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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A indicação geográfica de vinhos finos segundo a percepção de confrades brasileiros

Falcão, Thays Ferreira January 2008 (has links)
No Brasil, a procura dos setores agroindustriais pela certificação relacionada à origem geográfica vem aumentando significativamente. Neste estudo é apresentada uma revisão de literatura que versa sobre a qualidade em alimentos, em vinhos e em vinhos com indicação geográfica (IG), além de uma breve abordagem das indicações geográficas no Brasil e no mundo. Como método de trabalho, realizou-se uma survey entre consumidores integrantes de confrarias de vinhos brasileiras a fim de identificar a percepção dos mesmos com relação às indicações geográficas e melhorar a compreensão deste mecanismo como ferramenta estratégica na diferenciação de produtos. Após análise dos resultados obtidos, pode-se constatar, no estudo, que o consumidor confrade percebe a IG em vinhos como um fator de qualidade muito relacionado à tipicidade do produto, à região e ao país de origem, mas não é o fator que mais influencia na decisão de compra. Ainda, na percepção dos confrades brasileiros entrevistados, as IGs estrangeiras são mais confiáveis e mais conhecidas do que as IGs nacionais. Por fim, entende-se que os vinhos de IG devam ser apresentados como uma opção de vinho fino de alta qualidade, que inspire a confiança do consumidor e que traga consigo tipicidade, tradição e história da região produtora. / In Brazil, the search for the certification related to the geographical origin by agribusiness has been increasing significantly. In this paper, we present a revision of the literature which deals with food quality, wine and wine with Geographical Indication (GI), besides a brief approach on the Geographical Indications (GIs) in Brazil and over the world. As a method of work, we conducted a survey among consumers that were members of Brazilian Wine Associations in order to identify their perception towards the Geographical Indications (GIs) for a better comprehension of this device as a strategic tool in distinction of products. We can state in this study that the associate consumer sees the GI in wines as a quality agent very much related to the uniqueness of the product, to the region or country of origin, but not as the agent that will mostly influence in the final purchase decision. Still, according to the interviewed Brazilian associates’ perception, the foreign GIs are more reliable than the national ones and fewer consumers really know about the national GIs when compared to the foreign ones. We understand, after all, that wines with GI have to be presented as an option of high quality fine wine, the one which inspires the consumer’s confidence and brings out the uniqueness, tradition and history of the producing region.

Qualidade e inocuidade do polvo (Octopus sp) nos diferentes elos da sua comercialização na Baixada Santista, SP, Brasil / Quality and safety of the octopus (Octopus sp) in different segments of its marketing in Baixada Santista, São Paulo, Brazil

Marildes Josefina Lemos Neto 21 September 2009 (has links)
Qualidade e inocuidade do polvo (Octopus sp) nos diferentes elos da sua comercialização na Baixada Santista, SP, Brasil O pescado é uma fonte de alimento com componentes altamente desejáveis para uma dieta saudável, apesar de vários fatores poderem torná-lo um risco potencial para a saúde do consumidor. Dentre os diferentes tipos de pescado desembarcados pelas frotas que atuam no litoral paulista e águas adjacentes, os moluscos da Classe Cephalopoda (lulas e polvos) constituem um grupo de interesse econômico tanto para o mercado interno quanto para o externo. Tendo em vista a inexistência de dados sobre a qualidade de polvo e o interesse que vem despertando como produto de exportação, o presente estudo teve por objetivo verificar a ocorrência de contaminação microbiana e de metais pesado, bem como seu grau de frescor. Foram analisadas 121 amostras de polvo cru adquiridas em locais como feiras-livres (14), mercados/peixarias (27), supermercados (25), indústrias (23) e terminais pesqueiros ou entrepostos (32) em quatro municípios da Baixada Santista (Guarujá, Santos, São Vicente e Praia Grande). Foram realizadas análises microbiológicas, físico-químicas e de metais pesados. Salmonella spp foi detectada em oito (6,6%) das 121 amostras sendo duas provenientes de amostras coletadas em entreposto, três de amostras de indústria, duas de amostras de polvo coletadas em supermercados e uma amostra coletada em feira-livre; L. monocytogenes foi detectada em 15 (12,4%) amostras de polvo sendo seis (5,0%), de amostras coletadas em entreposto, duas (1,6%) proveniente de indústria, uma (0,8%) de amostra coletada em feira livre, cinco (4,1%) de supermercados e uma (0,8%) em peixaria. Observou-se que uma amostra (0,8%), coletada em entreposto, apresentou população de coliformes termotolerantes na faixa de 104 a 105 NMP/animal e uma (0,8%) proveniente de feira livre apresentou o maior nível de contaminação (105 - 106 NMP/animal). Apenas uma amostra (0,8%), proveniente de entreposto, apresentou população de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva acima de 103 UFC/animal. Quarenta e uma amostras (33,9%) apresentaram populações de aeróbios mesófilos acima de 106 UFC/animal. Em relação aos psicrotróficos, 94 (77,7%) amostras apresentaram populações acima de 106 UFC/animal. Os valores de pH oscilaram entre 6,02 e 7,22.- Para N-BVT os valores variaram entre 11,5 e 69,01 mg/100g. Considerando o limite máximo estabelecido de 30 mg de N-BVT/100g de pescado, do total de amostras analisadas, 29,3% foram consideradas impróprias para consumo humano. Os resultados obtidos para TBARS variaram de 0,08 a 2,37mg de aldeído malônico/kg de pescado. Na quantificação de metais os níveis para As variaram de 1,256 a 28,502 mg/kg; Cd de 0,006 a 0,540 mg/kg; Pb de 0,0018 a 0,491 mglkg; Hg de 0,007 a 0,179 mg/kg; Se de 0,074 a 0,690 mg/kg e Zn de 4,7 a 140,8 mg/kg de polvo in natura. No Brasil, o Ministério da Saúde estabelece o limite máximo de tolerância (LMT) de 1,0 mg/kg para o arsênio em peixe e produtos da pesca, 0,5 mg/kg para o mercúrio para o chumbo 2,0 mg/kg e cádmio 1,0 mg/kg. Em relação ao As, 100% das amostras encontram-se acima do LMT. O presente estudo sugere a importância dos ensaios físico-quimicos, microbiológicos e de metais pesados na avaliação da qualidade do polvo para consumo humano. É imprescindível um esforço em conjunto dos órgãos de pesquisa, de fiscalização e instituições relacionadas à capacitação dos manipuladores do pescado visando garantir o oferecimento de um alimento, não só de alto valor nutricional, como é o polvo, mas com qualidade assegurada. / Seafood contain highly desirable nutrients for a healthy diet, although several factors may turn it into a potential risk to consumers health. Among the different types of seafood landed by the fleets operating in the Sao Paulo coast and adjacent waters, the mollusc class Cephalopoda (squid and octopus) are a group of economic interest for both domestic and externai market. In view of the lack of data on the quality of octopus and irs increasing attracting interest as an export product, this study aimed to verify the occurrence of microbial and heavy metais contamination, and it\'s degree offreshness. 121 samples of raw octopus purchased at street fairs (14), free markets/fish markets (27), supermarkets (25), industries (23) and fish warehouses (32) in four municipalities of the Baixada Santista (Guarujá , Santos, São Vicente and Praia Grande) were analyzed. Microbiological, physical-chemical analyses were performed as well as heavy metais determinations. Salmonella was detected in eight (6.6%) of 121 samples - two samples were collected from fish warehouses, three samples from industries, two samples from supermarkets and one sample from street fair; L. monocytogenes was detected in 15 (12.4%) samples, six of them (5.0%) collected from fish warehouses, two (1.6%) from industries, one (0.8%) from streetfair, five (4.1%) from supermarkets, and one (0.8%) from fish markets. One sample (0.8%), collected from fish warehouse, showed a population of thermotolerant coliforms in the range of 104 to 105 MPN/animal and one (0.8%) collected from street fair showed the highest levei of contamination (105 - 106 MPN/animal). Only one sample (0.8%), collected from warehouse, showed a positive population of Staphylococcus coagulase above 103 CFU/animal. Forty-one samples (33.9%) showed aerobic mesophiles populations higher than 106 CFU/animal. In relation to psychrotrophics, 94 (77.7%) samples showed populations higher than 106 CFU/animal. The pH values ranged between 6.02 and 7.22. TVBN values ranged between 11.5 and 69.01 mg/100g. Considering 30 mg TVBN/100g of fish the maximum established Iimit 29.3% of the samples were considered unfit for human consumption. Results for TBARS ranged from 0.08 to 2.37 mg of malonic aldehyde/kg of fish. In relation to metal quantification the levels of As ranged from 1.256 to 28.502 mg/kg, Cd from 0.006 to 0.540 mg/kg, Pb from 0.0018 to 0.491 mg/kg, Hg 0.007 to 0.179 mg/kg. These levels are related to raw octopus. The Brazilian Ministry of Health sets the maximum residue Iimit (MRL) of 1.0 mg/kg for arsenic in fish and fish products, 0.5 mg/kg for mercuryin predatory fish, 2.0 mg / kg for lead in predatory fish, and 1.0 mg / kg for cadmium. 100% of the samples were above the arsenic MRL. This study suggests the importance of physical-chemical, microbiological and heavy metais analysis in assessing the quality of octopus for human consumption. It is essential to coordinate a task force among research and surveillance centers as well as institutions related to fish handlers training to ensure the delivery of a food, not only of high nutritional value, as is the octopus, but with assured quality.

Produção de Pleurotus sajor-caju em bagaço de cana-de-açúcar lavado e o uso de aditivos visando sua conservação "in natura". / Production of Pleurotus sajor-caju in washed sugar cane bagasse and the fresh mushrooms’shelf life evaluation by treatment with diferent solutions.

Evelise Moncaio Moda 09 June 2003 (has links)
Tradicionalmente, o cultivo do cogumelo comestível Pleurotus sajor-caju ou “hiratake” é realizado em diferentes resíduos agrícolas, precedido pelos processos de compostagem e pasteurização. Apresenta uma delicada consistência sendo comercializado preferencialmente “in natura”, com tempo de vida útil de 3 a 7 dias, dependendo das condições de armazenamento. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram: eliminar a fase de pasteurização do substrato através da lavagem do bagaço da cana-de-açúcar, com posterior suplementação visando um aumento na produtividade e prolongar o tempo de comercialização do cogumelo fresco através da sua imersão em diferentes soluções. Na primeira parte do trabalho, os colmos da cana-de-açúcar passaram por moenda para a extração do caldo, sendo em seguida desfibrados. Um lote foi pasteurizado em água a 80°C durante 2 horas; outro lote foi lavado em água corrente à temperatura ambiente em um aparelho adaptado, durante uma hora. Foram drenados e acondicionados em sacos de polietileno com a “semente-inóculo” (5% sobre a matéria úmida). A lavagem simples no aparelho foi utilizada para o experimento com suplementação; um lote recebeu suplementação com quirera de milho (suplementação orgânica); outro foi suplementado com solução nutritiva (suplementação mineral) e o controle não foi suplementado; em ambos os experimentos foram avaliadas a eficiência biológica e a contaminação do substrato. Na segunda parte do trabalho, os cogumelos colhidos foram imersos em diferentes soluções (ácido cítrico, peróxido de hidrogênio e água destilada) durante 2 minutos, foram drenados, acondicionados em bandejas de poliestireno e mantidos sob refrigeração (4ºC) durante 10 dias; foram avaliadas a coloração, textura, aparência e o peso. A lavagem simples do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar mostrou-se eficiente no controle dos microrganismos competidores durante as fases de colonização do substrato e produção dos cogumelos. A suplementação mineral do bagaço lavado com solução nutritiva resultou em eficiência biológica média (EBM) de 30,03%, sendo superior ao controle, com EBM de 26,62%; o menor desempenho foi obtido com a utilização da suplementação orgânica no bagaço lavado, apresentando EBM de 15,66%. Em relação à conservação do cogumelo fresco, ocorreram perdas de textura e peso, bem como o amarelecimento dos cogumelos em todos os tratamentos, não apresentando diferença entre as soluções citadas e o controle no final do período de avaliação. Portanto, os processos de imersão nas soluções de ácido cítrico, peróxido de hidrogênio e água destilada não apresentaram resultados satisfatórios para a conservação dos cogumelos frescos. / Traditionally, the cultivation of edible mushroom Pleurotus sajor-caju or “hiratake” has been carried out on different composted and pasteurized agricultural residues. They are usually sold in natura and according to the storage conditions the mushrooms’shelf life varies from 3 to 7 days. The objectives of this study were to investigate the traditional processes of compostage and pasteurization in substitution by washed and supplemented (mineral or organic) sugar cane bagasse and evaluate the increase of fresh mushrooms’shelf life by immersion into different solutions. In the first experiment, the fresh sugar cane bagasse was washed in fresh water and packed in ethylene bag added with the spawn; the suplementation of washed sugar cane bagasse was mineral (with the nutritive solution) or organic (with the corn gritz). The biological efficiency and the contamination of the substrate were analysed. After harvest, the mushrooms were immersed into different solutions for 2 minutes, dryed, packed in trays and kept under refrigeration (4ºC) for 10 days. Coloration, texture, weight and global aspect of the mushrooms were evaluated in this period of storage. The washed bagasse was efficient to inhibit the growth of competitive microorganisms during the spawning and production of the mushrooms. The supplementation with nutritive solution presented the best biological efficiency media (BEM), 30,03% while with the control was 26,62%. The corn gritz presented the worst performance, with a BEM of 15,66%. The yellowish of mushrooms occurred and their texture and weight decreased. The global aspect of the immersed mushrooms had no difference compared to the control not immersed. This process of immersion into different solutions did not extend the shelf life of fresh mushrooms.

Hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) in a red meat abattoir

Wagude, Bethsheba Emily Akinyi 11 October 2007 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document / Dissertation (MSc (Food Science))--University of Pretoria, 1999. / Food Science / MSc / unrestricted

An assessment of the nutritional adequacy and quality of food provided to adult psychiatric patients in public psychiatric hospitals in the Eastern Cape

January 2020 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Nutrition Management) - MSc(NM) / Introduction: The significant link between mental health and nutrition throughout one’s life cannot be overstated. Yet this strong association is often neglected in the public healthcare sector in South Africa, particularly in the case of people who are being treated for various types of mental illness. It is therefore important to prioritise nutrition care through efficient and effective hospital food services in public psychiatric facilities. Although hospital settings are often perceived to provide efficient clinical care, the food provided to patients by hospital food service units is often criticised for being bland, repetitive and/or unhealthy. At times, too, inadequate food budget allocations by provincial health departments or poor supply chain management practices result in patients receiving inadequate quantities of food at mealtimes, which might lead to their becoming malnourished during their hospital stays. For psychiatric patients in particular, malnutrition can have serious short and longer-term consequences.

Stanovení výskytu toxických prvků ve vínech / Determination of toxic elements in wines

Hajdučková, Iva January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of selected toxic elements in wine. The theoretical part described technology of wine production and selected toxic elements (cadmium, lead, copper, zinc, nickel and chromium) in the terms of their impact on wine quality and their effects on the human organism. It provides an overview of instrumental analytical methods, which can be used for the analysis of toxic metals. In the experimental part inductively coupled mass spektrometry technique was used for the analysis of wine samples. The measured values are statistically processed and compared with current legislation.

Från Tradition till Innovation : En fallstudie om möjlig effektivisering av orderplocksprocessen på ett livsmedelslager

Olivefalk, Linnéa, Yasar, Damla January 2023 (has links)
The Food Industry plays a crucial role in meeting human needs, but it also requires complex management in the supply chain. A costly and labor-intense part of the chain involves the order picking process, where proper handling and accuracy are important to ensuring the quality of food products. To optimize this process and maintain high product quality, an optimized warehouse management is necessary. This case study is conducted at a company that provides frozen food storage, where order picking accounts for 77% of the total order picking process. Therefore, the aim of the case study is to analyze alternative measures, optimize the order picking process and ensure high food product quality. To achieve this purpose, a qualitative method has been applied, involving data collection through interviews and observations. The results from the data collection have been integrated with previous research to compile an analysis of alternative efficiency measures and methods for maintaining food quality. The study highlights that temperature, hygiene and education are key factors in ensuring food product quality. Within the order picking process, factors such as warehouse layout, item placement and digital tools have been suggested to enhance efficiency. Methods such as ABC, zoning, digital picking techniques, and automatic identification technologies have also been proposed as efficiency measures. By implementing these methods, the company can optimize the order picking process and maintain high food product quality. / Livsmedelsindustrin har en viktig roll för att kunna tillfredsställa mänskliga behov, men kräver samtidigt en komplex hantering i försörjningskedjan. En kostsam och arbetsintensiv del av kedjan avser orderplockprocessen, där rätt hantering och noggrannhet är avgörande för att säkerställa kvaliteten på livsmedelsprodukter. För att effektivisera denna process och upprätthålla  en hög kvalitet på produkter krävs en optimerad lagerhantering. Denna fallstudie utförs på ett företag som tillhandahåller fryslager av livsmedel, där orderplock står för 77% av den totala orderplockprocessen. Därför syftar fallstudien till att analysera alternativa åtgärder för att effektivisera orderplockprocessen och säkerställa en hög kvalitet på livsmedelsprodukter. För att kunna besvara syftet har den kvalitativa metoden tillämpats, där en datainsamling av intervjuer och observationer har genomförts. Resultaten från datainsamlingen har integrerats med tidigare forskning, för att sammanställa en analys om alternativa effektiviseringsåtgärder och metoder för att behålla livsmedelskvalitet. Studien framhäver att temperatur, hygien och utbildning är centrala faktorer för att säkerställa kvalitet på livsmedelsprodukter. Inom orderplockprocessen har faktorer som lagerlayout, artikelplacering och digitala verktyg hävdats kunna effektivisera orderplockprocessen. För att uppnå detta har metoder även ABC, zonindelning, digitala plockmetoder och automatisk identifierinstekniker föreslagits som effektiviseringsåtgärder.Genom att tillämpa dessa metoder kan företaget effektivisera orderplockprocessen och upprätthålla en hög  kvalitet på livsmedelsprodukterna.

Sustainable food packaging based on polyhydroxyalkanoate / Hållbara livsmedelsförpackningar baserade på polyhydroxialkanoat

Al-Ashor, Safana January 2024 (has links)
The Norwegian Food Research Institute (Nofima) and the University of Borås worked together to develop this project. The commonly used packaging materials pose a serious threat to the environment, as they are produced from nonrenewable crude oil and cannot decompose naturally. Despite some manufacturers' claims of their products being eco-friendly or sustainable, they are not entirely made from renewable resources and are not biodegradable. Nevertheless, some bio-based materials have emerged as a viable alternative that can naturally break down and safely decompose in the environment. Despite many studies, biopolymers possess limited mechanical and barrier properties, which restricts their potential for use in products. To overcome this limitation, polymer blending can be employed to enhance their final properties and make them more suitable for various applications. The objective of this project was to design sustainable food packaging using biopolymers. PHBV, one of the PHA’s bio-based polymers, was blended with other polymers to enhance its properties as a sustainable food packaging material. Through blending, PHAs'physical, chemical, and thermal properties can be enhanced to obtain exceptional films for food packaging purposes. Finally, in this work, a bio-based polymer, polyhydroxyalkanoate, was used to producea biodegradable packaging system for potential food packaging applications. The effect of the physical modification of PHBV on mechanical and barrier properties was studied by blending it with biodegradable polymers such as PLA and PBAT. Thermal properties were analyzed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and FourierIItransform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) while the mechanical properties were evaluated by tensile test. Barrier properties were characterized using water vapor transmission rate (WVTR). The mechanical performance of PHBV 50%: PBAT 50% blend has been significantly improved, leading to better tensile properties. The high crystallinity of the PHBV 50%: PBAT 50% blend than other blends have been found to enhance the barrier properties of the polymer film, according to DSC analysis. FTIR investigations have suggested no difference in absorption peaks between the blends and the neat material. Furthermore, WVTR investigations have shown that PHBV50%: PBAT50% exhibits excellent barrier properties against water vapor, making it a highly promising material.

Algal quality controls the distribution, behavior and growth of algivorous cichlids in Lake Tanganyika

Munubi, Renalda Nanziga January 2015 (has links)
No description available.


Mhlanga, Osward January 2014 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech. (Tourism and Hospitality management)) -- Central University, Free State, 2014 / The formal full-service restaurant industry in South Africa is undergoing a period of anaemic growth due to the after effects of the 2009 global economic recession. Since the recession, industry growth has been subdued as diners seek more for their money when spending at restaurants. Consequently, industry revenue declined 1.8% in 2013 as diners tightened their purse strings. It is for this reason that it was decided to investigate diners’ expectations and experiences in selected formal full-service restaurants in Port Elizabeth. A pilot study was conducted among five diners in two formal full-service restaurants in Port Elizabeth, and the empirical study was conducted in December 2011 and January 2012 among 400 diners of eight formal full-service restaurants in Port Elizabeth. The research findings revealed that respondents with a tertiary diploma recorded the highest expectation score (4.25) whilst those who spoke languages other than Afrikaans, English, IsiZulu and IsiXhosa recorded the lowest (3.69). Respondents in the age group 55 to 64 years recorded the highest experience score (4.53) whilst those who spoke IsiXhosa recorded the lowest (3.84). Altogether 44.5% of the respondents frequented restaurants at different intervals two to four times in the previous six months whilst 51.2% spent on average, R200 to R299 per person and 18.5% held occupations in business, commerce and finance. Respondents who spent more than R399 had the highest expectation score (4.53) whilst those who frequented restaurants at different intervals more than 10 times in the previous six months had the lowest (3.97). Respondents with an occupation in education reported the highest experience score (4.36) whilst those who frequented restaurants at different intervals of nil to one time in the previous six months reported the lowest (4.04). A total of 22% of the respondents patronised restaurants because of good service. Restaurant B obtained the highest expectation (4.39) and experience (4.51) scores whilst restaurant C recorded the lowest expectation (3.71) and experience (4.03) scores. All diners’ experiences were below expectations giving an overall gap of -0.47. The strongest correlation with diners’ expectations was level of service whilst the strongest correlation with diners’ experiences was food quality. The regression model showed that the level of service was rated as the most important variable for diners’ expectations whilst the quality of food was rated as the most important for diners’ experiences. However, recommendations were made to improve diners’ experiences in the selected formal full-service restaurants in Port Elizabeth. The results of this study would help restaurateurs to identify areas of improvement and increase customer satisfaction.

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