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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The regulation of Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) metabolism via Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase (PEPC) in P-deficient roots and nodules of Virgilia divaricata

Stevens, Gary 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Plants exhibit a flexible array of morphological, physiological and biochemical adaptations during phosphorous limitation. Legumes are vulnerable to P deficiency, because it affects their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen (N2). In particular, legumes from nutrient-poor ecosystems, such as the Fynbos in the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) evolved on P deficient soils and may therefore display unique adaptations to soil P stress. In general, very few studies on legumes have focussed on the belowground structures of nodules as a plant organ. Moreover, even less is known about the P stressed responses in nodules from legumes in nutrient-poor ecosystems. The aim of this research was to investigate the metabolic flexibility of organic acid and amino acid metabolism in the nodulated root system of the Fynbos legume Virgilia divaricata, during low P stress. Virgilia divaricata, which grows in the Cape Floristic Region, was used in this study to enhance our knowledge regarding the vital role that the cytosolic enzyme, phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) plays in phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) metabolism, in roots and nodules of this legume during phosphate stress. V. divaricata was grown under glasshouse conditions (20 - 25°C) in sterilized quartz sand for 2-3 months whilst being inoculated with the nitrogen fixation bacteria, Burkholderia phytofirmans, which was isolated from V. divaricata nodules grown in fynbos soil. Two phosphate treatments, 5 μM and 500 μM, were applied simulating low-phosphate and high phosphate conditions respectively using a modified Long Ashton Nutrient Solution to simulate a low nutrient ecosystem such as the Cape Floristic Region. Roots and nodules were then analysed for growth kinetics, nutrient acquisition and distribution, enzyme activity and genetic responses. It was shown that during phosphate deficiency, V. divaricata nodules experienced less Pi stress than roots, due to increased metabolic phosphate conservation reactions during organic acid synthesis via an increased PEPC activity. The increased PEPC activity resulted in an increase in downstream metabolic products such as organic acids, (malic acid and citric acid), and amino acids (glutamate, aspartate and asparagine). Although the biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) declined, the high efficiency of BNF may be underpinned by these altered phosphate conservation pathways and enhanced resource allocation during growth particularly under low phosphate (LP) conditions. Therefore, it can be concluded that the efficiency of the nodules via an increased allocation of resources and P acquiring mechanisms in V. divaricata may be the key to the plant’s ability to adapt to poor P environments and thus sustaining its reliance on BNF. From the data obtained as well as previous findings, it has been established that the phosphate conservation mechanisms in roots and nodules, involve the non-adenylate requiring PEPC-bypass route. 13C Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) gave us a better understanding regarding the incorporation rates of the PEPCderived C into malate, α-ketoglutarate and asparagine. It therefore is suggested that V. divaricata nodules may use their large PEPC-derived malate pool to prevent large declines in BNF under low phosphate conditions. The nodules of V. divaricata were able to offset an excessive drop in BNF, despite a decline in inorganic phophosphate (Pi) levels. It therefore appears that nodules have evolved to acquire different mechanisms than roots to adapt to phosphate deficiency in order to maintain their function. This was achieved via increased regulation of nodule PEPC and its downstream products. This implies that compared to roots under low P, nodules alter the metabolism of PEPC derived C, in order to maintain nodule respiration and amino acid synthesis. This trait could be observed in the synthesis of larger 13C malate pools of nodules compared to roots, from PEPC, which was underpinned by their different regulation mechanisms of enzyme activity, of the same protein isoform. Since malate is a potent inhibitor of PEPC activity, roots appear to have invested in more PEPC protein compared to nodules. In contrast, nodules with lower PEPC protein, achieved greater enzyme activity than roots, possibly due to higher phosphorylation in order to reduce the malate effect. The subsequent metabolism of this PEPCderived malate, caused roots and nodules to synthesise asparagine via different pathways. These findings imply that roots and nodules under P stress, synthesise their major export amino acid, asparagine, via different routes. This research has generated new knowledge regarding the physiological impact of the organic and amino acid metabolism, derived from PEPC-C in the roots and nodules of legumes growing in nutrient poor ecosystems. It has demonstrated for the first time that the nodules of legume from a nutrient-poor ecosystem rely on improved resource allocation, Pi distribution, and PEPC-derived organic acids to maintain the efficient functioning of N assimilation under P stress. This may be a consequence of having evolved in a nutrient-poor ecosystem, so that nodule-bacteroid respiration and N metabolism can be maintained in P-poor soils such as the Fynbos. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tydens fosfaat stremming maak plante gebruik van buigsame kombinasies van morfologiese, fisiologiese en biochemiese aanpassings. Peulplante is sensitief vir fosfaat tekorte omdat dit die vermoë om atmosferiese stikstof te kan fikseer, grootliks beïnvloed. Peulplante vanuit ekosisteme met mineraal-arme gronde, soos Fynbos binne die Kaapse Blommeryk, het ontwikkel in grond met lae fosfaatvlakke en mag dus unieke aanpassings tot fosfaat tekorte toon. Oor die algemeen is daar baie min peulplant studies wat fokus op die ondergrondse strukture van wortelknoppies as ‘n plant orgaan. Nog minder inligting is beskikbaar oor wortelknoppies, van peulplante, vanuit mineraalarme ekosisteme, se reaksie teenoor ‘n fosfaat tekort. Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die metaboliese buigsaamheid van organiese- en aminosuur metabolisme in die (nodulated) wortelknoppie-wortelstelsel van die Fynbos peulplant Virgilia divaricata, tydens fosfaat tekort te ondersoek. Virgilia divaricata wat voorkom in die Kaapse Blommeryk, was gebruik in hierdie studie om die huidige kennis te verbeter van die essensiële rol wat die sitisoliese ensiem, fosfo-enol piruvaat karboksilase (PEPC) in fosfo-enol piruvaat metabolisme tydens ‘n fosfaat tekort speel binne die wortels en wortelknoppies van hierdie peulplant. V. divaricata was gegroei onder glashuis toestande (20 - 25°C) in gesteriliseerde kwartssand vir 2-3 maande. Die plante was geïnokuleer met die stikstoffikserende bakterie, Burkholderia phytofirmans, wat geïsoleer is vanaf V. divaricata wortelknoppies wat in Fynbos grond gegroei is. Twee fosfaatbehandelings, 5μM and 500μM, was toegedien om lae en hoë fosfaat toestande, onderskeidelik, na te boots deur gebruik te maak van ‘n aangepasde Long Ashton voedingstofmengsel om ‘n ekosisteem, soos die Kaapse Blommeryk, met lae voedingstofvlakke na te boots. Die wortels en knoppies was geanaliseer ten opsigte van die groeikinetika, opname en verspreiding van voedingstowwe, ensiemaktiwiteit en genetiese aanpassings. Dis is bewys dat tydens fosfaat tekort V. divaricata wortelknoppies minder fosfaat stres ervaar as die wortels, as gevolg van die verhoogde metaboliese fosfaat bewaringsreaksies tydens organise suur sintese via die styging in PEPC aktiwiteit. Die styging in PEPC aktiwiteit lei tot ‘n verhoging in stroomaf metaboliese produkte soos organiese- (appel- en sitroënsuur) en aminosure (glutamaat, aspartaat en asparagien). Alhoewel biologiese stikstoffiksering verlaag het, kan die hoë doeltreffendheid daarvan ondersteun word deur díe aangepasde fosfaat bewarings weë asook verhoogde hulpbron toekenning tydens groei onder lae fosfaat omstandighede. Dit kan dus afgelei word dat die doeltreffendheid van die wortelknoppies via die verhoging in belegging van hulpbronne en fosfaat opname meganismes in V. divaricata moontlik die sleutel is tot die plant se vermoë om aan te pas tot omgewings met lae fosfaatvlakke en sodoende die afhanklikheid van biologiese stikstofbinding te kan onderhou. Data in hierdie as ook vorige studies, wys dat die fosfaat bewaringsmeganismes in wortels en wortelknoppies die PEPC-ompad roete, wat nie adenilaat benodig nie, gebruik. 13C NMR het meer lig gewerp aangaande die vaslegging van koolstof vanaf PEPC na malaat, α-ketoglutaraat en asparagien. Dit word voorgestel dat V. divaricata knoppies ‘n groot hoeveelheid malaat, afkomstig van PEPC-werking, gebruik om groot dalings in biologiese stikstofbinding tydens fosfaat tekort, te verhoed. Die wortelknoppies van V. divaricata kon ‘n oormatige verlaging in biologiese stikstofbinding voorkom ten spyte van die verlaging in fosfaatvlakke. Dit wil voorkom dat wortelknoppies ander meganismes as die wortels ontwikkel het om aan te pas tot fosfaat tekort en sodoende dus hul funksie behou. Dit word bereik deur ‘n verhoging in die regulering van PEPC en die stroomaf produkte in die wortelknoppies. Dit blyk dat wortelknoppies tydens fosfaat te kort, in vergelyking met wortels, die metabolisme van die koolstof vanaf PEPC verander om sodoende respirasie en aminosuursintese te onderhou. Dit wil voorkom dat hierdie meganismes verskil van die van wortel meganismes. Hierdie eienskap kan toegeskryf word aan die produksie van ‘n groter hoeveelheid van 13C malaat vanaf PEPC in die wortelknoppies teenoor die wortels, wat ondersteun word die verskillende reguleringsmeganismes van ensiemaktiwiteit van dieselfde proteïen isoform. Malaat is ‘n kragtige inhibeerder van PEPC-aktiwiteit, dus blyk dit dat die wortels belê in meer PEPC proteïene as die wortelknoppies. In teenstelling, toon die wortelknoppies met laer PEPC proteïene, ‘n hoër ensiem aktiwiteit as die wortels. Dit kan wees as gevolg van hoër fosforilasie om die effek van malaat te verlaag. Die metabolisme van die malaat vanaf PEPC het die sintese van asparagien in die wortels en wortelknoppies via verskillende roetes tot gevolg gehad. Dit impliseer dat tydens ‘n tekort aan fosfaat, wortels en wortelknoppies hul hoof uitvoer aminosuur, asparagien, deur verskillende roetes sintetiseer. Hierdie studie het nuwe kennis aangaande die fisiologiese impak van organiese- en aminosuur metabolisme met koolstof vanaf PEPC in die wortels en wortelknoppies van peulplante wat voorkom in ekosisteme met lae voedingstofvlakke, voortgebring. Vir die eerste keer is dit bewys dat die wortelknoppies vanaf peulplante wat voorkom in mineraal-arme ekosisteme, staatmaak op verbeterde hulpbron beleggings, fosfaat verspreiding en organiese sure vanaf PEPC om die doeltreffendheid van funksionele stikstofassimilasie tydens fosfaat tekort, te onderhou. Dit mag die gevolg wees van, om in ‘n voedingstof arme ekosisteem te ontwikkel sodat die wortelknoppiebakteroïed respirasie en stikstofmetabolisme onderhou kan word in fosfaat arme grond soos die Fynbos.

Recovery of vegetation and bees after removal of pine forests by fire in the Limietberg region of the Cape Floristic Region biodiversity hotspot

Gardee, Muhammed Nizaar 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The present global biodiversity crisis is characterized mostly by loss of species due to habitat destruction but there other major threats – notably invasive alien species. The term “biodiversity hotspot” has been coined to emphasize areas for conservation prioritization – areas that have high biodiversity under threat from habitat destruction, invasive species, etc. The Cape Floristic Region (CFR) in the Western Cape (WC) Province of South Africa has the highest biodiversity of all Mediterranean-type climate regions globally and is classified among global biodiversity hotspots. The CFR, a Mediterranean-type climate heathland with a naturally high fire frequency, faces threat from transformation by development, disturbed (increased) fire frequencies and intensities, and invasive organisms, most notably invasive trees. Such threats disturb keystone species and keystone processes including insect pollinator assemblages and associated insect flower visitation webs and frequencies. Invasive pines are a serious threat to insect flower visitation as pine trees (Pinus spp.) shade out much indigenous vegetation in the CFR. Little is known of their long-term effects on insect flower visitors and vegetation recovery in post-pine restoration and recovery areas after such trees are removed. I investigated the recovery of vegetation and the most important insect pollinator, bees, after the removal of pines by fire and passive recovery in a CFR valley in the Western Cape. In 1999, a wildfire burned much of the WC Limietberg Nature Reserve along with an adjacent pine tree forestry stand - which was then left to recover, providing an ideal opportunity to investigate the enduring effects of pine afforestation in the CFR. In two data chapters, I compared the post-fire passive recovery of vegetation (Chapter 2) and bee diversity (Chapter 4) in areas which had previously been planted with pines vs. those which had contained natural fynbos. To improve on sampling methodology, I conducted an experiment that demonstrated the Observer Effect in bee sampling with a sweep net (Chapter 3), and I developed a novel sampling device (Chapter 5) for insect flower visitors. Sampling of vegetation and bee diversity was conducted in a paired sampling design, where fynbos (Natural) sub-sites were paired with sub-sites which had previously been afforested with pines (Post-Pine Recovery; PPR) and the two sub-sites were separated by a distinct, linear boundary (Natural/PPR boundary). Sampling was conducted along transects parallel to the boundary and extending in both directions from the boundary into the Natural and in the opposite direction into PPR sub-sites. Five transects were positioned at 3, 10, 20, 30, and 40 m from the boundary (Ecotone) and three were positioned at 60, 80, and 100 m from the boundary (Deep). In Chapter 2, I found that natural sub-sites consistently had higher total plant species abundance and species richness than PPR sub-sites. Approximately two thirds of plant species were more abundant in Natural sub-sites than in PPR sub-sites. There was no significant correlation in species richness or abundance with distance from the Natural/PPR boundary. Some genera are cautiously indicated as having lower success in recovery after pine afforestation: Erica spp., Restio spp., Hypodiscus spp. while Helichrysum spp. is also tentatively indicated to recover well in PPR sub-sites. Soil disturbance and concomitant disruption of normal ecosystem functions, including pollination, is indicated as a probable reason for disruption of plant recovery. In Chapter 3, sweep netting methodology was tested for the Observer Effect. A noticeable increase in bee visitation frequency to a common generalist plant species in bloom, Metalasia densa, was correlated with longer waiting periods after I stopped moving indicating the presence of an Observer Effect. This suggests that sweep netting for bees should only be commenced after a waiting period of five minutes during which the sweep netter is motionless. In Chapter 4, using a flight-intercept modified pan trap, I compared bee species richness and bee species abundance across different seasons and in both mass-flowering and sparser flower patches. There was no significant difference in bee species richness between Natural and PPR sub-sites. All bee species, except one complex, were more abundant in Natural sub-sites. Nearly two thirds of all bee species (n=37 of 56) caught with sweep netting and the modified pan trap are undescribed species. Similar to the vegetation, the effects of soil disturbance as a result of decades of pine forest shading and pine forest litterfall followed by an unusually hot pine forest fire are indicated as the most likely reasons for lower bee abundance in PPR sub-sites. This is due to the difficulty associated with viable nest establishment and suitable pollen and nectar forage availability in disturbed areas. In Chapter 5, the newly developed Pan and Flight Intercept Combination (PAFIC) trap’s design, pilot testing, and comparison with the traditional pan trap is discussed. A preliminary test suggests that the PAFIC trap is more efficient (with higher abundance) than the traditional pan trap. In Chapter 6, I discuss the implications of the disturbance of pine forestry and unusual pine fire to plant species and bee species assemblages. Bee-pollination webs in PPR sub-sites are indicated as being substantially simpler than those in Natural areas as well as compositionally different. The recovery of pollination as a keystone process in post pine-afforestation areas faces a substantial challenge given the disturbance to soil that decades of pine afforestation followed by pine forest fire can cause. Some suggestions are made for the restoration of fynbos areas recovering from pine afforestation including a discussion of augmenting re-vegetation measures (fynbos seed dispersal and seedling planting) with methods of restoring of healthy pedogenesis, epigaeic arthropod communities, and fynbos seedbanks. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige globale biodiversiteit krisis is gekenmerk meestal deur die verlies van spesies as gevolg van die vernietiging van habitat. Maar daar is ook ander groot bedreigings – veral merkbaar indringerspesies. Die term “biodiversiteit brandpunt” is geskep om gebiede vir bewaring prioritisering te beklemtoon - gebiede wat 'n hoë biodiversiteit bevat wat bedreig word deur die vernietiging van habitat, indringerspesies, ens. Die Kaap Floristiese Streek (KFS) in die Wes-Kaap (WK) Provinsie van Suid-Afrika het die hoogste biodiversiteit van alle Mediterreense tipe klimaat streke wêreldwyd, en is onder die globale biodiversiteit brandpunte geklassifiseer. Die KFS, 'n Mediterreense-tipe klimaat heideveld met 'n natuurlike hoë brand frekwensie, word bedreig as gevolg van transformasie deur ontwikkeling, versteurde (verhoogde) vuur regimes, en indringer organismes, veral indringerbome. Sulke bedreigings versteur hoeksteen spesies en die hoeksteen prosesse, insluitende insek bestuiwer samestelling en verwante insek blom besoekings webbe en frekwensies. Indringer dennebome (Pinus spp.) is 'n ernstige bedreiging vir insek blom besoeking want dennebome verskaf skaduwee aan baie inheemse plantegroei in die KFS. Min is bekend oor die langtermyn effekte op insek blom besoekers en plantegroei restorasie na denneboom verwydering en restorasie gebiede na sodanige bome verwyder word. Ek ondersoek die restorasie van plantegroei en die belangrikste insek bestuiwer, bye, na die vernietiging van dennebome deur vuur en passiewe herstel in 'n KFS vallei in die Wes-Kaap. In 1999 het'n veldbrand baie van die WK Limietberg Natuurreservaat saam met 'n aangrensende denneboom bosbouplantasie gebrand - wat toe gelaat is om te herstel via intermediêre suksessie na inheemse fynbos plantegroei. Dit bied 'n ideale geleentheid om die blywende gevolge van denneboom aanplanting in die KFS te ondersoek. In twee data hoofstukke, vergelyk ek die passiewe herstel van plantegroei na ‘n brand (Hoofstuk 2) en by diversiteit (Hoofstuk 4) in gebiede wat voorheen geplant is met dennebome teenoor diegene wat natuurlike fynbos vervat het. Om te verbeter op steekproefmetodiek, het ek 'n eksperiment onderneem wat demonstreer hoe die Waarnemer Effek by monsterneming met 'n vee-net beïnvloed (Hoofstuk 3), en het ek 'n nuwe monsterneming toestel ontwerp (Hoofstuk 5) vir insek blom besoekers. Monsterneming van plantegroei en by diversiteit is uitgevoer in 'n gegroepeerde steekproef ontwerp, waar fynbos (Natuurlik) sub-terreine gegroepeer is met sub-terreine wat voorheen aangeplant was met dennebome (Na Denneboom Verwydering Herstel; NDVH) en die twee sub-terreine is geskei deur 'n duidelike, lineêre grens (Natuurlik / NDVH grens). Steekproefneming is gedoen langs transekte parallel tot die grens en versprei in albei rigtings van die grens tot binne die natuurlike fynbos en in die teenoorgestelde rigting tot binne NDVH sub-terreine. Vyf transekte is geposisioneer binne 50 m van die grens (Oorgang sone) en drie is ver geplaas van die grens (Diep). In Hoofstuk 2 het ek gevind dat natuurlike sub-terreine konsekwent hoër totale getal plant individue en spesierykheid as NDVH sub-terreine gehad het. Ongeveer twee derdes van plantspesies was meer volop in natuurlike sub-terreine as in NDVH sub-terreine. Daar was geen beduidende korrelasie in spesierykheid of totale hoeveelheid plant individue met betrekking tot afstand van die Natuurlike /NDVH grens. Sommige genera word versigtig aangedui as met laer sukses in die restorasie terreine na denneboom aanplanting: Erica spp., Restio spp., Hypodiscus spp. terwyl Helichrysum spp. voorlopig aangedui is as goed herstel in NDVH sub-terreine. Grondversteuring en gepaardgaande ontwrigting van normale funksionering van die ekosisteem, insluitend bestuiwing, word aangedui as 'n waarskynlike rede vir die ontwrigting van die herstel van plantegroei. In Hoofstuk 3 is vee-net metodologie getoets vir die Waarnemer Effek. 'N merkbare toename in by besoeking frekwensie van 'n algemene plantspesie in blomtyd, Metalasia densa, is gekorreleer met langer wagtydperke nadat ek gestop het om te beweeg, en dui dus op die teenwoordigheid van 'n Waarnemer Effek. Dit dui daarop dat die vee-net vir bye eers gebruik moet word na 'n wagtydperk waartydens die waarnemer bewegingloos verkeer. In Hoofstuk 4, met behulp van 'n vlug-onderskep gewysigde pan lokval, het ek by spesierykheid en totale by hoeveelheid vergelyk oor verskillende seisoene en in beide massa-beblomde en yler blom kolle. Daar was geen beduidende verskil in by spesierykheid tussen natuurlike en NDVH sub-terreine. Alle by spesies, behalwe een spesie kompleks, was meer volop in natuurlike sub-terreine. Byna twee derdes van alle by spesies (n = 37 van 56) gevang met vee-nette en die van die gewysigde pan lokvalle is onbeskryfde spesies. Soortgelyk aan die plantegroei, is die gevolge van grondversteuring as gevolg van dekades van denneboom bos skadu en denneboom bos blaar afval gevolg deur 'n buitengewoon warm denneboom bos brand as die mees waarskynlike redes vir laer by hoeveelheid in NDVH sub-terreine aangedui. Dit is as gevolg van die probleme wat verband hou met lewensvatbare nes vestiging en geskikte stuifmeel en nektar voer beskikbaarheid in versteurde gebiede. In Hoofstuk 5 is die nuut ontwikkelde Pan en Vlug Onderskep Kombinasie (PEVOK) lokval ontwerp, aanvanklike toetsing, en vergelyking met die tradisionele pan lokval bespreek. 'N Voorlopige toets dui daarop dat die PEVOK lokval meer doeltreffend (met 'n hoër oorvloed) is as die tradisionele pan lokval. In Hoofstuk 6 bespreek ek die implikasies van die versteuring van denneboom bosbou en ongewone denneboom vuur met betrekking tot plant spesies en by spesies samestelling. By-bestuiwing webbe in NDVH sub-terreine word aangedui as wesenlik eenvoudiger as dié in natuurlike areas asook verskillend in samestelling. Die herstel van bestuiwing as 'n hoeksteen in na denneboom-aangeplante gebiede staar 'n aansienlike uitdaging in die gesig, gegee die versteuring van grond wat dekades van denneboom aanplanting gevolg deur denneboom bos brand kan veroorsaak. Sommige voorstelle is gemaak vir die herstel van fynbos gebiede wat herstel van denneboom aanplanting, insluitend 'n bespreking van die aanvulling van plantegroei hervestiging maatreëls (fynbos saadverspreiding en saailinge plant) met die metodes van die herstel van 'n gesonde pedogenese, bogrondse geleedpotige gemeenskappe, en fynbos saadbanke.

Avaliação do potencial de regeneração natural e o uso da semeadura direta e estaquia como técnicas de restauração / Assessing the potential of natural regeneration and the use of direct seeding and cutting and restoration techniques

Aguirre, Andrea Garafulic 06 March 2012 (has links)
A escolha e caracterização do ecossistema de referencia são fundamentais para orientar as ações de restauração. Além disso, novas técnicas devem ser testadas para aumentar a riqueza e o potencial da restauração ecológica, sendo duas delas a semeadura direta e a estaquia. A área de estudo corresponde a um trecho de pastagem e três fragmentos de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, no município de Piracaia, São Paulo (23º00\'58\'\' a 23º00\'31\'\' S e 46º17\'04\'\' a 46º16\'26\'\' W). Esta dissertação teve como objetivo, no primeiro capitulo, elaborar um levantamento florístico dos fragmentos florestais e da regeneração natural na área de pasto do Projeto Cachoeira. No segundo capitulo avaliou-se o potencial de utilização da semeadura direta, objetivando-se: i) Estudar espécies nativas potenciais para uso da técnica; ii) Avaliar se a densidade de plântulas após seis meses foi suficiente para se obter uma ocupação de 1667 mudas por hectare; iii) Avaliar diferentes condições (tratamentos) da semeadura de espécies nativas para potencializar a emergência e estabelecimento das plântulas. O terceiro capitulo teve como objetivos: i) avaliar a capacidade de estabelecimento de estacas de grande porte diretamente no campo em 5 tratamentos (duas concentrações de hormônio AIB 4000 e 6000 ppm; com e sem a aplicação de hidrogel; e testemunha); ii) avaliar o enraizamento de estacas de pequeno porte em câmara de nebulização em 3 tratamentos (em duas concentrações de hormônio AIB 4000 e 6000 ppm e testemunha). O resultado do estudo floristico realizado no fragmento florestal 1 resultou na amostragem de 38 famílias, 72 gêneros, 87 espécies. No fragmento 2 foram amostradas 40 famílias, 73 gêneros, 86 espécies. No fragmento 3 foram amostradas 37 famílias, 79 gêneros, 104 espécies. Na área de pastagem obteve-se 20 famílias, 27 gêneros, 39 espécies. Na analise floristica geral foram amostradas 156 espécies, 112 gêneros, pertencentes a 51 famílias. O resultado da semeadura mostrou que está técnica é viável. Avaliando-se após 180 dias o melhor tratamento (sem hidratação recoberto com terra) apresentou 3817 indivíduos ha -1, obtendo o maior índice de estabelecimento. Devemos salientar que através da utilização de diversos tratamentos, pode-se criar distinto microssitios, permitindo o aumento da riqueza e diversidade de espécies estabelecidas tanto pela semeadura direta, quanto pela regeneração natural. A incorporação ou recobrimento das sementes se mostrou de extrema importância para a germinação e estabelecimento destas. Os resultados demonstrados para a técnica de estaquia sugerem que são necessários novos estudos e aprimoramentos para que esta técnica se torne viável nas condições avaliadas. Para estacas de grande porte, observou-se após 45 dias uma mortalidade de 100%. Isto provavelmente ocorreu devido à baixa resistência das estacas à dessecação, o que pode ser verificado com as estacas de pequeno porte na Câmera de Nebulização, onde por problemas mecânicos as estacas ficaram sem aspersão de água por dois dias e novamente a mortalidade foi total. Entretanto observações empíricas sugerem que espécies de subbosque apresentam potencial para a técnica de estaquia nas condições de Câmera de Nebulização, assim como alguns estudos apontam que está técnica pode ser eficaz para algumas espécies de Cerrado. / The selection and characterization of the ecosystem of reference are essential to guide restoration actions. In addition, new techniques must be tested to increase the wealth and potential of ecological restoration, two of these new techniques are direct seeding and cuttings. The study area corresponds to a stretch of pasture and three fragments of semideciduous forest in the municipality of Piracaia, Sao Paulo (23 ° 00\'58\'\'23 ° 00\'31\'\'Sand 46 º 17\'04\'\'to 46 16\'26\'\'W). This work aims, in the first chapter, prepare a floristic survey of forest fragments and natural regeneration in the area of pasture Project Waterfall. In the second chapter evaluates the potential use of direct seeding, aiming to: i) to study native species for potential use of the technique, ii) Evaluated the density of seedlings after six months was sufficient to obtain an occupancy rate of 1666 seedling per hectare iii) evaluated different conditions (treatments) of native species sowing to potentiate the emergence and seedling establishment. The third chapter aimed to: i) evaluated the ability for large cuttings directly in the field in five treatments (two hormone concentration 4000 and 6000 ppm IBA, with and without the application of hydrogel, and control), ii) evaluate the rooting of small cuttings in a fogging chamber in three treatments (two hormone concentration 4000 and 6000 ppm and control). The result of floristic study conducted in the forest fragment 1 resulted in a sample of 38 families, 72 genera, 87 species. In fragment 3 were sampled 37 families, 79 genera, 104 species. In the pasture area was obtained 20 families, 27 genera, 39 species. In general floristic analyses werw sampled 156 species, 122 genera, belonging to 51 families. The result showed that the seeding technique is feasible. Evaluating after 180 days the best treatment (not covered with soil moisture) showed 3817 individuals ha -1, obtaining the highest rate of establishment. We note that through the use of several treatments, you can create separate micros sites, allowing the increase of wealth and diversity of species established both by direct sowing as by natural regeneration. The incorporation or coating of the seeds proved to be extremely important for germination. The incorporation or coating of the seeds proved to be extremely important for germination and establishment of these. The results shown for the technique of cutting suggest that further studies and improvements for this technique to be viable under the conditions evaluated. For cuttings of large size, was observed after 45 days a 100% of mortality. This was probably due to low resistance of the cutting to desiccation o, which can be verified with the small cuttings in Fogging Camera. Because mechanical problems these small cuttings were without water for two days and again total mortality was showed again. However empirical observations suggest that understory species have potential for the technique of cutting in Fogging Camera conditions, as well as some studies suggest that this technique can be effective for some species of the Cerrado.

As Galipeinae (Galipeeae, Rutaceae) no estado da Bahia, Brasil / The Galipeinae (Galipeeae, Rutaceae) in Bahia State, Brazil

Ribeiro, Carimi Cortez 08 May 2015 (has links)
A família Rutaceae tem sido objeto de vários estudos na região neotropical. Entretanto, há ainda áreas que necessitam de estudos mais aprofundados de sua flora. A Bahia possui uma grande diversidade de espécies vegetais, incluindo plantas da família Rutaceae, notadamente da subtribo Galipeinae. Áreas pouco exploradas botanicamente e de elevada biodiversidade e endemismo, como o sul da Bahia, tem revelado espécies novas para a ciência, sendo mais uma evidência da necessidade de estudos florísticos. O presente trabalho integra o projeto Flora da Bahia, desenvolvido por instituições baianas em colaboração com universidades e centros de pesquisa de outros estados, que tem como um dos objetivos levantar a flora de angiospermas do estado da Bahia, além de formar recursos humanos na área de taxonomia vegetal. Neste projeto, os tratamentos taxonômicos dos grupos de angiospermas estão sendo realizados em nível de famílias, tribos ou ainda gêneros. O presente trabalho complementa o projeto através de estudos taxonômicos da subtribo Galipeinae (Galipeeae, Rutaceae) para a Bahia. Na Bahia há um grande número de espécies de Galipeinae, principalmente nas áreas de Mata Atlântica da porção sul. A subtribo Galipeinae é o grupo de Rutaceae mais diverso dos neotrópicos e o maior grupo intrafamiliar, com ca. 26 gêneros e ca. 120 espécies. As Galipeinae diferem da maioria das Rutaceae devido as flores com tendência à zigomorfia, redução do número de estames férteis de 5 para 2 (variavelmente), transformação dos estames em estaminódios, presença de anteras apendiculadas, cotilédones frequentemente plicados e ausência de endosperma na semente; o fruto é sempre deiscente, do tipo cápsula ou folículo. O projeto foi executado com a utilização de métodos usuais em taxonomia vegetal, tais como consulta à literatura especializada, visita a herbários, empréstimo de materiais, análise de exsicatas e trabalho de campo. Os resultados obtidos contam com descrições da subtribo, gêneros, espécies, chaves de identificação para espécies, comentários acerca da distribuição, ocorrência, fenologia e nomes populares das espécies relatados somente para o estado da Bahia, além de ilustrações em nanquim e fotografias. Foram levantadas 46 espécies da Subtribo Galipeinae que ocorrem no estado da Bahia, sendo que, destas, 39,1% são endêmicas deste estado evidenciando, portanto, o alto grau de endemismo desta região. / The Rutaceae family has been the subject of several studies in the Neotropics. However, there are areas that need further more studies of its flora. Bahia has a great diversity of plant species, including plants of the Rutaceae family, especially the subtribe Galipeinae. Botanically unexplored areas, high biodiversity and endemism, like southern Bahia, has revealed new species to science, suggesting the need of floristic studies. The present work is part of the project \"Flora da Bahia\", developed by Bahian institutions in collaboration with universities and research centers from other states, which aims to raise the angiosperm flora of Bahia, and train new taxonomists. In this project, the taxonomic treatments of angiosperm groups are being performed at the level of families, tribes or genera. This work complements the project contributing to taxonomic studies of Galipeinae subtribe (Galipeeae, Rutaceae) of Bahia. In Bahia there is a large number of species of Galipeinae, mainly in the Atlantic Forest of south side. The subtribe Galipeinae is the most diverse group of Rutaceae of the Neotropics and the largest intra-family group, with ca. 26 genera and ca. 120 species. The Galipeinae differs from most Rutaceae due its tendency to zygomorphy flowers, transformation of fertile stamens into staminodes, these strucutures 2 to 5 (variously), anthers appendage, often plicate cotyledons and endosperm absence; the fruit is always dehiscent, capsule or follicle. The project was conducted following the usual methods in plant taxonomy, such as consulting the literature, visit the herbaria, loan materials, exsiccates analysis and field work. The results contain descriptions of the subtribe, genera, species, identification keys, comments of distribution, occurrence, phenology and common names of species reported only for the Bahia state, and illustrations in ink and photographs. In Bahia were raised 46 species of Subtribe Galipeinae, which 39.1% are endemic showing high degree of endemism in this region.

Chave de identificação dendrológica e síndromes de dispersão de uma área de cerrado sensu stricto, Gurupi, Tocantins

Cândido, Jacqueline Bonfim e 09 December 2016 (has links)
O Tocantins é um dos Estados brasileiros com maior área coberta pelo bioma Cerrado, cerca de 72% de cobertura com vegetação nativa. Entretanto estudos com chave de identificação dendrológica e o comportamento fenológico aliado ao conhecimento das espécies ameaçadas de extinção da flora arbustivo-arbórea do Cerrado, no Estado do Tocantins, ainda são escassos ou incipientes, promovendo assim uma lacuna de informações técnicas e científicas. Portanto, esta pesquisa visa respaldar o estabelecimento de prioridades para futuras estratégias de conservação e planos de manejo de espécies botânicas do Cerrado. Diante do contexto, objetivou-se elaborar uma chave dicotômica, baseada em caracteres vegetativos das espécies arbustivo-arbórea, além de confrontar com as listas oficiais de espécies da flora brasileira ameaçadas de extinção e diagnosticar as síndromes de dispersão dos diásporos de uma área de Cerrado sensu stricto em Gurupi – TO. Foram alocadas, sistematicamente, cinco parcelas permanentes de 20×50m, ou seja, 1000 m² cada, sendo as mesmas distanciadas 10 m entre si. Amostrou-se todos os indivíduos arbustivo-arbóreos, com circunferência a 1,30 m do solo (CAP) maior ou igual a 10 cm. Os materiais botânicos das espécies, quando necessário, foram herborizados seguindo as técnicas convencionais. As espécies amostradas foram classificadas quanto à síndrome de dispersão e ao risco de extinção, informações encontradas em literatura especializada. Para a elaboração da chave de identificação, foi realizada uma seleção dentre as 106 espécies amostradas, considerando-se apenas as espécies que possuíam densidade absoluta maior ou igual a 5 indivíduos na área. Desta forma, foram selecionadas 54 espécies. Cabe ressaltar que essa seleção das espécies teve como objetivo incluir apenas as espécies de maior recorrência no cerrado sensu stricto com finalidade de viabilizar a funcionalidade da chave. Foram amostradas um total de 106 espécies, incluídas em 82 gêneros, pertencentes a 43 famílias, sendo que 61% são zoocóricas, 31% anemocóricas e 8% autocóricas. Quanto ao risco de extinção, 24 estão categorizadas sob algum grau de risco, conforme estabelece a lista vermelha do CNCFlora, 20 espécies são Menos preocupante, uma espécie Quase ameaçada e uma outra espécie classificada como Dados insuficientes. Segundo a lista do IUCN, uma espécie está classificada como Vulnerável. A chave de identificação baseada em caracteres vegetativos foi composta por 54 espécies arbustivo-arbóreas de eudicotiledôneas e angiospermas basais, distribuídas em 47 gêneros, incluídos em 26 famílias botânicas. A confecção da chave de identificação dendrológica monstrou-se uma ferramenta funcional, ou seja, permitiu uma rápida e fácil identificação das espécies vegetais amostradas. / Tocantins is one of the Brazilian states with the largest area covered by the Cerrado biome, about 72% of native vegetation cover. However, studies with a key to dendrological identification and the phenological behavior associated to the knowledge of the endangered species of Cerrado shrub in the State of Tocantins are still scarce or incipient, thus promoting a lack of technical and scientific information. The establishment of priorities for future conservation strategies and management plans for Cerrado botanical species. In view of the context, the objective was to elaborate a dichotomous key, based on vegetative characteristics of shrub-tree species, in addition to confronting the official lists of endangered Brazilian flora species and to diagnose the dispersal syndromes of the diaspores of a Cerrado Sensu stricto, Gurupi - TO. Five permanent plots of 20×50m, or 1000 m² each, were systematically allocated, 10 m apart. All shrub-arboreal individuals, with circumference at 1.30 m of soil (CAP) greater than or equal to 10 cm were sampled. The botanical materials of the species, when necessary, were herbalised following conventional techniques. The species sampled were classified as the dispersion syndrome and the risk of extinction information found in specialized literature. For the elaboration of the identification key, a selection was made among the 106 species sampled, considering only the species that had absolute density greater or equal to 5 individuals, in this way 54 species were selected, it should be emphasized that this species selection had as objective To include only the species with the greatest recurrence in the cerrado sensu stricto in order to enable the functionality of the key. A total of 106 species, included in 82 genera, belonging to 43 families, were sampled, 61% of which are zoochoric, 31% anemochromic and 8% autochromatic. As for the risk of extinction, 24 are categorized under some degree of risk, according to the red list of CNCFlora, 20 species are Less worrisome, a species almost threatened and another species classified as Insufficient data, according to the IUCN list, a species Is classified as Vulnerable. The identification key based on vegetative characters was composed of 54 shrub-tree species of eudicotiledonias and basal angiosperms, distributed in 47 genera included in 26 botanical families. The preparation of the dendrological identification key was shown to be a functional tool, that is, it allowed a quick and easy identification of the sampled vegetable species.

\"Levantamento florístico no cerrado de Pedregulho, São Paulo, Brasil\" / Floristic inventory in the cerrado in Pedregulho, São Paulo, Brazil

Sasaki, Denise 17 March 2006 (has links)
O cerrado da região no extremo nordeste do Estado de São Paulo, onde se situam os municípios de Pedregulho e Rifaina, é considerado floristicamente distinto dos demais remanescentes do estado. Neste estudo foi realizado um levantamento florístico em Pedregulho, abordando duas regiões geologicamente distintas: o Parque Estadual das Furnas do Bom Jesus e o distrito de Estreito. Em cada uma, foram delimitadas duas parcelas de 50 m x 50 m, totalizando um hectare de área de amostragem, onde foram encontradas 65 famílias e 378 espécies de angiospermas. Coletas em áreas adjacentes totalizaram 71 famílias e 442 espécies. São ainda analisados padrões de distribuição geográfica das espécies cuja distribuição no Estado de São Paulo é restrita à região de Pedregulho. A proporção entre o número de espécies e o tamanho da área amostrada foi elevada. Este inventário é comparado com outros estudos florísticos no cerrado de São Paulo, e sua lista de espécies com dados da Flora Fanerogâmica do Estado de São Paulo, da lista da Flora Vascular do Cerrado e da Lista Oficial de Espécies da Flora do Estado de São Paulo Ameaçadas de Extinção. Os resultados revelam espécies ausentes nestes tratamentos florísticos e sugerem uma possível sub-amostragem dos inventários, principalmente em relação a espécies herbáceas e subarbustivas. Foram realizadas análises multivariadas utilizando-se dois métodos (Unweighted Pair-Group Method using Arithmetic Averages e Dentreded Correspondence Analysis) para verificar as relações de similaridade florística das regiões estudadas em Pedregulho com outras 85 localidades de cerrado, com espécies herbáceas a arbóreas. Os resultados variam de acordo com o tipo de análise e com os dados utilizados, mas sugerem que as duas regiões de Pedregulho formam um grupo com Delfinópolis, no sudoeste de Minas Gerais, à parte das demais áreas do Estado de São Paulo. / The cerrado vegetation in the far northwestern region of São Paulo State, where the municipalities of Pedregulho and Rifaina are located, is considered floristically different the others cerrado remanescents in the state. A floristic survey was carried out in two geologically distinct regions in Pedregulho: the Furnas do Bom Jesus State Park and the Estreito district. In each one, two quadrats of 50 m x 50 m were delimited, totalizing one hectare of sampled area, where a total of 65 families and 378 species of angiosperms were recorded. Collecting efforts were made in adjacent areas, totalizing 71 families and 442 species. Patterns of geographic distribution of species which ocurrence in São Paulo State is restricted to Pedregulho region were analised. There was found a high proportion of species number to the size of sampled area. This inventory was compared to others floristic studies of São Paulo cerrado, and its checklist to data from the the Fanerogamic Flora of São Paulo State, list of Vascular Flora of Cerrado and the Oficial List of Threatened Species of São Paulo State. The results reveal non-registred species by these studies and suggest a possible sub-sampling by inventories, mainly herbaceous and subshrubby species. Multivariate analyses with two methods (Unweighted Pair-Group Method using Arithmetic Averages e Dentreded Correspondence Analysis) were made to verify the floristic similarity relationship of the two studied regions in Pedregulho and others 85 localities in Brazilian cerrado, inclunding all vegetation components. The results vary according to the analisys type and to the used data. However, they suggest that the two regions in Pedregulho form a group with Delfinópolis, located in the southwestern of Minas Gerais State, apart from the others areas in São Paulo State.

A Floristic Study of the Woody Vegetation of the North American Cross Timbers

Harrison, Thieron Pike 12 1900 (has links)
This research represents the first systematic collection of the woody plants throughout the Cross Timbers. It provides the first keys to these plants in their vegetative condition, plant descriptions, distribution maps, and some quantitative measurements used for descriptive purposes. Descriptions of the woody plants were constructed as an aid in verification after a specimen has been identified by use of the keys. The measurements given pertain only to the woody plants as they occur in the Cross Timbers. Distributional maps are provided for all the taxa considered in this research. With the exception of those species which have the ecological amplitude to grow throughout the Cross Timbers, the distribution of the majority of the remaining species seems to be most strongly influenced by average annual precipitation. In a few instances, conditions associated with latitude appear to govern the distribution of species or varieties within the Cross Timbers. Throughout the Cross Timbers, post oak (Quercus stelta), blackjack oak (Quercus marilandica), and hickory (Caraa texan) dominate the upland forests. The streamside forests are dominated by willow (alix nigra), cottonwood (Populus deltoides), and hackberry (Celtis laevi ata). The variation in the vegetation of the Cross Timbers is not due to any change in dominant species, but rather to the distribution of the associated species which occur in the two prominent community types.

Composição florística da comunidade de lianas lenhosas em duas formações florestais do estado de São Paulo / Floristic composition of the woody liana community in two forest formations of São Paulo state

Udulutsch, Renata Giassi 16 March 2004 (has links)
Tendo em vista a necessidade de se estudar as formações florestais do Estado de São Paulo de forma mais detalhada, a fim de que sua composição florística seja definida e seu processo de dinâmica compreendido, este estudo tem como objetivos principais: levantar e identificar as espécies de lianas lenhosas ocorrentes em um trecho de Floresta Ombrófila Densa do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (P.E.C.B.) e outro de Floresta Estacional Semidecídua da Estação Ecológica dos Caetetus (E.E.C.) e produzir um guia ilustrado de campo incluindo fotografias e diagnoses para as espécies de lianas lenhosas encontradas nas sub-parcelas amostradas e chaves de identificação baseadas em caracteres vegetativos. Foram sorteadas, para as duas áreas, 50 sub-parcelas de 20 X 20 m das 256 pertencentes ao projeto temático "Diversidade, dinâmica e conservação de florestas no Estado de São Paulo: 40 ha de parcelas permanentes". Também foram realizadas coletas aleatórias por trilhas e na borda dos fragmentos. Foram consideradas lianas todas as plantas que necessitavam de um suporte para o seu desenvolvimento e que mantinham contato permanente com o solo. Foram encontradas 76 espécies de lianas lenhosas para a E.E.C., distribuídas por 52 gêneros e 19 famílias e, para o P.E.C.B., 49 espécies, 40 gêneros e 19 famílias. Em campo e no laboratório foram feitos os registros fotográficos para cada espécie de liana, incluindo detalhes importantes para sua identificação. Com esses dados foi elaborado um guia ilustrado de identificação para as lianas lenhosas. Quanto aos mecanismos de fixação, na E.E.C. a forma preênsil esteve presente na maioria das espécies (57%) e no P.E.C.B. a forma volúvel foi a que apresentou maior destaque, estando presente em 45% das espécies amostradas, o que reforça as indicações de que em regiões neotropicais, um dos fatores que está relacionado ao sucesso adaptativo das lianas refere-se às especializações nos mecanismos de fixação ao forófito. / Having in mind the necessity of a detailed study of the forest formations in São Paulo State, in order that its floristic composition is defined and its dynamic process is understood, this study have as main goals: a survey and identification of the woody liana species in a Tropical Rain Forest at Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho (P.E.C.B.) and in a Seasonal Semideciduous Forest at Estação Ecológica dos Caetetus (E.E.C.), and a field illustrated guide with photographs, diagnoses and identification keys based on vegetative characters for woody liana species of the sub-plots sampled. For the two areas, 50 sub-plots of 20 X 20 m were chosen at random among 256 of the tematic project "Diversity, dinamic and conservation of forests in the São Paulo State: 40 ha of permanente plots". Random collections were made in trails and border of the remnants. It was considered "liana" as climbing plants that maintained permanent contact with the ground. Seventy six woody liana species were found at E.E.C., grouped in 52 genera and 19 families and, at P.E.C.B., 49 species, 40 genera and 19 families were found. Photographs were taken in the field and at the laboratory for each liana species, with essential characters useful for its determination. With these data a field illustrated guide was produced for the woody lianas. As for climbing strategies, seizing was the most common technique for the majority of species (57%) at E.E.C. and, at P.E.C.B., the twining form was most representative, in 45% of the sampled species, evidencing that, in neotropical regions, one of the factors related to the adaptative success of the lianas refers to their specialization in the climbing methods.

O fitoplâncton na Zona Costeira Amazônica Brasileira: Biodiversidade, distribuição e estrutura no continuum estuário-oceano / Phytoplankton in the Brazilian Amazon Coastal Zone: Biodiversity, distribution and structure in estuary-ocean continuum

Lourenço, Caio Brito 04 November 2016 (has links)
A biodiversidade e a estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica na Zona Costeira Amazônica Brasileira foi avaliada com base em 272 publicações, relativas ao período entre 1861 e 2016, e a partir de oito cruzeiros oceanográficos realizados em diferentes fases do ciclo do Rio Amazonas entre os anos de 2013 a 2015. A seleção das publicações restringiu-se as que apresentaram identificação taxonômica, em diferentes níveis, e/ou quantificação, expressa em densidade celular, obtidas exclusivamente através de microscopia ótica. A composição específica e a densidade celular do fitoplâncton foram avaliadas através da metodologia Utermöhl (1958). As informações disponíveis, principalmente sob a forma de resumos em congressos (67%), monografias (13%) e artigos publicados em periódicos (11%), foram resgatadas de estudos desenvolvidos no litoral dos Estados do Pará (131), Maranhão (105) e Amapá (3), assim como na plataforma continental (36). Entre os ecossistemas mais bem estudados, estão os estuários (135 referências), plataforma continental (36 referências) e as praias (30), sendo o enfoque ecológico o principal objetivo das investigações científicas (96%). Atualmente, o inventário de espécies inclui 1157 táxons distribuídos em 612 diatomáceas, 252 dinoflagelados, 199 clorofíceas, 56 cianobactérias, 19 cocolitoforídeos, 19 euglenofíceas e uma criptofícea. Com base nesta revisão e nas amostragens realizadas neste estudo, a análise da estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica na Plataforma Continental Amazônica é característica de ambientes costeiros sob influência de plumas fluviais, com dois cenários ecológicos relacionados aos períodos de vazão do Rio Amazonas: um de maior influência, nos meses de abril e julho, e outro oposto, nos meses de outubro e janeiro. Observou-se uma distribuição em faixas, de acordo com as características ambientais e a estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica, divididas em plataforma interna sob influência da pluma, zona de transição e plataforma externa com influência oceânica. As Diatomáceas são responsáveis pelas altas densidades (105 cel.L-1) na região costeira, especialmente sob influência da pluma, contribuindo para o incremento de Clorofila a (>10 &mu;g.L-1). Na porção oceânica, sem influência da pluma, as concentrações de Cla são baixas (<2 &mu;g.L-1) e predominam (104 cel.L-1) as cianobactérias filamentosas e cocolitoforídeos. A variabilidade temporal da descarga do Rio Amazonas e, consequentemente, da dinâmica espacial da pluma, é o principal fator responsável por mudanças na salinidade e disponibilidade de nutrientes, determinando a estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica. Este estudo reforça a importância da manutenção de séries temporais e o levantamento da biodiversidade para a compreensão da dinâmica da comunidade fitoplanctônica em ambientes de alta complexidade, como a Plataforma Continental Amazônica. / Phytoplankton biodiversity and structure in the Brazilian Amazon Coastal Zone was evaluated based on 272 publications from the period between 1861 and 2016 and from eight oceanographic cruises carried out in different phases of the Amazon river hydrograph between the years 2013 to 2015. Selected publications were restricted to those which presented taxonomic identification at different levels, and / or quantification in terms of cell density, obtained exclusively by optical microscopy. Specific composition and phytoplankton cell density was evaluated by Utermöhl methodology (1958). Available information in the form of conference abstracts (67%), monographs (13%) and journal articles (11%) were rescued from studies developed on the coast of Pará (131), Maranhão (105) and Amapá (3), as well as on the continental shelf (36). Within these, the best studied ecosystems are estuaries (135 references), the continental shelf (36 references) and the beaches (30), with an ecological approach as the main research objective (96%). Currently, species inventories include 1157 taxa, distributed in 612 diatoms, 252 dinoflagellates, 199 chlorophytes, 56 cyanobacteria, 19 coccolithophorids, 19 euglenoids and one criptoficean. Based on this review and on the results obtained in this study, the structure of the phytoplankton community in the Amazon Continental Shelf is characteristic of coastal environments under the influence of river plumes, with two ecological scenarios related to the Amazon river discharge, one with greater influence in April and July and another with less influence in October and January. The distribution occurs in bands, according to the environmental characteristics and the structure of the phytoplankton community, divided into internal continental shelf under the influence of the plume, transition zone, and external continental shelf with oceanic influence. Diatoms are responsible for the high densities (105 cells.L-1) in the coastal region, especially under the influence of the plume, contributing with the increase of chlorophyll a (> 10 &mu;g.L-1). At the oceanic portion without influence of the plume, Cla concentrations are low (<2 &mu;g.L-1) and filamentous cyanobacteria (104 cells.L-1) and coccolithophorids dominate. The temporal variability of the discharge of the Amazon river and, consequently, the spatial dynamics of the plume, is the main factor responsible for changes in salinity and nutrient availability, determining the structure of the phytoplankton community. This study reinforces the importance of maintaining time series and biodiversity surveys to understand phytoplankton community dynamics in highly complex environments such as the Continental Amazon Shelf.

Sinopse de poaceae das formações campestres do Parque Estadual do Guartelá, Paraná, Brasil. / Poaceae of the campestre formations from Guartelá State Park, Paraná, Brazil

Souza, Tainã de 16 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Rosangela Silva (rosangela.silva3@unioeste.br) on 2017-08-11T17:24:39Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Taina de Souza 2017.pdf: 1552829 bytes, checksum: 891fdf36e760cfb11f85562d5918a74e (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-11T17:24:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Taina de Souza 2017.pdf: 1552829 bytes, checksum: 891fdf36e760cfb11f85562d5918a74e (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-16 / (Poaceae of the campestre formations from Guartelá State Park, Paraná, Brazil). Considered one of the greatest families among the angiosperms and with great ecological amplitude, Poaceae species can be found both in forest as well as in campestre formations. The goal of the present study was to perform the first floristic survey of Poaceae in one of the last remnants native vegetation of campestre formations in Paraná, the Guartelá State Park (GSP), besides elaborate dichotomous keys in order to identify the genera and species. The survey was carried out based on field collecting and database search. The dichotomous keys were elaborated using qualitative and quantitative characters of the genera and species. In the GSP, the family is represented by 54 species belonging to 29 genera, Paspalum L. (8 spp.), Andropogon L. (5 spp.) and Eragrostis Wolf (4 spp.) being the ones that presented the greater number of species. The number of species cited previously to the GSP increased in 29 names and from the total (54) five are considered exotic, five endemics to Brazil and two are categorized as least concern to conservation, occurring both in dry and wet areas, highlighting the importance of the GSP microenvironments conservation. Information regarding the distribution, habitat and species conservation are presented. Keywords: Campos Gerais, floristic, grasses, grassland vegetation, Poales. / (Sinopse de Poaceae das formações campestres do Parque Estadual do Guartelá, Paraná, Brasil). Considerada uma das maiores famílias entre as Angiospermas e com grande amplitude ecológica, Poaceae tem suas espécies encontradas tanto em formações florestais como em campestres. O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar o primeiro levantamento florístico de Poaceae em uma das últimas vegetações nativas remanescentes de formações campestres no Paraná, o Parque Estadual do Guartelá (PEG), além de elaborar chaves dicotômicas para identificação dos gêneros e espécies. O levantamento foi realizado com base em coletas a campo e busca em banco de dados. As chaves dicotômicas foram elaboradas utilizando caracteres qualitativos e quantitativos dos gêneros e espécies. No PEG, a família esta representada por 54 espécies pertencentes a 29 gêneros, sendo Paspalum L. (8 spp.), Andropogon L. (5 spp.) e Eragrostis Wolf (4 spp.) os que apresentaram maior número de espécies. Ampliou-se o número de espécies citadas anteriormente para o PEG em 29 nomes e do total (54) cinco são consideradas exóticas, cinco endêmicas para o Brasil e duas estão categorizadas como pouco preocupantes para conservação, tendo ocorrência tanto em áreas drenadas quanto úmidas, destacando a importância da conservação dos microambientes do PEG. São apresentadas informações acerca da distribuição, hábitat e conservação das espécies.

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