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Da indissociabilidade entre o ensino de língua e de literatura: uma proposta para o ensino do italiano como língua estrangeira em cursos de Letras / The integration between language and literature teaching: a proposition in order to teach Italian language as a foreign language in an university course of LettersElisabetta Santoro 21 November 2007 (has links)
Muito se escreveu sobre a integração entre ensino de língua e ensino de literatura e entre estudos lingüísticos e estudos literários. Entretanto, observa-se que a separação entre língua e literatura persiste, embora a literatura não seja pensável fora dos quadros da língua e a língua desenvolva suas máximas potencialidades na literatura. Muitos métodos de ensino de língua estrangeira recomendam que se comece a aquisição/aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira com textos que utilizam a linguagem em função utilitária e que, mais tarde, se introduzam textos que se valem da função poética. Ao contrário, esta tese parte da hipótese de que um curso de língua pode sempre estar baseado em textos com função poética. Os textos não foram usados pretextualmente como fonte de estruturas gramaticais, pois a idéia que guiava a preparação do material didático utilizado nas aulas é que o aumento da capacidade de interpretar textos ocorre simultaneamente à aquisição das estruturas lingüísticas. Visando a pôr a prova essa convicção, duas turmas de alunos brasileiros da habilitação em Língua e Literatura Italiana de um curso de bacharelado em Letras foram acompanhados ao longo de todo um programa experimental de ensino com uma duração de três anos, em que língua e literatura foram estudadas conjuntamente a partir de textos literários analisados com base nos princípios da semiótica francesa. No percurso didático os alunos construíam uma relação cada vez mais autônoma com os textos, observando e analisando as estruturas organizadoras do sentido e a funcionalidade discursiva dos fatos gramaticais. No final de cada ciclo de aulas os discentes produziam análises escritas dos textos poéticos utilizados em sala de aula. Essas análises foram examinadas para verificar, por um lado, por meio dos critérios de fluência, precisão, complexidade e variação lexical, a competência lingüística; e, por outro, a competência discursiva, isto é, a capacidade de os alunos perceberem as relações no interior do texto e os efeitos de sentido que produzem. Os resultados mostraram a eficácia de um ensino que se baseia na análise de textos literários. De fato, registrou-se um desenvolvimento da interlíngua dos discentes que se manifestou por meio do aumento de todos os valores e também um aprimoramento da capacidade de análise que os levou a ser leitores e produtores de textos cada vez mais competentes. / A lot has been written on the integration between language and literature teaching, and between linguistic and literary studies. Nevertheless, we can observe that the separation between language and literature persists, although literature cannot be thought outside the structures of language and language develops in literature its highest potentialities. Many methodologies for foreign language teaching suggest that the acquisition/learning should begin with texts that use language with utilitarian function and, only later, texts with poetic function. This thesis hypothesis is, on the contrary, that a language course can be always based upon texts with poetic function. Therefore, texts have not been used as pre-text and as source of grammatical structures, since the idea that guided the preparation of the pedagogical material used during the lessons is that the growing of the capacity of interpreting texts takes place simultaneously with the acquisition of linguistic structures. In order to test this conviction, two groups of Brazilian students of Italian Language and Literature of a university course of Letters were followed along a whole experimental program with a duration of three years. In this course Italian language and literature were studied in an integrated way on the basis of literary texts analyses, accomplished with the principles of French semiotics. During the course the students built a more and more autonomous relation with the texts, observing and analyzing the structures which organize the meaning and the discursive functionality of the grammatical facts and, at the same time, took possession of the foreign language. At the end of every cycle of lessons the students produced their own analyses of the poetic texts used in the classroom. These analyses were examined in order to verify, at one side, the linguistic competence through the measures of fluency, accuracy, complexity and lexical variation; and, at the other, the discursive competence, that is, the capacity of the learners to notice relations in the interior of the text and the meaning effects that they produce. The results have showed the effectiveness of this way of teaching that bases upon the analyses of literary texts. It was registered a development of the interlanguage of the students shown through the increase of all the measures results, besides an improvement of the capacity in the text analyses which brought them to reach a growing proficiency as text readers and producers.
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Análise de imagens de alguns livros didáticos de italiano como língua estrangeira / Analysis of images from some Italian textbooks as a foreign languageDanielle Fernandes Alves 22 September 2011 (has links)
A imagem é um recurso muito utilizado por professores de línguas estrangeiras. Seja uma ilustração, seja uma foto, seja um filme, estes elementos funcionam como um elo entre a língua estrangeira e o aluno, pois estabelecem uma conexão com aquilo que ele já conhece (imagens são universais) com o que desconhecem (língua estrangeira), por estarem sendo iniciados nela. Kress e Van Leeuwen, criadores da Gramática do design visual, afirmam que imagens podem disseminar discursos e posições ideológicas, e por esta razão o indivíduo deve ter um olhar crítico sobre a linguagem visual. É neste sentido que se instaura a necessidade de técnicas que auxiliem o espectador da imagem a decodificá-la. O letramento visual é uma dessas ferramentas. Assim como usamos inferências, analogias e nosso conhecimento de mundo para interpretar textos, o letramento visual é um recurso de leitura que ajuda a decifrar mensagens subjacentes às imagens, decodificando estas últimas em todos os seus aspectos (social, cultural, econômico). Diante do exposto acima, este trabalho se propõe, a partir do letramento visual, a fazer uma leitura de algumas imagens presentes em livros didáticos de língua italiana usados no Italiano no Campus, da Universidade de São Paulo, e nos cursos de línguas abertos à comunidade (CLAC), na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, a fim de verificar se essas imagens possuem mensagens ideológicas ou estereotipadas nas entrelinhas, averiguando, além disso, se foram usadas de forma coerente com a unidade didática, se estão contextualizadas com o diálogo, o texto e o ascolto. / The image is a resource frequently used by foreign language teachers. May be in an illustration, a picture or a film, these elements work like a link between the foreign language and the student, because they establish a connection with what he already knows (images are universal) and what he doesn´t know (foreign language), for he is being initialized in it. Kress and Van Leeuwen, creators of the visual design Grammar, affirm that images can disseminate speeches and ideologies, and that it´s why the individual must take a critical look at the visual language. It is in this sense that it emerges the need of techniques that help the image viewer to decode it. The visual literacy it one of those tools. The same way we use inferences, analogies and our world knowledge to interpret texts, the visual literacy is a reading resource that helps to interpret messages underlying to the images, decoding such images in all its aspects (social, cultural, economic). Taken that for granted, this research aims, from the visual literacy, to do a reading of some images present in textbooks in Italian language used in Italian on Campus of the University of São Paulo and in language courses open to the community (CLAC), in Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in order to verify whether that images have ideological or stereotypical messages between its lines, checking, moreover, whether they were used in a coherent way to the teaching unit and whether they are contextualized with the dialog the text and the listening.
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Éléments de civilisation francophone dans l’enseignement du FLE (Elementi frankofone civilizacije u nastavi francuskog kao stranog jezika) / Elements of Francophone Civilization in Teaching French as a Foreign LanguageManić Matić Vanja 14 September 2017 (has links)
<p>U našem radu reč je o elementima frankofone civilizacije u nastavi francuskog jezika. Tokom rada sa učenicima i studentima nivoa znanja A1-B2 francuskog, primetili smo da su manje senzibilizovani za frankofonu kulturu, i da su više upoznati sa elementima francuske kulture, u ovom slučaju mislimo na teritoriju današnje Francuske. To nas je navelo da uradimo analizu frankofonih elemenata u udžbenicima francuskog kao stranog jezika, korišćenim na prostoru Srbije. Naš korpus ekscerpiran je iz sto dvadeset čitanki i metoda francuskog jezika, od Drugog svetskog rata do 2013. g., reč je o metodama koje su objavljene na teritoriji bivše Jugoslavije, današnje Srbije i Francuske.<br />U prvom delu rada objašnjeni su razlozi izbora teme, ciljevi rada kao i sama njegova struktura. Takođe je prikazano mesto koje zauzima učenje francuskog kao stranog jezika u obrazovnom sistemu aktuelne Srbije.<br />Nakon toga izložen je teorijski pregled stavova kada su u pitanju pojmovi civilizacija, kultura i jezik, neodvojivi u učenju stranog jezika, kao i pojam interkulturalnosti, koja je jedna od nezaobilaznih kompetencija u nastavi stranih jezika danas. Potom je dato viđenje francuske i frankofone civilizacije u nastavi francuskog iz perspektive bivše i sadašnje teritorije naše države.<br />U trećem delu rada objašnjen je pojam Frankofonije, razlozi zašto je značajna u nastavi francuskog, koja je njena uloga i šta ona zapravo danas predstavlja. Takođe je definisan pojam frankofonog elementa i dat opis udžbenika francuskog jezika, korišćenih od Drugog svetskog rata na prostoru današnje Srbije, kao i tematske kategorije prema kojima su klasifikovani frankofoni elementi.<br />Četvrto poglavlje posvećeno je analizi korpusa koji je prethodno podeljen u sledeće tematske kategorije: „jezički varijeteti“, „geografija“, „slavne ličnosti, kulturni spomenici, istorija“, „grafičke umetnosti, skulptura i arhitektura“, „književnost“, „muzika“, „film“, „štampa i dokumentarni tekstovi“ i „stripovi“. U ovom delu rada prikazani su frankofoni elementi kroz osnovni pedagoški materijal, njihova upotreba, kao i jezičke kompetencije za koje su predviđeni.<br />U poslednjoj fazi rada predložen je dodatni pedagoški materijal, nekoliko autentičnih frankofonih dokumenata, kao i njihova primena u nastavi francuskog kao stranog jezika, sve u cilju njihove bolje iskorišćenosti.<br />VIII<br />Na osnovu urađene analize izvodi se zaključak da frankofoni elementi nisu dovoljno zastupljeni u nastavi francuskog jezika i da bi trebalo da budu više prisutni, kroz različit i raznovrstan pedagoški materijal, pogotovo s obzirom na to da ih je moguće uklopiti u već postojeće udžbenike, za šta dajemo primere na samom kraju rada.<br />U našem svetu višejezičnosti, mulitkulturalnosti i interkulturalnosti, budućnost francuskog jezika jeste u prihvatanju svih njegovih raznovrsnosti i različitosti.</p> / <p>Our dissertation deals with elements of the Francophone civilization in teaching the French language. While teaching students with the French language knowledge (level A1-B2), we noticed that they are less familiar with elements of Francophone culture, and more familiar with elements of French culture, meaning the culture of the territory of present-day France. That led us to perform an analysis of Francophone elements in textbooks used for teaching French as a foreign language which are used on the territory of Serbia. Our corpus was extracted from a hundred and twenty textbooks and methods used for teaching the French language, starting from the period of World War Two up to 2013. These methods were published on the territory of former Yugoslavia, present-day Serbia, and present-day France.<br />The first part of the dissertation explains the reasons behind the choice of the topic, the aims of dissertation and its structure. This part also indicates the position of learning French as a foreign language in the current educational system of Serbia.<br />This is followed by a theoretical overview of perspectives on the notions of civilization, culture, and language which are inseparable in learning a foreign language, including the notion of interculturality which is one of the mandatory competencies in teaching foreign languages today. After that, a look at the French and Francophone civilization in teaching the French language from the perspectives of the former and present-day territory of our country is provided.<br />The third part of the dissertation explains the notion of Francophony, provides the reasons why it is significant in teaching the French language, what its role is and what it represents today. The notion of a Francophone element is also defined with a description of French language textbooks used from the period of World War Two on the territory of present-day Serbia, including thematic categories according to which the Francophone elements are classified.<br />The fourth chapter is dedicated to analyzing the corpus which has previously been divided into the following thematic categories: “language varieties”, “geography”, “famous persons, cultural monuments, history”, “graphic arts, sculpting, and architecture”, “literature”, “music”, “film”, “press and documentary texts”, and “comic books”. This part of the dissertation displays Francophone elements through basic pedagogical material, their use, as well as language competencies they are prescribed for.<br />The last phase of the dissertation suggests additional pedagogical material, several authentic Francophone documents, as well as their application in teaching French as a foreign language, all with the aim of maximizing their use.<br />X<br />Based on the performed analysis, a conclusion can be made that the Francophone elements are underrepresented in teaching the French language and that their presence should be increased through various and diverse pedagogical material, especially when it is taken into consideration that they can be fitted into already existing textbooks which is displayed by examples at the very end of the dissertation.</p>
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A presença das conjunções em um livro didático para ensino de língua estrangeira (Italiano): foco em textos argumentativos / The presence of the conjunctions in a textbook for a foreign language teaching (italian): focus on argumentative textsClaro, Janaina 16 October 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo investigar a presença das conjunções em um livro didático de língua italiana para estrangeiros. O material analisado consiste em textos argumentativos, com suas respectivas atividades, presentes nos três volumes da coleção Arrivederci!. Quanto ao aspecto teórico, procuramos apresentar definições de sujeito, língua, texto (KOCH, 2011a, MARCUSCHI, 2008) e argumentação, assim como modelos de competência comunicativa (BACHMAN, 2003; CELCE-MURCIA,2007). Ainda como fundamentação teórica, apresentamos um panorama comparativo das orações coordenadas e subordinadas da língua portuguesa e da língua italiana, bem como taxonomia das conjunções em ambas as línguas. Do ponto de vista metodológico, selecionamos os textos de caráter argumentativo presentes nos livros didáticos selecionados para o estudo, com base na presença de operadores modais (KOCH, 2011b) e elaboramos uma tabela para cada um dos três volumes da coleção, contendo: o número da unidade didática, a seção relativa a cada texto argumentativo, a modalidade (oral ou escrita), a quantidade, a listagem das conjunções e as atividades relacionadas a cada texto argumentativo. Quanto aos resultados obtidos, observamos que há pouca relação entre os textos argumentativos e atividades de produção escrita, potencialmente importantes para o desenvolvimento da competência linguística (SCHNEUWLY&DOLZ, 2004). Verificamos ainda, que os textos argumentativos estão desvinculados da sistematização das conjunções e de atividades explicitamente voltadas para o seu uso. O próprio Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas, base para o planejamento e para a elaboração de materiais didáticos, menciona o ensino da habilidade de argumentar apenas a partir do nível B2. Como último resultado deste estudo, mencionamos o descompasso entre a opinião dos professores sobre a necessidade de trabalhar sistematicamente com as conjunções desde os níveis iniciais e o baixo percentual de atividades e explicitações sobre as conjunções nos livros didáticos analisados. / The main goal of this dissertation is to investigate the presence of conjunctions in a textbook of Italian as a foreign language. The analyzed material are argumentative texts with their activities on the three volumes of the collection book Arrivederci!. As for the theoretical aspects, we try to present definitions of subject, language, text (KOCH, 2011a; MARCUSCHI, 2008) and argumentation, as well as the models of communicative competence (KOCH, 2011b; BACHMAN, 2003; CELCE-MURCIA, 2007). We present also for the theoretical aspects a comparative panorama of the coordinated and subordinated clauses in Portuguese and Italian and the conjunctions taxonomy in both languages. At the methodological point of view, we selected the texts in the textbooks that have had an argumentative character, it based on the presence of modals operators (KOCH, 2011b) and we made a table for each one of the volume in the collection. It had: the number of the unit, the section related of the argumentative text, the modality (oral or written), the quantity, a list of conjunctions and the activities related for each argumentative text. As for the results, we observed there is a little relation between the argumentative texts and those written activities, potentially important for the development of language skills (SCHNEUWLY & DOLZ, 2004). We also note, that the argumentative texts are unlink with the conjunctions systematization and activities focused for their use. The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, and Assessment (CEFR) cited the teaching of the argumentation ability on only from level B2. As the last result of this study, we mentioned the gap between the views of teachers on the need to work the conjunctions systematically from the beginners levels and the low percentage of activities and explanations about the conjunctions in the textbooks analyzed.
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Glottodrama na aula de italiano como língua estrangeira: os recursos participativos empregados pelos aprendizes na realização de atividades didáticas para a teatralização de um texto / Glottodrama in the Italian foreign language class: participative resources taken by students in didactic tasks for the theatralization of a textLorenzen, Salete 14 September 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação de mestrado trata do ensino do italiano como língua estrangeira (LE) a universitários brasileiros cuja língua materna (LM) é o português brasileiro. Esses estudantes estão inscritos no curso de graduação em Língua e Literatura Italiana da Universidade de São Paulo e, no que concerne à aprendizagem da LE, estão nos níveis A2-B2 do Quadro Comum Europeu de Referência para as Línguas (QCERL, 2001). O objetivo da pesquisa é analisar os recursos participativos, indicadores das formas de colaboração e aprendizagem, empregados pelos estudantes na realização de atividades didáticas que compõem as fases de um curso baseado na metodologia Glottodrama para o ensino de línguas. Segundo Nofri (2010), por meio do uso de técnicas teatrais no ensino de LE, o Glottodrama tem, entre os seus objetivos, o desenvolvimento da habilidade de produção oral dos aprendizes de maneira que essa produção seja mais semelhante à comunicação que acontece fora da sala de aula. A abordagem adotada para a análise dos dados do corpus deste estudo fundamenta-se nas teorias de aquisição-aprendizagem de línguas, que visam à construção da competência comunicativa do aprendiz; e nos estudos interacionistas, que consideram a aquisição da língua como resultado de uma abordagem didática baseada na aprendizagem colaborativa. A partir da análise das sequências dialógicas, percebemos que, enquanto trabalhavam em grupo, para realizar as atividades didáticas para a teatralização de um texto, no plano metalinguístico, os estudantes assumiram papéis sociais distintos, de acordo com as próprias competências comunicativas (FERRONI; BIRELLO, 2013; CAMPS, 2005), e realizaram movimentos de auto e heterocorreções (DE PIETRO, MATTHEY e PY, 1989) para negociarem a compreensão do input e a melhora do output (SWAIN, 1985, 2005). No plano metacomunicativo (CILIBERTI, 2016; BATESON, 1972), os estudantes optaram pela interação criativa, em que prevaleceu o uso da LE de forma autêntica. Conclui-se que esse contexto de aprendizagem favoreceu a utilização de recursos participativos nas atividades comunicativas de forma semelhante a contextos naturais; aumentou a motivação e a integração social. Além disso, o uso funcional da LE forneceu aos estudantes a oportunidade de desenvolvimento do próprio sistema linguístico. / This study refers to teaching Italian as a foreign language (from A2 to B2 levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (QCERL, 2001)) to Brazilian undergraduate students, whose mother tongue is Brazilian Portuguese and take their major in Italian Language and Literature at the University of São Paulo. Our aim is to analyze the participative resources, which indicate ways of collaboration and learning, taken by the students at their performance of didactic tasks that compose the steps of a course based on Glottodrama language teaching methodology. According to Nofri (2010), Glottodrama intends to develop students\' oral ability by bringing more authentic communicative environments to the foreign language class, using theatre techniques. The corpus analysis is based on theories of language learning and acquisition, which have the objective of constructing the learner\'s communicative competence; as well as we take into consideration interactive studies, for they see interaction as a mutually constructed communicative event, leading to language acquisition and learning. The analysis of the dialogic sequences points that, whilst students had group work in order to do the didactic tasks for the theatralization of a text, on a metalinguistic level, they took different social roles, according to their own communicative competences (FERRONI; BIRELLO, 2013; CAMPS, 2005), and they also performed moves of self and peer-correction (DE PIETRO, MATTHEY e PY, 1989) in order to negotiate input understanding and output improvement (Swain, 1985, 2005). On a metacommunicative level (CILIBERTI, 2016; BATESON, 1972), the students took creative interaction, and authentic foreign language use prevailed. Therefore we may conclude that this learning context benefitted the use of participative resources in communicative tasks, similarly to natural contexts, and it also improved motivation and social integration. Nevertheless, the functional use of the foreign language has provided students with and opportunity of developing their own linguistic system.
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Cultura e representações na didática do francês língua estrangeira / Culture and representations in the teaching of French as a foreign languageHirata, Tânia Regina Gomes Soares 02 August 2006 (has links)
O processo de abertura a outros universos culturais decorrente do estreitamento das relações entre as sociedades fez emergir mais fortemente a necessidade de reflexão sobre as noções de cultura e de representação. Tais noções tornam-se, no campo da Didática das Línguas Estrangeiras, de fundamental importância uma vez que o conhecimento das línguas representa o vínculo de aproximação entre as diferentes comunidades culturais, e favorece a compreensão das diversas formas de ver e de viver o mundo. O processo de ensino-aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira deve, deste modo, buscar favorecer a reflexão sobre o diverso com vistas ao despertar do aprendiz a essa diversidade, evitando, sempre que possível, a folclorização das culturas. Através da análise do corpus extraído da imprensa francesa e cujo objeto do discurso é o Brasil, buscamos demonstrar objetivamente uma das vias de reflexão sobre o diverso, uma vez que nos vemos representados no e pelo discurso dos artigos selecionados. Isto nos parece enriquecedor, pois nos coloca, enquanto brasileiros, frente às representações do Outro sobre a nossa sociedade, e nos faz perceber e refletir sobre a existência de um processo inverso de construção de representações de uma outra cultura, onde nos encontramos como agentes. O objetivo é favorecer, através da objetivação dos fatos apresentados, a reflexão sobre a diversidade cultural, sobre a importância da relativização e sobre os perigos da generalização / The opening process to other cultural universes generated through more closeness between societies as created needs for a new thinking approach on culture and representation. These concepts are now put in the field of Foreign Language Didactic at a very important place because the understanding of languages is an essential element in the relationship between various cultural communities and therefore help the understanding of the diverse forms to see and living the world. The teaching-learning of a foreign language must also stimulate the reflection on the diversity of cultural facts therefore stimulating the awareness of the learning person that excessive folklorisation could damage badly the reality of theses cultures. Through the analysis of the French Press elements about Brazil, we have been looking for an objective approach on how to demonstrate possible diversities, after having acknowledged the manner we have been seen through the selected articles. That has been very interesting because, as Brazilian, we have been in front of how the Other sees our society and therefore how we should conduct our representation analysis of the Other. The final aim is to support, through a better objectivity of the given facts, a thinking process on cultural diversity, on the importance of relativism and on the danger of excessive generalisation
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Effects of Culture Awareness Lessons on Attitudes of University Students of FrenchManjarrez, Mahonri 01 June 2016 (has links)
In response to the dearth of research on culture awareness instruction prior to foreign language instruction, the objective of this study was to explore the effects of culture awareness lessons on learner attitudes and beliefs in second-semester university students of French. As a treatment, the experimental group received lessons on culture awareness prior to traditional French classroom instruction; the control group did not. Culture awareness lessons addressed terms such as perspective, culture, interpretation, and stereotypes. Lessons also included worksheets consisting of open-ended questions designed to capture students' responses to the aforementioned topics of discussion. Data collection methods consisted of pre- and post-surveys that included Likert-scale questions and reflections that incorporated open-ended questions designed to capture student attitudes and beliefs. Reflections included general questions on attitudes toward the French as well as cultural practice-specific questions. Qualitative analysis revealed that students from the experimental group showed greater appreciation for culture as an important component of foreign language instruction as well as higher response rates vis-à -vis intercultural understanding. Statistical analysis of the Likert-scale questions also showed significance among questions addressing greater understanding of cultural differences and increased perceived similarity between American and French cultures among the experimental group. However, the experimental group also showed a decrease in student predilection for studying and talking about culture. In general, the study reveals that the explicit teaching of culture awareness prior to traditional foreign language instruction, in conjunction with the opportunity students had to reflect and express their thoughts, has a positive effect on student attitudes.
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Relationship between Using Korean Folktales in Foreign Language Class and Learners' Reading Comprehension and Cultural UnderstandingYou, Eunsun 01 July 2017 (has links)
Language is a reflection of society, so knowing about a language also means knowing about a culture. Therefore, many types of literature have been used as a language education tool representing culture. This thesis proposed folktales as an effective material of not only introducing culture but also learning language. Since folktales are old stories that have passed from generation to generation for a long time, values and morals of a culture are naturally presented in the context of the stories. Furthermore, folktales could enhance students' reading comprehension because the story lines, phrases, and words in a story are used repeatedly. Due to this repeated use of language, students could learn expressions and vocabulary more effectively. This study examined the relationship between using Korean folktales in a foreign language class and learners' reading comprehension and cultural understanding. The participants were the students of Korean 201 at BYU. The experimental group had folktale courses once in every week for 10 weeks while they received usual language class from Monday to Thursday, whereas the control group received usual language class every day. The Test in Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) was administered for observing the students' enhancement in reading proficiency, and the Likert-scale surveys were given for observing their enhancement in cultural understanding. In addition to the quantitative data, qualitative data was gathered from the oral interviews of the experimental group. The interview questions were about their experiences and attitudes towards the use of folktales in Korean class. The results of the study showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups due to the many limitations of the present study, but the participants' interviews revealed that the students felt the use of folktales in language class helped to enhance their reading comprehension and cultural understanding, and they had positive attitudes toward to using folktales.
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The Experiences of Hispanic International Students as Interviewees in a Cross-Cultural Interview ProjectCarbutt, Ren S. 13 December 2012 (has links)
In the field of world language education, it has long been affirmed that language and culture are inseparable. It has also often been asked how teaching language and culture in an inseparable way is to be accomplished. One solution that has been proposed is ethnographic interviews. Other studies have demonstrated that interviewing native cultural informants is beneficial for language students. This study examined whether such interviews are also beneficial to the native informants. The participants in this project, sixteen native speakers of Spanish, were each interviewed three times by a pair of Spanish students who employed ethnographic techniques as a part of the interview process. The native speakers answered two brief questionnaires, one before and one after the interviews, and many of them participated in one-on-one interviews with me, the primary researcher, to follow-up on their answers to those questionnaires and their experiences with the interviews. I found that the participants perceived the project as beneficial in multiple areas including, but not limited to, the chance it gave them to talk about their culture, the interest they perceived in their culture and their viewpoints, and the opportunity it gave them to confirm, modify, or strengthen conclusions they had made from previous cultural experience. A small percentage of the native speakers either did not understand or appreciate the ethnographic techniques that were employed. However, after initial interviews, I gave the students of Spanish feedback on how to better make use of those techniques in order to improve the students' and native speakers' experiences with the interviews and a large majority of the native speakers observed how the subsequent interviews improved. Therefore, similar projects might benefit from making use of this information. Specifically, it might be useful to explain ethnographic techniques not just to interviewers, but also to interviewees, so that both groups might better understand and appreciate the purpose of those techniques. It might also be useful to give feedback to those who use ethnographic techniques to interview native culture informants.
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Dynamic intertextuality and emergent second language microdevelopment in digital spaceDeifell, Elizabeth Dryman 01 August 2018 (has links)
This naturalistic exploratory multiple case study of the academic writing activity of L2 writers enrolled in an introductory Spanish literature course reveals the complex dynamicity of intertextual activity and L2 development.
The writing tasks, designed for communicative practice rather than for mastery of a genre, required students to upload Microsoft Word documents to the learning management software’s dropbox, thus necessitating their engagement with multiple digitally mediated resources. Participants completed the assignment outside of class in a computer lab, where data were collected, including observational field notes, screen recordings, and stimulated recall, and semi-structured interviews about the participants’ use and perception of digital resources.
Findings show that these students employed many strategies with a variety of resources, including online dictionaries, translators, and original and translated texts, when experiencing a lexical gap while writing. A close examination of second language writers’ intertextual engagement with the affordances provided by these digitally mediated resources through an analytical frame informed by dynamic systems theory (Larsen-Freeman & Cameron, 2008a) reveals idiosyncratic use and evidence of emergent word and strategy learning. Pedagogical implications, including the need to start where students are, are discussed.
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