cooperative Spectrum Sharing

Jacob-David, Dany D. January 2011 (has links)
Spectrum access protocols have been proposed recently to provide flexible and efficient use of the available bandwidth. Game theory has been applied to the analysis of the problem to determine the most effective allocation of the users’ power over the bandwidth. However, prior analysis has focussed on Shannon capacity as the utility function, even though it is known that real signals do not, in general, meet the Gaussian distribution assumptions of that metric. In a non-cooperative spectrum sharing environment, the Shannon capacity utility function results in a water-filling solution. In this thesis, the suitability of the water-filling solution is evaluated when using non-Gaussian signalling first in a frequency non-selective environment to focus on the resource allocation problem and its outcomes. It is then extended to a frequency selective environment to examine the proposed algorithm in a more realistic wireless environment. It is shown in both scenarios that more effective resource allocation can be achieved when the utility function takes into account the actual signal characteristics. Further, it is demonstrated that higher rates can be achieved with lower transmitted power, resulting in a smaller spectral footprint, which allows more efficient use of the spectrum overall. Finally, future spectrum management is discussed where the waveform adaptation is examined as an additional option to the well-known spectrum agility, rate and transmit power adaptation when performing spectrum sharing.

Analýza závislostí stanovování cenových hladin a objemu prodaného množství benzínu u vybraného distributora v České republice a Polsku / Analysis of the price level and gasoline quantum sold at a chosen distributor in the Czech Republic and in Poland

Hlůšek, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to analyse dependency between setting of the price level and gasoline quantum sold at a chosen distributor in the Czech Republic and in Poland. In the first part of the thesis, there are characterized price theory, tax theory, theory of state interventions, supply, demand and price elasticity of demand. In the second part, first, there is analysed whole market with fuels in both countries with their comparison. These markets have had slightly different development and they do have different market structure, because of the existence of the market leader in Poland. Second, there are analysed the data of the chosen distributor and analysed dependencies between price and quantum sold. Research showed that there is an existence of dependencies of quantum sold on both change of the absolute price and change of the relative price. These dependencies and the impact of the relative price change is more significant in the Czech Republic than in Poland.

Aproveitamento de soro de ricota para elaboração de suplemento hidroeletrolítico / The use of ricotta cheese whey in the formulation of a hydroelectrolytic supplement

Natali Knorr Valadão 16 October 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo consistiu na formulação, no processamento em escala piloto, na avaliação da esterilidade comercial (EC) e no estudo da vida útil de um suplemento hidroeletrolítico (isotônico) elaborado com soro de ricota. O soro de ricota deslactosado foi pasteurizado a 75 ºC/15 s, acondicionado assepticamente em garrafas plásticas e estocado a 0 ºC para ser utilizado no desenvolvimento da formulação do isotônico. O desenvolvimento da formulação contendo soro de ricota, água deionizada, corante, aroma, sacarose e cloreto de sódio foi norteado pela aplicação de testes sensoriais de Ordenação-Preferência, de Escala do Ideal e testes físico-químicos. Utilizando-se um delineamento experimental fatorial, investigou-se o binômio tempo de retenção (30 a 50 s) x temperatura de pasteurização (85 a 95 ºC) adequado à obtenção de uma bebida comercialmente esterilizada com elevada aceitação sensorial. A estabilização da bebida foi baseada na seguinte combinação de métodos térmicos e não térmicos: acidificação, pasteurização e envase asséptico. Testes físico-químicos, sensoriais e microbiológicos, incluindo o teste de EC, foram realizados na bebida recém-processada (tempo zero do estudo da vida útil (VU)). Um terço, aproximadamente, de cada lote processado foi estocado a -18 ºC (amostras controle) e dois terços estocados a 25 ºC (amostras codificadas), na ausência de luz. A estimativa da VU da bebida foi fundamentada em testes microbiológicos e sensoriais. A avaliação da estabilidade microbiológica baseou-se na enumeração de bactérias aeróbias mesófilas e a estabilidade sensorial em testes de Escala Hedônica de nove pontos para avaliação da impressão global do produto. A formulação isotônica desenvolvida atendeu aos requisitos estabelecidos pela Legislação Alimentar Brasileira, com pH 3,15, teor de sólidos solúveis de 6,4 ºBrix, osmolalidade de 306 mOsm/kg água e níveis de sódio e de potássio equivalentes a 500 e 650 mg/L, respectivamente. A bebida recém-processada apresentou contagens de bactérias mesófilas aeróbias inferiores a 10¹ UFC/mL e as médias das notas obtidas nos testes de Escala Hedônica de nove pontos alcançaram 6 (gostei ligeiramente) para o aroma e para o sabor, e situaram-se entre 6 (gostei ligeiramente) e 7 (gostei moderadamente) para a aparência. A análise estatística dos resultados revelou que somente o tempo de retenção aplicado no tratamento térmico produziu efeito significativo (p < 0,05) no sabor da bebida recém-processada, não apresentando efeitos significativos para aroma, aparência, parâmetros de cor (L*, a* e b*), pH, acidez titulável e teor de sólidos solúveis. Somente os processamentos 3 (95 ºC/50 s), 4 (90 ºC/40 s) e 5 (85 ºC/30 s) alcançaram a EC e tiveram seus tempos de VU limitados pela depreciação sensorial, estimados em 100, 128 e 153 dias, respectivamente. Os tempos de VU estimados para os lotes dos processamentos 2 (95 ºC/30 s), 6 (85 ºC/50 s) e 7 (90 ºC/40 s) foram equivalentes a 70, 42 e 42 dias, respectivamente, tendo sido limitado pelo desenvolvimento de micro-organismos, resultando em alterações na aparência da bebida e no estufamento de algumas embalagens. O lote 1 (90 ºC/40 s) teve sua vida útil estimada em 128 dias devido a falta de amostras. O soro de ricota revelou-se uma alternativa tecnologicamente viável para elaboração de um suplemento hidroeletrolítico permitindo o aproveitamento e a agregação de valor ao referido subproduto. A combinação dos métodos empregados na estabilização da bebida foi eficiente para a redução da carga microbiana inicial e para a obtenção de uma bebida com boa aceitação sensorial. / This study focused the formulation, small scale processing, commercial sterility (CS) evaluation and shelf life (SL) study of a ricotta cheese whey (RCW) based sports drink (isotonic). The RCW was pre-treated with lactase, pasteurized at 75 ºC/15 s, aseptically filled into plastic bottles and stored at 0 ºC. Then it was used to develop the isotonic formulation (RCW, deionized water, coloring, flavor, sucrose and sodium chloride) by applying Rank Preference, Just Right Scale and physicochemical tests. A factorial experiment was designed to investigate the binomial holding time (30 to 50 s) and pasteurization temperature (85 to 95 ºC) appropriate for attaining a commercially sterilized drink with a high sensory acceptance. The drink stabilization was based on the combination of thermal and non-thermal methods: acidification, pasteurization and aseptic filling. Physicochemical, sensory and microbiological tests were performed in the freshly processed drink. Approximately one third of each processed batch was stored at -18 º C (control samples) and two thirds stored at 25 ºC (coded samples), in the dark. The estimate of the isotonic shelf life relied on the microbiological and sensory tests. The microbiological stability evaluation was based on the total mesophilic aerobic counts. The sensory stability study relied on a nine-point Hedonic Scale tests. The developed formulation met the Brazilian Food Legislation and obtained acceptance average scores of 6.3, pH 3.15, soluble solids of 6.4 ºBrix, osmolality of 306 mOsm/kg água, 500 mg/L of sodium and 650 mg/L of potassium. The freshly processed product presented mesophilic aerobic bacteria counts below 10¹ CFU/mL. The average of the ratings obtained for aroma and flavor in the nine-point Hedonic Scale tests reached 6 (liked slightly); it ranged from 6 (liked slightly) to 7 (liked moderately) for appearance. The statistical analysis showed that only the holding time applied to the heat treatment had significant effect (p < 0.05) in the flavor of the drink. Neither the holding time nor the pasteurization temperature affected other sensory attributes and physicochemical parameters. Only batches 3 (95 ºC/50 s), 4 (90 ºC/40s) and 5 (85 ºC /30 s) reached the commercial sterility; their shelf lives were limited by sensory depreciation and estimated at 100, 128 and 153 days, respectively. The shelf lives for batches 2 (95 ºC/30 s), 6 (85 ºC/50 s) and 7 (90 ºC/40 s) were 70, 42 and 42 days, respectively; they were limited by the microbial growth. The findings indicate that RCW could be a technologically feasible alternative to produce a sports drink. The combination of methods employed in this study was effective in reducing the initial microbial load and obtained a drink with good acceptance.

Comfort Zones : The delicate relationship between knitted surfaces and filling materials experienced through human comfort/discomfort

Wolff Metternich, Maria Antonia January 2019 (has links)
This paper describes a practice- based research project in which physical and emotional comfort and discomfort is experienced by the human body. A variety of different Comfort Zones are presented. All of them deal with the relationship between filling material and cover, in which knitted structures and materials play a central role in order to create comfort. The elasticity of the knit is challenged when creating volume and emphasizes the idea that comfort is elastic in material/physical way, as well as well in emotions. The use of filling materials gives a new dimension, sensitivity and offers new opportunities. This form exploration discusses the potential of knit to serve as a cover and decorative element, but most importantly the possibility of a textile to create its own filling. By rolling up a knitted tube, volume is built up layer by layer; a torus appears and captures a void in the center of the form, required by the tube, the fundament. Hints of discomfort are given and emphasized by either surface/structure, volume or garments on the body.

Etude de l'autophagie au cours du développement et de la germination de la graine d'Arabidopsis thaliana / Study of Autophagy during Seed Development and Germination of d'Arabidopsis thaliana Seed

Di berardino, Julien 15 December 2016 (has links)
L’autophagie est un processus vésiculaire des organismes eucaryotes permettant de véhiculer au sein d’autophagosomes des protéines dysfonctionnelles et/ou des organites défectueux qui sont apportés à la vacuole pour y être dégradés. Les acides aminés et les squelettes carbonés ainsi générés pourront ensuite être exportés vers le cytosol et recyclés. Ce travail de thèse a consisté à identifier les rôles que joue l’autophagie au cours du développement et de la germination de la graine d’Arabidopsis thaliana. Dans une première partie, les graines du mutant d’autophagie atg5 ont été caractérisées d’un point de vue morphologique et leur remplissage en molécules de réserve a été étudié. Il a notamment été montré que la graine mutante présente une maturation accélérée et accumule plus de protéines que la graine sauvage. Dans une seconde partie, l’expression de gènes ATG8 a été mise en évidence au cours du développement de l’embryon, dans le phloème de la silique et du funicule, dans les téguments externes et internes, ainsi que dans l’endosperme de la graine. L’activité autophagique a été visualisée par l’observation en microscopie de structures autophagiques dans l’embryon en développement. Enfin, dans une dernière partie, les rôles de l’autophagie au cours de la germination ont été étudiés via le suivi de la mobilisation des molécules de réserve chez le mutant atg5, comparativement à des graines sauvages. Il a ainsi été montré que la graine mutante présente un défaut de mobilisation des protéines. Les résultats obtenus montrent donc que l’autophagie jouerait différents rôles dans la graine, notamment dans sa maturation et son vieillissement, dans l’apport des nutriments depuis la plante mère jusqu’à l’embryon, et encore dans la constitution des réserves au cours du développement, puis leur mobilisation après la germination. / Autophagy is a vesicular process of eukaryotic organisms, which consists of the transport of dysfunctional proteins and/or defective organelles within auto phagosomes toward the vacuole in order to be degraded. The generated amino acids and carbon skeletons are transported to the cytosol and recycled. The aim of this thesis work was to identify the roles of autophagy during seed development and germination in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the first part, seeds of the atg5 autophagy mutant have been morphologically characterized in order to study the accumulation of storage molecules. We demonstrated that atg5 mutant seeds are affected by an accelerated maturation and accumulate more proteins than wild type seeds. In a second part, the expression of ATG8 genes has been exhibited during the embryo development, into the phloem of silique and funiculus, in the outer and the inner integument, and in the seed endosperm. Autophagic activity has been visualized by microscopy observation of autophagic structures in the developing embryo. Finally, in the last part, the roles of autophagy during germination have been studied by monitoring the mobilization of storage molecules in the atg5 mutant seeds and compared with the wild type. We thus established that mutant seeds are affected by a defect in protein mobilization. These results show that autophagy may play several roles in seeds, for instance in the ageing and maturation processes, in the transport of nutrients from the mother plant to the embryo, or in the constitution of storage compounds during seed development and their mobilization after germination.

Picosecond Laser-Induced Transient Gratings and Anisotropic State-Filling in Germanium

Boggess, Thomas F. (Thomas Frederick) 12 1900 (has links)
We present a comparative theoretical study of the transient grating coherent effects in resonant picosecond excitation-probe experiments. Signals in both the probe and conjugate directions are discussed. The effects of recombination, non-radiative scattering and spatial and orientational diffusion are included. The analysis is applied to both a molecular and to a semiconductor model. Signal contributions from concentration and orientational gratings are distinguished and their temporal natures discussed. The theory is used to explain our recent observations in germanium. Included are discussions of picosecond transient grating self-diffraction measurements that can be understood in terms of an orientational grating produced by anisotropic (in k-space) state-filling. Though there have been predictions and indirect experimental evidence for isotropic state-filling in germanium, this is the first direct experimental indication of anisotropic state-filling in a semiconductor.


DINH, VAN QUY 25 May 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(エネルギー科学) / 甲第22673号 / エネ博第405号 / 新制||エネ||77(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院エネルギー科学研究科エネルギー応用科学専攻 / (主査)教授 平藤 哲司, 教授 馬渕 守, 教授 土井 俊哉 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Energy Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Rekonstrukce povrchu vozovky / Reconstruction of the road surface

Šuľak, Andrej January 2019 (has links)
This thesis presents various approaches for race track surface reconstruction based on different algorithms designated for these purposes. In addition to surface reconstruction it also offers proposals for polygon mesh filling in the unscanned areas around the track.

Adaptivní OFDM / Adaptive OFDM

Nowak, Dan January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to study the possibilities of the OFDM system adaptive modulation. The study presents mechanism for acquiring the necessary data of every frequency subchannel using pilot signals and application of these data for system adjustment. The paper introduces the water-filling principle for subchannel power allocation on the basis of their SNR and adaptive modulation mechanisms for variety of OFDM usage. These mechanisms are implemented into a MATLAB model. The code is then transformed into graphical representation and using USRP2, the signal is transmitted by real world channel.

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