Spelling suggestions: "subject:"footprint"" "subject:"footprints""
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Massive Exchange of mRNA between a Parasitic Plant and its HostsKim, Gunjune 16 September 2014 (has links)
Cuscuta pentagona is an obligate parasitic plant that hinders production of crops throughout the world. Parasitic plants have unique morphological and physiological features, the most prominent being the haustorium, a specialized organ that functions to connect them with their host's vascular system. The Cuscuta haustorium is remarkable in that it enables mRNA movement to occur between hosts and parasite, but little is known about the mechanisms regulating cross-species mRNA transfer or its biological significance to the parasite. These questions were addressed with genomics approaches that used high throughput sequencing to assess the presence of host mRNAs in the parasite as well as parasite mRNAs in the host. For the main experiment Cuscuta was grown on stems of Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato (Solanum lycopersicon) hosts because the completely sequenced genomes of these plants facilitates identification of host and parasite transcripts in mixed mRNA samples. Tissues sequenced included the Cuscuta stem alone, the region of Cuscuta-host attachment, and the host stem adjacent to the attachment site. The sequences generated from each tissue were mapped to host reference genes to distinguish host sequences, and the remaining sequences were used in a de novo assembly of a Cuscuta transcriptome. This analysis revealed that thousands of different Arabidopsis transcripts, representing nearly half of the expressed transcriptome of Arabidopsis, were represented in the attached Cuscuta. RNA movement was also found to be bidirectional, with a substantial proportion of expressed Cuscuta transcripts found in host tissue. The mechanism underlying the exchange remains unknown, as well as the function of mobile RNAs in either the parasite or host. An approach was developed to assay potential translation of host mRNAs by detecting them in the Cuscuta translatome as revealed by sequencing polysomal RNA and ribosome-protected RNA. This work highlights RNA trafficking as a potentially important new form of interaction between hosts and Cuscuta. / Ph. D.
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Ευκαρυωτική πρωτεϊνοσύνθεση σε αγρίου τύπου και μεταλλαγμένα ριβοσώματα ζύμης με την χρήση συνθετικών mRNA και η αναστολή της από αντιβιοτικάΤσέλικα, Σμαραγδή 01 July 2008 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή μελετήθηκε ο ρόλος της έλικας h44 του 18S rRNA του Saccharomyces cerevisiae επί διαφόρων παραμέτρων της πρωτεϊνικής σύνθεσης. Η μελέτη διεξήχθη με την βοήθεια των σημειακών μεταλλάξεων A1491G (rdn15) και U1495C (rdnhyg1), οι οποίες εντοπίζονται στην Α-θέση του ριβοσώματος. Η μετάλλαξη rdn15 επιδρά ήπια στον ρυθμό ανάπτυξης των κυττάρων ενώ τα rdn15 ριβοσώματα επιτελούν την πρωτεϊνοσύνθεση με αυξημένη ακρίβεια. Η έλλειψη σοβαρών επιπτώσεων παρουσία της rdn15 φανερώνει ότι το νουκλεοτίδιο 1491 δεν παίζει καθοριστικό ρόλο στην λειτουργία του ριβοσώματος. Τα κύτταρα ζύμης που φέρουν την μετάλλαξη rdnhyg1 αναπτύσσονται βραδύτερα από τα κύτταρα αγρίου τύπου, ενώ τα rdnhyg1 ριβοσώματα πρωτεϊνοσυνθέτουν με ελαφρώς αυξημένη συχνότητα λάθους. Η μετάλλαξη αυξάνει επίσης την συγγένεια της Α-θέσης του ριβοσώματος για το αμινοακυλο-tRNA και επιδρά αρνητικά στο στάδιο της μετατόπισης, χωρίς να επηρεάζει την ενεργότητα πεπτιδυλοτρανσφεράσης. Η επίδραση της μετάλλαξης rdnhyg1 επί διαφόρων παραμέτρων της πρωτεϊνοσύνθεσης δικαιολογεί την συντήρηση της U1495 κατά την εξέλιξη.
Η μετάλλαξη sup45-R2ts εντοπίζεται στο γονίδιο που κωδικοποιεί τον παράγοντα τερματισμού eRF1 και οδηγεί στην αντικατάσταση της προλίνης 86 από αλανίνη. Η μετάλλαξη δεν επηρεάζει τις περισσότερες από τις λειτουργίες του ριβοσώματος που εξετάστηκαν, αλλά μειώνει την μεταφραστική πιστότητα. Σε κύτταρα που φέρουν ταυτόχρονα την μετάλλαξη sup45-R2ts και την ριβοσωματική μετάλλαξη rdn15, η συχνότητα λάθους αυξάνεται σε βαθμό μεγαλύτερο από την αθροιστική επίδραση των δύο επιμέρους μεταλλάξεων, επιβεβαιώνοντας μια ιδιαίτερη αλληλεπίδραση του μεταλλαγμένου παράγοντα eRF1 με τα rdn15 ριβοσώματα, που, όπως προκύπτει, αντιστρέφει τον υπερακριβή χαρακτήρα των μεταλλαγμένων ριβοσωμάτων. Όταν η μετάλλαξη sup45-R2ts συνυπάρχει με την ριβοσωματική μετάλλαξη rdnhyg1 η συχνότητα λάθους δεν επηρεάζεται σημαντικά. Η rdnhyg1 φαίνεται να ελαχιστοποιεί την επίδραση του μεταλλαγμένου παράγοντα eRF1 ενισχύοντας την δράση GTPάσης του eRF3. Τα παραπάνω αποτελέσματα φανερώνουν επιπλέον ότι η sup45 δύναται να μεταβάλει τις ιδιότητας ορισμένων μεταλλάξεων κατά την ριβοσωματική λειτουργία.
Το στέλεχος που φέρει την μετάλλαξη rdn15 είναι πολύ ευαίσθητο έναντι της παρομομυκίνης αλλά και έναντι της τομπραμυκίνης, αν και σε μικρότερο βαθμό. Τα αποτελέσματα αυτά αποδίδονται στην ικανότητα της μετάλλαξης να αυξάνει την συγγένεια της Α-θέσης του ριβοσώματος για τα εν λόγω αντιβιοτικά. Αντίθετα, η μετάλλαξη rdn15 προσδίδει ανθεκτικότητα στην υγρομυκίνη, φανερώνοντας ότι ο τρόπος πρόσδεσης και δράσης του συγκεκριμένου αμινογλυκοζίτη διαφοροποιείται. Το στέλεχος που φέρει την μετάλλαξη rdnhyg1 είναι ανθεκτικό και στα τρία αντιβιοτικά σε σύγκριση με το αγρίου τύπου, φανερώνοντας ότι η U1495 είναι καθοριστική για την πρόσδεση των αμινογλυκοζιτών στο ριβόσωμα. Τα κύτταρα που φέρουν την εξωριβοσωματική μετάλλαξη sup45-R2ts είναι πιο ευαίσθητα από τα αντίστοιχα αγρίου τύπου έναντι και των τριών αμινογλυκοζιτών. Ωστόσο η μετάλλαξη sup45-R2ts, δεν επηρεάζει την ικανότητα των αντιβιοτικών αυτών να προσδένονται στα αγρίου τύπου και μεταλλαγμένα ριβοσώματα και να επάγουν άμεσα τα μεταφραστικά λάθη.
Η μελέτη επίδρασης των αμινγλυκοζιτών επιβεβαίωσε ότι η παρομομυκίνη και η υγρομυκίνη αναστέλλουν την ανάπτυξη των κυττάρων ζύμης, ενώ η τομπραμυκίνη δεν έχει καμία επίδραση. Το γεγονός αυτό συνδυάζεται με την αδυναμία της τομπραμυκίνης να αναστείλει την πρόσδεση του υποστρώματος στην Α-θέση των ριβοσωμάτων. Ωστόσο η τομπραμυκίνη, όπως η παρομομυκίνη και η υγρομυκίνη, είναι ικανή να αυξήσει την συχνότητα λάθους και την σύνθεση πολυφαινυλαλανίνης. / In present study, we investigated the role of helix h44 of 18S rRNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on several parameters of protein synthesis. For this purpose we employed mutations A1491G (rdn15) and U1495C (rdnhyg1) which are located in the A-site of the ribosome. The rdn15 mutation slightly delays cell growth, while rdn15 ribosomes translate proteins with higher fidelity. The lack of severe impairment of ribosomal function by mutation rdn15 indicates that the nature of nucleotide 1491 is not essential for ribosomal function. Yeast cells carrying the rdnhyg1 mutation grow slower than wild-type cells, while their ribosomes possess a slightly increased error rate. This mutation also increases the affinity of the A-site for aminoacyl-tRNA and renders ribosomes less efficient in translocation without affecting peptidyltransferase activity. The effect of mutation rdnhyg1 on several parameters of protein synthesis explains why U1495 is evolutionarily conserved.
Mutation sup45-R2ts is located in the gene encoding eukaryotic Release Factor 1 (eRF1) and results in the substitution of proline 86 by alanine. This mutation leaves unaffected most ribosomal functions but it decreases translational fidelity. When ribosomal mutation rdn15 is introduced in cells already carrying sup45-R2ts mutation, the error frequency is increased to a degree which is higher than the additive effect of the two mutations, testifying to a previously reported special interaction of eRF1 with rdn15 ribosomes, which in this case reverses the hyperaccurate character of rdn15 ribosomes. When mutation sup45-R2ts is expressed in cells also carrying ribosomal mutation rdnhyg1, the error frequency is not significantly altered. Mutation rdnhyg1 seems to minimize the effect of the mutant factor eRF1 on ribosomal function by enhancing GTPase activity of eRF3. The results obtained with rdn15 and rdnhyg1 alone or in combination with sup45-R2ts show for the first time that the presence of sup45 may result in significant changes in the properties of the mutations under study.
The strain carrying mutation rdn15 exhibits extremely high sensitivity toward paromomycin and also increases sensitivity of yeast ribosomes to tobramycin but to a lesser degree. These results demonstrate the ability of this mutation to increase affinity of the A-site for aminoglycosides. In contrast, mutation rdn15 causes resistance to hygromycin, revealing that binding and possibly action of hygromycin is differentiated from the other two aminoglycosides. The strain carrying mutation rdnhyg1 is resistant to all three antibiotics tested compared to wild type, indicating that U1495 participates in aminoglycoside binding to the ribosome. Cells carrying the extraribosomal mutation sup45-R2ts are more sensitive toward all three antibiotics compared to their wild type cells. Nevertheless, mutation sup45-R2ts does not affect the ability of these antibiotics to bind to the ribosome and directly induce translational errors.
The study of amingolycoside action confirmed that paromomycin and hygromycin inhibit cells growth, while no such effect is observed during cell growth in the presence of tobramycin. This fact is combined with the inability of tobramycin to inhibit substrate binding to the ribosomal A-site Nevertheless, it was shown that tobramycin, like paromomycin and hygromycin, is effective both in inducing translational errors and increasing polyphenylalanine synthesis in wild-type and mutant ribosomes.
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High Resolution study of NF-kB - DNA InteractionsLone, Imtiaz Nisar 14 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis we have attempted to study four basic aspects of DNA-protein interactions: Affinity, specificity, accessibility and kinetics. With NF-kB as our model transcription factor, we wanted to investigate how a particular dimer recognizes a specific binding sequence? How fast are these interactions? And finally, how does the NF-kB interact with it binding site in the chromatin context? Specificity of NF-kB-DNA interactions has recently come into focus after it was shown that these dimers can bind to the sequences which do not fall into the NF-kB general consensus motif. We studied seven such sequences for their specificity for four NF-kB dimers. Our results show that p50 homodimers are least discriminative and can bind specifically to all these sequences. While as, RelA homodimers were highly discriminative and did not bind to most of these nontraditional sequences. We used two different methods to measure binding affinities: traditional gel mobility shift assay (EMSA) and a novel technique called as UV laser footprinting. Our results show that UV laser footprinting is the better method to determine the binding constants.For studying the dynamics of NF-kB-DNA binding, we combined UV laser footprinting with stopped flow device. This combination, not only give us one base pair resolution but also milli-second time resolution. Using p50 homodimers as a model transcription factor, we showed that the binding of this factor follows a two-step mechanism. First step involves the fast recognition of the sequence and second step follows a slower kinetics most likely for the stabilization of the complex. Our experiments suggest that flanking sequences play a role in the recognition and stabilization process of the complex formation.Finally, we also studied the accessibility of nucleosomes to NF-kB. Our in vitro data sheds light on the in vivo requirements for the alterations in chromatin structure necessary for the productive binding of NF-kB. These include either a removal of H2A-H2B dimers from the nucleosome and/or chromatin remodeler induced relocation of the histone octamer.Our data sheds light on the in vivo requirements for the alterations in chromatin structure necessary for the productive binding of NF-kB. We hypothesize that some factors like PU.1 might be able to target the chromatin remodeling/dimer eviction machinery to particular nucleosomes and lead to productive binding of NF-kB.
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Evaluierung des phylogenetischen Footprintings und dessen Anwendung zur verbesserten Vorhersage von Transkriptionsfaktor-Bindestellen / Evaluation of phylogenetic footprinting and its application to an improved prediction of transcription factor binding sitesSauer, Tilman 11 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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High Resolution study of NF-kB - DNA Interactions / Etude en haute résolution des interactions NF-kB – ADNLone, Imtiaz Nisar 14 February 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous avons étudié quatre aspects fondamentaux de l’interaction ADN-protéine, notamment : l’affinité, la spécificité, l’accessibilité et la cinétique. En particulier, nous avons adressé les questions suivantes : comment un dimer du facteur de transcription NF-kB reconnait spécifiquement sa séquence d’ADN-cible, quelle est la rapidité de ces interactions, comment NF-kB interagit avec son site de fixation dans le contexte de la chromatine? Récemment, la spécificité de l’interaction NF-kB – ADN a reçu une attention particulière après l’observation que NF-kB peut se lier à des séquences qui n’entrent pas dans la classification de ses motifs « consensus ». Nous avons étudié la spécificité d’interaction de sept de ces motifs avec quatre dimers de NF-kB. Nos résultats montrent que le homo-dimer p50 sont les moins discriminatives et peuvent s’associer spécifiquement avec ces sept séquences. Par contre, les homo-dimers RelA se sont révélés hautement discriminatives ne pouvant pas s’associer spécifiquement avec ces séquences. Pour mesurer l’affinité de l’interaction nous avons utilisés deux méthodes distinctes : le traditionnel gel de retard (EMSA) et une nouvelle technique – « l’empreinte » au laser UV. Nos résultats montrent que le deuxième approche est plus approprié pour la mesure des constantes spécifiques de dissociation.Pour étudier la dynamique de l’interaction NF-kB – ADN, nous avons couplé l’empreinte au laser UV avec un appareil de mélange-rapide à façon. Cette combinaison nous a permis d’atteindre une résolution spatiale d’un nucléotide et temporaire de quelques millisecondes. Nous avons montré que l’homo-dimer p50 s’associe avec sa séquence-cible (MHC) H2 en suivant une cinétique à 2 pas. Le premier, de durée ~100 ms, reflète une reconnaissance initiale rapide, tandis que le deuxième, de durée ~1s, reflète une stabilisation lente du complexe. Nos expériences suggèrent aussi que les séquences voisines du site de reconnaissance jouent aussi un rôle dans la stabilisation du complexe.Finalement, nous avons étudié aussi l’accessibilité du nucléosome pour le NF-kB. Nos données in vitro montre que l’invasion spécifique de l’ADN à l’intérieure du nucléosome par NF-kB nécessite une perturbation majeure de la structure du nucléosome telle que l’éviction d’au moins un dimer d’histones H2A-H2B. / In this thesis we have attempted to study four basic aspects of DNA-protein interactions: Affinity, specificity, accessibility and kinetics. With NF-kB as our model transcription factor, we wanted to investigate how a particular dimer recognizes a specific binding sequence? How fast are these interactions? And finally, how does the NF-kB interact with it binding site in the chromatin context? Specificity of NF-kB-DNA interactions has recently come into focus after it was shown that these dimers can bind to the sequences which do not fall into the NF-kB general consensus motif. We studied seven such sequences for their specificity for four NF-kB dimers. Our results show that p50 homodimers are least discriminative and can bind specifically to all these sequences. While as, RelA homodimers were highly discriminative and did not bind to most of these nontraditional sequences. We used two different methods to measure binding affinities: traditional gel mobility shift assay (EMSA) and a novel technique called as UV laser footprinting. Our results show that UV laser footprinting is the better method to determine the binding constants.For studying the dynamics of NF-kB-DNA binding, we combined UV laser footprinting with stopped flow device. This combination, not only give us one base pair resolution but also milli-second time resolution. Using p50 homodimers as a model transcription factor, we showed that the binding of this factor follows a two-step mechanism. First step involves the fast recognition of the sequence and second step follows a slower kinetics most likely for the stabilization of the complex. Our experiments suggest that flanking sequences play a role in the recognition and stabilization process of the complex formation.Finally, we also studied the accessibility of nucleosomes to NF-kB. Our in vitro data sheds light on the in vivo requirements for the alterations in chromatin structure necessary for the productive binding of NF-kB. These include either a removal of H2A-H2B dimers from the nucleosome and/or chromatin remodeler induced relocation of the histone octamer.Our data sheds light on the in vivo requirements for the alterations in chromatin structure necessary for the productive binding of NF-kB. We hypothesize that some factors like PU.1 might be able to target the chromatin remodeling/dimer eviction machinery to particular nucleosomes and lead to productive binding of NF-kB.
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Computational and experimental approaches to regulatory genetic variationAndersen, Malin January 2007 (has links)
Genetic variation is a strong risk factor for many human diseases, including diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression, autoimmunity and asthma. Most of the disease genes identified so far alter the amino acid sequences of encoded proteins. However, a significant number of genetic variants affecting complex diseases may alter the regulation of gene transcription. The map of the regulatory elements in the human genome is still to a large extent unknown, and it remains a challenge to separate the functional regulatory genetic variations from linked neutral variations. The objective of this thesis was to develop methods for the identification of genetic variation with a potential to affect the transcriptional regulation of human genes, and to analyze potential regulatory polymorphisms in the CD36 glycoprotein, a candidate gene for cardiovascular disease. An in silico tool for the prediction of regulatory polymorphisms in human genes was implemented and is available at www.cisreg.ca/RAVEN. The tool was evaluated using experimentally verified regulatory single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) collected from the scientific literature, and tested in combination with experimental detection of allele specific expression of target genes (allelic imbalance). Regulatory SNPs were shown to be located in evolutionary conserved regions more often than background SNPs, but predicted transcription factor binding sites were unable to enrich for regulatory SNPs unless additional information linking transcription factors with the target genes were available. The in silico tool was applied to the CD36 glycoprotein, a candidate gene for cardiovascular disease. Potential regulatory SNPs in the alternative promoters of this gene were identified and evaluated in vitro and in vivo using a clinical study for coronary artery disease. We observed association to the plasma concentrations of inflammation markers (serum amyloid A protein and C-reactive protein) in myocardial infarction patients, which highlights the need for further analyses of potential regulatory polymorphisms in this gene. Taken together, this thesis describes an in silico approach to identify putative regulatory polymorphisms which can be useful for directing limited laboratory resources to the polymorphisms most likely to have a phenotypic effect.
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Etude bioinformatique de l'évolution de la régulation transcriptionnelle chez les bactéries / Bioinformatic study of the evolution of the transcriptional regulation in bacteriaJanky, Rekin's 17 December 2007 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse de bioinformatique est de mieux comprendre l’ensemble des systèmes de régulation génique chez les bactéries. La disponibilité de centaines de génomes complets chez les bactéries ouvre la voie aux approches de génomique comparative et donc à l’étude de l’évolution des réseaux transcriptionnels bactériens. Dans un premier temps, nous avons implémenté et validé plusieurs méthodes de prédiction d’opérons sur base des génomes bactériens séquencés. Suite à cette étude, nous avons décidé d’utiliser un algorithme qui se base simplement sur un seuil sur la distance intergénique, à savoir la distance en paires de bases entre deux gènes adjacents. Notre évaluation sur base d’opérons annotés chez Escherichia coli et Bacillus subtilis nous permet de définir un seuil optimal de 55pb pour lequel nous obtenons respectivement 78 et 79% de précision. Deuxièmement, l’identification des motifs de régulation transcriptionnelle, tels les sites de liaison des facteurs de transcription, donne des indications de l’organisation de la régulation. Nous avons développé une méthode de recherche d’empreintes phylogénétiques qui consiste à découvrir des paires de mots espacés (dyades) statistiquement sur-représentées en amont de gènes orthologues bactériens. Notre méthode est particulièrement adaptée à la recherche de motifs chez les bactéries puisqu’elle profite d’une part des centaines de génomes bactériens séquencés et d’autre part les facteurs de transcription bactériens présentent des domaines Hélice-Tour-Hélice qui reconnaissent spécifiquement des dyades. Une évaluation systématique sur 368 gènes de E.coli a permis d’évaluer les performances de notre méthode et de tester l’influence de plus de 40 combinaisons de paramètres concernant le niveau taxonomique, l’inférence d’opérons, le filtrage des dyades spécifiques de E.coli, le choix des modèles de fond pour le calcul du score de significativité, et enfin un seuil sur ce score. L’analyse détaillée pour un cas d’étude, l’autorégulation du facteur de transcription LexA, a montré que notre approche permet d’étudier l’évolution des sites d’auto-régulation dans plusieurs branches taxonomiques des bactéries. Nous avons ensuite appliqué la détection d’empreintes phylogénétiques à chaque gène de E.coli, et utilisé les motifs détectés comme significatifs afin de prédire les gènes co-régulés. Au centre de cette dernière stratégie, est définie une matrice de scores de significativité pour chaque mot détecté par gène chez l’organisme de référence. Plusieurs métriques ont été définies pour la comparaison de paires de profils de scores de sorte que des paires de gènes ayant des motifs détectés significativement en commun peuvent être regroupées. Ainsi, l’ensemble des nos méthodes nous permet de reconstruire des réseaux de co-régulation uniquement à partir de séquences génomiques, et nous ouvre la voie à l’étude de l’organisation et de l’évolution de la régulation transcriptionnelle pour des génomes dont on ne connaît rien.<p><p>The purpose of my thesis is to study the evolution of regulation within bacterial genomes by using a cross-genomic comparative approach. Nowadays, numerous genomes have been sequenced facilitating in silico analysis in order to detect groups of functionally related genes and to predict the mechanism of their relative regulation. In this project, we combined prediction of operons and regulons in order to reconstruct the transcriptional regulatory network for a bacterial genome. We have implemented three methods in order to predict operons from a bacterial genome and evaluated them on hundreds of annotated operons of Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis. It turns out that a simple distance-based threshold method gives good results with about 80% of accuracy. The principle of this method is to classify pairs of adjacent genes as “within operon” or “transcription unit border”, respectively, by using a threshold on their intergenic distance: two adjacent genes are predicted to be within an operon if their intergenic distance is smaller than 55bp. In the second part of my thesis, I evaluated the performances of a phylogenetic footprinting approach based on the detection of over-represented spaced motifs. This method is particularly suitable for (but not restricted to) Bacteria, since such motifs are typically bound by factors containing a Helix-Turn-Helix domain. We evaluated footprint discovery in 368 E.coli K12 genes with annotated sites, under 40 different combinations of parameters (taxonomical level, background model, organism-specific filtering, operon inference, significance threshold). Motifs are assessed both at the level of correctness and significance. The footprint discovery method proposed here shows excellent results with E. coli and can readily be extended to predict cis-acting regulatory signals and propose testable hypotheses in bacterial genomes for which nothing is known about regulation. Moreover, the predictive power of the strategy, and its capability to track the evolutionary divergence of cis-regulatory motifs was illustrated with the example of LexA auto-regulation, for which our predictions are remarkably consistent with the binding sites characterized in different taxonomical groups. A next challenge was to identify groups of co-regulated genes (regulons), by regrouping genes with similar motifs, in order to address the challenging domain of the evolution of transcriptional regulatory networks. We tested different metrics to detect putative pairs of co-regulated genes. The comparison between predicted and annotated co-regulation networks shows a high positive predictive value, since a good fraction of the predicted associations correspond to annotated co-regulations, and a low sensitivity, which may be due to the consequence of highly connected transcription factors (global regulator). A regulon-per-regulon analysis indeed shows that the sensitivity is very weak for these transcription factors, but can be quite good for specific transcription factors. The originality of this global strategy is to be able to infer a potential network from the sole analysis of genome sequences, and without any prior knowledge about the regulation in the considered organism. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Applications of X-ray Hydroxyl Radical Protein FootprintingAsuru, Awuri P. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Quantifying Protein Quality to Understand Protein HomeostasisLin, Hsien-Jung Lavender 14 July 2022 (has links)
Proteins are the center of all biochemical reactions in living organisms. Proteins need to be present at the right time, in the right place, with the correct concentration and have the right shape to carry their designated function. Protein homeostasis is when all proteins in the proteome are in functional balance, and such balance is maintained by synthesis, folding, and degradation machinery. When protein homeostasis is lost, organisms start to age and develop diseases. To truly unveil disease mechanisms and provide more efficient means for treatment and prevention, we need a holistic understanding of the mechanism of protein homeostasis. Currently, most biomarker studies focus on the quantity aspect of the proteome. The quality aspect has been neglected because of the difficulties in measuring quality in vivo with cellular context retained. This work first proposes a kinetic model of protein homeostasis, which can provide a holistic view, including both quantity and quality aspects, as well as monitor the complex protein interactions. Using mass spectrometry, the model quantifies the quality of proteome by linking the concentration of protein, mRNA, and the rate protein synthesis, folding, unfolding, misfolding, refolding, degradation of the correctly folded protein, and degradation of protein aggregation. We then applied the ideas within the kinetic model of protein homeostasis to study several proteins in human blood serum. We reviewed the current known mechanism of transthyretin mediated amyloidosis and proposed a study approach that can measure the quality difference between different transthyretin's mutation stages, as well as monitor if the transthyretin amyloidosis has been developed at the early stage. We also used mass-spectrometry to quantify the surface accessibility differences in human serum albumin (HSA) between patients with and without rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We found certain residues are less reactive in the RA group, indicating a structural change in HSA. Such structural changes, possibly caused by ligand binding, stabilized HSA and explained the heat denature curve shift we observed. In the end, we introduced a novel assay, Iodination Protein Stability Assay (IPSA). IPSA is used to quantify protein quality by measuring protein folding stability. We applied IPSA to human serum, and it is the first in situ study, to our best knowledge, that measure the protein folding stability of proteins from human serum. We confirmed that IPSA is sensitive to measuring the differences in protein folding stability between transferrin's different iron-binding states. Together, this dissertation conveys the importance of adding quality aspects to current quantity-focused research in curing diseases and improving the quality of human life.
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Využití radikálového značení bílkovin pro strukturní biologii / Utilization of protein radical foootprinting for stuctural biologyPolák, Marek January 2020 (has links)
(In English) The reaction of highly reactive oxygen radicals with protein solvent-accessible residues can be utilized to map protein landscape. Fast photochemical oxidation of proteins (FPOP) is an MS- based technique, which utilizes highly reactive radical species to oxidize proteins and map protein surface or its interactions with their interaction partners. In this work, FPOP was employed to study protein-DNA interactions. First, a full-length of FOXO4-DBD was successfully expressed and purified. The ability of the protein to bind its DNA-response element was verified by electrophoretic and MS-based techniques, respectively. Optimal experimental conditions were achieved to oxidize the protein itself and in the presence of DNA, respectively. Oxidized samples were analyzed by bottom-up and top-down approach. In the bottom-up experiment, modification of individual residues was precisely located and quantified. Different extend of modification was observed for protein alone and in complex with DNA. To avoid experimental artifacts analyzing multiply oxidized protein, standard bottom up approach was replaced by a progressive top-down technology. Only a singly oxidized protein ion was isolated, and further fragmented by collision-induced dissociation (CID) and electron-capture dissociation (ECD),...
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