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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of microplastics contamination on marine biota / Efeitos da contaminação por microplásticos na biota marinha

Marina Ferreira Mourão Santana 28 September 2015 (has links)
Microplastic pollution (particles < 5mm) is one of the most widespread impacts from modern society. Here, microplastic impacts were investigated through experimental assessments considering different exposure scenarios using mussels and micro-PVC as models. These aimed to investigate mussels\' physiological signs of stress under acute and chronic exposures and microplastics transference, assimilation and retention along food chains. In acute exposures, PVC intake affected mussels\' physiology over time, also influenced by plastics additives and particle concentration. Interactions among exposure factors (time, presence of additives and concentration) were more relevant than their individual effect, indicating the singularity of each contamination scenario. Long-term contact did not affect mussels, indicating the influence of time to acclimation. Microplastics were not assimilated and retained along food chains, but only biotransferred from prey tissues to predators\' tract, showing the influence of prey contamination on the effectiveness of microplastics biotransference. To evaluate risks in nature, microplastic ingestion was investigated in mussels from the Santos Estuary. Santos Estuary contained microplastics in 75% of sampled mussels, an issue of environmental and human concern. This study illustrated that microplastics impacts on mussels vary with microplastics characteristics, exposure scenario and species vulnerability, highlighting the need for more toxicological and risk evaluation studies. / Os microplásticos (< 5mm) são um dos impactos mais difundidos da sociedade moderna. Aqui, eles foram estudados em ensaios experimentais, considerando diferentes composições de exposição de mexilhões à micro-PVCs. O objetivo foi investigar: sinais fisiológicos de estresse sob exposições aguda e crônica; e transferência, assimilação e retenção de microplásticos em cadeias tróficas. Para avaliar seus potenciais riscos na natureza, a ingestão por mexilhões também foi investigada no Estuário de Santos. As exposições agudas afetaram a fisiologia dos mexilhões, sendo influenciadas pelo tempo e concentração de exposição, e pela presença de aditivos plásticos. Interações entre esses fatores (tempo, concentração e aditivos) foram mais relevantes do que eles individualmente, sugerindo a singularidade dos cenários de poluição. A exposição de longo prazo não afetou os mexilhões, indicando a influência do tempo na aclimatação ao microplástico. O PVC não foi assimilado e retido nas cadeias tróficas, mas biotransferido do tecido das presas para o trato dos predadores, mostrando a influência do estado da presa na efetividade da biotransferência dos microplásticos. Dentre os mexilhões coletados, 75% estavam contaminados, revelando uma importante questão socioambiental. Esse trabalho ilustrou a complexidade dos impactos dos microplásticos para a biota marinha, ressaltando a necessidade de mais estudos sobre seus riscos.

Modélisation numérique du transfert du radiocésium dans les chaines trophiques pélagiques marines suite à l'accident nucléaire de Fukushima Dai-ichi (côte Pacifique du Japon) / Numerical modeling of radiocesium transfer to marine pelagic food chains following the Fukushima Dai-ichi neclear power plant accident (Japanese Pacific coast)

Belharet, Mokrane 06 October 2015 (has links)
Une forte contamination radioactive du milieu marin, notamment par le 137Cs, s'est produite dans le Pacifique nord-ouest suite à l'accident nucléaire de Fukushima Dai-ichi survenu le 11 mars 2011. Deux sources majeures ont été à l'origine de cette contamination, les retombées atmosphériques (sèches et humides) et les rejets liquides directement en mer. Cette radioactivité a été transférée aux organismes marins conduisant à la contamination de plusieurs espèces pélagiques et benthiques. Dans le cadre de l'étude des conséquences de cet accident sur le milieu marin, une première modélisation de la dispersion du 137Cs dans les eaux de la côte Pacifique du Japon a été réalisée par le groupe SIROCCO, permettant ainsi d'estimer l'évolution spatio-temporelle de la concentration de ce radionucléide dans l'eau et de déterminer son terme source, c'est-à-dire sa quantité globale rejetée en mer sous forme liquide. Ce travail de thèse s'inscrit dans la même démarche et vise, par une approche de modélisation, à étudier le transfert du 137Cs aux chaines trophiques pélagiques de la côte Est du Japon, composées par les populations planctoniques, les poissons planctonivores, et les poissons carnivores. Le couplage d'un modèle radioécologique, spécifiquement développé pour cette étude, à un modèle de l'écosystème composé d'un modèle NPZD (Nutrients-Phytoplankto-Zooplankton-Detritus) et d'un modèle de circulation régionale, s'est imposé comme la méthode la plus adaptée à l'étude de la contamination des populations planctoniques dans des conditions post-accidentelles. Les résultats de cette étude ont montré des niveaux de contamination assez élevés de ces populations notamment aux alentours de la centrale où les concentrations estimées sont environ 4 ordres de grandeur supérieures à celles observées avant l'accident. En dépit de ces concentrations élevées, le débit maximal de la dose absorbée reste largement au-dessous du débit de référence à partir duquel les effets sur les populations sont ressentis. Cette étude a aussi mis en évidence la prédominance de la voie trophique dans les processus d'accumulation du césium par ces espèces, ainsi que la présence d'une légère bioamplification chez les classes de taille de zooplancton. Le modèle radioécologique développé pour étudier la contamination des espèces nectoniques est structuré en taille. Chaque espèce est composé d'un ensemble de cohortes dont le nombre est fonction de la durée de vie de l'espèce et de sa fréquence de reproduction. Contrairement aux modèles classiques, le taux d'ingestion de la nourriture par l'organisme ainsi que son régime alimentaire ne sont pas constants dans le temps mais généralement variables en fonction de la taille de l'organisme. Dans cette approche le processus de prédation est considéré comme étant totalement opportuniste. Les résultats sont généralement satisfaisants et le modèle a été validé dans les conditions d'équilibre pré-accidentelles ainsi que dans les conditions post-accidentelles. L'importance de la prise en compte des mouvements migratoires de certaines espèces dans ce type de modèle a été mis en évidence notamment dans les conditions accidentelles caractérisées par une forte variabilité spatiale de la concentration du radionucléide dans la colonne d'eau. Les niveaux de contamination estimés pour les différentes espèces sont largement supérieurs à ceux observés avant l'accident, avec une tendance à l'augmentation lorsque la taille de l'individu augmente. / Huge amounts of radionuclides, espicially 137Cs, were released to the coastal northwestern Pacific ocean after the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident, that occurred on 11 March 2011. The resultant radiocesium contamination was quickly transferred to marine biota resulting in elevated cesium levels in various organisms. Using a modelling approach, this work aims to study the 137Cs transfer to the marine pelagic food chains, from plankton populations to the large piscivorous fishes. Coupling the radioecological model, developed in this study, with an ecosystem model comprising an NPZD biogeochemical model and a regional ocean circulation model, is appeared to be the most adapted tool for modelling of plankton populations contamination in this accidental situation. The results of this study showed high contamination levels in the plankton populations, especially in the vincity of the power plant, where the maximal concentrations are estimated to be about 4 orders of magnitude higher than those observed before the accident. In spite of these high contamination levels, the maximum 137Cs absorbed dose rates for phyto- and zooplankton populations were estimated to be well below the 10 Gy/h benchmark value, from which a measurable effect on the marine biota can be observed. This study has also highlighted the predominance of the cesium uptake from food and the presence of biomagnification potential at this trophic level. The radioecological model developed to study the nektonic species contamination is based on the individual size. In this approach, each species is represented by a set of cohorts. The number of these cohorts is a function of the species life span and reproduction frequency. Unlike traditional approaches, the organism ingestion rate and diet composition considered in this modelling approach are not constant, but vary over the time according to the size of the organism. The model results are in general satisfactory, and the validation is carried out in both equilibrium and accidental situations. This study highlighted the importance of the organism migratory movements in the radioecological modelling espicially in the accident situations caracterized by a very high spatial variability of radionuclides concentrations in the seawater. The detailed caracteristics of 137Cs concentration dynamics in the different species are discussed. The contamination levels estimated for the different species are significantly higher than those observed before the accident, with a clear tendency to increase with individual size.

Caractérisation du rôle de l'Antigène 43 dans le processus de colonisation d'Escherichia coli O157∶H7 / Characterisation of the role of the Antigen 43 in the colonisation process of Escherichia coli O157∶H7

Ageorges, Valentin 26 June 2019 (has links)
Les Escherichia coli entérohémorragiques (EHEC) O157:H7 sont des agents pathogènes alimentaires entrainant des colites hémorragiques et des syndromes hémolytiques et urémiques (SHU). Depuis le ruminant, le réservoir naturel, les EHEC peuvent contaminer certaines denrées alimentaires et in fine infecter l’Homme. La présence de composants de la matrice extracellulaire (ECM) le long de la chaine alimentaire pourrait participer à leur capacité de colonisation grâce à des protéines de surface bactérienne. Parmi ces protéines, l’antigène 43 (Ag43) est sécrété par le système de sécrétion de Type V, sous-type a (T5aSS) et appartient à la famille des SAAT (self-associating autotransporters). Ces protéines modulaires, composées d’un peptide signal N-terminal clivable, d’un domaine passager central exposé à la surface et d’un translocateur C-terminal membranaire, peuvent s’auto-associer selon un mécanisme de Velcro moléculaire. A l’origine, l’Ag43 était distribué en deux sous-familles SF-I et SF-II mais des analyses phylogénétiques ont révélé pour la première fois qu’il est en réalité distribué en 6 classes différentes nommées C1 à C6, basées sur le réarrangement de différents sous-domaines à l’intérieur du domaine passager de la protéine. Quant à la prévalence et la distribution chez les bactéries, l’agn43 s’est avéré être présent essentiellement chez E. coli avec jusqu’à 5 copies du gène par génome, en différentes combinaisons de classes d’Ag43. Des analyses fonctionnelles des Ag43 C1 à Ag43 C4 ont démontré que des interactions homotypiques survenaient pour toutes les classes mais l’Ag43 C3 présentait des différences significatives de cinétique de sédimentation et d’autoagrégation. L’étude des interactions hétérotypiques entre Ag43 de différentes classes a démontré qu’elles ne se produisaient que dans de rares cas. Chez E. coli O157:H7, l’Ag43 C2 a été démontré comme contribuant à l’adhésion des bactéries aux collagènes I et III et à l’autoagrégation. De plus dans cette souche, ce phénotype s’est avéré être régulé par la méthylase Dam et le régulateur de transcription OxyR. Globalement, ces travaux apportent de nouvelles connaissances concernant la diversité de l’Ag43 et son rôle et sa régulation chez E. coli O157:H7. Ainsi, l’Ag43 pourrait être un important facteur de colonisation de la chaine alimentaire pour les EHEC et les autres E. coli diarrhéiques. / Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 are anthropozoonotic agents leading to haemorrhagic colitis and haemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS). From the ruminants, their natural reservoir, EHEC can contaminate some foodstuffs and consequently infect humans. The presence of extracellular matrix (ECM) components along the food chain could contribute to the colonisation process. Numerous proteins can be present at the bacterial cell surface in EHEC, among them, antigen 43 (Ag43) is secreted by the Type V, subtype a, secretion system (T5aSS) and belongs to the family of self-associating autotransporters (SAATs). These modular proteins, comprising a cleavable N-terminal signal peptide, a surface-exposed central passenger and an outer membrane C-terminal translocator, self-recognise in a Velcro-like handshake mechanism. Ag43 was originally considered as distributed into two subfamilies, namely SF-I and SF-II but phylogenetic network analyses revealed for the first time that it actually distribute into six distinct classes, namely C1 to C6 based on the shuffling of different subdomains within the Ag43 passengers. Regarding prevalence and distribution in Bacteria, agn43 appeared to be essentially present in E. coli with up to 5 copies of the gene present in a single genome and in different combinations of Ag43 classes. Functional analyses of Ag43 C1 to Ag43 C4 revealed that homotypic interactions occurred for all Ag43 classes but Ag43 C3 induced significant differences in the sedimentation kinetics and autoaggregation state. In contrast, heterotypic interactions occurred in a very limited number of cases. In E. coli O157:H7, Ag43 C2 was shown to contribute to bacterial adhesion to collagens I and III and to the autoaggregation. Furthermore in this strain, the latter phenotype appeared to be regulated by the Dam methylase and the OxyR transcriptional regulator. Taken together, these results provide new insights of the diversity of Ag43 as well as its role and regulation in E. coli O157:H7. Thus, Ag43 may represent an important colonisation factor of the food chain by EHEC and other diarrheagenic E. coli.

Toxicidade do cádmio em uma cadeia alimentar constituída por uma microalga (Scenedesmus quadricauda), um cladócero (Simocephalus serrulatus) e um peixe (Hyphessobrycon eques) / Cadmiun toxicity in an aquatic food chain formed by a microalga (Scenedesmus quadricauda), a cladocean (Simocephalus serrulatus) and a fish (Hypressobrycon eques)

Souza, Jaqueline Pérola de 27 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:29:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4522.pdf: 5258666 bytes, checksum: 63af4d47236c40f5653d5e62225746e6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-27 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / The effects of trace metals contamination in aquatic environments are of concern in the ecotoxicological point of view. In these environments the organisms are exposed to metals in the dissolved form and also through ingestion of contaminated food in the food chain. The phytoplanktonic organisms are the basis of food chains and are responsible for primary productivity. Zooplankton is a link between primary producers and higher trophic levels, such as fish. The exposure of these organisms to metals will cause changes in the physiology, affect productivity rates, and the balance and dynamics of aquatic communities. This study evaluated the effects of the metal cadmium (Cd) on an experimental freshwater food chain involving the algae Scenedesmus quadricauda, a cladoceran daphinidae, Simocephalus serrulatus, and the fish Hyphessobrycon eques. Cultures of S. quadricauda in exponential phase growth were exposed to 1.6x10-9; 3.2x10-8; 6.7x10-8; 1.6x10-7 and 1.3x10-6 mol L-1 of total dissolved Cd for 96 h. During exposure chlorophyll "a", population growth, coenobia size, and dry biomass were evaluated. Then the contaminated algae were given as food to the zooplankton S. serrulatus during the complete life cycle of the organisms in the concentration range of 3.8x10-14 to 5.9x10-12 g Cd cell-1. During the exposure the embryonic development time, age at first reproduction, time for egg production, generation time, longevity, fertility rates, feeding rates, secondary production, and recovery of the animals were evaluated. Then the cladocerans reared with Cd contaminated algae were used as food for the fish H. eques duruing a period of seven days. At the end of this exposure, we evaluated the histological structure of gills and liver, and the fresh weight of the animals. In S. quadricauda, there were damages on the chlorophyll content, and in the population growth at high concentrations of the metal. In the cladocerans were detected increase of the embryonic development time, age at first reproduction, and generation time, whereas a decrease of the longevity, fertility rates, feeding rates, and secondary production. The rate of secondary production showed recovery after removal the contaminated food. The histological patterns of gills and liver, as well as the fresh weight of the fish were not affected by the Cd exposure tested through the food chain considering the exposure period and concentrations tested. The results indicated that food can be considered an important vehicle in the Cd transfer from phytoplankton to zooplankton in aquatic food webs. Cd has a high potential for toxicity, impacting the producers and primary consumers. However, no Cd effects to the fish, the third trophic level, were detected. These studies are of great importance for understanding Cd behavior in aquatic environments, as well as its toxicity to the organisms. The understanding of these aspects contributes to adaptation strategies for the conservation of aquatic ecosystems in situations of contamination. / Os efeitos da contaminação dos ambientes aquáticos por metais são preocupantes do ponto de vista ecotoxicológico. Nesses ambientes os organismos são expostos aos metais na forma dissolvida e também através da ingestão de alimentos contaminados via cadeia trófica. Os organismos fitoplanctônicos estão na base das cadeias alimentares dos ambientes aquáticos e são responsáveis pela produtividade primária. O zooplâncton constitui um elo entre produtores primários e níveis tróficos superiores, como os peixes. A exposição desses organismos aos metais pode ocasionar mudanças na fisiologia, afetar as taxas de produtividade, e, consequentemente o equilíbrio e dinâmica das populações e comunidades aquáticas. Este estudo avaliou os efeitos do metal cádmio (Cd) sobre uma cadeia alimentar experimental constituída por uma microalga clorofícea Scenedesmus quadricauda, um cladócero dafinídeo Simocephalus serrulatus e o peixe Hyphessobrycon eques. Cultivos de S. quadricauda em fase exponencial de crescimento foram expostos a 1,6x10-9; 3,2x10-8; 6,7x10- 8; 1,6x10-7 e 1,3x10-6 mol L-1 de Cd total dissolvido durante 96 h. A concentração de clorofila a , taxa de crescimento populacional, morfologia dos cenóbios e biomassa seca foram avaliadas durante a exposição. Depois de contaminadas as algas foram fornecidas como alimento aos cladóceros S. serrulatus durante todo seu ciclo de vida em concentrações entre 3,8x10-14 a 5,9x10-12 g Cd célula-1. Durante a exposição o tempo de duração do desenvolvimento embrionário, idade da primeira reprodução, intervalo na produção de ovos, tempo de geração, longevidade, taxas de fertilidade, taxas de alimentação, produtividade secundária e recuperação foram avaliados. Em seguida os cladóceros alimentados com algas contaminadas foram utilizados como alimento para o peixe H. eques por um período de sete dias. A estrutura histológica das brânquias e fígado e peso fresco dos animais foram avaliados ao final dessa exposição. Em S. quadricauda, houve diminuição no conteúdo de clorofila a e no crescimento populacional nas maiores concentrações do metal. Nos cladóceros ocorreu aumento do tempo de duração do desenvolvimento embrionário, idade da primípara e tempo de geração; houve diminuição da longevidade, das taxas de fertilidade, taxas de alimentação e produtividade secundária. A produção secundária foi recuperada após a retirada do alimento contaminado. Os padrões histológicos das brânquias e fígado dos peixes, assim como o peso fresco não foram afetados pela exposição ao Cd via cadeia alimentar considerando o período de exposição e a amplitude de concentração de Cd avaliada. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o alimento pode ser considerado um veículo importante na transferência do Cd do fitoplâncton para o zooplâncton nas cadeias tróficas aquáticas. O Cd tem elevado potencial de toxicidade impactando os produtores e consumidores primários. No entanto, não foi detectado efeitos do Cd no terceiro nível trófico. Esses estudos são importantes para o entendimento do comportamento do metal Cd nos ambientes aquáticos, bem como seu potencial de toxicidade sobre os organismos encontrados nesses ambientes. O entendimento desses aspectos contribui para adequação de estratégias de preservação dos ecossistemas aquáticos em situações de contaminação por Cd.

Fontes de carbono e nitrogênio para consumidores aquáticos nas microbacias da Mata Atlântica utilizando-se isótopos estáveis / Carbon and nitrogen sources to aquatic consumers in watersheds of the Atlantic forest using stable isotopes.

Alexandre Leandro Pereira 20 December 2011 (has links)
Isótopos estáveis de 13C e 15N de fontes basais e consumidores foram utilizados para descrever e quantificar as fontes de matéria orgânica que sustentam as teias alimentares em riachos da Floresta Atlântica em um gradiente altitudinal (Floresta Montana, Submontana e Terras Baixas) e em riachos com diferentes usos do solo floresta, cultivo de eucalipto e pastagem). Os estudos foram realizados no Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar Núcleos Picinguaba e Santa Virgínia e no seu entorno. No gradiente altitudinal os resultados indicam que em floresta Montana os consumidores mostraram dependência das fontes autóctones (principalmente seston), em Submontana as fontes autóctones também são as que mais contribuem para os consumidores, principalmente perifíton. Em Terras Baixas as plantas C3 entram como contribuintes nas teias alimentares, contudo os consumidores continuam assimilando mais C e N do perifíton e seston. Nos diferentes usos do solo, as fontes basais tiveram diferenças isotópicas, com valores mais negativos de 13C em floresta e menos negativos nos riachos alterados e 15N mais positivo na pastagem. A comunidade em riachos de floresta assimila C e N proveniente do seston, enquanto que em cultivo de eucalipto as fontes autóctones (perifíton e seston) contribuem com mais de 70% e gramíneas C4 com 14%. Os riachos de pastagem são ambientes heterotróficos com grande dependência das fontes alóctones (plantas terrestres C3 e gramíneas C4). Destaca-se um aumento na contribuição das fontes alóctones à medida que se muda a cobertura vegetal do entorno, em floresta a contribuição alóctone é de 3%, cultivo de eucalipto 23% e pastagem 58%. Isso se deve principalmente a entrada de C4 nas teias alimentares. / 13C and 15N stable isotopes of basal sources and consumers were used to describe and quantify sources of organic matter supporting food webs in streams of the Atlantic Forest along an elevation range (montane forest, sub-montane and lowland) and in streams with different land uses (forest, eucalyptus and pasture). Studies were carried in the Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar - Picinguaba and Santa Virginia nucleous and its surroundings. Along the elevation range results indicate that consumers in Montane forest showed dependence on autochthonous sources (mainly seston). In sub-montane autochthonous sources are also those that contribute most to consumers, mainly periphyton. In lowlands C3 plants come as contributors in food webs, however most consumers remain assimilating C and N from the seston and periphyton. The basal sources had different isotopic signatures indifferent land uses, with more negative values of 13C in forest streams and less negative in altered streams and 15N values more positive in pasture. The community forest streams assimilated C and N from seston, while in the cultivation of eucalyptus autochthonous sources (periphyton and seston) contribute more than 70% and C4 grasses with 14%. The pasture streams are heterotrophic environments with high reliance on allochthonous sources (C3 terrestrial plants and C4 grasses). Increase in the contribution of allochthonous sources was observed in the following order: forest (3%), eucalyptus (23%), and pasture (58%). This is mainly due to entry of C4 plants in food webs.

Regulace dodavatelsko-odběratelských vztahů v potravinářském řetězci / Regulation of retailer-supplier relatiohships within the food chain

Mokrejšová, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with retailer-supplier relationships within the food chain, and with possibilities of their regulation. The aim is to assess the effect of regulation of retailer-supplier relationship, through "Act on Significant Market Power and Abuse thereof" on particular food chain members, and eventually to propose an alternative solution of their regulation. The thesis states the following hypothesis: The Act on Significant Market Power does not change bargaining power between suppliers and retailers. The thesis is divided into five parts. The first of those defines the issue of retailer-supplier relationship, especially the so called "unfair practices". The mind-set of the European Commission which judges the unfairness of a practice, according to its impact on consumer, investment and competition is stressed. When comparing market shares and profit abilities, it is obvious that supplier sector is not disadvantaged in relation to retailing, however, there are cases of small and medium enterprises over which retailers can impose their bargaining power. Retroactive changes and excessive risk transfer on a business partner are then indicated as unfair, which is confirmed by microeconomic analysis. The second part maps means of regulation, through hard and soft law in the EU and its member states with focus on the Czech Republic, where the Act No. 395/2009 Coll., on Significant Market Power in the Sale of Agricultural and Food Products and Abuse thereof is applied. It is found that regulation within the EU is heterogeneous and the results of different regulatory mechanism in different countries differ. The third part talks about self-regulatory possibilities constituted by corporate social responsibility. The main solution of retailer-supplier relationships is represented by stakeholder dialogue, in which contractual parties look for the basis of their antagonistic positions (which are hidden in their interests and needs), and try to identify mutual needs and to create shared value. This approach increases the created value, which is advantageous for both partners, instead of redistributing the value to the benefit of the stronger partner. The fourth part presents the results of a survey conducted among retailers, retailer suppliers and farmers, their opinions about the Act on Significant Market Power, about changes caused by this Act and about particular unfair practices. It was realised that the Act does not help the suppliers very much, in that the bargaining position was improved only with a tiny part of the respondents, and the Act even did not fulfil the role of small and medium sized enterprises protection. The everyday practice of retailer-supplier relationships remains (after changing few legal formulations in the contracts) almost the same as it was before the Act came into force. The only considerable change is shortening the payment period to 30 days; however, there are suppliers that are not content about this provision. The farmers do not feel any consequences of the Act; retailers regard it as business barrier and excessive regulation. Thus, this part confirms the hypothesis. The final part of the thesis proposes a solution to this issue by engaging many stakeholders: the business partners (self-regulation), the State (regulation through general universal act), consumers, non-governmental organisations and media (generating demand for responsible behaviour of firms).

Optimisation de la transformation de matières premières issues de cultures associées légumineuse - blé tendre par une bonne connaissance de la physico-chimie des ingrédients et du procédé de fabrication / Optimization of the processing of raw materials from soft wheat - legume intercrops by a good knowledge of the physical-chemical behavior of the ingredients and of the manufacturing process.

Monnet, Anne-Flore 23 November 2018 (has links)
Le mélange blé - légumineuse constitue une option prometteuse pour le développement de pratiques agricoles durables et la fourniture de protéines de bonne qualité nutritionnelle. Des filières de transformation des cultures associées intégrant la gestion d’un mélange jusqu’à la fabrication d’un produit céréalier enrichi en farine de légumineuse pourraient être conçues. Ceci implique de maîtriser la variabilité des matières premières entrantes en seconde transformation. L’objectif de ce travail est de développer un outil permettant de maîtriser la qualité de cakes enrichis en farine de légumineuse quelles que soient les variations de qualité des matières premières, par l’utilisation du procédé de fabrication. La qualité des cakes est définie par leurs propriétés de structure aux différentes échelles. Après un travail de caractérisation des propriétés de farines variables et d’étude du procédé de fabrication, un modèle multicritère multi-contraintes de maîtrise de la qualité a été mis en place par une démarche de plan d’expériences. La capacité de prévision du modèle a été validée, et son efficacité de correction a été confirmée du point de vue instrumental et sensoriel dans le cas de deux scénarii. Après une discussion de la durabilité de la filière dans son ensemble, les connaissances acquises lors de ce travail ont été rassemblées pour formuler des recommandations vis-à-vis des étapes amont de la filière (sélection, culture, tri, 1ère transformation) dans un objectif d’ingénierie reverse. / Mixing wheat and legumes is a promising way of developing sustainable agricultural practices in addition to supplying proteins of good nutri-tional quality. Food chains for the valorization of wheat-legume intercrops could be designed to handle such a mixture right up to the production of cereal products enriched with legume flour. This would involve monitoring the variability of the raw materials used by the secondary processing industry. The aim of this work was to develop a tool to enable the monitoring of the quality of cakes enriched with legume flour regardless of variations in flour quality, by using the processing variables. The quality of soft cakes is defined by their structural properties at different length scales. After characterization of the variable properties of flour and of the manufacturing process, a multi- objective model for the monitoring of cake quality was built thanks to an optimal experimental design. The prediction capacity of the model was validated, and its correction efficiency was confirmed both instrumentally and sensorially in two case studies involving variations in the proportions and particle sizes of wheat and legume in the flour. Following a discussion of the sustainability of the food chain as a whole, the knowledge acquired during the course of this study was used to make recommen -dations concerning the upstream stages of the chain (selection, cultivation, sorting, first processing) using a reverse engineering approach.

Gestión de mejora y optimización de procesos en la Cadena de Suministro de la Quinua desarrollado en Huamachuco-Perú, mediante la aplicación de un modelo de integración / Process improvement and optimization management in the Quinoa Supply Chain developed in Huamachuco-Peru, through the application of an integration model

Ramírez Mego, Manuel Jesús, Román Acuña, Ivonne Eliany 23 November 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto expone el análisis de la cadena de suministro de la quinua peruana de la zona andina de Huamachuco, La Libertad. Para ello, una cooperativa agroecológica conformada por más de 100 agricultores orientados al cultivo de quinua, la cual ha experimentado un impulso en la demanda del mercado en los últimos años, ha sido seleccionada como unidad de estudio. Además, presenta como objetivo mostrar el contexto operacional en el que se encuentra La Cooperativa con respecto al comportamiento de mermas. Asimismo, expone una evaluación de acuerdo con el modelo SCOR globalmente aceptado. Esto con la finalidad de probar que mejorando la etapa crítica del proceso de cultivo a través de un modelo de integración propuesto, el cual tiene como referencia las brechas identificadas en la evaluación SCOR del proceso MAKE y las causas raíz identificadas del problema planteado, es posible reducir el porcentaje de mermas en dicha etapa al mismo tiempo que se obtiene una mejor puntuación del proceso MAKE de La Cooperativa en estudio. / This project presents the analysis of the Peruvian quinoa supply chain in the Andean area of ​​Huamachuco, La Libertad. For this, an agroecological cooperative made up of more than 100 farmers oriented to the cultivation of quinoa, which has experienced a boost in market demand in recent years, has been selected as the study unit. In addition, it aims to show the operational context in which The Cooperative finds itself with respect to the behavior of wastes. It also presents an evaluation in accordance with the globally accepted SCOR model. This in order to prove that by improving the critical stage of the cultivation process through a proposed integration model, which is based on the gaps identified in the SCOR evaluation of the MAKE process and the identified root causes of the problem posed, it is possible to reduce the percentage of wastes in this stage at the same time that a better score is obtained from the MAKE process of The Cooperative under study. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Comparing created and natural depressional wetlands through trophic analysis of macroinvertebrates

Eisele, Shante N. January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

In Light of Energy: Influences of Light Pollution on Linked Stream-Riparian Invertebrate Communities

Meyer, Lars Alan 30 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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