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Pursuing human security in Africa through developmental peace missions : ambitious construct or feasible ideal?Olivier, Laetitia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMil (Military Sciences. School for Security and Africa Studies))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis explores the feasibility of the concept Developmental Peace Missions (DPMs). It
seeks to answer the question whether DPMs is an ambitious construct or a feasible ideal and
whether DPMs could be effectively applied during peace missions. The study takes the form of a
descriptive analysis of the theoretical underpinnings of the concept of DPMs, and includes the
analysis of various relevant case studies in terms of the application of the concept of DPMs.
The study further explores the evolution that has taken place in terms of United Nations peace
missions, in that most modern peace missions include both peacekeeping and peacebuilding
initiatives. The study also illustrates the modern approach to peace missions, based on an
integrated systems-thinking approach by means of which the activities of all relevant role-players
are integrated and fused towards a common end state: that of sustained security and
development. In order to analyse the concept of DPMs, the theoretical underpinnings of the
concept human security, the security-development nexus and peacebuilding were researched in
depth. These concepts were then coupled to the concept of DPMs in terms of their utility during
current complex peace missions, both internationally and on the African continent.
The concept of DPMs was studied in the context of contemporary peacekeeping in terms of three
case studies, namely the peace missions in Kosovo, Sierra Leone and the DRC. The DPMs
concept was applied to these case studies and analysed in terms of the extent to which the peace
interventions in these countries were conducted in accordance with the philosophical and
theoretical underpinnings of DPMs.
The study concludes that DPMs, in terms of its theoretical basis, is indeed a feasible ideal for
peace missions, as it is based on and in line with the approved current UN- and AU-integrated
planning processes. However, in terms of its practical utility in Africa, it currently remains an
ambitious construct, given the limited capacity and resources of the AU and regional
organisations. Therefore, DPMs should not be viewed as a short-term solution to, or panacea for,
all intra-state wars. The study proposes that the UN, the AU, as well as relevant regional
organisations will have to adjust and make changes in terms of their institutions, structures,
funding and the provision of resources in order to operationalise the concept of DPMs
successfully. This is especially true as far as the AU is concerned, as the AU currently
experiences severe limitations in both material and human resources. However, the fact that both
the UN and the AU have adopted the Integrated Mission Planning Process concept as planning
tool for their respective missions is an indication that progress is being made towards the
achievement of establishing a more holistic and integrated approach to finding sustainable
solutions to global conflict. Ultimately, the success of DPMs will be determined by the will and
commitment of all the relevant role-players involved in finding a lasting solution to intra-state
conflicts. The concept itself cannot provide sustainable peace and development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dié tesis verken die lewensvatbaarheid van die begrip Ontwikkelingsvredesendings. Daar sal
gepoog word om ‘n antwoord te kry op die vraag of Ontwikkelingsvredesendings ‘n ambisieuse
konstruk of ‘n haalbare ideal is. Verder sal gepoog word om te bepaal of dit effektief tydens
vredesoperasies toegepas kan word. Die studie neem die vorm aan van ‘n beskrywende analise
van die teoretiese grondbeginsels van die begrip Ontwikkelingsvredesendings en sluit die analise
van verskeie relevante gevallestudies ten opsigte van die begrip in.
Die studie ondersoek die evolusie wat plaasgevind het ten opsigte van vredesendings wat deur
die Verenigde Nasies (VN) onderneem word, naamlik dat die meeste moderne vredesendings,
vredesbewarings, sowel as vredesbou (nasiebou) inisiatiewe insluit. Die studie illustreer ook die
moderne benadering wat ten opsigte van vredesendings toegepas word, naamlik dat die
aktiwiteite van al die betrokke rolspelers geïntegreer word en op ‘n gedeelde einddoel gefokus
word. Die teoretiese grondstelllings van die begrippe veiligheid en ontwikkeling, die veiligheid-ensekuriteit-
neksus, sowel as die begrip van vredesbou (nasiebou) is in diepte ondersoek ten einde
die begrip Ontwikkelingsvredesendings te analiseer. Hierdie begrippe is daarna in verband
gebring met die begrip Ontwikkelingsvredesendings soos wat dit tans tydens moderne komplekse
vredesendings toegepas word – beide internasionaal sowel as op die Afrika kontinent.
Die begrip Ontwikkelingsvredesendings is bestudeer teen die agtergrond van eietydse
vredesbewaring ten opsigte van drie gevallestudies, naamlik die intervensies in Kosovo, Sierra
Leone en die Demokratiese Republiek van die Kongo. Hierdie drie gevallestudies is gekies
aangesien dit die eerste sendings was waartydens die VN die nuwe geïntegreerde benadering tot
vredesendings, soos in die Brahimi-verslag aanbeveel, toegepas is.
Die studie het bevind dat Ontwikkelingsvredesendings, wat betref die teoretiese grondstellings
inderdaad uitvoerbaar is, aangesien dit gebaseer is op en in ooreenstemming is met die huidige
aanvaarde beplanninsprosesse van die VN en die AU. Maar, wat betref die praktiese
bruikbaarheid van die begrip in Afrika, bly dit tans ‘n ambisieuse konstruk, gegewe die beperkte
vermoë en hulpbronne van die AU en streeksorganisasies. Die begrip
Ontwikkelingsvredesendings moet dus nie as ‘n korttermynoplossing vir alle interne oorloë
beskou word nie. Die studie het bevind dat die VN, die AU, sowel as die betrokke
streeksorganisasies, ingrypende veranderings sal moet ondergaan ten einde die begrip
Ontwikkelingsvredesendings suksesvol te kan toepas, veral ten opsigte van strukture, befondsing
en die voorsiening van hulpbronne. Dit is veral waar in die geval van die AU, aangesien die AU
tans geweldige uitdagings in die gesig staar wat betref menslike sowel as materiële hulpbronne.
Ten spyte van laasgenoemde uitdagings dui die aanvaarding van die Geïntegreerde
Sendingbeplanningsproses as besluitnemings-meganisme deur beide die VN en die AU op die
vordering wat gemaak word ten opsigte van die daarstelling van ‘n meer holistiese en geïntegreerde benadering vir volhoubare oplossings vir konflik. Die sukses van
Ontwikkelingsvredesendings sal uiteindelik bepaal word deur die wil en toewyding van alle
betrokkenes by die soeke na langdurige vrede – die begrip op sigself kan nie volhoubare vrede
en ontwikkeling bewerkstellig nie.
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Modelling of mass transfer in packing materials with cellular automataEngelbrecht, Alma Margaretha 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Process Engineering))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The general objective for this thesis is to assess the ability of cellular automata to
model relatively complex processes or phenomena, in particular thermodynamic
scenarios. The mass transfer in packing materials of distillation columns was selected
as an example due to the sufficient level of complexity in the distillation process, and
its importance in a wide range of applications.
A literature survey on cellular automata that summarizes the information currently
available in formal publications and the internet is included to provide a general
overview on the basic theoretical principles and the application of cellular automata
models in the process engineering industry. The literature study was also used to
identify potential requirements for the new research project.
The study objective includes the construction of a cellular automata model that is able
to represent transition of solutes from the fluid on the micro-surfaces of packing
materials to the by-passing vapour stream, as well as the steady-state equilibrium
between evaporation and condensation. Iterated model parameters sufficient for the
realistic modelling of mass transfer as a result of thermodynamic driving forces, are
required to meet this objective. The model behaviour was compared and the
parameters subsequently adjusted according to the behaviour that is theoretically
expected from the system being simulated. Qualitative (although sometimes in a
quantitative format) rather than quantitative observations and comparisons were
made seeing that the model has not yet been calibrated.
The model that has been developed to date is not able to simulate the individual
effects of chemical and thermodynamic properties although a realistic simulation of
the cumulative effect exerted by these factors, or change thereof, on a system has
been achieved. The accuracy of the results that have been obtained by using iterated
parameters cannot be guaranteed for scenarios that deviate too much from the
systems that have already been modelled successfully.
The trade-off between the ability of the model to incorporate the effect of polarization,
its ability to represent separation, in particular the condensation of hydrophilic
substances, for strong hydrophilic packing materials and its ability to incorporate a
large number of species limits the range of scenarios that can be successfully
The model is able to represent the effect of a declining driving force (difference
between the component vapour pressure of the gas phase and that of the liquid
phase) that is typical of a system which is allowed to reach equilibrium after an initial
disturbance. The model is also able to represent an additional driving force for
separation caused by the effect of intermolecular forces.
The model also displays the potential ability to represent the effect of different surface
structures of the packing material on the extent of separation achieved at steady
state as well as the rate at which such steady state conditions have been achieved.
The model must be correctly scaled to minimize inaccurate results.
Although several adjustments are needed to eliminate some limitations, the model
has proven itself worthy of further development due to its capability to represent the
basic characteristics of mass transfer in packing materials.
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Investigation of the co-crystallisation of N-heterocyclesLoots, Leigh-Anne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Co-crystals are excellent materials for studying intermolecular interactions in the solid-state and can be used to further our knowledge of the balance between strong and weak intermolecular interactions. The O–H∙∙∙∙∙∙Narom synthon was chosen as the focus of this investigation of hydrogen bonding motifs. The starting materials selected all have two hydrogen bond donor and/or acceptor sites for the formation of extended networks. All molecules are also aromatic such that the influence of weaker π∙∙∙∙∙∙π interactions can be included in the study. Two 3x3 grids of related co-crystals were produced from these starting materials and are reported in this thesis as part of an ongoing investigation into a broader set of co-crystals.
A part of the work describes the investigation of co-crystals prepared by the combination of related benzenediol and diazine isomers taken from a 3x3 grid. The solid-state structures of each of the six starting materials are discussed briefly to describe the nature of intermolecular interactions involved in the single component crystals. Trends in hydrogen-bonding patterns as well as the weaker interactions identified in the starting materials, can be used to recognise those in the subsequent multi-component crystals. Thirteen co-crystal compounds were obtained, of which twelve structures are novel. Each of these co-crystal structures is discussed in terms of intermolecular interactions and packing in the solid state. Hydrogen-bonding patterns and structural similarities are highlighted in related co-crystal structures as well as between co-crystals and their respective starting materials.
The combination of benzenediol isomers with benzodiazine isomers yielded seven novel co-crystal structures in a second 33 grid is reported. The structure of phthalazine, which has not yet been reported, is included in addition to these co-crystals, while the structures of quinazoline and quinoxaline that were retrieved from the CSD are discussed briefly. Co-crystal structures are discussed individually, focusing on the intermolecular interactions that are significant to the structural architecture of the compound. Certain co-crystals that display structural similarities with structures of the 3x3 grid, as well as with co-crystals presented in Chapter 3, are discussed in the relevant sections.
Lastly, two extended pyridyl diyne ligands that were synthesised for use in future co-crystallisation studies similar to those reported earlier are briefly highlighted. The crystal structures of the pure compounds and of a hydrate of one of the ligands were obtained and discussed briefly. To date only one of these structures has been reported in the literature.
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An implementation model for inter-state peacekeeping operationsVan Huyssteen, Petrus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since the advent of democracy in 1994, domestic and international expectations have
steadily grown regarding the role of a new South African as a responsible and
respected member of the international community. These expectations have
included the hope that South Africa will playa leading role in a variety of international,
regional and sub-regional forums and that the country will become an active
participant in attempts to resolve various regional and international conflicts.
The nature of international activities aimed at international conflict prevention,
management and resolution has changed dramatically over the past decade. A
radically post-Cold War security environment has seen the transformation of classical
peacekeeping operations into complex, multi-dimensional conflict management
activities with a political focus in which the military is but one of many participants.
Whilst South Africa has, as a member of bodies such as the United Nations, the
Organisation of African Unity, the African Union and the Southern African
Development Community, begun to play an active role in diplomatic resolution
initiatives, the country is also expected to contribute to wider multi-national peace
Contemporary peace missions are fundamentally political initiatives, despite the
complex mixture of political, humanitarian and military concerns and means. South
Africa must therefore make a careful appraisal of the political and strategic
environment within which peace missions are to be launched and the principles
governing South African participation in such efforts. A clear understanding is
required of the type of mandate, which governs peace missions in order to facilitate
a detailed articulation of acceptable entry and exit criteria and to determine the
scope, level and type of resources that South Africa is willing to commit to future
peace missions. This will provide a clear indication to the international community
and the regional and sub-regional partners of South Africa's stance on participation
in peace operations. South Africa has limited but valuable resources to offer the international community
for the conduct of peace missions. These include civilians with a diverse range of
skills and experience appropriate to peace processes, professional and experienced
police officers and well trained and disciplined military capacity. If these resources
are to be utilised by the international community in the cause of peace, their
approximate nature and size must be defined through an appropriate readiness
system for each component.
On the other hand, a number of key conditions must be met before these potential
resources are deployed in support of a particular peace mission. Some of the
responsibility for meeting these conditions lies at the level of the international
community - such as the formulation of a clear and realistic mandate. On the other
hand, it is a national obligation to support and budget for such participation.
After an assessment of the South African National Defence Force, operation
BOLEAS in Lesotho, a clearly articulated Aide de Memoire is recommended as a
model for Peace Support Operations, which will cover all aspects in relation to South
African National Defence (SANDF) participation in peace initiatives. This Aide De
Memoire aim to set conditions that should be met before any peacekeeping operation
can be implemented. It will provide clarity on matters relating to the scope of South
African peace missions; the question of mandates, joint task organisation and legal
responsibilities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert die aanvang van demokrasie in 1994 was daar 'n stelselmatige groei in eie
en internasionale verwagtinge oor die rol van 'n nuwe Suid-Afrika as
verantwoordelike en gerespekteerde lid van die internasionale gemeenskap. Hierdie
verwagtinge het die hoop ingesluit dat Suid-Afrika "n leidende rol sou speel in 'n
verskeidenheid van internasionale, streek en sub-streek forums en dat die land 'n
aktiewe rolspeler sal word in pogings om oplossings te vind vir verskeie streeks- en
internasionale konflikte.
Die aard van internasionale bedrywighede, wat gemik was op die voorkoming van
internasionale konflik, bestuur en besluitneming, het oor die laaste dekade drasties
verander. 'n Radikale post-koue oorlogse sekerheidsomgewing het die transformasie
beleef vanaf klassieke vredesoperasies na komplekse, multi-dimensionele
konflikhanteringsaktiwiteite met 'n politieke fokus waarin die militêre arm van die staat
maar een van baie deelnemers is. Terwyl Suid-Afrika, as lid van organisasies soos
die Verenigde Nasies, die Organisasie van Afrika Eenheid en die Suider-Afrikaanse
Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap, 'n meer aktiewe rol begin speel het in diplomatieke
besluitnemingsinisiatiewe, word daar ook van die land verwag om 'n bydrae te lewer
by groter multi-nasionale vredesendings.
Kontemporêre vredesendings is in beginsel politieke inisiatiewe, ten spyte van die
komplekse mengsel van politieke, humanitêre en militêre belange en middele. Suid-
Afrika is dus verplig om 'n versigtige beoordeling te maak van die politieke en
strategiese omgewing waarin vredesoperasies hul afspeel, asook die beginsels wat
Suid-Afrikaanse deelname aan hierdie pogings vereis. 'n Juiste begrip van die tipe
mandaat wat vredesendings beheer, word vereis sodat 'n gedetailleerde uitspraak
van aanvaarbare toetree- en uittreemaatstawwe vergemaklik kan word. Ook die
bestek, vlak en tipe van hulpbronne waartoe Suid-Afrika bereid is om homself in die
toekoms te verbind moet bepaal word. Dit sal 'n duidelike aanduiding vir die
internasionale gemeenskap, streek en substreekvennote gee van wat Suid-Afrika se
standpunt ten opsigte van deelname aan vredesoperasies is. Suid-Afrika het beperkte maar waardevolle hulpbronne wat aan die internasionale
gemeenskap gebied kan word vir die uitvoering van vredesendings. Dit sluit in:
burgerlikes met 'n verskeidenheid van vaardighede en ondervinding wat geskik is vir
vredesprosesse; ervare en professionele beleidmakers, asook goed opgeleide en
gedissiplineerde militêre vermoëns. Indien hierdie bronne deur die internasionale
gemeenskap in die bevordering van vrede aangewend sou word, moet die beraamde
aard en omvang daarvan vasgestel word met behulp van 'n toepaslike
gereedheidstelsel vir elke komponent.
Aan die ander kant moet 'n aantal sleutelvereistes nagekom word voordat hierdie
potensiële hulpbronne as steun vir 'n spesifieke vredesending ontplooi word. Sekere
verantwoordelikhede om by die beginsels te hou, berus op die vlak van die
internasionale gemeenskap - soos die formulering van 'n duidelike en realistiese
mandaat. Dit is egter 'n nasionale verantwoordelikheid om vir so 'n deelname te
begroot en dit te ondersteun.
Na die beoordeling van OPERASIE BOLEAS deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale
Weermag, stel die navorsing 'n duidelik geartikuleerde Aide de Memoire vir
Vredesteunoperasies voor wat alle aspekte in verband met die Suid-Afrikaanse
Weermag se deelname aan vredesinisiatiewe sal insluit. Hierdie Aide de Memoire
beoog om voorwaardes te stel wat nagekom moet word voordat enige
vredesoperasies geïmplimenteer kan word. Dit sal duidelikheid verskaf oor
aangeleenthede rakende die bestek van Suid-Afrikaanse vredesendings; die kwessie
van mandate; gesamentlike taakorganisasie en regsverantwoordelikhede.
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CAD-supported preliminary column force calculations in multi-storey buildingsLourens, Eliz-Mari 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Civil Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The predominately manual, time-consuming and error-prone procedure currently
used in engineering offices for the calculation of preliminary column forces
in multi-storey buildings constitutes the motive for the research described in this
study. Identifying the current procedure as in need of improvement, techniques
and prototype software posing a semi-automated alternative, are developed.
Influence areas used for load-assignment are established with the use of a
Voronoi diagram calculated for a specific floor geometry. The forces transferred
to the columns are based solely on the size of the influence areas thus calculated.
The definition of the floor geometry, as well as the definition of loads and
other necessary input parameters, are performed in a CAD-system, into which
the Voronoi functionality is integrated.
The accuracy of the forces obtained with the implemented procedure and,
consequently, the accuracy of the forces as they are calculated in current practice,
is determined through comparison with the results of finite element analyses.
The comparative analysis of a sample of typical floor geometries allows an
evaluation of the results and the identification of tendencies observed regarding
the errors obtained.
It is concluded that calculating column forces based on influence areas, i.e.
solving a geometrical problem without taking any stiffness properties into account,
is unsafe. The implication hereof is twofold. Firstly, it serves as a warning
concerning the technique currently used in practice and secondly, it steers the investigation
in the direction of a finite element analysis: using the influence areas
as a basis for automatic meshing, a semi-automated analysis can be performed
relatively inexpensively, using plate elements.
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Application of Van-der-Waals forces in micro-material handlingMatope, Stephen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / This doctoral dissertation focuses on the application of Van-der-Waals’ forces in micromaterial
handling. A micro-material handling system consists of four main elements, which
include: the micro-gripper, the micro-workpart, the picking up position and the placement
position. The scientific theoretical frameworks of Van-der-Waals’ forces, presented by Van
der Waals, Hamaker, London, Lifshitz, Israelachvilli, Parsegian, Rumpf and Rabinovich, are
employed in exploring the extent to which these forces could be applied in a micromanufacturing
situation. Engineering theoretical frameworks presented by Fearing,
Bohringer, Sitti, Feddema, Arai and Fukuda, are employed in order to provide an in-depth
synthesis of the application of Van-der-Waals’ forces in micro-material handling. An
empirical or pragmatic methodology was adopted in the research.
The Electron Beam Evaporation (e-beam) method was used in generating interactive surfaces
of uniform surface roughness values. E-beam depositions of copper, aluminum and silver on
silicon substrates were developed. The deposition rates were in the range of 0.6 – 1.2
Angstrom/s, at an average vacuum pressure of 2 x 10-6 mbar. The topographies were analysed
and characterised using an Atomic Force Microscope and the corresponding rms surface
roughness values were obtained. The Rumpf-Rabinovich equation, which gives the
relationship of the exerted Van-der-Waals’ forces and the rms surface roughness values, is
used to numerically model the results. In the final synthesis it is observed that the e-beam
depositions of copper are generally suited for the pick-up position. Aluminum is suited for the
micro-gripper and silver is suited for the placement position in an optimised micro-material
handling system.
Another Atomic Force Microscope was used in order to validate the numerically modelled
results of the exerted Van- der-Waals’ forces. The aim was to measure the magnitude of Vander-
Waals’ forces exerted by the e-beam depositions and to evaluate their applicability in
micro-material handling operations. The measurements proved that Van-der-Waals’ forces
exerted by the samples could be used for micro-material handling purposes on condition that
they exceeded the weight of the micro-part being handled.
Three fundamental parameters, ie: material type, geometrical configuration and surface
topography were used to develop strategies of manipulation of micro-materials by Van-der-
Waals’ forces. The first strategy was based on the material type variation of the interactive surfaces in a micro-material handling operation. This strategy hinged on the fact that materials
have different Hamaker coefficients, which resulted in them experiencing a specific Van-der-
Waals’ forces’ intensity during handling. The second strategy utilised variation in the
geometrical configuration of the interacting surfaces. The guiding principle in this case was
that, the larger the contact area was, the greater the exerted Van-der-Waals’ forces would be
In the analytical modelling of Van-der-Waals’ forces with reference to geometrical
configuration, a flat surface was found to exert more force than other configurations. The
application of the design, for purposes of manufacturing and assembling (DFMA) criteria,
also proved that flat interactive surfaces have high design efficiency. The third strategy was
based on surface roughness. The rougher the topography of a given surface was, the lesser the
Van-der-Waals’ forces exerted were. It was synthesised that in order for a pick-transfer-place
cycle to be realised, the root-mean-square (rms) interactive surface roughness values of the
micro-part (including the picking position, the micro-gripper, and the placement position)
should decrease successively. Hybrid strategies were also identified in this research in order
to deal with some complex cases. The hybrids combined at least two of the aforementioned
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Computing accurate solutions to the Kohn-Sham problem quickly in real spaceSchofield, Grady Lynn 18 September 2014 (has links)
Matter on a length scale comparable to that of a chemical bond is governed by the theory of quantum mechanics, but quantum mechanics is a many body theory, hence for the sake of chemistry or solid state physics, finding solutions to the governing equation, Schrodinger's equation, is hopeless for all but the smallest of systems. As the number of electrons increases, the complexity of solving the equations grows rapidly without bound. One way to make progress is to treat the electrons in a system as independent particles and to attempt to capture the many-body effects in a functional of the electrons' density distribution. When this approximation is made, the resulting equation is called the Kohn-Sham equation, and instead of requiring solving for one function of many variables, it requires solving for many functions of the three spatial variables. This problem turns out to be easier than the many body problem, but it still scales cubically in the number of electrons. In this work we will explore ways of obtaining the solutions to the Kohn-Sham equation in the framework of real-space pseudopotential density functional theory. The Kohn-Sham equation itself is an eigenvalue problem, just as Schrodinger's equation. For each electron in the system, there is a corresponding eigenvector. So the task of solving the equation is to compute many eigenpairs of a large Hermitian matrix. In order to mitigate the problem of cubic scaling, we develop an algorithm to slice the spectrum into disjoint segments. This allows a smaller eigenproblem to be solved in each segment where a post-processing step combines the results from each segment and prevents double counting of the eigenpairs. The efficacy of this method depends on the use of high order polynomial filters that enhance only a segment of the spectrum. The order of the filter is the number of matrix-vector multiplication operations that must be done with the Hamiltonian. Therefore the performance of these operations is critical. We develop a scalable algorithm for computing these multiplications and introduce a new density functional theory code implementing the algorithm. / text
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Entering the Swedish Management Consulting Industry : A qualitative study of what factors to consider when entering the Swedish management consulting industryBojler, Therese, Björlin, Jeanette January 2008 (has links)
<p>The management consultancy, a 14 billion EUR industry in Europe, has become an attractive market in the last couple of years. The Swedish market is blooming with an economic growth of a staggering 20 % according to analysts at Konsultguiden. The attractiveness of the market has brought many foreign players into the field such as Celerant. Celerant is a UK-based company earning a total of $145 million in 2006 with about 650 employees around Europe and the USA. Their focus is mainly within operational management. A few years ago, Celerant decided to expand in to the Nordic region consisting of Denmark, Norway and Sweden and has just recently started to focus a bit extra on the Swedish market. Using Porter’s model of Five Forces we look at the Swedish management consulting industry to see what factors to consider focusing on when entering the market. Through an analysis of the current management consulting market, we compare it to Celerant’s strategy for entering the Swedish market to see if our analysis differs or is similar to the consultancy’s actual strategy. This gives us a picture of how the management consultancies perceive the market and how they act accordingly. The results show similarities with two factors: the consultants and the clients. These seem to be the main factors to focus on as a management consultancy entering the Swedish market. There seems to be a current shortage of competent consultants on the Swedish market and therefore a necessity to focus on recruitment. Clients are what make business for consultancies and business connections need to be established before entering the market. However, we found that more precaution should be taken for factors such as substitutes and new entrants as well. There is a constant change of trends in the management consultancy industry and needs to be considered in order to stay competitive on the market, since a management consultancy needs to be able to offer what the clients demand.</p>
619 |
Bilden av försvaret : – en jämförande studie av Försvarsmaktens rekryteringsannonserSimonsson, Greta January 2008 (has links)
<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Title: The defend of the picture – a comparison of recruitment advertisements from the Swedish Armed Forces / Bilden av försvaret– en jämförande studie av Försvarsmaktens rekryteringsannonser</p><p>Number of pages: 35</p><p>Author: Greta Simonsson</p><p>Tutor: Mats Lind</p><p>Course: Media and Communication Studies C</p><p>Period: Autumn Semester 2007</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University</p><p>Aim: Do the messages in the recruitment advertisements from the Swedish Armed Forces differ between such advertisements produced in the “defense against invasion” era and those produced in the present, more internationally oriented era, when analyzed using semiotics? And, how are these advertisements understood by their receivers?</p><p>Material and method: Interviews, a focus group and semiotic analysis.</p><p>Main results: The messages in the recruitment advertisements have changed. In line with the changed focus of the Swedish Armed Forces to more international cooperation and missions, the present day advertisements do indeed have a more international and aggressive focus.</p><p>Keywords: Swedish Armed Forces, information, recruitment, advertisements, semeiotics.</p>
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Sur une théorie de la thermodynamique des processus irréversibles dans les milieux continusAuriault, Jean-Louis 04 April 1973 (has links) (PDF)
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