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Seleção de estirpes fracas do Passion Fruit Woodiness Virus e tentativas de premunização para o controle do endurecimento dos frutos do maracujazeiro. / Search for mild strains of Passion Fruit Woodiness Virus (PWV) and attempt to control the passion fruit woodiness by preimmunization.Novaes, Quelmo Silva de 30 August 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo selecionar estirpes fracas do Passion fruit woodiness virus (PWV) e avaliar o seu efeito protetor para o controle do endurecimento dos frutos do maracujazeiro. Foram selecionadas seis estirpes fracas do PWV. Três a partir de plantas de elite, encontradas em pomares severamente afetados pelo vírus (F-101, F-102 e F-103) e três a partir de bolhas formadas em folhas de maracujazeiro com mosaico (F-99, F-144 e F-145). O efeito protetor das estirpes fracas foi avaliado em maracujazeiros, em casa de vegetação e em campo. Em casa de vegetação foi observada uma proteção parcial das estirpes F-101, F-102 e F-144, contra a estirpe severa PWV-SP. Em campo, num primeiro experimento, as seis estirpes fracas selecionadas foram avaliadas e aproximadamente 4 meses após o desafio com a estirpe PWV-SP, todas as plantas apresentaram sintomas severos da doença. Diante da proteção parcial em casa de vegetação e da ausência total de proteção no experimento de campo, duas hipóteses foram apresentadas para explicar a intensificação de sintomas em maracujazeiros premunizados e desafiados com a estirpe severa do virus: a) a ocorrência de baixa concentração e/ou distribuição irregular das estirpes fracas nos tecidos das plantas premunizadas permite a infecção e estabelecimento da estirpe severa posteriormente inoculada e b) as estirpes fracas selecionadas são de uma espécie diferente de Potyvirus, serologicamente relacionada com o PWV, mas que não oferecem proteção contra a estirpe severa deste último. A primeira hipótese foi estudada repetindo-se o experimento com maracujazeiros premunizados com as estirpes F-101 e F-144, separadamente, e cultivados em campo sob condições de telado. Antes do desafio, foram feitos estudos quantitativos das estirpes F-101 e F-144, em diferentes folhas das plantas, através do DAS-ELISA indireto. Foi observada uma grande variação na concentração das estirpes fracas nos tecidos de diferentes folhas da mesma planta. Em 68,3 %, de 300 discos foliares, as estirpes fracas não foram detectadas pelos critérios adotados nessa investigação. Mais uma vez todas as plantas premunizadas e desafiadas apresentaram sintomas severos da doença, quatro meses após o desafio. A segunda hipótese foi estudada através de testes de proteção em plantas de crotalária premunizadas com as estirpes F-101 e F-144 e da análise da seqüência de nucleotídeos do gene da capa protéica das estirpes F-101, F-103 e PWV-SP. Nos testes de proteção, todas as plantas premunizadas com as estirpes fracas ficaram protegidas contra a infecção e/ou manifestação dos sintomas causados pela estirpe severa PWV-SP. Estudos quantitativos das estirpes fracas nessa hospedeira revelaram uma maior uniformidade na concentração do vírus nos tecidos foliares. A análise da seqüência de nucleotídeos do gene que codifica a capa protéica, apontaram identidade de 99,7 % entre as estirpes fracas e de 97,5 % destas com a estirpe severa, mostrando tratarem-se de estirpes do mesmo vírus. Esses resultados mostram que a premunização não parece ser uma alternativa adequada para o controle do endurecimento dos frutos do maracujazeiro, devido à falha na proteção. Essa quebra de proteção parece estar relacionada com a baixa concentração e/ou distribuição irregular das estirpes fracas nas folhas do maracujazeiro, que propiciam a existência de sítios de infecção para a estirpe severa posteriormente inoculada. / The main purpose of this work was to select mild strains of Passion fruit woodiness virus (PWV) and to evaluate their protective effect in passion flower (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa Deg.) challenged with a severe strain of the virus. Three mild strains were selected from outstanding plants found in orchards severely affected by the virus (F-101, F-102 and F-103) and three others were obtained from blisters formed in passion flower leaves with mosaic (F-99, F-144 and F-145). The protective effect of the mild strains was evaluated in passion flower under greenhouse and field conditions. Plants preimmunized with mild strains F-101, F-102 and F-144, under greenhouse conditions, showed partial protection after challenge inoculation with the severe strain PWV-SP. Total absence of protection was observed in passion flower preimmunized with all six mild strains and challenged with PWV-SP in the first field experiment. Due to these results, two hypotheses were raised to explain the intensification of symptoms in passion flower preimmunized with mild strains and challenged with the severe strain of the virus: a) the occurrence of low concentration and/or irregular distribution of the mild strains in the tissues of the preimmunized plants allow the infection and establishment of the later inoculated severe strain and b) the selected mild strains belong to a different species of Potyvirus, serologically related to PWV, but that do not offer protection against the severe strain of PWV. The first hypothesis was studied in a field experiment with passion flower preimmunized with mild strains F-101 and F-144, separately, and cultivated under screenhouse. Before the challenge inoculation, leaf samples were taken from five leaves of all protected plants and the concentration of the mild strains was estimated by indirect DAS-ELISA. A group of plants was challenged in three expanded leaves of the vine and another group was challenged with viruliferous aphids placed on the tip of the vine. All preimmunized plants showed severe symptoms of the disease, four months after the challenge inoculation. A great variation was observed in the concentration of the mild strains in the tissues of different leaves of the same plant. The ELISA test was not able to detect the mild strains in extracts of 205 out of 300 leaf disks. The second hypothesis was tested with crotalaria plants (Crotalaria juncea L.) preimmunized with mild strains F-101 and F-144 and analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the coat protein gene of the F-101, F-103 and PWV-SP strains. All preimmunized crotalaria plants were protected against the infection and/or manifestation of the symptoms caused by the severe strain PWV-SP. Quantitative studies of the mild strains in crotalaria revealed a larger uniformity in the concentration of the virus in the leaves. The analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the coat protein gene pointed out identity of 99.7% among the mild strains. The severe strain shared 97.5 % identity with both mild strains, showing that they are all strains of the same virus. These results showed that preimmunization does not seem to be an appropriate alternative for the control of the passion fruit woodiness disease in passion flower due to the breakdown in protection. Failure in protection seems to be related to the low concentration and/or irregular distribution of the mild strains in the leaves of the passion flower, which allow the occurrence of infection sites available for superinfection with the severe strain.
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A poesia e a política de Newton Moreno: estudo de caso de Agreste e A Cicatriz é a Flor / The Newton Moreno´s poetry and pplitics: A case study of Agreste and The Scar is the FlowerLissa Augusta Duarte Santi 06 November 2018 (has links)
Este projeto se propõe a analisar as obras A Cicatriz é a Flor e Agreste, ambas do dramaturgo brasileiro Newton Moreno, com o propósito de melhor compreender os limites do drama relacionado à forma épica e lírica no teatro, tendo como foco principal o envolvimento deste último com o gênero lírico. Paralelamente a isso, pretende-se analisar o estofo político dessas obras, identificando os assuntos sociais de que tratam por meio do lirismo e do olhar subjetivo do autor, que empresta o olhar de mulheres homossexuais em embate com nosso contexto social homofóbico e machista. As citadas análises, em paralelo, visam a pesquisa dos possíveis embricamentos que podem ocorrer entre o teatro lírico e o teatro político. / This project proposes to analyze the written works The Scar is the Flower and Agreste, both of the Brazilian playwright Newton Moreno, with the purpose of better understanding the limits of the drama related to the epic and lyrical form in the theater, having as main focus the theater itself with the lyrical genre. Parallel to this, we intend to analyze the political reasoning of these plays, identifying the social issues they deal with through lyricism and the subjective view of the author, which lends the look of homosexual women in conflict with our homophobic and male chauvinist social context. The aforementioned analyzes, in parallel, seek to investigate the possible nexus that may occur between lyrical theater and political theater.
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Práticas integrativas e complementares: análise de corpora e glossário bilíngue português/inglês para tradutores / Complementary and Integrative Practices: corpora analysis and bilingual glossary Portuguese/English for translatorsLuana Mara Almeida Teixeira 08 December 2017 (has links)
A busca por saúde e bem-estar é intrínseca ao ser humano. Além da medicina convencional ou alopática, existem numerosas modalidades terapêuticas consideradas parte da Medicina Complementar e Alternativa (MCA). No Brasil, essas terapias foram chamadas Práticas Integrativas e Complementares (PIC), definidas pela Portaria nº 971, de 3 de maio de 2006 do Ministério da Saúde. Embora sejam amplamente utilizadas com apoio da Organização Mundial da Saúde, faltam materiais de suporte aos tradutores sobre esse tema. Dessa forma, procuramos desenvolver um glossário bilíngue português brasileiro/inglês britânico dessa área de especialidade, por meio da compilação de corpora comparáveis nos dois idiomas, escolhendo textos representativos sobre essa temática. Para a realização desse trabalho, utilizamos como referenciais teóricos a Linguística de Corpus e a Terminologia Bilíngue. Como ferramenta computacional usamos o WordSmith Tools. Após a compilação dos corpora, utilizando artigos acadêmicos, livros, textos de sites institucionais e legislação, examinamos a linguagem utilizada na área de PIC e extraímos os termos pertinentes à pesquisa por meio de uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa. Verificamos a ocorrência de termos simples, compostos, complexos e siglas. Em seguida, buscamos os equivalentes em língua inglesa para os termos selecionados. Nem todos os equivalentes foram encontrados no corpus em inglês, portanto, realizamos nova busca usando a web como corpus. Explicitamos a macroestrutura e a microestrutura propostas e apresentamos a primeira versão do glossário, com exemplos de contextos de uso autêntico em ambos os idiomas. Propusemo-nos também a buscar os equivalentes em inglês para uma terapia desenvolvida no Brasil cuja terminologia ainda não tivesse sido vertida para o inglês. Foi escolhida a terapia floral baseada na alquimia, da qual elaboramos um corpus, extraímos os termos mais representativos e buscamos os equivalentes em inglês por meio de pesquisas pontuais. Elaboramos um glossário ilustrado de plantas utilizadas na produção das essências florais utilizadas nessa terapia. Esperamos contribuir com um material de apoio inicial aos tradutores da área de PIC, além de incentivar o desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas sobre essa lingua de especialidade. / The search for health and well-being is intrinsic to the human being. In addition to conventional or allopathic medicine, there are numerous therapeutic modalities considered part of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). In Brazil, these therapies are called Complementary and Integrative Practices (CIP), defined by Ministry of Health Ordinance No. 971 of May 3, 2006. Although widely used with support from the World Health Organization, there is a lack of reference terminological materials for translators on this topic. Thus, we seek to develop a Brazilian Portuguese/British English bilingual glossary of this area of expertise, by compiling comparable corpora in both languages, choosing representative texts on this topic. In order to carry out this work, we used as theoretical references Corpus Linguistics and Bilingual Terminology. As a computational tool we used WordSmith Tools. After the compilation of corpora, using academic articles, books, texts of institutional websites and legislation, we examined the language used in the area of CIP and extracted the related terms to the research through a quantitative and qualitative analysis. We verified the occurrence of simple terms, compound terms, complex terms and acronyms. Next, we searched for English equivalents of the selected terms. Not all of the equivalents were found in the English corpus, so we performed a new search using the web as a corpus. Then, we explained the proposed macrostructure and microstructure and presented the first version of the glossary, with examples of contexts of authentic use in both languages. We also proposed to seek equivalents in English for a therapy developed in Brazil whose terminology had not yet been translated into English. Alchemy based flower essences therapy was chosen, from which we developed a corpus, extracted the most representative terms and searched for equivalents in English through a one-on-one research. We developed an illustrated glossary of plants used in the production of the flower essences used in this therapy. We hope to contribute an initial reference material to translators in the area of CIP, as well as encouraging the development of new research on this specialized language.
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Habitat manipulation to enhance biological control of light brown apple moth (Epiphyas Postvittana)Begum, Mahmuda January 2004 (has links)
Trichogramma carverae Oatman and Pinto is mass-released for biological control of the leafroller pest, light brown apple moth, Epiphyas postvittana (Walker) in Australian vineyards. Parasitoid performance can, however, be constrained by a lack of suitable adult food and no information is available on the effect of nectar on the parasitism and longevity of T. carverae. To address this, the effect of alyssum, Lobularia maritima (L.) flowers on E. postvittana parasitism was studied in a vineyard experiment with and without releases of T. carverae. Egg parasitoid activity was assessed with E. postvittana egg �sentinel cards� and no parasitism was recorded in plots without T. carverae releases. Where T. carverae were released, there was no significant enhancement of parasitism by the presence of L. maritima flowers. Three hypotheses were subsequently tested to account for the lack of an effect: (i) T. carverae does not benefit from L. maritima nectar, (ii) T. carverae was feeding on nectar from other flowering plants (weeds) present in the vineyard, (iii) T. carverae was feeding on sugars from ripe grapes. A growth-cabinet experiment using potted L. maritima plants with and without flowers did not support hypothesis one. No parasitism was recorded after day two for T. carverae caged without flowers whilst parasitism occured until day eight in the presence of flowers. A laboratory experiment with common vineyard weeds (Trifolium repens, Hypochoeris radicata, Echium plantagineum) as well as L. maritima did not support hypothesis one but gave partial support to hypothesis two. Survival of T. carverae was enhanced to a small but statistically significant extent in vials with intact flowers of L. maritima, white clover (T. repens) and catsear (H. radicata) but not in vials with flowering shoots of these species from which flowers and flowering buds had been removed. Paterson�s curse (E. plantagineum) flowers had no effect on T. carverae survival. In a laboratory study, punctured grapes significantly enhanced T. carverae survival compared with a treatment without grapes, supporting hypothesis three. Trichogramma carverae performance in the field experiment was probably also constrained by relatively cool and wet weather. Further work on the enhancement of T. carverae efficacy by L. maritima and other carbohydrate sources is warranted. Greenhouse and field experiments were conducted to investigate whether T. carverae benefit from different groundcover plant species. Ten T. carverae adults (<24h after eclosion) were caged with different groundcover species and a control with no plant materials. Epiphyas postvittana egg sentinel cards were used to measure parasitism and longevity was recorded visually. Survival and realised parasitism of T. carverae was significantly higher in L. maritima than in Brassica juncea, Coriandrum sativum, shoots of these species from which flowers had been removed and nil control treatments. A similar experiment with Fagopyrum esculentum (with- and without-flowers) and a control treatment showed that survival was significantly higher in intact F. esculentum than in without-flower and control treatments. There was no significant treatment effect on parasitism in the early stages of that experiment, though parasitism was recorded in the presence of F. esculentum flowers for 12 days, compared with 6 days in other treatments. Higher parasitism was observed in intact Borago officinalis than in the flowerless shoot, water only and no plant material control treatments in a third experiment. There was no significant treatment effect on parasitism. Fitted exponential curves for survival data differed significantly in curvature in the first, second and third experiments but the slope was a non-significant parameter in the second and third experiments. In a second series of laboratory experiments, one male and one female T. carverae were caged with groundcover species to investigate male and female longevity and daily fecundity. Both male and female longevity in F. esculentum and L. maritima treatments were significantly higher than on shoots of these species from which flowers had been removed, and than in the control treatments. Daily fecundity was significantly greater in the intact L. maritima treatment than in all other treatments. Fitted exponential curves for daily fecundity differed significantly in position and slope but not in curvature. There was no significant treatment effect on longevity or parasitism when a male and female were caged with intact B. juncea, B. officinalis or without-flower of these species, nor in the treatment with no plant materials. No parasitism was observed in a survey of naturally occurring egg parasitoids on two sites close to Orange and Canowindra in New South Wales, illustrating the importance of mass releases of T. carverae in biological control of E. postvittana. In an experiment on the Canowindra site, parasitism was significantly higher on day one and day two after T. carverae release when with-flower treatments were compared with without-flower treatments. Parasitism was significantly higher in the F. esculentum treatment than in C. sativum, L. maritima, vegetation without-flowers and control treatments on these dates. On day five, parasitism was higher in C. sativum than in all other treatments. There was no significant increase in parasitism in a second experiment conducted on the Orange site. Coriandrum sativum, F. esculentum and L. maritima appear to be suitable adult food sources for T. carverae and offer some scope for habitat manipulation in vineyards The adults of many parasitoid species require nectar for optimal fitness but very little is known about flower recognition. Flight cage experiments showed that the adults of T. carverae benefited from L. maritima bearing white flowers to a greater extent than was the case for light pink, dark pink or purple flowered cultivars, despite all cultivars producing nectar. Survival and realised parasitism on non-white flowers were no greater than when the parasitoids were caged on L. maritima shoots from which flowers had been removed. The possibility that differences between L. maritima cultivars were due to factors other than flower colour, such as nectar quality, was excluded by dyeing white L. maritima flowers by placing the roots of the plants in 5% food dye (blue or pink) solution. Survival of T. carverae was lower on dyed L. maritima flowers than on undyed white flowers. Mixing the same dyes with honey in a third experiment conducted in the dark showed that the low level of feeding on dyed flowers was unlikely to be the result of olfactory or gustatory cues. Flower colour appears, therefore, to be a critical factor in the choice of plants used to enhance biological control, and is likely to also be a factor in the role parasitoids play in structuring invertebrate communities. Provision of nectar producing plants to increase the effectiveness of biological control is one aspect of habitat manipulation, but care needs to be taken to avoid the use of plant species that may benefit pest species. Greenhouse experiments were conducted to investigate whether the adult E. postvittana and larvae benefit from nectar producing groundcover species. Newly emerged E. postvittana adults were caged with different groundcover species and a honey-based artificial adult diet. The longevity of male and female E. postvittana when caged with shoots of borage (B. officinalis) and buckwheat (F. esculentum) bearing flowers was as long as when fed a honey-based artificial diet. This effect was not evident when caged with shoots of these plants from which flowers had been removed. Longevity was significantly lower than in the artificial diet treatment when caged with coriander (C. sativum) or alyssum (L. maritima) irrespective of whether flowers were present or not. There was no significant treatment effect on the lifetime fecundity of E. postvittana. A second experiment with mustard (B. juncea) (with- and without-flowers), water only and honey-based artificial adult diet showed no significant treatment effects on the longevity of male and female E. postvittana or on the lifetime fecundity of E. postvittana. The anomalous lack of a difference between the water and honey-based diet treatments precludes making conclusions on the value of B. juncea for E. postvittana. Two greenhouse experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of groundcover species on the larval development of E. postvittana. In the first experiment, larval mortality was significantly higher in C. sativum, and L. maritima than in B. juncea, B. officinalis and white clover (T. repens) a known host of E. postvittana. Coriandrum sativum and L. maritima extended the larval period. In B. juncea and B. officinalis, mortality did not differ from that in T. repens. In F. esculentum, larval mortality was significantly higher than in T. repens. A short larval period was observed on B. juncea, B. officinalis and F. esculentum. Fitted exponential curves for larval mortality differed significantly in curvature between plant treatments. Similarly, successful pupation was significantly lower in C. sativum, F. esculentum and L. maritima than in T. repens. The percentage of successful pupation in B. juncea and B. officinalis did not differ from F. esculentum and T. repens. Fitted exponential curves for pupation differed significantly in curvature. A similar trend was observed in a second experiment with potted plants. The overall results suggest that C. sativum and L. maritima denied benefit to E. postvittana adults and larvae, so could be planted as vineyard groundcover with minimal risk of exacerbating this pest. Overall results suggest that T. carverae require nutrients to reach their full reproductive potential and flowers provide such nutrients. Lobularia maritima and C. sativum may be considered �selective food plants� for T. carverae whereas F. esculentum appears to be a �non-selective food plant�; both T. carverae and E. postvittana benefited from it. Fruits such as grapes can be used as food resources in habitat manipulation and this merits further research. This result also suggests that within species flower colour is an important factor for flower selection in habitat manipulation.
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Pollination processes - maternal and offspring performanceHolmén Bränn, Kristina January 2007 (has links)
<p>Pollination is one of the most important factors determining the reproductive success of plants. This thesis examines processes associated to varying pollination, with focus on plant responses. The first aim was to examine the possibility and constraints for short-term evolution of flower size in <i>Raphanus raphanistrum</i>. The results showed that there exists a possibility for pollinator-mediated short-term evolution of flower size in the study species. Flower size was strongly correlated to plant size. Since flower size cannot evolve separately from plant size, this correlation may constitute a constraint to the evolution of flower size. The second aim was to determine how varying pollen load affects later flowering, reproduction and growth of maternal plants. High pollen load treatment resulted in larger or more flowers on late flowers, which may enhance pollen dispersal and reproductive success, while the total seed mass was the same between treatments. The results indicate that the study species <i>R. raphanistrum</i>, <i>Sinapis arvensis</i> and <i>Brassica napus</i> have plastic responses in floral traits according to the present pollination level. The third aim was to determine how varying pollen load affects seed quality and offspring vigor. The results suggest that high pollen load had no positive effects on seed quality or offspring vigor due to pollen competition. Instead, seed mass determined seed quality and offspring vigor in the three study species and low pollen load treatment resulted in highquality offspring due to heavier seeds. The fourth aim was to examine causes and consequences of variation in reproductive success of <i>Succisa pratensis</i> on a regional scale. The results suggest that the most important variables, on a regional scale, for reproductive success were population size and habitat quality. The results showed that seed weight variation might be important when assessing reproductive success. In this study, seed weight variation did not seem to be adaptive.</p>
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Pollination processes - maternal and offspring performanceHolmén Bränn, Kristina January 2007 (has links)
Pollination is one of the most important factors determining the reproductive success of plants. This thesis examines processes associated to varying pollination, with focus on plant responses. The first aim was to examine the possibility and constraints for short-term evolution of flower size in Raphanus raphanistrum. The results showed that there exists a possibility for pollinator-mediated short-term evolution of flower size in the study species. Flower size was strongly correlated to plant size. Since flower size cannot evolve separately from plant size, this correlation may constitute a constraint to the evolution of flower size. The second aim was to determine how varying pollen load affects later flowering, reproduction and growth of maternal plants. High pollen load treatment resulted in larger or more flowers on late flowers, which may enhance pollen dispersal and reproductive success, while the total seed mass was the same between treatments. The results indicate that the study species R. raphanistrum, Sinapis arvensis and Brassica napus have plastic responses in floral traits according to the present pollination level. The third aim was to determine how varying pollen load affects seed quality and offspring vigor. The results suggest that high pollen load had no positive effects on seed quality or offspring vigor due to pollen competition. Instead, seed mass determined seed quality and offspring vigor in the three study species and low pollen load treatment resulted in highquality offspring due to heavier seeds. The fourth aim was to examine causes and consequences of variation in reproductive success of Succisa pratensis on a regional scale. The results suggest that the most important variables, on a regional scale, for reproductive success were population size and habitat quality. The results showed that seed weight variation might be important when assessing reproductive success. In this study, seed weight variation did not seem to be adaptive.
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Population Differentiation in Solidago virgaurea along Altitudinal GradientsBergsten, Anna January 2009 (has links)
Altitudinal gradients offer attractive opportunities for studies of population differentiation in response to environmental heterogeneity. In this thesis, I examined population differentiation along altitudinal gradients by combining common-garden experiments with field studies and experiments in alpine, subalpine and boreal populations of the perennial herb Solidago virgaurea. More specifically, I determined whether leaf physiology in terms of nitrogen concentration and resorption, flowering phenology, flower production and reproductive effort vary along altitudinal gradients. Nitrogen concentration in green leaves were higher in alpine than in subalpine and boreal populations. These differences persisted when plants were grown from seeds in a common-garden experiment at two sites, suggesting that the differences have a genetic component. There was mixed support for a trade-off between maximized carbon gain through the maintenance of high nitrogen concentration, and minimized nitrogen loss through high resorption. In their natural habitats alpine populations began flowering later than subalpine populations, but this difference was reversed when plants were grown in a common environment. This suggests that genetic differences among populations counteract environmental effects and reduce phenotypic variation in flowering time among populations. Flowering time thus shows countergradient genetic variation in S. virgaurea. In a common-garden experiment, boreal populations produced more flowers and had a higher reproductive effort than subalpine and alpine populations indicating habitat-specific genetic differences in reproductive allocation. In a field study, which included three populations, seed set was close to zero in the alpine population, intermediate in the subalpine population, and high in the boreal population. Experimental flower removal showed that seed production was associated with a considerable cost in terms of reduced flowering propensity the following year, but did not support the hypothesis that a large floral display is important for pollination success.
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Language as a Leading Light to Business Cultural Insight : A Study on Expatriates' Intercultural Communication in Central and Eastern EuropeLjungbo, Kjell January 2010 (has links)
Language competence is decisively important in international business and could increase efficacy, efficiency, sales and profits. Language is an underresearched area in business studies though language constitutes management and the managers building structures, processes, cultures and personalities being the most vital working tool to get things done and make them understandable. Since 1970 Swedish companies lose market shares globally and in Europe. In an era requiring better foreign language skills there is a declining trend among young Swedish business people and students in other languages than English. The aim of this study is to investigate and analyse the role of language in intercultural business communication between Swedish expatriates and locals in Serbia, The Czech Republic, Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria and indirectly also Russia and Poland. To understand the business culture in these countries the author has learned the local language in these seven countries taking 3687 private language lessons. This improves the researcher’s understanding of the culture and its people giving directness and depth in communication, independence and receptivity. This ethnographically inspired hermeneutic study holds semi-structured interviews with expatriates. Better language skills among expatriates – particularly in the local language - could make them more self-dependent and win contracts and it strengthens closeness to customers, relationship and trust, strategic view and ability and also operational effectiveness and efficiency enabling their companies to gain market shares. Using Weber’s ideal types the cultural significance structures emerge featuring the cultures in these countries showing that expatriates have to strengthen the ability of the locals in the areas of trust, responsibility and initiative, independent thinking, holistic view, win-win thinking and reduce fear while the expatriates’ own abilities in these areas are strengthened if they speak the local language. Language strategies permitting the expatriate to be more communicatively and linguistically self-dependent are having a common company language, using multilingualism or having the expatriate speak or learn to speak the local language where the advantages, disadvantages and characteristics of these and other aspects of the role of language are given in ideal types.
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The Looking Back and the Secend Start of Heroines at the end of century ¢w¢wfrom "Huang Hsiu Chiu" to "Female Prison Flower"Tsai, Pei-yu 10 September 2012 (has links)
After the Opium War, China has entered a rapid transformation. At the later period of Qing Dynasty, fictions were put to excellent, it was emphasized the actual function of the social. It reflected social conditions and enlighten the people through advocacy fictions. Intellectuals deeply appreciate female issues tightly linked with the fate of the country, and carried out the large-scale feminist movement of the later period of Qing Dynasty. Through against foot-binding, build female schools , promote freedom of marriage, established the independent personality of female, and the liberated women totally.
Fictions were written female lives and reflected women' issues at this time. "Huang Hsiu Chiu" reflected female lives and situations very well in many feminist fictions, it was centered foot-binding, female education, women' issues. Miao-Ru Wang had created a a group of new revolutionary female who be strong, be no fear of might by female writing in "Female Prison Flower". These females found themselves in the corresponding relationships of saving the nation, women's rights, and woman's education.
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Bee pollination of strawberries on different spatial scales – from crop varieties and fields to landscapesKlatt, Björn Kristian 14 March 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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