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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manifestations du manque du mot dans les narrations et les explications d’enfants québécois unilingues et bilingues

Rondeau, Alexia 08 1900 (has links)
Des avantages et désavantages cognitifs existeraient chez l’enfant bilingue par rapport à son homologue unilingue, dû à l’activation constante des deux langues chez le bilingue et à son traitement langagier plus complexe. Cette surcharge de traitement affecterait d’ailleurs l’accès lexical des bilingues, qui auraient davantage de « mots sur le bout de la langue ». Puisque le discours pourrait être une mesure d’évaluation moins biaisée que les tests de vocabulaire normés et qui permettrait de saisir les compétences fondamentales lexicales des enfants, le Test of Word Finding in Discourse (TWFD ; German, 1991) a été utilisé afin d’évaluer l’incidence des manifestations des difficultés d’accès lexical (DAL ; répétition, révision, mot vide, commentaire métalinguistique ou métacognitif, substitution, pause ou interjection) dans trois situations discursives (2 narratives, 1 explicative) de 30 enfants québécois entre 7;1 et 10;8 ans (15 unilingues francophones et 15 bilingues simultanés français–anglais, dominants en français. L’alternance codique (code-switching), pertinente par la présence de la population bilingue, a aussi été étudiée. Aucune différence n’a été obtenue entre les enfants unilingues et bilingues pour l’incidence des manifestations des DAL. Davantage de mots vides et de révisions ont par ailleurs été obtenus dans le discours explicatif alors que le taux de pauses était plus élevé dans le discours narratif et ce, pour tous les enfants. L’évaluation de la productivité de langage a montré une différence entre les enfants bilingues et unilingues, où ces derniers ont obtenus des moyennes supérieures pour le nombre d’énoncés total, le nombre de mots total et le nombre de mots différents. Aussi, la longueur moyenne de l’énoncé était en moyenne plus longue, pour tous les enfants, dans le discours explicatif que dans la narration. Enfin, les manifestations du MBL en discours seraient une mesure sensible d’évaluation des enfants typiques bilingues, puisque leurs résultats de production ne diffèrent pas de ceux des unilingues typiques, ce qui pourrait éviter de les surdiagnostiquer avec un trouble de langage. / Cognitive advantages and disadvantages seem to exist in the bilingual child compared to his unilingual counterpart, due to the constant activation of the two languages in the bilingual and to his subsequent more complex language processing. This processing overload seems to affect the lexical access of bilinguals, who would have more words on the “tip of their tongue". Since discourse could be a less biased assessment measure than standardized vocabulary tests and would capture children's basic lexical skills, the Test of Word Finding in Discourse (TWFD ; German, 1991) was used to assess the presence of word-finding difficulties (WFD ; repetition, revision, empty word, metalinguistic or metacognitive comment, substitution, pause or interjection) in three discourse situations (2 narrative, 1 expository) of 30 Quebec children between 7;1 and 10;8 years old (15 unilingual francophones and 15 French-English bilinguals (French dominant)). Code-switching, relevant to the presence of the bilingual population, was also studied. No difference was found between monolingual and bilingual children in the WFD measure for the incidence of WFD. More empty words and revisions were obtained in the expository speech for all children, while the rate of pauses was higher in the narrative speech. The assessment of language productivity showed a difference between bilingual and monolingual children, where the latter obtained higher averages for the total number of utterances, the total number of words and the number of different words. Also, the mean length of utterances was longer in the expository discourse than in the narrative, regardless of languages spoken by the children. Finally, WFD manifestations in discourse could be a sensitive measure of assessment for typical bilingual children, since their production scores did not differ from those of typical monolinguals. This could prevent overidentification of language disorders in this population.

Computational models to investigate binding mechanisms of regulatory proteins

Munteanu, Alina 07 May 2018 (has links)
Es gibt tausende regulatorische Proteine in Eukaryoten, die spezifische cis-regulatorischen Elemente von Genen und/oder RNA-Transkripten binden und die Genexpession koordinieren. Auf DNA-Ebene modulieren Transkriptionsfaktoren (TFs) die Initiation der Transkription, während auf RNA-Ebene RNA-bindende Proteine (RBPs) viele Aspekte des RNA-Metabolismus und der RNA-Funktion regulieren. Für hunderte dieser regulatorischer Proteine wurden die gebundenen Gene beziehungsweise RNA-Transkripte, sowie deren etwaige Sequenzbindepräferenzen mittels in vivo oder in vitro Hochdurchsatz-Experimente bestimmt. Zu diesen Methoden zählen unter anderem Chromatin-Immunpräzipitation (ChIP) gefolgt von Sequenzierung (ChIP-seq) und Protein Binding Microarrays (PBMs) für TFs, sowie Cross-Linking und Immunpräzipitation (CLIP)-Techniken und RNAcompete für RBPs. In vielen Fällen kann die zum Teil hohe Bindespezifität für ein zumeist sehr kurzes Sequenzmotiv regulatorischer Proteine nicht allein durch die gebundene Primärsequenz erklärt werden. Um besser zu verstehen, wie verschiedene Proteine ihre regulatorische Spezifität erreichen, haben wir zwei Computerprogramme entwickelt, die zusätzliche Informationen in die Analyse von experimentell bestimmten Bindestellen einbeziehen und somit differenziertere Bindevorhersagen ermöglichen. Für Protein-DNA-Interaktionen untersuchen wir die Bindungsspezifität paraloger TFs (d.h. Mitglieder der gleichen TF-Familie). Mit dem Fokus auf der Unterscheidung von genomischen Regionen, die in vivo von Paaren eng miteinander verwandter TFs gebunden sind, haben wir ein Klassifikationsframework entwickelt, das potenzielle Co-Faktoren identifiziert, die zur Spezifität paraloger TFs beitragen. Für Protein-RNA-Interaktionen untersuchen wir die Rolle von RNA-Sekundärstruktur und ihre Auswirkung auf die Auswahl von Bindestellen. Wir haben einen Motif-Finding-Algorithmus entwickelt, der Sekundärstruktur und Primärsequenz integriert, um Bindungspräferenzen der RBPs besser zu bestimmen. / There are thousands of eukaryotic regulatory proteins that bind to specific cis regulatory regions of genes and/or RNA transcripts and coordinate gene expression. At the DNA level, transcription factors (TFs) modulate the initiation of transcription, while at the RNA level, RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) regulate every aspect of RNA metabolism and function. The DNA or RNA targets and/or the sequence preferences of hundreds of eukaryotic regulatory proteins have been determined thus far using high-throughput in vivo and in vitro experiments, such as chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) and protein binding microarrays (PBMs) for TFs, or cross-linking and immunoprecipitation (CLIP) techniques and RNAcompete for RBPs. However, the derived short sequence motifs do not fully explain the highly specific binding of these regulatory proteins. In order to improve our understanding of how different proteins achieve their regulatory specificity, we developed two computational tools that incorporate additional information in the analysis of experimentally determined binding sites. For protein-DNA interactions, we investigate the binding specificity of paralogous TFs (i.e. members of the same TF family). Focusing on distinguishing between genomic regions bound in vivo by pairs of closely-related TFs, we developed a classification framework that identifies putative co-factors that provide specificity to paralogous TFs. For protein-RNA interactions, we investigate the role of RNA secondary structure and its impact on binding-site recognition. We developed a motif finding algorithm that integrates secondary structure together with primary sequence in order to better identify binding preferences of RBPs.

Modeling of bending-torsion couplings in active-bending structures : application to the design of elastic gridshells / Modélisation des couplages flexion-torsion dans les structures précontraintes par flexion : application à la conception des gridshells élastiques

Du Peloux De Saint Romain, Lionel 20 December 2017 (has links)
Les structures de type gridshell élastique permettent de réaliser des enveloppes courbes par la déformation réversible d’une grille structurelle régulière initialement plane. Cette capacité à “former la forme” de façon efficiente prend tout son sens dans le contexte actuel où, d’une part la forme s’impose comme une composante prédominante de l’architecture moderne, et d’autre partl’enveloppe s’affirme comme le lieu névralgique de la performance des bâtiments. Fruit des recherches de l’architecte et ingénieur allemand Frei Otto dans les années 1960, elles ont été rendues populaires par la construction de la Multihalle de Mannheim en 1975. Cependant, en dépit de leur potentiel, très peu de projets de ce type ont vu le jour suite à cette réalisation emblématique qui en a pourtant démontré la faisabilité à grande échelle. Et pour cause, les moyens engagés à l’époque ne sauraient assurer la reproductibilité de cette expérience dans un contexte plus classique de projet, notamment sur le plan économique. Par ailleurs, les techniques et les méthodes développées alors sont pour la plus part tombées en désuétude ou reposent sur des disciplines scientifiques qui ont considérablement évoluées. Des matériaux nouveaux, composites, ont vu le jour. Ils repoussent les limitations intrinsèques des matériaux usuels tel que le bois et offrent des performances techniques bien plus intéressantes pour ce type d’application. Enfin, notons que le cadre réglementaire a lui aussi profondément muté, apportant une certaine rigidité vis-à-vis de la pénétration des innovations. Ainsi la conception des gridshells se pose-t-elle en des termes nouveaux aux architectes et ingénieurs actuels et se heurte à l’inadéquation des outils et méthodes existant. Dans cette thèse, qui marque une étape importante dans une aventure de recherche personnelle initiée en 2010, nous tentons d’embrasser la question de la conception des gridshells élastiques dans toute sa complexité, en abordant aussi bien les aspects théoriques que techniques et constructifs. Dans une première partie, nous livrons une revue approfondie de cette thématique et nous présentons de façon détaillée l’une de nos principales réalisation, la cathédrale éphémère de Créteil, construite en 2013 et toujours en service. Dans une seconde partie, nous développons un élément de poutre discret original avec un nombre minimal de degrés de liberté adapté à la modélisation de la flexion et de la torsion dans les gridshells constitués de poutres de section anisotrope. Enrichi d’un noeud fantôme, il permet de modéliser plus finement les phénomènes physiques au niveau des connexions et des appuis. Son implémentation numérique est présentée et validée sur quelques cas tests. Bien que cet élément ait été développé spécifiquement pour l’étude des gridshells élastiques, il pourra avantageusement être utilisé dans tout type de problème où la nécessité d’un calcul interactif avec des tiges élastiques prenant en compte les couplages flexion-torsion s’avère nécessaire / An elastic gridshell is a freeform structure, generally doubly curved, but formed out through the reversible deformation of a regular an initially flat structural grid. Building curved shapes that way seems to offer the best of both worlds : shell structures are amongst the most performant mechanically speaking while planar and orthogonal constructions are much more efficient and economic to produce than curved ones. This ability to “form a form” efficiently is of peculiar importance in the current context where morphology is a predominant component of modern architecture, and envelopes appear to be the neuralgic point for building performances. The concept was invented by Frei Otto, a German architect and structural engineer who devoted many years of research to gridshells. In 1975 he designed the Multihalle of Mannheim, a 7500 m2 wooden shell which demonstrated the feasibility of this technology and made it famous to a wide audience. However, despite their potential, very few projects of this kind were built after this major realization. And for good reason, the ressources committed at that time cannot guarantee the replicability of this experiment for more standard projects, especially on the economic level. Moreover, the technics and methods developed by Otto’s team in the 1960s have mostly fall into disuse or are based on disciplines that have considerably evolved. New materials, such as composite materials, have recently emerged. They go beyond the limitations of conventional materials such as timber and offer at all levels much better technical performances for this kind of application. Finally, it should be noted that the regulatory framework has also deeply changed, bringing a certain rigidity to the penetration of innovations in the building industry. Therefore, the design of gridshells arises in new terms for current architects and engineers and comes up against the inadequacy of existing tools and methods. In this thesis, which marks an important step in a personal research adventure initiated in 2010, we try to embrace the issue of the design of elastic gridshells in all its complexity, addressing both theoretical, technical and constructive aspects. In a first part, we deliver a thorough review of this topic and we present in detail one of our main achievements, the ephemeral cathedral of Créteil, built in 2013 and still in service. In a second part, we develop an original discrete beam element with a minimal number of degrees of freedom adapted to the modeling of bending and torsion inside gridshell members with anisotropic cross-section. Enriched with a ghost node, it allows to model more accurately physical phenomena that occur at connections or at supports. Its numerical implementation is presented and validated through several test cases. Although this element has been developed specifically for the study of elastic gridshells, it can advantageously be used in any type of problem where the need for an interactive computation with elastic rods taking into account flexion-torsion couplings is required

A presença do arquivo nos relatórios dos presidentes de província no Brasil (1835-1889) / The presence of archives in the reports of the provincial presidents of Brazil (1835-1889)

Aldabalde, Taiguara Villela 02 August 2010 (has links)
Instrumento de pesquisa que rastreia e sistematiza as referências feitas aos arquivos nos relatórios dos presidentes das Províncias, entre 1835 e 1889, de modo a oferecer subsídios para a reconstituição histórica das instituições arquivísticas públicas brasileiras. / Finding aid which collects and organizes all references about archives in the reports of the provincial presidents, between 1835 and 1889, in order to facilitate the historical reconstitution of brazilian archival institutions.

Tecnologia para o reconhecimento do formato de objetos tri-dimensionais. / Three dimensional shape recognition technology.

Gonzaga, Adilson 05 July 1991 (has links)
Apresentamos neste trabalho o desenvolvimento de um método para o reconhecimento do Formato de Objetos Tri-dimensionais. Os sistemas tradicionais de Visão Computacional empregam imagens bi-dimensionais obtidos através de câmeras de TV, ricas em detalhes necessários a visão humana. Estes detalhes em grande parte das aplicações industriais de Robôs são supérfluos. Os algoritmos tradicionais de classificação consomem portanto muito tempo no processamento deste excesso de informação. Para este trabalho, desenvolvemos um sistema dedicado para reconhecimento que utiliza um feixe de Laser defletido sobre um objeto e a digitalização da Luminância em cada ponto de sua superfície. A intensidade luminosa refletida e proporcional a distância do ponto ao observador. É, portanto, possível determinar parâmetros que classifiquem cada objeto. A inclinação de cada face de um poliedro, o comportamento de suas fronteiras e também a existência de arestas internas, são as características adotadas. Estas características são então rotuladas, permitindo que o programa de classificação busque em um \"banco de conhecimento\" previamente estabelecido, a descrição dos objetos. Uma mesa giratória permite a rotação do modele fornecendo novas vistas ao observador, determinando sua classificação. Todo o sistema é controlado por um microcomputador cujo programa reconhece em tempo real o objeto em observação. Para o protótipo construído, utilizamos um Laser de HeNe sendo a recepção do raio refletido realizada por um fototransistor. Os objetos reconhecíveis pelo programa são poliedros regulares simples, compondo o seguinte conjunto: 1 prisma de base triangular, 1 cubo, 1 pirâmide de base triangular, 1 pirâmide de base retangular. O tratamento matemático empregado visa a comprovação da tecnologia proposta, podendo, na continuação de trabalhos futuros, ser efetivamente estendido a diversos outros objetos como, por exemplo, os de superfícies curvas. / We present in this work a new method for three dimensional Shape Recognition. Traditional Computer Vision systems use bi-dimensional TV camera images. In most of the industrial Robotic applications, the excess of detail obtained by the TV camera is needless. Traditional classification algorithms spend a lot of time to process the excess of information. For the present work we developed a dedicated recognition system, which deflects a Laser beam over an object and digitizes the Reflected beam point by point over the surface. The intensity of the reflected beam is proportional to the observer distance. Using this technique it was possible to establish features to classify various objects. These features are the slope of the polyhedral surfaces, the boundary type and the inner edges. For each object the features are labeled and the classification algorithm searches in a \"knowledge data base\" for the object description. The recognition system used a He-Ne Laser and the reflected signal was captured by a photo-transistor. The object to be recognized is placed over a rotating table which can be rotated, supplying a new view for the classification. A microcomputer controls the system operation and the object is recognized in real time. The recognized objects were simple regular polyhedral, just as: 1 triangular base prism, 1 cube, 1 triangular base pyramid, 1 rectangular base pyramid. To check that the proposed technology was correct, we used a dedicated mathematical approach, which can be extended to other surfaces, such as curves, in future works.

Busca ativa de casos de tuberculose na demanda de serviços de saúde: percepção do profissional de saúde / Active search of cases of tuberculosis in demand for services health: perception of the healthcare professional.

Santos, Maria Cecília Vieira 28 August 2007 (has links)
No mundo, mais pessoas morrem de tuberculose que de qualquer outra infecção curável. O Programa Nacional de Controle da Tuberculose (PNCT) tem como propósito fundamental promover o controle da tuberculose no Brasil. Busca a interrupção da transmissão da doença e a conseqüente diminuição dos riscos de adoecer e morrer por ela. Para isso, procura identificar precocemente todos os doentes, garantindo seu tratamento até o final. O Estado de São Paulo, seguindo a política nacional, muito tem investido em treinamentos para implantação da busca ativa do sintomático respiratório. Todos os funcionários de unidades de saúde vêm recebendo treinamentos e todos podem realizar a busca ativa, independente de sua profissão ou função na unidade. Entretanto, em estudo realizado no Município de Guarulhos, em 2005, constatou-se que mais de 90% dos sintomáticos respiratórios deixam de ser identificados pelos serviços de saúde, apesar de que 70% dos profissionais da rede básica de saúde do município receberam treinamento sobre busca ativa em 2004 e a mesma foi implantada em todas as unidades. O objetivo deste estudo foi de conhecer a percepção do profissional de saúde sobre a atividade de busca ativa do sintomático respiratório, no município de Guarulhos, através de entrevistas semi estruturadas e gravadas em fitas magnéticas, utilizando a estratégia metodológica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Na análise dos discursos ficou evidente que o profissional de saúde sabe o que é fazer busca ativa, a maioria se preocupa com quem está tossindo indo investigar, a atividade é reconhecida como um bom trabalho, é considerada simples apesar de desencadear várias etapas e trazer preocupações e reações tanto do usuário como do profissional de saúde, onde os fatores que inviabilizam a sua execução nas unidades de saúde que fizeram parte deste estudo são: a falta de recursos humanos, excesso de trabalho, falta de interesse e desmotivação aliados à inexistência de uma rotina implantada para que a mesma possa ser realizada. / More people die of tuberculosis than of any other curable infection worldwide. The National Tuberculosis Control Program (NTCP) is involved in the tuberculosis control in Brazil and halting disease transmission and consequently reduce the risk of people getting and dying of tuberculosis. Hence, the early identification is attempted in order to provide complete treatment of all cases. The State of Sao Paulo, in accordance with the National policy, has heavily invested in training professionals to introduce the active case finding of respiratory symptomatics as a routine activity in health care units. All healthcare professionals have been trained and are able to conduct active case findings, independent of their profession or function at the healthcare system. However, in a study conducted in the city of Guarullhos (State of Sao Paulo), in 2005, was observed that more than 90% of respiratory symptomatics are left unidentified in the healthcare units, in spite of 70% of professionals of the whole healthcare system of the municipality having received active case finding training in 2004, when the activity was introduced in all healthcare system. The objective of the present study is to appraise the perception of healthcare workers regarding the active case finding activity in the city of Guarulhos, by means of semistructured tape-recorded interviews, using the methodologic strategy of Speech of Collective Subject. In examining the speeches, it was found out that the healthcare worker is aware of what the active case finding means and most of them are concerned with people coughing and do start the necessary investigations. They recognize that the activity is simple and useful, although comprising several steps. Preoccupations and reactions of both patients and healthcare workers regarding factors that may render the activity not feasible in healthcare units are: lack of personnel, excessive amount of work, lack of interest and motivation added up to non-existing routines that would allow the work to be done.

Super-Resolution TOA Estimation with Diversity Techniques for Indoor Geolocation Applications

Li, Xinrong 29 April 2003 (has links)
Recently, there are great interests in the location-based applications and the location-awareness of mobile wireless systems in indoor areas, which require accurate location estimation in indoor environments. The traditional geolocation systems such as the GPS are not designed for indoor applications, and cannot provide accurate location estimation in indoor environments. Therefore, there is a need for new location finding techniques and systems for indoor geolocation applications. In this thesis, a wide variety of technical aspects and challenging issues involved in the design and performance evaluation of indoor geolocation systems are presented first. Then the TOA estimation techniques are studied in details for use in indoor multipath channels, including the maximum-likelihood technique, the MUSIC super-resolution technique, and diversity techniques as well as various issues involved in the practical implementation. It is shown that due to the complexity of indoor radio propagation channels, dramatically large estimation errors may occur with the traditional techniques, and the super-resolution techniques can significantly improve the performance of the TOA estimation in indoor environments. Also, diversity techniques, especially the frequency-diversity with the CMDCS, can further improve the performance of the super-resolution techniques.

A presença do arquivo nos relatórios dos presidentes de província no Brasil (1835-1889) / The presence of archives in the reports of the provincial presidents of Brazil (1835-1889)

Taiguara Villela Aldabalde 02 August 2010 (has links)
Instrumento de pesquisa que rastreia e sistematiza as referências feitas aos arquivos nos relatórios dos presidentes das Províncias, entre 1835 e 1889, de modo a oferecer subsídios para a reconstituição histórica das instituições arquivísticas públicas brasileiras. / Finding aid which collects and organizes all references about archives in the reports of the provincial presidents, between 1835 and 1889, in order to facilitate the historical reconstitution of brazilian archival institutions.

Busca ativa de casos de tuberculose na demanda de serviços de saúde: percepção do profissional de saúde / Active search of cases of tuberculosis in demand for services health: perception of the healthcare professional.

Maria Cecília Vieira Santos 28 August 2007 (has links)
No mundo, mais pessoas morrem de tuberculose que de qualquer outra infecção curável. O Programa Nacional de Controle da Tuberculose (PNCT) tem como propósito fundamental promover o controle da tuberculose no Brasil. Busca a interrupção da transmissão da doença e a conseqüente diminuição dos riscos de adoecer e morrer por ela. Para isso, procura identificar precocemente todos os doentes, garantindo seu tratamento até o final. O Estado de São Paulo, seguindo a política nacional, muito tem investido em treinamentos para implantação da busca ativa do sintomático respiratório. Todos os funcionários de unidades de saúde vêm recebendo treinamentos e todos podem realizar a busca ativa, independente de sua profissão ou função na unidade. Entretanto, em estudo realizado no Município de Guarulhos, em 2005, constatou-se que mais de 90% dos sintomáticos respiratórios deixam de ser identificados pelos serviços de saúde, apesar de que 70% dos profissionais da rede básica de saúde do município receberam treinamento sobre busca ativa em 2004 e a mesma foi implantada em todas as unidades. O objetivo deste estudo foi de conhecer a percepção do profissional de saúde sobre a atividade de busca ativa do sintomático respiratório, no município de Guarulhos, através de entrevistas semi estruturadas e gravadas em fitas magnéticas, utilizando a estratégia metodológica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Na análise dos discursos ficou evidente que o profissional de saúde sabe o que é fazer busca ativa, a maioria se preocupa com quem está tossindo indo investigar, a atividade é reconhecida como um bom trabalho, é considerada simples apesar de desencadear várias etapas e trazer preocupações e reações tanto do usuário como do profissional de saúde, onde os fatores que inviabilizam a sua execução nas unidades de saúde que fizeram parte deste estudo são: a falta de recursos humanos, excesso de trabalho, falta de interesse e desmotivação aliados à inexistência de uma rotina implantada para que a mesma possa ser realizada. / More people die of tuberculosis than of any other curable infection worldwide. The National Tuberculosis Control Program (NTCP) is involved in the tuberculosis control in Brazil and halting disease transmission and consequently reduce the risk of people getting and dying of tuberculosis. Hence, the early identification is attempted in order to provide complete treatment of all cases. The State of Sao Paulo, in accordance with the National policy, has heavily invested in training professionals to introduce the active case finding of respiratory symptomatics as a routine activity in health care units. All healthcare professionals have been trained and are able to conduct active case findings, independent of their profession or function at the healthcare system. However, in a study conducted in the city of Guarullhos (State of Sao Paulo), in 2005, was observed that more than 90% of respiratory symptomatics are left unidentified in the healthcare units, in spite of 70% of professionals of the whole healthcare system of the municipality having received active case finding training in 2004, when the activity was introduced in all healthcare system. The objective of the present study is to appraise the perception of healthcare workers regarding the active case finding activity in the city of Guarulhos, by means of semistructured tape-recorded interviews, using the methodologic strategy of Speech of Collective Subject. In examining the speeches, it was found out that the healthcare worker is aware of what the active case finding means and most of them are concerned with people coughing and do start the necessary investigations. They recognize that the activity is simple and useful, although comprising several steps. Preoccupations and reactions of both patients and healthcare workers regarding factors that may render the activity not feasible in healthcare units are: lack of personnel, excessive amount of work, lack of interest and motivation added up to non-existing routines that would allow the work to be done.

Fighting Fear and Finding Home: The Quest for an Authentic Career

Herrmann, Andrew F. 23 May 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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