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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

\"Boro em mamoneira: Aspectos morfológicos e fisiológicos relacionados à deficiência e toxicidade\" / Boron in castor bean plants: Morphologic and physiologic aspects related to the deficiency and toxicity

Silva, Denis Herisson da 15 June 2007 (has links)
A ricinocultura tem se destacado como uma das culturas mais promissoras nas regiões do semi-árido e cerrado, pois o óleo de mamona, além de ser empregado como matéria prima em diversas indústrias, apresenta potencial para fabricação de biodiesel. Este trabalho está fundamentado nas seguintes hipóteses: a) a produção de sementes e óleo de mamona está relacionada com o suprimento de boro (B); b) a toxicidade por este elemento é tão grave quanto a sua deficiência; c) A redistribuição deste micronutriente na planta é baixa ou restrita. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da deficiência e toxicidade de B na mamoneira (Ricinus communis L.), utilizando doses deste micronutriente em solução nutritiva, e avaliar a dinâmica do B na mamoneira utilizando compostos enriquecidos isotopicamente em 10B, através de dois experimentos: 1) Doses de 0; 0,025; 0,05; 0,10; 0,27; 2,70; 5,40 mg L-1 B em solução nutritiva, com análises da produção de MS, avaliações ultra-estruturais, medições de fotossíntese e transpiração e também o teor e viscosidade do óleo presente nas sementes produzidas. 2) 3 Aplicações de solução de ácido bórico enriquecido isotopicamente em 10B, sendo 2,7 mg B via foliar por planta e 1,0 mg B em solução nutritiva por planta, com posterior determinação de boro total e 10B por ICP-MS das partes da planta. Dentre os resultados obtidos verificou-se que não houve produção de frutos em plantas submetidas às doses de 0 e 0,025 mg L-1 B. Entretanto, em plantas apresentando sinais de toxicidade nas folhas, a produção não foi afetada. As principais alterações ultra-estruturais manifestaram-se na deficiência de B, através do espessamento da lamela média e na ausência de grânulos de amido. Dentre as sementes produzidas, os atributos de teor e viscosidade não mostraram diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos. Os valores de fotossíntese e transpiração foram menores nas plantas com deficiência e não mostraram diferenças significativas nos tratamentos de toxicidade. No segundo experimento, constatou-se que houve redistribuição de B, aplicado via foliar, das folhas para os frutos, mas e pouca redistribuição para as raízes. A aplicação de 1 mg de B por planta em cada troca de solução nutritiva mostrou-se mais eficiente em elevar a produção e os teores de B na planta que as aplicações de 2,7 mg de B por planta através da aplicação foliar. Concluiu-se que, nesta espécie, a toxicidade de boro não é tão grave quanto a sua deficiência e ocorre redistribuição de boro da folha para o fruto, mas não para a raiz / The castor bean production has highlighted as one of the most promising crops in cerrado and semi-arid farmlands, as the castor oil, besides being used in several industries, presents potential for biodiesel production. This work is based in the following hypotheses: a) the production of seeds and castor oil is related with appropriate supply of boron (B), and the interval between the deficiency and boron toxicity is narrow; b) The B toxicity is as serious as its deficiency; c) the phloem mobility in this plant is low or restricted. The objective was to evaluate the effects of boron deficiency and toxicity in castor bean plants (Ricinus communis L.), utilizing doses of this micronutrient in nutrient solution, and to evaluate the phloem mobility of boron using 10B enriched compound, through two experiments: 1) doses of 0; 0.025; 0.05; 0.10; 0.27; 2.70; 5.40 mg L-1 B in nutrient solution, with analysis of dry matter weight, ultra-structural evaluations, photosynthesis and transpiration rates, and viscosity and oil content in the produced seeds. 2) Three applications of acid boron solution in leaves (2.7 mg of B enriched in 10B per plant) and in nutrient solution (1 mg of B enriched in 10B per plant) with analysis of boron isotope ratio by ICP-MS. Among the results it was verified that there was not fruit yield in plants submitted to doses of 0 and 0.025 mg L-1 B. However, the fruit yields were not affected in plants with boron toxicity symptoms in leaves. The main ultra-structural alterations showed in boron deficiency was the thickness (or swollen) of medium lamellae and the absence of starch granules. The oil contents and viscosity in produced seeds did not show differences among the treatments. The photosynthesis and transpiration rates were lower in the plants with deficiency and and there was not significant differences among the treatments with B toxicity. In the second experiment, it was verified the occurrence of boron phloem mobility to fruits from the B applied to the leaves, and low phloem mobility of boron from leaves to the roots. The application of 1 mg of B per plant in each changes of nutrition solution was shown more efficient to increase the production and B rates in plants than applications of 2.7 mg of B per plant through the foliar application. It concludes that, in this species, the boron toxicity is not as harmful to fruit production as boron deficiency and the phloem mobility occurs from leaves to fruits, but not to roots

Análise direta de folhas de soja por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma induzido por laser (LIBS) e por fluorescência de raios X dispersiva em energia (EDXRF) / Direct analysis of soybean leaves by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence

Andressa Adame 04 December 2018 (has links)
A determinação de macro- (N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S) e micronutrientes (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, B, Mo, Cl e Ni) em folhas de plantas é recomendada para avaliar o estado nutricional das culturas de interesse econômico. A análise convencional envolve a decomposição ácida do material vegetal, geralmente assistida por radiação micro-ondas, seguida da determinação dos elementos por ICP OES. Nesta tese, duas técnicas multielementares foram avaliadas para acessar o status nutricional da cultura da soja rapidamente: a espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma induzido por laser (LIBS) e a espectrometria de fluorescência de raios X dispersiva em energia (EXDRF). Mapas microquímicos foram construídos empregando-se um sistema LIBS constituído por um laser de Nd:YAG (1064 nm, 5 ns, 360 mJ, 10 Hz) e um espectrômetro com óptica Echelle e detector ICCD, e um equipamento de bancada de micro-fluorescência de raios X dispersiva em energia (µ-EDXRF Orbis PC, EDAX) com tubo de Rh (50 kV, 50 W) e SDD. As distribuições elementares de Mg, Ca, P, S e K foram avaliadas, a fim de orientar e definir uma estratégia de amostragem para análise foliar direta da soja. Os mapas indicaram que a micro-heterogeneidade intrínseca dos elementos avaliados na amostra é significativa e há variações da composição foliar, tanto entre plantas de um mesmo tratamento, quanto entre folíolos de uma mesma planta. Esses fatores foram considerados críticos na definição de uma estratégia de amostragem única que pudesse abarcar e contornar os possíveis efeitos causados por esses fatores. Assim, definiu-se amostrar a maior área possível, sem privilegiar qualquer região específica da folha. Uma prova de conceito foi realizada, empregando-se LIBS para diagnose foliar de soja. Como as folhas secas de soja apresentaram baixa resistência mecânica, 30 folhas frescas de soja foram analisadas por LIBS, sendo acumulados 25 pulsos de laser por linha no modo de varredura, 12 linhas por folíolo e 3 folíolos por planta. Os resultados obtidos foram promissores em termos de comprovar a viabilidade técnica e prática do emprego de LIBS para análise direta de folhas frescas de soja. Análises de folhas frescas de soja também foram realizadas empregando-se um espectrômetro portátil de fluorescência de raios X dispersiva em energia (Tracer III-SD, Bruker) equipado com tubo de Rh (4W, 50 kV, 4,5 mm de diâmetro de feixe de raios X) e SDD. O status nutricional de plantas cultivadas sob condições controladas, com fornecimento adequado de nutrientes (tratamento controle) e com deficiência induzida de fósforo foi avaliado. Boas correlações foram obtidas para P (r = 0,838) e Zn (r = 0,888), que permitem inferir que a EDXRF pode ser recomendada para a quantificação desses nutrientes no campo. Os sinais detectados de Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, P, S, Si, Zn e Rh (espalhamento Compton) permitiram a classificação das amostras em grupos utilizando análise de componentes principais (PCA). Os gráficos de scores e loadings da PCA mostraram: i) a separação entre os dois grupos de amostras (controle e deficientes em P), e ii) quais elementos foram responsáveis por esta separação. Dessa forma, a PCA constitui uma alternativa à análise quantitativa e pode ser utilizada em conjunto com EDXRF para identificar e classificar as amostras de soja como saudáveis ou deficientes em P. Assim, a partir dos resultados obtidos nesta tese, pode-se concluir que ambas as técnicas, LIBS e EDXRF, têm potencial para avaliar o estado nutricional da soja em tempo real, in situ e com mínimo tratamento de amostras. No entanto, para alcançar resultados quantitativos, diferentes estratégias de amostragem e calibração devem ser avaliadas criteriosamente a fim de superar os desafios aqui apresentados e criar condições de contorno para os inconvenientes que as folhas de soja apresentam como, por exemplo, a distribuição não-homogênea dos elementos e a baixa resistência mecânica quando secas / The determination of macro- (N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S) and micronutrients (Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn, B, Mo, Cl and Ni) in plant leaves is recommended to evaluate the nutritional status of crops of economic interest. Traditional analysis involves microwave-assisted acidic digestion the plant material, followed by determination of the elements by ICP OES. In this thesis, two multielemental techniques were evaluated to access the nutritional status of the soybean crop quickly: laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (EXDRF). Microchemical maps were built using a LIBS system constituted by a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm, 5 ns, 360 mJ, 10 Hz) and a spectrometer with Echelle optics and ICCD detector, and a benchtop micro-energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (?-EDXRF Orbis PC, EDAX) with Rh X-ray tube (50 kV, 50 W) and SDD. The elemental distributions of Mg, Ca, P, S and K were evaluated in order to guide and define a sampling strategy for direct analysis of soybean leaves. Maps indicated that intrinsic micro-heterogeneity of the elements evaluated in the sample is significant and there are variations in the leaf composition, between plants of the same treatment and between leaflets of the same plant. These factors were considered critical in defining a single sampling strategy that could encompass and circumvent the possible effects caused by them. Thus, it was decided to sample the largest possible area, without privileging any specific region of the leaf. A proof of concept was carried out using LIBS for foliar diagnosis of soybean. As the dry leaves of soybean presented low mechanical resistance, 30 fresh leaves of soybean were analyzed by LIBS, employing 25 laser pulses per line in the rastering mode, 12 lines per leaflet and 3 leaflets per plant. The obtained results were promising in order to prove technical and practical feasibility in using LIBS for direct analysis of fresh leaves of soybean. Analyzes of fresh leaves were also performed using a portable energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (Tracer III-SD, Bruker) equipped with Rh X-ray tube (4W, 50 kV, 4.5 mm diameter of X-ray beam) and SDD. The nutritional status of plants grown under controlled conditions, with good supply of nutrients (control treatment) and with phosphorus-induced deficiency were evaluated. Good correlations were obtained for P (r = 0.838) and Zn (r = 0.888), which allow to infer that EDXRF can be recommended for the quantification of these nutrients in the field. The detected signals of Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, P, S, Si, Zn and Rh (Compton scattering) allowed the classification of samples into groups using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The PCA scores and loadings graphs showed: i) the separation into two sample groups (control and P deficient), and ii) which elements were responsible for this separation. So, PCA constitutes an alternative method to quantitative analysis and it can be used with EDXRF in order to identify and classify soybean samples as healthy or P deficient. Thus, from the results obtained in this thesis, it can be concluded that both techniques, LIBS and EDXRF, have the potential to evaluate the nutritional status of soybean in real time, in situ and with minimal sample treatment. However, in order to achieve quantitative results, different sampling and calibration strategies should be carefully evaluated aiming to overcome the challenges presented here and circumvent the drawbacks of soybean leaves, such as the nonhomogeneous distribution of the elements and the low mechanical resistance when leaves are dried

Propagação e desempenho agronômico de variedades de figueira (Ficus carica L.) com potencial de cultivo / Propagation and agronomic performance of fig tree (Ficus carica L.) varieties with cultivation potential

Ferraz, Rafael Augusto [UNESP] 13 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Rafael Augusto Ferraz null (rafaelferraz86@hotmail.com) on 2017-03-29T22:48:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese - Rafael Augusto Ferraz.pdf: 2156849 bytes, checksum: 2ff32bd21e6af4988c241fd748dc37a7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-03-30T18:31:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ferraz_ra_dr_bot.pdf: 2156849 bytes, checksum: 2ff32bd21e6af4988c241fd748dc37a7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-30T18:31:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ferraz_ra_dr_bot.pdf: 2156849 bytes, checksum: 2ff32bd21e6af4988c241fd748dc37a7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-13 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / No Brasil, a figueira (Ficus carica L.) é cultivada com o emprego de praticamente uma única variedade, a Roxo de Valinhos, e sua colheita ocorre num período de entressafra da produção da fruta fresca no Hemisfério Norte. Sendo assim, são amplas as possibilidades de exportação do fruto brasileiro, pois ele entra no mercado internacional a partir de dezembro, logo após a safra dos países mediterrâneos, que são os maiores produtores. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho propagativo e agronômico e a qualidade dos frutos de quatro variedades de figueira com potencial de cultivo no estado de São Paulo. O experimento foi realizado na Fazenda Experimental Lageado, da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas da UNESP de Botucatu/SP, situada a 22° 51’ 55” S e 48° 26’ 22” O e a 810 m de altitude. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso com quatro tratamentos, correspondentes às variedades Roxo de Valinhos, White Genova, PI – 189 e Troiano, quatro repetições e seis plantas por parcela experimental para a análise do desempenho agronômico. Após a poda drástica de produção, as estacas foram usadas para a análise do desempenho propagativo, onde o delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 4 x 2 (variedades x com e sem aplicação do ácido indolbutírico a 2000 mg L-1), com quatro repetições e dez estacas por parcela experimental. No que se refere à avaliação propagativa, as estacas que não receberam tratamento com ácido indolbutírico (AIB) tiveram maior porcentagem de estacas vivas e enraizadas, com exceção da variedade Troiano, que não apresentou diferença na aplicação, além de obter os maiores valores de comprimento da maior raiz ao lado de ‘PI – 189’. A variedade Roxo de Valinhos, ao lado de White Genova, foi a variedade que brotou mais rápido e a que apresentou maior número de brotações em todas as avaliações após a poda. A variedade Troiano obteve os maiores valores de diâmetro e comprimento dos ramos, além de ter produzido mais frutos por planta, sendo estes de baixo diâmetro, comprimento e massa, tornando-se possível seu fornecimento, principalmente para a indústria, em um período já de entressafra no estado de São Paulo, devido à sua colheita mais tardia. As variedades Roxo de Valinhos e White Genova obtiveram frutos com maior massa, diâmetro e comprimento, sendo grandes as chances de exportação dos frutos dessas variedades para consumo in natura. / In Brazil, virtually is cultivated an only variety of fig, Roxo de Valinhos, and its harvest occurs in a period of off-season of fresh fruit production in the Northern Hemisphere. So, are large the export possibilities because the Brazilian product enters in the market from December after the harvest of Mediterranean countries, which are the largest producers. In this context, the aim of this project is evaluate the propagative and agronomic performance and quality of fruits in four varieties of fig tree with cultivation potential in São Paulo state. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm Lageado of School of Agriculture of São Paulo State University at Botucatu/SP, located at 22° 51’ 55” S e 48° 26’ 22” O and 810 m altitude. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four treatments, corresponding to the varieties Roxo de Valinhos, White Genova, PI – 189 and Troiano, with four repetitions and six plants per plot for the agronomic performance analysis. After drastic production pruning, the cuttings were used for propagation performance analysis, where the experimental design used was entirely at random, in factorial scheme 4 x 2 (varieties x whith or without application of índole-butyric acid to 2000 mg L-1), with four repetitions and ten cuttings per plot. As resgards the propagation performance, the cuttings that did not receive treatment with indole-butyric acid (IBA) had a higher percentage of live and rooted cuttings, except the Troiano variety, which showed no difference in the application, besides obtaining the highest root length values next to ‘PI – 189’. The Roxo de Valinhos variety, next to White Genova, was the variety that sprouted faster and which showed higher number of shuts al all evaluations after pruning. The Troiano variety obtained the highest values of diameter and length of branches, besides having produced more fruits per plant, being these of low diameter, length and mass, making it possible to supply, mainly for the industry, in a period already off-season in the state of São Paulo, due to its later harvest. The Roxo de Valinhos and White Genova varieties obtained fruits with higher mass, diameter and length, being great the chances of exporting the fruits of these varieties for consumption in natura.

O papel de associação entre formigas e nectários extranupciais sobre o êxito reprodutivo de Tocoyena formosa (Rubiaceae)

Izquierdo, Juliana Verónica January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Felipe Wanderley Amorim / Resumo: As plantas oferecem recurso alimentar a muitas espécies animais através de diferentes estruturas. Dentre tais estruturas estão os nectários, que são glândulas multicelulares especializadas na produção e secreção de néctar. Estes nectários podem ocorrer tanto em partes reprodutivas como vegetativas, e podem ser florais ou extraflorais. Entretanto, também podem ser classificados quanto a sua função em relação com a polinização, sendo do tipo nupcial (quando sua função está relacionada à polinização) ou extranupcial (quando sua função está relacionada à defesa). Tocoyena formosa (Rubiaceae) é uma espécie comum do Cerrado, cujos nectários extraflorais são visitados por formigas. Entretanto, T. formosa tem um único nectário que desempenha funções multivalentes, podendo ser tanto nupcial, quanto extranupcial. Adicionalmente, a espécie também atrai formigas aos botões no início da fase de desenvolvimento cujas corolas são abortadas. Neste contexto, para melhor compreender a interação entre T. formosa e formigas, este trabalho teve como objetivos: a) caracterizar as estruturas das distintas fases do nectário da espécie e a composição química de seus açúcares; b) determinar se existe mudança estrutural e/ou química que seja correspondente com o papel ecológico de cada estágio; c) analisar a dinâmica de secreção do néctar em cada um dos estágios de atividade do nectário; e d) quantificar o investimento da planta no recurso para a atração de formigas e o efeito destas no êxito reproduti... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Plants offer food resources to many animal species through different structures. Among such structures are the nectaries, which are multicellular glands specialized in nectar production and secretion. Nectaries can occur in both reproductive and vegetative parts, and depending on the location can be regarded as floral or extra-floral. However, they can also be classified according to their function in relation to pollination, being nuptial (when their function is related to pollination) or extranupcial (when their function is related to the defense). Tocoyena formosa (Rubiaceae) is a common species of the Cerrado vegetation, whose extrafloral nectaries are visited by ants. However, T. formosa has a single nectary that performs multivalent functions, which can be both nuptial and extranuptial. In addition, the species also attracts ants to the flower buds at the beginning of the development, whose corollas are prematurely aborted. In this context, to better understand the interaction between T. formosa and ants, the main goals of this study were: a) to characterize the nectary structure as well as the sugar chemical composition during the distinct stages of the organ; b) assess whether nectary structure and nectar sugar composition present changes which correspond to the ecological function of each stage of the nectary; c) analyze nectar secretion dynamics of each phase of the nectary; and d) quantify plant investment in the attraction of ants and the effectivity of ants in pl... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Sistema integrado de diagnose e recomendação (DRIS) para a cultura da soja (Glycine max L. Merril) na região de Rio Verde-GO / Diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) for soybean (Glycine max L. Merril) in the Rio Verde region, GO

Leandro, Wilson Mozena 28 August 1998 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2015-02-26T14:19:45Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Wilson Mozena Leandro - 1998.pdf: 1039643 bytes, checksum: d32b2d66c06a5a99eadf33e6697c512a (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2015-02-26T14:22:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Wilson Mozena Leandro - 1998.pdf: 1039643 bytes, checksum: d32b2d66c06a5a99eadf33e6697c512a (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-02-26T14:22:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Wilson Mozena Leandro - 1998.pdf: 1039643 bytes, checksum: d32b2d66c06a5a99eadf33e6697c512a (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1998-08-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In order to diagnose the most limiting nutrients for soybean crop, in Rio Verde region, GO, farms were divided in distinct and homogeneous plots. Soil and leaf sampling were performed at the 50% soybean flowering stage. The third leaf from the top of 30 plants were sampled per plot. Yield was estimated from plants in 1m rows in 10 points per plot. Soil and tissue analysis were interpreted by critical levels and DRIS methods. The diagnosis precision was tested by different DRIS indices (expressions, ratios) calculation procedures. Plant nutrient condition diagnosis methods showed different interpretations. The original Beaufils method was the most precise. As related to DRIS use for soils, the resin-extracted P method was more precise than the Mehlich I extractor. Phosphorus was the most limiting nutrient for soybean crop. Potassium applied in excess caused exchangeable bases unbalance and induced a magnesium defficiency. The DRIS method showed higher sensitivity to diagnose nutrition problems, especially for micronutrients. / Com o objetivo de diagnosticar quais os nutrientes mais limitantes a produção da soja, áreas de fazendas da região de Rio Verde, GO, foram divididas em glebas, conforme as características locais de topografia, tipo de solo etc., procurando-se manter uniformidade dentro das glebas e diferenças entres elas. As amostras de terra e de folhas de soja foram coletadas na fase R2 (quando mais de 50% das plantas estavam no florescimento). Coletou-se a 3a. folha, a partir do ápice, 30 folhas por gleba. A produção foi obtida, retirando-se um metro linear de plantas de soja em 10 pontos, aleatoriamente. As análises foliares e de terra foram interpretadas pelo métodos dos níveis críticos e o DRIS. Testou-se a precisão de diagnóstico por diferentes procedimentos de cálculo dos índices DRIS. Os métodos de diagnose do estado nutricional apresentaram interpretações diferentes. O procedimento de Beaufils original foi mais preciso que os demais procedimentos. O P foi o nutriente mais limitante a cultura da soja. O excesso de adubação potássica provocou desequilíbrio entre as bases trocáveis com indução deficiência de Mg. Na aplicação do método DRIS no solo, as normas com o extrator resina apresentaram maior precisão de diagnóstico que as normas para o extrator Mehlich I. O método DRIS apresentou maior sensibilidade para diagnosticar problemas nutricionais, especialmente, para micronutrientes.

Tolerância de seis acessos de Brachiaria spp. ao alagamento

CAETANO, Luana Pabla de January 2006 (has links)
Some morphologic and physiological responses of Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu (BRA000591), BRA002844 (cv. Piatã), BRA004391 (cv. Arapoty), BRA003824, BRA003891 and B. ruziziensis BRA001911 were compared in plants grown in pots, under flooded and well-drained conditions, during five days. Flooding reduced leaf elongation rate in all the studied accessions. Under flooding leaf dry matter production was lower in all evaluated accessions, but in cv. Piatã. Root dry matter production was reduced by flooding in cv. Marandu and in BRA001911, while biomass allocated to roots was reduced by flooding only in BRA001911. It was not possible to detect differences between treatments in the percentage of biomass allocated to culms and leaves in any of the accessions. Flooding decreased the mean number of tillers in cv. Marandu, in BRA003824, BRA003891 and in BRA001911. Under flooding, relative growth rate was decreased in cv. Marandu, in BRA003824 and BRA001911. Flooding reduced net photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and transpiration of all the studied accessions, with exception of cv. Arapoty. The six accessions tested differed in their relative tolerance to flooding. Cultivar Arapoty was the relatively most tolerant. BRA001911 was the most sensitive, followed by cv. Marandu. BRA003824, BRA003891 and cv. Piatã were classified as intermediate in flooding tolerance. / Algumas respostas morfológicas e fisiológicas de cinco acessos de Brachiaria brizantha BRA000591 (cultivar Marandu), BRA002844 (cultivar Piatã), BRA004391 (cultivar Arapoty), BRA003824, BRA003891 e um acesso de Brachiaria ruziziensis BRA001911 foram comparados em plantas cultivadas em vasos, sob alagamento e solo bem drenado, durante cinco dias. O alagamento do solo reduziu a taxa de alongamento foliar de todos os acessos testados. Sob alagamento, houve queda na produção de biomassa de folhas em todos os acessos avaliados, com exceção do cv. Piatã. A produção de raízes foi reduzida pelo alagamento do solo no cv. Marandu e em BRA001911, enquanto que o alagamento diminuiu o percentual de biomassa alocado para as raízes apenas no acesso BRA001911. Para nenhum dos acessos testados foi possível detectar diferenças entre tratamentos controle e alagado na alocação de biomassa para colmos e folhas. O alagamento diminuiu o número médio de perfilhos no cv. Marandu, em BRA003824, BRA003891 e em BRA001911. Sob alagamento do solo, a taxa de crescimento relativo foi diminuída no cv. Marandu, em BRA003824 e em BRA001911. Com exceção do cultivar Arapoty, o alagamento reduziu a fotossíntese líquida, a condutância estomática e a transpiração de todos acessos estudados. Os seis acessos avaliados diferiram na tolerância relativa ao alagamento do solo. O cv. Arapoty foi o relativamente mais tolerante. O acesso BRA001911 foi o menos tolerante, seguido pelo cv. Marandu. Os acessos BRA003824, BRA003891 e o cv. Piatã foram considerados como de tolerância intermediária.

Etiologia da cercosporiose do caquizeiro / Aetiology of persimmon angular leaf spot

Alves, Renan Fernandes 08 August 2019 (has links)
A cercosporiose é a principal doença foliar do caquizeiro no Brasil. A doença está distribuída entre as principais regiões produtoras do país e é responsável pela queda precoce das folhas e maturação antecipada dos frutos. Informações referentes a este patossistema são escassas na literatura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi (I) desenvolver e validar uma escala diagramática para avaliar a severidade da cercosporiose; (II) caracterizar isolados obtidos de folhas de caquizeiros com sintomas de cercosporiose de diferentes regiões do Brasil através de análises filogenéticas, morfologia e testes de patogenicidade; e (III) estudar os processos infecção e colonização de isolado patogênico causador de cercosporiose em folhas de caquizeiro. A escala diagramática desenvolvida compreende seis diagramas com severidade variando entre 0,5 e 17,3%. O uso da escala diagramática melhorou a acurácia, precisão, concordância e reprodutibilidade das estimativas conduzidas por 10 avaliadores, mostrando-se, portanto, eficiente para avaliação de cercosporiose de caquizeiros. Para a caracterização de 37 isolados obtidos em folhas de caquizeiros com cercosporiose, coletadas nos estados de São Paulo, Paraná e Rio Grande do Sul, foram analisadas as sequências do espaçador interno transcrito (ITS), actina (ACT) e fator de elongação 1-α (TEF). Alta diversidade genética foi observada entre os isolados coletados. A rede de haplótipos gerada a partir da análise dos três genes de forma concatenada resultou na formação de 10 haplótipos. As colônias apresentaram coloração predominantemente esverdeada, topografia levantada com bordos inteiro, ausência de esporos e crescimento lento. Quanto ao processo de infecção, a penetração do patógeno ocorreu através dos estômatos, mas não foi observado tropismo positivo em direção aos estômatos. No processo de colonização dos tecidos foliares, compostos fenólicos foram acumulados no tecido infectado, porém não foram capazes de conter o processo de colonização. Os testes histoquímicos também revelaram o acúmulo de pectina nas células da extensão da bainha foliar e a presença de compostos lipofílicos nas áreas lesionadas. Foram observadas vesículas nos espaços intercelulares em regiões com a presença de hifas do patógeno, que possivelmente estão envolvidas na degradação da parede celular do hospedeiro. / Angular Leaf spot is the major foliar disease of persimmon in Brazil. The disease is widely spread among major producing areas in the country and is responsible for early defoliation and anticipated fruits ripening. Information about the pathosystem are limited. Therefore, this study aimed to (I) develop and validate a standard area diagram set (SADs) for assessing angular leaf spot severity; (II) characterize isolates obtained from persimmon leaves with angular leaf spot symptoms from different regions by means of phylogenetic analyses, morphological features and pathogenicity tests; and (III) study infection and colonization process of pathogen isolate that caused angular leaf spot in persimmon leaves. The SADs developed comprises six colour diagrams with severity ranging from 0.5 to 17.3%. The use of the SADs improved the accuracy, precision, agreement and inter-rater reliability of the estimates conducted by 10 raters, showed to be adequate for estimates of angular leaf spot in persimmon. To characterize 37 isolates obtained from persimmon leaves with angular leaf spot, collected from the states of São Paulo, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul, were analyzed internal transcribed spacer (ITS), actin (ACT) and elongation factor 1-α (TEF) sequences. High genetic variability was observed among collected isolates. The haplotype network generated from combined analyzed of ITS, ACT and TEF, showed 10 distinct haplotypes. Colonies showed predominantly greenish color, raised elevation with circular form, absence of spores and slow growth. In the infection process, the germ tubes entered the leaf tissue through the stomata, but was not observed positive tropism to stomata. In the colonization process of foliar tissues, phenolic compounds were accumulated in the infected tissue; however, they did not prevent the colonization progress. Histochemical studies showed accumulation of pectin in the bundle sheath extension cells and the presence of lipophilic compounds in the injured areas. Vesicles were observed in the intercellular spaces in regions with the presence of hyphae of the pathogen, that are possibly involved in the degradation of the host cell wall.


Jordan, Daniel L. 01 January 2010 (has links)
High-input management practices are often heavily marketed to producers to increase soybean [Glycine max (L) Merr.] yield in already high-yielding environments. Field research was conducted in three locations within 6 states (Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, and Minnesota) in 2009 to determine the effect of seed treatment, inoculant, foliar fungicide, additional soil fertility beyond state recommendations, foliar fertilizer, increased population over state recommendations, and narrow row spacing on yield. The high-input system (combination of the management practices) yielded higher than standard-input system (University recommended management practices) in only 8 of the 18 locations. Narrow rows, in both the high and standard-input systems, only increased yield in 4 locations. Inoculant did not increase yield at any location. Foliar fertilizer application and seed treatment increased yield in one location each. The additional soil fertility and fungicide application increased yield in two locations each. The increased population increased yields in 3 of the 18 locations; while an additional fungicide application at R5 only increased yield in 1 location. Foliar fertilizers at rates above commercial use did not increase soybean yield in Kentucky in 2008 or 2009. High-input production practices were largely unsuccessful at increasing soybean yield in these studies.

Enhancing deciduous fruit and tree quality through the use of various foliar applications

Hendricks, David Thomas 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Fruit trees are exposed to various factors that can adversely affect the production of quality fruit. These factors can directly affect the fruit and the health of the tree and can be classified according to their biotic or abiotic nature, such as pathogenic attacks and drought stress respectively. One of the cultural practices used commercially to address these stresses is the application of fungicides and bactericides. The fruit production industry is under severe pressure from consumers, retailers and environmentalists, locally and internationally, to reduce chemical applications to fruit and fruit trees. The use of natural plant defence elicitor compounds and nutrients offer a potential alternative to fungicide and bactericide sprays and may also increase fruit quality and size as result of a reduction of plant stress. Trials were conducted to evaluate the efficiency of natural plant defence elicitors i.e. salicylic acid (SA) and flavonoids, in addition to mineral nutrients and bactericide/fungicides, on peach (incidence of Xanthomonas infection), plum (induced drought stress and Mg/Mn deficiencies) and apple (Mg/Mn deficiencies) fruit and trees against specified biotic or abiotic stress factors. Trial on Prunus persica cv. ‘Sandvliet’were conducted over two seasons (2008/2009 and 2011/2012) on a commercial site, Protea Farm, in the Worcester area in the Western Cape Province. During the 2008/2009 season the SA (AlexinTM, AlexiboostTM) containing treatments were applied first at 75% petal drop at concentrations of 125 and 250 ml. 100 L-1. The copper (StCu, Cu)-containing treatment was applied at 50% petal drop, while dichlorophen (XanbacTM) treatments were applied at fruit set at concentrations of 150, 300 and 200 ml. 100 L-1. The flavonoid (CroplifeTM) treatment was applied at the start of petal drop at a concentration of 150 ml.100 L-1. During the 2011/2012 season, a new flavonoid (CropbiolifeTM) treatment, as well as potassium (K-MaxTM) treatment, were incorporated into the trial and applied at concentrations of 150 and 500 ml. 100 L-1 respectively. Additionally a SA (AlexinTM) and dichlorophen (XanbacTM) treatments that performed well during the first season, were incorporated into the second season with application times and rates similar to the first season’s protocol. In addition to fruit size and quality measurements, the percentage Xanthomonas infection was determined on the leaves and fruit of the experimental trees. The SA (AlexinTM) containing treatment significantly reduced the incidence of Xanthomonas infection on leaves and fruit compared to the control in the first season. However, results varied between the two seasons, as no significant difference from the control could be obtained in the following season. The AlexinTM treatments also significantly increased the fruit size and quality. The flavonoid (CropbiolifeTM) and K (K-MaxTM) containing treatments similarly reduced the Xanthomonas infection on leaves and fruit, as well as increasing the fruit size and quality in the second season. The dichlorophen (XanbacTM) containing treatment recorded varying results as it significantly reduced the Xanthomonas infection on the fruit only in the second season. The plum trials were conducted over the 2011/2012 season on ‘Laetitia’ and ‘Songold’ plum trees, Welgevallen Experimental Farm, Stellenbosch University. Three SA (AlexinTM, AlexSal and RezistTM) containing foliar treatments were applied on the ‘Laetitia’ trees. Only two SA (AlexinTM, AlexSal) containing foliar treatments were applied on the ‘Songold’ trees. Additionally, a foliar treatment containing only K, Ca, Mg and B, was applied in both the ‘Laetitia’ and ‘Songold’ trials. All the treatments were first applied at 75% petal drop, at the same concentration of 250 ml. 100 L-1. Additionally to fruit size and quality, the mineral nutrient content of the leaves and fruit was determined. The ascorbic acid and glutathione content was determined in fruit at harvest and again after storage. None of the treatments had a positive effect on the parameters measured, except the SA (AlexinTM) containing treatments which increased the titratible acidity (TA) in both at harvest and after storage. The treatments also did not alleviate the induced stress compared to the control. The apple and plum tree trials were conducted over the 2011/2012 season in a semi-closed greenhouse, at the Welgevallen Experimental Farm, Stellenbosch. Magnesium (Mg) and Manganese (Mn) deficiencies were induced in one-year-old ‘Royal Beaut’ apple and ‘Laetitia’ plum trees planted in 10 L nursery bags, by omitting these nutrients from a standard Long Ashton soil application. Foliar treatments of Mg (MagMaxTM) and Mn (ManMaxTM) containing sprays were subsequently applied at concentrations of 250 and 75 ml. 100 L-1 respectively, after deficiency symptoms for these nutrients were visually observed. Mineral nutrient analysis of the leaves were analysed on the 13th of February for the plums and 30th of March 2012, for the apples. The Mn (ManMaxTM) containing treatment successfully overcame the Mn induced deficiency. The Mg (MagMaxTM) containing treatment did not overcome the induced Mg deficiency and was probably due to the deficient nitrogen levels in the plants, caused by an error in the initial Long Ashton nutrient solution formulation. In conclusion AlexinTM, K-MaxTM and CropbiolifeTM have shown their ability to decrease Xanthomonas infection in peaches. Additionally to their positive effect on fruit size and quality on the peaches. SA was not able to overcome the induced stress on plums, but had a positive effect on the fruit quality and size. The ManMaxTM been proven to overcome the induced Mn deficiency, while MagMaxTM was unsuccessful to overcome the Mg deficiency. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vrugtebome word blootgestel aan verskeie faktore wat die produksie van kwaliteit vrugte nadelig kan beïnvloed. Hierdie faktore kan ‘n direkte invloed hê op die vrugte en op die gesondheid van die boom en kan geklassifiseer word op grond van hulle biotiese of abiotiese natuur, soos patogeen infeksie en droogte stres onderskeidelik. Van die produksie praktyke wat gebruik word sluit in die toepassing van verskillende swamdoders en bakterisiede. Die vrugtebedryf is onder geweldige druk van verbruikers, die kleinhandel en omgewingsbewustes om die toediening van chemikalieë aan vrugte en vrugtebome te verminder. Die gebruik van natuurlike plant verdediging stimulerende verbindings en nutriënte, bied 'n moontlike alternatief tot die spuit van swamdoders en bakterisiede, en kan ook moontlik ʼn bydrae maak tot verbeterde vrugkwaliteit en -grootte. Proewe is uitgevoer om die effektiwiteit van die natuurlike plant verdediging stimulante, salisielsuur (SA) en flavonoïede, addisioneel tot verskillende voedingstowwe en bakterieële / swamdoders op perske, pruim en appels teen Xanthomonas infeksie, droogte stres en Mg / Mn tekorte as biotiese en abiotiese stres faktore onderskeidelik te evalueer. Die Prunus persica ‘Sandvliet’ proewe is oor twee seisoene (2008/2009 en 2011/2012) op 'n kommersiële perseel, Protea Farm, in die Worcester-area in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie, uitgevoer. Gedurende die 2008/2009 seisoen is die SA (AlexinTM, AlexiboostTM) bevattende behandelings eers toegedien by 75% blomblaarval teen konsentrasies 125 en 250 ml. 100 L-1. Die koper (StCu, Cu) bevattende behandeling is toegedien by 50% blomblaarval, terwyl die dichlorofen (XanbacTM) bevattende behandelings toegedien is by vrugset, teen konsentrasies van 150, 300 en 200 ml. 100 L-1. Die flavonoïde (CroplifeTM) behandeling is toegedien by die begin van blomblaarval teen 'n konsentrasie van 150 ml. 100 L-1. Gedurende die 2011/2012 seisoen was 'n nuwe flavonoïd (CropbiolifeTM) en ‘n kalium (K-MaxTM) behandeling toegevoeg tot die eksperiment, met ʼn toediening teen konsentrasies van onderskeidelik 150 en 500 ml. 100 L-1. Daarbenewens is die SA (AlexinTM) en dichlorofen (XanbacTM) behandeling van die 2008/2009 seisoen herhaal teen dieselfde konsentrasies en toedieningstye soos in die protokol van die eerste seisoen. Behalwe vir die bepaling van vruggrootte en –kwaliteit, is die persentasie Xanthomonas infeksie op blare en vrugte ook bepaal. Die SA (AlexinTM) bevattende behandeling het die voorkoms van Xanthomonas infeksie op die blare en vrugte betekenisvol verminder in vergelyking met die kontrole. Resultate het egter gewissel in die daaropvolgende seisoen en geen beduidende verskille tussen die behandelings is waargeneem nie. Hierdie SA-bevattende behandelings het ook tot ‘n toename in vruggrootte en -kwaliteit gelei. Die flavonoïde bevattende behandelings, (CropbiolifeTM) en K (K-MaxTM), het soortgelyke afnames in Xanthomonas infeksie op die blare en vrugte in die tweede seisoen getoon, sowel as ‘n toename in vruggrootte en -kwaliteit. Die dichlorofen (XanbacTM) bevattende behandeling het variërende resultate getoon aangesien dit slegs tot ‘n beduidende afname in Xanthomonas infeksie op die blare en vrugte in die tweede seisoen kon lei. Pruim proewe is uitgevoer in die 2011/2012 seisoen op ‘Laetitia’ en ‘Songold’ pruimbome te Welgevallen Proefplaas, Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Drie SA (AlexinTM, AlexSal en RezistTM) bevattende blaar behandelings is toegedien op die ‘Laetitia’ bome. Slegs twee SA (AlexinTM, AlexSal) blaar behandelinge is toegedien op die ‘Songold’ bome. ʼn Verdere K, Ca, Mg en B blaar behandeling is ook toegedien in beide die ‘Laetitia’ en ‘Songold’ proewe. Al die behandelings se eerste toediening het saamgeval met 75% blomblaarval, teen dieselfde konsentrasie van 250 ml. 100 L-1. Addisioneel tot vruggrootte en –kwaliteit, is die mineraal element inhoud van die blare en vrugte bepaal. Die askorbiensuur en glutatioon inhoud is bepaal in die vrugte met oes asook na opberging. Geen behandeling het 'n positiewe uitwerking op die parameters wat gemeet is getoon nie, behalwe een van die SA (AlexinTM) bevattende behandelings wat die titreerbare sure (TS) verhoog het in beide kultivars. Die behandelings kon ook nie die geïnduseerde stres verlig in vergelyking met die kontrole nie. Die appel- en pruim proewe is uitgevoer gedurende die 2011/2012 seisoen in 'n semi-geslote glashuis te Welgevallen Proefplaas, Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Magnesium (Mg) en Mangaan (Mn) tekorte is geïnduseer in een-jaar-oue ‘Royal Beaut’ appel en ‘Laetitia’ pruim bome, aangeplant in 10L kwekerysakke, deur dié elemente uit ʼn toediening van standaard Long-Ashton voedingsoplossing aan die grond weg te laat. Mg (MagMaxTM) en Mn (ManMaxTM) bevattende blaarspuite is daarna toegepas teen onderskeidelik konsentrasies van 250 en 75 ml. 100 L-1. ʼn Minerale analise van die blare is uitgevoer op 13 Februarie, op die pruime en 30 Maart 2012, op die appels. Die Mn (ManMaxTM) bevattend behandeling het die Mn-geïnduseerde tekort verlig. Die Mg (MagMaxTM) bevattende behandeling het nie die geïnduseerde Mg-tekort verlig nie. Dit is moontlik toe te skryf aan die stikstof tekort in die plante wat te wyte was aan ʼn foutiewe Long Ashton voedingsoplossing formulasie wat aanvanklik toegedien is. Ten slotte het AlexinTM, K-MaxTM en CropbiolifeTM getoon dat hul die vermoë het om Xanthomonas infeksie te verminder, asook om vruggrootte en kwaliteit in perskes te verbeter. SA was nie in staat om die geïnduseerde stres op pruime te oorkom nie, maar het 'n positiewe uitwerking op die vruggroote en kwaliteit gehad. ManMaxTM het getoon dat dit ʼn geïnduseerde, visuele Mn tekort kan oorkom, terwyl MagMaxTM onsuksesvol was om die Mg-tekort te oorkom

Freqüência de amostragem de plantas de alface hidropônica para ajuste de curvas de crescimento / Hidroponic lettuce sampling frequency to adjust growth curves

Santos, Paula Machado dos 22 February 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In order to construct growth curves is necessary a sequence of many samples taken during lettuce growth period. However, mainly when the trial is made in a controlled environment, sampling frequency is limited. This work was carried out with the aim to reduce sampling destruction effect without change the result precision. Two field trials were made in a controlled environment, during two season, spring (09/20/2004 a 01/12/2005) and autumn (02/27/2005 a 07/20/2005), in the UFSM experimental area, Santa Maria, RS. Different sampling frequencies were simulated, using the adjust of diary sampling model. Optimum sampling frequency was made by comparing daily sampling model with simulated sampling model, in twos, by F test (p<0,005), using the error mean square of non linear regression analysis, pondered by freedom degrees. Simulations of the following variables: total, foliar, root and foliar area phytomass, were made just considering vegetative period and complete growth period. The result shows that season and period of growth should be taken into account to establish the best sampling frequency. Trials conducted during spring season, with complete growth period, show best results with samples taken in intervals of 3 (total), 8 (foliar), 20 (roots) and 9 (foliar area) days; with vegetative period, samples should be taken in intervals of 2,2,4 and 1 days. Trials conducted during autumn season, with complete growthperiod, the sample frequency should be of 2, 11, 12 and 11 days; and for vegetative growth, should be 2, 3, 4 and 1 days / Durante o crescimento da planta de alface é necessária uma seqüência de várias coletas de amostras até a maturação de colheita para construção de curvas de crescimento, porém, a freqüência em que se coletam amostras é limitada, principalmente quando o experimento é realizado em ambientes controlados. Para isso, buscou-se reduzir o efeito destrutivo de amostragens sem comprometer a precisão dos experimentos determinando-se a freqüência de amostragem de plantas de alface em hidroponia para o ajuste de curvas de crescimento. Foram realizados dois experimentos em estufa plástica nas estações de primavera e outono, no período de 20/09/2004 a 12/01/2005 e 27/02/2005 a 20/07/2005, respectivamente, em área pertencente ao Departamento de Fitotecnia, na UFSM, Santa Maria, RS. A partir do ajuste do modelo de amostragem diária, simularam-se diferentes freqüências de amostragem. Para encontrar a freqüência ideal de amostragem, foi comparado o modelo de amostragem diária com os modelos das diferentes amostragens simulados, dois a dois, pelo teste de F em nível de 5% de probabilidade de erro, utilizando-se os quadrados médios do erro da análise de regressão não linear, ponderados pelos respectivos graus de liberdade. Foram realizadas simulações considerando apenas o período vegetativo e ciclo completo (transplante até produção de sementes), para variáveis de fitomassa seca da planta e de partes da planta e área foliar. Em experimentos realizados com alface hidropônica na primavera, para o ciclo completo, devem ser realizadas amostragens a cada 3, 8, 20 e 9 dias para fitomassa seca relativa total da planta de alface, de folhas, de raiz e área foliar, respectivamente; enquanto que, para o período vegetativo, deve ser a cada 2, 2, 4 e 1 dias, respectivamente. Para o ciclo completo, utilizando-se as variáveis fitomassa seca relativa total, de folhas, de raiz e área foliar relativa em experimentos realizados no outono é recomendável utilizar freqüências de amostragens a cada 2, 11, 12 e 11 dias, respectivamente; e, para o período vegetativo, de 2, 3, 4 e 1 dias, respectivamente

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