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Distribution and activity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria in marine and estuarine watersFarnelid, Hanna January 2013 (has links)
In aquatic environments the availability of nitrogen (N) generally limits primary production. N2-fixing prokaryotes (diazotrophs) can convert N2 gas into ammonium and provide significant input of N into the oceans. Cyanobacteria are thought to be the main N2-fixers but diazotrophs also include a wide range of heterotrophic bacteria. However, their activity and regulation in the water column is largely unknown. In this thesis the distribution, diversity, abundance, and activity of marine and estuarine heterotrophic diazotrophs was investigated. With molecular methods targeting the nifH gene, encoding the nitrogenase enzyme for N2 fixation, it was shown that diverse nifH genes affiliating with heterotrophic bacteria were ubiquitous in surface waters from ten marine locations world-wide and the estuarine Baltic Sea. Through enrichment cultures of Baltic Sea surface water in anaerobic N-free medium, heterotrophic N2 fixation was induced showing that there was a functional N2-fixing community present and isolates of heterotrophic diazotrophs were obtained. In Sargasso Sea surface waters, transcripts of nifH related to heterotrophic bacteria were detected indicating heterotrophic N2-fixing activity. Nitrogenase expression is thought to be highly regulated by the availability of inorganic N and the presence of oxygen. Low oxygen zones within the water column can be found in association with plankton. The presence of diazotrophs as symbionts of heterotrophic dinoflagellates was investigated and nifH genes related to heterotrophic diazotrophs rather than the cyanobacterial symbionts were found, suggesting that a symbiotic co-existence prevailed. Oxic-anoxic interfaces could also be potential sites for heterotrophic N2 fixation. The Baltic Sea contains large areas of anoxic bottom water. At the chemocline and in anoxic deep water heterotrophic diazotrophs were diverse, abundant and active. These findings extend the currently known regime of N2 fixation to also include ammonium-rich anaerobic waters. The results of this thesis suggest that heterotrophic diazotrophs are diverse and widely distributed in marine and estuarine waters and that they can also be active. However, limits in the knowledge on their physiology and factors which regulate their N2 fixation activity currently prevent an evaluation of their importance in the global marine N budget.
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Aspects on treatment of femoral neck fractures : studies on treatment methods, surgical approach and external validity / Aspekter på behandling av lårbensfrakturerMukka, Sebastian January 2015 (has links)
Femoral neck fracture (FNF) is a great challenge for today´s health care and is associated with high mortality and morbidity in the elderly. In the short term several studies in the literature have demonstrated improved hip function, quality of life and fewer re-operations in elderly patients treated with total hip arthroplasty (THA) instead of internal fixation (IF). There are few reports on the long-term outcome comparing IF and THA. The vast majority of orthopaedic departments in Sweden use the direct lateral (DL) or posteriolateral (PL) approaches for hip arthroplasty. The PL approach has been linked to an increased risk of dislocation of the prosthesis and a higher rate of revision surgery in comparison to the DL approach. There are few reports focusing on radiological risk factors for prosthetic dislocation and patient reported hip function comparing the two surgical approaches for hip arthroplasty in FNF. The randomized controlled trial (RCT) is the gold standard for evaluating medical or surgical interventions. An RCT of high quality has to be internally and externally valid. Internal validity refers to a correct study design to avoid bias skewing the results. External validity (EV) refers to whether the results will be clinically relevant to a definable group of patients and can be extrapolated to the general health care situation. There are only a few reports in the orthopaedic literature focusing on the EV of published studies and none in the field of hip fractures. Study I: This is a RCT of 100 patients with a displaced FNF comparing THA and IF. Follow-up evaluations were performed at three months and 1, 2, 4, 11 and 17 years. It was found that the Harris hip score (HHS) was higher and the rate of reoperations lower for patients treated with THA. Study II: This is a prospective cohort study of 185 hips, comparing the DL and the PL approaches in patients treated with a hemiarthroplasty (HA) for a displaced FNF. Follow-up was after 1 year. There was no difference in patient reported outcome between the groups measured with the HHS and WOMAC index. The PL approach resulted in a higher re-operation rate while the DL approach in a higher incidence of limping. Study III: This is a retrospective cohort study of 373 patients with a cemented bipolar HA using a PL approach for a FNF with a follow-up ranging from 6 months to 7 years. Radiographs and all surgical records were reviewed regarding femoral offset (FO), leg length discrepancy (LLD) and Wiberg angle. Patients with recurrent dislocations had a decreased postoperative FO, LLD and shallower acetabulum on the operated side compared with their controls. Study IV: This is a prospective cohort study of 840 hips comparing patients included in a RCT with those that did not give their informed consent (NC) or did not fulfill the criteria for participating in the trial (MS). Patients in the NC and MS groups had an increased mortality rate in comparison to those included in the study. We did not find any differences in hip function between these groups. The main conclusions of this thesis are: Healthy and lucid elderly patients with good hip function preoperatively, should be treated with THA for a displaced FNF. The DL approach is favourable in treating displaced FNF with HA due to its decreased risk of reoperation but with an identical hip function outcome as the PL approach. Care should be taken to restore the LLD and FO otherwise this may increase the risk of recurrent dislocation of a HA. Our findings suggest that trial participants had a lower mortality rate than non-participants but the functional outcome of non-participants appeared to be satisfactory. This is important to take into consideration when extrapolating study results to a health care system. / Lårbenshalsfrakturer (FNF) är en utmaning för dagens sjukvård och förknippad med hög mortalitet i den äldre befolkningen. FNF orsakas främst av lågenergitrauma efter fall i samma plan hos patienter med benskörhet. Total höftledsprotes (THA) har visat sig ge en bättre höftfunktion, livskvalitet med färre omoperationer hos äldre patienter än sluten reposition samt fixering med skruvar (IF) under de första två-fyra åren efter operation. Få studier har publicerats med långtidsuppföljning av THA jämfört med IF. Vid behandling av felställd FNF med halv höftledsplastik (HA) eller THA finns olika kirurgiska metoder (snittföring) för implantation av protesen. Majoriteten av ortopedkliniker i Sverige använder direkt lateral (DL) eller posteriolateral (PL) snittföring. PL har kopplats till en ökad risk för luxation av protesen (urledsvridning), vilket i sin tur genererat en högre risk för omoperation jämfört med DL. Få studier har utvärderat höftfunktion med avseende på snittföring. Detsamma gäller vilka radiologiska faktorer som påverkar risken förprotesluxation. Det finns olika typer av studiedesigner för utvärdering av medicinska och kirurgiska behandlingsmetoder. Studiedesignen med högst bevisvärde anses vara den randomiserade kontrollerade studien (RCT). För att en RCT skall hålla hög kvalitet krävs intern och extern validitet. Intern validitet syftar på ett korrekt studieupplägg som mäter det som avses och undviker påverkan av icke önskvärda faktorer. Extern validitet (EV) innebär att erhållna resultat från studien är generaliserbara och kan extrapoleras till andra grupper än den studerade. Det inga rapporter i ortopediska litteraturen med fokus på EV med patienter som drabbats av FNF. Studie I: Prospektiv randomiserad studie av 100 patienter med en felställd FNF jämförs THA med IF med avseende på höftfunktion och reoperationer. Uppföljning gjordes efter tre månader samt 1, 2, 4, 11 och 17 år. HHS som mått på höftfunktion var högre och andelen reoperationer lägre för patienter som behandlades med THA. Studie II: Prospektiv kohortstudie med 183 patienter med felställd FNF behandlade med HA och antingen DL eller PL. Vi fann ingen skillnad i patientrapporterad höftfunktion utvärderat med HHS och WOMAC efter 1 år men en ökad förekomst av hälta vid DL. Studie III: Retrospektiv kohortstudie av 373 patienter opererade med en cementerad bipolär HA och PL. Postoperativa röntgenbilder granskades avseende femoral offset (FO), postoperativ benlägdsskillnad (LLD) samt acetabulär Wibergvinkel och relaterades till återkommande protesluxationer. Detta relaterades till återkommande luxationer. Uppföljningstiden varierade mellan 6 månader och 7 år. Patienter med återkommande luxationer hade en minskad postoperativ global FO, förkortad LLD och grundare acetabulum på den opererade sidan jämfört med kontroller. Studie IV: Prospektiv kohortstudie av 840 patienter med felställd FNF där patienter som ingick i en RCT jämförs med de som inte gav sitt samtycke för deltagande eller ej inkluderats i screeningprocessen. De patienterna som inte gav sitt samtycke hade ökad dödlighet, men ingen skillnad i höftfunktion jämfört med deltagare. Slutsatser • Friska och kognitivt vitala äldre patienter med god höftfunktion innan en felställd lårbenshalsfraktur bör behandlas med total höftledsprotes. • DLsnittföring ger ett lika bra patientrapporterad höftfunktion men en ökad förekomst av hälta jämfört med PL snitt vid behandling med halvprotes på grund av en felställd lårbenshalsfraktur. • Ansträngning bör göras för att återställa benlängdsskillnad samtfemoral offset och därigenom minska risken för återkommande luxation. • Våra resultat tyder på att patienter som deltar i en randomiserad studie har lägre dödlighet än patienter som avböjt att delta samt de som missats i screeningprocessen. Det är viktigt att ta hänsyn till när extrapolerar studieresultat till ett hälso-och sjukvårdssystem. Detta bör vägas in i värderingen av studieresultatens externa validitet.
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Regulation of nitrogen fixation in <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i>: The role of Fnr in oxygen signal-transduction / Regulation der Stickstoffixierung in <i>Klebsiella pneumoniae</i>: die Rolle von Fnr in der SauerstoffsignaltransduktionGrabbe, Roman 20 June 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Femorale und tibiale Transplantatfixation der vorderen Kreuzbandplastik mit der neuartigen bioresorbierbaren Interferenzschraube Milagro® / Femoral and tibial graft fixation in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with the novel bioabsorbable interference screw Milagro®Sawallich, Tobias 09 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Stickstoff-Fixierleistung von Luzerne (Medicago sativa L.), Rotklee (Trifolium pratense L.) und Persischem Klee (Trifolium resupinatum L.) in Reinsaat und Gemenge mit Poaceen / Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum L.) in pure stands and in mixtures with poaceaJung, Rüdiger 17 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Responses of ten soybean [ glycine max (L.) merrill] genotypes for yield and nodulation to trichoderma and silicon applications.Jadoo, Shiksha. 01 November 2013 (has links)
A study was conducted to determine the responses of 10 selected soybean (Glycine max L.) genotypes to potassium silicate (KSi) and Trichoderma harzianum (Eco-T®) applications. Preliminary studies involving two independent experiments were conducted under controlled conditions at the University of KwaZulu-Natal during 2010. Potassium silicate at three concentrations (0, 200 and 250ppm) were applied twice weekly over a period of four months to the genotypes laid out in a randomized complete
block design. Subsequently, a field experiment was conducted at Ukulinga Research Farm of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg during 2010/2011 to investigate the responses of the genotypes to KSi at 0 and 200ppm, with and without(Eco-T®) seed treatment. This experiment was set out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Data collected included number of days to 50% flowering, number of days to 50% maturity, plant height, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, 100 seed weight, root mass, shoot mass, seed yield and harvest index. The total number of root nodules formed and the number of active
nodules were determined at end of the field experiment. In most cases a decrease was noted in total nodule formation as well as a decrease in the number of active nodules that formed. In the controlled environments there was a significant interaction between genotype and KSi concentrations for all measured traits. In most cases KSi applied at 200ppm was more successful in enhancing growth, improving seed yield and resulted in high harvest indices. The genotypes that produced the highest seed yield and harvest index in these environments were Williams and Barc-2 at 200ppm KSi. Results from correlation analysis revealed that harvest index and seed yields were generally positively associated with plant height, number of pods per plant and 100 seed weight, which in turn were the traits that contributed to most of the variation to seed yield and harvest index as revealed in the principle component analysis (PCA). The field experiment revealed a significant interaction between genotype x KSi x Eco-T®.
Potassium silicate applied at 200ppm with Eco-T® usually promoted growth, seed yield and high harvest indices for all the genotypes. The PCA showed seed yield and harvest index were the traits that contributed to most of the variation. Genotypes Williams, LS6161R, Magoye and Barc-2 were the best seed yielders with the highest harvest indices that responded strongly to the combined use of KSi and Eco-T® under field
conditions. Genetic comparison of the ten soybean genotypes with eight microsatellite markers revealed the close genetic relationship between Williams, LS6161 R and Magoye. A link between Barc-2 and Williams was noted by the common parent Clark. Therefore, for these genotypes, the application of KSi at 200 ppm with Eco-T® under field conditions effectively increased seed yield, ranging from 0.45 to 65.26% for some genotypes when compared to the control. An increase was also noted for other
agronomic traits and harvest index. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.
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Mise en oeuvre de techniques d'attaches de puces alternatives aux brasures pour des applications haute températureMasson, Amandine 02 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif d'un avion plus électrique conduit à l'utilisation croissante de systèmes d'électronique y compris dans des zones de haute température. Les modules de puissance classiques doivent être adaptés à cet environnement: les composants en SiC sont commercialement disponibles mais l'environnement de la puce est à modifier. Cette thèse s'intéresse aux techniques d'attaches de puces basses température que sont le frittage d'argent et la brasure en phase liquide transitoire (TLPB) or-étain. Dans une première partie, les enjeux de l'électronique de puissance et plus particulièrement des applications haute température est donnée. Les mécanismes physique (mouillage, diffusion)qui régissent le frittage et le TLPB (Transient liquid Phase Bonding) sont ensuite décrits avec précision. La deuxième partie de cette thèse s'intéresse à la mise en oeuvre d'un protocole fiable d'attache de puce par frittage d'une nanopoudre d'argent commerciale. Une fois établie, la méthode a ensuite été optimisée pour différentes tailles de composants. La caractérisation de l'attache a été réalisée en shear-test et par des images en microscopie optique. La troisième et dernière partie de ce travail a pour objet la réalisation d'attaches de puces par TLPB or-étain. Ce chapitre traite de la mise en oeuvre expérimentale de la technique, depuis la métallisation des wafers jusqu'à la caractérisation des attaches en microscopie (optique et MEB). Ce travail de thèse est très expérimental car même si un protocole de mise en oeuvre existe (pour le frittage), il est indispensable de l'adapter aux conditions expérimentales pour l'optimiser. Ce travail a aussi mis en évidence certaines difficultés techniques de préparation des surfaces.
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Enhancing Interfacial Bonding of a Biodegradable Calcium Polyphosphate/Polyvinyl-urethane Carbonate Interpenetrating Phase Composite for Load Bearing Fracture Fixation ApplicationsGuo, Yi 06 April 2010 (has links)
This thesis describe methods to improve the interfacial stability of an interpenetrating
phase composite (IPC) polyvinylurethanecarbonate), and to increase the hydrophobicity of the polymer phase. The
current IPCs introduce covalent bonding between the phases via silanizing agents to enhance the interfacial stability. Incorporation of the silanizing agents was also intended to reduce the IPC’s sensitivity to interfacial hydration, thereby enhancing the IPC’s resistance to degradation during aging. Lysine diisocyanate was used to increase the
hydrophobic character in the polyvinylurethanecarbonate resin. The polymer resins were infiltrated into porous CPP blocks with 25 volume% interconnected porosity and polymerized to produce the IPCs. After mechanical testing following a aging study it was found that the silanizing agents contributed to stability of the mechanical properties under aqueous conditions. It was concluded that the mechanical properties and stability were comparable to available biodegradable composites, as well as being biocompatible to a preosteoblast model cell line.
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Evaluation of a novel transcortical pin-sleeve system in a calf modelVogel, Susan R. 04 1900 (has links)
Le desserrage des tiges est une complication fréquente des plâtres avec tiges transcorticales (TP) chez les grands animaux, nécessitant souvent leur retrait prématuré avant la guérison des fractures. Les charges excessives centrées sur le cortex à l’interface os-tige proximo-externe et disto-interne causent de l'ostéolyse. En utilisant un modèle de veau nouveau-né, ce projet a évalué un nouveau système de tige-manchon et anneau integré dans un plâtre (PS) optimisé pour réduire la contrainte péri-implant et le stress à l'interface os-implant. On a émis l'hypothèse que les PS se traduiraient par une ostéolyse péri-implant moindre par rapport aux TP.
Dix veaux en bonne santé, de 3 semaines d'âge, ont été implantés avec les TP ou PS dans le métacarpe droit, à raison de 2 implants par veau. Les veaux ont été observés quotidiennement pour le confort et la boiterie et ont été euthanasiés à 28 jours. Les données recueillies comprenaient les radiographies à la chirurgie et à l'euthanasie et les mesures histomorphométriques de contact os-implant sur des échantillons non-décalcifiés avec les implants in situ. Les données ont été analysées en utilisant le test de Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel, une valeur de P <0,05 a été considérée comme significative.
L'épaisseur corticale était plus importante pour les implants distaux que proximaux pour les deux groupes lors de la chirurgie (P = 0,03), mais était similaire entre les groupes (P > 0,3). Les veaux avec TP ont développé une boiterie plus tôt (au jour 21) que les veaux avec PS (P = 0,04). Histologiquement, il y avait plus de contact direct os-implant cortical pour les implants PS distaux que les implants TP (P = 0,04).
La jonction métaphyso-diaphysaire osseuse où les implants proximaux étaient situés est impropre aux deux systèmes; chacun a un minimum de contact os-implant et de l'ostéolyse extensive. Le système PS n'ayant pas causé une ostéolyse importante lorsque implantés dans l'os diaphysaire et peut-être une alternative convenable aux TP pour des fractures comminutives des membres distaux. / Pin loosening is a common complication of transfixation pincasts (TP) in large animals, often necessitating premature removal before fracture healing. The excessive loads centered on the proximo-external and disto-internal cortices of the bone-pin interface cause osteolysis. Using a neonatal calf model, this project evaluated a novel pin-sleeve and ring cast system (PS) optimized to decrease peri-implant strain and evenly share stress at the bone-implant interface. It was hypothesized that PS would result in less peri-implant osteolysis compared to TP.
Ten, 3-week-old, healthy calves were implanted with either TP or PS in the right metacarpus, 2 implants per calf. Calves were scored daily for lameness and were euthanized at day 28. Collected data included radiographs at surgery and euthanasia and histomorphometric measures of bone-implant contact on non-decalcified specimens with the implants in situ. Data was analyzed using Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test; a P-value <.05 was considered significant.
The cortical thickness was larger for distal implants than proximal implants for both groups at surgery (P = 0.03), but were similar between groups (P > 0.3). TP calves developed lameness sooner, at day 21, than PS calves (P = 0.04). Histologically, there was more direct cortical bone-implant contact for PS distal implants than TP implants (P = 0.04).
The metaphyseal-diaphyseal junction where the proximal implants were situated is unsuitable bone for either system; each had minimal bone-implant contact and extensive osteolysis. The PS system did not cause significant osteolysis when instrumented in diaphyseal bone and is a suitable alternative to TP for comminuted distal limb fractures.
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Etude d'un emmanchement fretté compte tenu de l'effet combiné des défauts de forme et d'état de surfaceBoutoutaou, Hamid 24 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Le but principal de cette thèse est de présenter deux contributions dans le domaine desassemblages frettés en prenant en considération les défauts de forme et d'état de surface. Lapremière contribution concerne l'étude de l'influence du défaut de forme sur les caractéristiquesdes assemblages frettés en utilisant une approche basée sur la modélisation par éléments finis.Nous avons constaté que ce défaut a une influence notable sur la résistance de l'assemblage. Destravaux déjà réalisés dans le laboratoire de mécanique de l'université de Bourgogne ont étéconfirmés. Dans la deuxième contribution, nous avons proposé d'intégrer les défauts d'état desurface (rugosité) en créant un élément fini homogénéisé d'interface. Cette technique nous afacilité le maillage de l'interface formés par de macro-éléments traduisant le comportement desaspérités. Ce comportement particulier, dépend de plusieurs paramètres mécaniques etgéométriques qui ont été pris en compte pour définir et identifier numériquement une loid'élasticité isotrope transverse. Cette nouvelle loi a permis de simuler correctement lesassemblages frettés en prenant en compte le défaut d'état de surface. Les résultats obtenus ont étéconfrontés aux expérimentations. En fin, une méthodologie de conception des spécifications dufrettage en considérant le processus d'élaboration des surfaces a été proposée.
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