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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The potential of putrescine postharvest dips and cold storage temperature on fruit quality and shelf-life of 'solo' papaya (carica papaya L).

Mabunda, Eulenda Tinyiko January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Horticulture)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / Cold storage is commonly used to prolong papaya fruit storability. Furthermore, the optimal recommended storage temperature is below 10℃ for export and distant market. However, chilling injury (CI) occurs at 10℃ or lower during prolonged cold storage. This condition hampered consumer acceptance, resulting in economic losses for producers and exporters. Therefore, the study aimed to investigate the potential of postharvest polyamine dips and storage conditions to improve the quality and shelf life of ‘Solo’ papaya fruit. The experiment was conducted as 4 x 2 factorial arranged in a completely randomised design (CRD) with eight replications. The fruits were treated with putrescine (PUT) (0 (control), 1, 2 and 3 mM) before storage for 21 days at 7.5 and 13℃ plus 5 days storage at ambient temperature. Additionally, the PUT effect on quality attributes and shelf-life were studied. The results showed that physiological and pathological disorders increased with progressive storage, irrespective of storage temperature. However, PUT treatment reduced the incidence of chilling injury and anthracnose at both 7.5 and 13℃. Additionally, the interaction of treatment and cold storage temperature significantly affected ‘Solo’ papaya fruit physical and biochemical quality attributes. Furthermore, treatment with 2 and 3 mM PUT concentration reduced changes in colour, mass, firmness, TA, and TSS compared to control. In conclusion, postharvest PUT improved ‘Solo’ papaya fruit quality and prolonged shelf-life. / AgriSETA (Agricultural Sector Training Authority)

Разработка методик неразрушающего определения качественных характеристик фруктов методами радиоволновых и электрических измерений : магистерская диссертация / Development of methods for non-destructive determination of the qualitative characteristics of fruits by radio wave and electrical measurements

Семенов, В. А., Semenov, V. A. January 2021 (has links)
Объектом исследования являются качественные характеристики фруктов и овощей. Цель работы – разработать методику неразрушающего определения качественных характеристик фруктов и овощей. В данной работе представлены неразрушающие методы определения качественных характеристик различных фруктов и овощей. Все представленные методы используются для определения физических параметров фрукта или овоща, и затем соотношения их с качественными характеристиками, например, сортом или размером. В работе исследовались характеристики яблока при помощи метода измерения S-параметров. Представлены измерения коэффициента отражения яблока при помощи баночной антенны. Написана программа для определения сорта и размера яблок. Определение сорта происходит с высокой точностью. Актуальность данной работы заключается в том, что данная методика определения при должной доработке может использоваться на конвейере в целях сортировки яблок, данное применение позволит уменьшить затраты человеческого труда на сортировку, и позволит увеличить ее точность. / The object of the research is the qualitative characteristics of fruits and vegetables. The purpose of the work is to develop a method for non-destructive determination of the qualitative characteristics of fruits and vegetables. This paper presents non-destructive methods for determining the quality characteristics of various fruits and vegetables. All the methods presented are used to determine the physical parameters of a fruit or vegetable, and then correlate them with qualitative characteristics, such as variety or size. In the work, the characteristics of the apple were investigated using the method of measuring the S-parameters. Presented are measurements of the reflection coefficient of an apple using a can antenna. A program has been written to determine the variety and size of apples. The definition of the variety is carried out with high precision. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that this determination method, with proper refinement, can be used on the conveyor for sorting apples, this application will reduce the cost of human labor for sorting, and will increase its accuracy.

Reducing Postharvest Losses in Persimmon. Pre and Postharvest Aspects Involved in Fruit Quality and New Strategies for Valorization

Quaresma Vilhena, Nariane 07 March 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] En los últimos años España ha experimentado una sobreproducción de caqui, provocando una importante caída del precio y el aumento del desperdicio de fruta. Además, diferentes factores pre y postcosecha, pueden dar lugar a importantes pérdidas tras la cosecha. En este contexto, esta Tesis aborda diferentes estrategias para aumentar la rentabilidad del cultivo del caqui mediante la reducción de pérdidas postcosecha y la revalorización de la fruta descartada y de los excedentes de producción. Para ello, se estudian aspectos pre y postcosecha implicados en la calidad del fruto y se propone el secado de la fruta entera como una nueva estrategia de valorización de los frutos que no se destinan para fresco. Entre los aspectos precosecha, el estado nutricional de la planta es un factor clave que afecta a la composición del material vegetal y a las características del fruto. Los Capítulos I y II abordan el estudio de las concentraciones de macro y micronutrientes en hojas y frutos procedentes de parcelas cultivada bajo condiciones de manejo ecológico y convencional, y su relación con los principales parámetros de calidad del caqui 'Rojo Brillante'. Los resultados obtenidos aportan nueva información sobre la composición nutricional del caqui y refuerzan la necesidad de una fertilización equilibrada para conseguir una buena calidad del fruto. Otro aspecto precosecha a tener en cuenta en el manejo del caqui es la aplicación de fitorreguladores. En 'Rojo Brillante', es habitual el uso de etefón para adelantar la cosecha, y del ácido giberélico (AG3) para retrasar su maduración. Además, el tratamiento postcosecha con 1-MCP se aplica habitualmente para garantizar la calidad de la fruta tras la cosecha. Sin embargo, la aplicación precosecha de 1-MCP es un novedoso tratamiento eficaz para otras frutas. En el Capítulo III, en el que se evaluó este tratamiento en diferentes escenarios, se comprobó que, en fruta tratada con etefón, amplió la ventana de cosecha y prolongó el periodo de comercialización. En la fruta tratada con GA3, el 1-MCP precosecha puede sustituir a la aplicación de 1-MCP postcosecha, lo que lo convierte en una herramienta útil para optimizar las operaciones en las centrales de manejo. En el caso del 'Rojo Brillante', se ha observado un efecto del momento de cosecha sobre el comportamiento del fruto durante la frigoconservación. Para explicar estas diferencias, en el Capítulo IV se llevó a cabo la caracterización fisicoquímica y microestructural de frutos recolectados en cinco momentos y se evaluaron los cambios de firmeza durante el almacenamiento frigorífico. Pequeñas diferencias en la firmeza del fruto en cosecha afectaron de manera importante al mantenimiento de la calidad en conservación, lo que se relacionó con la estructura del parénquima en el momento de recolección. Por otro lado, hay que tener en cuenta que el tratamiento postcosecha de desastringencia se asocia a importantes pérdidas de calidad. En el Capítulo V se estudió el efecto del tratamiento de desastringencia con CO2 y etanol en la calidad postcosecha del cv. Giombo. Los resultados sugieren que, aunque el etanol es el tratamiento habitual de desastringencia para esta variedad, se recomiendan las altas concentraciones de CO2 para conseguir una insolubilización más rápida de los taninos y el mantenimiento de la firmeza de la pulpa durante la frigoconservación. En esta Tesis también se propone el secado de fruto entero como una nueva estrategia para valorizar los frutos descartados y los excedentes de producción del 'Rojo Brillante'. En el Capítulo VI se estudiaron los cambios fisicoquímicos y microestructurales que se producen en el fruto durante el secado natural, revelando que esta variedad es apta para ser sometida al proceso de secado. Para mejorar el proceso, también se evaluó el secado por aire caliente a tres temperaturas (Capítulo VII). Las características finales dependieron de la temperatura de secado, especialmente en términos de textura. / [CA] En els últims anys Espanya ha experimentat una sobreproducció de caqui, provocant una important caiguda del preu i l'augment del desaprofitament de fruita. A més, diferents factors pre i postcollita, poden donar lloc a importants pèrdues després de la collita. En este context, esta Tesi aborda diferents estratègies per a augmentar la rendibilitat del cultiu del caqui mitjançant la reducció de pèrdues postcollita i la revalorització de la fruita descartada i dels excedents de producció. Per a això, s'estudien aspectes pre i postcollita implicats en la qualitat del fruit i es proposa l'assecat de la fruita sencera com una nova estratègia de valorització dels fruits que no es destinen per a fresc. Entre els aspectes precollita, l'estat nutricional de la planta és un factor clau que afecta a la composició del material vegetal i a les característiques del fruit. Els Capítols I i II aborden l'estudi de les concentracions de macro i micronutrients en fulles i fruits procedents de parcel·les cultivades sota condicions de maneig ecològic i convencional, i la seua relació amb els principals paràmetres de qualitat del caqui 'Rojo Brillante'. Els resultats obtinguts aporten nova informació sobre la composició nutricional del caqui i reforcen la necessitat d'una fertilització equilibrada per a aconseguir una bona qualitat del fruit. Un altre aspecte precollita a tindre en compte en el maneig del caqui és l'aplicació de fitorreguladors. En 'Rojo Brillante', és habitual l'ús de etefon per a avançar la collita, i de l'àcid gibberèl·lic (AG3) per a retardar la seua maduració. A més, el tractament postcollita amb 1-MCP s'aplica habitualment per a garantir la qualitat de la fruita després de la collita. No obstant això, l'aplicació precollita de 1-MCP és un nou tractament eficaç per a altres fruites. En el Capítol III, en el qual es va avaluar este tractament en diferents escenaris, es va comprovar que, en fruita tractada amb etefon, va ampliar la finestra de collita i va prolongar el període de comercialització. En la fruita tractada amb GA3, el 1-MCP aplicat en precollita pot substituir a l'aplicació de 1-MCP postcollita, la qual cosa ho converteix en una eina útil per a optimitzar les operacions en les centrals de maneig. En el cas del 'Rojo Brillante', s'ha observat un efecte del moment de collita sobre el comportament del fruit durant la frigoconservació. Per a explicar estes diferències, en el Capítol IV es va dur a terme la caracterització fisicoquímica i microestructural de fruits recol·lectats en cinc moments i es van avaluar els canvis de fermesa durant l'emmagatzematge frigorífic. Xicotetes diferències en la fermesa del fruit en collita van afectar de manera important al manteniment de la qualitat en conservació, la qual cosa es va relacionar amb l'estructura del parènquima en el moment de recol·lecció. D'altra banda, cal tindre en compte que el tractament postcollita de desastringència s'associa a importants pèrdues de qualitat. En el Capítol V es va estudiar l'efecte del tractament de desastringència amb CO¿ i etanol en la qualitat postcollita del cv. Giombo. Els resultats suggereixen que, encara que l'etanol és el tractament habitual de desastringència per a esta varietat, es recomanen les altes concentracions de CO¿ per a aconseguir una insolubilització més ràpida dels tanins i el manteniment de la fermesa de la polpa durant la frigoconservació. En esta Tesi també es proposa l'assecat de fruit sencer com una nova estratègia per a valorar els fruits descartats i els excedents de producció del 'Rojo Brillante'. En el Capítol VI es van estudiar els canvis fisicoquímics i microestructurals que es produeixen en el fruit durant l'assecat natural, revelant que esta varietat és apta per a ser sotmesa al procés d'assecat. Per a millorar el procés, també es va avaluar l'assecat per aire calent a tres temperatures (Capítol VII). Les característiques finals van dependre de la temperatura d'assecat, especialment en termes de textuta. / [EN] In recent years Spain has experienced overproduction, which has led to important economic losses and increased fruit waste. Moreover, different preharvest factors, which affect fruit quality, and an inadequate postharvest management, can lead to important postharvest losses. In this context, the objective of the present Thesis is to study strategies to increase persimmon crop profitability by reducing postharvest losses and revalorizing discarded fruit and surplus production. Thus, the pre- and postharvest aspects involved in persimmon fruit quality are discussed and the whole fruit drying is proposed as a new valorization strategy. Of the preharvest aspects related to fruit quality parameters, the plant nutritional status is a major factor that can affect plant material composition and fruit characteristics. Thus, Chapters I and II addressed the study of macro- and micronutrients concentrations in the leaves and fruit from organic and conventional management systems, and their relation to the main fruit quality parameters in 'Rojo Brillante' persimmon. The results obtained in this study provide new information about the nutritional composition of persimmon and reinforce the need for balanced fertilization to achieve good fruit quality. Another important preharvest aspect is the application of phytoregulators to prolong the harvesting season. For 'Rojo Brillante', ethephon use is normal to advance harvest, as is gibberellic acid (GA3) to delay maturation. These treatments can affect fruit quality at both harvest and postharvest. Therefore, the postharvest 1-methylciclopropene (1-MCP) treatment is commonly applied to guarantee fruit quality. However, the preharvest 1-MCP application has been shown to be a novel effective treatment for other fruit. In Chapter III, in which this treatment was evaluated in different scenarios for persimmon, it was proved that it extended the harvest window and prolonged the commercialization period when applied to the ethephon-treated fruit. In the GA3-treated fruit, the preharvest 1-MCP can replace the 1-MCP postharvest application, which could be a useful tool for optimizing handling operations in packinghouses. For 'Rojo Brillante', an effect of harvest moment on fruit behavior during cold storage has been commercially documented. To explain these differences, in Chapter IV an in-depth physico-chemical and microstructural characterization of fruit during five commercial harvests is carried out and the changes in fruit firmness changes during cold storage was evaluated. The minor differences revealed in persimmon firmness at harvest strongly influenced fruit postharvest behavior, which was associated with structural parenchyma of flesh fruit at harvest. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that deastringency treatment is a critical step of postharvest handling because it directly influences fruit quality. This thesis (Chapter V) addressed the study of the effect of deastringency treatment with CO2 and ethanol on postharvest quality of cv. Giombo. The results suggested that, although ethanol is the usual deastringency treatment for this variety, high concentrations of CO2 are recommended to achieve faster insolubilization of tannins and to maintain higher fruit quality during cold storage. To valorize discarded persimmon fruit and surplus production, whole fruit drying is proposed as a new strategy for 'Rojo Brillante'. A first study (Chapter VI), which deals with the physicochemical and microstructural changes that occur during natural air drying, shows that this variety is suitable for drying as whole fruit. To improve the process, convective hot-air drying is also evaluated at three temperatures (Chapter VII). The results showed that the higher the drying temperature, the faster the drying process was, and the final product characteristics depended on the drying temperature, especially in texture terms. / This research was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain, through project RTA2017-00045-C02, the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through Project IVIA-51910 and by the company Agrofresh Spain / Quaresma Vilhena, N. (2023). Reducing Postharvest Losses in Persimmon. Pre and Postharvest Aspects Involved in Fruit Quality and New Strategies for Valorization [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203088 / Compendio

Significance of direct and indirect pollination ecosystem services to the apple industry in the Western Cape of South Africa

Mouton, Madele 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConEcol (Conservation Ecology and Entomology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Insect pollinators play an important role in producing crops in global agriculture. Pollinatordependent crops contribute to maintaining a healthy variety in the human diet and often have a high market value, beneficial for local or regional economies. Insect crop pollinators can either be from natural areas adjacent to orchards, or they can be brought into orchards by beekeepers that manage them. Pollination by wild pollinators is an ecosystem service, while managed pollinators (mostly honeybees) is a humanly managed service, considered not to be related to the ecosystem. Ecosystem services and their economic value have often been used as an incentive for conservation, although it is sometimes difficult to characterise and quantify them. Wild and managed pollinators have been reported to be threatened in several regions around the world, and there is concern about the effect a pollination deficit may have on crop production. Different crops and cultivars have different levels of dependence on insect pollination due to a combination of biological, physical and management factors. In this study, the pollination dependence of the Granny Smith apple cultivar and the respective contributions of wild and managed pollinators are investigated in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Granny Smith apples show a significant increase in production with insect pollination (wild and managed). Managed honeybees are more abundant in orchards than wild honeybees, and also provide a better pollination service. This difference between the pollination service of wild and managed honeybees are specifically noted in the quality, where managed honeybees pollination result in significantly more seeds per fruit and consequently produce a better shaped apple. The study goes further by quantifying the ecosystem services to the managed honeybee industry through a questionnaire completed by beekeepers. It was found that 49% of the managed hives in the Western Cape rely to some extent on natural vegetation as a forage source. Furthermore 18% of honey produced is also from natural vegetation and the wild honeybee population replenish managed honeybee stocks if they become depleted. Although managed honeybees are not usually considered an ecosystem service, it is clear that they are still linked to the ecosystem via these pathways. It is thus obvious that all pollination sources are linked to the environment, not just wild pollinators. A further economic valuation of the ecosystem service studied, and to the argument for conservation of pollinators and the resources they depend on. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Insek bestuiwing speel ‘n belangrike rol in die produksie van gewasse in landbou wêreldwyd. Gewasse wat bestuiwing-afhanklik is, dra by tot ‘n gesonde verskeidenheid in die mens se dieët en hul hoë mark waarde is voordelig vir plaaslike en streeks ekonomieë. Insek bestuiwers kan of van natuurlike areas langs boorde afkomstig wees, of bestuurde bestuiwers kan deur byeboere in boorde ingebring word. Bestuiwing deur wilde bestuiwers is ‘n ekosisteem diens, maar die byeboere verskaf ‘n bestuurde diens, wat nie altyd gereken word om aan die ekosisteem verwant te wees nie. Ekosisteem dienste en hul ekonomiese waarde word gereeld gebruik as insentief vir bewaring, alhoewel dit soms moeilik is om dit te karaktariseer en te kwantifiseer. In sekere streke wêreldwyd is dit bewys dat wilde, asook bestuurde bestuiwers, bedreig is en daar heers bekommernis dat ‘n tekort aan bestuiwers gewas produksie negatief sal beïnvloed. Verskillende gewasse en kultivars het verskillende vlakke van bestuiwing-afhanklikheid as gevolg van verskillende biologiese en fisiese faktore en bestuurspraktyke. In hierdie studie is die bestuiwings-afhanklikheid van die Granny Smith appel kultivar ondersoek, asook die bydrae van wilde en bestuurde heuningbye in die Wes-Kaap provinsie van Suid Afrika. Granny Smith appels toon ‘n betekenisvolle produksie verbetering met insek bestuiwing (wilde en bestuurde bye). Daar is ‘n groter hoeveelheid bestuurde bye in ‘n boord as wilde bye, en hulle verskaf ook dus ‘n beter bestuiwingsdiens. Die voordeel van bestuurde bye bo wilde bye word veral in vrug kwaliteit opgemerk. As bestuurde bye gebruik word, is daar betekenisvol meer sade per vrug en gevolglik het die appels ook ‘n beter vorm. Verder fokus die studie ook op die kwantifisering van ekosisteem dienste wat aan die bestuurde heuningby industrie verskaf word, deur inligting van byeboere te gebruik. Daar is bevind dat 49% van die kolonies bestuurde bye in die Wes- Kaap is tot ‘n mate afhanklik van natuurlike plantegroei vir voedsel. Verder is 18% van die geproduseerde heuning ook afkomstig van natuurlike plantegroei se nektar en byeboere vang wilde kolonies om uitgestorwe bestuurde kolonies te vervang. Dit is dus duidelik dat alle bestuiwings bronne gekoppel is aan die omgewing, nie slegs wilde bestuiwers nie. ‘n Verdere ekonomiese waardasie van die onderskeie ekosisteem dienste wat bestudeer is, voeg motivering by tot die bewaring van bestuiwers en die hulpbronne waarvan hulle afhanklik is.

Bioactive compounds and physical and chemical characteristics of mini tomatoes: influence of postharvest treatments / Compostos bioativos e características físico-químicas de mini tomates: influência de tratamentos pós-colheita

Schwarz, Kélin 29 March 2016 (has links)
Tomatoes are among the most cultivated and used vegetables in the world. They are very succeptible to post harvest losses due to high perishability, therefore the use of postharvest treatments may contribute to conservation of this fruit, however the treatments might affect significantly physico-chemical, sensory and nutritional characteristics of tomatoes. Given the perishability of tomato and the economic importance of small tomato fruits, the purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of gamma radiation, carnauba coating and 1-MCP treatments on tomato fruit quality during storage. The study may be divided into two parts. In the first, mini tomatoes cv. Sweet Grape were harvested at breaker stage, divided into 4 grous and treated with gamma radiation (0.6 kGy), carnauba coating (1 L 1000 kg-1) and 1-MCP (500 nL L-1) and then stored at 25±2°C for 30 days with a control group of tomatoes. In the seconnd part, tomatoes harvested at light-red stage were submitted to the same treatments and storage period. Every 6 days tomatoes were evaluated for color modifications, fruit firmness, souble and total pectin (only for light-red tomatoes), mass loss, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), SS/TA ratio, carotenoids profile, formation of lycopene isomers, total phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid and antioxidant capacity. For tomatoes harvested at breaker stage and submitted to the treatments the results showed mass loss was delaying mainly by carnauba wax, and to a lesser extend by 1-MCP. Fruit firmness were better retained for 1-MCP treated fruits and carnauba treatment showed a transient effect in preserving fruit firmness. SS/TA of tomatoes treated with gamma radiation and carnauba presented no differences from control values, and were lower with the application of 1-MCP. Color was negatively affected by 1-MCP and earlier changed (6th day) when gamma radiation was applied. In relation to bioactive compounds of tomatoes harvest at breaker stage, results indicated gamma radiation and 1-MCP decreased the final content of lycopene and produced more (Z)-isomers of lycopene. Gamma radiation also induced a decreased in ?-carotene and an increased in phenolic compounds by the end of storage period. 1-MCP treatment promoted a slow down increase in ascorbic acid content during storage. Antioxidant capacity of the hydrophilic fraction was not dramatically affected by treatments and the lipophilic fraction was lower, especially for 1-MCP fruits. In addition, contents of ?-carotene, lycopene, (Z)-isomers of lycopene, ascorbic acid and antioxidant capacity increased during the period of storage while contents of lutein and phenolic compounds tended to decrease. Regarding tomatoes harvest at light-red stage, the most effective treatments for delaying fruit firmness and mass loss was carnauba and 1-MCP, while gamma radiation was the treatment with higher mass loss and the less fruit firmness, which could be associated with the higher solubilization of pectins promoted by radiation treatment. Color (L* and Hue) was mainly affected by 1-MCP treatment which delayed color development, however, by the end of storage, the values were not different from the other treatments. SS/TA ratio was lower for fruits treated with 1-MCP and TA was not so dramatically affected by treatments. Furthermore, mini tomatoes harvested at light-red stage, demonstrated irradiation induced changes in the final content of lycopene, increasing it, and formed less (13Z)-lycopene, while 1-MCP and carnauba coating slow down the increase in lycopene and slown down the decrease of ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds. Antioxidant capacity of lipophilic fraction was not affected by treatments and the hydrophilic fraction was lower for irradiated fruits only on day 0 as well as phenolic compounds. In the other days, no differences among treatments were observed for hydrophilic antioxidant capacity. Considering the results, the best combination of SS and TA and fruit preservation for mini tomatoes harvest at breaker stage was promoted by carnauba coating, which seems to be the treatment that causes fewer changes in bioactive compounds of breaker tomatoes. However, when mini tomatoes were harvested at light-red stage, SS/TA ratio and color were better and, to preserve the quality of these fruits, besides carnauba coating, 1-MCP also could be indicated / Os tomates estão dentre as hortaliças mais cultivadas e consumidas no mundo, porém os frutos do tomateiro são muito sucetíveis a perdas após a colheita devido a alta perecibilidade, por isso, o uso de tratamentos pós-colheita pode contribuir para a conservação dos frutos. Entretanto, o uso destes tratamentos pode afetar significativamente características físico-químicas, sensorias e nutricionais dos tomates. Dada a perecibilidade e a importância econômica dos mini tomates, o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o efeito da radiação gama, revestimento à base de cera de carnaúba e 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP) na qualidade do tomate durante o armazenamento. O estudo pode ser dividido em duas partes. Na primeira, mini tomates cv. Sweet grape colhidos no estádio de maturação breaker foram divididos em quarto grupos e tratados com radiação gama (0.6 kGy), cera de carnaúba (1 L 1000 kg-1) e 1-MCP (500 nL L-1) e então armazenados a 25±2°C por 30 dias, juntamente com um grupo de frutos controle. Na segunda parte, tomates colhidos no estádio de maturação vermelho-claro foram submetidos aos mesmos tratamentos e período de armazenamento. A cada seis dias os frutos foram avaliados para modificações nas características físico-químicas: coloração, firmeza, pectina solúvel e total (somente para os frutos vermelho-claro), perda de massa, acidez titulável (AT), sólidos solúveis (SS), relação SS/AT; e compostos bioativos: perfil de carotenoides, formação de isômeros de licopeno, compostos fenólicos totais, ácido ascórbico, e capacidade antioxidante. Para os tomates colhidos no estádio breaker, os resultados mostraram que a perda de massa foi retardada, principalmente pelo uso de cera de carnauba e de 1-MCP, este último em menor proporção. A firmeza dos frutos foi melhor retida para os frutos tratados com 1-MCP e, a cobertura com carnauba mostrou um efeito transitório em preservar a firmeza dos frutos. A relação SS/AT dos frutos irradiados e cobertos com carnauba não apresentaram diferenças dos valores do controle, mas foram menores com a aplicação de 1-MCP. A coloração foi negativamente afetada pelo uso do 1-MCP e precocemente modificada (no 6° dia) quando a radiação gama foi aplicada. Em relação aos compostos bioativos destes mesmos frutos, os resultados indicaram que a radiação gama e o 1-MCP diminuiram o conteúdo final de licopeno e produziram mais (Z)-isômeros de licopeno nos frutos. A radiação gama também induziu a diminuição de ?-caroteno e o aumento dos compostos fenólicos no final do período de armazenamento. A aplicação de 1-MCP promoveu desaceleração no aumento do conteúdo de ácido ascórbico durante o armazenamento. A capacidade antioxidante da fração hidrofílica não foi muito afetada pelos tratamentos e, a fração lipofílica foi menor para os frutos tratados com 1-MCP. Além disso, os teores de ?-caroteno, licopeno, (Z)-isômeros de licopeno, ácido ascórbico e capacidade antioxidante aumentaram durante o armazenamento, enquanto que, o teor de luteína e compostos fenólicos tenderam a diminuir. A respeito dos tomatates colhidos no estádio de maturação vermelho claro, os tratamentos mais efetivos para retardas a perda demassa e a firmeza foram a cobertura de carnauba e 1-MCP, enquanto o tratamento com radiação gama apresentou a maior perda de massa e de firmeza de frutos, o que pode ser associado a maior solubilização de pectinas promovida pela radiação gama. A cor (L* e Hue) foi principalmente afetada pelo tratamento com 1-MCP, que retardou o desenvolvimento da mesma, porém no final do período de armazenamento, os valores não diferiram dos outros tratamentos. A relação SS/AT foi menor para os frutos tratados com 1-MCP e a AT não foi muito afetada pelos tratamentos. Além disso, mini tomates colhidos no estádio vermelho-claro demosntraram que a irradiação induziu modificações no teor final de licopeno, aumentando-o e houve menor formação de (13Z)-licopeno, enquanto que 1-MCP e carnauba desaceleraram o aumento no teor de licopeno e desaceleraram a diminuição de ácido ascórbico e compostos fenólicos. A capacidade antioxidante da fração lipofílica não foi afetada pelos tratamentos e a fração hidrofílica foi menor para os tomates irradiados somente no dia 0, assim como para compostos fenólicos. Nos demais dias não houve diferenças entre os tratamentos. Considerando os resultados, a melhor combinação de SS/AT e preservação de mini tomates colhidos no estádio breaker foi promovida pela cobertura de carnaúba, a qual pareceu ser o tratamento que causou menores mudanças nos compostos bioativos dos tomates beaker. Entretanto, quando os mini tomates são colhidos no estádio vermelho-claro, SS/AT e coloração são melhor desenvolvidas e, para preservar a qualidade destes frutos, além da cera de carnaúba, o 1-MCP também pode ser indicado

Effect of nutrient limitation on physiological and morphological plant traits related to growth and quality of tomato

Mohammed, Kassem Ahmed Said 21 July 2013 (has links)
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, das Verständnis über Reaktionen von Tomaten auf limitiertes Nährstoffangebot zu verbessern. In der Kontrollbehandlung (100% Biomassewachstum) wurden Pflanzen ohne Nährstofflimitierung kultiviert. Bei den Mangelvarianten wurde entweder K, Mg oder N kontinuierlich in Raten angeboten, die das Wachstum auf etwa 80% (leichter Mangel) oder 60% (starker Mangel) der Kontrolle reduzierten. Dieser Versuchsansatz ermöglichte es, pflanzliche Reaktionen auf eine gut definierte Intensität von Mangel an K, Mg und N zu vergleichen. Nährstofflimitierung veränderte die Biomasse- und Nährstoffallokation auf die verschiedenen Pflanzenorgane, wobei diese Veränderungen sich je nach Nährstoff unterschieden, aber nicht von der Intensität des Mangels abhängig waren. Die Wirkungen von Nährstofflimitierung auf morphologische Wurzel- und Sprosseigenschaften waren ebenfalls Nährstoff-spezifisch und nicht abhängig von der Intensität des Mangels. Die Wirkungen auf die Fruchtqualität, z.B. den Gehalt an Zuckern, Lycopin und Vitamin C waren Nährstoff-spezifisch und bei einigen Parametern auch von der Intensität des Mangels abhängig. Die Pflanzenreaktionen auf Mg-Mangel wurden in größerem Detail untersucht. In den ersten 6 Tagen nach Beginn der Limitierung nahmen die Mg-Konzentrationen in allen Organen stark ab, ohne Wirkung auf das Wachstum und die Photosynthese. Mangel erhöhte die Blattzuckergehalte, aber die Zuckerakkumulation stand in keiner Beziehung zur Photosyntheserate. Diese nahm erst ab, wenn die Blatt-Konzentrationen auf Werte unterhalb von 0,1 bis 0,2 mg Mg g-1 Frischmasse abgesunken waren. In Mg-Mangelpflanzen akkumulierten Zucker in den Sourceblättern sogar wenn das Source/Sink-Verhältnis in den Pflanzen durch Beschattung der basalen Blätter stark verringert wurde. Das stimmt mit der Annahme überein, dass Mg-Mangel aufgrund einer Inhibierung der Phloembeladung den Zuckerexport aus den Blättern verringert. / This thesis aims to increase our understanding about plant responses to K, Mg and N limitation and their relationship with fruit quality of tomato. In the control treatment (100% biomass growth), plants were grown at high nutrient concentration. In the nutrient-limitation treatments, either K or Mg or N was supplied continuously at rates, which reduced biomass growth to about 80% (mild deficiency) or 60% (severe deficiency) of the control. This experimental approach allowed comparing long-term plant responses to deficiency of K, Mg or N at well-defined intensities of nutrient limitation. Nutrient limitation was associated with changes of biomass and nutrient allocation among various plant organs, whereby these changes were nutrient specific (e.g., biomass allocation to leaves was increased in Mg deficient plants, and decreased in N deficient plants), but not much dependent on the intensity of nutrient limitation. Effects of nutrient limitation on root and shoot morphological traits were also nutrient-specific and independent on the intensity of deficiency. Effects of nutrient limitation on fruit quality, e.g, sugar, lycopene and ascorbic acid content, were also nutrient-specific, and for specific parameter dependent on the intensity of deficiency. Responses to Mg deficiency were studied in more detail. In the first 6 days after start of Mg limitation, Mg concentrations in all plant organs drastically decreased without any effects on growth and leaf photosynthetic rates. Mg-deficiency increased leaf sugar concentrations, but sugar accumulation was not directly related to leaf photosynthesis which only decreased after leaf Mg concentrations were below 0.10 to 0.20 mg Mg g-1 leaf fresh mass. In Mg-deficient plants, sugars accumulated in source leaves even when the source/sink ratio was strongly decreased by shading of basal leaves. This is in accordance with the suggestion that sugar export is reduced due to inhibition of phloem loading.

Qualidade da romã "molar" submetida a temperatura de armazenamento e biofilmes. / Quality of pomegranate 'Molar' posted at temperatures of storage and edible biofilms.

MOREIRA, Inácia dos Santos. 29 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Deyse Queiroz (deysequeirozz@hotmail.com) on 2018-05-29T17:56:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 INÁCIA DOS SANTOS MOREIRA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGSA PROFISSIONAL 2014..pdf: 1960619 bytes, checksum: 0eec38ed3470ea1ff2f29f63cf555e2b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-29T17:56:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 INÁCIA DOS SANTOS MOREIRA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGSA PROFISSIONAL 2014..pdf: 1960619 bytes, checksum: 0eec38ed3470ea1ff2f29f63cf555e2b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-26 / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar a qualidade da romã „Molar‟ durante o armazenamento dos frutos in natura, sob diferentes temperaturas de refrigeração, e avaliar o uso de biofilmes à base de fécula de mandioca e Spirulina platensis nos frutos armazenados sob as condições ambiente à 25ºC e sob condições de armazenamento refrigerado a 10ºC. O estudo foi subdividido em duas etapas no Laboratório de Análise de Alimentos da UFCG, no Campus de Pombal - PB. Na primeira etapa, os frutos foram armazenados nas temperaturas 6°C, 10°C e 12°C e analisados ao 0, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 dias de refrigeração, sendo cada intervalo acrescidos de dois dias de permanência em sala sob condição ambiente (24 ± 2ºC e 43 ± 5% UR), para simular as condições de comercialização (Shelf life). Na segunda etapa, foram selecionados doze frutos para sua caracterização inicial, os outros frutos receberam os seguintes tratamentos: T1 - Testemunha, sem recobrimento; T2 - 1% de fécula de mandioca; T3 - 3% de fécula de mandioca; T4 - 1% de Spirulina platensis; T5 - 3% de Spirulina platensis; T6 - 1% de fécula de mandioca e 1% de Spirulina platensis e T7 - 3% de fécula de mandioca e 3% de Spirulina platensis. Ao receber os tratamentos, os frutos foram separados em dois experimentos para o estabelecimento das condições de armazenamento, onde: Experimento I – Frutos tratados e armazenados em sala climatizada, com controle de temperatura e umidade, simulando condições de comercialização em temperatura ambiente (25,1ºC e 43,3% UR) durante 6 dias e Experimento II - Frutos tratados e refrigerados em B.O.D. (10ºC e 56,7% UR) por um período de 12 dias acrescidos de dois dias de permanência sob condições ambiente (Shelf life). Avaliou-se características biométricas, visuais e físico-químicas. Romãs „Molar‟ armazenadas a 10ºC por 36 dias seguidos de „shelf life‟ de dois dias a 24°C, se mantêm satisfatórias para comercialização in natura, sem prejuízos nos atributos de qualidade biométricos, visuais e físico-químicos. O armazenamento dos frutos a 6ºC proporciona prejuízos na qualidade visual dos frutos devido ao aparecimento de manchas, prejudicando a aparência externa. A temperatura de armazenamento a 12ºC proporciona sintomas de murcha apenas ao final do armazenamento. As temperaturas de armazenamento a 6ºC, 10ºC ou 12ºC podem ser temperaturas apropriadas para o armazenamento de romãs destinadas à indústria, por não prejudicarem os atributos internos de qualidade da romã „Molar‟, especialmente relacionados à integridade das sementes, arilos, rendimento de suco, sólidos solúveis, acidez tituláveis, flavonoides e antocianinas. O revestimento com 1% de fécula de mandioca no armazenamento a 25ºC reuniu boas caracterisiticas biométricas, visuais e físico-químicas para a conservação pós-colhetia da romã; A elevada perda dos diâmetros em frutos armazenados em condição ambiente foi fator limitante na qualidade e vida útil pós-colheita de romã „Molar‟. O revestimento com 3% de fécula de mandioca e com 3% de fécula de mandioca mais 3% de Spirulina plantensis associados à refrigeração apresentaram melhor qualidade biométrica, visual e fisico-química durante os quatorze dias de armazenamento. / The present study aimed to characterize the quality of Pomegranate ' Molar ' during storage of raw fruits under different cooling temperatures and evaluate the use of biofilms based on cassava starch and Spirulina platensis in fruits stored under ambient conditions at 25°C and under conditions of cold storage at 10ºC. The study was divided into two stages at the Laboratory of Food Analysis UFCG, Campus de Pombal - PB. In the first stage , the fruits were stored at temperatures 6°C , 10°C and 12°C and analyzed at 0, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 days of refrigeration and each range , plus two days of stay in room under ambient conditions (24 ± 2ºC and 43 ± 5% RH) to simulate marketing conditions (Shelf Life). In the second stage, twelve fruits were selected for initial characterization , the other fruits received the following treatments : T1 - control , Uncoated; T2 - 1% of cassava starch ; T3 - 3% of cassava starch ; T4 - 1% of Spirulina platensis; T5 - 3% of Spirulina platensis; T6 - 1 % of cassava starch and 1% Spirulina platensis and T7 - 3 % of cassava starch and 3% Spirulina platensis . Upon receiving the treatments, fruits were separated into two experiments to establish the conditions of storage, where: Experiment I - Fruits processed and stored in a climatic chamber with controlled temperature and humidity conditions simulating marketing at room temperature (25,1ºC and 43,3 % RH) for 6 days and Experiment II - Fruits treated and chilled in BOD (10ºC and 56,7 % RH) for a period of 12 days plus two days under ambient conditions (Shelf Life). It was evaluated biometric, visual and physical- chemical characteristics. Pomegranates 'Molar' stored at 10ºC for 36 days followed by 'shelf life' two days at 24°C, remains satisfactory for fresh fruit market without losses in quality attributes biometric, visual and physical chemistry. The storage of fruits at 6ºC provides visual loss in fruit quality due to the appearance of blemishes, impairing external appearance. The storage temperature to 12ºC provides wilt symptoms only at the end of storage. Storage temperatures to 6°C, 10°C or 12°C may be appropriate temperatures for storage of pomegranates for industry not to harm the internal quality attributes of pomegranate ' Molar ', especially related to integrity seeds, arils, juice yield , solids soluble, titratable acidity, flavonoids and anthocyanins. The coating with 1% of cassava starch in storage at 25ºC has gathered good biometric, visual and physic chemical's characteristic for postharvest conservation pomegranate; The high loss of diameter in fruits stored at ambient condition was a limiting factor in the quality and postharvest pomegranate 'Molar' life. The coating with 3% of cassava starch and 3% of cassava starch 3% Spirulina plantensis associated with refrigeration showed better biometric, visual and physico-chemical quality during storage fourteen days.

Bioactive compounds and physical and chemical characteristics of mini tomatoes: influence of postharvest treatments / Compostos bioativos e características físico-químicas de mini tomates: influência de tratamentos pós-colheita

Kélin Schwarz 29 March 2016 (has links)
Tomatoes are among the most cultivated and used vegetables in the world. They are very succeptible to post harvest losses due to high perishability, therefore the use of postharvest treatments may contribute to conservation of this fruit, however the treatments might affect significantly physico-chemical, sensory and nutritional characteristics of tomatoes. Given the perishability of tomato and the economic importance of small tomato fruits, the purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of gamma radiation, carnauba coating and 1-MCP treatments on tomato fruit quality during storage. The study may be divided into two parts. In the first, mini tomatoes cv. Sweet Grape were harvested at breaker stage, divided into 4 grous and treated with gamma radiation (0.6 kGy), carnauba coating (1 L 1000 kg-1) and 1-MCP (500 nL L-1) and then stored at 25±2°C for 30 days with a control group of tomatoes. In the seconnd part, tomatoes harvested at light-red stage were submitted to the same treatments and storage period. Every 6 days tomatoes were evaluated for color modifications, fruit firmness, souble and total pectin (only for light-red tomatoes), mass loss, titratable acidity (TA), soluble solids (SS), SS/TA ratio, carotenoids profile, formation of lycopene isomers, total phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid and antioxidant capacity. For tomatoes harvested at breaker stage and submitted to the treatments the results showed mass loss was delaying mainly by carnauba wax, and to a lesser extend by 1-MCP. Fruit firmness were better retained for 1-MCP treated fruits and carnauba treatment showed a transient effect in preserving fruit firmness. SS/TA of tomatoes treated with gamma radiation and carnauba presented no differences from control values, and were lower with the application of 1-MCP. Color was negatively affected by 1-MCP and earlier changed (6th day) when gamma radiation was applied. In relation to bioactive compounds of tomatoes harvest at breaker stage, results indicated gamma radiation and 1-MCP decreased the final content of lycopene and produced more (Z)-isomers of lycopene. Gamma radiation also induced a decreased in ?-carotene and an increased in phenolic compounds by the end of storage period. 1-MCP treatment promoted a slow down increase in ascorbic acid content during storage. Antioxidant capacity of the hydrophilic fraction was not dramatically affected by treatments and the lipophilic fraction was lower, especially for 1-MCP fruits. In addition, contents of ?-carotene, lycopene, (Z)-isomers of lycopene, ascorbic acid and antioxidant capacity increased during the period of storage while contents of lutein and phenolic compounds tended to decrease. Regarding tomatoes harvest at light-red stage, the most effective treatments for delaying fruit firmness and mass loss was carnauba and 1-MCP, while gamma radiation was the treatment with higher mass loss and the less fruit firmness, which could be associated with the higher solubilization of pectins promoted by radiation treatment. Color (L* and Hue) was mainly affected by 1-MCP treatment which delayed color development, however, by the end of storage, the values were not different from the other treatments. SS/TA ratio was lower for fruits treated with 1-MCP and TA was not so dramatically affected by treatments. Furthermore, mini tomatoes harvested at light-red stage, demonstrated irradiation induced changes in the final content of lycopene, increasing it, and formed less (13Z)-lycopene, while 1-MCP and carnauba coating slow down the increase in lycopene and slown down the decrease of ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds. Antioxidant capacity of lipophilic fraction was not affected by treatments and the hydrophilic fraction was lower for irradiated fruits only on day 0 as well as phenolic compounds. In the other days, no differences among treatments were observed for hydrophilic antioxidant capacity. Considering the results, the best combination of SS and TA and fruit preservation for mini tomatoes harvest at breaker stage was promoted by carnauba coating, which seems to be the treatment that causes fewer changes in bioactive compounds of breaker tomatoes. However, when mini tomatoes were harvested at light-red stage, SS/TA ratio and color were better and, to preserve the quality of these fruits, besides carnauba coating, 1-MCP also could be indicated / Os tomates estão dentre as hortaliças mais cultivadas e consumidas no mundo, porém os frutos do tomateiro são muito sucetíveis a perdas após a colheita devido a alta perecibilidade, por isso, o uso de tratamentos pós-colheita pode contribuir para a conservação dos frutos. Entretanto, o uso destes tratamentos pode afetar significativamente características físico-químicas, sensorias e nutricionais dos tomates. Dada a perecibilidade e a importância econômica dos mini tomates, o objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o efeito da radiação gama, revestimento à base de cera de carnaúba e 1-metilciclopropeno (1-MCP) na qualidade do tomate durante o armazenamento. O estudo pode ser dividido em duas partes. Na primeira, mini tomates cv. Sweet grape colhidos no estádio de maturação breaker foram divididos em quarto grupos e tratados com radiação gama (0.6 kGy), cera de carnaúba (1 L 1000 kg-1) e 1-MCP (500 nL L-1) e então armazenados a 25±2°C por 30 dias, juntamente com um grupo de frutos controle. Na segunda parte, tomates colhidos no estádio de maturação vermelho-claro foram submetidos aos mesmos tratamentos e período de armazenamento. A cada seis dias os frutos foram avaliados para modificações nas características físico-químicas: coloração, firmeza, pectina solúvel e total (somente para os frutos vermelho-claro), perda de massa, acidez titulável (AT), sólidos solúveis (SS), relação SS/AT; e compostos bioativos: perfil de carotenoides, formação de isômeros de licopeno, compostos fenólicos totais, ácido ascórbico, e capacidade antioxidante. Para os tomates colhidos no estádio breaker, os resultados mostraram que a perda de massa foi retardada, principalmente pelo uso de cera de carnauba e de 1-MCP, este último em menor proporção. A firmeza dos frutos foi melhor retida para os frutos tratados com 1-MCP e, a cobertura com carnauba mostrou um efeito transitório em preservar a firmeza dos frutos. A relação SS/AT dos frutos irradiados e cobertos com carnauba não apresentaram diferenças dos valores do controle, mas foram menores com a aplicação de 1-MCP. A coloração foi negativamente afetada pelo uso do 1-MCP e precocemente modificada (no 6° dia) quando a radiação gama foi aplicada. Em relação aos compostos bioativos destes mesmos frutos, os resultados indicaram que a radiação gama e o 1-MCP diminuiram o conteúdo final de licopeno e produziram mais (Z)-isômeros de licopeno nos frutos. A radiação gama também induziu a diminuição de ?-caroteno e o aumento dos compostos fenólicos no final do período de armazenamento. A aplicação de 1-MCP promoveu desaceleração no aumento do conteúdo de ácido ascórbico durante o armazenamento. A capacidade antioxidante da fração hidrofílica não foi muito afetada pelos tratamentos e, a fração lipofílica foi menor para os frutos tratados com 1-MCP. Além disso, os teores de ?-caroteno, licopeno, (Z)-isômeros de licopeno, ácido ascórbico e capacidade antioxidante aumentaram durante o armazenamento, enquanto que, o teor de luteína e compostos fenólicos tenderam a diminuir. A respeito dos tomatates colhidos no estádio de maturação vermelho claro, os tratamentos mais efetivos para retardas a perda demassa e a firmeza foram a cobertura de carnauba e 1-MCP, enquanto o tratamento com radiação gama apresentou a maior perda de massa e de firmeza de frutos, o que pode ser associado a maior solubilização de pectinas promovida pela radiação gama. A cor (L* e Hue) foi principalmente afetada pelo tratamento com 1-MCP, que retardou o desenvolvimento da mesma, porém no final do período de armazenamento, os valores não diferiram dos outros tratamentos. A relação SS/AT foi menor para os frutos tratados com 1-MCP e a AT não foi muito afetada pelos tratamentos. Além disso, mini tomates colhidos no estádio vermelho-claro demosntraram que a irradiação induziu modificações no teor final de licopeno, aumentando-o e houve menor formação de (13Z)-licopeno, enquanto que 1-MCP e carnauba desaceleraram o aumento no teor de licopeno e desaceleraram a diminuição de ácido ascórbico e compostos fenólicos. A capacidade antioxidante da fração lipofílica não foi afetada pelos tratamentos e a fração hidrofílica foi menor para os tomates irradiados somente no dia 0, assim como para compostos fenólicos. Nos demais dias não houve diferenças entre os tratamentos. Considerando os resultados, a melhor combinação de SS/AT e preservação de mini tomates colhidos no estádio breaker foi promovida pela cobertura de carnaúba, a qual pareceu ser o tratamento que causou menores mudanças nos compostos bioativos dos tomates beaker. Entretanto, quando os mini tomates são colhidos no estádio vermelho-claro, SS/AT e coloração são melhor desenvolvidas e, para preservar a qualidade destes frutos, além da cera de carnaúba, o 1-MCP também pode ser indicado

Impacts of crop level and vine vigor on vine balance and fruit composition in Oregon Pinot noir

Vance, Amanda J. 16 May 2012 (has links)
Vineyard management strategies, including vineyard floor management and crop level management, can be used to influence vine vigor and fruit composition. Two studies were conducted to evaluate the impact of these practices on Pinot Noir in Oregon's Willamette Valley. Managing crop levels is common in cool climate vineyard production though it is a costly practice. With economic pressures, the premium winegrape industry is questioning whether they can reduce production costs and increase yields without compromising quality. A crop thinning trial was conducted in 2010 and 2011 to address these concerns and to better understand the role of vine balance on fruit composition. Crop levels were moderately (35% crop removed) or severely (65% crop removed) thinned at pre-bloom, fruit set, lag phase, or véraison and compared to full crop treatments. In both years, crop thinning reduced yields but had no effect on berry weight or cluster size. In 2010, poor fruit set reduced overall yields, and thinning treatments resulted in very few differences in vine growth, cluster architecture or fruit composition, including total soluble solids (TSS), pH, titratable acidity (TA), yeast assimilable nitrogen (YAN), anthocyanins, phenolics and tannins. In 2011, yields were much higher due to high fruit set and larger cluster size. No differences were found in vine growth (leaf areas or pruning weights) or fruit YAN, but thinned vines had higher TSS and pH and lower TA than full crop vines at harvest. Fruit thinned at lag phase and véraison had higher TSS and lower TA than fruit thinned pre-bloom. Intensity of thinning had a stronger influence on anthocyanin and tannin concentration than timing, while phenolics were not impacted by either factor. Ravaz index values (fruit yield/pruning weight) below 2.25 and leaf area to yield ratios of 2.25 to 3.25 m²/kg improved fruit composition in 2011 as did later season thinning, though data from the remaining years of this study will provide more insight into appropriate crop load metrics for cool climate Pinot Noir. A second study was implemented in 2011 to determine the impact of crop thinning in vines with different levels of vegetative vigor caused by three vineyard floor management techniques: permanent grass (Festuca rubra spp. rubra) cover (grass), alternating grass cover and tillage (grass & tilled), and tillage of every alleyway (tilled). Crop was thinned at the BB stage of berry development (EL stage 73) to one cluster per shoot (half crop) or not thinned (full crop); all cluster wings were removed at the time of thinning. Tillage treatments had been in place four years prior to the start of the study and competition for nitrogen in grass caused reduced early season vine growth, leaf chlorophyll and canopy size at both bloom and véraison while crop thinning increased canopy size at véraison. Yields were altered by tillage and crop thinning treatments, as grass had fewer clusters per shoot and berries per cluster, and crop thinning reduced yields to 64.7% of full crop across all tillage treatments. At harvest, grass had the lowest TA while TSS and pH were not affected by tillage. Crop thinning increased TSS but did not impact pH or TA. Anthocyanins were affected by both tillage and thinning and were found to be related to vine yield, YAN, leaf N, and leaf area index. Tannins were highest in grass but were not affected by crop thinning, and phenolics were not changed by either factor. Few interactions between tillage and crop thinning were found, but as variables such as yield per vine were impacted by both treatment factors, monitoring long term effects of crop / Graduation date: 2012

Produção, qualidade e aspectos econômicos da produção de melão em sistema conservacionista / Productive, qualitative and economic aspects of melon production in conservation system

Silva, Márcio Gledson Oliveira da 26 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-12T19:18:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarcioGOS_TESE.pdf: 1110735 bytes, checksum: 819b218fddaa10cbb78767938fb399c0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-26 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study aimed to assess the productivity, the cost of production and fruit quality of yellow melon culture with different species of plants for green manure, built or maintained on the ground in conventional and no-till systems, respectively. The test was conducted at Agrícola Famosa, municipality of Tibau/RN, in a split-plot, distributed in a randomized block design with four replications. The main plots received two tillage systems (direct and conventional) and the subplots received twelve combinations of plants for green manure (Crotalaria; Millet; Sunnhemp + millet, more braquiaria Corn, spontaneous vegetation + compound more polyethylene film, Solo maintained without vegetation ; spontaneous vegetation; Guandu; Guandu + millet; Pork Beans, Beans pig-+ millet and soil without removing the cover (natural vegetation) + corn + Braquiaria + polyethylene film), incorporated (conventional tillage) or maintained on the soil (tillage). In each subplot, the dry weight of biomass yield was evaluated, using a framework of 0.25 m². In the first stage of the experiment, using the data obtained from melon, we determined the number of fruits per plant; average fruit weight and total and commercial productivity for export, besides the remaining dry mass of plant ground covers (straw). In the second stage, we evaluated the quality characteristics of fruits of melon (number of fruits per plant, average mass of fruits, longitudinal and transverse lengths, pulp thickness, firmness, pH, soluble solids (SS), acidity total (AT) and soluble / total acidity solid ratio (SS/TA) and total sugars) cultivated with different incorporated green manures or maintained on the ground in conventional tillage systems and direct, respectively. In the third step, we assessed the cost of production of yellow melon in each combination of plants to incorporated green manure or maintained on the ground, in conventional and no-till systems. The cost for cultural practice were estimated from the technical coefficients (inputs and operations) recorded in the experiment and extrapolated to one hectare. We considered economically viable those cultural practices which obtained a favorable benefit/cost to 1.0. It was found that the highest production of dry straw was obtained in treatments with more braquiaria followed corn millet consortium + Crotalaria and the single millet, which also showed low rate of decomposition. There was no variation between green manures incorporated on the production of melons. The no-tillage system produced higher number of fruits per plant, however smaller. The conventional tillage system presented higher yield compared to tillage. In the second trial, it was found that no-till system kept most of the qualitative characteristics of melon fruit in comparison to conventional tillage and no variation between most of the qualitative characteristics of melon fruit recommended for the green manure. With regard to production costs, treatments at the till system showed lower cost compared to conventional tillage due to the cost of polyethylene film and plowing and harrowing operations and placing the film on conventional tillage. All cultural practices in both tillage systems were considered economically viable, because they have a favorable benefit/cost of more than 1.0. However, the treatments with the production of corn for the production of green ears, intercropped with Braquiaria, stood out the best benefit / cost ratio due to the increase of revenue from the sale of green ears, in both tillage systems. The best benefit/cost ratio was observed in the treatments with conventional tillage due to the lower productivity of melon at the till / O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar a produtividade, o custo de produção e a qualidade dos frutos da cultura do melão amarelo com diferentes espécies de plantas destinadas à adubação verde, incorporadas ou mantidas sobre o solo nos sistemas de plantio convencional e direto, respectivamente. O ensaio foi conduzido na Fazenda Agrícola Famosa, município de Tibau/RN, no esquema de parcelas subdivididas, distribuídas no delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Nas parcelas, foram avaliados dois sistemas de plantio (direto e convencional) e nas subparcelas, doze combinações de plantas para adubação verde (Crotalária; Milheto; Crotalária + milheto; Milho mais braquiária; Vegetação espontânea + composto mais filme de polietileno; Solo mantido sem vegetação; Vegetação espontânea; Guandu; Guandu + milheto; Feijão de porco; Feijão-de-porco + milheto e Solo sem retirar a cobertura (vegetação natural) + milho + braquiária + filme de polietileno), incorporadas (plantio convencional) ou mantidas sobre o solo (plantio direto). Em cada subparcela, foi avaliado o rendimento de massa seca da parte aérea, utilizando-se um quadro de 0,25 m². Na primeira etapa do experimento, a partir dos dados obtidos com o melão, determinou-se o número de frutos por planta; peso médio de frutos e produtividade total e comercial para exportação, além da massa seca remanescente das plantas de coberturas do solo (palhada). Na segunda etapa, avaliaram-se as características qualitativas dos frutos de melão (número de frutos por planta, massa media dos frutos, comprimentos longitudinal e transversal; espessura de polpa; firmeza da polpa, pH, teor de sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez total (AT) e relação sólidos solúveis/acidez total (SS/AT) e açúcares totais) cultivado com diferentes adubos verdes incorporados ou mantidos sobre o solo nos sistemas de plantio convencional e direto, respectivamente. Na terceira etapa, avaliou-se o custo de produção do melão amarelo em cada combinação de plantas para adubação verde incorporadas ou mantidas sobre o solo, nos sistemas de plantio convencional e direto. Os custos por prática cultural foram estimados a partir dos coeficientes técnicos (insumos e operações) registrados no experimento e extrapolados para um hectare. Foram consideradas como viáveis economicamente aquelas práticas culturais que obtiveram relação benefício/custo superior a 1,0. Verificou-se que a maior produção de matéria seca de palhada foi obtida nos tratamentos com milho mais braquiária seguidos do consórcio milheto + crotalária e o milheto solteiro, que também apresentaram menor taxa de decomposição. Não houve variação entre os adubos verdes incorporados sobre a produção de melão. O sistema de plantio direto produziu maior número de frutos por planta, porém de menor tamanho. O sistema de plantio convencional apresentou maior produtividade em relação ao plantio direto. No segundo ensaio, verificou-se que o sistema de plantio direto manteve a maioria das características qualitativas dos frutos de melão em relação ao plantio convencional e não houve variação entre a maioria das características qualitativas dos frutos de melão para os adubos verdes avaliados. Com relação aos custos de produção, os tratamentos no sistema de plantio direto apresentaram menor custo em relação ao plantio convencional, em decorrência do custo do filme de polietileno e das operações de aração e gradagem e colocação do filme de polietileno no plantio convencional. Todas as práticas culturais nos dois sistemas de plantio foram consideradas viáveis economicamente, por apresentarem uma relação benefício/custo superior a 1,0, porém os tratamentos com a produção de milho, destinado à produção de espigas verdes, consorciado com braquiária, se destacaram pela melhor relação benefício/custo, em função do incremento da receita com a comercialização das espigas verdes, nos dois sistemas de plantio. A melhor relação benefício/custo foi verificada nos tratamentos com plantio convencional em razão da menor produtividade do melão no plantio direto

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