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A comparative investigation of nuclear DNA content and its phenotypic impacts in Silene marizii and S. latifoliaLooseley, Mark E. January 2008 (has links)
Considerable variation exists both within and between species in nuclear DNA content. Despite there being no obvious functional role for much of this DNA, many studies have reported phenotypic correlations with genome size at various taxonomic levels. This suggests that DNA plays a functional role beyond the traditionally understood mechanisms. One such example of a phenotypic correlation with DNA content is present in the genus Silene, where a negative correlation between DNA content and flower size exists within and between species. This relationship is consistent with the direction of sexual dimorphism in DNA content (caused by heteromorphic sex-chromosomes) and flower size in the most studied species in the genus: S. latifolia. This thesis takes a comparative approach between two closely related species in the genus (S. latifolia and S. marizii), which differ markedly in their nuclear DNA content, in order to investigate the nature and phenotypic impacts of variation in DNA content. A phenotypic survey from a number of S. marizii populations reveals that the pattern of DNA content variation in this species is very different to that in S. latifolia. In particular, phenotypic correlations with DNA content appear be much weaker, whilst sexual dimorphism in DNA content, when present, appears to occur in either direction. A survey of interspecific hybrids suggests that this may be due to an enlarged S. marizii X-chromosome and that DNA content in hybrids may be biased with regard to their parents. Repetitive elements may be significant constituents of plant genomes. A study of Ty1-copia class retrotransposons in the two species reveals that they are present as a large and highly heterogeneous population. Phylogenetic analysis of these elements suggests a substantial degree of genetic isolation between the two species. Finally, an assessment of the flow-cytometric method, used to estimate DNA content, reveals substantial error associated with the method, but only limited evidence for stoichiometric effects.
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Effects of flower abundance and colour on pan-trap catchesBerglund, Hilda-Linn January 2016 (has links)
Pollinating insects are important for many plants and for the human population. To be able to monitor pollinators and assess improvements made for them, it is important to get information about pollinator population changes. Therefore, it is essential that the methods used to collect data are accurate (i.e. that they represent the pollinator fauna). One commonly used method is pan-traps, but this method is suggested to be affected by the abundance of surrounding flowers. The results in the present study showed that catches in pan-traps can be affected by flower cover and the colour of the flowers, depending on which colours are preferred by the insects. The effects differed when looking at a larger scale (2-6 ha) and a smaller scale (25 m2) around the pan-traps. When comparing cover of flowers with catches in pan-traps in the small scale there were some results that showed linear positive correlations (expected), but also, negative linear and quadratic correlations. In contrast, in the large scale there were no significant positive linear correlations. When comparing catches in hand-net and pan-traps, only in one out of six taxonomical groups there were a correlation. The results in this study show that catches in pan-traps can be misleading if catches are done to survey pollinator population fauna and the cover of flowers is not considered.
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Motiv chrysantémy v songských písních ci / The motif of chrysanthemum in Song ciZábranská, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The thesis traces emergence of chrysanthemum, a favourite symbol in Chinese poetry, and discusses its various uses within the context of the Song ci poets. The chapters of the thesis focus on precising connotations and their transformations related to the chrysanthemum as one of the most frequently appearing flower motifs in Chinese literature and specification of the literary-historical description of the Song ci and yongwu evolution process. The thesis also aims to present connotations reflecting the evolution of Song lyrics from non-serious tunes to the official poetry, shift in using the motif in shi and ci poems and the presence of Tao Yuanming's and Qu Yuan's chrysanthemum motif in Song ci. It describes the extent in which the genre of Song ci modifies the meaning of motif; how much of the traditional meaning referring to Qu Yuan and Tao Yuanming is preserved and how does the ci genre influence traditional meaning and the general cultural cognizance attached to the motif. Attention is also paid to the process in which the meaning empties itself and becomes an ornamental motif indicating occasion and season of the year and evoking certain mood. Key words: chrysanthemum, Tao Yuanming 陶淵明, Song dynasty, ci 詞 poem, yongwu 詠物, flower motif
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Práticas integrativas e complementares: análise de corpora e glossário bilíngue português/inglês para tradutores / Complementary and Integrative Practices: corpora analysis and bilingual glossary Portuguese/English for translatorsTeixeira, Luana Mara Almeida 08 December 2017 (has links)
A busca por saúde e bem-estar é intrínseca ao ser humano. Além da medicina convencional ou alopática, existem numerosas modalidades terapêuticas consideradas parte da Medicina Complementar e Alternativa (MCA). No Brasil, essas terapias foram chamadas Práticas Integrativas e Complementares (PIC), definidas pela Portaria nº 971, de 3 de maio de 2006 do Ministério da Saúde. Embora sejam amplamente utilizadas com apoio da Organização Mundial da Saúde, faltam materiais de suporte aos tradutores sobre esse tema. Dessa forma, procuramos desenvolver um glossário bilíngue português brasileiro/inglês britânico dessa área de especialidade, por meio da compilação de corpora comparáveis nos dois idiomas, escolhendo textos representativos sobre essa temática. Para a realização desse trabalho, utilizamos como referenciais teóricos a Linguística de Corpus e a Terminologia Bilíngue. Como ferramenta computacional usamos o WordSmith Tools. Após a compilação dos corpora, utilizando artigos acadêmicos, livros, textos de sites institucionais e legislação, examinamos a linguagem utilizada na área de PIC e extraímos os termos pertinentes à pesquisa por meio de uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa. Verificamos a ocorrência de termos simples, compostos, complexos e siglas. Em seguida, buscamos os equivalentes em língua inglesa para os termos selecionados. Nem todos os equivalentes foram encontrados no corpus em inglês, portanto, realizamos nova busca usando a web como corpus. Explicitamos a macroestrutura e a microestrutura propostas e apresentamos a primeira versão do glossário, com exemplos de contextos de uso autêntico em ambos os idiomas. Propusemo-nos também a buscar os equivalentes em inglês para uma terapia desenvolvida no Brasil cuja terminologia ainda não tivesse sido vertida para o inglês. Foi escolhida a terapia floral baseada na alquimia, da qual elaboramos um corpus, extraímos os termos mais representativos e buscamos os equivalentes em inglês por meio de pesquisas pontuais. Elaboramos um glossário ilustrado de plantas utilizadas na produção das essências florais utilizadas nessa terapia. Esperamos contribuir com um material de apoio inicial aos tradutores da área de PIC, além de incentivar o desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas sobre essa lingua de especialidade. / The search for health and well-being is intrinsic to the human being. In addition to conventional or allopathic medicine, there are numerous therapeutic modalities considered part of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). In Brazil, these therapies are called Complementary and Integrative Practices (CIP), defined by Ministry of Health Ordinance No. 971 of May 3, 2006. Although widely used with support from the World Health Organization, there is a lack of reference terminological materials for translators on this topic. Thus, we seek to develop a Brazilian Portuguese/British English bilingual glossary of this area of expertise, by compiling comparable corpora in both languages, choosing representative texts on this topic. In order to carry out this work, we used as theoretical references Corpus Linguistics and Bilingual Terminology. As a computational tool we used WordSmith Tools. After the compilation of corpora, using academic articles, books, texts of institutional websites and legislation, we examined the language used in the area of CIP and extracted the related terms to the research through a quantitative and qualitative analysis. We verified the occurrence of simple terms, compound terms, complex terms and acronyms. Next, we searched for English equivalents of the selected terms. Not all of the equivalents were found in the English corpus, so we performed a new search using the web as a corpus. Then, we explained the proposed macrostructure and microstructure and presented the first version of the glossary, with examples of contexts of authentic use in both languages. We also proposed to seek equivalents in English for a therapy developed in Brazil whose terminology had not yet been translated into English. Alchemy based flower essences therapy was chosen, from which we developed a corpus, extracted the most representative terms and searched for equivalents in English through a one-on-one research. We developed an illustrated glossary of plants used in the production of the flower essences used in this therapy. We hope to contribute an initial reference material to translators in the area of CIP, as well as encouraging the development of new research on this specialized language.
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Podridão floral dos citros: histopatologia de Colletotrichum acutatum / Postbloom fruit drop: histopatology of Colletotrichum acutatumMarques, João Paulo Rodrigues 09 August 2012 (has links)
A podridão floral dos citros (PFC) é uma doença causada pelo fungo Colletotrichum acutatum responsável por causar grandes danos à produção de citros no Brasil. A doença surge apenas em botões florais com 8mm de comprimento ou maiores, levando a formação de lesões alaranjadas nas pétalas, lesões necróticas no estigma, promove a queda prematura dos frutos e a retenção do cálice e pedúnculo, sendo este último sintoma denominado estrelinha. Este trabalho tem por objetivo: observar o modo de penetração do fungo no hospedeiro Citrus sinensis Valência e os estágios posteriores da colonização, verificar se há fatores estruturais e químicos pré-formados que expliquem o porquê do fungo não conseguir infectar botões florais com menos de 8mm, caracterizar anatomicamente o sintoma estrelinha e estigmas lesionados, investigar ultraestruturalmente pétalas inoculadas, analisar se há o estabelecimento de uma infecção quiescente nos tecidos foliares, analisar grãos de pólen após a inoculação in vivo e in vitro com o fungo. Botões florais sadios, pétalas e estigmas com e sem lesões, foram submetidos às técnicas convencionais de microscopia de luz e eletrônica. Folhas e grãos de pólen foram inoculados e analisados. Foi desenvolvida uma nova técnica de coloração para tecidos vegetais infectados por fungos. A resistência dos botões florais menores que 8mm pode estar associada às barreiras químicas e estruturais pré-formadas. O ápice, nesses botões, apresenta papilas entremeadas, cristais de oxalato de cálcio no mesofilo e câmara subestomática e cavidades de óleo localizadas muito próximas umas das outras. Botões com 8mm e 12mm possuem, no ápice, papilas com arranjo frouxo, ausência de cristais e maior distanciamento entre as cavidades de óleo. No ápice da pétala, verificou-se que as células papilosas são osmóforos. No sintoma estrelinha, nota-se sob a região de abscisão do ovário a instalação de um meristema de cicatrização. A lignificação das paredes das células da medula do receptáculo e do pedúnculo floral está associada à retenção destas estruturas na planta. Nas pétalas infectadas, o C. acutatum pode penetrar intra, intercelularmente e via estômato. O fungo pode crescer de modo subcuticular e intramural e coloniza todos os tecidos da pétala. A nova técnica de coloração se mostrou muito útil nas análises histopatológicas. O fungo associa-se aos tecidos vasculares. Acérvulos ocorrem em ambas as faces das pétalas. A cutícula nos estágios mais avançados da lesão apresenta-se alterada, ou seja, ocorre a perda da ornamentação estriada e maior deposição de material lipofílico. A síntese de materiais lipofílicos envolve o retículo endoplasmático liso e rugoso e plastídios. Vesículas provenientes de dictiossomos e de corpos multivesiculares são observadas ao longo da parede celular e estão associadas ao depósito de material lipofílico na cutícula. No estigma lesionado há a formação de uma camada de proteção. O fungo apresenta quimiotropismo e cresce em direção aos grãos de pólen infectando-os 24 horas após a inoculação. Sugere-se que C. acutatum pode utilizar grãos de pólen para a sua dispersão. Após 48 horas da inoculação as folhas apresentam conídios germinados com apressórios. / The postbloom fruit drop (PFD) is a disease caused by Colletotrichum acutatum responsible for causing great damage to citrus crops in Brazil. The disease appears only in flower buds 8 mm in length or greater, leading to orange lesions in petals, necrotic lesions on the stigma, promoting the young fruit drop and the retention of the calyx and peduncle, which is called buttons. In this context, this study aimed to: observe the fungus penetration mode into the host Citrus sinensis \'Valência\' and the later stages of colonization; study the presence of preformed structural and chemical factors to explain why the fungus cannot infect floral buds with less than 8 mm in length; characterize anatomically the symptom \"buttons\" and injured stigmas; investigate the ultrastructural changes in tissues of inoculated petals; analyze whether there is the establishment of a quiescent infection in leaf tissues, analyze pollen grains after inoculation in vivo and in vitro with the fungus. Healthy buds, petals and stigmas with and without lesions, were processed and analyzed using conventional light and electron microscopy techniques. Leaves and pollen grains were also inoculated and analyzed with light microscopy. It was developed a new staining method for fungal-infected plant tissues. The resistance of flower buds smaller than 8mm may be associated with preformed structural and chemical barriers. These buttons display the apex with interspersed papillae, with crystals in mesophyll and substomatic chamber and oil cavities, which are located very close to each other on the abaxial surface. In 8mm and 12mm flower buds, the papilas in the apex become weakly interspaced, the crystals are not observed and there is the increase of the distance between the oil cavities. The papillose cells are osmophores. In the symptom \"button\", it is noted in the abscission of the ovary, an installation of wound meristem. There is also the lignification in the pith of receptacle and pedicel that can be associated with the retention of these structures in the plant. In infected petals, it was found that C. acutatum can penetrate intra and intercelullar or via stomata. The fungus may grow subcuticular and intramural and colonize all tissues of petal. The new staining technique developed has proved very useful for histopathological analysis. The fungus is closely associated with vascular tissues. The acervulli occur on both surfaces of petals. The cuticle in the later stages of the lesion is altered, i.e., there is loss of striated ornamentation and increased deposition of lipophilic material. The synthesis of lipophilic materials involves rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum and plastids. Vesicles from dictyosomes and multivesicular bodies were observed throughout the cell wall and are associated with the deposit of lipophilic material in the cuticle. There is the formation of protective layer over the stigma damaged area. The fungus shows chemotropism and grows toward the pollen infecting it 24 hours after inoculation. It is suggested that C. acutatum can use pollen grains for dispersal. After 48 hours of inoculation, the leaves have germinated conidia with appressoria.
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Modelo insumo-produto como instrumento de avaliação econômica da cadeia de suprimentos: o caso da exportação de flores de corte. / Input-output model for economic evaluation of the supply chain: the case of cut flowers exportation.Anefalos, Lilian Cristina 21 September 2004 (has links)
O principal objetivo desta tese foi avaliar o desempenho das atividades do setor de flores de corte, com relação à integração da cadeia e à competitividade no mercado externo, assim como aprimorar o entendimento das contribuições e entraves da logística para a floricultura. Para tal foi desenvolvido um modelo insumo-produto que se revelou como ferramenta importante para avaliar os impactos de alterações nos processos que fazem parte dessa cadeia de exportação. Foi realizada coleta de dados junto a agentes representativos da cadeia de flores, localizados na região de Holambra e na Grande São Paulo, relacionados a cada uma das fases associadas aos processos de exportação de gérbera e lírio, ou seja, desde a produção (A), passando pela distribuição interna via modal rodoviário (B), distribuição externa via modal aéreo (C) e distribuição externa via modal rodoviário (D). Para caracterizar situações de déficit e superávit logísticos e avaliar os impactos de falhas em cada um dos processos da cadeia de flores de corte, foram construídos cinco cenários. Na sua composição foram identificados parâmetros técnicos, principalmente relacionados à logística, que pudessem interferir na exportação de flores de corte. Os valores de três deles - número de hastes por caixa, taxa de câmbio e frete aéreo - foram alterados e combinados, constituindo 36 simulações para auxiliar na análise desses cenários. Os resultados obtidos sinalizaram para a necessidade de ajustes logísticos diferenciados em cada um dos processos, variando em função do tipo de relacionamento estabelecido entre os agentes envolvidos nas diferentes etapas. O desempenho da cadeia como um todo pode ser afetado pela falta de conhecimento sobre as características do produto exportado, que gera distorções nas informações repassadas para os agentes da cadeia. Verificou-se que as falhas ocorridas em cada etapa podem aumentar significativamente os custos e inibir as exportações em situações mais desfavoráveis do câmbio. Por outro lado, o aumento no número de hastes comercializadas por caixa representou uma alternativa para amenizar o incremento de custos ao longo da cadeia. Apesar da produção caracterizar-se como elo importante entre todas as etapas, se não forem verificadas condições mínimas para armazenamento e transporte adequados, poderão ocorrer perdas significativas no volume comercializado, com redução da competitividade desse produto no exterior e não continuidade de sua exportação no longo prazo. Assim sendo, confirmou-se que a integração da cadeia é essencial para a otimização dos processos de exportação de flores, incluindo a maximização dos resultados econômicos e financeiros relacionados a esse segmento de negócios. / The main objectives of this thesis were to evaluate the performance of the cut flower sector, concerning supply chain integration and external market competitiveness, and to heighten the understanding of the contributions and obstacles of logistics to floriculture. An input-output model developed proved to be an important tool to evaluate the impact of changes in the processes involved in that exportation chain. Data were colleted from representative players of the flower chain, in the Holambra and Greater Sao Paulo regions, referring to every one of the stages associated to the gerbera and lily exportation processes, i.e., from production (A), to internal distribution by highway modal (B), to external distribution by airway modal (C) and to external distribution by highway modal (D). Five scenarios were built to analyze deficit and surplus situations and to evaluate the impact of failures occurring in each process of the cut flower chain. Technical parameters were identified in the scenarios composition, mainly related to logistics, that could interfere in the cut flower exportation. The values of three of them - number of stems by box, exchange rate and air freight - were modified and combined to create 36 simulations to support the analysis of those scenarios. The results point to the need for differentiated logistic adjusts in each process, according to the type of relationship established among the players involved in the stages. The development of the chain as a whole may be affected by lack of knowledge on the characteristics of the exported product, which causes distortions in the information forwarded to the players. It was verified that the failures occurring in each phase could increase costs and inhibit exportations in the event of unfavorable exchange rate movements. On the other hand, an increased stem number commercialized by box represented an alternative to assuage cost increases through the chain. Although production is characterized as an important link throughout all stages, unless the minimum conditions for adequate storage and transport are fulfilled, there will be significant losses in the commercialized volume, thus reducing this product competitiveness abroad and discontinuing its exportation in the long run. Therefore, it was corroborated that the integration of the chain is essential to the optimization of flower exportation, including the maximization of the economic and financial results related to this business segment.
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Transformação genética de laranjeira doce com genes da via biossintética de carotenoides / Functional analysis of genes of the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway in sweet orangePinheiro, Thaísa Tessutti 03 June 2014 (has links)
Plantas de Citrus regeneradas de tecidos juvenis demandam um longo período para a análise do fenótipo resultante em flores ou frutos. Este trabalho apresenta o mutante espontâneo de florescimento precoce de laranja doce, denominado \'x11\', como modelo para estudos de genômica funcional de Citrus. As frutas cítricas são ricas em carotenoides, pigmentos que possuem grande valor nutricional, como pró-vitamina A (?- ou ?-caroteno). Estudos de genômica funcional envolvendo genes da via biossintética dos carotenoides terão resultados rapidamente obtidos utilizando-se variedades com florescimento e frutificação precoce, como a laranjeira doce mutante \'x11\'. A laranjeira doce \'Sanguínea-de-Mombuca\' (SM) é uma variedade de polpa vermelha que acumula licopeno na polpa dos frutos, podendo ser considerada uma importante ferramenta no estudo da acumulação de carotenoides nos frutos de laranjeiras. Desta maneira, o objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer a laranjeira \'x11\' como planta-modelo em experimentos de transformação genética visando estudos de genômica funcional dos genes PSY (fitoeno sintase), PDS (fitoeno desaturase), CRTISO (carotenoide isomerase), LCY-b (licpeno ?-ciclase) e ?-caroteno hidroxilase (HYb), envolvidos na biossíntese de carotenoides e utilizar a laranjeira SM como ferramenta no entendimento da acumulação dos carotenoides nos frutos de Citrus. Plantas de laranjeira \'x11\' foram transformadas com promotor de expressão preferencial para órgãos reprodutivos de Citrus controlando a expressão de gene repórter (gusA) para a análise da tecido especificidade. Foi realizada a otimização do protocolo de transformação genética de segmentos de epicótilo de laranjeira \'x11\' via Agrobacterium. A eficiência de transformação média foi de 18,6%, mas atingiu 29,6% no protocolo otimizado. Das 270 brotações positivas, cinco foram microenxertadas e aclimatizadas. Quatro dessas plantas exibiram as primeiras flores em três meses após o estabelecimento ex vitro, e a outra, dois meses mais tarde, independentemente da época do ano. A coloração histoquímica da atividade do gene gusA foi realizada em segmentos de caule, flores e frutos de plantas transgênicas aclimatizadas, com 5-7 meses de idade, confirmando a expressão constitutiva do gene gusA nesses órgãos. As plantas transformadas com a construção para o teste do promotor de expressão preferencial para órgãos reprodutivos de Citrus continuam em fase de desenvolvimento. Em seguida foi realizada a transformação genética de laranjeira \'x11\' para a superexpressão dos genes PDS e LCY-b1 e para a superexpressão do gene LCY-b1 e HYb em laranjeira SM. Também foi realizada a transformação genética de \'x11\' para o silenciamento do gene CRTISO e HYb e também para o silenciamento do gene CRTISO, em SM. A quantificação da expressão do gene-alvo em tecido foliar foi correlacionada ao número de cópias do cisgene inseridos em cada planta, revelando que o nível de expressão gênica não foi diretamente ligado ao número de cópias inseridas no genoma. Uma planta de laranjeira \'x11\' superexpressando o gene LCY-b1 frutificou e foi realizada a análise do perfil de carotenoides totais em relação ao fruto de uma planta não transformada. Neste evento houve aumento no teor de carotenoides totais e xantofilas, indicando o potencial da manipulação dos genes codificadores de enzimas da via biossíntese de carotenoides para alterações quantitativas e qualitativas destes pigmentos / Considering the perennial developmental phase of Citrus, plants regenerated from juvenile tissues require long period for analysis of the resulting phenotype in flowers or fruits. Herein, we present the spontaneous sweet orange mutant named \'x11\', as a model plant for functional genomics studies in Citrus due to the remarkable feature of early-flowering. Citrus fleshy fruits are rich in carotenoids which are pigments that have great nutritional value, such as pro-vitamin A (?- or ?-carotene). Functional genomics studies involving genes related to carotenoids biosynthesis pathway can be rapid generated by using the early flowering mutant, \'x11\' in sweet orange background. The fleshy fruit from the sweet orange \'Sanguínea-de-Mombuca\' (SM) has a red pulp due to accumulation lycopene that may be considered an important tool to investigate the accumulation of carotenoids in sweet orange fruits. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish the orange mutant \'x11\'as model plants for genetic transformation and functional genomics analysis of key regulatory genes PSY (phytoene synthase), PDS (phytoene desaturase), CRTISO (carotenoid isomerase), LCY-b1 (licopene ?-cyclase) and ?-carotene hydroxylase (HYb) involved in the biosynthesis of carotenoids and to use the sweet orange SM as a tool in understanding the accumulation of carotenoids in sweet orange fruits. The mutant plants \'x11\' were transformed with gene reporter (gusA) under control of specific promoter for reproductive organs in Citrus for the tissue specificity analysis. We report a procedure for efficient regeneration and transformation using epicotyl segment explants of \'x11\' and Agrobacterium tumefaciens as a proof-of-concept. The average transformation efficiency was 18.6%, but reached 29.6% in the best protocol tested. Among 270 positive shoots, five were micrografted and acclimatized. Four of these plants exhibited the first flowers within three months after ex vitro establishment, and the other, two months later, regardless the period of the year. Transgenic plants harboring specific promoter for reproductive organs in Citrus are still under development. We transformed \'x11\' for overexpression of PDS or LCY-b1 genes, and to overexpress LCY-b1 or HYb in SM sweet orange. \'x11\' was transformed to silence CRTISO or HYb , and CRTISO gene in SM sweet orange. Then, quantification of target gene expression in leaf tissue was performed by correlating this information with the number of copies of cisgene inserted into each plant. According to the results, it is suggested that the level of gene expression is not directly linked to the number of copies inserted into the genome.One transgenic plant of \'x11\' overexpressing LCY-b1 produced flowers and fruits and the carotenoid profile analysis indicated an increased in content of total carotenoids and, especially, xanthophylls, clearly indicating the potential to manipulate expression of genes encoding enzymes of the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway to obtain qualitatively and quantitatively changes of these pigments
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Untersuchungen zur genetischen und histogenetischen Variabilität an transgenen Petunia hybrida Hort. (Vilm.)Olbricht, Klaus 06 July 1998 (has links)
Am "Max-Planck-Institut für Züchtungsforschung Köln-Vogelsang" wurde Mitte der achtziger Jahre in eine weißblühende Linie von Petunia hybrida Hort. (Vilm.) ein Anthocyansynthese-Gen von Zea mays L. transferiert. Unter den nach diesem Gentransfer entstandenen ziegelrot blühenden Pflanzen befand sich auch ein Typ, der ein Sternmuster in der Blüte zeigt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte diese Musterbildung auf eine chimärische Konstitution zurückgeführt werden: Die Instabilität des A1-Gens in der Petunie resultiert in einen Farbstoffausfall in der alleinig farbstofführenden Epidermis, die von der ersten Scheitelschicht (L1) des Sproßscheitels gebildet wird. Subepidermale Gewebe können als genetisch intakt im Sinne einer potentiellen Fähigkeit zur Farbstoffsynthese charakterisiert werden. Deutlich wird das unter anderem an den partnerinduktiven Wirkungen, die von subepidermalem, L2-bürtigen Gewebe ausgehen und die Anthocyanbildung in der benachbarten, farbstoffdefekten Epidermis veranlaßt. Da die L1 am Kronblattrand alle Gewebe, also auch das Mesophyll bildet, bleiben diese Bereiche weiß gefärbt. Nur im Binnenfeld der Petalen, wo L2-bürtiges, intaktes Gewebe an die Epidermen anschließt, treten diese partnerinduktiven Wirkungen auf. Das Resultat ist ein Sternmuster der aus fünf Petalen zusammengewachsenen Kronröhre. Spontan und nach in-vitro-Kalluskultur entmischen die Pflanzen in ihre einzelnen Komponenten, so daß rot und weiß blühende Typen entstehen, die mit ihrer Blütenfarbe und ihrem Ploidiegrad (unterscheidbar bei Ploidiemarkierung) die jeweilige Scheitelschicht repräsentieren, von der sie abstammen. Bei Kreuzung spaltet die Nachkommenschaft in rot und weiß blühende Pflanzen auf. Aufgrund der Instabilität des transferierten A1-Gens ergibt sich kein Mendelsches Aufspaltungsverhältnis für die Blütenfarbe, wie das dem heterozygotem Zustand entsprechen würde. Auch existieren (wie bei den Entmischungsprodukten) gesprenkelte Blütentypen. Die Instabilität konnte als licht- und temperaturabhängig erkannt werden. Sie ist gleichzeitig der Grund dafür, daß sich an weiß blühenden Kallusregeneraten bzw. Sämlingen, die das A1-Gen in inaktiver Form besitzen, ein Sternmuster jederzeit neu bilden kann. Aufgrund dieses modifikativen Charakters dieser Sternmuster-Chimäre wird der Begriff "Epigenetische Periklinalchimäre" vorgeschlagen. In Sorteneinkreuzungen konnten Instabilitäten bis in die F2-Generation verfolgt werden, möglicherweise übertragen sich die Ursachen der Farbstoffausfälle der transgenen Form auch auf die Farbkomponente des Kreuzungspartners. Weiterhin enthält die Arbeit einen vorläufigen Bestimmungsschlüssel zur generellen Einordnung von Blütenfarbvariation nach ihren Ursachen.
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A poesia e a política de Newton Moreno: estudo de caso de Agreste e A Cicatriz é a Flor / The Newton Moreno´s poetry and pplitics: A case study of Agreste and The Scar is the FlowerSanti, Lissa Augusta Duarte 06 November 2018 (has links)
Este projeto se propõe a analisar as obras A Cicatriz é a Flor e Agreste, ambas do dramaturgo brasileiro Newton Moreno, com o propósito de melhor compreender os limites do drama relacionado à forma épica e lírica no teatro, tendo como foco principal o envolvimento deste último com o gênero lírico. Paralelamente a isso, pretende-se analisar o estofo político dessas obras, identificando os assuntos sociais de que tratam por meio do lirismo e do olhar subjetivo do autor, que empresta o olhar de mulheres homossexuais em embate com nosso contexto social homofóbico e machista. As citadas análises, em paralelo, visam a pesquisa dos possíveis embricamentos que podem ocorrer entre o teatro lírico e o teatro político. / This project proposes to analyze the written works The Scar is the Flower and Agreste, both of the Brazilian playwright Newton Moreno, with the purpose of better understanding the limits of the drama related to the epic and lyrical form in the theater, having as main focus the theater itself with the lyrical genre. Parallel to this, we intend to analyze the political reasoning of these plays, identifying the social issues they deal with through lyricism and the subjective view of the author, which lends the look of homosexual women in conflict with our homophobic and male chauvinist social context. The aforementioned analyzes, in parallel, seek to investigate the possible nexus that may occur between lyrical theater and political theater.
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Search for early molecular markers of the mantled floral variation of oil palm / Recherche de marqueurs moléculaires précoces de l’anomalie florale mantled du palmier à huileHooi, Wei Yeng 15 December 2015 (has links)
Titre du projet: Recherche de marqueurs moléculaires précoces de l’anomalie florale mantled du palmier à huile Objectifs : - identifier des marqueurs d’expression de la variation somaclonale mantled par comparaison entre les transcriptomes conformes et variants.- valider la capacité de discrimination des marqueurs sélectionnés lors des stades précoces du processus in vitro. Stratégie et Méthode: Analyse transcriptomique de l’inflorescence normale de palmier à huile et construction d’un transcriptome de référence. Technique : RNAseq, séquençage Illumina.Identification des séquences et voies de régulation d’intérêt. Technique: analyse bioinformatique des données de séquençage.Comparaison entre les trancriptomes issus d’inflorescences normales vs. mantled par re-séquençage de banques obtenues ) partir de différents génotypes clonaux. Technique : Illumina.Identification des séquences présentant de manière cohérente des profils d’expression dépendant du phénotype. Technique : analyse bioinformatique des données de séquençage, analyse statistique des profils d’expression. Validation des marqueurs candidats sur des paires de régénérants normal/mantled issus de lignées clonales variées, ainsi que sur des cultures in vitro à différents stades du processus de régénération. Technique : PCR quantitative (q-PCR). / Project title : Search for early molecular markers of the mantled floral variation of oil palmObjectives : - identifying expression markers of the mantled somaclonal variation through the comparison between the true-to-type and the variant transcriptome. - assessing the discriminating power of the selected markers at early stages of the in vitro process.Strategy and Methods : Transcriptomic analysis of the normal oil palm inflorescence, construction of a reference transcriptome. Technique : RNAseq, Illumina sequencing.Identification of sequences and pathways of interest. Technique : bioinformatic analysis of sequencing data.Comparison between the normal and the mantled inflorescence transcriptome through the re-sequencing of libraries generated from several different clonal lines. Technique : Illumina. Identification of sequences displaying consistently a phenotype-dependent differential expression pattern. Technique : bioinformatic analysis of sequencing data, statistical analysis of expression patterns. Validation of candidate markers on normal/mantled regenerant palm pairs from different clonal lines and on normal-/mantled-derived in vitro cultures at various stages of the industrial regeneration process. Technique : quantitative PCR (q-PCR).
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