Spelling suggestions: "subject:"clipping"" "subject:"slipping""
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Flippers on the real estate marketYavar, Alexander, Öfverberg, Victor January 2016 (has links)
En flippers roll på marknaden avser individer som köper bostäder- och fastigheter, antingen på den nya marknaden eller på eftermarknaden, i syfte att tjäna på bostäderna och därmed aldrig flytta in i dem. Deras investeringar kallas för spekulantköp och har blivit vanligare de fem senaste åren. En flippers effekt på bostads- och fastighetsmarknaden är att dem skapar och påverkar marknadens prissättning. Denna studie har använt en induktiv forskningsmetod som kombinerar litteraturstudier och en empirisk ansats i form av intervjuer. Det har gjorts tre intervjuer med Boklok, Abacus och Järntorget bostad. Även intervjuer med FMF och teoretiker Hans Lind. Flippers investerar som mest i centrala Stockholm enligt antydning från FMF och är aktuella på båda marknaderna: den nya marknaden och eftermarknaden. Generellt finns ingen negativ syn på flipping, men farhågor existerar kring hur affären görs och i vilken utsträckning den kan påverka andrahands köpare och vad som skulle hända om marknaden vänder – och då hur konsekvenserna av flipping lägger sig hos byggherrarna. Resultatet visar att flipping kan medföra negativa konsekvenser i köpprocessen vid nyproduktion som medför störst risk om marknaden svänger, samt hos andrahandsköpare som kan få problem efter tillträde då flipping gjorts under felaktiga premisser. / A flippers role in the market refers to individuals who purchase real estate, either in the new market or on the after market in order to serve the housing and thus never move into them. Their investment is called speculator investments and has become more common the last five years. A flippers effect on housing and real estate market is that they create and affect market pricing. This study has used an inductive research method that combines literature and an empirical approach representing interviews. There have been three interviews with real estate companies: BoKlok, Abacus and Järntorget Bostad combined with interviews with FMF and theorist Hans Lind. In Sweden, Flippers are investing most in central Stockholm, according to hints from the FMF but are current in both markets. Generally there are no negative view of flipping, but concerns about how business is done and to what extent it can affect other hand the buyers and what would happen if the market turns - and the consequences of flipping folds of the developers. The result shows that flipping can have negative consequences in the buying process of new construction when it is it brings the greatest risk of market swings, and of second-hand buyers who might have problems after admission if flipping was done under false pretenses.
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Flippers/spekulationsköpare på nyproduktionsmarknaden : BoKloks pristaksklausul och andra åtgärder byggherrar har infört för att minska spekulationsköp / Flippers/speculative buyers on the new production market : BoKloks price ceiling clause and other measures construction companies have introduced to reduce speculative purchasesEngström, Erik January 2023 (has links)
En flipper är en bostadsspekulant som köper och säljer bostäder i syfte att gå med vinst istället för att bosätta sig i dem. Flippern köper en bostad medveten om att objektet har fel prissättning och vill tjäna på det. Deras investeringar benämns som spekulationsköp och har ökat under de senaste åren då det har varit en uppgång på bostadsmarknaden. De intervjuade byggherrarna kan dock utmärka en minskning av spekulationsköpen och att de har börjat avta med den nedgång vi har nu på bostadsmarknaden. Spekulationsköp som fenomen existerar på både nyproduktionsmarknaden och på den begagnade bostadsmarknaden. En flipper påverkar bostads- och fastighetsmarknadens prissättning. Det här är en kvalitativ uppsats med en induktiv metodansats och består av litteraturstudier och en empirisk ansats i form av intervjuer. Den empiriska ansatsen består av intervjuer med ett antal byggherrar, tidigare professor i fastighetsekonomi Hans Lind och professor i fastighetsjuridik Annina Persson. Resultatet visar att den största konsekvensen spekulationsköp har på byggherren är den affärsrisk som en sådan kund medför. Spekulationsköpare med gott om kapital utgör ingen affärsrisk för byggherrarna men är fortfarande ett problem för bostadsrättsföreningen som vill få in aktörer i föreningen som värnar om den. Lind anser att byggherrarna inte behöver införa några åtgärder för att förhindra spekulationsköp om marknaden stabiliseras. BoKloks pristaksklausul fyller enligt Lind inte någon funktion då marknaden kommer att plana ut och då kommer spekulationsköpen att minska. De juridiska aspekterna mot flipperinvesteringar är att mäklaren kan ha agerat på ett sätt som är i strid mot god fastighetsmäklarsed, köparen påverkas inte av några större sanktioner. Enligt Persson är BoKloks pristaksklausul rättsligt bindande och går inte att komma runt. Det som gör att klausulen ända får verkan fast att den egentligen inte har det är att styrelsen nekar den nya köparen från att bli medlem i bostadsrättsföreningen. / A flipper is a housing speculator who buy and sell housing in order to profit instead of settle in them. The flipper buys a residence with the knowledge of that the object has the wrong pricing and wants to profit from it. Their investments are called speculative purchase and has increased in recent years when it has been a rise in the housing market. They interviewed construction companies however, can excel a decrease in speculative purchases and that they have started to disappear with the decline we have now in the housing market. Speculative purchases exist on both the new production market and the used housing market. A flipper affect housing- and real estate markets pricing. This is a qualitative study with a inductive method approach and consists of a empirical approach in the form of interviews. The empirical approach consists of interviews with a couple of construction companies, former professor in property economics Hans Lind and professor in property law Annina Persson. The result shows that the biggest consequence speculative purchase have on the construction companies is the business risk that such a customer entails. Speculative buyers with plenty of capital poses no business risk for the construction companies but still is a problem for the housing cooperative who wants to get in actors in the association who cares for it. Lind believes that the construction companies doesn’t need to introduce any measures to prevent speculative buyers if the market stabilized. BoKloks price ceiling clause does according to Lind not fulfill any function because the market will level out and then the speculative purchases will reduce. The legal aspects against flipper investments is that the broker may have acted in a way which is contrary to good real estate agent etiquette, the buyer is not affected by any greater sanctions. According to Persson is BoKloks price ceiling clause legally binding and is not possible to get around. That which make the clause still get effect although it doesn’t really have it is that the board denies the new buyer from becoming a member in the housing cooperative.
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High pressure hydrates of CO2 & materials for carbon storageAmos, Daniel Michael January 2015 (has links)
The class of water-ice compound known as gas hydrate has been of interest to science for sometime where, for instance, gas hydrates make excellent candidates for studying the interactions of water and gas molecules. They are also of relevance to industry, where they present an interesting material for the separation, transport, and storage of different gases, and also due to the vast quantities of methane gas that are trapped in natural gas hydrate formations. While much is known about the behaviour of many gas hydrate systems at high-pressure, the CO2 hydrate system is less well studied, with apparent hydrate dissociation at just 10 kbar, and (prior to this work) an unsolved crystalline phase in the pressure range 6-10 kbar. In this work the CO2-H2O system has been studied at high-pressure and, by heating samples to the liquid state and observing their behaviour on refreezing, it has been confirmed that there are indeed no hydrate phases in the system above 10 kbar (up to at least 40 kbar). While performing this investigation, an interesting effect of CO2 on the behaviour of water crystallisation was also observed, and additionally, a simple yet effective technique for making solubility measurements in the system at high-pressure has been discovered. Using a combination of neutron and x-ray diffraction techniques, the crystal structure of the previously unsolved ‘HP’ CO2 hydrate phase has been determined by ab-initio methods. It has been found to be a new gas hydrate structure, but is shared by a small number of Zintl compounds, and may also be common to the unsolved C0 phase of H2 hydrate. The structure has a characteristic spiral of guest molecule sites, leading to its suggested label as the spiral hydrate structure (s-Sp). Its composition has been measured as a tri-hydrate, and the compressibility of s-Sp and the low-pressure s-I CO2 hydrate phases have also been measured. On cooling to 77 K it has been discovered that a third CO2 hydrate phase is formed with a significantly larger unit cell, which is thought to possess a structure similar to that of s-Sp, but with an ordered arrangement of CO2 molecules. Finally, a pilot study of the high-pressure behaviour of the binary H2-CO2 hydrate system has been performed. Using Raman spectroscopy it has been found that a new mixed hydrate phase exists in the pressure range 5-15 kbar, and it is speculated that this could exhibit a freely tunable H2/CO2 content, based on suspicion that it forms the s-Sp structure. Additionally, it has been found that H2 and CO2 chemically react at room temperature, when compressed to ~5 kbar in a rhenium gasket. From the Raman spectrum this reaction product has been identified to be aqueous-methanol.
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Probabilities of Consecutive Events in Coin FlippingMerkel, Benjamin E. 27 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Spekulationsköp av bostadsrätter i Stockholm : Ett problem för bostadsrättsföreningar? / Speculative buying in the housing market of StockholmHult, Lisa, Linjo, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
Att spekulera i bostadsrätter har blivit ett alltmer populärt sätt att placera sina pengar. De senaste årens stora värdestegringar och låga riskexponering har lett till att bostadsrätter inte längre bara förvärvas för bostadsändamål. Med hjälp av djupintervjuer, rättsfall och lagtext syftar studien till att utreda hur styrelsemedlemmar i bostadsrättsföreningar förhåller sig till fenomenet samt vad det kan få för konsekvenser. Följder av lagändringar som skett samt möjliga förbättrande åtgärder diskuteras också. Erfarenheten av spekulationsköp varierar mellan föreningarna. Vissa har inte noterat något sådant överhuvudtaget, medan andra har konstaterat mer eller mindre uppenbara fall av antingen rena renoveringsköp eller köp med avsikt att hyra ut i andra hand. I nästan alla fall blir detta syfte tydligt först efter att man bott i bostadsrätten en viss tid. Det är alltså svårt att avgöra om det var avsikten vid själva förvärvet. Korttidsuthyrningar är en aktivitet som växer i popularitet i takt med den tekniska utvecklingen och delningsekonomin. En del föreningar har en uttalad policy där korttidsuthyrningar aldrig tillåts, ofta till följd av att man känner till det uppmärksammade vägledande rättsfall från hyresnämnden 2015. Exempel på problem som kan uppstå vid andrahandsupplåtelser i allmänhet är kriminell verksamhet såsom bordeller eller handel med droger, ökat slitage på fastigheten, större arbetsbelastning för styrelsen samt ökad otrygghet för grannar. Renoverings- eller s.k. flippingköp kan leda till störningar för grannar samt skador på fastigheten när arbetet inte utförs på rätt sätt. Att värva rätt kompetens till styrelsen är snarare ett allmänt problem som inte har någon direkt koppling till spekulationsköp. Lagändringar som syftat till att underlätta andrahandsuthyrning har haft både positiva och negativa konsekvenser. De har lett till att fler bostadstillfällen frigjorts, men innebär också en del tolkningssvårigheter. Styrelser har fått mer att administrera men kan samtidigt ta ut en avgift för arbetet vilket i sämsta fall resulterar i en nollaffär. För att underlätta tolkningen av lagtexten skulle förbättrad samordning kunna ske mellan exempelvis myndigheter och branschorganisationer för att ge ut riktlinjer till bostadsrättsföreningar. Fler föreningar skulle också kunna överväga att ansluta sig till en sådan organisation för att få bättre tillgång till stöd och rådgivning. Alla har dock inte ekonomiska eller tidsmässiga förutsättningar till en sådan lösning. Författarnas uppfattning blir till sist att spekulationsköp inte är ett omfattande problem på Stockholms bostadsmarknad idag. Förbättringar skulle kunna ske på olika områden främst för att underlätta styrelsearbetet, men varje förenings individuella förutsättningar och ambitioner blir avgörande för vad som faktiskt sker. / Speculating in condominiums has become an increasingly popular way of placing capital. Over the past few years, significant gains in value and low risk exposure have led up to that condominiums are no longer only acquired for residential purposes. Through interviews, law cases and law texts, the study aims to investigate if executives of the housing associations consider this to be a problem and what the consequences may be. Changes in the law and possible solutions are also discussed. The experience of speculative buying varies. Some housing associations have not noted such a thing at all, while others have detected more or less obvious cases of either purely renovation purchases or purchases with the intention of subleasing. In almost every case however, this purpose becomes apparent after using the apartment for a certain period of time. Hence, it is difficult to determine whether it was the main intention of the acquisition. Short term leases are an activity that grows in popularity in line with the technical development and the sharing economy. Some housing associations have an accepted policy where short-term rentals are never allowed, often due to an attention-paid law case of the Rent Committee in 2015. Examples of problems that may arise due to second-hand rentals in general are criminal activities such as prostitution or trade in drugs, increased wear and tear on the property, a heavier workload for the management and increased insecurity for neighbors. Renovation or so-called flipping purchases can cause disturbances to neighbors as well as damage to the property when work is not performed properly. Recruiting the right skilled people to the management seems to be rather a general problem that has no direct connection to speculation purchases. Changes to the law aimed at facilitating second hand leasing have had both positive and negative consequences. They have given more people a place to live, but also involved some difficulties in interpretation. The boards have got more to administer, however at the same time they can charge a fee for the work, which in worst case results in a zero-affair. In order to facilitate the interpretation of the law text, improved coordination would be achieved between, for example, authorities and organizations to issue guidelines to tenant-owner associations. More housing associations could also consider joining such an organization to get better access to support and counseling. However, all do not have the time or the economic conditions for such a solution. The authors' view finally turns out that speculation purchases are not a major issue in Stockholm's housing market today. Improvements could be made in various areas, primarily to facilitate the work of the board, but each association's individual conditions and ambitions will be crucial to what actually happens.
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A directed evolution design of target specificity and kinetic analysis of conformational transitions in the HhaI methyltransferase / DNR metiltransferazės HhaI atpažįstamos sekos inžinerija ir konformacinių virsmų kinetikos tyrimasGerasimaitė, Rūta 19 May 2011 (has links)
DNA cytosine-5 methyltransferases (MTases) recognize short DNA sequences and catalyze the transfer of the methyl group from the cofactor AdoMet to the C5-position of a target cytosine. In this work both these aspects of the MTase mechanism have been addressed. First, using rational protein design and directed evolution approaches the specificity of the HhaI MTase, GCGC, has been changed to GCG by functional elimination of one of the two target recognition elements. In addition, the introduced structural changes endowed the MTase with the ability to transfer extended groups from synthetic cofactor analogs, providing the first example of a dual specificity change in a DNA MTase.
Second, the kinetics of fast pre-catalytic conformational transitions in the MTase and DNA has been investigated. A new method to follow the target cytosine flipping and its subsequent covalent activation has been proposed, which allows a direct real-time observation of these processes by monitoring associated UV absorbance changes in a chemically unperturbed DNA. These studies for the first time demonstrate that the flipping of the target cytosine and the closure of the catalytic loop in the enzyme occur simultaneously, whereas the covalent activation of the target cytosine and the transfer of the methyl group are temporally distinct steps in the catalytic cycle of M.HhaI. Since the new method is based on the general phenomenon of hyperchromicity, it is thus applicable for studies of other systems... [to full text] / DNR citozino-5 metiltransferazės (MTazės) atpažįsta specifines DNR sekas ir katalizuoja metilgrupės pernešimą nuo kofaktoriaus AdoMet ant taikinyje esančio citozino. Šiame darbe nagrinėjami abu MTazių veikimo mechanizmo aspektai. Baltymų inžinerijos ir kryptingos evoliucijos metodais pašalinant vienos iš dviejų taikinio atpažinimo kilpų funkciją, MTazės HhaI atpažįstamas taikinys GCGC pakeistas į GCG. Dėl įvestų struktūros pakeitimų nauja unikalaus specifiškumo MTazė efektyviai katalizuoja ne tik metilo, bet ir didesnių grupių pernešimą nuo sintetinių kofaktoriaus analogų, ir gali tapti naudingu molekulinės biologijos įrankiu.
Katalitinės reakcijos metu MTazės kilpa užsidaro, apglėbdama surištą DNR, o taikinio citozinas išsukamas iš DNR spiralės ir aktyvuojamas, kovalentiškai prisijungiant katalitiniam cisteinui. Šiems greitiems prieškatalitiniams procesams tirti buvo panaudotas naujas metodas, leidžiantis realiu laiku stebėti M.HhaI sąlygotą citozino išsukimą bei kovalentinę aktyvaciją, registruojant mažus UV absorbcijos pokyčius gamtinį substratą atitinkančioje DNR. Pirmą kartą parodyta, kad M.HhaI katalizuojamoje reakcijoje citozino išsukimas ir katalitinės kilpos užsidarymas vyksta sinchroniškai, o kovalentinė citozino aktyvacija ir metilgrupės pernešimas yra kinetiškai netapačios katalitinio ciklo stadijos. Kadangi naujasis metodas remiasi fundamentine nukleorūgščių savybe – hiperchrominiu efektu, todėl jis gali būti naudojamas ir kitų DNR bazę išsukančių baltymų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]
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DNR metiltransferazės HhaI atpažįstamos sekos inžinerija ir konformacinių virsmų kinetikos tyrimas / A directed evolution design of target specificity and kinetic analysis of conformational transitions in the HhaI methyltransferaseGerasimaitė, Rūta 19 May 2011 (has links)
DNR citozino-5 metiltransferazės (MTazės) atpažįsta specifines DNR sekas ir katalizuoja metilgrupės pernešimą nuo kofaktoriaus AdoMet ant taikinyje esančio citozino. Šiame darbe nagrinėjami abu MTazių veikimo mechanizmo aspektai. Baltymų inžinerijos ir kryptingos evoliucijos metodais pašalinant vienos iš dviejų taikinio atpažinimo kilpų funkciją, MTazės HhaI atpažįstamas taikinys GCGC pakeistas į GCG. Dėl įvestų struktūros pakeitimų nauja unikalaus specifiškumo MTazė efektyviai katalizuoja ne tik metilo, bet ir didesnių grupių pernešimą nuo sintetinių kofaktoriaus analogų, ir gali tapti naudingu molekulinės biologijos įrankiu.
Katalitinės reakcijos metu MTazės kilpa užsidaro, apglėbdama surištą DNR, o taikinio citozinas išsukamas iš DNR spiralės ir aktyvuojamas, kovalentiškai prisijungiant katalitiniam cisteinui. Šiems greitiems prieškatalitiniams procesams tirti buvo panaudotas naujas metodas, leidžiantis realiu laiku stebėti M.HhaI sąlygotą citozino išsukimą bei kovalentinę aktyvaciją, registruojant mažus UV absorbcijos pokyčius gamtinį substratą atitinkančioje DNR. Pirmą kartą parodyta, kad M.HhaI katalizuojamoje reakcijoje citozino išsukimas ir katalitinės kilpos užsidarymas vyksta sinchroniškai, o kovalentinė citozino aktyvacija ir metilgrupės pernešimas yra kinetiškai netapačios katalitinio ciklo stadijos. Kadangi naujasis metodas remiasi fundamentine nukleorūgščių savybe – hiperchrominiu efektu, todėl jis gali būti naudojamas ir kitų DNR bazę išsukančių baltymų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / DNA cytosine-5 methyltransferases (MTases) recognize short DNA sequences and catalyze the transfer of the methyl group from the cofactor AdoMet to the C5-position of a target cytosine. In this work both these aspects of the MTase mechanism have been addressed. First, using rational protein design and directed evolution approaches the specificity of the HhaI MTase, GCGC, has been changed to GCG by functional elimination of one of the two target recognition elements. In addition, the introduced structural changes endowed the MTase with the ability to transfer extended groups from synthetic cofactor analogs, providing the first example of a dual specificity change in a DNA MTase.
Second, the kinetics of fast pre-catalytic conformational transitions in the MTase and DNA has been investigated. A new method to follow the target cytosine flipping and its subsequent covalent activation has been proposed, which allows a direct real-time observation of these processes by monitoring associated UV absorbance changes in a chemically unperturbed DNA. These studies for the first time demonstrate that the flipping of the target cytosine and the closure of the catalytic loop in the enzyme occur simultaneously, whereas the covalent activation of the target cytosine and the transfer of the methyl group are temporally distinct steps in the catalytic cycle of M.HhaI. Since the new method is based on the general phenomenon of hyperchromicity, it is thus applicable for studies of other systems... [to full text]
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Generation and Applications of Structure Envelopes for Metal-Organic FrameworksYakovenko, Andrey A. 03 October 2013 (has links)
Synthesis of polycrystalline, vs. single-crystalline porous materials, such as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), is usually beneficial due to shorter synthetic time and higher yields. However, the structural characterization of these materials by X-ray powder diffraction can be complicated. Even more difficult, is to track structural changes of MOFs by in situ experiments. Hence, we designed several successful techniques for the structural investigation of porous MOFs.
These methods utilize the Structure Envelope (SE) density maps. SEs are surfaces which describing the pore system with the framework. It was shown that these maps can be easily generated from the structure factors of a few (1 to 10) of the most intense low index reflections. Application of SE in Charge Flipping calculations shortens and simplifies structure determination of MOF materials. This method provides excellent MOF models which can be used as a good starting point for their refinement.
However, the most interesting results have been found by using Difference Envelope Density (DED) analysis. DED plots are made by taking the difference between observed and calculated SE densities. This allows us to study guest related issues of MOFs such as, location of guest molecules in the pores, tracking activation of MOFs and gas loading, etc. We also have shown that, DED created from routine powder diffraction patterns might provide very important information about MOF structure itself. In fact DED can be used for study of interpenetration, substituents locations and effects conformational changes in the MOF ligands.
Generation and analysis of SEs and DEDs are easy and straightforward. It provides the information needed to explain major deviations in structure-property relationship in MOFs. In our opinion, this method might become one of the important and routine techniques for MOFs structural analysis.
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Experiments on fatty acids chain elongation and glycan flipping in the ER membranePujol, F. (François) 17 March 2009 (has links)
Very long chain fatty acids (VLCFA) are essential molecules that take part in many different cellular processes such as membrane pore stabilization, membrane trafficking and signaling pathways.
The fatty acid elongation pathway in yeast has been studied for about a decade. As part of our work on cellular VLCFA elongation, we identified and characterized the condensing enzyme as well as ketoacyl reductases of the elongation pathway in cotton.
In order to identify the yeast 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydratase, we introduced a redundancy in this function by engineering a chimera consisting of the two first predicted transmembrane domains of Elo3p and the hydratase2 domain of Candida tropicalis Mfe2p. Yeast harboring the chimeric construct were subjected to random mutagenesis, and screened for mutants whose survival was dependent on the chimera. The mutants isolated contained RFT1 mutations and exhibited a defect in protein glycosylation, but no VLCFA deficiencies.
The N-linked glycosylation pathway is well conserved in eukaryotes. Glycan synthesis occurs on the ER membrane; first on the cytoplasmic side up to Dol-PP-GlcNAc2Man5, which is then translocated to the ER luminal side in an Rft1p-dependent flipping process. The core glycan is further extended to Dol-PP-GlcNAc2Glc3Man9, and then transferred to an asparagine side chain of the nascent polypeptide to be glycosylated.
It was found that the Elo3'-hydratase2 chimera acts as a multicopy suppressor of the Rft1p deficiency. The subsequent studies elucidated new aspects of Rft1p function, as well as a hitherto under-appreciated role of the ER associated protein degradation process in the maintenance of ER integral membrane complexes and the physical integrity of the membrane.
The functionality of the human Rft1p homologue was demonstrated using a yeast complementation assay. A mutant variant from a patient was analyzed, aiding in the identification and characterization of the first reported case of a glycosylation deficiency in humans caused by a defective RFT1 allele.
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Quantum Weak Coin Flipping: where weakness is a virtueArora, Atul Singh 25 August 2020 (has links) (PDF)
We investigate weak coin flipping, a fundamental cryptographic primitive where two distrustful parties need to remotely establish a shared random bit. A cheating party can try to bias the output bit towards a preferred value. For weak coin flipping the parties have known opposite preferred values. By a weak coin flipping protocol with bias ϵ we mean that neither player can force the outcome towards their preferred value with probability more than 1/2+ϵ. While it is known that classically, ϵ=1/2 (the worst possible), Mochon showed in 2007 that quantumly, weak coin flipping can be performed with arbitrarily small bias (near perfect). His non-constructive proof used the so-called point game formalism—a series of equivalent reductions which were introduced by Kitaev to study coin-flipping. He constructed point games with bias ϵ(k)=1/(4k+2) to prove the existence. The best known explicit protocol, however, had bias approaching ϵ(1)=1/6 (also due to Mochon, 2005). In the present work, we try to make the non-constructive part of the proof constructive, to wit, we make three main contributions towards the conversion of point-games into explicit protocols. First, we propose a framework—TIPG-to-Explicit-protocol Framework (TEF)—which simplifies the task of constructing explicit protocols. We use this framework to construct a protocol with bias ϵ(2)=1/10. We then give the exact formulae for the unitaries corresponding to the point-games due to Mochon, allowing us to describe (almost) perfect coin flipping protocols analytically, i.e. with bias ϵ(k) for arbitrarily large k. Finally, we introduce an algorithm we call the Elliptic Monotone Align (EMA) algorithm. This algorithm, together with TEF, lets us convert any point-game into an explicit protocol numerically. We conclude by giving another analytic construction of unitaries for Mochon's games using the ellipsoid picture introduced for the EMA algorithm. / Nous étudions le weak coin flipping, une primitive cryptographique fondamentale où deux parties méfiantes doivent établir à distance un bit aléatoire partagé. Un tricheur peut essayer de biaiser le bit de sortie vers une valeur préférée. Pour le weak coin flipping, les parties ont des valeurs préférées opposées. Par un protocole de weak coin flipping avec biais ϵ, nous entendons qu'aucun des deux joueurs ne peut forcer le résultat vers sa valeur préférée avec une probabilité supérieure à 1/2+ϵ. Alors que l'on sait que classiquement, ϵ=1/2 (le pire possible), Mochon a montré en 2007 qu'un weak coin flipping quantique peut être effectué avec un biais arbitrairement faible (presque parfait). Sa preuve non constructive a utilisé le formalisme dit du jeu de points (point games)—une série de réductions équivalentes qui ont été introduites par Kitaev pour étudier le coin flipping. Il a construit des jeux de points avec un biais ϵ(k)=1/(4k+2) pour en prouver l'existence. Le protocole explicite le plus connu, cependant, avait un biais approchant ϵ(1)=1/6 (également dû à Mochon, 2005). Dans le présent travail, nous essayons de rendre la partie non constructive de la preuve constructive, c'est-à-dire que nous apportons trois contributions principales à la conversion des jeux de points en protocoles explicites. Premièrement, nous proposons un cadre—TIPG-to-Explicit-protocol Framework (TEF)—qui simplifie la tâche de construction de protocoles explicites. Nous utilisons ce cadre pour construire un protocole avec un biais ϵ(2)=1/10. Nous donnons ensuite les formules exactes des unitaires correspondant aux jeux de points dus à Mochon, ce qui nous permet de décrire analytiquement des protocoles de coin flipping (presque) parfaits, c'est-à-dire avec un biais ϵ(k) pour un k arbitrairement grand. Enfin, nous introduisons un algorithme que nous appelons le Elliptic Monotone Align (EMA) Algorithm. Cet algorithme, associé à TEF, nous permet de convertir numériquement tout jeu de points en un protocole explicite. Nous concluons en donnant une autre construction analytique des unitaires pour les jeux de Mochon en utilisant l'image ellipsoïdale introduite pour l'algorithme EMA. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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