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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utlandsföddas erfarenheter av arbetslöshet och hälsa : en intervjustudie / Foreigners’ experience of unemployment and health

Egal, Ebtisam January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka utlandsföddas erfarenheter av arbetslöshet och hur de upplever att deras fysiska samt psykiska hälsa påverkas. Forskning indikerar att arbetslöshet kan leda till ohälsa och att utlandsfödda löper en större risk för ohälsa i jämförelse med inrikes födda individer. En kvalitativ metod användes i denna empiriska studie och intervjuer genomfördes för att samla in data. Urvalet var tre kvinnor och tre män som bott i Sverige mellan fyra och åtta år. Av dessa informanter hade fem uppehållstillstånd och en hade haft ett arbetstillstånd. De hade inte arbetat på minst sex månader vilket gjorde dem till långtidsarbetslösa. Resultatet visade att utlandsföddas psykiska hälsa hade påverkats och de upplevde stress, oro och trötthet. De oroade sig över att arbetslöshet under en längre tid skulle leda till psykisk och fysisk ohälsa. De upplevde att stöd var en viktig faktor i hanteringen av arbetslösheten och deras familj och vänner var ett stort stöd för dem. Myndigheter upplevdes ej som ett socialt eller psykologiskt stöd. Däremot hade informanterna stort förtroende för att få ekonomiskt stöd om de behövde det. De hinder utlandsfödda upplevde i sitt arbetssökande var språket och kompetens. De upplevde att dessa brister hade stor inverkan på deras chanser till att få ett arbete. Slutsatsen av denna studie var att utlandsföddas psykiska hälsa har påverkats negativt av arbetslösheten men inte deras fysiska hälsa. De var dock oroliga för att få både psykisk och fysisk ohälsa om de inte får ett jobb inom en snar framtid. Mer kvalitativa studier behövs för att få ökad förståelse för utlandsföddas situation under arbetslöshet. / The purpose of this study was to explore foreigners’ experiences of unemployment and health. Research indicates that unemployment can lead to reduced health and it also shows that people born abroad have a greater risk of health problems compared with those born in Sweden. A qualitative method was employed in this empirical study. Interviews were conducted to collect data. The selection was three women and three men who had lived in Sweden for less than ten years. They had not worked for at least six months, which made them long-term unemployed. The results illustrated that they experienced that their mental health had been affected and they experienced stress, anxiety and fatigue. They worried that unemployment could lead to mental and physical ill health. They perceived that support was an important factor in dealing with unemployment and informants' family and friends were a great support for them. Authorities were not supportive socially or psychologically, but they were a financial support that foreigners could turn to when they needed help. The obstacles that foreigners face in their job search are language and lack of skills and they feel that these obstacles highly affect their chances of getting a job. The conclusion of this study was that foreigners’ mental health has been affected negatively by the unemployment but not their physical health. But they were worried that both their mental and physical health would worsen if they don’t get a job in the near future. More qualitative research is required to understand the experiences of foreigners’ situations while unemployed.

Typy jazykových cvičení a jejich využití ve vybraných učebnicích češtiny pro cizince / Types of Language Exercices and their Distribution in Selected Textbooks of Czech for Foreigners

Kubeková, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on exercises contained in textbooks of Czech for foreigners and compares the frequency of each type of exercise in selected textbooks. The first part of this dissertation examines related theoretical approaches, including general pedagogical concepts of textbooks and exercises as well as some possible ways of exercise classification. Where appropriate, the more specific approaches of teaching languages are included. The second part of this dissertation deals with the main topic of this dissertation which is frequency analysis of certain exercise types conducted on seven textbooks of Czech for foreigners. The main analysis criterion was suitability of each type of exercise for practising specific language areas and communicative skills. This part further provides detailed analysis method description (including the method of selection of specific textbooks for analysis) and the analysis results. By way of conclusion this dissertation compares all textbooks and seeks to provide some recommendations for teachers who work with these textbooks.

Získávání konopných drog mladistvými: srovnání zkušeností svěřenců ze zařízení pro cizince s vybranými zařízeními pro svěřence české národnosti / Obtaining cannabis drugs by adolescents: experience of wards of selected facilities of Czech and other nationality comparison

Piskáčková, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
University: Charles University in Prague Faculty: First Faculty of Medicine Psychiatric clinic, Center for Addictology School Year…….2012/2013…… ABSTRACT DIPLOMA WORK Name …………………Bc. Kristýna Piskáčková....………………………………….… Branch of study: Addictology Matriculation Year: …………2006….………… Thesis supervisor: Mgr. Jaroslav Vacek The number of pages:……80…………… Diploma Thesis Title: Obtaining cannabis drugs by adolescents: the comparison of the wards experience from facilities for foreigners with the selected facilities for wards with Czech nationality The goal of the diploma thesis is to determine the ways and circumstances of obtaining hemp drugs by adolescent users - wards of selected facilities for juveniles. Theoretical part mainly deals with issues such as cannabis drugs, usage patterns, cannabis distribution patterns, drug market and school facilities system for the performance of residential care and protective upbringing. The research part first deals with research questions, methods of data creation, then with the help of data analysis are given the answers to research questions. The used method of obtaining data is semi-structured interview. The survey was conducted with 16 participants. The sample only consists of one gender - male. Their age is from 15 to 18. Participant's statements are kept and...

Soukromoprávní aspekty českého cizineckého práva / Private-law aspects of czech alien law

Červená, Věra January 2013 (has links)
Private-Law Aspects of Czech Alien Law This thesis is dedicated to Czech alien law regulations in the context of their private law aspects. Alien law is a set of legal norms concerning the legal status of foreign citizens in a territory of a certain state. In general, it is understood as different treatment of aliens than the citizens of that state, a possibility of such treatment, or providing certain advantages to the foreigners. The foundation of this work is a detailed analysis of the material status of foreigners in the scope of their individual and property rights, including a foreigner as a party to a civil suit. Main focus of the thesis is on the description of individual institution and law principles regarding international private and procedural law, taking into account a future regulation from a new norm in international private law. In particular, emphasis is put on an analysis of equal treatment of foreigners, possibilities of refusal of such treatment, principles of reciprocity in the formal and material sense, conditions of the foreigner's claim to be relieved from judicial fees, eligibility of the foreigner as a party to a suit, etc. Special focus has been given to the matters closely related to alien law, such as the definition of an alien, dual citizenship, habitual residence etc....

Guerres et richesses des nations : la communauté des marchands florentins à Pise au XIVe siècle / Wars and wealth of the nations : the community of Florentine merchants in the XIVth century Pisa

Quertier, Cédric 27 May 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est centrée sur les délibérations du tribunal de la Mercanzia de Florence. Pour les Florentins, l’accès au port de Pise, dont il est indirectement possible de reconstituer le trafic, est crucial et transcende les relations compliquées entre les deux villes. Mais, s’ils sont prêts à quitter Pise (1356-1369 et 1399-1406) ou à déclencher des guerres (1362-1364 et 1397-1398) pour défendre leurs exemptions de droits de douanes et de gabelles, leur analyse précise prouve la faible incidence sur les prix de vente. Ces sommes sont en réalité transférées à la nation florentine, dont la direction est bicéphale (un consul pisan, un notaire-syndic florentin). La découverte d’un statut de la nation (1381) permet de mieux connaître le rôle des dirigeants et la conservation d’un livre de compte (1374-1382) éclaire leur rémunération. Les structures communautaires sont centrées sur le fondaco de Porto Pisano, géré par la commune pisane, et sur la loggia, située dans le palais du seigneur de Pise de 1369 à 1392, ou 1395, date à laquelle la nation est transférée à Livourne et Piombino. Une double certification de la citoyenneté, par le serment de deux marchands et par l’envoi de lettres de la Mercanzia, est également mise en place. Les listes des traités bilatéraux ne recensent que les compagnies habilitées à prêter serment, ce qui rend difficile la prosopographie de la communauté. Le dernier chapitre montre la formation d’un champ judiciaire commun, capable de fonctionner durant les périodes de tension, à travers l’examen des procédures et du règlement de conflits concernant les franchises de taxes, le règlement des faillites et l’application du droit de représailles. / This PhD thesis focuses on the Deliberazioni of the Florentine court called Mercanzia. Access to the port of Pisa, the traffic of which can indirectly be reconstructed, is essential for Florentine people and transcends the difficult relationships between both cities. They are ready to leave Pisa (1356-1369 and 1399-1406) or to go to war (1362-1364 and 1397-1398) to defend their tax and customs exemptions, but an analysis of the specifics shows a weak impact on prices. These sums are transferred to two-headed Florentine natio (one Pisan consul, one Florentine notary-sindaco). The discovery of the natio’s statute (1381) improves our knowledge of the managers’ duties and the remaining accounts shows how they are paid. The structures of the community are concentrated on the fondaco of Porto Pisano, which is administrated by the Pisan city-state (commune), and on the loggia, located in the Pietro Gambacorta’s palace in Pisa from 1369 to 1392, or 1395, the year when the natio was transferred to Livorno and Piombino. Double certification of citizenship, first by an oath sworn by two merchants, second by the sending of letters by the Mercanzia, does exist. Lists in bilateral treaties only register the companies, whose members are able to declare one’s citizenship under oath, which makes the prosopography of the community even more difficult. The last chapter analyses the formation of a common judiciary field, able to function in times of strained relationship, through the presentation of bilateral procedures and of cases of conflict about tax exemptions, bankruptcy and reprisals.

Mezinárodní pracovní migrace a pracující cizinci v Česku v době globální ekonomické krize 2008 - 2012 / International labour migration and working foreigners in the Czech Republic during the period of the global economical crisis of 2008 - 2012

Schovánková, Soňa January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation thesis is aimed at actual topic of the international labour migration and working foreigners in the Czech Republic during the period of the global economical crisis of 2008 and 2012. It is an empirical research that comes out from the qualitative and quantitative study of the topic. The subject of the research were working foreigners. We differ foreigners in the position of employees and businessmen as well as foreigners from the European Economic Area and Switzerland and so called third countries. In the work we also focus on the statistical data both from their availability and interpretation point of view and also from the volume of flows of international labour migration and the stock of working foreigners in the Czech Republic. Selected indicators were also used to study spatial distribution of working foreigners in the Czech Republic including its factors from political, social, economic, geographic, demographic or cultural areas. The study was carried out by applying qualitative and quantitative correlation and regression analyses. In this respect we focused also on the discussion of the relevancy of statistical data from areas specified above that may help to clarify the structure of the spatial distribution of working foreigners. The dissertation thesis includes the first attempt...


EBAL SANT ANNA BOLACIO FILHO 05 October 2007 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho trata do pronome interrogativo que no português falado no Brasil atualmente. Já foram detectadas sete diferentes formas de estruturas interrogativas para esse pronome interrogativo (que, o que, o que é que, que é que, o que que, que que, o quê in-situ), sem que no entanto tivesse sido feita uma análise que levasse em conta fatores de ordem pragmática. O presente estudo faz uma análise de base funcionalista a partir de um corpus de língua falada com o objetivo de depreender as regras de uso das várias formas do pronome interrogativo que visando sua aplicação ao ensino de português como língua estrangeira/ segunda língua. / [en] There have been detected many structures for the interrogative pronoun que (que, o que, o que é que, que é que, o que que, que que, o quê in-situ) in spoken brazilian portuguese. This paper focusses on the pragmatic functions of these forms, trying to deprehend the mechanism of their use, so that they can been properly explained to foreigners who learn brazilian portuguese.

Transformações e permanências no bairro do Bom Retiro, SP (1930-1954) / Changes and permanences in the Bom Retiro district, SP (1930-1954)

Mangili, Liziane Peres 22 April 2009 (has links)
Este estudo busca identificar as transformações e permanências de um bairro central de São Paulo, o Bom Retiro, a partir das estruturas físicas e dos agentes que sobre elas atuaram, no período de 1930 a 1954. A partir da análise de fontes documentais, a pesquisa constata processos diversificados de transformação, específicos ao bairro, que acabam gerando diferenças internas no Bom Retiro, e que estiveram associados à presença de diferentes grupos de imigrantes. O grande volume de transformações de pequena escala no bairro - os aumentos e as reformas - mostra que o bairro se transforma acomodando nas edificações existentes os usos característicos do bairro desde sua origem: cortiços, indústrias de fundo de quintal, pequenos estabelecimentos comerciais. Esses usos predominantes e a nova atividade econômica instalada no bairro no período - indústria e comércio de confecções - bem como a característica dos lotes e das edificações onde se instalam, cuja configuração permite essas associações, são elementos de permanência, para os quais as transformações ocorreram no sentido de acomodá-los. Nesse processo de transformação do bairro, o traçado urbano não é alterado de forma significativa, apesar da sua expansão para a área da várzea do Tietê na década de 1950, caracterizando-se também como uma permanência. / This study seeks to identify the changes and permanences in a central district of Sao Paulo, the Bom Retiro, from physical structures and the agents who acted on them, from 1930 to 1954. From the analysis of documentary sources, the research finds diverse processes of transformation, specific to the neighborhood, which eventually generating internal differences in Bom Retiro, which were associated with the presence of different groups of immigrants. The large volume of processing of \"small scale\" in the neighborhood - the increases and reforms - shows that the neighborhood changes accommodating existing buildings in the typical uses of the neighborhood since its begining: hives, small industries, small establishments. The predominant uses and the new economic activity installed in the neighborhood - the clothing industry and trade - as well as the characteristic of the lots and buildings where they settle, whose configuration allows such associations, are elements of permanece, for which the changes occurred to accommodate them. In this process of transformation of the neighborhood, the urban layout is not changed significantly, despite its expansion into the area of the lowland Tietê in the 1950s, characterizing it as a permanence.

Zařízení pro děti - cizince: aktuální situace v péči o nezletilé cizince bez doprovodu se zaměřením na práci speciálního pedagoga / Institution for children - foreigners: current situation in the care of unaccompanied minors focused on the work of a special pedagogue

Brožová, Vendula January 2018 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is description of care system for unaccompanied minors in the Czech Republic and mapping of special pedagogical methods used within this system. In my own research I show examples of concrete case studies how individual forms of educational and special pedagogical care help unaccompanied minors in successful integration into the major society. The aim of the thesis is not only to describe the current state of care for minors and special pedagogical methods used, but also its evaluation. Based on the critical assessment of the case studies, they try to outline the possibilities of further development of care for unaccompanied minors in the Czech Republic from the perspective of special pedagogy.

Inštitucionálny rámec politiky integrácie cudzincov na území Českej republiky / The institutional framework of foreigners integration in the Czech Republic

Lelková, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis dedicated to the integration of foreigners in the Czech Republic is mainly focused on the usefulness and application of integration policy through the institutions dealing with socio-economic integration of foreigners in the Czech Republic. Integration strategies of foreigners in the Czech Republic are examined only very briefly and there is an open field for the many unanswered questions. The work consists of theoretical and practical part, while the theoretical part is devoted to the analysis of the current state of integration policy in the Czech Republic, highlighting the progress and shortcomings of the integration process. Moreover it examines integration policy key institutions on the state and local level that are an integral part of integration. Last but not least it discusses non profit organizations which play within the integration process crucial role. The practical part is focused on the ongoing projects of integration of foreigners at local level. Particularly to the integration project of Pilsen called Integration of foreigners in local government level and the ongoing project of nonprofit organization Slovo 21 - Next door family. Its attempt to create a genuine integration model aims to enable learning through direct contact between the families of foreigners and Czech families.

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