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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O novo tempo do cerrado: expansão dos fronts agrícolas e controle do sistema de armazenamento de grãos / The new time of the cerrado: expansion of agricultural fronts and control of the storage of grains system

Samuel Frederico 22 January 2009 (has links)
O presente estudo analisa, numa perspectiva mais ampla, as principais características do novo tempo do Cerrado. Estas estão intimamente relacionadas à propagação dos fronts agrícolas, ou seja, da agricultura moderna, a partir da década de 1970. Esta agricultura, realizada de maneira intensiva e em larga escala, introduziu nos cerrados brasileiros um novo tempo, ao implantar sistemas técnicos extremamente funcionais à produção agrícola moderna, permitindo às grandes empresas um maior domínio da produção. Dentre os sistemas técnicos controlados pelas empresas, o sistema de armazenamento se destaca, ao configurar-se como um dos principais elos logísticos dos diversos circuitos espaciais produtivos agrícolas. Os silos permitem cadenciar a circulação dos grãos no tempo e no espaço, sendo imprescindíveis desde a produção (strictu sensu), até os estágios finais de exportação e consumo. Nos fronts agrícolas, o controle do sistema de armazenamento se torna ainda mais estratégico, por se tratar da principal região produtora de grãos do país, pela grande distância com relação aos portos exportadores e regiões consumidoras e pela precariedade dos sistemas de transporte. Esse contexto torna a posse do sistema de armazenamento um elemento chave para o controle da produção. É por isso que nas principais regiões produtoras a posse dos sistemas de armazenamento é ainda mais seletiva, sendo controlada pelas grandes firmas processadoras e exportadoras de grãos, tornando os produtores e o Estado subservientes à política das empresas. Portanto, esta pesquisa analisa de maneira mais estrita como o domínio do sistema de armazenamento de grãos confere às empresas um maior poder de regulação da produção agrícola e um uso privilegiado do território. / The present work intends to analyze, in an ampler perspective, the main characteristics of the new time of the Cerrado. These are closely related to the propagation of fronts agricultural, that is, of modern agriculture, from the decade of 1970s. This agriculture, carried through in intensive way and on a large scale, introduced in the brazilian Cerrado a new time, when implanting extremely functional technical systems to the modern agricultural production, allowing to the great companies a bigger domain of the production. Among the controlled technical systems by the companies, the storage system detaches, when configuring itself as one of the main logistic links of the diverse space circuits productive agricultural. The silos allow to canry on the circulation of the grains in the time and the space, it has been essential since the production (strictu sensu), until the final periods of training of exportation and consumption. In the agricultural fronts, the control of the storage system becomes still more strategical, for dealing with the main producing region of grains of the country, for the great distance recated to the exporter ports and consumer regions and for the precariousness of the transport systems. This context has become the ownership of the storage system an important element for the control of the production. It is for this reason that in the main productive regions the ownership of the storage systems is still more selective, and controlled for the tradings, becoming the producers and the State servile the politics of the companies. Therefore, this research analyzes in way more strict how the domain of system grains storage confers to the companies a bigger power of regulation of the agricultural production and a privileged use of the territory.

Rôle du déferlement des ondes de Rossby dans la variabilité climatique aux latitudes tempérées / The role of Rossby wave breakings in the climate variability at midlatitudes

Michel, Clio 26 October 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse a été d'analyser la dynamique de l'interaction entre les ondes baroclines (ou rail des dépressions) et la variabilité basse fréquence de l'atmosphère aux moyennes latitudes. Deux approches distinctes ont été suivies pour étudier le rôle des déferlements d'ondes baroclines sur les courants-jets, l'une reposant sur les données réanalysées et l'autre sur des simulations numériques. La première partie de la thèse a plus précisément consisté à étudier le lien entre les déferlements d'ondes de Rossby et les quatre régimes de temps sur l'Atlantique Nord en hiver en utilisant les réanalyses ERA40. Le calcul des fréquences d'occurrence des déferlements d'ondes a montré que ceux-ci tendent généralement à renforcer les régimes sauf le blocage scandinave qui est détruit par du déferlement cyclonique au sud du Groenland. Ensuite, les précurseurs des transitions entre régimes de temps ont été identifiés. Le premier précurseur est relié à la propagation linéaire d'anomalies basse fréquence (période supérieure à 10 jours). Ce précurseur n'est pas systématique mais il survient durant la transition du régime zonal vers le blocage environ une semaine avant ce dernier où il prend la forme d'un train d'ondes quasi-stationnaire excité par des anomalies convectives dans l'Atlantique subtropical. Le second précurseur plus systématique intervient au niveau des interactions non-linéaires entre les tourbillons transitoires haute et basse fréquences et a pu être relié aux déferlements d'ondes. La formation et la destruction du blocage scandinave ont ensuite été plus particulièrement étudiées en analysant respectivement les transitions préférentielles du régime zonal au blocage et du blocage vers l'anticyclone groenlandais en lien avec les dépressions de surface et les déferlements d'ondes. Les dépressions de surface atteignent les mêmes intensités pendant la formation et la destruction du blocage mais ne suivent pas les mêmes trajectoires. Pendant la formation du blocage, les dépressions de surface ont des trajectoires rectilignes se dirigeant vers le nord de la Scandinavie et sont liées à un déferlement anticyclonique. Pendant la destruction du blocage, les trajectoires des dépressions de surface sont courbées sur l'Atlantique Nord en direction du Groenland et sont reliées à du déferlement cyclonique qui favorise ainsi l'apparition de l'anticyclone groenlandais. Notre analyse suggère que cette différence de comportement provient de la forme de l'écoulement basse fréquence qui n'est pas le même pendant la formation et la destruction du blocage et qui favorise un certain type de déferlement plutôt qu'un autre. Dans la seconde partie de la thèse, nous avons analysé le lien entre les températures de surface de la mer (SSTs) et le comportement du rail des dépressions avec le modèle de circulation générale de l'atmosphère Arpège-Climat en mode aquaplanète pour mieux comprendre les téléconnexions telles que l'Oscillation Arctique et/ou l'Oscillation Nord-Atlantique d'un point de vue idéalisé. / This thesis aims at analyzing the dynamics of the interaction between baroclinic waves (stormtrack) and the atmospheric low-frequency variability at midlatitudes. Two different approaches have been followed to study the impact of baroclinic wave breakings on jet-streams, one using reanalysis data and the other numerical simulations of a climate model. The first part of the PhD dealt with the link between Rossby wave breakings and the four weather regimes over the North Atlantic in winter using ERA40 reanalysis. The calculation of wave breaking frequencies showed that wave breakings tend to reinforce weather regimes except the Scandinavian blocking which is destroyed by cyclonic wave breaking south of Greenland. Then, precursors of weather regime transitions have been identified. The first precursor is linked to the linear propagation of low-frequency anomalies (period greater than ten days). This is not a systematic precursor but it occurs during the zonal to blocking transition about one week before this latter and is related to a quasi-stationary wave train excited by convective anomalies in the North Atlantic subtropics. The systematic second precursor is related to non-linear transient eddy interactions and has been linked to Rossby wave breakings. The link between the surface cyclones, Rossby wave breakings and the formation and decay of the Scandinavian blocking has been more precisely studied through the preferential transitions from the zonal weather regime to the blocking and from the blocking to the Greenland anticyclone. During the formation and decay of the blocking, surface cyclones reach the same intensities but do not follow the same trajectories. During the blocking formation, surface cyclones follow straight trajectories toward the north of Scandinavia and are linked to an anticyclonic wave breaking. Whereas during the blocking decay, surface cyclones trajectories are curved over the North Atlantic toward Greenland and are linked to a cyclonic wave breaking favouring the Greenland anticyclone formation. Our study suggests that this difference of behavior comes from the shape of the low-frequency flow which is not the same during the formation and the decay of the blocking and which can favour a particular type of wave breaking rather than another. The second part dealt with the link between sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and the storm-track in the atmospheric general circulation model Arpège-Climat in aquaplanet mode to better understand teleconnections such as the Arctic Oscillation and/or the North Atlantic Oscillation from an idealized point of view. We performed a sensitivity analysis of the eddy-driven jet variability to various stationary SST profiles.

Simulações numéricas de tempestades severas na RMSP / Numerical simulations of severe thunderstorms in the MASP

Hallak, Ricardo 29 June 2007 (has links)
Tempestades severas ocorrem na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) principalmente nos meses quentes e úmidos do ano. Nesta tese, os mecanismos de disparo da convecção profunda são estudados por meio de análises observacionais e simulações numéricas com o Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS). A metodologia proposta compreende o uso da parametrização microfísica fria na simulação dos processos físicos que levam à formação de nuvens cumulonimbus, sem o uso da parametrização de cúmulos nas grades de altíssima resolução espacial. Nos eventos estudados, as primeiras células de precipitação observadas e simuladas surgiram em razão da interação entre o escoamento atmosférico na camada limite planetária e a topografia local. As células secundárias foram geralmente mais intensas, uma vez que elas surgiram após o aquecimento diabático adicional. O mecanismo de disparo das células secundárias foi a corrente ascendente induzida pela propagação horizontal das frentes de rajada em baixos níveis da atmosfera das correntes descendentes das células primárias. As frentes de rajada tiveram velocidade de propagação horizontal típica de 6 m s-1. No evento de 02 de fevereiro de 2004, células convectivas profundas foram simuladas com alto grau de realismo no domínio da grade de 3 km de resolução espacial. Observou-se que, neste caso, a frente de brisa marítima pôde atuar como guia de ondas para a colisão entre duas frentes de rajada. A propagação da frente de brisa marítima para o interior do continente ocorreu em conjunção a um forte gradiente de vapor dágua nos níveis mais baixos da troposfera. As células convectivas profundas secundárias surgiram e se desenvolveram exatamente nesta zona de interface, a qual representa o contraste entre as diferentes massas de ar marítima e continental. No evento de 04 de fevereiro de 2004, na grade de 1 km de resolução, a análise objetiva com as medidas das estações de superfície na RMSP correspondente às 1800 UTC indicou a presença de uma ilha de calor urbana com até 4 oC de aquecimento diferencial entre a Capital e vizinhanças. O principal efeito da assimilação destas medidas foi a redução do NCL em até 80 hPa, o que favoreceu o disparo da convecção naquela área. / Severe thunderstorms occur in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (MASP) mainly in the warm and wet months of the year. In this work, the triggering mechanisms of deep convection are studied through observed data and numerical simulations with the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS). The proposed methodology focuses in the use of microphysics parameterization of cold clouds to simulate physical process linked to the life cycle of thunderstorms. The cumulus cloud parameterization isnt used in high resolution numerical grids. In the real case studies, both observed and simulated, early convective cells developed as a consequence of the interaction between the planetary boundary layer atmospheric flow and the local topography. The secondary convective cells were generally strongest, once they developed after additional surface diabatic heating. The triggering mechanism of these secondary cells was the updraft induced by gust fronts generated by downdrafts of primary cells. The gust fronts had a typical horizontal propagation velocity of 6 m s-1. In the February 02 2004 event, deep convective cells were simulated with high degree of realism with a 3 km resolution grid. It was observed that, in this case, the sea-breeze front could act as a wave guide to the collision between two different gust fronts. In addition, the sea breeze front propagated to the continental area together with a strong low level water vapor gradient. The secondary deep convective cells arose and developed exactly on this interface zone, which represents the contrast between the oceanic and continental air masses. The interface zone was marked by a water vapor mixing rate of 14 g kg-1. In the February 04 2004 event, the objective analysis, made with some MASP´s surface stations measurements at 1800 UTC in the 1 km resolution grid, indicates the presence of an urban heat island with up to 4 oC of differential heating between São Paulo city and its neighboring area. The main effect in assimilating these surface measurements was the lowering of the lift condensation level up to 80 hPa, which favored the triggering of convection in that area.

Submesoscale dynamics in the Bay of Biscay continental shelf / La dynamique à sousmésoéchelle sur le plateau continental du Golfe de Gascogne

Yelekçi, Özge 23 October 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse explore la dynamique à sousmésoéchelle sur le plateau continental du golfe de Gascogne. Dans la première partie, les caractéristiques des processus à sousmésoéchelle sur le plateau sont identifiées à l’aide de données satellites à haute résolution de température de surface de la mer issues du capteur MODIS. Une détection des fronts est réalisées à l’aide d’exposants de singularité, une approche récente pour identifier les irrégularités dans les champs de SST. Les résultats sont complétés par des simulations numériques à 2.5 km de résolution spatiale. Trois types principaux de fronts sont présentés : i) les fronts de marée le long de la côte et plus marqués dans la région d’Ouessant; ii) les fronts au niveau du talus continental liés à l’activité des ondes internes; iii) les fronts d’eaux dessalées aux limites des panaches de rivières en hiver. Dans la seconde partie, un modèle hydrodynamique réaliste du golfe de Gascogne a été mis en place. Cette configuration a une résolution spatiale de 1 km et 40 niveaux verticaux sigma. Un diagnostic est basé sur l’hypothèse que les processus à sousmésoéchelles résultent d’instabilités baroclines. L’énergie potentielle disponible est ainsi convertie en énergie cinétique tourbillonnaire avec des échelles temporelles O(1) jour ou moins grâce à ces processus. L’activité est plus intense dans la région d’Ouessant et les régions côtières en été. En hiver, ces processus ont une échelle temporelle O(1) jour (∼ 30 heures). Ces échelles temporelles sont un indicateur de la présence d’instabilités baroclines à sousmésoéchelle à proximité du panache. / This thesis explores the submesoscale dynamics in the Bay of Biscay continental shelf. In the first part, submesoscale features over the shelf are identified using remotely sensed high resolution sea surface temperature (SST) images by MODIS. Front detection is achieved through singularity exponents, a novel method of calculating irregularities on the SST fields, and an index for the frontal activity is generated. Results are complemented with 2.5 km horizontal resolution numerical simulations. Three main types of fronts are presented: i) tidal mixing fronts along the coast and most significantly in the Ushant region; ii) shelf break front related to internal tidal wave activity; iii) fresh water fronts along the edge of the river plumes in winter. In the second part, a realistic hydrodynamical model of Bay of Biscay is set up. The model has a 1 km horizontal resolution and 40 σ vertical layers. Diagnostics is based on the assumption that the submesoscale features in the upper ocean are the result of baroclinic instabilities. Available potential energy (APE) is then converted to eddy kinetic energy (EKE) in time scales in O(1) day or less through this process. Activity increases in the Ushant region and the coastal regions in summer, whereas, in winter, activity in the vicinity of the fresh water plumes dominates. In summer, EKE conversion time scale in this region is ∼ 5 days, which can be considered shorter than mesoscale. In winter, they have a time scale of O(1) (∼ 30 hours). This is an indicator that the submesoscale baroclinic instability is happening at the plume.

Simulações numéricas de tempestades severas na RMSP / Numerical simulations of severe thunderstorms in the MASP

Ricardo Hallak 29 June 2007 (has links)
Tempestades severas ocorrem na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) principalmente nos meses quentes e úmidos do ano. Nesta tese, os mecanismos de disparo da convecção profunda são estudados por meio de análises observacionais e simulações numéricas com o Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS). A metodologia proposta compreende o uso da parametrização microfísica fria na simulação dos processos físicos que levam à formação de nuvens cumulonimbus, sem o uso da parametrização de cúmulos nas grades de altíssima resolução espacial. Nos eventos estudados, as primeiras células de precipitação observadas e simuladas surgiram em razão da interação entre o escoamento atmosférico na camada limite planetária e a topografia local. As células secundárias foram geralmente mais intensas, uma vez que elas surgiram após o aquecimento diabático adicional. O mecanismo de disparo das células secundárias foi a corrente ascendente induzida pela propagação horizontal das frentes de rajada em baixos níveis da atmosfera das correntes descendentes das células primárias. As frentes de rajada tiveram velocidade de propagação horizontal típica de 6 m s-1. No evento de 02 de fevereiro de 2004, células convectivas profundas foram simuladas com alto grau de realismo no domínio da grade de 3 km de resolução espacial. Observou-se que, neste caso, a frente de brisa marítima pôde atuar como guia de ondas para a colisão entre duas frentes de rajada. A propagação da frente de brisa marítima para o interior do continente ocorreu em conjunção a um forte gradiente de vapor dágua nos níveis mais baixos da troposfera. As células convectivas profundas secundárias surgiram e se desenvolveram exatamente nesta zona de interface, a qual representa o contraste entre as diferentes massas de ar marítima e continental. No evento de 04 de fevereiro de 2004, na grade de 1 km de resolução, a análise objetiva com as medidas das estações de superfície na RMSP correspondente às 1800 UTC indicou a presença de uma ilha de calor urbana com até 4 oC de aquecimento diferencial entre a Capital e vizinhanças. O principal efeito da assimilação destas medidas foi a redução do NCL em até 80 hPa, o que favoreceu o disparo da convecção naquela área. / Severe thunderstorms occur in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo (MASP) mainly in the warm and wet months of the year. In this work, the triggering mechanisms of deep convection are studied through observed data and numerical simulations with the Advanced Regional Prediction System (ARPS). The proposed methodology focuses in the use of microphysics parameterization of cold clouds to simulate physical process linked to the life cycle of thunderstorms. The cumulus cloud parameterization isnt used in high resolution numerical grids. In the real case studies, both observed and simulated, early convective cells developed as a consequence of the interaction between the planetary boundary layer atmospheric flow and the local topography. The secondary convective cells were generally strongest, once they developed after additional surface diabatic heating. The triggering mechanism of these secondary cells was the updraft induced by gust fronts generated by downdrafts of primary cells. The gust fronts had a typical horizontal propagation velocity of 6 m s-1. In the February 02 2004 event, deep convective cells were simulated with high degree of realism with a 3 km resolution grid. It was observed that, in this case, the sea-breeze front could act as a wave guide to the collision between two different gust fronts. In addition, the sea breeze front propagated to the continental area together with a strong low level water vapor gradient. The secondary deep convective cells arose and developed exactly on this interface zone, which represents the contrast between the oceanic and continental air masses. The interface zone was marked by a water vapor mixing rate of 14 g kg-1. In the February 04 2004 event, the objective analysis, made with some MASP´s surface stations measurements at 1800 UTC in the 1 km resolution grid, indicates the presence of an urban heat island with up to 4 oC of differential heating between São Paulo city and its neighboring area. The main effect in assimilating these surface measurements was the lowering of the lift condensation level up to 80 hPa, which favored the triggering of convection in that area.

Rôle de l’Océan Austral dans les variations climatiques rapides de la dernière transition Glaciaire-Holocène : approche géochimique et micropaléontologique / Role of the Southern Ocean in the millennial scale climatic events of the last Glacial-Holocene transition : geochemical and micropaleontological approach

Haddam, Naoufel Abdeldjalyl 12 December 2016 (has links)
Les derniers 22 kans sont marqués par des évènements climatiques rapides, non synchrones entre l‘hémisphère Sud et le Nord. Un mécanisme de bascule des températures polaires, amplifié par la capacité de l‘océan profond à stocker et à restituer une partie du CO₂ atmosphérique en fonction de l‘intensité de la circulation océanique et des upwellings le long de la divergence Australe, a été proposé pour expliquer ces évènements. L‘objectif principal de cette thèse a été de définir quel est le rôle de l‘Océan Austral durant ces variations climatiques rapides à l‘aide de 3 carottes sédimentaires marines, prélevées le long de la marge chilienne, sous l‘influence des fronts océaniques et des vents d‘Ouest. La reconstitution des températures océaniques de surface (SST) ont permis de retracer l‘évolution du gradient latitudinal de SST au cours des derniers 22 kans mettant en évidence des migrations vers le sud du front Subtropical, notamment durant la déglaciation,marqués par des changements faunistiques en foraminifères planctoniques et benthiques suggérant unapport accru de nutriments en surface, et accompagnés par un enrichissement en [O₂] dans l‘eau de fond. Ces évènements sont peut-être liés à un renforcement des upwellings au niveau de la divergence australe induisant un renforcement de la ventilation des eaux intermédiaires antarctiques. Ces variations hydrologiques se produisent durant la hausse de CO₂ atmosphérique enregistrée dans les carottes de glace antarctiques pendant la déglaciation, indiquant un lien intime entre les upwellings, l‘intensité de la ventilation des eaux intermédiaires et le transfert de CO₂ depuis l‘océan profond vers l‘atmosphère. / The last 22 kyr are marked by abrupt climatic events, non-synchronous between the southern and northern hemispheres. A see-saw mechanism of the polar temperatures, amplified by the deep oceanability to store and release a portion of atmospheric CO₂, depending on the intensity of the thermohaline circulation and the large upwellings along the southern divergence, has been proposed to explain these observations. The main aim of this thesis was to assess the role of the southern ocean during these millennial events, by studying 3 marine cores, retrieved along the Chilean margin, under the influence of oceanic fronts and the westerly winds. The reconstruction of the sea surface temperatures (SST) allowed tracing the evolution of the SST latitudinal gradient during the last 22 kyr, highlighting southward migrations of the Subtropical Front, especially during the deglaciation, marked by benthic and planktonic foraminifera faunal changes which can be interpreted as surface nutrients inputs increase, accompanied by an enrichment of the bottom water [O₂] in the bottom water. These events could be related to stronger upwellings at the southern divergence leading to an increase of the Antarctic intermediate waters ventilation. These changes occur during atmospheric CO₂ increases recorded in Antarctic ice cores, marking the deglaciation, and suggesting an intimate link between upwellings, the intensity of the intermediate waters ventilation, and deep ocean-atmosphere CO₂ transfers.

Spatial Relationships among Hydroacoustic, Hydrographic and Top Predator Patterns: Cetacean Distributions in the Mid-Atlantic Bight

LaBrecque, Erin January 2016 (has links)
<p>Effective conservation and management of top predators requires a comprehensive understanding of their distributions and of the underlying biological and physical processes that affect these distributions. The Mid-Atlantic Bight shelf break system is a dynamic and productive region where at least 32 species of cetaceans have been recorded through various systematic and opportunistic marine mammal surveys from the 1970s through 2012. My dissertation characterizes the spatial distribution and habitat of cetaceans in the Mid-Atlantic Bight shelf break system by utilizing marine mammal line-transect survey data, synoptic multi-frequency active acoustic data, and fine-scale hydrographic data collected during the 2011 summer Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species (AMAPPS) survey. Although studies describing cetacean habitat and distributions have been previously conducted in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, my research specifically focuses on the shelf break region to elucidate both the physical and biological processes that influence cetacean distribution patterns within this cetacean hotspot. </p><p>In Chapter One I review biologically important areas for cetaceans in the Atlantic waters of the United States. I describe the study area, the shelf break region of the Mid-Atlantic Bight, in terms of the general oceanography, productivity and biodiversity. According to recent habitat-based cetacean density models, the shelf break region is an area of high cetacean abundance and density, yet little research is directed at understanding the mechanisms that establish this region as a cetacean hotspot. </p><p>In Chapter Two I present the basic physical principles of sound in water and describe the methodology used to categorize opportunistically collected multi-frequency active acoustic data using frequency responses techniques. Frequency response classification methods are usually employed in conjunction with net-tow data, but the logistics of the 2011 AMAPPS survey did not allow for appropriate net-tow data to be collected. Biologically meaningful information can be extracted from acoustic scattering regions by comparing the frequency response curves of acoustic regions to theoretical curves of known scattering models. Using the five frequencies on the EK60 system (18, 38, 70, 120, and 200 kHz), three categories of scatterers were defined: fish-like (with swim bladder), nekton-like (e.g., euphausiids), and plankton-like (e.g., copepods). I also employed a multi-frequency acoustic categorization method using three frequencies (18, 38, and 120 kHz) that has been used in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank which is based the presence or absence of volume backscatter above a threshold. This method is more objective than the comparison of frequency response curves because it uses an established backscatter value for the threshold. By removing all data below the threshold, only strong scattering information is retained.</p><p>In Chapter Three I analyze the distribution of the categorized acoustic regions of interest during the daytime cross shelf transects. Over all transects, plankton-like acoustic regions of interest were detected most frequently, followed by fish-like acoustic regions and then nekton-like acoustic regions. Plankton-like detections were the only significantly different acoustic detections per kilometer, although nekton-like detections were only slightly not significant. Using the threshold categorization method by Jech and Michaels (2006) provides a more conservative and discrete detection of acoustic scatterers and allows me to retrieve backscatter values along transects in areas that have been categorized. This provides continuous data values that can be integrated at discrete spatial increments for wavelet analysis. Wavelet analysis indicates significant spatial scales of interest for fish-like and nekton-like acoustic backscatter range from one to four kilometers and vary among transects. </p><p>In Chapter Four I analyze the fine scale distribution of cetaceans in the shelf break system of the Mid-Atlantic Bight using corrected sightings per trackline region, classification trees, multidimensional scaling, and random forest analysis. I describe habitat for common dolphins, Risso’s dolphins and sperm whales. From the distribution of cetacean sightings, patterns of habitat start to emerge: within the shelf break region of the Mid-Atlantic Bight, common dolphins were sighted more prevalently over the shelf while sperm whales were more frequently found in the deep waters offshore and Risso’s dolphins were most prevalent at the shelf break. Multidimensional scaling presents clear environmental separation among common dolphins and Risso’s dolphins and sperm whales. The sperm whale random forest habitat model had the lowest misclassification error (0.30) and the Risso’s dolphin random forest habitat model had the greatest misclassification error (0.37). Shallow water depth (less than 148 meters) was the primary variable selected in the classification model for common dolphin habitat. Distance to surface density fronts and surface temperature fronts were the primary variables selected in the classification models to describe Risso’s dolphin habitat and sperm whale habitat respectively. When mapped back into geographic space, these three cetacean species occupy different fine-scale habitats within the dynamic Mid-Atlantic Bight shelf break system. </p><p>In Chapter Five I present a summary of the previous chapters and present potential analytical steps to address ecological questions pertaining the dynamic shelf break region. Taken together, the results of my dissertation demonstrate the use of opportunistically collected data in ecosystem studies; emphasize the need to incorporate middle trophic level data and oceanographic features into cetacean habitat models; and emphasize the importance of developing more mechanistic understanding of dynamic ecosystems.</p> / Dissertation

Linhas de Frente das Bandas Marciais de São Paulo: memórias, tensões e negociações (1957-2000)

Corrêa, Elizeu de Miranda 26 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T19:31:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Elizeu de Miranda Correa.pdf: 9916752 bytes, checksum: e10d8c79486f784821162bdecf51f893 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This thesis aims to analyze the disputes, transformations, innovations, permanencies and ruptures, the resistances and negotiations, outlining the approach of this study to front lines (LF) that permeated the Martial Band of Grand São Paulo in the twentieth century, between years 1957 and 2000. However, reflecting on the events and the impacts occurred in the structure and choreographic conceptions of front lines. Their forms of representations, their meanings and discourses produced on these sets over the years chosen for this study. In the moment it was noticed the front lines Martial bands were protagonists of a series of clashes and tensions to stay ahead of the Musical Group and that this cultural practice is not limited only to its subject, it is necessary to think and understand this cultural practice in the academic scenario , justifying thus historicizing it. It is assumed that one of the inherent LF features along this historic route, it is your limitation and insecurity when facing obstacles, and the indulgence of the instructors "choreographers" in not promote the boldness, even if this costs you loss of titles in competitions. Thus, it is quite possible that it has a huge difficulty to reinvent itself, making it stable and exhausting in its materiality. It was used as a methodological theoretical resource use of the Press (Newspapers and Magazines), Images (Pictures and Movies), Regulations and fanfare and bands, laws and Decrees, and the use of oral history techniques (interviews). Overall, it was realized that the LF constitute a cultural practice and aesthetics defined by specific rules (dance, body movement, gestures and expression) certainly include or socially excluded individuals who aim to integrate it. On the other hand, they are for excellence the space of leisure and sociability, the space of dialogue between the body, movement and music. It is assumed, therefore, that it holds meanings and multiple versions: influence, love, reinvents itself and discipline its members, that according to its proponents. In short, it is to know, and maybe so cannot be defined / Essa tese tem como objetivo analisar as disputas, as transformações, as inovações, as permanências e rupturas, as resistências e as negociações, delimitando o recorte deste estudos às Linhas de Frente (LF) que permearam as Bandas Marciais da Grande São Paulo no limiar do século XX, entre os anos de 1957 e 2000. Não obstante, refletir sobre as vicissitudes e os impactos ocorridos na estrutura e nas concepções coreográficas das Linhas de Frente. Bem como perceber as suas formas de representações, os seus significados e os discursos produzidos acerca desses conjuntos ao longo dos anos eleitos para esse estudo. No instante em que se verificou as Linhas de Frente das Bandas Marciais foram protagonistas de uma série de embates e de tensões para permanecerem à frente do Corpo Musical e que essa prática cultural, não se esgota apenas aos seus sujeitos, faz necessário pensar e compreender essa prática cultural no universo acadêmico, justificando, portanto, historicizá-la. Pressupõe-se que, uma das características inerentes das LF ao longo desse percurso histórico, é a sua limitação e insegurança ao enfrentar obstáculos, bem como o comodismo dos instrutores coreógrafos , em não promover a ousadia, ainda que para isso lhe custe a perda de títulos em concursos. Deste modo, é bem possível que, há nela uma dificuldade imensa em se reinventar, tornando-a estável e esgotando-se em sua materialidade. Foi utilizada como recurso teórico metodológico a Imprensa (Jornais e Revistas), Imagens (Fotografias e Filmes), Regulamentos e Planilhas de Notas de Concursos de Fanfarras e Bandas, Leis e Decretos, além do uso das técnicas de História Oral (entrevistas). De modo geral, percebeu-se que as LF constituem uma prática cultural e estética, definida por regras específicas (dança, movimento do corpo, gestos e expressão) certamente incluem ou excluem socialmente os indivíduos que almejam integrá-la. Por outro lado, elas são por excelência o espaço do lazer e da sociabilidade, o espaço do diálogo entre o corpo, o movimento e a música. Pressupõe-se, assim, que ela é detentora de significados e de versões múltiplas que: influência, apaixona, se reinventa e disciplina os seus integrantes, isso de acordo com seus intérpretes. Em síntese, ela é saber, e, talvez por isso não possa ser definida

A Revolução Espanhola (1931-1939) : um debate entre Leon Trotsky e Andreu Nin /

Shirakura, Adler Eduardo Dias. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Leandro de Oliveira Galastri / Banca: Rodrigo Duarte Fernandes dos Passos / Banca: Aruã Silva de Lima / Resumo: A presente pesquisa trata-se de um estudo sobre a estratégia revolucionaria da classe operária a partir das polêmicas e convergências entre duas personalidades que representaram as tendências revolucionarias da classe operária espanhola: Leon Trotsky e Andreu Nin. Ambos os teóricos e dirigentes políticos marxistas, tinham em comum a luta pela revolução socialista e a oposição à burocratização da URSS. O primeiro se transformando em líder da Quarta Internacional, e o segundo em líder do POUM. / Abstract: This research is a study on the revolutionary strategy of the working class from the controversies and convergences between two personalities who represented the revolutionary tendencies of the Spanish working class: Leon Trotsky and Andreu Nin. These Marxist theorists and political leaders had in common the struggle for the socialist revolution and the opposition to the bureaucratization of the USSR. The first became the leader of the Fourth International, and the second the leader of the POUM. / Mestre

O feijão do Zé Américo: terra, trabalho e deslocamentos nas políticas contra as secas, o caso de Coremas / Zé Américo\'s beans: earth, labour and uprooting in anti drought policies, the Coremas case

Lucchesi, Fernanda 14 June 2017 (has links)
O objetivo dessa tese é analisar a política de açudagem pública empreendida pelo Departamento Nacional de Obras Contra as Secas (Dnocs), a partir da reestruturação fundiária derivada dessa política e da utilização da população mais afetada pelas secas como de mão de obra nas construções de açudes. As ações de combate às secas foram acessadas através das publicações oficiais e da ação do Dnocs em Coremas. A partir do marco de 1877, as secas tornaram-se um problema nacional, mobilizando esforços e recursos para a mitigação de seus efeitos deletérios, como a alta mortalidade da população afetada e, sobretudo, as famosas retiradas que punham em marcha um exército de famintos a procura dos centros menos atingidos. A formulação de uma política contra as secas se deu em um momento de grande discussão tanto sobre o caráter nacional e a criação do Estado Nação, como sobre a constituição do Nordeste enquanto região específica. Na década de 1930, a Inspetoria Federal de Obras Contra as Secas (Ifocs), órgão que havia sido criado em 1909, foi reformulada pelo então Ministro da Viação e Obras Públicas, o paraibano José Américo de Almeida, dando início a um período de grande prestígio em termos de recursos e realizações. Entre as políticas de combate aos efeitos das secas, ganhou destaque a chamada solução hidráulica que consistia em construir grandes reservatórios públicos para acumular água, que seria utilizada nos períodos de estiagem e também em projetos de irrigação. Para José Américo de Almeida, os grandes reservatórios públicos cumpririam a dupla função de armazenar água e fornecer trabalho à população afetada, impedindo sua dizimação e fixando-a em sua região. Entre os açudes iniciados nessa época, está o Sistema Coremas-Mãe D\'água, localizado no Vale do Piancó, no alto sertão paraibano. Classificada inicialmente como uma espécie de vazio demográfico, a área desapropriada para a instalação dos açudes era povoada por pequenos sítios cuja produção dependia principalmente da mão de obra de trabalhadores-moradores. Deslocados sem qualquer compensação por parte do Estado, muitos desses moradores tornaram-se operários nas obras do Dnocs ou rendeiros do órgão. Embora justificadas pela promessa de melhoria da vida da população do sertão, muitas das obras de combate às secas terminaram por expropriar camponeses e pequenos proprietários, tornando mais precárias as condições de trabalho a que estavam submetidos, como foi o caso em Coremas. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze the dam building policy carried out by the National Anti Drought Department (Dnocs), from the point of view of its impacts on the distribution of land and the use of the impoverished population to build this dams. The anti drought policies were accessed by official publications and trough the actions of the Department in the city of Coremas. From the benchmark of 1877, droughts became a national problem, mobilizing efforts and resources to mitigate its effects, such as the high mortality rate and, most of all, the famous withdraws that put on march a famine army in the search of less affected centers. The formulation of an anti drought policy took place during a period of great discussion not only about the national character and the building of the National State, but also about the constitution of the Northeast as a specific region. In the 1930\'s, the Federal Anti Drought Institute (Ifocs), created in 1909, was reformulated by the then Minister of Transport and Public Works, José Américo de Almeida from the state of Paraíba, giving birth to a prestigious period in terms of resources and realizations. Among the anti drought policies, there was an emphasis in the so called hydraulic solution, that consisted of building big public reservoirs to store water to be used in drought periods and irrigation projects. According to José Américo de Almeida\'s opinion, such public reservoirs had the double function of storing water and providing jobs for the affected population, what would prevent the massive deaths and fix this population in its own region. Among the dams initiated during this period is the Coremas-Mãe D\'água System, located in the Piancó Valley, in Paraíba hinterland. At first classified as if it were a demographic void, the area expropriated to install the dam were filled with small farms producing with the work of resident tenants. Uprooted without any compensation form the State, a great deal of them became workers on Dnocs enterprises or tenants of the Department. Although the anti drought policies were justified by the promise of improving the life of the population located in the semi-arid, many of the enterprises ended up expropriating peasants, tenants and small land owners, making the conditions of work under which they were submitted worse.

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