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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Activité et mécanismes de dégradation d'électrocatalyseurs anodiques pour la pile directe à borohydrures / Activity and degradation mechanisms of anodic electrocatalysts for the direct borohydride fuel cell

Lafforgue, Clémence 28 October 2019 (has links)
La pile à combustible directe à borohydrures (DBFC en anglais), qui est une sous-catégorie des piles à combustible alcalines, bénéficie des avantages de son combustible, le borohydrure de sodium (NaBH4), qui confère à ce système des caractéristiques thermodynamiques et énergétiques très intéressantes. Cependant, la réaction d’électrooxydation de NaBH4 (BOR en anglais) est très complexe et reste à ce jour encore peu étudiée et mal comprise sur la majorité des électrocatalyseurs (la plupart étant sous forme de nanoparticules métalliques supportées sur des noirs de carbone). De plus, de récentes études ont montré l’agressivité du milieu alcalin sur la durabilité des électrocatalyseurs conventionnels, révélant une grande perte de surface catalytique active, due principalement à un détachement des nanoparticules du support carboné. Dans ce contexte, ces travaux de thèse se sont orientés vers trois axes d’étude : (i) l’étude de la BOR sur des électrocatalyseurs à base de palladium dans des conditions proches des conditions réelles de fonctionnement de la DBFC ; (ii) l’étude de l’impact de la structure de l’anode sur les performances globales de la DBFC, et (iii) l’étude du mécanisme de dégradation d’électrocatalyseurs à base de métaux nobles dans un environnement alcalin. Les expérimentations ont été réalisées en étroite collaboration avec le U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (Washington, USA).Les résultats obtenus ont montré qu’une grande concentration en NaBH4 entraine un ralentissement de la cinétique de la réaction, due en partie à un fort empoisonnement de la surface catalytique. Par ailleurs, des marqueurs d’activité pour la BOR ont été proposés. Ensuite, l’utilisation d’électrodes à gradient de catalyseurs s’est avérée être une solution prometteuse pour mieux valoriser l’hydrogène produit via des réactions secondaires à la BOR. Enfin, l’utilisation de la spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier couplée à de la microscopie électronique en transmission à localisation identique a permis de détecter la formation de carbonates au cours d’un test de vieillissement accéléré d’électrocatalyseurs à base de métaux nobles en milieu alcalin. Ce mécanisme explique, en partie, le détachement des nanoparticules observé au cours du test. / The direct borohydride fuel cell (DBFC), a subclass of alkaline fuel cells, benefits from the advantages of its fuel, sodium borohydride (NaBH4), which exhibits very interesting thermodynamic and energetic characteristics. However, the NaBH4 electrooxidation reaction (BOR) is very complex; to date it remains poorly studied and understood on many electrocatalysts (most of them are in the form of metal nanoparticles supported on carbon black). In addition, recent studies reported the aggressiveness of the alkaline medium on the durability of conventional carbon-supported electrocatalysts, revealing a large loss of the active catalytic surface, mainly due to the detachment of nanoparticles from the carbon support. In this context, this thesis focused on three main areas of study: (i) the study of the BOR on palladium-based electrocatalysts in conditions close to the real operating conditions of the DBFC; (ii) the study of the impact of the anode structure on the overall performance of the DBFC, and (iii) the study of the degradation mechanism of noble metal electrocatalysts in alkaline environment. The experiments were carried out in close collaboration with the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (Washington, USA).The results obtained showed that a high concentration of NaBH4 leads to a decrease of the reaction kinetics, due in part to poisoning of the catalytic surface. In addition, activity markers for the BOR have been proposed. Then, the use of catalysts-gradient electrodes proved to be a promising solution to better valorize the hydrogen produced via side reactions of the BOR. Finally, the use of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy coupled with identical-location transmission electron microscopy enabled to detect the formation of carbonates during the accelerated stress test of carbon-supported noble metal electrocatalysts in alkaline medium, explaining, in part, the detachment of nanoparticles observed during the test.

Discrimination of color copier/laser printer toners by Raman spectroscopy and subsequent chemometric analysis

Feldmann, Jeanna Marie 20 November 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Toner analysis has become an area of increased interest due to the wide availability of laser printers and photocopiers. Toner is most often encountered on paper in questioned document analysis. Because of this, it is important to develop methods that limit the interference of paper without damaging or destroying the document. Previous research using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) has differentiated toners based on their polymer resin components. However, Raman spectroscopy and chemometric analysis are not typically used for the examination of this material. Raman spectroscopy is a popular tool for the chemical analysis of pigmented samples and was used to characterize cyan, yellow, and magenta toners. Analyses were performed using a dispersive micro-Raman spectrometer equipped with a 785nm diode laser, a CCD detector, and an objective at 20X magnification. One hundred samples of each color toner were collected. Three different and separate methods were developed for cyan, yellow, and magenta toners on paper to optimize results. Further analysis of the magenta toners was excluded due to a weak signal and significant paper interference. The data collected from the analyses of the blue and yellow toners was then processed using a combination of statistical procedures, including principal component analysis (PCA), agglomerative hierarchal clustering (AHC), and discriminative analysis (DA). Ninety-six blue toners were analyzed by PCA and three classes of spectra were suggested. Discriminant analysis showed that the three classes were well-differentiated with a cross-validation accuracy of 100% for the training set and 100% cross-validation accuracy for the external validation set. Eighty-eight yellow toners were analyzed by AHC and four classes of spectra were suggested. Discriminant analysis showed good differentiation between the classes with a cross-validation accuracy of 95.45% for the training set, but showed poor differentiation for the external validation set with a cross-validation accuracy of 72%. While these toners were able to be discriminated, no correlation could be made between the manufacturer, printer make and model, and the toner sample.

Non-Destructive Evaluation of Urethane-Ester Coating Systems Using the Scanning Kelvin Probe Technique

Borth, David J. 31 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Investigation of <i>Pseudomonas</i> Biofilm Development and Removal on Dairy Processing Equipment Surfaces Using Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy

Manuzon, Michele Yabes 05 November 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Análise in vitro da morfologia superficial de uma nova formulação de biovidro associado ao laser de Nd:YAG e laser de CO2 sobre dentina humana / In vitro analysis of the surface morphology of a new bioglass formulation associated with Nd: YAG laser and CO2 laser on human dentin

Lee, Ester Mi Ryoung 13 June 2017 (has links)
Dentre as opções de terapias dessensibilizantes, a proposta mais recente para o tratamento da Hipersensibilidade Dentinária é o uso do biovidro. Esse novo material apresenta a capacidade de promover a formação de hidroxiapatita na superfície da dentina, representando uma união química mais estável e duradoura sobre os túbulos dentinários. Este trabalho comparou o efeito de uma nova formulação de biovidro disperso em ácido fosfórico 30%, associado ao laser de Nd:YAG e ao laser de CO2 na obliteração de túbulos dentinários expostos. Foram obtidas 96 amostras de dentina humana que foram divididas em 6 grupos experimentais (n=16) e distribuídas como a seguir: G1 -­ controle negativo (nenhum tratamento adicional);? G2 -­ laser de Nd:YAG;? G3 -­ laser de CO2;? G4 -­ pasta de biovidro (biovidro + ácido fosfórico 30%);? G5 -­ pasta de biovidro + laser de Nd:YAG;? G6 -­ pasta de biovidro + laser de CO2. Os grupos G5 e G6 foram irradiados com laser de Nd:YAG e laser de CO2, respectivamente, após tratamento com a pasta de biovidro disperso em ácido fosfórico. Ao final do experimento, os grupos foram analisados qualitativamente por Espectroscopia de Infravermelho na Transformada de Fourier (FTIR), Difração de Raios X (DRX), Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e Espectroscopia de Dispersão de Energia de Raios X (EDS). As análises evidenciaram que a dipersão do biovidro em ácido fosfórico 30% é capaz de formar cristais de hidrogenofosfato de cálcio e, quando a pasta formulada é aplicada sobre a dentina, ocorrem reações químicas com a estrutura dental, formando cristais de monetita. Ao irradiar os cristais formados com laser de Nd:YAG e CO2, ocorreu a desidratação desses cristais, levando à formação de hidroxiapatita. As imagens de MEV demonstram a formação de precipitados cristalinos e amorfos de dimensões variadas sobre a superfície de dentina e na entrada dos túbulos dentinários em todos os grupos que receberam o tratamento com a formulação de biovidro. O laser de CO2 foi capaz de promover alterações na morfologia do material formado de maneira ainda mais evidente especialmente nas dimensões e disposição dos cristais de hidroxiapatita formado sobre a superfície. A análise de EDS evidenciou presença de silício, composto que não está presente naturalmente na estrutura dentária, mas somente na composição do biovidro. Dessa forma, pode-­se concluir que a associação do pó de biovidro com ácido fosfórico 30% permitiu a formação de uma camada de cristais na superfície e entrada dos túbulos dentinários, evidenciando que a pasta formulada viabiliza a aplicação e manutenção do biovidro sobre a superfície dentinária. Sua associação com o laser de Nd:YAG e CO2 parece melhorar a interação desses cristais com a dentina, formando cristais de hidroxiapatita. Nesse estudo, o laser de CO2 promoveu a melhor distribuição e conformação dos cristais sobre a dentina. / Among desensitizing therapies options, the most recent proposal for Dentin Hypersensitivity treatment is the use of bioglass. This new material presents the ability to promote the formation of hydroxyapatite on dentin surface, representing a more stable and lasting chemical bond on dentin tubules. This work compared the effect of a new formulation of bioglass dispersed in 30% phosphoric acid, associated with Nd: YAG laser and CO2 laser in the obliteration of exposed dentin tubules. 96 human dentin samples were obtained, divided into 6 experimental groups (n = 16) and distributed as follows: G1 -­ negative control (no additional treatment);? G2-­ Nd: YAG laser;? G3 - CO2 laser;? G4 -­ bioglass paste (bioglass + 30% phosphoric acid);? G5 -­ bioglass paste + Nd: YAG laser;? G6 -­ bioglass paste + CO2 laser. Groups G5 and G6 were irradiated with Nd:YAG laser and CO2 laser, respectively, after treatment with the slurry dispersed in phosphoric acid. At the end of the experiment, all groups were qualitatively analyzed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-­ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-­ray Energy Dispersion Spectroscopy (EDS). The analysis showed that the dispersion of bioglass in 30% phosphoric acid forms calcium hydrogen phosphate crystals and when the formulated paste is applied on dentin surface, chemical reactions occur with the dental structure, forming monetite crystals. When irradiating these crystals with Nd: YAG and CO2 laser, dehydration of these crystals occurred leading to the formation of hydroxyapatite. MEV images demonstrate the formation of crystalline and amorphous precipitates of varying dimensions on the dentin surface and at the entrance of dentinal tubules in all groups receiving treatment with the bioglass formulation. The CO2 laser was able to promote changes in the morphology of the formed material even more evident especially in the dimension and arrangement of hydroxyapatite crystals formed on the surface. The analysis of EDS showed the presence of silicon, a compound that is not naturally present in the tooth structure, but only in the bioglass composition. Thus, it can be concluded that the association of bioglass powder with 30% phosphoric acid allowed the formation of a layer of crystals on the surface and its entrance of the dentinal tubules, evidencing that the formulated paste enables the application and maintenance of bioglass on dentin surface. Its association with the Nd:YAG and CO2 laser seems to improve the interaction of these crystals with dentin, forming hydroxyapatite crystals. In this study. CO2 laser promoted better crystals distribution and conformation on dentin surface.

Estudo de tratabilidade dos lixiviados de aterros sanitários: ênfase no tratamento consorciado com esgoto sanitário em sistemas aeróbios / Study of tractability of sanitary landfill leachate: emphasis on co-treatment with domestic wastewater in aerobic systems

Ferraz, Fernanda de Matos 14 January 2014 (has links)
Esta tese foi dedicada à duas alternativas para tratamento dos lixiviados de aterros sanitários. A primeira delas, o tratamento consorciado do lixiviado com esgoto sanitário em sistemas aeróbios, teve como objetivo principal verificar se a remoção da matéria orgânica do lixiviado seria devida à biodegradação ou à simples diluição no esgoto sanitário. Para responder esse questionamento, propôs-se o método tentativo \"equivalente em ácido húmico\" (Eq.AH). Em ensaios com reatores de lodos ativados (10 L) operados em batelada, avaliaram-se as remoções de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio para diferentes misturas de lixiviado e esgoto sanitários brutos e pré-tratados, com proporções volumétricas de lixiviado de 0, 0,2, 2 e 5%. O tratamento foi mais eficiente para a mistura esgoto bruto e lixiviado pré-tratado por air stripping (para remoção da amônia) na proporção volumétrica de 2%. Essa condição foi avaliada em reatores piloto de lodos ativados (95 L) e biofiltro aerado submerso (178 L), alimentados continuamente com tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) de 24 h. O reator piloto de lodos ativados removeu 59% do COD e a eficiência de nitrificação foi de 60%; enquanto que o biofiltro removeu 83% do COD e eficiência de nitrificação foi de 77%. Com o método tentativo Eq.AH, verificou-se que a remoção da matéria orgânica do lixiviado pré-tratado se deu por biodegradação parcial com o esgoto sanitário, resultado confirmado por espectroscopia de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier. As remoções do COD Eq.AH nos reatores piloto de lodos ativados e biofiltro aerado submerso foram de, respectivamente, 47 e 71%. Adicionalmente, o monitoramento da remoção da matéria orgânica pôde ser realizado com eficácia pelo teste de coloração com nanquim, utilizando o método de classificação de tonalidades proposto nesta Tese. A segunda alternativa proposta nesta Tese consistiu no tratamento dos lixiviados bruto e pré-tratado com cal em reatores de lodos ativados. Os resultados, todavia, foram insatisfatórios: indicaram que essa alternativa se mostrou inviável: após 20 dias de aeração nos reatores de bancada alimentados em batelada, a remoção da matéria orgânica foi inferior a 40% e a remoção do nitrogênio foi devida à volatilização da amônia. / This thesis was dedicated to two alternatives for landfill leachate treatment. The first one, the aerobic co-treatment of leachate and domestic wastewater in aerobic systems, aimed to verify if the organic matter of leachate was removed by biodegradation or dilution with domestic wastewater. To answer this questioning, it was proposed the tentative method \"equivalent in humic acid\" (Eq.HA). In the experiments with bench-scale activated sludge reactors (10 L) operated in batch mode, it was evaluated the organic matter and nitrogen removal from mixtures containing raw and pre-treated leachate and domestic wastewater, at the volumetric ratios of 0, 0.2, 2 and 5%. The treatment was mostly efficient when it was used the mixture domestic wastewater and leachate pre-treated by air stripping (for ammonia removal), at a volumetric ratio of 2%. This condition was also evaluated in a pilot-scale activated sludge reactor (95 L) and a submerged aerobic biofilter (178 L), operated under continuous-flow regime with a 24-h hydraulic retention time. The pilot-scale activated sludge reactor removed 59% of DOC and nitrification efficiency was 60%; whereas the submerged aerobic biofilter removed 83% of DOC and nitrification efficiency was 77%. Using the Eq.HA approach, it was determined that pre-treated leachate organic matter removal was due to partial biodegradation with domestic wastewater, which was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The removals of COD Eq.HA were 47% for the pilot-scale activated sludge reactor and 71% for the submerged aerobic biofilter. Aditionally, organic matter could be assessed with the India ink reverse stain test, using the proposed method for tonalities classification. The second alternative proposed by this Thesis consisted in the treatment of raw and pre-treated leachate by lime addition, using activated sludge reactors. The results did not indicate the feasibility of this alternative: after 20 days of aeration, the organic matter removal was lesser than 40%, and nitrogen was mostly removed by ammonia volatilization.

Estudo de tratabilidade dos lixiviados de aterros sanitários: ênfase no tratamento consorciado com esgoto sanitário em sistemas aeróbios / Study of tractability of sanitary landfill leachate: emphasis on co-treatment with domestic wastewater in aerobic systems

Fernanda de Matos Ferraz 14 January 2014 (has links)
Esta tese foi dedicada à duas alternativas para tratamento dos lixiviados de aterros sanitários. A primeira delas, o tratamento consorciado do lixiviado com esgoto sanitário em sistemas aeróbios, teve como objetivo principal verificar se a remoção da matéria orgânica do lixiviado seria devida à biodegradação ou à simples diluição no esgoto sanitário. Para responder esse questionamento, propôs-se o método tentativo \"equivalente em ácido húmico\" (Eq.AH). Em ensaios com reatores de lodos ativados (10 L) operados em batelada, avaliaram-se as remoções de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio para diferentes misturas de lixiviado e esgoto sanitários brutos e pré-tratados, com proporções volumétricas de lixiviado de 0, 0,2, 2 e 5%. O tratamento foi mais eficiente para a mistura esgoto bruto e lixiviado pré-tratado por air stripping (para remoção da amônia) na proporção volumétrica de 2%. Essa condição foi avaliada em reatores piloto de lodos ativados (95 L) e biofiltro aerado submerso (178 L), alimentados continuamente com tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) de 24 h. O reator piloto de lodos ativados removeu 59% do COD e a eficiência de nitrificação foi de 60%; enquanto que o biofiltro removeu 83% do COD e eficiência de nitrificação foi de 77%. Com o método tentativo Eq.AH, verificou-se que a remoção da matéria orgânica do lixiviado pré-tratado se deu por biodegradação parcial com o esgoto sanitário, resultado confirmado por espectroscopia de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier. As remoções do COD Eq.AH nos reatores piloto de lodos ativados e biofiltro aerado submerso foram de, respectivamente, 47 e 71%. Adicionalmente, o monitoramento da remoção da matéria orgânica pôde ser realizado com eficácia pelo teste de coloração com nanquim, utilizando o método de classificação de tonalidades proposto nesta Tese. A segunda alternativa proposta nesta Tese consistiu no tratamento dos lixiviados bruto e pré-tratado com cal em reatores de lodos ativados. Os resultados, todavia, foram insatisfatórios: indicaram que essa alternativa se mostrou inviável: após 20 dias de aeração nos reatores de bancada alimentados em batelada, a remoção da matéria orgânica foi inferior a 40% e a remoção do nitrogênio foi devida à volatilização da amônia. / This thesis was dedicated to two alternatives for landfill leachate treatment. The first one, the aerobic co-treatment of leachate and domestic wastewater in aerobic systems, aimed to verify if the organic matter of leachate was removed by biodegradation or dilution with domestic wastewater. To answer this questioning, it was proposed the tentative method \"equivalent in humic acid\" (Eq.HA). In the experiments with bench-scale activated sludge reactors (10 L) operated in batch mode, it was evaluated the organic matter and nitrogen removal from mixtures containing raw and pre-treated leachate and domestic wastewater, at the volumetric ratios of 0, 0.2, 2 and 5%. The treatment was mostly efficient when it was used the mixture domestic wastewater and leachate pre-treated by air stripping (for ammonia removal), at a volumetric ratio of 2%. This condition was also evaluated in a pilot-scale activated sludge reactor (95 L) and a submerged aerobic biofilter (178 L), operated under continuous-flow regime with a 24-h hydraulic retention time. The pilot-scale activated sludge reactor removed 59% of DOC and nitrification efficiency was 60%; whereas the submerged aerobic biofilter removed 83% of DOC and nitrification efficiency was 77%. Using the Eq.HA approach, it was determined that pre-treated leachate organic matter removal was due to partial biodegradation with domestic wastewater, which was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The removals of COD Eq.HA were 47% for the pilot-scale activated sludge reactor and 71% for the submerged aerobic biofilter. Aditionally, organic matter could be assessed with the India ink reverse stain test, using the proposed method for tonalities classification. The second alternative proposed by this Thesis consisted in the treatment of raw and pre-treated leachate by lime addition, using activated sludge reactors. The results did not indicate the feasibility of this alternative: after 20 days of aeration, the organic matter removal was lesser than 40%, and nitrogen was mostly removed by ammonia volatilization.

Análise in vitro da morfologia superficial de uma nova formulação de biovidro associado ao laser de Nd:YAG e laser de CO2 sobre dentina humana / In vitro analysis of the surface morphology of a new bioglass formulation associated with Nd: YAG laser and CO2 laser on human dentin

Ester Mi Ryoung Lee 13 June 2017 (has links)
Dentre as opções de terapias dessensibilizantes, a proposta mais recente para o tratamento da Hipersensibilidade Dentinária é o uso do biovidro. Esse novo material apresenta a capacidade de promover a formação de hidroxiapatita na superfície da dentina, representando uma união química mais estável e duradoura sobre os túbulos dentinários. Este trabalho comparou o efeito de uma nova formulação de biovidro disperso em ácido fosfórico 30%, associado ao laser de Nd:YAG e ao laser de CO2 na obliteração de túbulos dentinários expostos. Foram obtidas 96 amostras de dentina humana que foram divididas em 6 grupos experimentais (n=16) e distribuídas como a seguir: G1 -­ controle negativo (nenhum tratamento adicional);? G2 -­ laser de Nd:YAG;? G3 -­ laser de CO2;? G4 -­ pasta de biovidro (biovidro + ácido fosfórico 30%);? G5 -­ pasta de biovidro + laser de Nd:YAG;? G6 -­ pasta de biovidro + laser de CO2. Os grupos G5 e G6 foram irradiados com laser de Nd:YAG e laser de CO2, respectivamente, após tratamento com a pasta de biovidro disperso em ácido fosfórico. Ao final do experimento, os grupos foram analisados qualitativamente por Espectroscopia de Infravermelho na Transformada de Fourier (FTIR), Difração de Raios X (DRX), Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) e Espectroscopia de Dispersão de Energia de Raios X (EDS). As análises evidenciaram que a dipersão do biovidro em ácido fosfórico 30% é capaz de formar cristais de hidrogenofosfato de cálcio e, quando a pasta formulada é aplicada sobre a dentina, ocorrem reações químicas com a estrutura dental, formando cristais de monetita. Ao irradiar os cristais formados com laser de Nd:YAG e CO2, ocorreu a desidratação desses cristais, levando à formação de hidroxiapatita. As imagens de MEV demonstram a formação de precipitados cristalinos e amorfos de dimensões variadas sobre a superfície de dentina e na entrada dos túbulos dentinários em todos os grupos que receberam o tratamento com a formulação de biovidro. O laser de CO2 foi capaz de promover alterações na morfologia do material formado de maneira ainda mais evidente especialmente nas dimensões e disposição dos cristais de hidroxiapatita formado sobre a superfície. A análise de EDS evidenciou presença de silício, composto que não está presente naturalmente na estrutura dentária, mas somente na composição do biovidro. Dessa forma, pode-­se concluir que a associação do pó de biovidro com ácido fosfórico 30% permitiu a formação de uma camada de cristais na superfície e entrada dos túbulos dentinários, evidenciando que a pasta formulada viabiliza a aplicação e manutenção do biovidro sobre a superfície dentinária. Sua associação com o laser de Nd:YAG e CO2 parece melhorar a interação desses cristais com a dentina, formando cristais de hidroxiapatita. Nesse estudo, o laser de CO2 promoveu a melhor distribuição e conformação dos cristais sobre a dentina. / Among desensitizing therapies options, the most recent proposal for Dentin Hypersensitivity treatment is the use of bioglass. This new material presents the ability to promote the formation of hydroxyapatite on dentin surface, representing a more stable and lasting chemical bond on dentin tubules. This work compared the effect of a new formulation of bioglass dispersed in 30% phosphoric acid, associated with Nd: YAG laser and CO2 laser in the obliteration of exposed dentin tubules. 96 human dentin samples were obtained, divided into 6 experimental groups (n = 16) and distributed as follows: G1 -­ negative control (no additional treatment);? G2-­ Nd: YAG laser;? G3 - CO2 laser;? G4 -­ bioglass paste (bioglass + 30% phosphoric acid);? G5 -­ bioglass paste + Nd: YAG laser;? G6 -­ bioglass paste + CO2 laser. Groups G5 and G6 were irradiated with Nd:YAG laser and CO2 laser, respectively, after treatment with the slurry dispersed in phosphoric acid. At the end of the experiment, all groups were qualitatively analyzed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-­ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and X-­ray Energy Dispersion Spectroscopy (EDS). The analysis showed that the dispersion of bioglass in 30% phosphoric acid forms calcium hydrogen phosphate crystals and when the formulated paste is applied on dentin surface, chemical reactions occur with the dental structure, forming monetite crystals. When irradiating these crystals with Nd: YAG and CO2 laser, dehydration of these crystals occurred leading to the formation of hydroxyapatite. MEV images demonstrate the formation of crystalline and amorphous precipitates of varying dimensions on the dentin surface and at the entrance of dentinal tubules in all groups receiving treatment with the bioglass formulation. The CO2 laser was able to promote changes in the morphology of the formed material even more evident especially in the dimension and arrangement of hydroxyapatite crystals formed on the surface. The analysis of EDS showed the presence of silicon, a compound that is not naturally present in the tooth structure, but only in the bioglass composition. Thus, it can be concluded that the association of bioglass powder with 30% phosphoric acid allowed the formation of a layer of crystals on the surface and its entrance of the dentinal tubules, evidencing that the formulated paste enables the application and maintenance of bioglass on dentin surface. Its association with the Nd:YAG and CO2 laser seems to improve the interaction of these crystals with dentin, forming hydroxyapatite crystals. In this study. CO2 laser promoted better crystals distribution and conformation on dentin surface.

Formation et comportement de nanoparticules dans un plasma : instabilités dans les plasmas poudreux / Formation and behavior of nanoparticles in a plasma : dusty plasma instabilities

Tawidian, Hagop-Jack 24 October 2013 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est l'étude de la formation de nanoparticules carbonées dans un plasma basse pression. Les poussières sont créées par pulvérisation d'une couche de polymère déposée sur l'électrode d'une décharge radio fréquence à couplage capacitif. La présence des poudres perturbe et modifie les propriétés du plasma. La croissance des poudres peut notamment déclencher des instabilités basse fréquence qui évoluent avec la taille et la densité des poudres. Au centre du plasma, une région sans poudre, appelée void, est souvent observée. Cette région se caractérise en particulier par une forte luminosité. Différents diagnostics (mesures électriques, imagerie vidéo rapide, Fluorescence Induite par Laser) sont utilisées afin d'analyser ces différents comportements résultant des interactions entre le plasma et les poussières. L'analyse approfondie des instabilités a permis de mettre en évidence plusieurs régimes et d'extraire leurs principales caractéristiques comme leur durée et l'évolution de leurs fréquences. Ces instabilités se traduisent par la formation de petites "boules" de plasma qui se déplacent et interagissent au sein de celui-ci. Des phénomènes particulièrement surprenants de fusion et de division de ces boules ont été mis en évidence. Concernant le void, nos travaux ont confirmé la forte excitation présente dans cette zone. Dans la dernière partie de la thèse, la dissociation de l'aluminium triisopropoxide(ATI) est étudiée dans un plasma à l'aide de la Spectroscopie infrarouge à Transformée de Fourier. Ce diagnostic nous a permis de mettre en évidence l'évolution de la densité d'ATI en fonction des paramètres de la décharge. Nous avons également quantifié les différents composants hydrocarbonés formés par polymérisation. / The objective of this thesis is to study the formation of carbonaceous nanoparticles in a low pressure plasma. Dust particles are created by sputtering a polymer layer deposited on the bottom electrode of a capacitively coupled radio-frequency discharge. The presence of dust particles disturbs and changes the plasma properties. The growth of dust particles can trigger low frequency instabilities that evolve with the dust particle size and density. In the center of the discharge, the void, a dust-free region, is observed. It is characterized by an enhanced luminosity. Different diagnostics (electrical measurements, high speed imaging, Laser Induced Fluorescence) are used in order to understand these different behaviors resulting from plasma-dust particle interactions. Dust particle growth instabilities are investigated showing the existence of different instability regimes. Their main characteristics are extracted such as their duration and their evolution frequency. These instabilities are characterized by the formation of small plasma spheroids moving and interacting in the discharge. Several interesting phenomena are evidenced such as the merging and splitting of these plasma spheroids. Concerning the void, our investigations confirmed the high excitation occurring in this region. In the last part of the thesis, the dissociation of aluminium triisopropoxide (ATI) is studied in a plasma using Fourier Transform InfraRed spectroscopy. Thanks to this diagnostic, the evolution of ATI density has been studied as a function of the discharge parameters. We have also quantified the different hydrocarbon compounds formed by polymerization.

Diagnósticos de plasmas de dietilenoglicol dimetil-eter (DIGLIME), 2-metil-2-oxazolina (OXAZOLINA) e da mistura de etilenodiamina com acetileno (EDA e C2H2) : deposição polimérica /

Moreira Júnior, Pedro William Paiva. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Rogério Pinto Mota / Resumo: Neste trabalho foram produzidos filmes finos de polímeros a partir da técnica de polimerização a plasma dos monômeros dietilenoglicol dimetil-eter (diglime), 2-metil-2-oxazolina (oxazolina) e da mistura de etilenodiamina (EDA) e o gás acetileno (C2H2), obtidos em baixa pressão. Esses materiais podem possuir um conjunto de características que são necessárias para aplicações na área da biomedicina. Os plasmas foram analisados por meio das técnicas de sonda de Langmuir (LP) e de espectroscopia ótica de emissão (OES). A caracterização dos polímeros foi realizada por meio das técnicas de medidas de ângulo de contato e energia de superfície (AC e ES), microscopia de força atômica (AFM), microscopia confocal (MC) e espectroscopia infravermelha por transformada de Fourier (FTIR). As características dos plasmas foram correlacionadas às propriedades dos polímeros a fim de se obter informações sobre os processos de polimerização, objetivando que o processo de produção de materiais com características desejáveis seja feito de forma controlada. Foram observadas temperaturas eletrônicas de elétrons frios entre 0,2 e 1,6 eV, e as densidades de plasmas foram da ordem de 10^15 m^-3. O comportamento da temperatura eletrônica em função da pressão de operação e da potência aplicada aos plasmas foi relacionado à produção de espécies CH, CO e Hα em plasmas de diglime, CH, CN, CO e NH em plasmas de 2-metil-2-oxazolina e CH, CN e NH em plasmas da mistura de EDA e C2H2. A participação dessas espécies... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Plasma polymers obtained by plasma polymerization of diethyleneglycol dimethyl-ether (diglyme), 2-methyl-2-oxazoline (oxazoline) and the mixture of ethylenediamine (EDA) with acetylene (C2H2) were produced in low pressure conditions. These materials might have a set of essential properties to biomedical applications. The plasmas were analyzed by Langmuir probe technique (LP) and optical emission spectroscopy (OES) techniques. Polymer characterization was performed by contact angle and surface energy analysis (AC and ES), atomic force microscopy (AFM), confocal microscopy (MC) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). In order to obtain details of polymerization process, plasma characteristics were correlated to polymers properties in order to control the production of materials with desired characteristics. The cold electron temperatures were observed between 0.2 and 1.6 eV and the plasmas densities about 10-15 m -3 . The electronic temperature behavior was analyzed as a function of operating pressure and applied power. This behavior was linked to production of CH, CO and Hα species in diglyme plasmas, CH, CN, CO and NH in 2- methyl-2-oxazoline plasmas and CN, CH and NH species in plasmas of EDA and C2H2 mixture. The mean roughness investigation, the bonds observed by FTIR technique and the deposition rates revealed the role of these species on polymerization processes. The CO species in diglyme plasmas and CN species in plasmas of EDA and C2H2 mixture were responsi... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

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