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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

As singularidades dos saberes de professores de LE: que luzes estão sendo lançadas no ensino?

Marinho, Bruna Ramos [UNESP] 03 May 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:25:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2004-05-03Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:53:28Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 marinho_br_me_assis.pdf: 371222 bytes, checksum: 584fa3c529b03ffe81253fe15993665d (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O objetivo desta pesquisa é viabilizar a produção de outros modos de pensar a educação de professores de línguas estrangeiras. Buscamos construir contextos não convencionais de pesquisa nos quais os profissionais possam refletir acerca de sua experiência de ensino/aprendizagem de línguas. Para tanto, nos baseamos metodologicamente na Pesquisa Educacional com Base nas Artes (Eisner, 1991)cujo recurso principal é um espetáculo teatral, denominado Parâmetros em Análise. Tal espetáculo foi construído a partir de temas inspirados nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. Foram apresentados dez espetáculos em diversas instituições das redes de ensino oficial e particulares do Estado de São Paulo. No palco do espetáculo, foram representadas, artisticamente, cenas do dia-a-dia e do fazer pedagógico dos professores de línguas estrangeiras, assim como, os seus conflitos e dilemas profissionais. Após o espetáculo ocorreu uma reflexão crítica compartilhada entre a platéia composta por professores, educadores de professores e alunos de Letras. O espetáculo e a reflexão compõem aquilo que Foucault (Deleuze, 1988) conceitua como sendo um dispositivo. Para o filósofo, dispositivos são máquinas de fazer ver e falar. Eles formam uma espécie de instrumento teórico com o qual contamos para visualizar as práticas sociais que se dão na escola. As reflexões realizadas pelos professores indicam um desencontro entre aquilo que professores e alunos estão atualizando nas suas práticas e, aquilo que propõem certas pesquisas, políticas educacionais e o funcionamento da estrutura institucional da escola. / The objective of this paper is to make the production of other ways of thinking over education of foreign language teachers possible. We intend to construct non-conventional contexts of research, in which the professionals can think over their language learning/teaching experiences. For that, we are based methodologically on the Educational Research based on Arts (Eisner, 1991) whose chief resource is the dramatic performance, called Patterns in Analysis. Such performance was built from themes inspired in the Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais. Ten performances were acted in several public and private institutions of education in the State of São Paulo. On the stage, everyday scenes and the pedagogical work of foreign language teachers were acted artistically, such as, their conflicts and professional dilemmas. After the performance, a critical reflection shared by the audience composed by teachers, teachers' professors and students took place. The performance and the reflection compose what Foucault (Deleuze, 1988) considers as a device. To the philosopher, devices are machines of making see and speak. They constitute a theoretical instrument that we use to analyze the social experiences that happen at schools. The reflections arisen by the teachers indicate a discordance from what teachers and students have been passing through a process of modification in their experiences and, from what some researches, educational policies and the operation of the institutional structure of the school propose.

Precisão e complexidade gramatical na avaliação da proficiência oral do (futuro) professor de inglês como língua estrangeira

Busnardi, Bruna [UNESP] 02 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2012-03-02Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:55:09Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 busnardi_b_me_sjrp.pdf: 1099045 bytes, checksum: 2b9472d65768748611338f5acddace07 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta pesquisa trata da avaliação da proficiência oral de quatro professoras de inglês como língua estrangeira (ILE). O foco está na competência gramatical na produção oral das professoras-participantes (PPs), no que se refere à precisão e à complexidade gramatical de sua fala. Trata-se de uma análise comparativa de dados orais das participantes, obtidos em contexto pré-serviço, por meio da aplicação do TEPOLI (Teste de Proficiência Oral em Língua Inglesa), e em serviço, como professoras de língua inglesa (LI) em sala de aula. De maneira geral, buscamos oferecer contribuições para validar o TEPOLI, teste oral criado na UNESP de São José do Rio Preto, como um instrumento de avaliação da proficiência oral (PO) de (futuros) professores de LI no contexto brasileiro. Como objetivos específicos, buscamos, em primeiro lugar, comparar o desempenho gramatical das PPs em ambos os contextos a fim de discutir em que medida o TEPOLI consegue prever as necessidades linguísticas dos professores quando em sala de aula, com foco em sua competência gramatical, e, em segundo lugar, a partir desta comparação, oferecer contribuições para o aprimoramento dos componentes do descritor gramática e estrutura sintática da escala holística do teste oral, bem como para a elaboração de uma escala analítica referente a esses componentes. A metodologia da pesquisa é de natureza híbrida, pois adota procedimentos quantitativos e qualitativos para o tratamento dos dados. Os resultados obtidos por meio da comparação entre o contexto pré-serviço e em serviço mostram que o desempenho oral das PPs em ambos os contextos é similar, o que fornece fortes indícios de que o TEPOLI é capaz de prever grande parte dos comportamentos linguísticos do professor em sala de aula, principalmente no que se refere à dimensão... / This study deals with the assessment of the oral proficiency of four English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers. The focus is on the grammatical competence in the oral production of the participants, with regard to accuracy and grammatical complexity. It is a comparative study of the oral language produced during the TEPOLI (Test of Oral Proficiency in English) – a pre-service context – and in the classrooms, as EFL teachers – an in-service context. Our general goal is to offer contributions to validate the TEPOLI, an oral test developed at UNESP, in São José do Rio Preto, as a specific tool to assess the oral proficiency of (future) teachers in the Brazilian context. We first seek to compare the grammatical performance of the participants in both contexts in order to discuss the predictability of the TEPOLI on the linguistic needs of teachers when speaking in the classroom, concerning the grammar in their oral production. From this comparison, we offer contributions to the improvement of the components of the grammar and syntactic structure descriptor of the holistic scale of the oral test, as well as to the development of an analytical scale related to these components. The research methodology has a hybrid nature, as it adopts quantitative and qualitative procedures to analyze data. The results obtained by the comparison between the pre-service context and the in-service context show that the oral performance of the participants in both contexts is similar, which provide strong evidence that the TEPOLI is able to predict large part of the linguistic behavior of the teacher’s oral production when in the classroom, especially with regard to the qualitative dimension of the accuracy and the grammatical complexity of their oral production, the two characteristics investigated. However, our results show that... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Foreign language teachers’ perceptions of observational feedback

Oldham, Seth January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Modern Languages / Mary T. Copple / Though the subject of recent national attention and various in-depth investigations, the most effective approach to teacher evaluation in the United States is still an issue of debate. The latest research focuses on evaluation of teachers of core content areas like math, science and reading, but evaluation of foreign language teachers and programs receives comparatively little attention in the literature. This study examines issues related to observational feedback particular to the foreign language teaching context using data collected from teachers and administrators in large public school districts in Kansas. Survey data reveals that while public school foreign language teachers are generally satisfied with observational feedback concerning classroom behaviors, such as teacher-student interaction and behavior management, they often report receiving no feedback in the areas of curriculum planning or instructional techniques particular to their content area. Administrators report focusing on preparedness and classroom management during observations. Gaps identified in observational feedback are discussed and changes to observation practices are suggested.

The Interpretation of Spanish Grammatical Aspect with Habitual and Episodic Readings and the Influence of Adverbials

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: Adult second-language learners of Spanish struggle with the acquisition of preterite and imperfect selection due to the overtly morphological representation of grammatical aspect. Prior studies have documented the effect of a default encoding without influence of the lexical aspect in the emergence of aspectual morphology, and have proposed the Default Past Tense Hypothesis (DPTH). This study investigates the emergence of aspectual morphology by testing the DPTH and the effect of adverbials at interpreting grammatical aspect in this process of acquisition. Twenty-eight English-speaking learners of Spanish (beginning, intermediate and advanced) and twenty native-Spanish speakers are tested with two written comprehension tasks that assess the interpretation of habitual/imperfect and episodic/preterite readings of eventive verbs. The truth-value judgment task incorporates forty short stories with two summary sentences, from which participants must choose one as true. The grammaticality judgment task presents sixty-four sentences with temporal adverbials of position and duration, thirty-two are grammatical and thirty-two are ungrammatical. Participants must accept or reject them using a 5-point likert scale. The findings indicate that the DPTH is partially supported by the statistical data showing a default marker, imperfect for beginning learners, and preterite for intermediate learners. This provides support to the argument of unsteady aspectual checking of [-bounded] in the spec of AspP and not necessarily by only checking [+past] in the TP for intermediate learners. The influence of the lexical aspect value of the verb is partially evident with advanced learners. Temporal adverbials play an important role at interpreting grammatical aspect with intermediate and advanced learners. Results show that beginning learners are not influenced by the presence of adverbials due to their inexperience with the Spanish aspectual morphology. The findings also allow the confirmation of prior results about factors that influence the interpretation of preterite and imperfect. First, the instruction of aspectual morphology co-indexed with specific temporal adverbials, and second, that learners rely on lexical cues at the sentential level, while native speakers rely on discursive ones. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Applied Linguistics 2016

Aquisição/aprendizagem de LE: subjetividade e deslocamentos identitários

Falasca, Patrícia [UNESP] 30 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:22:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2012-05-30Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:49:01Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 falasca_p_me_arafcl.pdf: 798629 bytes, checksum: ac8d6b2e55022d56b018aba15cb0fc01 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta pesquisa busca pensar a questão da constituição da subjetividade do aprendiz de inglês como língua estrangeira (LE), partindo da hipótese de que o aluno, no caso, adulto, ao se deparar com a língua alvo (LA), enfrenta um embate entre o que já está constituído em sua língua materna (constituição que se encontra também em constante modificação) e o novo, que vem atrelado à LE. Para realizar a pesquisa, partimos de uma perspectiva discursiva, baseada nas ideias do Círculo de Bakhtin (1976, 1981, 1997, 2006). Acreditamos que, ao entrar em contato com a nova língua/cultura, o aluno, enquanto sujeito que se constitui na linguagem, passa por uma série de deslocamentos identitários, constitutivos de sua subjetividade de base, os quais lhe permitem utilizar a outra língua. Na perspectiva dialógica e discursiva apresentada na pesquisa, refletimos sobre tais processos de deslocamento identitário, levando as contribuições bakhtinianas para a área de Aquisição de Linguagem, assim como para os estudos em aquisição/aprendizagem de LE. Analisamos, ao longo do trabalho, seis relatos escritos e cinco entrevistas de alunos adultos de inglês como LE, em situação formal de aprendizagem numa escola de idiomas da cidade de Americana, SP. Buscamos, nos discursos de tais alunos, indícios de sua subjetividade e da emergência identitária trazida pela língua estrangeira. As análises dos dados nos revela que a hipótese dos deslocamentos identitários é consistente, uma vez que flagramos, em alguns momentos da fala dos alunos e de seus relatos escritos, índices de tais movimentos de um domínio a outro e de mudanças de pontos de vista, dentro da linguagem e por meio dela / This research aims to consider the issue of the subjectivity constitution of the adult learner of English as a foreign language, assuming that the adult learners, as they encounter the target language, they also face a conflict between what has already been established through their first language (what, in a way, is always changing and assuming new possibilities) and the new point of view, attached to the foreign language. We lead the research according to a discursive point of view, based on the ideas of Bakhtin and his Circle (1976, 1981, 1997, 2006). We believe that in contact with the new language/culture, the student, as a subject that is constituted in and through the language, has to go through a series of identity movements, which allow them to use the other language. In the discursive and dialogical perspective presented on this work, we look at these processes of identity movements, bringing the bakhtinian point of view to the Language Acquisition field as well as to the studies on Second Language Learning. In this research, we analyze six written reports and five interviews of adults learners of English as a foreign language, from a formal learning process in a language school in Americana, SP (Brazil). We aim to show, in the speech of such students, evidences of their subjectivity and the emergence of a new identity, linked to the foreign language. The data analysis reveals that the hypothesis of the identity movement is consistent, since it is possible to recognize traits of changes of point of view in the considered speeches

Relações de poder em uma escola pautada nas singularidades: olhares sobre as práticas de língua estrangeira / Relations of power within a school guided on singularities: teaching and learning foreign language context

Severian, Marina Rosa [UNESP] 20 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marina Rosa Severian null (mari.severian@gmail.com) on 2016-07-18T14:41:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Relações de poder em uma escola pautada nas singularidades.pdf: 6510661 bytes, checksum: d18ccbd9ac8e0ea7c85bf1ad91413c28 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-07-18T20:47:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 severian_mr_me_arafcl.pdf: 6510661 bytes, checksum: d18ccbd9ac8e0ea7c85bf1ad91413c28 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T20:47:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 severian_mr_me_arafcl.pdf: 6510661 bytes, checksum: d18ccbd9ac8e0ea7c85bf1ad91413c28 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O discurso doutrinário produzido e veiculado nas sociedades disciplinares do século XVIII permitiu a instauração tanto das dicotomias quanto dos paradigmas que norteiam, até o presente século, a maneira como as instituições escolares devem atuar e refletir sobre o âmbito educacional, condicionando, consequentemente, não apenas as metodologias e as práticas adotadas nessas instituições, como também a crença que envolve o pensar e o fazer educacional na nossa sociedade contemporânea. Com isso, as escolas passaram a adotar algumas tendências mercadológicas e fabris as quais visam legitimar diretrizes autoritárias e ratificar uma hierarquia pré-estabelecida de poder nas instituições de ensino. De maneira contrária, Dewey (1959), Freire (1967 e 1979) e Morin (2000 e 2007) propõem outras maneiras de compreender a educação, enfatizando o papel primordial dessa para o desenvolvimento tanto do caráter quanto da personalidade “autênticos” do indivíduo, permitindo o despertar da singularidade e da ética nos alunos e nos professores. De acordo com essa perspectiva que visa construir uma educação singular, a nossa intenção neste trabalho é analisar e compreender de que forma se estabelecem as relações de poder (FOUCAULT, 1987 e 1989) nas práticas de língua estrangeira em uma escola, situada no interior de São Paulo, que segue os princípios da singularidade como fio condutor de sua prática. Dentro dessa abordagem, pretendemos depreender os discursos e as práticas referentes às singularidades e à democracia, a fim de refletir sobre a maneira como as relações verticais e horizontais se constroem nesse processo peculiar de ensino-aprendizagem de língua estrangeira. Para isso, realizamos uma pesquisa qualitativa de base etnográfica, com o intuito de observar como se estabelecem essas relações nas práticas de idioma e coletar os dados. / The doctrinal speech produced and conveyed in the disciplinary societies from 18th century consented the instauration both of the dichotomies and of the paradigms which guide, until the present century, the way how educational institutions must act and reflect on the educational field, hence conditioning not only the methodologies and practices in these institutions, as well as the belief that involves thinking and doing education in our contemporary society. The schools have adopted some trends similar to marketing and manufacturing procedures which legitimate authoritarian directives and ratify a pre-established hierarchy of power within and also outside the educational institution. Conversely, Dewey (1959), Freire (1967 and 1979) and Morin (2000 and 2007) present alternative ways to comprehend the education emphasizing its essential role to the development of both the authentic character and personality of the individual, enabling the arousal of singularity and ethic in students and educators. In accordance with this perspective that aims to erect an education based on humanity and singularity, this paper intents to analyze and comprehend how the power relantionships (FOUCAULT, 1987 and 1989) are established during the classes of foreign language at a specific school, situated in a city in the state of São Paulo, which follows the principles of singularity as a guideline to its practice. Within this approach, we intend to understand the discourse and practice with regard to singularities and democracy in education to reflect on how the vertical and horizontal relationships are built in this peculiar process of foreign language teaching and learning. To achieve this, we conducted a qualitative ethnographic research in order to observe how these relationships are established in foreign language classes and collect data.

Will learning a foreign language help me excel in my future career? : A meta-analysis of publications on the motivation in Japanese and American students to study a foreign language

Tengbom, Christina January 2017 (has links)
This meta-analysis will investigate and compare existing research material on how Japanese and American high school students studying a foreign language are motivated by a belief that studying a foreign language will increase their future career opportunities. Reference material by appropriately versed authors will be used for this purpose. The concepts of attitude and motivation will be discussed together with the social context surrounding students from the two nations, such as the countries’ historical backgrounds and past and present educational circumstances. The reviewed literature revealed that there have been various reasons for reluctance in both countries to teaching foreign languages in school; however, more recent research points towards a transition and, particularly in the case of the United States, a new understanding is taking shape in regards to the need also for native English speakers to learn foreign languages.

Sprache durch Musik : Der Einsatz von Musik im Fremdsprachenunterricht / Language through music : The use of music in foreign language teaching

Bylund, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Language and music share key features such as melody and rhythm and do also develop simultaneously in the childhood. The idea that music and language learning could benefit from each other has been around for a long time and some of the research and studies on the effects of music on language learning and language education are presented in this essay. A survey on the subject was made for modern languages teachers in Sweden to answer, asking about their opinions and experiences of music in the modern languages classroom. It was clear from the results that almost all participants were positive to the use of music in the language education and had experienced positive learning outcomes among students from the use of music. According to the teachers, modern language learning could above all benefit from the motivational properties of music and music can be a help by vocabulary acquisition.

Quem eles pensam que são? Crenças e representações de alunos e professores de língua estrangeira de uma escola pública na prefeitura de São Paulo: estudo de caso. / Who do they think they are? Beliefs and representations of foreign language students and teachers at a public school in the suburbs of São Paulo: case study.

Valéria Cristina Aranha 27 August 2007 (has links)
A presente dissertação trata das crenças e representações de alunos e professores de língua estrangeira como fatores que interferem no processo de ensino/aprendizagem. O trabalho resulta de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo na qual foram utilizadas como base teórica as noções de crença e de reprodução cultural, de Bourdieu, e o conceito de representação, de Chartier. O enfoque do tema também considerou as contribuições teóricas em aquisição e aprendizagem de línguas. Foi empregada na pesquisa a metodologia etnográfica, incluindo observação participante e elaboração de notas de campo. A análise do material produzido durante as atividades da pesquisa aponta para a importância da explicitação das crenças e representações em jogo no processo de ensino/aprendizagem de língua estrangeira, como mais um recurso para o professor no processo de reflexão sobre sua prática e solução de problemas didáticos. / The present dissertation discusses beliefs and representations of foreign language students and teachers as factors which interfere with teaching and learning processes. The work stems from a qualitative research project in which Bourdieu´s notions of belief and cultural reproduction, as well as Chartier´s concept of representation, were used as theoretical bases. The theme focus has also taken into account theoretical contributions related to language acquisition and learning. Ethnographic methodology was employed, which included in-class participative observation and elaboration of field notes. Analysis of material produced during research activities points out the importance of explicitness of those beliefs and representations in play at foreign language teaching and learning processes, as they constitute one more set of resources to teachers within their reflection process about practices and solutions to didactical issues.

A relação sujeito-língua estrangeira: efeitos de estranhamento e familiaridade / The relation between subject and foreign language: effects of uncanny and familiarity

Ingrid Isis Del Grego Herrmann 04 December 2017 (has links)
Aprendizes e professores de línguas constituem-se por diferentes representações acerca da língua com a qual mantêm contato e do contexto que a compreende. Desse ponto de vista, analisamos a relação sujeito-língua com o objetivo de examinar como as representações mobilizadas pelos sujeitos produzem efeitos de sentido para os sujeitos e para a relação que eles estabelecem com a língua. Assim, de uma perspectiva discursiva (CORACINI, 2009; GRIGOLETTO, 2013; ORLANDI, 2012), considerando conceitos psicanalíticos (LACAN, 1964; VOLTOLINI, 2011), analisamos os dizeres de quinze entrevistados (aprendizes e professores), envolvidos com uma língua estrangeira: inglês, espanhol, francês, alemão, italiano, japonês, chinês e russo. Depreendemos, dos dizeres, a regularidade de três formações discursivas, a que nomeamos: língua guarda-roupa (cuja dinâmica é semelhante àquela conceitualizada por Bauman (2005) com a \"comunidade guardaroupa\"), língua atraente (sugerindo os efeitos de fascinação que a língua exerce ao sujeito) e língua fragmentada (apontando determinada imagem de segmentação da língua). Na análise, articulamos o conceito freudiano do \"estranho\" (FREUD, 1919), que se apresenta de modo profícuo para o exame da relação sujeito-língua, pois explica efeitos de \"estranhamento\", percebidos como desconforto e dificuldade, constitutivos do sujeito e que observamos nessa relação. A partir desse conceito, também examinamos os efeitos de familiaridade, enunciados como bem-estar e conforto na relação sujeito-língua e também relacionados às formações discursivas referidas. A análise da fluidez entre os efeitos de estranhamento e familiaridade destaca a constituição clivada do sujeito e a amplitude de efeitos de sua relação com a língua, contemplando representações constituídas nas condições de produção da hipermodernidade, concernentes ao mundo do mercado e de suas relações líquidas. / Language learners and teachers are constituted by different representations of the language with which they keep contact and also of the context that surrounds it. Bearing that in mind, we analyse the relation between subject and language, aiming at understanding how the representations the subjects mobilise produce different effects upon them and on the relation they establish with the language. Thus, from a discursive perspective (CORACINI, 2009; GRIGOLETTO, 2013; ORLANDI, 2012), considering psychoanalytical concepts (LACAN, 1964; VOLTOLINI, 2011), we examine the interviews made with fifteen learners and teachers, involved with one of the following languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese and Russian. We can see, from their words, the regularity of three different discursive formations: the cloakroom language (whose dynamics is similar to the one developed by Bauman (2005) with the \"cloackroom community\"), the attractive language (suggesting effects of fascination the language exercises upon the subject), and the fragmented language (indicating certain representations of language segmentation). In our analysis, we articulate the Freudian concept of the \"uncanny\" (FREUD, 1919), for it explains sensations of discomfort and difficulty, which constitute the subject and can be observed in the relation between subject and language. We also examine its counterpart, the effects of familiarity, uttered as sensations of well-being and comfort in this relation and also related to the discursive formations forementioned. The analysis of the dynamics between the effects of uncanny and familiarity highlight the cleaved constitution of the subject and the range of effects of their relation with the language, contemplating representations constructed in accordance with the circumstances of hypermodernity, concerning the market itself and its liquid relations.

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