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The development of "Left Communism" until 1921 : Soviet Russia, Poland, Latvia and LithuaniaKowalski, Ronald I. January 1978 (has links)
No description available.
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- Det här är en KVADRAT, ingen FYRKANT! : En variationsteoretisk studie om matematikundervisning i förskolanLind, Heidi, Sysenko, Elena January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna learning study-inspirerade studie är att undersöka vilken effekt variationen av innehållet i vår egen undervisning har på förskolebarns matematiska lärande. Studien genomfördes med två olika barngrupper i en cyklisk process som omfattade två undervisningstillfällen som började med ett förkunskapstest och avslutades med ett eftertest. I studien användes lek som verktyg för att synliggöra de kritiska aspekterna i undervisningen som var avgörande för förskolebarns förståelse för det matematiska lärandeobjektet - geometriska former. Resultatet kan ses som ett ämnesdidaktiskt bidrag till matematikundervisningen i förskolan för att barn ska kunna använda de rätta begreppen vid benämning av olika geometriska former, att kunna urskilja plana och tredimensionella figurer, förstå att geometriska former och figurer tillhör geometri som är en del av matematik samt betydelsen av att ge stöd och utmaning i processen. I studien används variationsteorin som metod och redskap i planering, undervisning och utvärdering som gör att vi utvecklar både vårt undervisningsinnehåll och barns förståelse för lärandeobjektet med vetenskaplig fokus på lärande. Metod och resultat diskuteras i relation till tidigare forskning och vid analysen används variationsteoretiska begrepp.
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Smoking History and the Association Between Alcohol and E-Cigarette Use: Authors’ ReplyRoberts, Walter, Verplaetse, Terril, Peltier, Mac K., Moore, Kelly E., Gueorguieva, Ralitza, McKee, Sherry A. 01 April 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluation of the Home Management House Residency by Former StudentsErekson, Joy Wadley 01 May 1977 (has links)
The usefulness of the home management house residence course at Utah State University as perceived by former students was studied.
The sample consisted of 112 students, residents of the home management house between 1967 and 1975.
The instruments used were: a background questionnaire and a management skill usefulness scale. The statistical tests used were the t test and analysis of variance.
The course was rated as being very useful, both personally and professionally by the graduates.. It was found that the three variables being tested ( professional employment, grade earned from the course and graduate resident advisor) did not make significant differences in the usefulness ratings. The findings also indicated that the course had not become less useful over time.
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Smoking History and the Association Between Alcohol and E-Cigarette Use: Authors’ ReplyRoberts, Walter, Verplaetse, Terril, Peltier, Mac Kenzie R., Moore, Kelly E., Gueorguieva, Ralitza, McKee, Sherry A. 01 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Hur former leder nya spelare i 3D-spel : Hur former i en 3dD-spelmiljö hjälper nybörjarspelare att ta sig vidare i spelFreiman, Hannes January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att få en tydligare bild över hur former i en 3D-spelmiljö hjälper nybörjarspelare att ta sig vidare i spel. Denna studie utgick ifrån olika typer av forskning och artiklar angående liknande ämnen, från dessa gjordes en studie som baserades på en kvalitativ undersökning där fem testpersoner som aldrig spelat ett Förstapersons skjutspel (FPS-spel) förut fick svara på frågor som handlade om vägval i FPS-spel och sedan spela utvalda spel för att se hur de resonerade när de väl spelade dem. Denna studie utfördes med konstant övervakning för att lättare kunna se hur testspelarna reagerade på formerna i spelen. Den data och statistik som samlades under denna period sammanställdes sedan och medelvärden drogs ut från enkätundersökningen.Analysen av den data som samlades in via både enkätundersökningen och speltestet visade att de spel som undersöktes har en tendens att ha utvalda former placerade upprepade gånger efter den väg spelaren bör ta. Mjuka former är något som används för att leda en spelare; de sticker ut ur en miljö på så sätt att de inte uttrycker någon typ av fara i deras form, och blir därför vägledande. Detta används också repetitivt vilket studien visade vara något som spelarna reagerade på; de visste att de runda formerna tog en spelare vidare i spelvärlden. De slutsatser som kunde dras från denna studie är att även fast vissa former är missledande visar studien att former använts för att vägleda spelare och för att visa möjligheter i form av egen utforskning. De former som mest märkbart leder en spelare i de utvalda spelen är de former som sticker ut ifrån miljön, samt upprepade gånger placeras där spelaren bör gå. Det finns tydliga tecken på att dessa objekt med utstickande visuellt formspråk är placerade för att just visa spelaren vägen.Vägledning med former används i dessa spel och är ett stort hjälpmedel för nybörjarspelare.
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No description available.
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Evaluation of the Conflict Prevention Pools: Russia and the Former Soviet UnionAustin, Greg, Bergne, P. January 2004 (has links)
yes / P5. The evaluation was undertaken by Bradford University, Channel Research Ltd, the
PARC & Associated Consultants. The GCPP Russia and Former Soviet Union (FSU) Case
study was carried out by Dr Greg Austin with Mr Paul Bergne. Work was conducted in
three phases. The first was London-based, and considered the Russia and FSU Strategy¿s
activities in the context of UK approaches to conflict prevention in the region and the
overall policy framework of the GCPP. The second phase involved fieldwork in Georgia,
Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, whilst the third phase involved
consultations in London. P7. The Russia and FSU Case Study is one of six studies undertaken within the framework
of the evaluation of the Conflict Prevention Pools. In accordance with the Terms of Reference
(ToRs) and the Inception Report, the Evaluation placed maximum emphasis on the macro
level: the policy processes in Whitehall by which decisions on allocations are made and
implemented by the CPPs. Considerable attention has also been placed on the meso
level: the degree to which CPP policies and activities in a given conflict form part of a
coherent package of direct interventions by the international community and local actors
to the problems of particular large scale deadly conflicts or potential conflicts. The microlevel
of analysis (review of specific projects) confines itself largely to the way in which
projects impact on the meso and macro levels. The Evaluation has not analysed
systematically whether specific projects funded by the CPPs have been well managed
and whether they have achieved their specific project goals. Single projects have been
analysed to the extent that they reflect on the macro and meso levels.
P8. The main findings of the evaluation, reflected in this Synthesis Report, are that the
CPPs are doing significant work funding worthwhile activities that make positive
contributions to effective conflict prevention, although it is far too early in the day to assess
impact. The progress achieved through the CPP mechanisms is significant enough to
justify their continuation.
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Current Approaches to Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) Programme: Design and ImplementationLamb, G., Ginifer, Jeremy 07 1900 (has links)
Yes / The success of programmes that relate to disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) of former combatants into civilian life is dependent on four crucial aspects. First, it is essential that there is insightful and comprehensive planning that is based on sound research and analysis in order for a realistic strategy to be developed. Second, it is critical that the requisite political will exist at all levels to implement this strategy efficiently and effectively. Third, these programmes are typically expensive and time-consuming processes, and hence the necessary resources, namely financial and material support, and technical expertise, need to be secured. Fourth, it is vital that effective monitoring and evaluation systems are included in DDR processes, and that these systems are an integral part of the implementation strategy.
The purpose of this paper is to examine critically current DDR developments, as well as explore the possible next steps for DDR. This will include the consideration of the current state of DDR and the extent to which initiatives such as the Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Program (MDRP), the United Nations Integrated DDR Standards (IDDRS) and the Stockholm Initiative on DDR (SIDDR), as well as other contemporary policy instruments and programmes encompass a human security perspective and reflects the interests of the poor. The key question that this paper will explore is: to what extent does current or “third generation” DDR programming differ from those DDR initiatives of the 1980s and 1990s (or “second generation”)1; and to what extent do they contribute to the sustainable alleviation of poverty?
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The Logic of Occupation in the Nagorno-Karabakh War: The Cases of Agdam and ShaumyanSanamyan, Emil 05 July 2016 (has links)
Why do warring parties sometimes end up occupying territories they do not claim while not occupying territory they do? How do they explain this and how can we, from this explanation, understand the logic of occupation at work in these cases? This is the puzzle and the research questions at the center of this thesis. Using a case study of the Karabakh War (1991-94) it seeks to understand the rationale behind the Armenian occupation of previously undisputed Azerbaijani-populated territories around the contested entity of Nagorno Karabakh (NK). To achieve this objective the thesis considers one of these districts – Agdam – and contrasts its occupation to the lack of a concerted effort to return control over previously Armenian-populated district of Shaumyan, a territory Armenians view as under Azerbaijani occupation. The thesis presents the circumstances and rationales provided by the Armenian leaders for these counter-intuitive policies of occupation they pursued during the Karabakh war. This necessitates examining the prior meanings of these places, the contested and changed significance of Agdam and Shaumyan since the Karabakh war.
There are five distinct explanatory accounts of logics of occupation. These are accounts based on 1) military/security needs; 2) political elite-driven decisions, 3) economic gain, 4) psychological and 5) identity-related factors.
Process tracing and archival research points to primarily security and psychological rationales for the original actions, whereas economic gain played a secondary role. While these factors remain significant in justifying continued occupation, today they are also strongly augmented by newly-constructed identity markers and political elite-driven considerations. / Master of Public and International Affairs
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