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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Individual differences in Time Insensitivity: Examining links to emotions and cognitive performance on time pressure tasks

Colognori, Daniela January 2004 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Lisa Feldman Barrett / The aim of the present study was to examine whether individual differences in Time Insensitivity are related to subjective experiences of emotion and cognitive performance. Sixty-five undergraduates (52% female) completed self-report measures of cognitive flexibility and provided subjective self-reports of emotions following two time pressured cognitive tasks. As predicted, Time Insensitivity was related to self-reported cognitive flexibility, better cognitive performance during a time pressured task, as well as less negative subjective experience in response to these tasks. The results of the present study suggest that Time Insensitivity may have some beneficial outcomes. Limitations and implications for future directions are discussed. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2004. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Psychology. / Discipline: College Honors Program.

Caracterização da postura e da mobilidade em adolescentes federados em basquete / Characterization of posture and mobility in adolescents federated to basketball

Patrícia Ferreira Guedes 15 March 2012 (has links)
Adolescentes federados de basquete têm maior demanda de treino físico, técnico, tático e resistência muscular. Na puberdade, fatores ambientais e físicos, associados à imaturidade das estruturas musculoesqueléticas podem alterar a força muscular, equilíbrio, mobilidade e flexibilidade articular, além de influenciar o desenvolvimento postural. Na tentativa de conhecer e entender as consequências do treinamento esportivo, alguns estudos avaliaram a postura estática qualitativamente, entretanto os meios utilizados não foram confiáveis ou reprodutíveis. O propósito desse estudo foi de avaliar quantitativamente as alterações posturais, a mobilidade e a flexibilidade nos adolescentes federados no basquete. Participaram do estudo 74 adolescentes saudáveis, divididos em dois grupos, federados no basquete (GA) (n=36) e grupo controle (GC) (n=38). A análise postural foi realizada pela fotogrametria com o auxílio do software de avaliação postural (SAPO versão 0.63 ® e de marcadores colocados nas referências ósseas. As variáveis posturais analisadas foram cabeça, ombro, escápula, coluna torácica e lombar, pelve, tronco e inclinação lateral da coluna. Foram realizadas a goniometria para a avaliação da mobilidade dos membros superiores e o teste do 3° dedo ao solo para a avaliação da flexibilidade. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva (média, desvio padrão) e Ancova para verificar a influência das variáveis explicativas nas variáveis independentes, adotando-se igual a 5%. No plano frontal, os atletas apresentaram maior inclinação lateral da coluna (GA=5,0°±2,4 e GC=3,7°±1,6) e no plano sagital direito menores valores para: anteriorização da cabeça (GA=51,4°±5,3 e GC=48,6°±5,6), anteversão pélvica (GA=11,4°±5,9 e GC=14,5°± 5,1), alinhamento vertical do tronco (GA=-0,7°±2,8 e GC=0,7° ± 2,6) e cifose torácica (GA=27,9°±7,0 e GC= 32,9°±7,5). No plano sagital esquerdo, os atletas apresentaram menores valores para anteriorização da cabeça (GA=52,5°±5,7 e GC=46,4°±5,6), protusão do ombro (GA=5,9°±2,2 e GC=8,3°±2,1) e anteversão pélvica (GA=10,2°±6,1 e GC=14,6°±4,3). As variáveis posturais do plano frontal (alinhamento dos ombros e postura da escápula esquerda) apresentaram influência da idade. O índice da assimetria horizontal da escápula teve influência da altura e a lordose lombar esquerda sofreu efeito da intensidade da dominância. Quanto à mobilidade o grupo atleta apresentou maior amplitude com significância estatística para os movimentos do ombro (flexão E, extensão D, adução D/E), cotovelo hiperextensão D e E) e punho (supinação E). Sugere-se que a postura e a mobilidade articular sofrem influência do treinamento de basquete, deste modo devem ser consideradas durante o treinamento esportivo de basquete para acompanhar o desenvolvimento dos adolescentes atletas / Adolescents federated to basketball have an increasing demand for physical, technical, tactical and endurance training. At puberty, environmental and physical factors, associated with musculoskeletal structures immaturity may alter muscle strength, balance, mobility and joint flexibility, as well as influence the posture development. In an attempt to know and understand the consequences of sports training, studies have assessed the qualitative approach; however the means of assessing the posture statistics were not reliable or reproducible. The purpose of this study was to evaluate quantitatively the postural changes, the mobility and the flexibility presented in adolescents federated tobasketball. The study included 74 healthy adolescents, divided into two groups: athletes federated to basketball (AG) (n = 36) and A control group (CG) (n = 38). The quantitative postural analysis was performed by photogrammetry measured using the Postural Assesment Software (PAS/SAPO) and markers previously placed on bone references. The postural variables analyzed were head, shoulder, scapula, thoracic and lumbar spne, pelvis, trunk and lateral inclination of the spine. Goniometry was performed to evaluate the mobility of the upper limbs and the testing of the 3rd finger to the ground to assess flexibility. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics (average, standard deviation) and Ancova to check the influence of the explanatory variables in the independent variables, by adopting the equal to 5%. In the frontal plane, athletes had greater lateral inclination of the spine (AG = 5.0° ± 2.4 and CG = 3.7° ± 1.6) and in the right sagittal plane they had lower values for the head (AG = 51,4° ± 5.3 and CG = 48.6° ± 5.62), pelvic anteversion (AG = 11.4° ± 5.9 and CG = 14.5° ± 5.1), vertical alignment of the trunk (AG = -0.76° ± 2.8 and CG = 0,7° ± 2.6) and thoracic kyphosis (AG = 27.9°± 7.0 and CG = 32.9° ± 7.5). In the left sagittal plane the athletes had lower values for the anterior head (AG = 52.5°± 5.7 and CG = 46.4° ± 5.6), protrusion of the shoulder (AG = 5.9 cm ± 2.2 and CG = 8.3 cm ± 2.1) and pelvic anteversion (AG = 10.2° ± 6.1 and CG = 14.6° ± 4.3). The variables in the postural frontal plane (shoulder alignment and posture of the left scapula) were influenced by age. The index of asymmetry of the horizontal scapula was influenced by the height and the left lumbar lordosis suffered the intensity of dominance. As for mobility, the athlete group showed higher amplitude with statistical significance for the movement of the shoulder (flexion L, extension R, adduction R / L), elbow (hyperextension R and L), and wrist (supination L). It is suggested that the posture and joint mobility are influenced by basketball training thus they should be considered during the basketball training in order to follow the development of young athletes

Improving outcomes for young people with type 1 diabetes

Lockhart, Lorraine January 2016 (has links)
Aims: The thesis aimed to contribute to the current understanding of how to improve comprehensive health outcomes for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Methods: A systematic review was undertaken to identify existing interventions designed to improve health-related quality of life in a paediatric diabetes population. The quality of identified studies was assessed and the effectiveness of the interventions was evaluated. Parent-adolescent dyads were also recruited via paediatric diabetes teams to participate in an empirical study. Participants were asked to complete questionnaires measuring psychological flexibility, mindfulness, perception of parental care and control, adherence to treatment and quality of life. Relationships were explored using correlation and regression analysis. Results: Twenty seven articles were identified in the systematic review. More than half were rated as “acceptable” or “high quality”. Quality of life was a primary treatment target in only three studies. Eight studies reported significant beneficial effects on health-related quality of life. In the empirical study, regression analysis found that both parent and adolescent diabetes-specific psychological flexibility predicted treatment adherence while adolescent mindfulness and insulin administration predicted quality of life. Conclusion: There is some evidence for the effectiveness of intensive structured education and coping skills training in improving health-related quality. However consideration should be given to developing theoretically informed interventions to target quality of life alongside other treatment related outcomes. The empirical study suggested psychological flexibility and mindfulness are useful constructs for understanding health outcomes in adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Acceptance and commitment, and mindfulness-based therapies may prove beneficial for improving outcomes in this population.

"Estudo das capacidades motoras de adolescentes obesos" / STUDY OF MOTOR CAPACITIES OF OBESE ADOLESCENTS

Calvete, Suzete dos Anjos 06 December 2005 (has links)
O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a força muscular e a flexibilidade de adolescentes obesos, com idade entre 15 e 18 anos. Para tanto, a amostra foi constituída de 179 adolescentes, sendo 85 obesos e 94 eutróficos, de ambos os gêneros. Foram realizadas as medidas de massa corporal e estatura. Para classificar obesidade e eutrofia foram adotados como referência os valores de corte do índice de massa corporal proposto por MUST, DALLAL e DIETZ (1991). A avaliação das capacidades motoras constou dos testes de preensão manual, abdominal modificado, flexão e extensão dos braços em suspensão na barra e oito medidas de flexibilidade com o fleximeter. Os principais resultados demonstraram que os adolescentes obesos, quando comparados aos adolescentes eutróficos de mesma faixa etária e gênero, apresentaram valores inferiores com diferenças significantes na força/resistência da região abdominal, na força/resistência dos membros superiores e na flexibilidade dos movimentos de flexão do quadril e flexão do joelho (p≤0,05). Não houve diferenças significantes na força de preensão manual e na flexibilidade dos movimentos de flexão lateral da coluna cervical, flexão/extensão do tronco, abdução do ombro, abdução do quadril, flexão plantar e dorsal do tornozelo (p≤0,05). Conclui-se que a obesidade influenciou, negativamente, somente nas tarefas motoras em que a própria massa corporal se constituiu em uma resistência natural ao esforço e na amplitude de movimento de regiões corporais em que o acúmulo de massa de gordura corporal foi maior. / The aim of the study was to analyse the muscular strength and the flexibility in obese adolescents between 15 and 18 years of age. In order to do so, the sample was comprised of 179 adolescents: 85 obese and 94 eutrophic, of both genders. The body mass and height were measured. To classify obesity and eutrophy, the cut-off values of body mass index proposed by MUST, DALLAL and DIETZ (1991) were adopted. The evaluation of the motor capacities consisted of the following tests: handgrip, modified sit-up, modified pull-up and eight measures of flexibility with the fleximeter. The main results demonstrated that the obese adolescents, when compared to the eutrophic adolescents of the same age group and gender, presented inferior values with significant differences in the abdominal muscular endurance, upper limb muscular endurance and in the flexibility of hip flexion and knee flexion movements (p≤0.05). No significant differences in the handgrip strength and in the flexibility of cervical spine lateral flexion, flexion and extension trunk, shoulder abduction, hip abduction, ankle flexion and extension movements (p≤0.05). We concluded that obesity had a negative influence only on the motor tasks in which the body mass itself represented a natural resistance to the effort and in the range of motion of body areas in which the accumulation of body fat mass was larger.

"Validação de testes de flexibilidade da coluna lombar" / VALIDATION OF LUMBAR SPINE FLEXIBILITY TESTS

Achour Júnior, Abdallah 22 March 2006 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como principal objetivo, validar o teste de flexibilidade da coluna lombar (Testprop), utilizando-se da radiografia como teste critério e o teste flexibilidade da coluna lombar de ADRICHEM e KORST (1973) para o sexo feminino e masculino. Participaram 19 mulheres (média de idade= 23,2 anos e desvio padrão= 1,3) e 18 homens (média de idade= 22,3 anos e desvio padrão= 1,4), universitários, saudáveis e ativos do Curso de Educação Física e Ciências do Esporte da Universidade Estadual de Londrina - PR. Inicialmente, verificou-se a fidedignidade e objetividade dos testes de flexibilidade da coluna lombar (Testprop e Testeips). O coeficiente de correlação intraclasse mostrou que o teste de flexibilidade Testprop apresenta fidedignidade elevada para o sexo feminino (R= 0,86) e elevada para o sexo masculino (R=0,85), e demonstrou haver objetividade moderada (R= 0,73) para o sexo feminino e elevada (R= 0,96) para o sexo masculino. Quanto ao teste de flexibilidade Testeips, a fidedignidade foi elevada (R= 0,85) e (R= 0,86) para o sexo feminino e masculino, respectivamente. A objetividade do teste de flexibilidade Testeips foi moderada (R= 0,62) para o sexo feminino e elevada para o sexo masculino (R= 0,91). Em relação à validade, o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson mostrou correlação baixa para o teste de flexibilidade Testprop (r= 0,11) para o sexo feminino e correlação moderada (r= 0,52) para o sexo masculino. No que diz respeito ao teste de flexibilidade Testeips, o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson foi baixo para o sexo feminino (r= 0,24) e moderado para o sexo masculino (r= 0,50). Concluiu-se que os testes de flexibilidade da coluna lombar Testprop e Testeips foram fidedignos e objetivos, mas não foram considerados válidos. / The main goal was to validate the flexibility test for the lumbar spine (Testprop), using x-ray as a criteria and the flexibility test of the lumbar spine designed by ADRICHEM and KORST (1973) for females and males, 19 women participated (mean age= 23,2 years old; standard deviation= 1,3 year old) and 18 men (mean= 22,3 year old and standard deviation = 1,4) healthy and active students from the Physical Education and Sport Science Course at the Universidade Estadual de Londrina-PR. Initially, it was verified reliability and objectivity (Testprop and Testeips) the lumbar spine flexibility. The intraclass correlation coefficient showed that the reliability of test of flexibility Testprop was high for woman (R= 0.86) and high for men (R= 0.85), there was a moderate objectivity (R= 0.73) for women and high (R= 0.96) for men. Concerning the flexibility test Testeips, the reliability was high (R= 0.85) and (R= 0.86) for woman and men, respectively. The objectivity for the flexibility test Testeips was moderate (R= 0.62) for women and high for men (R= 0.91). Concerning the validity, Pearson correlation coeficient demonstrated a low correlation for the flexibility test Testprop (r= 0.11) for women and moderate for men (r= 0.52). About the flexibility test, Testeips, Pearson correlation coefficient was low for woman (r= 0.24) and moderate for men (r= 0.50). It was concluded that the flexibility tests of the lumbar spine Testprop and Testeips were reliable and objective, but they were not considered valid.

Estudo da utilização da técnica ultrassônica de TOFD com vistas no monitoramento de trincas de fadiga em tubos de aço superdúplex

Lopes, Marcelo de Freitas January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho buscou avaliar a técnica ultrassônica de Tempo de Voo da Onda Difratada (TOFD - Time-Of-Flight-Diffraction) para o monitoramento de trincas de fadiga nucleadas no interior de tubos de aço Superdúplex. Para isso, foram fabricados corpos de prova do tipo single edge bending SE(B) a partir de um tubo de aço Superdúplex sem costura. Estas amostras foram ensaiadas em fadiga, e o crescimento de trinca foi monitorado com as técnicas de TOFD, de Flexibilidade no Descarregamento (Compliance) – durante os ensaios, foram dadas sobrecargas mecânicas que causaram deformação plástica. As deformações serviram de pontos de referência para analisar o crescimento de trinca. Para aferir a validade os resultados obtidos com o TOFD nos ensaios de fadiga e fazer uma correlação com o monitoramento em campo de defeitos em tubos de aço Superdúplex, foi fabricado um padrão que simulou um tubo com defeito interno conhecido. Este padrão foi inspecionado com o TOFD, empregando os mesmos equipamentos e parâmetros utilizados nos ensaios de fadiga. Foi possível monitorar o crescimento de trinca em fadiga utilizando a técnica de TOFD e houve forte correlação entre os dados obtidos com o TOFD e o Compliance. A inspeção no tubo padrão manteve uma diferença entre a medida real e a obtida com o TOFD proporcional às encontradas durante o monitoramento dos ensaios de fadiga. / This study aimed to evaluate the ultrasonic technique Time-Of-Flight-Diffraction (TOFD) in monitoring fatigue nucleated cracks within super duplex steel pipes. In order to do it, single edge bending SE (B) specimens were manufactured using a super duplex steel seamless pipe. These samples were tested in fatigue and crack growth was monitored with two different techniques: TOFD and Flexibility in Unloading (Compliance). During the tests, it was used mechanical overloadings so deformation would be cause on the steel pipes. The deformations caused by that served as reference points to analyze the cracking growth. Thus, to assess the validity of the data obtained with the TOFD in fatigue tests, it was made a pattern that simulated a tube with known internal defect. This pattern was inspected with the TOFD, using the same equipment and parameters used in the fatigue tests. A correlation with the monitoring of defects field super duplex steel pipes was also made. The experiment has shown it is possible to monitor the cracking growth fatigue using the TOFD technique. Figures indicate, as well, there is a strong correlation between results obtained with the TOFD and Compliance. The inspection of the standard steel pipe maintained a difference between the actual measurement and obtained measurement. That difference was proportional from TOFD data and those found during the monitoring of the fatigue tests.

La recherche d'un équilibre entre flexibilité et sécurité dans les relations de travail / The search for a balance between flexibility ans security in labor relations

Dumez, Christophe 16 June 2014 (has links)
Dans un environnement incertain et complexe, les entreprises privilégient le recours à des formes d'emploi périphériques ; soit par le recours à un tiers employeur (sous-traitance, intérim, groupement d'employeurs, etc.), soit par une flexibilisation interne de l'organisation du travail (CDD, temps partiel, heures complémentaires-supplémentaires, etc.). Les salarié(e)s recherchent en revanche une sécurisation de la relation contractuelle (passage du stage au C.D.D, du C.D.D au C.D.I, du temps partiel au temps plein, etc.). Flexibilité et sécurité sont-ils antagonistes ? Peut-on, au contraire, trouver les voies et moyens d'accroître, ou du moins de maintenir, à la fois la sécurité des salarié(e)s et les besoins de souplesse dans l'organisation de l'entreprise, tout en offrant un cadre juridique plus lisible et plus simple à la relation de travail ? / In an uncertain and complex environment, companies prefer the use of forms of peripheral employment; or by recourse to a third party employer (outsourcing, interim, employer group, etc.) or by an internal flexibility of work organization (CDD, part-time, additional overtime, etc.). The employee (s) seeking a secure however the contractual relationship (passage of internship CSD, CSD, CDI, from part time to full time, etc.). Flexibility and security are they antagonistic? Can we, however, find ways and means to increase or at least maintain, both safety employee (s) and the need for flexibility in the organization of the company, while providing more readable and easier to the employment relationship legal framework?

Conexão: apartamentos e mídias em Belo Horizonte / Conection: apartments and medias in Belo Horizonte

Ângela Pereira Campos de Pinho 05 October 2005 (has links)
Constatada a evolução recente dos modos de vida e as atuais tendências comportamentais dos habitantes das grandes cidades, atribuíveis, em certa medida, à possibilidade de conexão resultante da inserção de mídias no espaço privado da habitação, busca-se, com esse trabalho, verificar a adequação da arquitetura dos apartamentos contemporâneos às demandas advindas desse processo. Estudos sobre as origens da habitação verticalizada e a história das mídias no espaço privado da habitação orientam uma observação empírica cuidadosa da produção de apartamentos, com o objetivo de conhecer mais profundamente os aspectos dessa produção relacionados à definição do espaço construído. Para isso, são analisados alguns exemplares da produção recente de apartamentos em Belo Horizonte, com uma reflexão sobre a influência das decisões de projeto nas possibilidades de uso dos espaços. Como resultado do estudo são evidenciados os principais fatores de ordem técnica e projetual que influem na definição do apartamento contemporâneo, relacionando esses fatores ao potencial de flexibilidade do espaço construído. Essa reflexão, fundada no conhecimento dos fatores que determinam a produção atual de apartamentos, constitui subsídio para possíveis redesenhos ou para uma revisão dos critérios de projeto de espaço privado da habitação verticalizada, de modo a possibilitar uma aproximação entre a produção do mercado imobiliário e as demandas do usuário / The recente evolution of the modus vivendi and the current behavior tendencies of urban populations may directly result from the wide networking possibilities offered by a number of new means of communication inserted into private living spaces. Therefore one intends to verify the adequacy of contemporary apartment architecture to such a new media and the resulting user's demands. This work is based upon studies on the origins of high-rise dwellings and on the history of the media in the home, both relying on a meticulous empirical analysis of the apartment buildings production throughout the twentieth century. For that matter a sample of the recent apartment building production in Belo Horizonte have been analyzed, reflecting on the effect of project decision on the possibilities of usage of space. As a result one has the evidence of the main technical and projectual factors that define the contemporary apartment, considering the flexibility potential of the built environment. This reflection makes it possible to review project criteria and eventually redesigning private space in high-rise dwellings, in order to help the real estate market production meet the users' demands

Measurement of psychological flexibility and its component parts in chronic health conditions : a systematic review ; and, Psychological flexibility in prostate cancer

Sevier-Guy, Lindsay-Jo January 2018 (has links)
Thesis Portfolio Abstract Background Whilst the role of Psychological Flexibility on psychosocial outcomes has been assessed in some chronic health conditions and cancers, its role in psychosocial outcomes in men with prostate cancer has not been established. Fear of cancer recurrence has been shown to be associated with poorer psychosocial outcomes. The relationship of Psychological Flexibility on the impact of fear of cancer recurrence has not be evaluated. Research into the measurement of Psychological Flexibility in individuals with chronic ill health has not revealed a definitive measure. Methods A systematic review of the reliability and validity of measures of Psychological Flexibility in individuals with chronic health conditions was conducted. A quality assessment of the included studies was conducted and relevant results were synthesised. A cross-sectional study utilising a survey methodology was conducted to establish the role of Psychological Flexibility and fear of cancer recurrence in psychological distress and quality of life in men with prostate cancer. Regression analyses were used to establish whether fear of cancer recurrence or Psychological Flexibility significantly predicted any variance in distress or quality of life. Whether Psychological Flexibility mediated or moderated the relationship between fear of cancer recurrence and psychosocial outcomes was assessed with conditional process analysis. Results The systematic review revealed no single definitive measure of Psychological Flexibility, and that many measures currently in use within research and clinical settings have not been fully validated in individuals with chronic ill health conditions. The cross-sectional study found that Psychological Flexibility and fear of cancer recurrence each significantly predict variance in psychological distress and quality of life. Psychological Flexibility mediated and moderated the relationship between fear of cancer recurrence and psychological distress and mediated the relationship between fear of cancer recurrence and quality of life. Conclusions In the absence of a definitive measure of Psychological Flexibility, information on the measures identified were provided to allow clinicians and researchers to choose the most appropriate measure for their use. Future research might focus on further validation of existing measures of Psychological Flexibility rather than the development of additional measures. The challenges underlying using a psychometric approach to measure contextual science concepts was discussed. Due to the role of Psychological Flexibility within psychosocial outcomes in prostate cancer, it was suggested as a potential treatment target. The relevance of treatments such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, which aim to increase Psychological Flexibility, for men with prostate cancer was discussed. Future research avenues to further assess the role of Psychological Flexibility in psychosocial outcomes was discussed.

Variable capture levels of carbon dioxide from natural gas combined cycle power plant with integrated post-combustion capture in low carbon electricity markets

Errey, Olivia Claire January 2018 (has links)
This work considers the value of flexible power provision from natural gas-fired combined cycle (NGCC) power plants operating post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture in low carbon electricity markets. Specifically, the work assesses the value of the flexibility gained by varying CO2 capture levels, thus the specific energy penalty of capture and the resultant power plant net electricity export. The potential value of this flexible operation is quantified under different electricity market scenarios, given the corresponding variations in electricity export and CO2 emissions. A quantified assessment of natural gas-fired power plant integrated with amine-based post-combustion capture and compression is attempted through the development of an Aspen Plus simulation. To enable evaluation of flexible operation, the simulation was developed with the facility to model off-design behaviour in the steam cycle, amine capture unit and CO2 compression train. The simulation is ultimately used to determine relationships between CO2 capture level and the total specific electricity output penalty (EOP) of capture for different plant configurations. Based on this relationship, a novel methodology for maximising net plant income by optimising the operating capture level is proposed and evaluated. This methodology provides an optimisation approach for power plant operators given electricity market stimuli, namely electricity prices, fuel prices, and carbon reduction incentives. The techno-economic implications of capture level optimisation are considered in three different low carbon electricity market case studies; 1) a CO2 price operating in parallel to wholesale electricity selling prices, 2) a proportional subsidy for low carbon electricity considered to be the fraction of plant electrical output equal to the capture level, and 3) a subsidy for low carbon electricity based upon a counterfactual for net plant CO2 emissions (similar to typical approaches for implementing an Emissions Performance Standard). The incentives for variable capture levels are assessed in each market study, with the value of optimum capture level operation quantified for both plant operators and to the wider electricity market. All market case studies indicate that variable capture is likely to increase plant revenue throughout the range of market prices considered. Different market approaches, however, lead to different valuation of flexible power provision and therefore different operating outcomes.

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