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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alimenta??o e nutri??o: conhecimentos de educadores do munic?pio de ?gua Boa, Minas Gerais / Food and nutrition: knowledge of educators at ?gua Boa, Minas Gerais

MAGALH?ES, Heloisa Helena Silva Rocha 29 March 2016 (has links)
The knowledge of educators on food and nutrition are the basis for the formation of healthy eating habits in schools, and are essential for the process of food and nutritional education of children. Therefore, know how they're built all of this knowledge for this group it is extremely important for educational planning and health. Thus, this study aimed to analyze knowledge about food and nutrition of all educators of early childhood education of ?gua Boa, Minas Gerais. A survey was conducted with a qualitative approach, grounded in the theory of Social Representations, with all preschool teachers of ?gua Boa. It was found that all are female and 86% have completed higher education. Most educators has participated in educational activities involving the issue of food and nutrition and report the project stocks on the subject in the school in which they work. It was found that none of the educators part of the school faculty of its institutions, although 80% of these educators anyone knows the political pedagogical project. For educators, food and nutrition education is important to promoting healthy eating habits of children. However, the knowledge of educators and nutritional education are based on the biological feed perspective, covering its relationship with the body and health. Cultural, social and psychological dimensions of food and nutrition education are not recognized by educators. The issues involving food and nutritional education are taught in isolation by educators. It follows that educators have their knowledge food and nutrition education built on biological feed perspective, making it necessary to carrying out work with this group on the other dimensions of food and nutritional education, through the enhancement of food culture, the local food system. These educators need encouragement to participate in the school faculty, as well as working the theme of food and nutritional education transversely. / Os saberes de educadores sobre alimenta??o e nutri??o s?o a base para a forma??o de h?bitos alimentares saud?veis no ?mbito escolar, sendo estes, elementos chave para o processo de educa??o alimentar e nutricional de crian?as. Assim sendo, conhecer como est?o constru?dos conjunto destes saberes para este grupo, ? de extrema relev?ncia para o planejamento educacional e de sa?de. Diante do exposto, este trabalho objetivou analisar o conhecimento sobre alimenta??o e nutri??o de todos os educadores da educa??o infantil do munic?pio de ?gua Boa, Minas Gerais. Foi realizada uma pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa, embasada na Teoria das representa??es sociais, com todos os professores de educa??o infantil do munic?pio de ?gua Boa. Verificou-se que todos s?o do sexo feminino e que 86% apresentam ensino superior completo. A maioria dos educadores j? participou de atividades pedag?gicas envolvendo o tema de alimenta??o e nutri??o e relatam a exist?ncia de projetos sobre a tem?tica na escola em que trabalham. Constatou-se que nenhum dos educadores integra o colegiado escolar de suas institui??es, embora 80% destes educadores aleguem conhecer o projeto pol?tico pedag?gico. Para os educadores, a educa??o alimentar e nutricional (EAN) ? importante para a promo??o de h?bitos alimentares saud?veis das crian?as. Contudo, os saberes dos educadores sobre educa??o alimentar e nutricional est?o constru?dos sobre a dimens?o biol?gica da alimenta??o, englobando sua rela??o com o corpo e a sa?de. As dimens?es culturais, sociais e psicol?gicas da EAN n?o s?o reconhecidas pelos educadores. As tem?ticas envolvendo a EAN s?o trabalhadas de forma isolada pelos educadores. Conclui-se que os educadores apresentam seus saberes de EAN constru?dos com base na dimens?o biol?gica da alimenta??o, fazendo-se necess?rio a realiza??o de trabalhos com este grupo sobre as demais dimens?es da EAN, atrav?s da valoriza??o da cultura alimentar, do sistema de produ??o de alimentos local. ? preciso que tenha incentivo para participa??o destes educadores no colegiado escolar, bem como trabalhar a tem?tica da EAN de forma transversal.

Dificuldades e obstáculos à Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional de estudantes com necessidades alimentares especiais: um estudo de caso da rede de ensino municipal de Guarulhos, SP / Difficulties and obstacles to Food and Nutritional Security of students with special dietary needs: a case study of the municipal education network of Guarulhos, SP

Cristiane Tavares Matias 27 November 2018 (has links)
O Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar - PNAE é um dos mais antigos programas públicos de suplementação alimentar, destacando-se por sua continuidade, dimensão e expressivos investimentos. Visa a segurança alimentar e nutricional de todos os estudantes matriculados na educação básica, contribuindo para a melhora das condições nutricionais e de saúde, com consequente aumento no aproveitamento e rendimento escolar. Com destaque à equidade, um de seus princípios, por meio da Lei Federal nº 12.982/2014, tornou-se obrigatório o fornecimento de cardápio adequado aos estudantes com necessidades alimentares especiais (NAE), ou seja, aqueles que necessitam de atenção nutricional individualizada por sua condição ou estado de saúde. Em Guarulhos, com uma demanda iniciada no ano de 2012, o atendimento nutricional ao estudante com NAE corresponde a uma série de ações realizadas em âmbito escolar e institucional. Isto posto, este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as dificuldades e os obstáculos do atendimento nutricional aos estudantes com necessidades alimentares especiais em Guarulhos, ante a determinação legal de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional, para fornecer subsídios ao aprimoramento do serviço. Foi um estudo transversal, quantitativo, do tipo exploratório, descritivo e explicativo, constituído de 4 etapas: estudo da prevalência das NAE no período de 2015 a 2017; caracterização socioeconômica das famílias dos estudantes com NAE; análise do atendimento nutricional e do diferencial de custos dos cardápios especiais. Foram atendidos 554 estudantes em 2015, 735 em 2016 e 871 em 2017, com prevalência de estudantes do sexo masculino e EMEI (4 a 6 anos). Quanto às doenças, observou-se prevalência de alergias alimentares (especialmente à proteína do leite de vaca), dislipidemia e intolerância à lactose. Não foram identificadas diferenças estatísticas significativas no que tange estratos socioeconômicos, escolaridade, sexo do chefe de família, moradia e tamanho da família entre os grupos com e sem NAE. Na observação de 128 estudantes, durante a realização das refeições, constatou-se que 20,3% deles receberam cardápio inadequado ante às recomendações do nutricionista da Secretaria de Educação, principalmente em relação a dislipidemias e alergias. Verificou-se falhas na consulta nutricional institucional relacionadas à falta de clareza, objetividade e dados incompletos nos formulários de atendimento nutricional. A inadequação de cardápios estava relacionada à indisponibilidade de alimentos, dificuldades de execução das preparações por parte dos cozinheiros e desatenção ou desconhecimento quanto à necessidade alimentar específica. Foram constatadas dificuldades quanto à aceitação de alguns gêneros alimentícios e na identificação e acompanhamento diário dos estudantes com NAE. Foi observado armazenamento inadequado em 13,3% das escolas, sem comprometimento da qualidade sensorial dos alimentos. A análise da variação de custo de gêneros alimentícios especiais aponta maior custo nos cardápios direcionados aos estudantes com restrições ao leite de vaca, seguido por doença celíaca, diabetes, dislipidemia/obesidade e alergia a ovo. O processo de compras mostrou-se complexo, com dificuldades orçamentárias e burocráticas relacionadas a licitações, a pequena quantidade que precisa ser comprada, ao pouco interesse dos fornecedores e à falta de concorrência em alguns produtos especiais. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que o atendimento nutricional necessita de formação continuada envolvendo toda a equipe escolar, e do compartilhamento de responsabilidades. / The National School Feeding Program - PNAE is one of the oldest public programs of food supplementation, standing out for its continuity, size, and significant investments. It aims at food and nutritional security of all students enrolled in basic education, contributing to the improvement of nutritional and health conditions, with a consequent increase in achievement and school performance. With the emphasis on equity, one of its principles, through Law nº 12,982/2014, it became mandatory to provide an adequate menu for students with special dietary needs, that is, those that require individualized nutritional care by their condition or state of health. In Guarulhos, with a lawsuit initiated in 2012, nutritional care for the student with special dietary needs corresponds to a series of actions carried out at school and institutional level. The aim of this study was to analyze the difficulties and obstacles of nutritional care for schoolchildren with special nutritional needs in Guarulhos, before the legal determination of food and nutritional security, to provide subsidies for the improvement of the service. It was a cross-sectional, quantitative, exploratory, descriptive and explanatory study, consisting of 4 steps: a study of the prevalence of special dietary needs in the period from 2015 to 2017; socioeconomic characterization of students\' families with special dietary needs; analysis of the nutritional service and the differential of costs of the special menus. 554 students were attended in 2015, 735 in 2016 and 871 in 2017, with the prevalence of male students and EMEI (4 to 6 years). As for diseases, the prevalence of food allergies (especially cow\'s milk protein), dyslipidemia and lactose intolerance were observed. No statistically significant differences were found in socioeconomic strata, schooling, head of household sex, family size and size among the groups with and without special dietary needs. When observing 128 students, during meals, it was verified that 20.3% of them received an inadequate menu before the recommendations of the nutritionist of the Education Department, mainly in relation to dyslipidemias and allergies. Failures in institutional nutritional consultation related to lack of clarity, objectivity and incomplete data on nutritional care forms. The inadequacy of menus was related to the unavailability of food, difficulties in the execution of the preparations by the cooks and inattention or lack of knowledge about the specific food need. Difficulties were observed regarding the acceptance of some foodstuffs and the identification and daily follow-up of students with special dietary needs. Inadequate storage was observed in 13.3% of the schools, without compromising the sensorial quality of food. The analysis of the variation of the cost of special foodstuffs points higher cost in the menus directed to the students with restrictions to the cow\'s milk, followed by celiac disease, diabetes, dyslipidemia/obesity and egg allergy. The procurement process was complex, with budgetary and bureaucratic difficulties related to bids, the small quantity that needs to be bought, the lack of interest of suppliers and the lack of competition in some special products. In addition, it was verified that nutritional care requires continuous training involving all school staff, making it possible to share responsibilities.

The Impact of Nutrition Education on Dietary Behavior and Iron Status in Participants of the Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children, and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program

Christensen, Nedra K. 01 May 1993 (has links)
This study was conducted to determine the impact of nutrition edu cation on participants of the Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP). The specific objectives were to: 1) determine the impact of participation in EFNEP on iron status as assessed by hematocrit (hct) and ferritin levels; 2) determine the effect of nutrition knowledge on hct and ferritin values; and 3) determine the effect dietary behavior has on hct and ferritin levels for both WIC and EFNEP participants. Each study participant completed a 24-hour dietary recall record plus food frequency record, medical history, validated nutrition knowledge test, and finger stick blood sample prior to program enrollment or nutrition education, and again six months later. There were 42 WIC, 26 EFNEP, 23 WIC-control, and 23 EFNEP-control participants. Paired t-tests were used to find differences between preprogram and postprogram evaluation scores for the variables of nutrition knowledge score, hematocrit level, ferritin level, and levels of several nutrients. Nutrition knowledge test scores increased significantly from preprogram to postprogram for both WIC and EFNEP participants (14.2 ± 3.27 to 15.5 ± 2.89 for WIC, 14.2 ± 3.77 to 15.6 ± 2.79 for EFNEP). EFNEP participants also increased significantly in hct levels (38.5% ± 3.78 to 40.7% ± 2.13). Hematocrit levels did not change significantly for the WIC or control groups and nutrition knowledge did not increase for the control group between preprogram and postprogram evaluations. Mean intakes of vitamin A, vitamin c, calcium, and protein were above the RDA at preprogram and postprogram evaluations, yet the percentage of individual participants who consumed less than 67% of the RDA in this study was higher than in the continuing survey of Food Intake of Individuals - 1985. Improvement in nutrient intake at postprogram evaluations was encouraging. Regression analysis indicated that nutrition education classes in college, income level, and level of formal education each had a positive effect on nutrient intake and nutrition knowledge.

“I Want Ketchup on my Rice”: The Role of Child Agency on Arab Migrant Families Food and Foodways

Alkhuzaim, Faisal Kh. 05 July 2018 (has links)
This exploratory research study examines changes in food and foodways (food habits) among Arab migrant families in a small community in Tampa, Florida. It also explores how those families’ children may play a role in the process of change. Within this community, I conducted my research study at a private school, where I recruited families with children between the ages of eight and seventeen. In applying the ecological model of food and nutrition and the developmental niche theoretical framework, this research draws on qualitative methods, including structured interviews with parents; focus group discussion with parents; a food survey; and children’s focus groups that included engaging activities such as vignettes (role playing), free-listing and sorting, and one-day food menus. I used MAXQDA 18 software for qualitative data analysis, and the results show that the main factors aiding in post-migration food and foodways changes are time constraints (lifestyle), ingredients, and availability and accessibility of permissible food (halal). Parent did not mention their children as a main factor; however, they perceive influence of their children. Feeding practices such as rewarding, restriction, forcing, and family meals were emerging themes, and children express their agency around those practices. Children developed their own agency regarding food because of their social and physical environments. Older children perceived their influence on their families’ food and foodways by introducing food items to their own families.

Réactivité et propriétés mécaniques des interfaces entre un alliage Al-Si et un renfort Fe ou Ti

Zhe, Miao 18 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de ce travail est d'établir des relations entre chimie d'interface et propriétés mécaniques dans les assemblages bimétalliques. Il met en évidence que les mécanismes qui contrôlent le développement d'une interface entre alliage Al-Si et renfort ferreux ou titane ont une influence majeure sur les propriétés mécaniques de cette interface. La caractérisation mécanique des interfaces est réalisée par un test de flexion 4 points sur des lames bimétallique élaborées par aluminiage au trempé sur lesquelles un raidisseur est rapporté par collage ou surmoulage. L'évolution de la chimie de la zone de réaction interfaciale est provoquée par un traitement thermique à 535°C à différents temps. La caractérisation des zones de réaction ainsi que des chemins de fissuration est réalisée par diffraction des rayons X et microsonde électronique. Pour les interfaces Fe/A-S7G03 brutes d'élaboration, avant traitement thermique, l'analyse des essais mécaniques conduit à l'obtention d'une valeur du taux de restitution d'énergie de 23 J/m2 qui correspond à la propagation d'une fissure dans la phase η−Al5Fe2(Si). En ce qui concerne les interfaces Ti/A-S7G03, leur force n'a pas permis la propagation d'une fissure dans les conditions de l'essai. A la suite d'un traitement thermique à 535°C, les interfaces Fe/A-S7G03 sont fragilisées par le mécanisme de croissance de la couche de réaction interfaciale qui conduit à l'apparition de porosités Kirkendall en son sein. A l'inverse, dans le cas des interfaces Ti/A-S7G03, aucun affaiblissement de l'interface n'est associé au traitement thermique en raison d'un mécanisme de croissance différent.

Effets d'une restriction alimentaire pendant le dernier tiers de la gestation des chèvres sur le développement du comportement alimentaire de leur progéniture

Laporte-Broux, Bérengère 14 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Un déficit énergétique en fin de gestation peut avoir des conséquences pathologiques pour la mère. De plus, la croissance et le métabolisme fœtaux peuvent être altérés, entraînant des adaptations physiologiques irréversibles chez la descendance. On parle alors de programmation fœtale. Chez des chèvres, une restriction alimentaire pendant le dernier tiers de gestation a entraîné une diminution de leur prise de poids et une augmentation de la mobilisation de leurs réserves corporelles et du temps passé à chercher leur nourriture. Entre la naissance et 10 semaines, le métabolisme des chevreaux issus des chèvres restreintes a été peu modifié. Ces chevreaux, plus petits et plus légers à la naissance, ont rattrapé leur retard de croissance dès la semaine suivante mais étaient moins gras que les témoins. Aucune modification de leur comportement alimentaire et de leur réactivité émotionnelle n'a été observée. Une interaction entre le sexe de la progéniture et la restriction maternelle n'a pas été systématiquement démontrée. Sur une période de deux ans, les femelles issues des chèvres restreintes sont restées plus légères et avaient un état corporel réduit par rapport aux témoins. La réactivité de leur axe corticotrope était augmentée, sans modification de leur réactivité émotionnelle. A 12 et 21 mois, leur ingestion spontanée était plus élevée que celle des animaux témoins. Les effets d'une restriction maternelle pendant la gestation observés à la naissance chez les jeunes chevreaux disparaissent rapidement. Des modifications du comportement alimentaire apparaissent cependant à l'âge adulte.

Candidature pour l'obtention de l'habilitation à diriger des recherches présentée et soutenue par Laurent BRONDEL le 5 décembre 2011

Brondel, Laurent 05 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Pas de résumé.

Le régime alimentaire des primates et son adaptation aux ressources du milieu forestier

Hladik, Claude Marcel 14 June 1977 (has links) (PDF)
Cette Thèse d'Etat, soutenue en 1977, a permis de mettre en perspective les recherches de terrain réalisées dans les régions forestières d'Afrique, d'Amérique et d'Asie. La plupart des données et des discussions présentées dans ce mémoire ont fait l'objet de publications (généralement en anglais) cependant des données originales (dont une partie non publiée) figurent dans les Annexes, notamment en ce qui concerne le composition des aliments consommés par les primates dans leur environnement naturel, ainsi que les données de base sur la morphologie intestinale des différents primates comparés à d'autres mammifères.

Captage du CO2 par procédé membranaire : application au transport routier

Nicolas, Charles-Henri 18 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ces travaux portent sur la conception et le développement d'un procédé membranaire de captage/stockage du CO2 embarqué pour le transport routier. Dans une première partie, nous réalisons la simulation d'un procédé membranaire embarqué de captage du CO2 dans le cas d'un poids lourd (>3500 kg). Ceci comprend l'analyse énergétique de la séparation et de la compression des gaz, l'évaluation des surfaces et volumes requis ainsi que l'autonomie de l'unité de stockage et la surconsommation engendrée par ce dispositif. Nous étudions dans un second temps la relation entre qualité des supports fibres creuses et celle des membranes nanocomposites MFI-alumine synthétisées. Nous nous intéressons ensuite aux performances des membranes nanocomposites dans la séparation CO2/N2 en phase gazeuse. Plus particulièrement nous évaluons l'influence de la substitution isomorphique du silicium par le bore et le germanium, ainsi que l'échange du proton de valence par d'autres atomes, sur la séparation en question. Un chapitre est dédié à l'évaluation des paramètres thermodynamiques (adsorption) et cinétiques (diffusion) de la séparation CO2/N2. Enfin, nous analysons l'influence de la présence de polluants dans le mélange à séparer (eau, NOx, hydrocarbures) sur les performances séparatives des membranes synthétisées.

Morphologie et propriétés électrophysiques de nanocomposites à base de polymères thermoplastiques et de nanotubes de carbone

Levchenko, Volodymyr 28 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La thèse détermine les principaux paramètres de la formation des structures de la phase conductrice de nanocomposites polymères chargés avec des nanotubes de carbone (NTC) ou des nanocharges combinées, pour étudier l'influence de la morphologie de la structure hétérogène du composite et l'interaction des nanocharges sur les propriétés électriques, thermophysiques et mécaniques des composites. Les trois types de systèmes polymères ont été étudiés, à savoir: 1) les systèmes ségrégés avec distribution ordonnée de nanocharges, 2) les mélanges polymère conducteur; 3) les composites avec des charges binaires où les nanotubes de carbone ont été combinés avec des composés organo-argileux modifiés (MOC) dans un cas et des nanoparticules métalliques d'autre part. Les résultats sur les composites polymères ségrégés chargés avec des NTC ont montré que dans de tels systèmes, la charge conductrice crée un réseau continu conducteur au sein de la matrice polymère. Cela conduit à un seuil de percolation ultra faible avec la valeur de φc~0,045vol.%. Il a été démontré que les systèmes conducteurs à base de mélanges de polymères ont un seuil de percolation inférieur en raison d'effet de double percolation. Il a été constaté que l'introduction simultanée de composés MOC et de NTC dans la matrice thermoplastique permet une meilleure répartition des nanotubes de carbone, ce qui empêche leur agrégation. Il en résulte une diminution du seuil de percolation des composites. Il a été démontré que la formation de la phase conductrice est plus efficace avec des charges mixtes CNT/nanométal en comparaison avec les charges individuelles

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