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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Šiluminės fizikos modeliavimas VII - X klasėse / The modelling of Thermo physics in VII - X classes

Jasiulevičius, Vilmantas 10 January 2006 (has links)
The development of IT has a huge influence on variation of society. More and more computers are applied at home or industry. The change of society of course influences and school. Pupils glad fully learn to work with computer, they easily reclaim all innovations and adjust them in real life. IT is not isolated discipline in school. All teachers use computers during their lessons. I have noticed, that pupils remember details, themes, lessons much better when computer is used. I made up an idea to make a teaching programme „The modelling of thermo physics in VII – X classes“. The aims of program 1. To teach pupils to apply notions and formulas of subject „Warmth“. 2. To seal skills of pupils by repeating similar tasks. 3. To supply tests of learned themes, this would help to test the knowledge of pupils. In my programme will be disputed aggregates state and transformation of material, also the conditions needed for transformations. Program consists of two parts: 1. The teaching programme. 2. Examination programme. In first part I will introduce a pupil with existing problems, formulas, nature law, appearances. While solving tasks I will leave some freedom to a pupil. A pupil will be able always to use help and explanations. This part is a side-kick for a teacher explaining new topic. This is the theory part which includes all topics of „Warmth“. In second part I have organized tests, which will help to check the knowledge of pupils and also will help to find out the gaps... [to full text]

Nuotolinis studijų kursas "Fizika 10" / The course for distance learning "Physics 10"

Geiščiūnas, Gediminas 19 October 2007 (has links)
Geiščiūnas Gediminas. Informatikos magistro darbas. Nuotolinis studijų kursas „Fizika 10“. Darbo vadovė: Doc. S. Turskienė. Šiaulių Universitetas. Šiauliai, 2007. 45 puslapiai. Mokykloms kompiuterizuojantis, tikslinga kurti fizikos mokomąsias kompiuterines programas ir panaudoti jas mokyme. Fizikos mokymo kompiuterizavimas turėtų pagerinti mokytojo darbą, padidinti jo efektyvumą. Šio darbo tikslas – sukurti nuotolinio mokymo kursą „Fizika 10“, skirtą X klasės mokiniams. Kursas leistų mokytojams greičiau ir efektyviau pateikti mokymo medžiagą ir padėti mokiniams mokytis savarankiškai, ypač tiems, kurie negali atvykti į mokyklą ar tiems, kurie turi fizinę negalę ir negali pakankamai dažnai lankytis pamokose. Pagrindiniai uždaviniai: • Išanalizuoti fizikos mokymo kompiuterines programas. ����� Sukurti kompiuterinę mokomąją programą „Fizika 10“. • Sukurti nuotolinio mokymo kursą „Fizika 10“. • Atlikti Šiaulių apskrities mokytojų ir mokinių apklausą apie šį nuotolinio mokymo kursą. Darbo realizavimui buvo panaudota nuotolinio mokymo sistema Moodle. / Geiščiūnas Gediminas. Informatics Master’s Final Thesis. The course for distance learning „Physics 10“. Lecturer S. Turskienė. Siauliai University. Siauliai, 2007. 45 pages. Working on computerization at schools it is purposeful to make a physical educational installation programs and use them in the learning process. The computerization in the teaching process of physics should give teachers a great push in their educational work and up rate its efficiency. The aim of this master work is to create the course for distant learning under the title “Physics 10” for X formers. The course would give teachers the opportunity to impart learning material faster and much more efficiently and especially to those who cannot come to school or to those who have some disabilities and cannot often attend the lessons. The main goals: • to analyze computer-based programs for physics’ teaching; • to design computer-based educational program “Physics 10”; • to create the planned distant learning course “Physics 10”; • to quiz teachers and pupils in Šiauliai district about distant teaching course; The Moodle system for distant teaching was used to implement the goals assigned.

Kompiuterinių optikos mokymo programų sudarymas ir tyrimas / Computer-aided Optical Physics Learning Programs Development and Analysis

Kisarauskienė, Audruolė 20 September 2004 (has links)
Spreading information technology became an actual thing in our life and for our schools. In Lithuanian schools computer teaching programs in Lithuanian language are missing. Destination of this research work shows some existing optical physics programs possibilities. Using optical physics programs and this research work, was created teaching program for 10 classes primary schools. Prepared train documentation for teachers and tested into practice.

Paskirstytų skaičiavimų įtaka fizikos uždavinių sprendimų spartai / Distributed computing impact on performance for solving physics tasks

Kvietkauskas, Gediminas 26 August 2013 (has links)
Iš programuotojo perspektyvos, riba tarp aparatūrinės ir programinės įrangos sparčiai mažėja. Kol programuotojai stengiasi pasiekti reikalaujamą spartą šiuolaikinėms sistemoms, jiems teks išnaudoti alternatyvius skaičiavimų elementus, tokius kaip vaizdo plokštes. Šiame darbe apžvelgiama esama lygiagrečių skaičiavimų naudojant vaizdo plokštes situacija. Apžvelgiamas fizikos simuliacijos skaičiavimo uždavinių sprendimas panaudojant vaizdo plokštes kaip skaičiavimo vienetus. Analizuojant esamus produktus ir pritaikant technologijas paskirstytiems skaičiavimams naudojant OpenCL atliekami eksperimentai. Šie eksperimentai parodys teigiamas ir neigiamas, paskirstytų skaičiavimų fizikos uždaviniams spręsti, puses. / The line between hardware and software is shrinking. While programmers and developers desperately try to reach the required performance for applications that require huge computations, they will be forced to use multiprocessing. Not only using a CPU as a main computation unit, but other resources like GPU. In these theses we will review the current situation in multiprocessing using GPU‘s. An investigation of computation of physics will be carried out. While analyzing current products and applying technologies for GPU computation using OpenCL we will execute appropriate experiments. These experiments will show the up and down sides of GPU computing for specific physics tasks.

Fizikos praktinių užduočių ir samprotavimų schemų panaudojimas mokant mechanikos sąvokų / Application of Physics Practical Tasks and Reasoning Schemes in Teaching Mechanics Concepts

Diadko, Tatjana 07 June 2006 (has links)
Master’s theses “Application Physics Practical Tasks and Reasoning Schemes in Teaching Mechanic Concepts“ consists of an introduction, 3 sections, conclusions, references to literature and 3 annexes. 8 tables and 18 pictures are presented in the work. The work comprises 72 pages (83 with annexes). Application physics practical task and reasoning schemes, teaching mechanic concept is examined in the theses. The problem of pedagogical and psychological concepts’ formation is examined in section I. In section II all the methodological material (the reasoning of the tasks system, structure and content is presented). The results of the pedagogical experiment are presented in section III. The pedagogical experiment showed, that practical tasks and their conceptional schemes help pupils to improve knowledge in physics as well as an effective way to raise the motivation.

Elektros srovės, geometrinės optikos, atomo branduolio fizikos mokomieji bandymai ir jų loginė analizė / Educational Experiments of Electric Current, Geometrical Optics, Atomic Nuclear Physics and Their Logical Analysis

Labanauskaitė, Lina 03 January 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro dabą „Elektros srovės, geometrinės optikos, atomo branduolio fizikos mokomieji bandymai ir jų loginė analizė“ susideda iš įvado, 3 skyrių, išvadų ir 28 literatūros šaltinių. Darbo apimtis 66 puslapiai. Pirmoje ir antroje dalyje apžvelgiama pedagogikos ir psichologijos literatūros šaltinių analizė. Trečioje dalyje yra aprašomi XII klasės fizikos kurso mokomieji bandymai ir jų loginės samprotavimo schemos iš: • Elektros srovės (9 eksperimentai). • Geometrinės optikos (8 eksperimentai). • Atomo branduolio fizikos (5 eksperimentai). Samprotavimo schemos planai padeda mokiniams: suprasti demonstracinio bandymo esmę, nustatyti priežasties – pasekmės ryšius ir priklausomybę, gretinti sąlygas ir išvadas, apibendrinti rezultatus, daryti išvadas. / Bachelor's work „Educational Experiments of Electric Current, Geometrical Optics, Atomic Nuclear Physics and Their Logical Analysis” consists of an introduction, 3 chapters, conclusions and 28 references. Working amount 66 pages. In first and second part gives an overview of pedagogy and psychology analysis of literature source. In third part is described education experiments of physics and their logical reasoning schemes of XII class from: • Electric Current (9 experiments). • Geometrical Optics (8 experiments). • Atomic Nuclear Physics (5 experiments). Reasoning schemes help students to: understand the nature of the demo task, determine cause – effect relationships and dependencies, compare conditions and findings, summarize the results, do conclusions.

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