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我國分析師會重視審計品質嗎?事務所還是個人?王姿婷, Wang, Tzu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討分析師在進行盈餘預測時是否會考慮會計師的審計品質。不同於過去文獻,本研究除了測試「品牌層級」的審計品質(brand-name level audit quality)與「事務所層級」(firm level audit quality)的審計品質外,利用我國簽證制度進一步檢視分析師盈餘預測之品質是否因會計師個人層級之審計品質 (individual-level audit quality) 的差異而有所不同。本研究以Heckman (1979) 之兩階段模型來控制會計師選擇內生性的問題,進行實證分析。實證結果顯示:(1) 四大會計師事務所對於分析師預測準確度具有正面影響,但侷限於小規模公司,呈現顯著正相關。(2) 四大事務所彼此之審計品質對於分析師預測準確度與離散程度之影響,並無顯著之差異,但整體來說,資誠會計師事務所之表現最佳,而小規模公司中,安永之表現較差;大規模公司中,勤業眾信之表現較差,此與一般市場所認知者不同。(3) 當分析師盈餘預測之對象為小規模公司時,審計品質最差的個別會計師會降低(提高)分析師預測準確度(離散程度)。反之,測試對象為大規模公司時,審計品質最佳的個別會計師會降低分析師預測準確度但,審計品質最差者,與本研究預期不符。結果顯示我國之分析師在進行盈餘預測時,會考量個別會計師之審計品質。 / This paper investigates the association between audit quality and properties of analysts’ earnings forecasts. Three levels of audit quality are identified and examined: brand-name level (proxied by a dummy Big 4), firm level (proxied by four dummies DT, PWC, KPMG, and EY), and individual-level (proxied by the average of the absolute values of discretionary accruals for all companies audited by the same auditor, grouped by quartiles). After separating sample companies into big, medium, and small sizes, the empirical results document several important findings. When audit quality is measured at the brand-name level, Big 4 improve analysts’ forecast accuracy for small companies only. However, Big 4 do not decrease analysts’ forecast dispersion. When the audit quality is measured at the firm level, analysts seem to regard EY and DT as of relatively low audit quality when small and big companies are the forecast targets, respectively. When the audit quality is measured at the individual level, auditors who are deemed to have the lowest audit quality (i.e., in the fourth quartile) are associated with less forecast accuracy and greater forecast dispersion in small companies. In contrast, auditors who are deemed to have the highest audit quality (i.e., in the first quartile) are associated with lower forecast dispersion in big companies. Taken together, the empirical results indicate that audit quality affects analysts’ forecast properties. More importantly, analysts are able to identify individual auditor’s audit quality and react accordingly.
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(Geo)demografické faktory spotřebitelského chování / (Geo)demographic factors of consumers' behaviourRusko, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
(Geo)demographic factors of consumers' behaviour Abstract The master's thesis deals with issues of consumer behavior in its theoretical plane. In order to empirically analyze behavior of consumers on the demand of housing, within the limits of population development of the Slovak Republic between the years 1990 and 2060. The objective of the analysis is the construction of housing demand query functions in the Slovak Republic, which indicates the trends of housing demand. Model translates demographic changes in the population behavior in quantitative and structural changes of the housing demand. The result is that, despite the expression of uncertainty in the development of behavioral population has forecast housing demand for the high rate of inertia. The latter starting from the stability of the age structure of the population. We are assuming that the period of the next sixty years will be characterized by changes in trends in the development of the population of a continuously aging population. What was negative and reflected in the curve of housing demand. Keywords: consumer, purchaser, demographic changes, population forcast, demand forcast, real estate, housing demand
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強制性財務預測、盈餘操縱及股票投資報酬之實證研究 / A Research of Required Financial Forcast、Earning Manipulation and Factors Affecting Its Stock Return廖仲協, Liao, Chung Hsieh Unknown Date (has links)
「強制性財務預測」不但規範在何種情況下須發布財務預測,同時也規範在何種狀況下須作財務預測更新。不論第一次預測或更新均需經會計師核閱。因此,「強制性財務預測」比自願性揭露要審慎得多,但其資訊成本也高。盈餘預測的準確性為其是否有用的先決條件。一個高成本的規範,如其所產生資訊的準確性不高,則其必要性便存疑。本研究首先對此一問題加以探討。實證結果顯示, 「強制性財務預測」規範下的第一次盈餘預測和 「天真模型」(Naive Model)下的盈餘預測比較,其準確性較高。由此可推論「強制性財務預測規範」對盈餘預測資訊約有用性應有助益。
「財務預測更新」會增加資訊成本,而「財務預測更新與否」係依據「預測盈餘」與將來「公告盈餘」的差距來決定。「財務第一次預測準確性」影響「預測盈餘」,而「盈餘操縱」則影響「公告盈餘」。因此,「財務第一次預測準確性」、「盈餘操縱」均與 「財務預測更新與否」有關,而且「盈餘操縱」的需要性亦受「財務第一次預測準確性」的影響。本研究以單因子多變量變異數分析對此一問題加以實證。結果顯示,「財務預測未更新組」的「財務第一次預測準確性」較高,但其「盈餘操縱」情形亦較嚴重。
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審計報告之資訊內涵-運用於財務危機之預測 / Study on Application of Information Content of Audit Reports to Financial Distress Forecast Model蔡麗君, Tsay, Lih Jiun Unknown Date (has links)
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Schedule and Cost Performance Analysis and Prediction in Louisiana DOTDHamide, Mahmoud 19 May 2017 (has links)
Many construction projects in the United States are facing the risk of cost overrun and schedule delays. This is also happening here in the State of Louisiana. When these things happen, it causes cost overrun which can then be passed on to the tax payers and may also cause the state to take on less projects than they normal. Many researchers have studied the reasons behind both the cost overrun and the delays resulting in private firms, developing project management tools and best practices to prevent this risk. In this research, I aim to study the historical trend in 2912 publically funded projects in the State of Louisiana. The study will reveal the overall state level of accuracy of forecasting cost and schedule. A forecasting formula based on those historical projects will be developed to assist estimators at the Parish level in predicting cost and schedule performance.
The State of Louisiana has so many projects that deal with the transportation system (roadway, bridges, drainage, traffic sign, traffic signal, lighting etc...)
My Dissertation will be a study and analysis of time and cost of the projects in LADOTD, whether the projects finish on time, before time or after time as well as the cost of the project that has been completed overrun or underrun or the exact amount that the bid amount was. With this study and analysis, my intention is to create time schedule and cost to be used to on reaching accuracy on finishing the project on time and the exact bid amount of the project (exclude whether condition, extra work, and some unexpected problems that may arise during the length of the project).
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