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Flavonoidų ir fenolinių rūgščių analizė kanadinės jakšūnės Desmodium canadense (L.) DC. žolėje / Analysis of flavonoids and phenolic acids in grass of Desmodium canadense (L) DCKamandulis, Mintautas 06 July 2006 (has links)
Plants have many useful substances – and one of them is flavonoids with other phenolic compounds. This is a very big group of biological active compounds. Flavonoids have been referred to as "nature's biological response modifiers" because of their ability to modify the body's reaction to other compounds such as allergens, viruses, and carcinogens. They show anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer activity. In addition, flavonoids act as powerful antioxidants, providing remarkable protection against oxidative and free radical damage. As a result, consumers and food manufacturers have become increasingly interested in flavonoids for their healthful properties, especially their potential beneficial role in the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Phenolic acids are interesting of their protective role against oxidative damage diseases (coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancers). One of possible sources of flavonoids and phenolic acids – Canadian thick-trefoil (showy trefoil) – Desmodium canadense (L) DC. This plant is not researched as good as many other plants, but there are some works on it. In Lithuania, KUM, there were some research works on Desmodium canadense (L.) DC. There was performed analysis of grass, collected in different phase of vegetation. Also was researched influence of mineral fertilising to amounts of flavonoids and phenolic acids.
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Kanadinės jakšūnės (Desmodium canadense (L.) DC.) biologinių savumų ir fitocheminis tyrimas / Showy tick trefoil (Desmodium canadense (L.) DC.)biological features and phytochemical researchesRibokaitė, Vaida 03 August 2007 (has links)
Gana dažnai nusilpusiai imuninei sistemai stabilizuoti vartojami augaliniai imunostimuliuojantys preparatai, nes jų poveikyje pasireiškia mažiau pašalinių reakcijų, jie saugesni vartojant didesnėmis dozėmis, todėl yra pranašesni už sintetinius cheminius preparatus. Herpes virusų sukeltoms ligoms gydyti vartojami ne tik cheminiai preparatai, bet ir augaliniai vaistai savo sudėtyje turintys flavonoidų ir fenolkarboksirūgščių. Šiuos junginius kaupia kanadinė jakšūnė (Desmodium canadense (L.) DC.).
Darbo tikslas – ištirti ketvirtųjų – penktųjų auginimo metų kanadinės jakšūnės (Desmodium canadense (L.) DC.) biologinius savumus Lietuvos klimatinėmis sąlygomis ir nustatyti besikaupian��ių veikliųjų junginių dinamiką vegetacijos eigoje.
Buvo nustatyti kanadinės jakšūnės antžeminės dalies augimo ypatumai ketvirtaisiais ir penktaisiais auginimo metais. Ištirta Desmodium canadense (L.) DC. požeminės dalies vystymosi dinamika vaizdinės analizės metodu. Nustatytas kanadinės jakšūnės sėklų daigumas pritaikant skarifikavimo ir stratifikavimo metodus. Atlikta Desmodium canadense (L.) DC. fitocheminė analizė efektyviosios skysčių chromatografijos metodu (ESC) ir nustatyti besikaupiančių veikliųjų junginių kiekiai bei jų dinamika vegetacijos eigoje.
Gausiausia veikliųjų junginių susikaupia žydėjimo pradžioje. Kanadinės jakšūnės žolėje tuo laikotarpiu penktaisiais vegetacijos metais rasta 1,38 flavonoidų ir fenolkarboksirūgščių, o lapuose – 2,1 šių junginių. Pagrindiniai veiklieji... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Nowadays a lot of people use herbal drugs as immunity stimulating preparations, because they cause less side-effects and are safer in high doses. That’s why they are superior to chemical drugs. Plants have many useful substances – and one of them are flavonoids with other phenolic compounds. One of possible sources of flavonoids and phenolic acids – Showy tick trefoil – Desmodium canadense (L.) DC. The aim of work is to determine biological features of Showy tick trefoil of fourth and fifth vegetation year in Lithuanian climate conditions and to estimate dynamics of the active compounds in different phases of vegetation. There were determined biological features of overground part of plant of fourth and fifth vegetation year. The underground part of Desmodium canadense (L.) was examined by visual analysis method. Seeds of Showy tick trefoil were investigated using scarification and stratification methods. Phytochemical analysis was done by using High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). There were determined flavonoids, phenolic acids and their amounts in plant material, collected in different phases of vegetation. The most active compounds plant accumulates in the beginning of flowering. In this period in herb of Desmodium canadense (L.) was found 1,38 flavonoids and phenolic acids, while in leaves – 2,1. The most important active compounds are apigenin, luteolin and their glycosides – orientin, vitexin, isovitexin, also rutin.
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Paprastojo rapontiko (Rhaponticum carthamoides (DC.) Iljin) flavonoidų analizė skirtingais augalo vegetacijos tarpsniais / Analysis of flavonoids of maral root (Rhaponticum carthamoides (DC.) Iljin) at different vegetation periodsVedegytė, Indrė 26 June 2008 (has links)
Paprastasis rapontikas (Rhaponticum carthamoides (DC.) Iljin) – tai daugiametis, vaistinis, astrinių (Asteraceae) šeimos augalas. Rapontiko preparatai pasižymi antioksidacinėmis, antistresinėmis bei antivėžinėmis savybėmis, normalizuoja nervų ir kraujagyslių bei širdies sistemas, stiprina imunitetą, gerina baltymų sintezę, atmintį, skatina raumenų augimą, didina ištvermę bei darbo našumą. Paprastojo rapontiko šaknys ir stiebai naudojami medicinos tikslais kaip vaistinė žaliava. Flavonoidų kiekis rapontiko žaliavoje yra vienas iš žaliavos kokybės požymių.
Tikslas: paprastojo rapontiko (Rhaponticum carthamoides (DC.) Iljin) flavonoidų analizė skirtingais augalo vegetacijos tarpsniais.
Tyrimo medžiaga ir metodai: analizei naudota paprastojo rapontiko antžeminė dalis ( lapai ir stiebai) , paruošta VDU Kauno Botanikos sode, 2006-2007 metais, skirtingu augalo vegetacijos tarpsniu. Šaknys ir žiedai analizėje naudojami nebuvo. Bandiniai buvo ekstrahuojami 100% ( 1 bandinio paruošimo būdas ) bei 75% ( 2 bandinio paruošimo būdas ) metanoliu, naudota kietafazė ekstrakcija bei superkritinių skysčių ekstrakcija. Flavonoidų kiekis nustatomas naudojant spektrofotometrinį metodą, kapiliarinę skysčių chromatografiją bei efektyviąją skysčių chromatografiją.
Rezultatai: 2006m metanoliniuose rapontiko bandiniuose flavonoidų rasta nuo 0,002 iki 0,05%. Augalui augimo pradžioje jame esantis flavonoidų kiekis didėja, žydėjimo periodu ir vaisių brendimo periodu pasiekia maksimumą ir prasidėjus lapų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Rhaponticum carthamoides (DC.) Iljin is a large perennial herb in the Asteraceae family. Rhaponticum carthamoides (DC.) Iljin extract has demonstrated normalizing effect on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. Actions like antioxidant, antidepressant, anticancer, improve adaptivity to cold climates, increase protein synthesis, build muscle mass, increase stamina and work productivity. The roots and rhizomes are the medicinal parts, with the biological activity compounds. Amount of flavonoids accumulated in dried material of rhaponticum is a parameter of quality.
Objective: analysis of flavonoids of Rhaponticum carthamoides (DC.) Iljin at different vegetation periods.
Materials and methods: for analysis Rhaponticum carthamoides (DC.) Iljin stems and leaves were used. Plants from the collection of medicinal plants at Kaunas Botanical Garden (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania) were collected at different vegetation periods during 2006 – 2007. Dried raw material samples were extracted with 100% and 75% methanol, used solid phase extraction and supercritical fluid extraction. Flavonoids were analysed by means of spectrophotometric method, capillary liquid chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography.
Results: from 0.002% to 0.05% of flavonoids are determined in the methanolic extracts of raw material of R.carthamoides of 2006. Maximum content of flavonoids was determined in R.carthamoides samples at flowering and maturation stage.
Comparing 2007 II... [to full text]
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The anti-inflammatory and restorative effects of the flavonoid-enriched fraction AF4 were examined in a mouse model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Relative to EAE mice that received vehicle (water, 10 ml/kg/day), oral administration of AF4 (25 mg/kg/day) beginning 24 hours after the onset of clinical signs reduced disease progression that was accompanied by diminished pro-inflammatory cytokine gene expression (cerebellum and spinal cord) and protein concentrations in the plasma. LPS-induced release of TNF-? from the whole blood of EAE mice that received AF4 was reduced at peak disease severity (day 18) but not once central inflammation had declined (day 31) indicative of unique immune modulator properties. Lastly, the expression of myelin-associated genes (PGC-1?, SCD1, and MBP) suggestive of remyelination was enhanced in the spinal cord of EAE mice that received AF4. These findings suggest that AF4 reduces EAE severity by selectively inhibiting autoimmunity and enhancing the expression of genes necessary for remyelination.
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Kanadinės jakšūnės (Desmodium canadense (L.) DC.) fitocheminis tyrimas / Phytochemical analysis of showy tick-trefoil (Desmodium canadense (L.) DC)Kairytė, Vaiva 09 June 2009 (has links)
Kanadinė jakšūnė nėra gerai ištyrinėtas vaistinis augalas, todėl buvo tikslinga atlikti Lietuvoje išaugintos žaliavos fitocheminius tyrimus augalo veikliųjų junginių sudėčiai nustatyti. Sukaupti duomenys gali būti naudojami iš kanadinės jakšūnės gaminamų preparatų standartizacijai ir naujų, dar nenustatytų farmakologinių poveikių paieškai.
Tyrimo objektas ir metodai: kanadinės jakšūnės žaliava ištirta efektyviosios skysčių chromatografijos metodu.
Darbo tikslas ir uždaviniai: atlikti kanadinės jakšūnės kaupiamų flavonoidų ir fenilpropanoidų kokybinės ir kiekybinės sudėties tyrimą bei nustatyti, kokiame augalo organe ir kokiu vegetacijos tarpsniu jų kaupiama daugiausiai. Taip pat nustatyti dominuojančius veikliuosius junginius žolėje ir atskiruose organuose bei atlikti palyginamąja ataugusios žaliavos analizę.
Ištirti kanadinės jakšūnės žolėje ir lapuose sukauptų flavonoidų suminių kiekių dinamiką skirtingais vegetacijos tarpsniais antraisiais – septintaisiais augimo metais ir pateikti žaliavos rinkimo rekomendacijas bei nustatyti, ar augalo amžius turi įtakos kaupiamų veikliųjų junginių kiekiui.
Daugiausiai veikliųjų junginių visais vegetacijos tarpsniais susikaupia kanadinės jakšūnės lapuose, išskyrus žydėjimo tarpsnį, kai didžiausias nustatytų veikliųjų junginių kiekis randamas žieduose. Lapuose ir žolėje daugiausiai veikliųjų junginių šeštaisiais augimo metais sukaupta butonizacijos tarpsniu, o stiebuose – vegetacijos pabaigoje. Septintaisiais augimo metais... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Showy tick-trefoil is not widely explored medical plant. Therefore it is reasonable to carry out a phytochemical research for the plant which was grown in Lithuania in order to identify its composition of active compounds. Accumulated information of analysis can be useful in standardization of pharmaceutical preparations from showy tick-trefoil, also in researching previously unidentified pharmacological effects.
Object and methods: raw material of showy tick-trefoil was examining by methods of high pressure liquid chromatography.
Objectives: To perform accumulated flavonoids and fenilpropanoids quality and quantity analysis on showy tick-trefoil and identify in which organ and which vegetation period they are mostly compiled; to identify dominating active compounds in herb and individual organs; to make a comparative analysis of outgrowth raw material.
Also to investigate total amounts of compiled flavonoids in showy tick-trefoil herb and leaves in different vegetation periods from second till seventh year of herb growing; to give recommendations for picking raw material. Finally to indicate whether the age of the plant has any influence for quantity of active compounds.
The biggest amount of active compounds in every vegetation period is concentrated in leaves, except blooming period. In the sixth year of growing most of active compounds in leaves and in herb are founded during budding period, in stems – during the end of vegetation. During seventh year of growing... [to full text]
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Lietuvoje augančių Potentilla genties augalų fitocheminė analizė bei vartojimo galimybių tyrimai in vitro / Phytochemical analysis of in Lithuania growing Potentilla genus plants and using possibilities in vitroEigirdaitė, Vaida 03 August 2007 (has links)
Fitoterapija (gr. phyton – augalas, therapeia – gydymas) – tai ligų profilaktika ir gydymas, vartojant augalų dalis ar jų preparatus. Nuo seno lietuvių liaudies medicinoje gerai žinomi sidabražolinių (Potentilla) genties augalai. Lietuvoje auga 17 Potentilla genties augalų rūšių, kai kurios iš jų kultūrinės.
Šio darbo tikslas yra atlikti biologiškai veiklių medžiagų – flavonoidų ir raugų – išskyrimą iš Potentilla genties augalų (Potentilla anserina L., Potentilla erecta L., Potentilla fruticosa L.) nustatyti veikliųjų medžiagų kiekio kitimus skirtingu augalų vegetacijos metu (birželio – rugsėjo mėnesiais) ir atlikti šių augalinių žaliavų antioksidacinio bei antimikrobinio poveikio tyrimus.
Tyrimo medžiaga ir metodai. Tyrime naudota Potentilla genties augalinė žaliava surinkta Šiaulių rajone, Gruzdžių miške (P.anserina žolė, P.erecta šakniastiebiai ir žolė) bei Šiaulių universiteto botanikos sode (P.fruticosa žolė). Permanganatometrinio titravimo metodu buvo nustatytas rauginių medžiagų kiekis tirtuose Potentilla genties augalinėse žaliavose. Naudojant parūgštintą vandenilio chlorido rūgštimi 70% etanolį ir 70% etanolį spektrofotometriniu ir efektyviosios skysčių chromatografijos (ESC) metodu buvo nustatyti bendri flavonoidų kiekiai tirtose augalinėse žaliavose. Antioksidaciniam aktyvumui įvertinti buvo taikomas fotometrinis 2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazilo (DPPH•) laisvojo radikalo sujungimo metodas. Antimikrobinis poveikis įvertintas atliekant tyrimus su triptozės sojos agare 2... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Phytotherapy (Greek origin phyton – plant, therapeia – treatment) means the prevention of disease and medical treatment using parts of plants or their extracts. Since ancient times Cinquefoil (Potentilla) family plants have been well-known in Lithuanian non-traditional medicine, comprising over 17 species, some of them are cultivated.
Aims and Objectives. To extract biologically active substances – flavonoids and tannins – from Potentilla plants (Potentilla anserina L., Potentilla erecta L., Potentilla fruticosa L.) in order to determine the quantity changes at different times of plant vegetation (June – September), and to research antioxidant and antibacterial effect of those plants.
Materials and Methods. Potentilla raw material was collected in the region of Šiauliai, Gruzdžiai forest (Herba Potentillae anserinae, Rhizoma et herba Potentillae erectae) and Šiauliai University Botanical Garden (Folium cum flore Potentillae fruticosae). Permanganatometric titration method was used to find out how much tannin the selected Potentilla contained. Also, spectrophotometric and HPLC methods allowed to measure flavonoid while using 70% of ethanol with hydrochloric acid and 70% of ethanol in the raw vegetation. To evaluate the anti-oxidizing activity photometric 2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhydrosil (DPPH•) free radical method was applied. Antibacterial impact was evaluated with triptosis on soya crop in a hangar for 24 hours at 35 - 37º C using cultivated microorganisms.
Results. The tested... [to full text]
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Vaistinių arbatų sudėties ir antioksidacinių savybių įvertinimas / Evaluation of composition and antioxidant activity of the functional teas extractsZykevičiūtė, Justina 10 August 2009 (has links)
Vaistinės arbatos mišiniai vertingi dėl jose esančių komponentų, kaip fenoliniai junginiai (atsakingi už antimikrobinį veikimą) ir flavonoidai (natūralūs antioksidantai, surišantys laisvuosius radikalus). Flavonoidų cheminės savybės apžvelgtos darbe. Šio darbo tikslas - atlikti flavonoidų ir fenolinių junginių kiekybinę ir kokybinę analizę bei nustatyti bendrą antioksidacinį aktyvumą vaistinių arbatų mišinių ekstraktuose.
Paruošti metanoliniai vaistinių arbatų mišinių ekstraktai po kietafazės ekstrakcijos buvo analizuojami spektrofotometru, kapiliarine elektroforeze ir efektyviąja skysčių chromatografija su reakcijos detektoriumi. Spektrofotometru išmatuotas bendras fenolinių junginių, flavonoidų kiekis vaistinėse arbatose. Įvertintos metanolinių ekstraktų laikymo sąlygos šaldytuve bei sausos žaliavos laikymo sąlygos sausoje, vėsioje vietoje. Efektyviąja skysčių chromatografija įvertintas fenolinių junginių kiekis ir jų antioksidacinis aktyvumas su 2,2 - difenil – 1 - pikrilhidrazilo (DPPH ) laisvuoju radikalu. Blukinimo reakcija matuota UV detektoriumi ties 517 nm. Efektyviaja skysčių chromatografija išskirstyti fenoliniai junginiai, taikant gradientą. Atliktas kapiliarinės elektroforezės metodo optimizavimas: įvertintas buferio pH, organinio tirpiklio priedo, įtampos įtaka skirstymo efektyvumui, skiriamajai gebai. Atlikti įteisinimo žingsniai: įvertintos aptikimo ir nustatymo ribos, matavimų glaudumas, stabilumas ir atrankumas. Priedo metodu buvo identifikuoti flavonoidų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Previous studies refer mostly to the HPLC analysis of the flavonoids, for oxidative product deterioration and radicals scavenging action. Methanolic extracts after solid phase extraction of 6 different functional teas were analyzed by means of capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) and high performence liquid chromatography (HPLC) with reaction detector. A rapid on-line method for screening components was developed using methanolic solution 2,2 – diphenyl – picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) as stable free radical. Bleaching reaction is detected as a negative peak by an absorbance detector at 517 nm. HPLC gradient runs with mobile phase composition ranging from 33 to 90% organic solvent (methanol) in water with 0.1% TFA. The activity of compounds in functional teas (complex mixtures) was determined. Development and validation of the CZE method was carried out.. Limits of detection and quantification were determined. The results obtained using CZE are comparable to the spectrophotometric and HPLC analysis results. The influence of the extraction conditions (with solid phase extraction (SPE) and without SPE extraction), amount of flavonoids and phenolic compounds in the various functional teas was studied. The highest content of flavonoids was obtained in Choleretic herbs mixture 2,08 mg/g and the highest content of phenolic compounds was determined in Diaphoretic functional tea 3,53mg/g in raw dry medicinal functional tea herbs. The total amount of flavonoids did not directly correlate... [to full text]
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Ascophyllm nodosum Extracts Improve Shelf Life and Nutritional Quality of Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.)Fan, Di 29 September 2010 (has links)
In order to develop an environmentally friendly seaweed extract treatment which will benefit both pre- and post-harvest qualities of vegetables, the effects of pre-harvest application of the brown algae Ascophyllum nodosum extracts on the nutritional quality and post-harvest storability of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) was investigated. Plants treated with A. nodosum extracts accumulated higher concentrations of iron, potassium, total soluble protein, and total phenolics as compared to untreated controls. 1H NMR and LC-MS analysis revealed a roughly 50% enhanced accumulation of the 9 flavonoids identified, which is partially confirmed by the elevated chalcone isomerase activity. A. nodosum extract treatment caused an increase in transcription of the genes related to plant growth, osmolyte accumulation, and antioxidative activities. Post-harvest analysis revealed that A. nodosum extract treatment caused an enhanced storability of spinach leaves in terms of visual quality, weight loss, and senescence. Lipid peroxidation and ascorbate content were correlated with visual quality during storage. Animal experiments using the Caenorhabditis elegans nematode model revealed that spinach extracts prolonged the life span of C. elegans, and A. nodosum extract-enhanced polyphenols exerted improved beneficial effects in C. elegans against oxidative and heat stresses. Taken together, the results suggest that A. nodosum extracts enhance both pre- and post-harvest quality of spinach through stimulation of flavonoid pathways, thus leading to accumulation of flavonoids and promotion of anti-radical capacity in spinach leaves, which may protect the plant tissue against reactive oxygen species and subsequent decay. Furthermore, the increased flavonoid content in spinach exerted beneficial effects in C. elegans against oxidative and heat stresses via different mechanisms.
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Separation and characterization of glycosylated phenolic compounds and flavonoids from maple productsCôté, Jacinthe January 2003 (has links)
Using a model system of glycosylated and aglycon standards consisting of rutin and quercetin respectively, and a series of pre-packed solid phase extraction cartridges, including C18 Extra-Clean, DSC-18, DPA-6S, Oasis HLB and Amberlite XAD-2. The experimental findings also showed that use of a commercial hesperinidase preparation, resulted in adequate hydrolysis of the glycosylated standard rutin. Based on these findings, the phenolic compounds and flavonoids from maple sap and syrup were separated using the Amberlite XAD-2 column, where the glycosylated fractions eluted with 60% aqueous methanol solution and the aglycon fractions eluted with a methanol:acetonitrile mixture (1:1, v/v). The recovered glycosylated fractions were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis using the hesperinidase preparation and the liberated phenolic compounds and flavonoids, as well as the sugar components were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
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Recovery, separation and characterization of phenolic compounds and flavonoids from maple productsDeslauriers, Isabelle. January 2000 (has links)
Comparative high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas-liquid chromatography (GC) analyses of selected phenolic and flavonoid standards were developed using a wide range of detectors, including ultraviolet diode-array (UV-DAD) and electrochemical (EC) detectors for HPLC and flame ionization detector (FID) and mass spectrometry (MS) for GC. The results demonstrated that the limits of detection obtained with HPLC-EC analysis were 10 to 500-times higher for phenolic acid standards and 2 to 50-times higher for flavonoid standards than those obtained with the HPLC-UV analysis. HPLC-EC was more sensitive than GC/FID for all investigated standards, especially for vanillin and syringaldehyde. The results indicated that GC/FID/MS analysis of phenolic and flavonoid standards was more efficient than that of HPLC, providing a fast analysis with better resolution and baseline separation of all standards with minimum co-elution. The only co-elution encountered in GC/FID was with coniferol and p-coumaric acids. For HPLC analysis, (-)-epicatechin, caffeic and homovanillic acids were co-eluted at 28.04 min and sinapic and ferulic acids at 34.57 min. Phenolic compounds and flavonoids were extracted from maple sap and maple syrup with ethyl acetate and the recovered compounds were subjected to HPLC and GC analyses. Tentative identification of phenolic compounds and flavonoids in maple sap and maple syrup indicated the presence of protocatechuic acid, hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, (+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, vanillin, coniferol, syringaldehyde, flavanols and dihydroflavonols related compounds. In addition, the identification by GC/MS of protocatechuic acid, vanillin, syringaldehyde, coniferol and p-coumaric acid was made by comparing mass spectrum characteristics of individual peak from total ion chromatogram (TIC) to that of standard compounds. The seasonal variation of selected phenolic compounds and flavonoids present in maple sap and maple syrup was also invest
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