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Analysis of foreign direct investment climate in Brazil / Analys av förhållanden för utländska direktinvesteringar i BrasilienMattsson, Kajsa January 2017 (has links)
This thesis concerns the environment of Foreign Direct Investment in Brazil with the purpose of determining the biggest hurdles and incentives for establishing a business in the country. The study is analysed in the context of the Diamond model of national wealth, first introduced by Porter (1990) and is based on secondary source research and data. The main motives are outlined as resource-seeking, market-seeking and non-marketable asset seeking and assessed by using a number of determinants that is commonly used when investing whether a country is competitive in role of attracting investments from abroad. Found was that Brazil has a competitive advantage in terms of market size and a population growing purchasing powers that stems from recent economic growth. The main obstacle for Brazil is now to regain economic stability since the country currently is undergoing recession and invest in infrastructure which is currently one of the largest barrier for foreign (and domestic) businesses.
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Les choix stratégiques des firmes multinationales et la relation entre les exportations et les IDE : application d’un modèle Probit bi-varié, et d’un modèle de gravité dynamique aux pays Méditerranéens / The strategic choice of the multinational firms and the relationship between exports and FDI : application of bivariate probit model, and dynamic gravity model in the Mediterranean areaSabra, Mahmoud 07 July 2011 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous discutons la relation entre les exportations et l’IDE, et tentons de trouver une relation de long terme entre ces variables. Dans cette analyse, nous étudierons tout d’abord de manière empirique les déterminants des exportations et des l’IDE, à la fois au niveau micro et macro. Ceci nous permettra par la suite de détecter plus précisément la relation entre ces deux variables. Plus précisément, cette thèse comporte les points suivant : Au niveau micro (niveau de la firme), les multinationales sont susceptibles de mettre en œuvre les deux activités (exportations et IDE) pour servir les marchés étrangers, mais les choix stratégiques des multinationales permettent aussi de choisir entre exportations et IDE. Sur ce point, la productivité des entreprises multinationales ainsi que leurs autres caractéristiques ont un rôle crucial pour éclairer le mécanisme de choix entre les stratégies et la relation entre exportations et investissements. Ceci fera l’objet de la première partie qui proposera une application au cas français. Dans cette partie, nous distinguerons également les décisions stratégiques en fonction de la taille de l’entreprise (très grandes ou grandes entreprises françaises). Au niveau macro, nous chercherons à identifier les déterminants simultanés des exportations et des IDE. Pour se faire, un système gravitaire dynamique bivarié sera estimé afin d’éclairer le rôle de ces déterminants et la relation entre exportations et IDE. Ceci fera l’objet de la seconde partie, qui sera appliquée aux échanges entre la France et dix partenaires euro-méditerranéens. Le choix de ces pays s’appuie sur l’importance qu’ils revêtent dans les échanges français. Par ailleurs, l’absence de littérature appliquée à ces pays dans ce domaine constitue une motivation supplémentaire. / In this thesis, we discuss the relationship between exports and FDI, and we aim to find a long-term relationship between these variables. In the course of the thesis analysis, we study empirically the exports and FDI determinants, at macro and micro analysis. This allows us to detect precisely the relationship between the both variables. In other words, this thesis carry out the following points: at micro level (company level), the multinationals are likely to implement the two activities (exports and FDI) to serve the foreign market, but the multinationals strategic choice can also choose between exports and FDI. On this point, the productivity of the multinational corporations and their other characteristics have a crucial role to clarify the mechanism of the choice between strategies and the relationship between exports and FDI. In fact, this is the first empirical part, which is the first similar application on the French companies. In the part, we also distinguish between strategic decisions based on company on the company size (large, very large and both groups of French enterprises).At the macro level, we will seek to identify the simultaneous determinants of exports and FDI. To do so, a gravity system is estimated bivariate dynamic equations to illuminate the role of these determinants and the relationship between exports and FDI. This is the second empirical part, which is applied on the capital and goods exchange between France and ten Mediterranean partners. The choice of these countries based on their importance in French trade. Moreover, the lack of the literature applied to these countries in this area is extra motivation.
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Determinantes do investimento estrangeiro direto bilateral: uma abordagem do ambiente de negócios / Determinants of bilateral direct foreign investment: a business environment approachWeeks, Daniel Valladares 23 April 2014 (has links)
O investimento estrangeiro direto - IED é um dos principais fluxos de capitais internacionais, sendo um fator importante para o balanço de pagamentos, além de ser considerado também um condutor de transferências tecnológicas entre países e indutor de desenvolvimento econômico. O estudo dos determinantes deste tipo de investimento transnacional, apesar de relativamente recente, tem ganhado relevância no debate econômico. Através da abordagem do modelo gravitacional, este trabalho explora diversas metodologias econométricas para a estimação desse modelo. O método Poisson Pseudo-Maximum-Likelihood - PPML mostrou estatísticas mais robustas para as estimações, indo de encontro com a literatura econômica que o elege como o método mais adequado para as características dos dados utilizados na investigação do problema em questão. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, além das variáveis usualmente utilizados na abordagem clássica do modelo gravitacional, como tamanho do PIB e distância, os fatores ligados ao ambiente de negócios também são significantes em explicar a determinação do IED bilateral. Desta maneira, a aplicação de reformas e medidas com o objetivo de melhorar o ambiente de negócios é desejável para a aumentar a atratividade de recursos nesta modalidade de investimento. / The foreign direct investment - FDI is one of the main international capital flows, being considered an important component of the balance of payments and also a driver of technological transfers between countries and promoter of economic development. The study of that kind of transnational investment, although relatively recent, has gained importance in the economic debate. This work explores many econometric methodologies in a gravity model approach. The Poisson Pseudo-Maximum-Likelihood method - PPML showed more robust results to the estimations, as appointed by the economic literature. The results obtained showed that, beyond the usual variables used in the gravity models, such as GDP size and distance, variables connected to the business environment are significant to explain the determination of bilateral FDI. Therefore, reforms and measures aimed to improve the business environment are desirable for increasing the attractiveness of that kind of international investment.
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Institution et investissement : impact de l’environnement institutionnel sur l’entrée d’IDE au Cambodge / Institution and investment : impact of the institutional environment on FDI inflow in CambodiaChan, Narith 17 May 2011 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la Nouvelle Economie Institutionnelle, Douglass C. North a développé une nouvelle approche théorique des institutions pour donner une nouvelle explication au développement économique. L’une des explications est celle du déterminant institutionnel des IDE. En prenant le Cambodge comme champ d’étude, cette thèse a pour objectif de participer à la vérification empirique de la relation entre institution et IDE, en montrant que l’environnement institutionnel relativement peu solide du Cambodge décourage les investisseurs. Actuellement, le Cambodge demeure une option pour les entreprises qui cherchent une localisation pour s’implanter, mais les risques associés à ces investissements liés à son encadrement légal et règlementaire perçus par les firmes étrangères restent parmi les inquiétudes. Les réformes institutionnelles n’ont alors pas seulement pour buts de rendre à la société un ordre public juste et des services publics appropriés et efficace, mais aussi de favoriser les investissements directs étrangers dont le rôle dans le développement est déjà confirmé. / As part of the New Institutional Economics, Douglass C. North, has developed a theory of institutions as a new approach to the economic development study in which institutions play a key role. According to this theory, the presence of a strong institutional environment accelerates the development process; among the explanation, the determinant role of the institutional environment for FDI. Taking Cambodia as field of study, this dissertation tends to provide more evidence of this institution-FDI relation by showing that the relatively weak institutional environment in Cambodia discourage foreign investors. With its advantages, the kingdom is perceived by foreign firms as an attractive option for investment, but the investment risks resulting from the country’s legal and regulatory framework perceived by foreign firms, are among the concerns. Thus, the institutional reforms are not only used to give to society the public order, the adequate and effective public services with rule of law but also to promote foreign direct investments whose role in development has already confirmed.
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Les stratégies d'implantation des firmes étrangères au Liban : les sources de la confiance / Strategies for setting up foreign firms in Lebanon : the sources of trustMoughayt, Bachar 15 September 2017 (has links)
L’économie libanaise est confrontée à un paradoxe. D’une part, elle est très dépendante de l’apport des capitaux étrangers pour financer sa croissance et créer les emplois de demain. D’autre part, elle a du mal à attirer sur son sol les capitaux étrangers qui privilégient souvent d’autres destinations, y compris dans le bassin méditerranéen au Moyen-Orient. L’objectif de notre travail consiste dans un premier temps à identifier les déterminants des stratégies d’implantation des entreprises étrangères au Liban en mettant l’accent sur ceux qui favorisent ou, au contraire, repoussent les flux d'IDE. Dans un deuxième temps, notre objectif est de définir les déterminants sur lesquels se basent les firmes étrangères dans le choix de leur emplacement sur le territoire libanais. Pour ce faire, nous avons conduit une démarche de recherche en deux étapes : Une première phase a été consacrée à la revue de la littérature théorique et empirique sur les déterminants de la localisation des IDE. Au vu de la rareté des travaux consacrés au Moyen-Orient et particulièrement au Liban, une deuxième phase a été menée avec une approche qualitative et interprétativiste. Les données empiriques ont été recueillies au moyen d’une enquête réalisée auprès de 18 personnes. Dans cette étude, nous avons observé que les facteurs de l’internationalisation des entreprises étrangères au Liban dépassent les déterminants classiques de la littérature théorique. Ces facteurs s’articulent principalement autour de la confiance, de la religion, de la proximité culturelle, de la situation politique, de la qualité des institutions, etc. Enfin, nos résultats nous ont permis d’affiner la teneur de la théorie de référence sur les déterminants des stratégies d’implantation des entreprises étrangères au regard du contexte du Liban. / The Lebanese economy encounters a paradox. On one hand, in pursuance of financing its growth and in order to create future jobs, it became quite dependent on foreign capital contributions. And on the other hand, it’s facing a difficulty of attracting foreign capitals that rather prefer other destinations than Lebanon, including the Mediterranean basin in the Middle East. Our research objective consists of firstly identifying the determinants of Implementation strategies of foreign companies in Lebanon, by focusing on those who favor or rather delay the FDI flows. And our consecutive objective is to define the determinants on which foreign companies base their choice of emplacement on Lebanese territories.In order to execute this research and achieve these objectives, we divided our work into two stages:The first stage was devoted to the theoretical and empirical review of the determinants of the location of FDI, the data of this stage was collected by conducting a survey on 18 people. The second stage, which is an interpretative approach, was carried out due to the lack of researches on the Middle East and particularly on Lebanon. Through this study we observed that the factors of internationalization of foreign companies in Lebanon exceed the classical determinants of the theoretical literature. These factors are distinctly concentrated around trust, religion, cultural juxtaposition, political situation, institution levels, etc. At last, our results allowed us to enhance the content of the reference theory on the determinants of the implementation strategies of foreign companies in view of the Lebanese context.
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An analysis of the determinants of Foreign Direct Investments to OECD countriesMaengando Angshed, Sara, von Fluck, Vendela January 2019 (has links)
This study examines the determinants of inward foreign direct investment to OECD countries. The focus is on horizontal FDI. The purpose of the research is to contribute to the ongoing research, and adding value. This is done by using a dynamic perspective of time, and controlling for country-specific characteristics. The thesis uses panel data covering all 36 OECD countries over a 23 year long time period, 1995-2017. Three regressions have been done using a linear fixed effects model, as well as four addition regressions testing the robustness of the results. Earlier studies have received spread results, as have this study. It found market size, economic stability, trade openness, and currency value as significant determinants of the inward flow of FDI to OECD countries.
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Investimento direto estrangeiro e desenvolvimento sustentável: uma proposta multivariada de correlação e comparação nos setores nacionais brasileiros / Foreign direct investment and sustainable development: a multivariate correlation and comparison approach in Brazilian sectorsRodrigues, Jonny Mateus 24 June 2014 (has links)
A presente proposta correlaciona como o investimento direto estrangeiro pode, e deve, promover o desenvolvimento sustentável no país que o acolhe. O investimento direto estrangeiro é capaz de promover uma série de vantagens competitivas quando aplicado de forma coerente como: ganhos de tecnologia, geração de empregos, capacitação de mão de obra e outros benefícios que vão além do econômico. No entanto, há a necessidade de uma mensuração para que a promoção do desenvolvimento gerado se dê de forma sustentável, para que os benefícios obtidos para a nação sejam maiores do que a degradação ambiental, emissão de poluentes e os impactos sociais causados. Utilizando um referencial sobre o investimento direto estrangeiro e desenvolvimento sustentável, o trabalho consiste em verificar se o investimento direto estrangeiro promove o desenvolvimento sustentável. Para isso, uma construção foi feita a partir de dados secundários que pudessem verificar a latência dos constructos de sustentabilidade e assim relacioná-los com o investimento direto estrangeiro com a divisão em setor primário, secundário e terciário. Com essas correlações foi possível verificar como o investimento tem impactado não apenas na economia nacional mas também qual impacto ambiental e social ele trouxe. Posteriormente, uma análise de cluster e discriminante foram feitas com o intuito de agrupar e classificar os impactos do investimento direto estrangeiro utilizando a poupança líquida ajustada, que é um indicador de sustentabilidade promovido pelo Banco Mundial. Essa construção foi possível através das técnicas de análise multivariada de dados que permitiram a relação de variáveis de diferentes categorias e se mostrou adequada para pesquisas de carácter exploratório. As evidências provenientes da discussão desse trabalho contribuem com a recente literatura que busca por estudos que relacionem o investimento direto estrangeiro e o desenvolvimento que eles promovem, melhorando assim a tomada de decisão na captura desses recursos. O trabalho contribui em verificar a possível falta de políticas públicas que integrem as dimensões de desenvolvimento sustentável. Também são apresentadas algumas variáveis que podem auxiliar na busca pelo desenvolvimento sustentável. / The present work aims to highlight the need to correlate how foreign direct investment can, and should, promote sustainable development in the country that hosts it. Foreign direct investment is able to promote a number of competitive advantages when applied consistently such as gains in technology, job creation, training of manpower and other benefits that go beyond the economic level. However, a measurement is necessary so that the promotion of development generated can be satisfactory and thus fulfill the purpose of everyone involved with this financial, environmental and social capital which was invested, so environmental degradation, emissions, incentives offered and social impacts are no greater than the benefits for the nation. By using a reference framework on foreign direct investment and sustainable development, this work aims to formulate hypotheses so this investment can be measured and be considered sustainable. In order to do this, a construction from secondary data to verify the latency of the constructs of sustainability will be made enabling to relate them to foreign direct investment in every sector nationwide. With these correlations will be possible to verify how the investment has impacted not only in the national economy but which environmental and social impact it has brought. Later, a cluster analysis and discriminant will be carried out enabling to group and classify the impacts of foreign direct investment using the adjusted net saving, which is an indicator of sustainability promoted by the World Bank. This construction will be possible through techniques of multivariate data analysis, allowing the relationship of variables of different categories, which is adequate for an exploratory research. The evidences arising from the discussion of this study contribute to the recent literature that searches for studies that relate foreign direct investment and development they promote, thereby improving decision making in the capture of these resources. The study aims to verify the possible lack of public policies that promote sustainable development dimensions. Some variables are also presented which may also contribute to the search for sustainable development.
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The effects of post-conflict aid on economic developmentSillah, Abdulai January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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FDI and technological upgrading in Chinese cities : externalities of foreign expansion process and industrial structuresWang, Fan January 2017 (has links)
Technological upgrading, as the key engine of Chinese economic development, does not take place in isolation, but is largely dependent on access to external knowledge sources. FDI has long been regarded as an external knowledge source because of its intra- and intercity technological spillovers. Meanwhile, both foreign expansion time-based characteristics and industrial structures could affect technological upgrading, but there is a heated debate about whether they enhance FDI spillovers in host cities. In this PhD thesis, I integrate these two streams of literature into a theoretical framework, and hope to investigate how foreign expansion time-based characteristics and industrial structures moderate both intra- and intercity relationships between inward FDI and technological upgrading in Chinese cities. Moreover, I link cluster theory to FDI spillovers, and establish a theoretical model in which government and market orientations can affect knowledge transfers and disseminations between domestic and foreign firms. Overall, this research aims to extend the existing literature by bridging literature of FDI spillovers, foreign expansion process, and industrial structures from a contingency perspective. It deepens our understandings about both intra- and intercity dimensions of FDI technological spillovers in explaining host city technological upgrading. Based on specific panel datasets from the Chinese Urban Statistical Yearbooks and the Annual Industrial Survey Database, I adopt Pooled OLS and Spatial Durbin Model to explore intra- and intercity externalities of foreign expansion process and industrial structures in FDI spillovers. My results indicate that FDI spillovers contribute to both intra- and inter-city technological upgrading in China. Irregular foreign expansion process diminishes FDI spillovers within a given city, but facilitates intercity knowledge dissemination. Cities with a high degree of related variety can reap benefits from FDI technological spillovers. However, such empirical results may change between different urban groups, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Shanghai-Yangtze River Delta respectively. Therefore, the findings of this PhD thesis not only provide convincing evidence for the debate regarding the relationship between FDI and host city technological upgrading, but also highlight government and market orientations to assist with policy making in the future.
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Determinantes de atratividade de investimentos estrangeiros diretos no Brasil / Determinants of foreign direct investment attractiveness to Brazil, 2009-2011Cunha Junior, José Roberto de Araujo 14 June 2012 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar e analisar os principais Determinantes de Atratividade de Investimentos Estrangeiros Diretos (IED) no Brasil no período de 2009 a 2011. A sua realização teve como motivos a necessidade profissional e o interesse intelectual do autor de conhecer os determinantes de atratividade de IED que influenciam firmas multinacionais na seleção de mercados bem como de identificar e compreender aqueles determinantes que tem contribuído para elevar a atratividade da economia brasileira. A justificativa para a realização deste trabalho reside nos efeitos das significativas transformações na economia global decorrentes da crise de 2008, que resultaram em um fato inédito na evolução histórica do fluxo global de investimentos diretos, quando em 2010 as economias em desenvolvimento em conjunto com as economias em transição, responderam por mais da metade dos ingressos de IED, com destaque para a economia brasileira que passou a figurar entre os cinco principais países de destino destes investimentos. No Capítulo 2, apresenta-se uma breve descrição da evolução do fluxo de entrada de IED na economia brasileira desde o período colonial. Em seguida, no Capítulo 3, é analisada a tendência, iniciada no final dos anos 90, de multipolaridade nos campos da produção, do comércio, das finanças e dos investimentos diretos internacionais. O referencial teórico, é analisado no Capítulo 4, está baseado nos estudos do economista John H. Dunning, em especial a sua formulação teórica apresentada em 1976 e denominada Teoria Eclética ou Paradigma Eclético. Tendo em vista a escassez de estudos sobre esta temática, a pesquisa bibliográfica foi complementada por uma pesquisa exploratória-descritiva, cujo planejamento pode ser avaliado ao longo do Capítulo 5 deste estudo. Finalmente, no Capítulo 6, são analisados os resultados da pesquisa. Na análise foram utilizadas as técnicas estatísticas de distribuição de frequência e de análise fatorial. A principal conclusão deste estudo reside no fato de que a economia brasileira, segundo a percepção dos respondentes desta pesquisa, possui diversas variáveis que foram avaliados como Determinantes de Atratividade de IED Elevadíssima, como por exemplo, Mercado com Altas Taxas de Crescimento e Tamanho do Mercado, Estabilidade Econômica e Recursos Naturais, bem como outras variáveis que foram consideradas como Determinantes de Atratividade de IED Baixa, dentre os quais destacam se Sistema de Infraestrutura, Custo de Mão de Obra e Disponibilidade de Mão de Obra Qualificada. / This current thesis has as its main objective to identify the main determinants of attractiveness of foreign direct investment to Brazil during the period 2009-2011. This study has been developed from a bibliographic research followed by an electronic survey with entrepreneurs and executive of foreign enterprises who visited the country, aiming at evaluate the local prospects for directing their productive investments. The main theoretical framework is the Eclectic Paradigm of John H. Dunning, presented in 1976. A study which was undertaken by the Multilateral Investment Guaranty Agency (MIGA), an institution of the World Bank Group, is also considered as a theoretical contribution. The statistical framework includes the techniques of Frequency Distribution and Factorial Analysis. The main outcomes of the survey indicates that, according to the surveyors, the country has high attractiveness determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) such as the size and the growth rate of the domestic market as well as the availability of natural resources, but also presents low attractiveness determinants, for example, Infrastructure System, Labor Costs and the lack of a large contingent of skilled workers. Thus, it would be appropriate that the country´s authorities formulate policies and initiatives towards maintaining the level of the high attractiveness determinants, improving other determinants and, mainly, strengthening the level of attractiveness of those determinants evaluated as low attractiveness, in order to increase the economy´s international competitiveness which will foster foreign direct investments in the country.
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