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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude expérimentale de la propagation du front de flamme et de la vitesse de combustion d'une explosion de poussières d'aluminium / Experimental study of flame front propagation and burning velocity of an aluminium dust explosion

Chanut, Clément 13 December 2018 (has links)
’explosion est un phénomène redouté dans les installations industrielles. Le risque d’explosions impliquant des poussières combustibles est présent dans un grand nombre d’industries d’activités différentes, compte tenu de la grande diversité de poussières combustibles : les poussières organiques (farine, charbon, sucre…) mais aussi les poussières métalliques (aluminium, magnésium…). En effet, toutes ces poussières combustibles si elles sont suffisamment fines, et si elles sont en suspension dans l’air, peuvent provoquer des explosions. Les industriels doivent donc quantifier et maîtriser ce risque au sein de leurs différentes installations. Dans le cas des explosions de gaz, l’état actuel des connaissances permet une compréhension et une modélisation précise du phénomène. Cependant, l’état des connaissances est plus limité dans le cas des explosions de poussières, notamment à cause de la plus grande difficulté à étudier ces dernières expérimentalement. Des modèles, basés sur les explosions de gaz, existent néanmoins dans le cas des explosions de poussières. Ces derniers semblent cohérents dans le cas d’explosions de poussières organiques mais inadaptés au cas des poussières métalliques.Ces travaux de thèse s’intéressent à l’étude expérimentale de la propagation de la flamme lors d’une explosion de poussières d’aluminium. Afin de modéliser une propagation éventuelle de flamme lors d’une explosion, une première approche expérimentale est nécessaire. Pour cette étude expérimentale des prototypes ont été spécialement conçus, puis améliorés, au cours des différents tests réalisés. La description de ces travaux est divisée en deux parties.Dans un premier temps, la mise en suspension de la poudre est étudiée. En effet, afin de pouvoir étudier ce phénomène d’explosion, un système de mise en suspension de la poudre a été élaboré. Une première partie de l’étude permet donc de s’assurer que la suspension obtenue est homogène en termes de concentration. Par la suite, le niveau de turbulence obtenue dans l’enceinte après la fin de la mise en suspension de la poudre est étudié. En effet, ce paramètre influe grandement sur la propagation de la flamme, augmentant ainsi les conséquences de l’explosion.Par la suite, la propagation de la flamme est étudiée. Pour cela, la suspension précédemment obtenue est enflammée à l’aide d’un arc électrique. Le phénomène est étudié au travers de la visualisation de la propagation de la flamme et par l’évolution de la pression dans le prototype. Deux principales méthodes optiques, l’une basée sur la visualisation de la lumière émise par la flamme et l’autre sur la visualisation de variations d’indice de réfraction (liées à des variations de température), sont utilisées. A partir de ces dernières la vitesse de propagation de la flamme dans le référentiel du laboratoire est étudiée. Cependant, cette vitesse dépend fortement du prototype utilisé pour son étude. Ainsi, une méthode est utilisée afin d’en déduire la vitesse de combustion, correspondant à la vitesse de consommation des réactifs par la flamme. Des limites potentielles de cette méthode sont par la suite exposées, et une nouvelle méthode de détermination de cette vitesse est alors proposée. / Explosions are one of the most feared events in the industry. Risk of explosions with combustible dusts can occur in a large variety of industry of different fields, because of the large amount of combustible dusts: organic dusts (flour, carbon, sugar…) but also metallic dusts (aluminum, magnesium…). All of these combustible dusts, if they are fine enough, and if they are dispersed in the air, can cause explosions. Companies have to quantify this risk present in their plant. Concerning gas explosions, the current state of knowledge allows an understanding and a precise modelling of the phenomenon. However, the state of knowledge about dust explosions is more limited, especially because of the difficulty to study the explosions experimentally. Some models, based on gas explosions, exist for the case of dust explosion. These models seem coherent in the case of organic dust explosions but less adapted for metallic dust.This PhD work focus on the experimental study of flame propagation during an aluminum dust explosion. To model an eventual propagation of the flame during the explosion, an experimental approach is required. For this experimental study, specific prototypes have been elaborated, and then improved, during the different tests. This work is mainly separated in two parts.In a first part the dispersion of the dust is studied. Indeed, to study the explosion phenomenon, a system has been elaborated to disperse the dust. A first part of study allows checking that the dispersion is well homogeneous in terms of concentration. Then, the turbulence level inside the prototype after the end of the dispersion is studied. Indeed, this parameters influence a lot the flame propagation, increasing the consequences of the explosion.Then, the flame propagation is studied. The dust dispersion, previously studied, is ignited by an electric spark. The phenomenon is studied thanks to visualization of the flame propagation and by the evolution of the pressure inside the prototype. Two main optical techniques, one based on the light emitted by the flame, the other one linked to refractive index variations (due to temperature variations) are used. Thanks to these methods, the propagation velocity in the laboratory referential is studied. However, this velocity depends mainly on the prototype used for his determination. A method is used to determine the burning velocity (consumption rate of the reactants by the flame front). Some potential limits of this method are then exposed, and a new method of determination of this burning velocity is proposed.

Efeito do front-plateau na atividade eletromiográfica, no limiar de dor a pressão e na força de mordida de pacientes com mialgia local nos músculos da mastigação: estudo preliminar / Effect of front-plateau on electromyographic activity, pressure pain threshold, and bite strength of patients with local myalgia in mastication muscles: preliminary study

Santos, Elaine Cristina Sousa dos 24 August 2017 (has links)
A dor orofacial compreende todas as dores que envolvem os tecidos moles e mineralizados da cavidade oral e da face, pode ser referida na região da cabeça e/ou pescoço. A etiologia da disfunção temporomandibular (DTM) é multifatorial, são distúrbios musculoesqueléticos que afetam o sistema estomatognático, os músculos mastigatórios e/ou estruturas associadas. Uma disfunção muito prevalente é a dor miofascial. O front-plateau é um dispositivo de resina acrílica instalado nos dentes superiores anteriores, que desoclui os dentes posteriores, proporcionando desprogramação neuromuscular. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade eletromiográfica, o limiar de dor à pressão (LDP) dos músculos temporal e masseter, e a força de mordida molar máxima de participantes com dor miofascial, antes e após a instalação da placa anterior \"front-plateau\". As participantes foram recrutadas e atendidas na Clínica de Dor Orofacial do DAPE da FORP-USP. Para tanto, foram avaliadas 22 mulheres entre 20 e 60 anos. As participantes foram submetidas inicialmente aos exames de eletromiografia (EMG), eletromiógrafo MyoSystem-Br1, limiar de dor a pressão (LDP) algômetro Kratos® e foi aferida força de mordida molar máxima (FMM) por meio do dinamômetro Kratos® IDDK. Foram formados dois grupos, no grupo 1 (G1) 11 participantes usaram o front-plateau por sete dias, 16 horas nos três primeiros dias e por oito horas nos próximos quatro dias, sendo que o tratamento foi interrompido após este período. O grupo 2 (G2), com 11 participantes, iniciou o tratamento idem ao G1 e após sete dias continuaram usando o front-plateau por oito horas diárias por mais três semanas, totalizando 1 mês de uso. Após o tratamento, as participantes dos dois grupos foram novamente avaliadas quatro semanas após a primeira avaliação. Os dados foram analisados com auxílio do software R (R® Foundation for Statistical Computing, Áustria). Os valores reais ou transformados das variáveis foram comparados entre os tratamentos, dias de avaliação e sua interação pela Analise de Variância (ANOVA) em um delineamento interamente casualizado com medidas repetidas no tempo. Para as variáveis que apresentaram diferença estatística, as médias foram comparadas pelo pós-teste de Tukey (p<0,05) e os dados apresentados como a média ± o erro padrão (EP). Foi encontrado relevância estatística em todas as variáveis das análises feitas pelo algômetro durante a utilização do front-plateau, havendo diminuição da sensibilidade dolorosa e aumento do LDP em todos os músculos analisados. Não houve qualquer alteração estatisticamente significativa na FMM no período de utilização do front plateau. Na eletromiografia foi encontrados valores significativos nos padrões posturais de lateralidade direita (LD) e lateralidade esquerda (LE) e mastigação de uva-passa (MU) entre os grupos. Podemos concluir que durante o período de uso do front-plateau houve elevação do LDP (reduzindo a sensibilidade à dor) sendo que após a interrupção do tratamento essa variável retornou às condições iniciais; Na EMG foi observado diminuição do estímulo elétrico para padrões posturais de LD, LE e MU. Porém a FMM não foi modificada durante a utilização do dispositivo. / Orofacial pain comprises all pains involving the soft and mineralized tissues of the oral cavity and face, it can be felt in the region of the head and/or neck. The etiology of temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) is multifactorial. Its defined as musculoskeletal disorders that affect the stomatognathic system, the masticatory muscles and/or associated structures. A very prevalent dysfunction is myofascial pain. Front-plateau is an acrylic resin device installed in the anterior superior teeth, which separates the posterior teeth, providing neuromuscular deprogramming. The purpose of this study was to assess the electromyographic activity, the pain threshold at the temporal and masseter muscles, and the maximum molar bite strength of participants with myofascial pain, before and after the installation of the front-plateau. Participants were recruited and cared at the FORP-USP DAPE Orofacial Pain Clinic. Twenty two women between 20 and 60 years old were evaluated. The participants were initially submitted to electromyography (EMG) tests, MyoSystem-Br1 electromyograph, pressure pain threshold (PPT), Kratos® algometer, and maximal molar bite force (MMB), Kratos® IDDK dynamometer. Two groups were formed, in group 1 (G1) 11 participants used the front-plateau for seven days, 16 hours on the first three days and for eight hours on the next four days, and treatment was stopped after this period. Group 2 (G2), with 11 participants, started the treatment identical to G1 and after seven days they continued using the front-plateau for eight hours daily for another three weeks, totaling one month of use. After treatment, participants from both groups were reassessed four weeks after the first evaluation. The data were analyzed using R software (R® Foundation for Statistical Computing, Austria). The real or transformed values of the variables were compared between the treatments, evaluation days and their interaction by the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in an inter randomized design with repeated measures in time. For the variables that presented statistical difference, the means were compared by Tukey\'s post-test (p <0.05) and the data presented as the mean ± standard error (SE). A statistically significant value was found in all the variables analyzed by the algometer. There was a decrease in pain sensitivity and an increase in the pressure pain threshold (PPT) in all muscles analyzed. There was no statistically significant change in the maximum bite force during the period of use of the front-plateau. In electromyography, significant values were found in the postural patterns of right laterality (RL) and left laterality (LL) and chewing of raisins (CR). We can conclude that during the period of use of the front-plateau there was elevation of the PPT (reducing the sensitivity to pain) returning to the initial conditions after removal of the device; It was observed a decrease in the electrical stimulus for postural patterns of RL, LL and CR. However, the MMB was not modified during the use of the device.

Avaliação da influência da consultoria em iniciativas da fase Fuzzy Front End / Evaluation of the influence of the consultancy in the Fuzzy Front End initiatives

Vigna, Claudio Marcos 06 April 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo estudar a influência da consultoria em iniciativas de Fuzzy Front End (FFE). Para tanto, conceituam-se os principais constructos que sustentam a análise, quais sejam: FFE, Nebulosidade, Modelo de Gestão de FFE e Modelo de Tomada de Decisão. Com o intuito de entender melhor o fenômeno em questão, o FFE, avalia-se, através de revisão bibliográfica, quais sãos os principais elementos capacitadores em gestão de FFE para os processos de inovação de produtos em empresas. Nesse sentido, foi elaborado um modelo de gestão FFE, com base em modelo preexistente, aprimorado com modelos de tomada de decisão. Foram empregados a metodologia de Estudo de Caso e o método de Extended Case Method, aplicado a consultorias que executam iniciativas de FFE em empresas clientes. A questão de pesquisa a ser respondida foi: Qual a influência das consultorias em iniciativas de FFE de empresas clientes? Foi construído também um modelo de geração de ideia para entender a gênese do surgimento da ideia em iniciativas de FFE. Da mesma forma, foi realizado o mapeamento do FFE dentro da ciência da administração, mostrando que o FFE deve ser entendido como o motor de geração e seleção de ideias para quaisquer tipos de mudança, e, para isso, recorreu-se à Teoria da Decisão, a fim de fazer a integração do FFE com os demais temas de ciências. Como resultado, este trabalho traz uma visão do FFE, verificando a aplicabilidade prática dos elementos capacitadores levantados na revisão da literatura; um modelo de gestão da dinâmica de interação e geração de competência entre consultorias e empresas clientes; bem como o reconhecimento do valor gerado pelas consultorias em iniciativas de FFE. / The main objective of this work is to study the influence of consulting on Fuzzy Front End initiatives (FFE). For this, the main constructs that support the analysis are: FFE, Fuzziness, FFE Management Model, Decision Making Model and Consulting. In order to better understand the phenomenon in question, the FFE, it is evaluated, through a bibliographic review, which are the main enablers in FFE management for the processes of product innovation in companies. In this sense, an FFE management model was elaborated, based on a preexisting model, improved with decision-making models. We used the Case Study methodology and the Extended Case Method, applied to consultancies that execute FFE initiatives in client companies. The research question is: What is the influence of consulting companies in FFE of client\'s enterprises? A model of idea generation was also designed to understand the genesis of the idea\'s emergence in FFE initiatives. In the same way, the mapping of the FFE within the science of administration was carried out, showing that the FFE should be understood as the engine of generation and selection of ideas for any type of change, and for this, we used Decision Theory, In order to integrate the FFE with other science subjects. As a result, this work brings a complete view of the FFE, verifying the practical applicability of the enablers in the literature; A management model of interaction dynamics and competence generation between consultancies and client companies; as well as the recognition of the value generated by consultancies in FFE initiatives.

Creation of product-service systems (PSS) proposals in the fuzzy front-end / Criação de propostas de sistema produto-serviço (SPS) no fuzzy front-end

Barquet, Ana Paula Bezerra 05 March 2015 (has links)
Product-service systems (PSS), defined as a system of products, services, infrastructure, and networks that aims to satisfy customer needs, support business innovation and has the potential to lead to improved environmental performance. The adoption of PSS requires modifications in the business model of companies or even the creation of new ones. The decision to modify or create business models occurs in the fuzzy front-end through the development of proposals. In this sense, the creation of PSS proposals might assist the adoption of PSS business models in enterprises. However, companies still need support to adopt PSS business models due to three main reasons. First, most of the studies about PSS business models mention its importance but do not explore which content should compose such models. Second, PSS business models are explored considering a partial view of business model dimensions. Finally, there is a lack of methods and tools that support the adoption of PSS business models in the fuzzy front-end. Thereby, the aim of this study is to develop a method, named Configurator of PSS Proposals, to cope with these challenges and assist the creation of PSS proposals for current or new business models. By means of systematic literature review, consulting with experts and an explorative case study, the method was developed. It is composed by eight steps and each step addresses a business model dimension, e.g. value proposition. The steps encompass a range of tasks that must be performed in order to create a PSS proposal. To support carrying out the tasks, a help element is available. This help contains additional information to support the utilization of the method, such as: examples of companies that adopted PSS and hints of practices, methods and tools. To evaluate the method, it was applied through a case study in the context of a research project. The aim was to create a PSS proposal for a bicycle concept and verify whether the method reach its purpose, i.e. is able to support the creation of a PSS proposal. Final considerations include contributions and limitations of this study. An example of contribution of the method is provision of a shared knowledge about PSS between different areas of expertise. As limitation, the lack of application of the method in a real case is highlighted. Additionally, future research is addressed based mainly on the insights gathered in the second case study, e.g. the inclusion of new tasks and relations between them. / Sistema produto-serviço (SPS), definido como um sistema de produtos e serviços, infraestrutura e networks e que visa aumentar a satisfação de clientes, auxilia na inovação nos negócios e tem o potencial de levar à melhoria de desempenho ambiental. A adoção de SPS requer a criação ou modificação dos modelos de negócios das empresas. A decisão de criar ou modificar um modelo de negócio ocorre no fuzzy front-end por meio da criação de propostas. Desta forma, acredita-se que criação de propostas para SPS auxilia na adoção de modelos de negócio para SPS. No entanto, empresas requerem auxilio na adoção de modelos de negócio para PSS devido a três principais motivos. Primeiro, a maioria dos estudos sobre modelos de negócio para SPS mencionam sua importância, porém não exploram o conteúdo que deve compor esses modelos. Segundo, pesquisas sobre modelos de negócio para SPS levam em consideração uma visão parcial das dimensões de modelos de negócio. Finalmente, é constatada a carência de métodos e ferramentas que auxiliem na adoção de modelos de negócio para PSS no fuzzy front-end. O objetivo desse trabalho é desenvolver um método, denominado Configurador de Propostas de SPS, que guie empresas na criação de propostas de SPS para negócios novos e existentes. Por meio de revisão sistemática de literatura, consulta com especialistas e um estudo de caso exploratório, o método foi desenvolvido. Ele é composto por oito passos e cada passo aborda uma dimensão do modelo de negócios, como por exemplo, proposição de valor. Ainda, cada passo engloba várias tarefas que devem ser executadas para que a proposta de SPS seja criada. Como suporte para realizar as tarefas, um elemento ajuda foi criado. Este elemento inclui exemplos de empresas que adotaram SPS e dicas de práticas, métodos e ferramentas. Com objetivo de avaliar o método, uma aplicação no contexto de um projeto de pesquisa foi realizada, por meio de um estudo de caso. O objetivo dessa aplicação foi criar uma proposta de SPS para um conceito de uma bicicleta e verificar se o método alcança seu propósito, que é ajudar na criação de propostas de SPS. Considerações finais incluem contribuições e limitações do estudo. Um exemplo de contribuição do método é o fornecimento de um conhecimento compartilhado sobre PSS entre diferentes áreas de conhecimento. A falta de aplicação do método em um caso real é uma das limitações deste trabalho. Adicionalmente, pesquisas futuras são sugeridas, como por exemplo, a inclusão de novas tarefas no método e novas relações entre elas, conforme sugerido pelos participantes do segundo estudo de caso.

Creation of product-service systems (PSS) proposals in the fuzzy front-end / Criação de propostas de sistema produto-serviço (SPS) no fuzzy front-end

Ana Paula Bezerra Barquet 05 March 2015 (has links)
Product-service systems (PSS), defined as a system of products, services, infrastructure, and networks that aims to satisfy customer needs, support business innovation and has the potential to lead to improved environmental performance. The adoption of PSS requires modifications in the business model of companies or even the creation of new ones. The decision to modify or create business models occurs in the fuzzy front-end through the development of proposals. In this sense, the creation of PSS proposals might assist the adoption of PSS business models in enterprises. However, companies still need support to adopt PSS business models due to three main reasons. First, most of the studies about PSS business models mention its importance but do not explore which content should compose such models. Second, PSS business models are explored considering a partial view of business model dimensions. Finally, there is a lack of methods and tools that support the adoption of PSS business models in the fuzzy front-end. Thereby, the aim of this study is to develop a method, named Configurator of PSS Proposals, to cope with these challenges and assist the creation of PSS proposals for current or new business models. By means of systematic literature review, consulting with experts and an explorative case study, the method was developed. It is composed by eight steps and each step addresses a business model dimension, e.g. value proposition. The steps encompass a range of tasks that must be performed in order to create a PSS proposal. To support carrying out the tasks, a help element is available. This help contains additional information to support the utilization of the method, such as: examples of companies that adopted PSS and hints of practices, methods and tools. To evaluate the method, it was applied through a case study in the context of a research project. The aim was to create a PSS proposal for a bicycle concept and verify whether the method reach its purpose, i.e. is able to support the creation of a PSS proposal. Final considerations include contributions and limitations of this study. An example of contribution of the method is provision of a shared knowledge about PSS between different areas of expertise. As limitation, the lack of application of the method in a real case is highlighted. Additionally, future research is addressed based mainly on the insights gathered in the second case study, e.g. the inclusion of new tasks and relations between them. / Sistema produto-serviço (SPS), definido como um sistema de produtos e serviços, infraestrutura e networks e que visa aumentar a satisfação de clientes, auxilia na inovação nos negócios e tem o potencial de levar à melhoria de desempenho ambiental. A adoção de SPS requer a criação ou modificação dos modelos de negócios das empresas. A decisão de criar ou modificar um modelo de negócio ocorre no fuzzy front-end por meio da criação de propostas. Desta forma, acredita-se que criação de propostas para SPS auxilia na adoção de modelos de negócio para SPS. No entanto, empresas requerem auxilio na adoção de modelos de negócio para PSS devido a três principais motivos. Primeiro, a maioria dos estudos sobre modelos de negócio para SPS mencionam sua importância, porém não exploram o conteúdo que deve compor esses modelos. Segundo, pesquisas sobre modelos de negócio para SPS levam em consideração uma visão parcial das dimensões de modelos de negócio. Finalmente, é constatada a carência de métodos e ferramentas que auxiliem na adoção de modelos de negócio para PSS no fuzzy front-end. O objetivo desse trabalho é desenvolver um método, denominado Configurador de Propostas de SPS, que guie empresas na criação de propostas de SPS para negócios novos e existentes. Por meio de revisão sistemática de literatura, consulta com especialistas e um estudo de caso exploratório, o método foi desenvolvido. Ele é composto por oito passos e cada passo aborda uma dimensão do modelo de negócios, como por exemplo, proposição de valor. Ainda, cada passo engloba várias tarefas que devem ser executadas para que a proposta de SPS seja criada. Como suporte para realizar as tarefas, um elemento ajuda foi criado. Este elemento inclui exemplos de empresas que adotaram SPS e dicas de práticas, métodos e ferramentas. Com objetivo de avaliar o método, uma aplicação no contexto de um projeto de pesquisa foi realizada, por meio de um estudo de caso. O objetivo dessa aplicação foi criar uma proposta de SPS para um conceito de uma bicicleta e verificar se o método alcança seu propósito, que é ajudar na criação de propostas de SPS. Considerações finais incluem contribuições e limitações do estudo. Um exemplo de contribuição do método é o fornecimento de um conhecimento compartilhado sobre PSS entre diferentes áreas de conhecimento. A falta de aplicação do método em um caso real é uma das limitações deste trabalho. Adicionalmente, pesquisas futuras são sugeridas, como por exemplo, a inclusão de novas tarefas no método e novas relações entre elas, conforme sugerido pelos participantes do segundo estudo de caso.

Étude d’une architecture d’émission/réception impulsionnelle ULB pour dispositifs nomades à 60 GHz / An ULB Transceiver for nomades link at 60 GHz

Hamouda, Cherif 11 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l'étude de faisabilité d'une architecture radio, dédiée aux applications WPANs nomades et faible consommation en utilisant la bande autour de 60 GHz. Des débits de l'ordre de Gbps, une compacité élevée et une consommation de puissance faible sont obtenus en réalisant une conception conjointe front-end antenne. Avant de proposer l'architecture adaptée au cahier de charge, une étude préalable du canal de propagation à 60 GHz est faite. Les deux principales normes de canal IEEE, le 802.15.3c et le 802.11.ad, sont étudiées. L'analyse d'une architecture impulsionnelle mono-bande adaptée aux systèmes à faible consommation montre une limitation du débit quand des antennes non directives sont utilisées dans la norme de canal 802.11.ad. Afin de remédier à ce problème, une architecture multi-bande impulsionnelle MBOOK à récepteur non-cohérent est proposée. Cette architecture autorise un haut débit avec l'utilisation de quatre sous bandes. Elle conduit également à une consommation faible grâce à l'utilisation d'un récepteur non-cohérent et d'une topologie différentielle de l'émetteur évitant l'intégration de combineurs. Pour valider le concept d'architecture proposée, des antennes différentielles dédiées à l'architecture différentielle sont conçues. Les premières antennes sont de type patch différentiel excité par des lignes microrubans. Ces dernières présentent des caractéristiques de rayonnement adaptées aux besoins du cahier de charge. Néanmoins elles occupent une surface importante. Afin d'avoir une meilleure compacité, un patch alimenté par couplage à fente est développé. Il exploite deux polarisations linéaires orthogonales excitées par une paire d'entrées différentielles. Afin d'obtenir la directivité élevée nécessaire pour les scénarios LOS à 60 GHz sans utiliser de réseaux d'antennes ou de lentilles diélectriques, des métamatériaux sont utilisés. La mesure des antennes est basée sur la réalisation d'une transition guide d'onde WR-15 ligne microruban pour connecter l'antenne à l'analyseur de réseau. La mesure de l'antenne patch différentielle présente une bonne concordance avec les résultats de simulations. La technologie TQP15 de TriQuint est utilisée pour concevoir les différents éléments de la partie front-end. L'évaluation de la consommation globale d'émetteur valide l'architecture proposée en termes de faible consommation. Ce travail se termine par une évaluation du débit du système en tenant en compte de l'influence de l'antenne et du canal de propagation. Cette évaluation prouve la potentialité de l'architecture en termes de haut débit. On propose finalement une technique basée sur la technologie LTCC pour l'assemblage antenne/front-end / This work deals with the feasibility study of a radio architecture dedicated to mobile WPAN applications at 60 GHz and characterized by a low power consumption. Data rates of the order of Gbps, high compactness and low power consumption are obtained by co-designing the antenna and the front-end. Before proposing the architecture matching the specification needs, a preliminary study of the propagation channel at 60 GHz is made. The two main standards IEEE 802.15.3c and 802.11.ad the channel are studied. The analysis of a single-band architecture suitable for low-power systems shows a data rate limitation when directional antennas are used in the standard channel 802.11.ad. To address this problem, a multi-band impulse architecture MBOOK using a non-coherent receiver is proposed. This architecture allows high throughput with the use of four sub-bands. It also leads to a low power consumption through the use of a non-coherent receiver and a differential transmitter topology avoiding combiners. To validate the concept of the proposed architecture, differential antennas dedicated to the differential architecture are designed. Patch antennas excited by differential microstrip lines fulfil the needs of the specifications but occupy a large area. In order to miniaturize the antenna, slot-fed patch antennas are designed using two orthogonal linear polarizations excited by a pair of differential inputs. To achieve the high directivity required in LOS scenarios without using antenna arrays or dielectric lenses, metamaterials are used. The antenna measurement is based on the realization of a WR-15 waveguide-to-microstrip line transition to connect the antenna to the network analyzer. The differential measurement of the antenna patch exhibits a good agreement with the simulated results. The TriQuint's TQP15 technology is used to design the various circuits of the front-end. The emitter architecture is validated once the overall consumption has been evaluated. This work ends with an evaluation of the throughput of the system taking into account the influence of the antenna and the propagation channel. This evaluation shows the potential of the architecture in terms of high throughput. We finally propose an approach based on the LTCC technology for the antenna / front-end assembly

Le système métallogénique et le piège redox dans le gisement d’uranium de type roll-front de Zoovch-Ovoo, Mongolie. Rôle des porteurs du carbone et du soufre / The metallogenic system and the redox trap in the roll-front type uranium deposit of Zoovch Ovoo, Mongolia. Role of the C and S phases

Rallakis, Dimitrios 05 July 2019 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse concerne l'analyse du système matières organiques (carbone)-uranium-sulfure qui contrôle la formation du gisement d'uranium de type de roll-front au Zoovch Ovoo (Mongolie). La formation Cénomanienne du Sainshand est constituée de sédiments continentaux silicoclastiques déposés dans des milieux fluvio-lacustres. Le système global est en début de diagénèse et n'a pas été affecté par un enfouissement significatif, estimé à moins de 600 m pour une température maximale de 40°C. Le réservoir se caractérise par des sables non consolidés et des argiles silteuses. Parfois, certains lits de grès d’épaisseur décimétriques sont cimentés par des carbonates et disposés au sein de faciès silicoclastiques non consolidés. L’étude systématique des grès à ciment carbonaté a révélé la présence exclusive de dolomite. Quatre types de dolomite différents ont été reconnus. Tous ont été formés par des eaux d'origine météorique et présentent des caractéristiques isotopiques (C, O) semblables. Ils sont génétiquement liés les uns aux autres, avec de possibles épisodes de recristallisation impliquant une réincorporation progressivement moindre des éléments en traces comme les terres rares et le manganèse. Le premier type de dolomite est contrôlé par les conditions de sédimentation, tandis que les trois suivants sont contrôlés par diagenèse. Le troisième type de dolomite n'a été trouvé que dans des échantillons ayant été affectés par le roll-front alors que le quatrième est postérieur aux porteurs d'uranium. La matière organique détritique est très abondante et joue un rôle majeur dans le piégeage de l’uranium aux côtés de la pyrite. L'étude en pétrographie organique a montré que toute est d'origine végétale supérieure et immature, comme l'ont montré les mesures de réflectance de la vitrinite (<0,4%). Elle est exclusivement présente sous forme de particules détritiques et sa distribution est donc régie par l’évolution des conditions de dépôt sédimentaires. Huit générations de pyrite ont été identifiées sur la base textures et des associations minérales, avec trois types majeurs : les pyrites framboidales en sphérolites isolés, les surcroissances automorphes, et les pyrites de remplacement (épigénie). L'étude isotopique du δ34S de la pyrite a montré qu’une grande parties des pyrites s‘est formée par bio-réduction des sulfates. Les porteurs de l’uranium sont la pechblende et dans une moindre mesure la phospho-coffinite. La pechblende cimente et remplace la matière organique mais aussi les pyrites automorphes corrodées ce qui indique que l’enrichissement ou l’introduction massive de l’uranium s’est produit assez tardivement. La matière organique a piégé l’uranium de manière diffuse à des fortes concentrations, sous une forme minéralogique non accessible au MEB. Il peut s’agir de nanophases de pechblende de taille inférieure à la centaine de nanomètres. Pour expliquer ces concentrations, une préconcentration ne peut pas être totalement exclue ou un processus de diffusion piégeage lors du stade de minéralisation. La considération de l’ensemble des données indique que l’aquifère principal a été le siège probable d’activité microbienne subcontinue, qui est attestée par la formation à différentes stades de l’histoire du bassin de pyrites dont les caractéristiques isotopiques indiquent des processus complexes de fractionnement. La présence de matière organique en quantité significative et des pyrites peut expliquer l’efficacité du piège redox pour la réduction de l’uranium. Le modèle métallogénique présenté est celui d’un système mixte où un processus de type roll-front lié aux caractéristiques sédimentologiques de cette zone se superpose à un piège redox particulier dont la chimie C-S-U est assistée par les bactéries. / The objective of the PhD thesis concerns the analysis of the processes governing the carbon-uranium-sulfide system in the aquifers of the roll-front type Zoovch Ovoo uranium-deposit (Mongolia). The Cenomanian Sainshand Formation hosting the ore deposit contains reservoirs made of silicoclastic sediments deposited in fluvio-lacustrine settings mostly characterized by unconsolidated silty clays and sands ranging from arenite to sub-arkose. Occasionally some decimetres thick sandstone beds are dolomite cemented. Four different dolomite fabrics are recognized and classified according to their crystal boundaries and geochemistry. Isotopic analysis indicates that they were formed from meteoric waters with the carbon source being probably the detrital material itself issued from basement rock erosion. Dolomites are genetically related to each other with possible recrystallization episodes that are indicated by gradual depletion in REE and Mn. The first dolomite type was depositionally controlled, while the next three parageneses are diagenetic. The third dolomite type is found only in samples that have experienced roll-front waters, whereas the fourth post-dates uranium formation. As a result the dolomite cements paragenetic evolution is used as reference to document the whole burial history of the deposit. Organic matter particles, pyrite and uranium are very intimately related. Organic matter present in clay, silt and sand is always represented by poorly preserved detrital elements of higher plant origin and is very immature (peat stage; vitrinite reflectance <0.4%). At the scale of the sedimentary particles, organic matter complexes U(VI). However, despite a systematic association to UO2, it cannot be considered as directly involved in the reduction mechanism of uranium because of the low burial temperatures (max 50°C) and hence very limited diagenesis. Nevertheless, the investigation reveals that organic matter is the most important element in the U trapping process. Indeed, it acts as a substrate sustaining and focusing bacterial activity into specific sedimentary layers. In turn the microbial communities catalyze the reduction of sulfur, iron and especially uranium leading to two major consequences: 1) the precipitation of UO2 onto organic matter particles and 2) the formation of pyrite which acts as an additional reducer for U(VI). It appears that the uranium ore deposit at Zoovch Ovoo is primarily controlled by the distribution of the detrital organic matter in the sedimentary system as well as by the permeability network allowing the input of S, U and micro-organisms. The rather shallow aquifers probably underwent a nearly continuous bacterial activity which is responsible of many chemical features and processes controlling the U and sulfide precipitation. However, main uranium deposition events occur since the beginning of exhumation when enhanced fluid movement sustains roll-front activity. The latter displaces and combines the ingredients of the biochemical trap, allowing progressive enrichment in uranium through time.

Innehållet på förstasidan : En analys av Aftonbladets och Expressens förstasidor under en 30-årsperiod / The contents of the front page : An analysis of the front pages of Aftonbladet and Expressen during a period of 30 years

Sturelind, Martin, Huldén, Richard January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med den här studien är att jämföra Aftonbladets och Expressens förstasidor under fyra olika år för att se vilka förändringar som har skett. I kontext till detta har vi även undersökt mediemarknadens utveckling. Åren vi har undersökt är 1977, 1987, 1997 och 2007.</p><p>Undersökningsmaterialet är 182 förstasidor som är väl utspridda under de fyra åren. Vi har använt oss av en syntetisk vecka där man till exempel undersöker måndagen från en vecka, tisdagen veckan därpå osv. Vår främsta utgångspunkt har varit Marina Ghersettis forskning om den alltmer utbredda sensationsjournalistiken samt andra teoretiker som forskar inom samma område.</p><p>Den kvantitativa studien visade att brott förekommer mest som huvudnyhet på förstasidorna samt att det förekommer mer nyheter om kändisar än vad det gjorde för 30 år sedan. Den vanligaste huvudaktören är den ”vanliga människan” och huvudnyhetens ursprung och källa är oftast från Sverige.</p><p>Den kvalitativa analysen pekade ut att det har skett en förändring på tidningarnas förstasidor. Bilderna har blivit mindre i storlek men fler samt att reklam på tidningarna förekommer i allt högre utsträckning nu än för 30 år sedan. Undersökningen visade också att tidningarnas förstasidor liknade varandra mer utseendemässigt för varje år som gick.</p> / <p>The purpose of this study is to compare the front pages of Aftonbladet and Expressen in four different years within a period of 30 years to see what changes have been done. We have also examined the development of the media over time. Our examined years are 1977, 1987, 1997 and 2007.</p><p>The material of examination consists of 182 front pages which are well spread over the four years. We have employed a so called synthetic week, meaning that you examine Monday one week, Tuesday the following week, and so forth. Our main starting point has been the research of Marina Chersetti about the increasingly widespread journalism of sensation, as well as other theorists carrying out research within the same area.</p><p>The quantitative study showed that crimes are the most frequently occurring head news on the front pages and that there are more news about celebrities today than 30 years ago. The most common main figure is the “ordinary individual” and the origin of the head news, as well as the source, is mostly Swedish.</p><p>The qualitative analysis pointed out that the front pages have changed. The pictures have become smaller but more numerous, and compared to 30 years ago, advertising occur to a greater extent today. The study also showed that the front pages became more similar in appearance every year.</p>

Innehållet på förstasidan : En analys av Aftonbladets och Expressens förstasidor under en 30-årsperiod / The contents of the front page : An analysis of the front pages of Aftonbladet and Expressen during a period of 30 years

Sturelind, Martin, Huldén, Richard January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att jämföra Aftonbladets och Expressens förstasidor under fyra olika år för att se vilka förändringar som har skett. I kontext till detta har vi även undersökt mediemarknadens utveckling. Åren vi har undersökt är 1977, 1987, 1997 och 2007. Undersökningsmaterialet är 182 förstasidor som är väl utspridda under de fyra åren. Vi har använt oss av en syntetisk vecka där man till exempel undersöker måndagen från en vecka, tisdagen veckan därpå osv. Vår främsta utgångspunkt har varit Marina Ghersettis forskning om den alltmer utbredda sensationsjournalistiken samt andra teoretiker som forskar inom samma område. Den kvantitativa studien visade att brott förekommer mest som huvudnyhet på förstasidorna samt att det förekommer mer nyheter om kändisar än vad det gjorde för 30 år sedan. Den vanligaste huvudaktören är den ”vanliga människan” och huvudnyhetens ursprung och källa är oftast från Sverige. Den kvalitativa analysen pekade ut att det har skett en förändring på tidningarnas förstasidor. Bilderna har blivit mindre i storlek men fler samt att reklam på tidningarna förekommer i allt högre utsträckning nu än för 30 år sedan. Undersökningen visade också att tidningarnas förstasidor liknade varandra mer utseendemässigt för varje år som gick. / The purpose of this study is to compare the front pages of Aftonbladet and Expressen in four different years within a period of 30 years to see what changes have been done. We have also examined the development of the media over time. Our examined years are 1977, 1987, 1997 and 2007. The material of examination consists of 182 front pages which are well spread over the four years. We have employed a so called synthetic week, meaning that you examine Monday one week, Tuesday the following week, and so forth. Our main starting point has been the research of Marina Chersetti about the increasingly widespread journalism of sensation, as well as other theorists carrying out research within the same area. The quantitative study showed that crimes are the most frequently occurring head news on the front pages and that there are more news about celebrities today than 30 years ago. The most common main figure is the “ordinary individual” and the origin of the head news, as well as the source, is mostly Swedish. The qualitative analysis pointed out that the front pages have changed. The pictures have become smaller but more numerous, and compared to 30 years ago, advertising occur to a greater extent today. The study also showed that the front pages became more similar in appearance every year.

Sur le front intérieur : les ménagères québécoises de la seconde guerre mondiale : rationnement et récupération

St-Onge, Mélissa January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

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