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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustainable Food Consumption Practices : Case Studies and Contexts from Edmonton, Canada

Touchie, Rachel January 2017 (has links)
The globalized food system poses many systemic challenges that have significant impacts on the environment and human health. In order to tackle these challenges, especially those relating to climate change, it is assumed that consumers need to be accountable for the role they play in these issues, requiring them to alter their harmful consumption habits. In terms of the food system, this means that people need to evolve into ethical consumers and become more invested in what and how much they eat, where it comes from, etc . However, throughout the literature and in policies, there remains a focus on altering what people buy, rather than reducing waste from their overconsumption. Reducing waste and consumption would have a more beneficial impact for the environment, human health, and urban sustainability, yet it remains secondary to the narrative of buying sustainable alternatives. A waste reduction narrative would encourage sustainable behaviours that would also be more accessible to households of various socioeconomic backgrounds, and would provide more tangible results in terms of money saved, reduced greenhouse gases and waste output, and increased sustainability. However, food consumption is the result of many ingrained daily food practices influenced by a multitude of factors that prevent people from consciously considering the consequences of their actions. Food consumption and waste management as a phenomenon can therefore be interpreted using Social Practice Theory (SPT), which states that all humans act autonomously and according to social norms. This means that practices are recursive and routinized, subject to change, yet somewhat unconscious. All practices lead to consumption in some way, and changing such deeply embedded routines to become more sustainable requires a full understanding of these deeply entrenched practices. Practices can be broken down into three main components that drive how practices are formed and maintained:materials, competences, and meanings. This project uses mini-ethnographic studies to highlight SPT in order to understand the factors (contextual, materials, competences, and meanings) influencing households in Edmonton, Canada as they navigate the current sustainability narrative, and how they approach sustainable food consumption and food waste management. The results from this study lend some insight into what materials, competences, meanings, and other factors drive people already somewhat aware of sustainable food consumption issues to practice such types of behaviour. These influential elements have been found in many other recently published works, and give further insight into how broad external factors and specific internal factors can drive consumption practices. Prevention and reduction behaviours were already somewhat prevalent in this group. It is important that education programs targeting sustainable food consumption behaviours understand what drives certain food related practices, and how they can target the barriers that prevent certain groups of people from adopting more sustainable habits.

Broiler producers´ perspectives on bacterial resilience; evaluating a potential of hops

Gustafsson, Erik January 2019 (has links)
An interview study was undertaken to explore Swedish broiler producers´ views for the potential of hops (H. lupulus L.) to reduce reliance on ionophorous coccidiostats in broiler production. The design was a mixed methodology between grounded theory and case study with a semi structured interview method. Nine producers, four using ionophorous coccidiostats and five without reliance in production accepted interview. During interviews participants were presented to research conducted with hops in production and consequences from ionophores in production. All participants thought the risk from pathogen pressure was too great to cut reliance in intensive production owed to the lower efficacy of hops. Therefore owed to how actors in the Swedish food system behave only small producers with enough economical freedom for reduced stocking densities were regarded to be able to uphold animal health with hops. Six parameters within food systems were regarded as leverage points for a potential of hops in production on a larger societal scale if encouraging a more extensive nationwide production system. Those were: purchase will, small local production, increased responsibility within trade, law, elevated consumers and research. Law was seen as a necessity to enforce all other denominators since economical in food systems tend to override social and ecological dimensions. Consequences from power struggle in food systems disfavoring producers has although resulted in a great distrust towards other system actors such as consumers, legal institutions or wholesalers. That has created a reluctance to interact with other system actors even for common goals. A stronger position to other actors in food systems was regarded as increasing a meaningful outcome from interaction. Four parameters emerged as impacting power relations in a system the most: Purchase will, contracts, own designed production and law. Favorable purchase will and law would contribute the most for increasing adaptivity for alternatives in production by impacting on power relations. No producers had observed indicators of bacterial resistance from ionophorous coccidiostat usage. Lack of research for many years in the field was troublesome for how to develop the enterprise according to participants. Especially in relation to Norway that has abolished the static use of ionophorous coccidiostats in production. About half of the participants although regarded a shift in research towards consequences from intensive production as equally important as focusing on alternative antimicrobials.

Sistema agroindustrial da carne de avestruz: um estudo comparativo entre Brasil e África do Sul / Agribusiness system of ostrich meat: a comparative study between Brazil and South Africa

Peçanha, Liana Caron Nazareth 14 February 2012 (has links)
Em termos globais, existe urna tendência crescente na demanda por alimentos saudáveis e seguros. Visando esta demanda, a carne de avestruz é vista corno uma opção. A indústria sul-africana é a grande abastecedora da União Européia (UE) e o Brasil tenta disputar esse mercado, que é extremamente exigente em regras que garantam a produção de um alimento seguro, o que torna de vital importância um gerenciamento da qualidade em todas as fases de produção. Este estudo analisa o sistema agroindustrial da carne de avestruz, investigando os atributos de qualidade do produto divulgados por meio eletrônico de comunicação em dois países, África do Sul e Brasil, e comparando-os às necessidades de bem-estar do consumidor. Após pesquisa bibliográfica teórica, elaborou-se pesquisa documental, na qual os dados quantitativos do setor foram obtidos em fontes governamentais de cada país e os qualitativos em reportagens divulgadas em meio eletrônico e nos sites das empresas líderes de mercado em cada país, posteriormente submetidos à técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostram que a produção sul africana atende às normas de gerenciamento de qualidade exigidas pelo bloco europeu, mas isso não foi suficientes para evitar reincidência de Influenza A em seu rebanho. Por outro lado, o brasileiro ainda não implementou o Plano Nacional de Controle de Resíduos (PNCR), sem o qual não consegue exportar, o que implica na obrigatoriedade de venda para o mercado interno, que possuí baixa demanda. Na comunicação adotada, ambos os países focam, principalmente, a dimensão biológica, seguido pelo bem-estar psicológico: o prazer de comer bem. / In global terms, there is a growing trend in the demand for healthy and safe food. Aiming this demand, ostrich meat is seen as an option. The South African industry is the major supplier of the European Union (EU) and Brazil tries to play this market, which has extremely demanding rules to ensure a safe food production, which makes a vital quality management in all stages of production. This study analyzes the agribusiness system of ostrich meat, investigating the quality attributes of the product disclosed by electronic means of communication in both countries, South Africa and Brazil, and comparing them to the needs of well-being of the consumer. After theoretical literature, was conducted archival research in which quantitative data were obtained from industry sources and government of each country in the qualitative reports electronically and posted on the websites of leading companies in each Country, then submitted to technique of content analysis. The results show that South African production meets quality management standards. required by the European bloc, but this was not sufficient to prevent recurrence of Influenza A in his flock. On the other hand, the Brazilian has yet to implement the National Plan for Waste Management (PNCR), without which it can not export, which implies the obligation to sell to the domestic market, which has low demand, Communication adopted in both countries focus mainly the biological dimension, followed by psychological well-being: the pleasure of eating well.

Produção e qualidade da carcaça e da carne de bovinos de corte baseados em sistemas pastoris com ou sem uso de insumos em dois biomas no Sul do Brasil / Production and meat quality of beef cattle from pasture systems with or without use of input in two biomes of southern Brazil

Oliveira, Lucas Vargas January 2017 (has links)
O processo de intensificação dos sistemas alimentares na produção de ruminantes vem sendo o foco nas discussões políticas que implicam na segurança do alimento, bem-estar animal e qualidade do produto cárneo. A possibilidade da diversificação alimentar em diferentes fases do crescimento animal, através de sistemas exclusivamente a pasto ou com concentrados na dieta, determina variações no desenvolvimento corporal do animal e nas características qualitativas da carne. Neste contexto, se procurou identificar através de dois protocolos experimentais localizados no Sul do Brasil, as características produtivas estacionais da forragem, desempenho animal, atributos da carcaça e físico-químicos da carne de bovinos de corte produzidos em diferentes sistemas alimentares. Periodicamente era determinada a espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGS) dos animais através de imagens de ultrassom, sendo essa utilizada como critério para o abate. O experimento 1 (Bioma Pampa) foi constituído de um delineamento completamente casualizado com três tratamentos (sistemas alimentares) e três repetições, durante a terminação dos novilhos até o abate (EGS, 3 a 6 mm). Os tratamentos foram: i) pastagem natural; ii) pastagem natural melhorada com fertilização e introdução de gramínea hibernal. iii) idem ao ii, porém abatidos com mais idade. O experimento 2, (campos de altitude do Bioma Mata Atlântica), constituiu-se de um delineamento completamente casualizado com cinco tratamentos e três repetições, durante a recria e terminação dos animais até o abate (EGS, 2 a 3 mm). Os tratamentos foram: i) pastagem natural; ii) pastagem natural melhorada com fertilização e introdução de gramínea e leguminosa hibernal; iii) pastagem cultivada de gramíneas hibernais em dois invernos; iv) pastagem cultivada (idem ao iii) com suplemento de 0,8% PV/dia-1; v) confinamento com relação de volumoso e concentrado (75:25) na dieta. Nos dois estudos, verificou-se que a carga animal utilizada determina alterações positivas na produção estacional de forragem nos dois ambientes experimentais. Na medida em que aumenta o processo de intensificação do sistema alimentar, houve um maior acúmulo de gordura subcutânea na carcaça reduzindo, portanto, a idade de abate dos animais. Sistemas pastoris naturais e naturais com baixo aporte de insumos permitem atributos físico-químicos desejáveis na carne, maior teor de CLA, elevada concentração de n-6 e n-3 e menor razão n-6/n-3 em relação aos sistemas mais intensivos com uso de grãos na dieta. / The process of intensifying food systems in ruminant production has recently been the focus of policy discussions on food safety, animal welfare and the quality of meat products. The possibility of feed diversification at different stages of animal growth, trhough diferent pasture systems or in feedlots, leads to changes in the animal's body development and meat quality. In this context, this thesis search to identify, through two experimental protocols localizated in southern Brazil, the seasonal productive characteristics of forage, animal performance and the carcass and physical-chemical attributes of the meat of beef cattle produced under different food systems.The subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT) of the animals was determined periodically by ultrasonic images, this measure being used as a criterion for the slaughter. Experiment one (Pampa Biome) was carried out in a completely randomized design with three treatments (feeding systems) and three replicates during the finishing phase of the steers just to slaughter (SFT, 3 to 6 mm). Treatments were: i) natural grassland; ii) improved natural grassland with fertilization and oversowing of winter grass. iii) same as ii, but slaughtered at more advanced age. Experiment two (highlands of Mata Atlântica biome), was realized through a completely randomized design with five treatments and three replicates during the growing and finishing phase of the animals just to the slaughter (SFT, 2 to 3 mm). Treatments were: i) Natural grassland; ii) improved natural grassland with fertilization and oversowing of winter grass and legumes; (iii) winter cultivated pasture during two winters; iv) winter cultivated pasture (same as iii) supplemented with 0.8% LW/day-1; v) feedlot with ratio of bulky and concentrated (75:25) in the diet. Thus, we aimed to characterize productive systems of beef cattle used in each region. In these two studies, it was verified that the utilized animal stocking determine positive changes in the seasonal forage production in the two experimental environments. As the system intensification process increases, there was a greater accumulation of subcutaneous fat in the carcass, thus reducing the slaughter age of the animals. Natural grasslands systems and natural with a low use of inputs, allow desirable physical-chemical attributes in the meat, higher CLA content, high concentration of n-6 and n-3 and lower ratio n-6/n-3 in relation to the most intensive use of grain in the diet.

Quelles interactions dynamiques entre systèmes alimentaires du milieu (SYAM) et proximités territoriales ? : communautés de valeurs, communautés d’intérêts et communautés de pratiques / Which dynamic interactions between « Food system of the middle » and territorial proximities ?

Lequin, Julie 20 December 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous questionnons l'existence d'un système commun de valeurs comme élément fondateur des territoires de coordination que constituent les systèmes alimentaires du milieu (SYAM). En croisant deux référentiels théoriques (économie de proximités et sociologie de la traduction) autour de l'étude de quatre cas empiriques en France, cette recherche doctorale analyse les mécanismes de convergence entre acteurs à l’oeuvre au sein des SYAM. Nous avançons l’idée que les réseaux se consolident via une alternance de phases d’élargissement et de contractions, qui induit de fait des mises à l’épreuve de la convergence. Le système commun de valeurs émerge, se construit, se recompose et se reconfigure au gré de ces mises en tension, ce qui en fait tantôt un cadre de référence donnant sens à l’action collective, tantôt un cadre la limitant. / : In this dissertation, I question whether the territories coordinated under food system based on “agriculture of the middle” (SYAM in French) rely on a common set of values. By combining two sets of theoretical approaches (proximity economics and actor-network theory) on four empirical case studies in France, this doctoral research analyses the various merging mechanisms at play among SYAM actors. The research results suggest that SYAM networks strengthen through alternating phases of expansion and contraction, which challenge possibilities of convergence. The common system of values emerges, develops, recomposes and reconfigures itself based on these tensions. At times, the common values create a frame of reference for collective action; at others, it becomes a framework restricting it.

The Future of Food in Suburbia

Khalid, Sarah 15 October 2012 (has links)
This thesis addresses resilience for the future of Canadian suburbs, through the lens of buildings and food, particularly against the backdrop of peak oil and climate change. Food access is an integral part of how a city sustains itself. There is growing evidence that the current global food system, the one that feeds many cities today, is “broken” or at least at risk. It has, in the past, produced an abundance of food. It has also brought along a number of unintended consequences, has neglected to embed equitable distribution patterns, and when faced with peak oil and climate change, risks some form of collapse. This thesis focuses on the food distribution question. It suggests a new food system model for the City of Mississauga that couples the region's local systems with global networks in a set of local/global relationships. The research portion of this work provides an overview of the dynamic historical and present relationship between food and city infrastructure, touches on the issues facing suburban resiliency today, and investigates the challenges facing the food retail industry. It then draws lessons from large-scale typologies of urban agriculture being proposed in recent years by architects and urban designers. This work, specifically at the design stage, identifies the suburban supermarket as a local catalyst for transformation. Today, the City of Mississauga is not food secure – that is, it does not rely on a safe, adequate, sustainable, or appropriate food supply. This thesis investigates how local and sustainable food systems can be integrated into the urban fabric and systems sustaining suburbs today. It further seeks to build on existing conditions, and answer how the suburban big-box typology, preferred by retailers, can contribute to food security.

Community Farms on Public Conservation Lands: Exploring Implications for Local Food

Coop, Deanna E. 01 May 2013 (has links)
Community farms are a relatively new type of local food initiative, defined by working landscapes that integrate producers into a supportive social environment in order to facilitate the long-term development of sustainable local food systems. In Ontario, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is the first, and presently the only, conservation authority providing public lands to community farms. In this case study of the TRCA, the conditions for the establishment of community farms on public conservation lands in Ontario are examined, and the implications for local food systems are discussed. Two of the four community farms based on TRCA lands are closely investigated, revealing that one focussed on supporting new farmers by developing an incubator farm, while the other developed a multi-functional project with food at the centre of a place-based community initiative.

The Future of Food in Suburbia

Khalid, Sarah 15 October 2012 (has links)
This thesis addresses resilience for the future of Canadian suburbs, through the lens of buildings and food, particularly against the backdrop of peak oil and climate change. Food access is an integral part of how a city sustains itself. There is growing evidence that the current global food system, the one that feeds many cities today, is “broken” or at least at risk. It has, in the past, produced an abundance of food. It has also brought along a number of unintended consequences, has neglected to embed equitable distribution patterns, and when faced with peak oil and climate change, risks some form of collapse. This thesis focuses on the food distribution question. It suggests a new food system model for the City of Mississauga that couples the region's local systems with global networks in a set of local/global relationships. The research portion of this work provides an overview of the dynamic historical and present relationship between food and city infrastructure, touches on the issues facing suburban resiliency today, and investigates the challenges facing the food retail industry. It then draws lessons from large-scale typologies of urban agriculture being proposed in recent years by architects and urban designers. This work, specifically at the design stage, identifies the suburban supermarket as a local catalyst for transformation. Today, the City of Mississauga is not food secure – that is, it does not rely on a safe, adequate, sustainable, or appropriate food supply. This thesis investigates how local and sustainable food systems can be integrated into the urban fabric and systems sustaining suburbs today. It further seeks to build on existing conditions, and answer how the suburban big-box typology, preferred by retailers, can contribute to food security.

Food system analysis and the development of a system dynamics approach to improve food security for a vulnerable community in the Breede River Region, Western Cape Province, South Africa

Roos, Johanna Adriana 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The current food system is failing to effectively serve the urban poor. The modernisation and globalisation of the food system solves one set of problems, regarding food security, but at the same time it results in the creation of other complex challenges. Technically the food system ensures adequate food availability on a macro scale, but the structure of the system contributes to the creation of food deserts. Food deserts are areas in which there is a lack of food retail outlets where affordable, nutritious food is available. Communities living in these areas usually struggle to obtain a nutritious diet and the residents are characterised as poverty-stricken and of a poor nutritional status. The aim of this research is to support local authorities in the management and strategic planning of community food security. The research was conducted in Avian Park, a low-income community in the Breede Valley of the Western Cape, South Africa. The food retail environment of Avian Park was investigated to determine the availability and accessibility of food in the community. Furthermore, a system dynamics model was developed to identify those areas in the food system which need attention, in order to achieve greater food security. In addition strategies are suggested to improve community food security; specifically for Avian Park. These research outcomes, however, also serve as a general guideline for managing food security in low-income communities more effectively. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige voedsel sisteem slaag nie daarin om arm mense in stede effektief te dien nie. Die ontwikkeling en globalisering van die voedsel sisteem los een stel probleme rondom voedselsekerheid op, maar skep terselfdetyd ander komplekse uitdagings. Tegnies verseker die voedsel sisteem die beskikbaarheid van genoegsame voedsel op 'n makro skaal, maar die struktuur van die sisteem dra by tot die ontwikkeling van “food deserts.” “Food deserts” is areas waar daar „n tekort aan voedsel kleinhandel afsetpunte is waar daar bekostigbare, voedsame kos beskikbaar is. Gemeenskappe wat in hieride areas leef sukkel gewoonlik om „n voedsame dieet te bekom en die inwoners word geken aan armoede en 'n ongewenste voedingstatus. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om plaaslike owerhede te ondersteun om gemeenskap voedselsekerheid meer efektief te bestuur. Die navorsing was in Avian Park, „n lae-inkomste gemeensakp in die Breede Vallei van die Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika uitgevoer. Die voedsel kleinhandel omgewing van Avian Park is ondersoek om die voedsel beskikbaarheid en toegangklikheid te bepaal. Verder is „n “system dynamics” model ontwikkel om die areas in die voeldsel sisteem wat aandag verg, ten einde voedselsekuriteit te bekom, te identifiseer. Ten slotte word daar strategieë voorgestel om gemeenskap voeldselsekuriteit in Avian Park te verbeter. Hierdie navorsingsuitkomste dien egter ook as algemene riglyne om lae inkomste gemeenskappe se voedselsekerheid meer effektief te bestuur.

Produção e qualidade da carcaça e da carne de bovinos de corte baseados em sistemas pastoris com ou sem uso de insumos em dois biomas no Sul do Brasil / Production and meat quality of beef cattle from pasture systems with or without use of input in two biomes of southern Brazil

Oliveira, Lucas Vargas January 2017 (has links)
O processo de intensificação dos sistemas alimentares na produção de ruminantes vem sendo o foco nas discussões políticas que implicam na segurança do alimento, bem-estar animal e qualidade do produto cárneo. A possibilidade da diversificação alimentar em diferentes fases do crescimento animal, através de sistemas exclusivamente a pasto ou com concentrados na dieta, determina variações no desenvolvimento corporal do animal e nas características qualitativas da carne. Neste contexto, se procurou identificar através de dois protocolos experimentais localizados no Sul do Brasil, as características produtivas estacionais da forragem, desempenho animal, atributos da carcaça e físico-químicos da carne de bovinos de corte produzidos em diferentes sistemas alimentares. Periodicamente era determinada a espessura de gordura subcutânea (EGS) dos animais através de imagens de ultrassom, sendo essa utilizada como critério para o abate. O experimento 1 (Bioma Pampa) foi constituído de um delineamento completamente casualizado com três tratamentos (sistemas alimentares) e três repetições, durante a terminação dos novilhos até o abate (EGS, 3 a 6 mm). Os tratamentos foram: i) pastagem natural; ii) pastagem natural melhorada com fertilização e introdução de gramínea hibernal. iii) idem ao ii, porém abatidos com mais idade. O experimento 2, (campos de altitude do Bioma Mata Atlântica), constituiu-se de um delineamento completamente casualizado com cinco tratamentos e três repetições, durante a recria e terminação dos animais até o abate (EGS, 2 a 3 mm). Os tratamentos foram: i) pastagem natural; ii) pastagem natural melhorada com fertilização e introdução de gramínea e leguminosa hibernal; iii) pastagem cultivada de gramíneas hibernais em dois invernos; iv) pastagem cultivada (idem ao iii) com suplemento de 0,8% PV/dia-1; v) confinamento com relação de volumoso e concentrado (75:25) na dieta. Nos dois estudos, verificou-se que a carga animal utilizada determina alterações positivas na produção estacional de forragem nos dois ambientes experimentais. Na medida em que aumenta o processo de intensificação do sistema alimentar, houve um maior acúmulo de gordura subcutânea na carcaça reduzindo, portanto, a idade de abate dos animais. Sistemas pastoris naturais e naturais com baixo aporte de insumos permitem atributos físico-químicos desejáveis na carne, maior teor de CLA, elevada concentração de n-6 e n-3 e menor razão n-6/n-3 em relação aos sistemas mais intensivos com uso de grãos na dieta. / The process of intensifying food systems in ruminant production has recently been the focus of policy discussions on food safety, animal welfare and the quality of meat products. The possibility of feed diversification at different stages of animal growth, trhough diferent pasture systems or in feedlots, leads to changes in the animal's body development and meat quality. In this context, this thesis search to identify, through two experimental protocols localizated in southern Brazil, the seasonal productive characteristics of forage, animal performance and the carcass and physical-chemical attributes of the meat of beef cattle produced under different food systems.The subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT) of the animals was determined periodically by ultrasonic images, this measure being used as a criterion for the slaughter. Experiment one (Pampa Biome) was carried out in a completely randomized design with three treatments (feeding systems) and three replicates during the finishing phase of the steers just to slaughter (SFT, 3 to 6 mm). Treatments were: i) natural grassland; ii) improved natural grassland with fertilization and oversowing of winter grass. iii) same as ii, but slaughtered at more advanced age. Experiment two (highlands of Mata Atlântica biome), was realized through a completely randomized design with five treatments and three replicates during the growing and finishing phase of the animals just to the slaughter (SFT, 2 to 3 mm). Treatments were: i) Natural grassland; ii) improved natural grassland with fertilization and oversowing of winter grass and legumes; (iii) winter cultivated pasture during two winters; iv) winter cultivated pasture (same as iii) supplemented with 0.8% LW/day-1; v) feedlot with ratio of bulky and concentrated (75:25) in the diet. Thus, we aimed to characterize productive systems of beef cattle used in each region. In these two studies, it was verified that the utilized animal stocking determine positive changes in the seasonal forage production in the two experimental environments. As the system intensification process increases, there was a greater accumulation of subcutaneous fat in the carcass, thus reducing the slaughter age of the animals. Natural grasslands systems and natural with a low use of inputs, allow desirable physical-chemical attributes in the meat, higher CLA content, high concentration of n-6 and n-3 and lower ratio n-6/n-3 in relation to the most intensive use of grain in the diet.

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