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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Polyfunkční budova / Mixed-use building

Slabý, Václav January 2022 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is the elaboration of project documentation for the construction of a multifunctional building. The building is concerning three floors in one part and two floors in the other part. Entrances for residential area and services are separate. On the first floor there is a barrier-free apartment, technical facilities and there is also space for trade and services. On the second floor there are three residential units and office space. On the third floor there are housing units. The roof above the 3rd floor and partly above the 2nd floor is designed as a flat vegetation with limited access. The load-bearing and non-load-bearing masonry in the above-ground floors is made of ceramic blocks. Overhanging walls, as well as shaft walls, are designed from plasterboard. The facade is solved by the ETICS system. Ceiling structures are composed of pre-tensioned SPIROLL panels. The roof is vegetative, flat.

Polyfunkční dům / Multifunctional building

Králík, Martin Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is the elaboration of project documentation for the construction of a multifunctional house. The building is located on a building plot of parcel number 2176/15 in the cadastral area of Stará Boleslav. It is located in the northeastern part of the cadastral area. The terrain of the building plot is flat and currently the plot is covered with grass. It is a built-up area in which the development of apartment buildings predominates. The designed multifunctional house is spread over four floors. On the first floor there are three surgeries with a preparation room, facilities for staff and clients and communication areas of the building. The first floor is designed as barrier-free. There are six apartments on the second and third floors. On the fourth floor are designed two apartments and a walking terrace. The underground part consists of technical facilities, storage space and 13 parking spaces.

Hotel v Pardubicích / Hotel in Pardubice

Skupa, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the project of a new hotel in the city of Pardubice. The building consists of three above-ground and one underground floor. In the basement there is a gym, fitness room, games room, sanitary facilities and technical facilities of the hotel. On the first floor there is a restaurant with a bar, a kitchen with storage space, staff locker rooms, a living room for employees, an entrance with reception, the office of the director and secretary, and sanitary facilities. On the second floor there is a conference and lounge, sanitary facilities and five guest rooms. On the third floor there are twelve guest rooms.

Vinařství ŠakWine / Winery ŠakWine

Franko, Michal Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to elaborate the project documentation of a new-built winery, in the cadastre area of Šakvice. The building has a basement and one above-ground floor. The building has a combined structural system. On the first floor is a wine-tasting room, a conference hall, a wine shop, a showroom, and an office. The wine production and technical facilities are situated in the basement. The building is based on cast-in-place plain concrete foundation strips. Vertical loadbearing structures on the first floor are design from ceramic blocks and the vertical loadbearing structures on the basement are design from cast-in-place reinforced concrete. Horizontal loadbearing structures are designed from cast-in-place reinforced concrete. The flat roof consists of a flat roof with extensive greenery. There are twenty parking spaces on the site. The designs were developed in the AutoCAD software. All structures comply with the valid standards and regulations.

Låglutande tak i fjällmiljö : Branschverksammas perspektiv på konstruktionens problem och lösningar

Olosson, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Låglutande tak har alltid varit utpekade som en riskfylld konstruktion med många följande problem. Speciellt utpekade nationellt är de i nordligare breddgrader och fjällmiljöer. Konstruktionen är väldigt hårt ansatt av väder och vind och många byggnader får vattenskador till följd av läckage. Trots alla rapporterade problem med det låglutande taket i fjällmiljö så fortsätter dessa att byggas kontinuerligt. Studien har som syfte att analysera branschverksammas perspektiv på konstruktionstypen, dess problem och hur de arbetar för att skapa så goda förutsättningar som möjligt. En kvalitativ metod användes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer som sedan sammanställdes och kodades. Intervjuerna var riktade mot yrkesverksamma inom den utförande parten av takets konstruktion. Resultatet kunde identifiera problemfaktorer till olika delar inom takets livscykel. Tidigt som utformningsfel eller utförande fel och i ett senare skede som underhållsfel. Skador uppkomna i tätskiktet är vad som utpekas där läckage är följden. Dock har studien inte kunnat påvisa under vilken fas av takets livscykel som bidrar mest till uppkomna problem. Under samtliga kategorier har tidsbrist och kompetensbrist styrkts som de mest bidragande faktorerna till skadeproblematiken. / Low pitching roof systems has always been seen as a construction method full of risk. The design of the roof makes it vulnerable for winds and snow and could therefore be considered not suited for mountainous environments. Many of these roofs end up with water damages as a result from leakage trough the outermost layer of the roof. Despite all known problem factors with this type of construction they are continuously being built. The purpose of this study has been to analyze the perspectives from professionals in the Swedish building sector. How the experienced field think of the problems regarding the construction method and how they work around them. A qualitative method has been used to answer the studies purpose by using semi-structured interviews that were compiled and coded. In the results of these interviews, it was found that the problems could be coded in three categories throughout the roofs life cycle. Early in the life cycle as design flaws and poorly executed assembly and later with faulty maintenance. In all these categories lack of time and competent personnel is seen as leading causes to the problems. / <p>2023-06-23</p>

Hotel garni / Hotel garni

Horáková, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a project of a new building, Garni hotel in the municipality of Pacov. The object is made up of three ground floors. The first floor contains a restaurant with limited board possibilities, restaurant facilities, a manager’s office, staff facilities and a technical area of the building. Conference rooms with facilities and hotel rooms can be found on the second floor. There is one four-bed room, three double rooms (one of them is designed for disabled people) and two single rooms on this floor. One four-bed room, three double rooms and three single rooms are located on the third floor. The building is created with a masonry structural system and is roofed with a warm flat roof with a typical sequence of layers. A green roof is used above a part of the building.

PLATTA TAK : En utredning om vad som bör beaktas vid projektering och utförande / Flat roofs : An investigation of what should be considered when designing and executing

Eriksson, Johan, Mehlberg, Axel January 2018 (has links)
Flat roofs have been common for many decades. They were first build in dry and mountainous areas, then they were spread in the entire world. Today flat roofs are present in all type of buildings. In Sweden they are mostly used in larger houses like shopping malls, industrial buildings and apartment blocks. Flat roofs are very exposed for the elements and since the roof is flat water can easily be stationary. The water will then start drain through slots and the construction will be destroyed. The purpose of this study is to evaluate flat roof construction of today in consideration to leakage and moisture problems. Are today's constructions any good? Are today´s building materials the ones that should be used in tomorrow's constructions? Focus has also been made to evaluate new possible solutions for the construction were prefabricated elements is one.The most leaks can be found were bushings has been made that don’t follow the acquis available. The quality of the construction is good, but there are other circumstances that creates the problems. It’s of great importance to keep water away from the construction under the production time. One way to do that is by making a weather protection. Because of the high cost it is not very common.Prefabricated roof elements have a lot of advantages. Since they are built in controlled indoor conditions building moisture is not a problem. When the roof elements come to the construction site they are already finished and the assembling will go fast and the house will be densely directly. There are some aspects that need further investigations such as transportation of the roof elements. / Platta tak är idag en vanlig syn i Sverige. De används på allt från småhus och flerbostadshus till stora lagerlokaler och shoppingcentrum. Det finns flera olika varianter till exempel sedumtak, takterrasser och platta tak med exponerade tätskikt. Platta tak är väldigt utsatta för väder och vind. Då taket är platt kan vatten lätt bli stående på taket och leta sig genom springor in i konstruktionen. Fukt i en konstruktion kan bli förödande vilket kräver att takkonstruktionen måste vara utformad på bästa möjliga sätt. Syftet med studien är att undersöka dagens platta takkonstruktioner med hänsyn till läckage och fuktproblematik. Är dagens konstruktioner bra? Är de material som används idag även de material som bör användas i morgondagens konstruktioner? Fokus har även legat på att undersöka nya möjliga konstruktionslösningar där prefabricerade takelement är en möjlig lösning. Genom en intervjustudie samt en litteraturstudie har framförallt tre viktiga resultat kunnat urskiljas. De beskriv kortfattat i varsitt stycke nedan. Studien landar i att de största läckagen förekommer där genomföringar har utförts på ett sätt som inte följer de regelverk som finns. Dagens konstruktioner är i sig inte dåliga utan det är andra omständigheter som har gjort att dagens tak kan läcka. Det är idag en stor tidspress på arbetsplatserna vilket leder till att arbetet måste ske snabbare och utförandet kan bli lidande. Det är av stor vikt att vatten hålls borta från konstruktionen under produktionen. Det kan till exempel göras med väderskydd. Det används dock sällan eftersom det är relativt dyrt. Om väderskydd inte används är det av yttersta vikt att isolering och tätskikt inte läggs när det regnar. Det är även viktigt att taket täcks in när arbetsdagen är över för att förhindra att regn och snö tar sig in. Prefabricerade takelement är fortfarande ovanliga men har flera fördelar. Eftersom det byggs inomhus i kontrollerade förhållanden är byggfukt inte ett problem. Tidspress och dåliga arbetsförhållanden som kyla och regn finns inte heller vilket talar för att en bättre kvalité kan erhållas. Eftersom elementen redan är färdiga när de kommer till byggarbetsplatsen går det snabbt att installera och få ett tätt hus. Det finns dock moment som behöver vidare undersökningar, ett exempel är transporter. Hur klarar de prefabricerade elementen vibrationer, saltstänk och avgaser?

Řadová výstavba domů s vnitroblokem / Terraced houses with inner courtyard

Šumichrastová, Mária January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the documentation of terraced houses with inner courtyard intended for housing. The object is located on the outskirts of Veverská Bítýška in the area of detached houses and apartment block. The building will be used for 32 households with the total capacity 128 people. The part of thesis was designing underground garage with capacity of 25 cars and 42 bicycles. The area of detached house is situated on a flat terrain. Houses A have two floors without the basement with garage in front of house. Every house has individual main entrance. The building is made of brick from ceramic blocks from the Heluz system with thermal insulation of the facade. Houses have a single-layer flat roof. Part B has two floors with basement where is situated garage. Entrance to this garage is from public garage. The building is made of brick from ceramic blocks from the Heluz system with thermal insulation of the facade. Underground walls are made of cast-in-place reinforced concrete. Houses have a single-layer flat roof. Public underground garage is separated from the another buildings. Main entrance to the garage is from the ramp. The building is made of cast-in-place reinforced concrete with external wall insulation system. The building has a vegetative roof which forms part of the courtyard.

Polyfunkční dům / Multifunctional house

Blaha, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
This final thesis deals with a project documentation of a new multifunctional building. The building is located in Žďár nad Sázavou, in the Neumannova street. The building is divided into residential units and areas for a small company and a shop. The house is projected as a detached building with a partial basement and three floors. The residential part has 8 apartments in total – four apartments with three bedrooms, one with two bedrooms and three with one bedroom. It includes also cellars belonging to the apartments. The non-residential part includes space for a shop and an administrative part consisting of a reception, a meeting room, offices, stores and sanitary facilities. The main entrance in to the residential part is located on the level of staircase half landing. Main entrances into the non-residential parts are on the level of the ground floor. The house dispose with 24 parking places, two of them are dedicated for drivers with disabled parking permit. The building is based on concrete strip foundations. The external load-bearing structures are walled with clay masonry in the floors and with permanent formwork in the basement. The ceiling structure is formed with prestressed floor slabs. The house is covered with a warm flat roof. The staircase is pre-fabricated. In the thesis, there was put a stress on the appropriate dispositional, structural, technical and architectural design and on the safety in the use of the building. The drawing documentation is processed in the AutoCAD.

Polyfunkční dům / Mixed-use Building

Ficza, Silvia January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the master thesis is to process the project doucmentation for a mixed-used building in the cadastre unit of Brno-Líšeň. The object is designed as a building with a basement and four above-ground floors. The building has a regular floor plan with partial basement and flat roof and comprises 12 housing units. On the ground floor there is a mixed-used zone. The building has a wall structural system. It is designed with filigree floor slabs. The vertical structural system is mainly made from sand-lime blocks, while the rest is made from permanent formwork. The roof is designed as flat - single and green. The structure is based on strip foundations.

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