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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza modálního tlumení strojní součásti pomocí metody OMA / The modal damping ratio analysis of the mechanical part using the OMA method

Sodomka, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
In one of the first hours of study at the Institute of Mechanics of Bodies, Mechatronics and Biomechanics, the author of this work received three basic recommendations regarding measurement: 1) Do not measure! 2) If you measure, do not repeat the measurement!! 3) If you repeat the measurement, do not compare the measurements!!! However, this thesis boldly violates all three recommendations. In the introductory theoretical part, it briefly introduces the vibration of multi-degree of freedom damped systems and describes experimental ways of determining the modal damping. It also summarizes the Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) approach, explains the principle of the FDD method, and introduces EFDD (Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition) method which allows to determine not only natural frequencies and shapes as FDD does, but also modal damping of the shapes. A script in Matlab environment for processing vibrations using EFDD method is one of the thesis outputs. The script is first tested by computational model, where a model system with known damping is tested and damping is determined by the script. Subsequently, the work moves to the actual measurement of the real system - a bonded bar which is analysed by Experimental Modal Analysis and OMA, while the second variant uses commercial EFDD method (Brüel a Kjr company) and programmed script. In the conclusion of the thesis the damping results are compared to each other. The diploma thesis continues in Ing. M. Pop’s thesis – Modal Analysis Experimental Method Verification. From this work a part of measured data is taken. Specific cases of data use are always listed in the appropriate section of the text.

Implementation and Test of a 2D-integral-equation MoM-algorithm for the Analysis of Power-Bus Structures on Printed Circuit Boards / Implementation and Test of a 2D-integral-equation MoM-algorithm for the Analysis of Power-Bus Structures on Printed Circuit Boards

Štumpf, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá analýzou power-bus struktur využitím metody založené na formulaci problému 2D hraniční integrální rovnicí ve frekvenční oblasti. Uvedená metoda byla implementována v Matlabu. Program umožňuje analyzovat obecné polygonální power-bus struktury s možností nastavení parametrů substrátu a libovolného počtu a umístění budících portů. Výstupem programu je frekvenční závislost rozložení elektrického pole mezi deskami struktury, vztahy mezi porty struktury vyjádřené např. impedanční maticí a vyzařovací diagram. Dále byla implementována možnost převodu výsledné impedanční matice do tzv. Touchstone formátu, pomocí něhož je možné modelovat analyzované struktury jako obecné N-porty (např. v ANSOFT Designeru), což umožňuje analýzu power-bus struktur s dalšími obvodovými prvky. Výsledky byly ověřeny pomocí existujících analytických vztahů pro jednoduché obdélníkové struktury, využitím komerčního simulačního programu a praktickým experimentem.

Detekce elektrického oblouku / Arc Fault Detection

Fendrychová, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na problematiku analýzy signálů za účelem detekce poruchového oblouku, přičemž analýza signálů je prováděna v časové, frekvenční a smíšené časově-frekvenční oblasti. Práce stručně shrnuje existující normy pro zařízení pro detekci poruchového oblouku. Práce dokumentuje testy a měření, které byly realizovány v souladu s normami IEC 62606:2013 a UL 1699B. Z důvodu nedostatečnosti stávajících norem je v práci popsána nová metoda iniciace poruchového oblouku. naměřená data byla analyzována s využitím rychlé Fourierovy transformace, krátkodobé Fourierovy transformace a vlnkové transformace. Na základě provedeného literárního průzkumu a s využitím výsledků provedených analýz signálu je v práci proveden návrh nové detekční metody pro účely detekce poruchového oblouku v systémech napájených střídavým i stejnosměrným napětím.

Analyse de la polarisation de données multi-composantes à partir d'une seule station ou d'une antenne : méthodes et applications à la caractérisation du champ d'ondes sismiques / Polarization analysis of multi-component data from a single station or an array : methods and applications to the characterization of the seismic wavefield

Labonne, Claire 09 December 2016 (has links)
L’analyse du champ d’ondes est un prérequis essentiel à l’étude de la propagation des ondes sismiques qui permet à son tour d’améliorer notre compréhension des processus physiques liés à la nature de la source et notre connaissance des milieux de propagation. L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer des techniques de traitement du signal afin d’améliorer l’exploitation des informations apportées par les stations et les antennes 3 composantes dans le but de caractériser le champ d’ondes sismiques. Elle se concentre sur les analyses de polarisation, leur extension aux antennes 3 composantes et leur utilisation conjointe avec des traitements d’antenne classiques. La thèse revient sur les approches existantes qui tentent d’étendre le traitement d’antenne aux 3 composantes. Ces méthodes existantes se montrent complexes et leur utilisation reste limitée, la thèse suggère deux méthodes alternatives associant successivement traitement d’antenne et polarisation. Afin d’exploiter au mieux les analyses de polarisation, un système standardisé de paramètres décrivant la polarisation est développé et associé à une solution de visualisation permettant de regrouper l’ensemble des paramètres essentiels à l’interprétation sur une figure unique. Finalement, une étude de polarisation sur l’antenne 3 composantes du LSBB (Laboratoire Souterrain Bas Bruit) démontre la possibilité d’utiliser la cohérence spatiale de la polarisation comme aide pour l’interprétation des sismogrammes / The analysis of the seismic wavefield is an essential pre-requisite to the study of seismic wave propagation which in turns helps improving our understanding of the physical processes behind the sources and our knowledge of the propagation medium. The objective of this thesis is to further develop signal processing techniques to more fully exploit the information brought by the 3 component stations and arrays in order to characterize the seismic wavefield. The thesis work focuses on polarization analysis, its extension to 3-component arrays and its joint use with classical array processing. A review of the existing methods that attempt to extend array processing to the 3-components leads to the observation that these methods are complex and their use is limited. Therefore, two alternative methods that associate array processing and polarization sequentially are suggested. In order to best exploit the polarization analyses, a standardized parametrization system describing the polarization is developed and associated with a visualization solution regrouping all the parameters necessary for the interpretation on one figure. Finally, a polarization analysis performed on data from the LSBB 3-component array demonstrates the possibility to use spatial coherency to assist with the interpretation of seismograms

Investigations on the Developed Full Frequency-Dependent Cable Model for Calculations of Fast Transients

Hoshmeh, Abdullah, Schmidt, Uwe, Gürlek, Akif 28 September 2018 (has links)
The knowledge about the behavior of cables is substantial in cases of transients or in cases of faults. However, there are only a few models that are tailored to the current requirements for calculations of transient phenomena in three-phase cable systems. These models are based on complex structures. PI-section cable models with simple structures were previously qualified only for calculations in the frequency domain. A new full frequency-dependent cable model to simulate transient phenomena is introduced and validated. The model is based on lumped parameters with cascaded frequency-dependent PI-sections. For the implementation and the integration in simulation tools, it is important to investigate the impact of the PI-section parameters to the accuracy, the stability and the mathematical robustness. In this work, the impact of the frequency dependence of cable parameters, the length distribution and the number of PI-sections on the results of the developed three-phase cable model have been discussed. For simulations in the time domain, two algorithms have been presented to optimize the number of PI-sections based on a specified accuracy.

Robust methods in multivariate time series / Méthodes robustes dans les séries chronologiques multivariées / Métodos robustos em séries temporais multivariadas

Aranda Cotta, Higor Henrique 22 August 2019 (has links)
Ce manuscrit propose de nouvelles méthodes d’estimation robustes pour les fonctions matricielles d’autocovariance et d’autocorrélation de séries chronologiques multivariées stationnaires pouvant présenter des valeurs aberrantes aléatoires additives. Ces fonctions jouent un rôle important dans l’identification et l’estimation des paramètres de modèles de séries chronologiques multivariées stationnaires. Nous proposons tout d'abord de nouveaux estimateurs des fonctions matricielles d’autocovariance et d’autocorrélation construits en utilisant une approche spectrale à l'aide du périodogramme matriciel. Comme dans le cas des estimateurs classiques des fonctions d’autocovariance et d’autocorrélation matricielles, ces estimateurs sont affectés par des observations aberrantes. Ainsi, toute procédure d'identification ou d'estimation les utilisant est directement affectée, ce qui entraîne des conclusions erronées. Pour atténuer ce problème, nous proposons l’utilisation de techniques statistiques robustes pour créer des estimateurs résistants aux observations aléatoires aberrantes. Dans un premier temps, nous proposons de nouveaux estimateurs des fonctions d’autocorvariance et d’autocorrélation de séries chronologiques univariées. Les domaines temporel et fréquentiel sont liés par la relation existant entre la fonction d’autocovariance et la densité spectrale. Le périodogramme étant sensible aux données aberrantes, nous obtenons un estimateur robuste en le remplaçant parle $M$-périodogramme. Les propriétés asymptotiques des estimateurs sont établies. Leurs performances sont étudiées au moyen de simulations numériques pour différentes tailles d’échantillons et différents scénarios de contamination. Les résultats empiriques indiquent que les méthodes proposées fournissent des valeurs proches de celles obtenues par la fonction d'autocorrélation classique quand les données ne sont pas contaminées et resistent à différents cénarios de contamination. Ainsi, les estimateurs proposés dans cette thèse sont des méthodes alternatives utilisables pour des séries chronologiques présentant ou non des valeurs aberrantes. Les estimateurs obtenus pour des séries chronologiques univariées sont ensuite étendus au cas de séries multivariées. Cette extension est simplifiée par le fait que le calcul du périodogramme croisé ne fait intervenir que les coefficients de Fourier de chaque composante de la série. Le $M$-périodogramme matriciel apparaît alors comme une alternative robuste au périodogramme matriciel pour construire des estimateurs robustes des fonctions matricielles d’autocovariance et d’autocorrélation. Les propriétés asymptotiques sont étudiées et des expériences numériques sont réalisées. Comme exemple d'application avec des données réelles, nous utilisons les fonctions proposées pour ajuster un modèle autoregressif par la méthode de Yule-Walker à des données de pollution collectées dans la région de Vitória au Brésil.Enfin, l'estimation robuste du nombre de facteurs dans les modèles factoriels de grande dimension est considérée afin de réduire la dimensionnalité. En présence de valeurs aberrantes, les critères d’information proposés par Bai & Ng (2002) tendent à surestimer le nombre de facteurs. Pour atténuer ce problème, nous proposons de remplacer la matrice de covariance standard par la matrice de covariance robuste proposée dans ce manuscrit. Nos simulations montrent qu'en l'absence de contamination, les méthodes standards et robustes sont équivalentes. En présence d'observations aberrantes, le nombre de facteurs estimés augmente avec les méthodes non robustes alors qu'il reste le même en utilisant les méthodes robustes. À titre d'application avec des données réelles, nous étudions des concentrations de polluant PM$_{10}$ mesurées dans la région de l'Île-de-France en France. / This manuscript proposes new robust estimation methods for the autocovariance and autocorrelation matrices functions of stationary multivariates time series that may have random additives outliers. These functions play an important role in the identification and estimation of time series model parameters. We first propose new estimators of the autocovariance and of autocorrelation matrices functions constructed using a spectral approach considering the periodogram matrix periodogram which is the natural estimator of the spectral density matrix. As in the case of the classic autocovariance and autocorrelation matrices functions estimators, these estimators are affected by aberrant observations. Thus, any identification or estimation procedure using them is directly affected, which leads to erroneous conclusions. To mitigate this problem, we propose the use of robust statistical techniques to create estimators resistant to aberrant random observations.As a first step, we propose new estimators of autocovariance and autocorrelation functions of univariate time series. The time and frequency domains are linked by the relationship between the autocovariance function and the spectral density. As the periodogram is sensitive to aberrant data, we get a robust estimator by replacing it with the $M$-periodogram. The $M$-periodogram is obtained by replacing the Fourier coefficients related to periodogram calculated by the standard least squares regression with the ones calculated by the $M$-robust regression. The asymptotic properties of estimators are established. Their performances are studied by means of numerical simulations for different sample sizes and different scenarios of contamination. The empirical results indicate that the proposed methods provide close values of those obtained by the classical autocorrelation function when the data is not contaminated and it is resistant to different contamination scenarios. Thus, the estimators proposed in this thesis are alternative methods that can be used for time series with or without outliers.The estimators obtained for univariate time series are then extended to the case of multivariate series. This extension is simplified by the fact that the calculation of the cross-periodogram only involves the Fourier coefficients of each component from the univariate series. Thus, the $M$-periodogram matrix is a robust periodogram matrix alternative to build robust estimators of the autocovariance and autocorrelation matrices functions. The asymptotic properties are studied and numerical experiments are performed. As an example of an application with real data, we use the proposed functions to adjust an autoregressive model by the Yule-Walker method to Pollution data collected in the Vitória region Brazil.Finally, the robust estimation of the number of factors in large factorial models is considered in order to reduce the dimensionality. It is well known that the values random additive outliers affect the covariance and correlation matrices and the techniques that depend on the calculation of their eigenvalues and eigenvectors, such as the analysis principal components and the factor analysis, are affected. Thus, in the presence of outliers, the information criteria proposed by Bai & Ng (2002) tend to overestimate the number of factors. To alleviate this problem, we propose to replace the standard covariance matrix with the robust covariance matrix proposed in this manuscript. Our Monte Carlo simulations show that, in the absence of contamination, the standard and robust methods are equivalent. In the presence of outliers, the number of estimated factors increases with the non-robust methods while it remains the same using robust methods. As an application with real data, we study pollutant concentrations PM$_{10}$ measured in the Île-de-France region of France. / Este manuscrito é centrado em propor novos métodos de estimaçao das funçoes de autocovariancia e autocorrelaçao matriciais de séries temporais multivariadas com e sem presença de observaçoes discrepantes aleatorias. As funçoes de autocovariancia e autocorrelaçao matriciais desempenham um papel importante na analise e na estimaçao dos parametros de modelos de série temporal multivariadas. Primeiramente, nos propomos novos estimadores dessas funçoes matriciais construıdas, considerando a abordagem do dominio da frequencia por meio do periodograma matricial, um estimador natural da matriz de densidade espectral. Como no caso dos estimadores tradicionais das funçoes de autocovariancia e autocorrelaçao matriciais, os nossos estimadores tambem sao afetados pelas observaçoes discrepantes. Assim, qualquer analise subsequente que os utilize é diretamente afetada causando conclusoes equivocadas. Para mitigar esse problema, nos propomos a utilizaçao de técnicas de estatistica robusta para a criaçao de estimadores resistentes as observaçoes discrepantes aleatorias. Inicialmente, nos propomos novos estimadores das funçoes de autocovariancia e autocorrelaçao de séries temporais univariadas considerando a conexao entre o dominio do tempo e da frequencia por meio da relaçao entre a funçao de autocovariancia e a densidade espectral, do qual o periodograma tradicional é o estimador natural. Esse estimador é sensivel as observaçoes discrepantes. Assim, a robustez é atingida considerando a utilizaçao do Mperiodograma. O M-periodograma é obtido substituindo a regressao por minimos quadrados com a M-regressao no calculo das estimativas dos coeficientes de Fourier relacionados ao periodograma. As propriedades assintoticas dos estimadores sao estabelecidas. Para diferentes tamanhos de amostras e cenarios de contaminaçao, a performance dos estimadores é investigada. Os resultados empiricos indicam que os métodos propostos provem resultados acurados. Isto é, os métodos propostos obtêm valores proximos aos da funçao de autocorrelaçao tradicional no contexto de nao contaminaçao dos dados. Quando ha contaminaçao, os M-estimadores permanecem inalterados. Deste modo, as funçoes de M-autocovariancia e de M-autocorrelaçao propostas nesta tese sao alternativas vi aveis para séries temporais com e sem observaçoes discrepantes. A boa performance dos estimadores para o cenario de séries temporais univariadas motivou a extensao para o contexto de séries temporais multivariadas. Essa extensao é direta, haja vista que somente os coeficientes de Fourier relativos à cada uma das séries univariadas sao necessarios para o calculo do periodograma cruzado. Novamente, a relaçao de dualidade entre o dominio da frequência e do tempo é explorada por meio da conexao entre a funçao matricial de autocovariancia e a matriz de densidade espectral de séries temporais multivariadas. É neste sentido que, o presente artigo propoe a matriz M-periodograma como um substituto robusto à matriz periodograma tradicional na criaçao de estimadores das funçoes matriciais de autocovariancia e autocorrelaçao. As propriedades assintoticas sao estudas e experimentos numéricos sao realizados. Como exemplo de aplicaçao à dados reais, nos aplicamos as funçoes propostas no artigo na estimaçao dos parâmetros do modelo de série temporal multivariada pelo método de Yule-Walker para a modelagem dos dados MP10 da regiao de Vitoria/Brasil. Finalmente, a estimaçao robusta dos numeros de fatores em modelos fatoriais aproximados de alta dimensao é considerada com o objetivo de reduzir a dimensionalidade. Ésabido que dados discrepantes afetam as matrizes de covariancia e correlaçao. Em adiçao, técnicas que dependem do calculo dos autovalores e autovetores dessas matrizes, como a analise de componentes principais e a analise fatorial, sao completamente afetadas. Assim, na presença de observaçoes discrepantes, o critério de informaçao proposto por Bai & Ng (2002) tende a superestimar o numero de fatores. [...]

A Wave Expansion Method for Aeroacoustic Propagation

Hammar, Johan January 2016 (has links)
Although it is possible to directly solve an entire flow-acoustics problem in one computation, this approach remains prohibitively large in terms of the computational resource required for most practical applications. Aeroacoustic problems are therefore usually split into two parts; one consisting of the source computation and one of the source propagation. Although both these parts entail great challenges on the computational method, in terms of accuracy and efficiency, it is still better than the direct solution alternative. The source usually consists of highly turbulent flows, which for most cases will need to be, at least partly, resolved. Then, acoustic waves generated by these sources often have to be propagated for long distances compared to the wavelength and might be subjected to scattering by solid objects or convective effects by the flow. Numerical methods used solve these problems therefore have to possess low dispersion and dissipation error qualities for the solution to be accurate and resource efficient. The wave expansion method (WEM) is an efficient discretization technique, which is used for wave propagation problems. The method uses fundamental solutions to the wave operator in the discretization procedure and will thus produce accurate results at two to three points per wavelength. This thesis presents a method that uses the WEM in an aeroacoustic context. Addressing the propagation of acoustic waves and transfer of sources from flow to acoustic simulations. The proposed computational procedure is applied to a co-rotating vortex pair and a cylinder in cross-flow. Overall, the computed results agree well with analytical solutions. Although the WEM is efficient in terms of the spatial discretization, the procedure requires that a Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse is evaluated at each unique node-neighbour stencil in the grid. This evaluation significantly slows the procedure. In this thesis, a method with a regular grid is explored to speed-up this process. / <p>QC 20161121</p>

Noninvasive Blood Flow and Oxygenation Measurements in Diseased Tissue

Rinehart, Benjamin S. 17 December 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Development of a Metamaterial-Based Foundation System for the Seismic Protection of Fuel Storage Tanks

Wenzel, Moritz 14 April 2020 (has links)
Metamaterials are typically described as materials with ’unusual’ wave propagation properties. Originally developed for electromagnetic waves, these materials have also spread into the field of acoustic wave guiding and cloaking, with the most relevant of these ’unusual’ properties, being the so called band-gap phenomenon. A band-gap signifies a frequency region where elastic waves cannot propagate through the material, which in principle, could be used to protect buildings from earthquakes. Based on this, two relevant concepts have been proposed in the field of seismic engineering, namely: metabarriers, and metamaterial-based foundations. This thesis deals with the development of the Metafoundation, a metamaterial-based foundation system for the seismic protection of fuel storage tanks against excessive base shear and pipeline rupture. Note that storage tanks have proven to be highly sensitive to earthquakes, can trigger sever economic and environmental consequences in case of failure and were therefore chosen as a superstructure for this study. Furthermore, when tanks are protected with traditional base isolation systems, the resulting horizontal displacements, during seismic action, may become excessively large and subsequently damage connected pipelines. A novel system to protect both, tank and pipeline, could significantly augment the overall safety of industrial plants. With the tank as the primary structure of interest in mind, the Metafoundation was conceived as a locally resonant metamaterial with a band gap encompassing the tanks critical eigenfrequency. The initial design comprised a continuous concrete matrix with embedded resonators and rubber inclusions, which was later reinvented to be a column based structure with steel springs for resonator suspension. After investigating the band-gap phenomenon, a parametric study of the system specifications showed that the horizontal stiffness of the overall foundation is crucial to its functionality, while the superstructure turned out to be non-negligible when tuning the resonators. Furthermore, storage tanks are commonly connected to pipeline system, which can be damaged by the interaction between tank and pipeline during seismic events. Due to the complex and nonlinear response of pipeline systems, the coupled tank-pipeline behaviour becomes increasingly difficult to represent through numerical models, which lead to the experimental study of a foundation-tank-pipeline setup. Under the aid of a hybrid simulation, only the pipeline needed to be represented via a physical substructure, while both tank and Metafoundation were modelled as numerical substrucutres and coupled to the pipeline. The results showed that the foundation can effectively reduce the stresses in the tank and, at the same time, limit the displacements imposed on the pipeline. Leading up on this, an optimization algorithm was developed in the frequency domain, under the consideration of superstructure and ground motion spectrum. The advantages of optimizing in the frequency domain were on the one hand the reduction of computational effort, and on the other hand the consideration of the stochastic nature of the earthquake. Based on this, two different performance indices, investigating interstory drifts and energy dissipation, revealed that neither superstructure nor ground motion can be disregarded when designing a metamaterial-based foundation. Moreover, a 4 m tall optimized foundation, designed to remain elastic when verified with a response spectrum analysis at a return period of 2475 years (according to NTC 2018), reduced the tanks base shear on average by 30%. These results indicated that the foundation was feasible and functional in terms of construction practices and dynamic response, yet unpractical from an economic point of view. In order to tackle the issue of reducing the uneconomic system size, a negative stiffness mechanism was invented and implemented into the foundation as a periodic structure. This mechanism, based on a local instability, amplified the metamaterial like properties and thereby enhanced the overall system performance. Note that due to the considered instability, the device exerted a nonlinear force-displacement relationship, which had the interesting effect of reducing the band-gap instead of increasing it. Furthermore, time history analyses demonstrated that with 50% of the maximum admissible negative stiffness, the foundation could be reduced to 1/3 of its original size, while maintaining its performance. Last but not least, a study on wire ropes as resonator suspension was conducted. Their nonlinear behaviour was approximated with the Bouc Wen model, subsequently linearized by means of stochastic techniques and finally optimized with the algorithm developed earlier. The conclusion was that wire ropes could be used as a more realistic suspension mechanism, while maintaining the high damping values required by the optimized foundation layouts. In sum, a metamaterial-based foundation system is developed and studied herein, with the main findings being: (i) a structure of this type is feasible under common construction practices; (ii) the shear stiffness of the system has a fundamental impact on its functionality; (iii) the superstructure cannot be neglected when studying metamaterial-based foundations; (iv) the complete coupled system can be tuned with an optimization algorithm based on calculations in the frequency domain; (v) an experimental study suggests that the system could be advantageous to connected pipelines; (vi) wire ropes may serve as resonator suspension; and (vii) a novel negative stiffness mechanism can effectively improve the system performance.

Early Assessment of Burn Severity in Human Tissue with Multi-Wavelength Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging

Poon, Chien Sing January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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