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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Computational and experimental approaches to regulatory genetic variation

Andersen, Malin January 2007 (has links)
Genetic variation is a strong risk factor for many human diseases, including diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression, autoimmunity and asthma. Most of the disease genes identified so far alter the amino acid sequences of encoded proteins. However, a significant number of genetic variants affecting complex diseases may alter the regulation of gene transcription. The map of the regulatory elements in the human genome is still to a large extent unknown, and it remains a challenge to separate the functional regulatory genetic variations from linked neutral variations. The objective of this thesis was to develop methods for the identification of genetic variation with a potential to affect the transcriptional regulation of human genes, and to analyze potential regulatory polymorphisms in the CD36 glycoprotein, a candidate gene for cardiovascular disease. An in silico tool for the prediction of regulatory polymorphisms in human genes was implemented and is available at www.cisreg.ca/RAVEN. The tool was evaluated using experimentally verified regulatory single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) collected from the scientific literature, and tested in combination with experimental detection of allele specific expression of target genes (allelic imbalance). Regulatory SNPs were shown to be located in evolutionary conserved regions more often than background SNPs, but predicted transcription factor binding sites were unable to enrich for regulatory SNPs unless additional information linking transcription factors with the target genes were available. The in silico tool was applied to the CD36 glycoprotein, a candidate gene for cardiovascular disease. Potential regulatory SNPs in the alternative promoters of this gene were identified and evaluated in vitro and in vivo using a clinical study for coronary artery disease. We observed association to the plasma concentrations of inflammation markers (serum amyloid A protein and C-reactive protein) in myocardial infarction patients, which highlights the need for further analyses of potential regulatory polymorphisms in this gene. Taken together, this thesis describes an in silico approach to identify putative regulatory polymorphisms which can be useful for directing limited laboratory resources to the polymorphisms most likely to have a phenotypic effect.

TARP Promoter-Based Prostate Cancer Gene Therapy : From Development to Application

Cheng, Wing-Shing January 2005 (has links)
Prostate cancer is one leading cause of cancer-related death among men in Western countries. The standard therapies for localized prostate cancer include radical prostatectomy and radiation therapy. Such measures are relatively effective in the short term, but many patients ultimately relapse. These patients may benefit from a combination of standard therapy and oncolytic virus therapy. My work aimed to develop viruses for this purpose. TARP is a protein that in males is specifically expressed in prostate epithelial and cancer cells. In my thesis, I characterized the TARP promoter and showed that TARP expression is regulated at the transcriptional level by testosterone through binding of the androgen receptor in the proximal TARP promoter. I further developed TARP promoter-based regulatory sequences for prostate-specific gene expression. A sequence comprising a PSA enhancer, a PSMA enhancer and the TARP promoter was constructed and designated PPT. An adenoviral vector containing the PPT sequence shielded from transcriptional interference by an H19 insulator showed high prostate-specific transcriptional activity in human cells both in the presence and absence of testosterone. However, in experimental murine prostate cancer the PPT sequence is not active. Therefore, a two-step transcriptional amplification (TSTA) system was used together with the PPT sequence to develop an adenovirus that confers prostate-specific transgene expression also in murine cells. I constructed a conditionally replicating adenovirus where the E1A gene expression is controlled by an H19 insulator-shielded PPT regulatory sequence, Ad[I/PPT-E1A]. This virus exhibited absolute prostate specificity in terms of E1A expression, viral replication and cytolysis in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, our virus is active both in the presence and absence of testosterone, which may prove beneficial for patients treated by hormonal withdrawal. Hopefully, my work will improve existing gene therapy strategies for prostate cancer and in the long term improve the prognosis for patients with prostate cancer.

Pathway-centric approaches to the analysis of high-throughput genomics data

Hänzelmann, Sonja, 1981- 11 October 2012 (has links)
In the last decade, molecular biology has expanded from a reductionist view to a systems-wide view that tries to unravel the complex interactions of cellular components. Owing to the emergence of high-throughput technology it is now possible to interrogate entire genomes at an unprecedented resolution. The dimension and unstructured nature of these data made it evident that new methodologies and tools are needed to turn data into biological knowledge. To contribute to this challenge we exploited the wealth of publicly available high-throughput genomics data and developed bioinformatics methodologies focused on extracting information at the pathway rather than the single gene level. First, we developed Gene Set Variation Analysis (GSVA), a method that facilitates the organization and condensation of gene expression profiles into gene sets. GSVA enables pathway-centric downstream analyses of microarray and RNA-seq gene expression data. The method estimates sample-wise pathway variation over a population and allows for the integration of heterogeneous biological data sources with pathway-level expression measurements. To illustrate the features of GSVA, we applied it to several use-cases employing different data types and addressing biological questions. GSVA is made available as an R package within the Bioconductor project. Secondly, we developed a pathway-centric genome-based strategy to reposition drugs in type 2 diabetes (T2D). This strategy consists of two steps, first a regulatory network is constructed that is used to identify disease driving modules and then these modules are searched for compounds that might target them. Our strategy is motivated by the observation that disease genes tend to group together in the same neighborhood forming disease modules and that multiple genes might have to be targeted simultaneously to attain an effect on the pathophenotype. To find potential compounds, we used compound exposed genomics data deposited in public databases. We collected about 20,000 samples that have been exposed to about 1,800 compounds. Gene expression can be seen as an intermediate phenotype reflecting underlying dysregulatory pathways in a disease. Hence, genes contained in the disease modules that elicit similar transcriptional responses upon compound exposure are assumed to have a potential therapeutic effect. We applied the strategy to gene expression data of human islets from diabetic and healthy individuals and identified four potential compounds, methimazole, pantoprazole, bitter orange extract and torcetrapib that might have a positive effect on insulin secretion. This is the first time a regulatory network of human islets has been used to reposition compounds for T2D. In conclusion, this thesis contributes with two pathway-centric approaches to important bioinformatic problems, such as the assessment of biological function and in silico drug repositioning. These contributions demonstrate the central role of pathway-based analyses in interpreting high-throughput genomics data. / En l'última dècada, la biologia molecular ha evolucionat des d'una perspectiva reduccionista cap a una perspectiva a nivell de sistemes que intenta desxifrar les complexes interaccions entre els components cel•lulars. Amb l'aparició de les tecnologies d'alt rendiment actualment és possible interrogar genomes sencers amb una resolució sense precedents. La dimensió i la naturalesa desestructurada d'aquestes dades ha posat de manifest la necessitat de desenvolupar noves eines i metodologies per a convertir aquestes dades en coneixement biològic. Per contribuir a aquest repte hem explotat l'abundància de dades genòmiques procedents d'instruments d'alt rendiment i disponibles públicament, i hem desenvolupat mètodes bioinformàtics focalitzats en l'extracció d'informació a nivell de via molecular en comptes de fer-ho al nivell individual de cada gen. En primer lloc, hem desenvolupat GSVA (Gene Set Variation Analysis), un mètode que facilita l'organització i la condensació de perfils d'expressió dels gens en conjunts. GSVA possibilita anàlisis posteriors en termes de vies moleculars amb dades d'expressió gènica provinents de microarrays i RNA-seq. Aquest mètode estima la variació de les vies moleculars a través d'una població de mostres i permet la integració de fonts heterogènies de dades biològiques amb mesures d'expressió a nivell de via molecular. Per il•lustrar les característiques de GSVA, l'hem aplicat a diversos casos usant diferents tipus de dades i adreçant qüestions biològiques. GSVA està disponible com a paquet de programari lliure per R dins el projecte Bioconductor. En segon lloc, hem desenvolupat una estratègia centrada en vies moleculars basada en el genoma per reposicionar fàrmacs per la diabetis tipus 2 (T2D). Aquesta estratègia consisteix en dues fases: primer es construeix una xarxa reguladora que s'utilitza per identificar mòduls de regulació gènica que condueixen a la malaltia; després, a partir d'aquests mòduls es busquen compostos que els podrien afectar. La nostra estratègia ve motivada per l'observació que els gens que provoquen una malaltia tendeixen a agrupar-se, formant mòduls patogènics, i pel fet que podria caldre una actuació simultània sobre múltiples gens per assolir un efecte en el fenotipus de la malaltia. Per trobar compostos potencials, hem usat dades genòmiques exposades a compostos dipositades en bases de dades públiques. Hem recollit unes 20.000 mostres que han estat exposades a uns 1.800 compostos. L'expressió gènica es pot interpretar com un fenotip intermedi que reflecteix les vies moleculars desregulades subjacents a una malaltia. Per tant, considerem que els gens d'un mòdul patològic que responen, a nivell transcripcional, d'una manera similar a l'exposició del medicament tenen potencialment un efecte terapèutic. Hem aplicat aquesta estratègia a dades d'expressió gènica en illots pancreàtics humans corresponents a individus sans i diabètics, i hem identificat quatre compostos potencials (methimazole, pantoprazole, extracte de taronja amarga i torcetrapib) que podrien tenir un efecte positiu sobre la secreció de la insulina. Aquest és el primer cop que una xarxa reguladora d'illots pancreàtics humans s'ha utilitzat per reposicionar compostos per a T2D. En conclusió, aquesta tesi aporta dos enfocaments diferents en termes de vies moleculars a problemes bioinformàtics importants, com ho son el contrast de la funció biològica i el reposicionament de fàrmacs "in silico". Aquestes contribucions demostren el paper central de les anàlisis basades en vies moleculars a l'hora d'interpretar dades genòmiques procedents d'instruments d'alt rendiment.

Genomweite Transkriptionsanalyse von Methanosarcina mazei Gö1 / Genomewide transcriptional Analysis of Methanosarcina mazei Gö1

Hovey, Raymond Leonard 06 November 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Identification des réseaux transcriptionnnels de résistance aux antifongiques chez Candida albicans

Znaidi, Sadri 10 1900 (has links)
Plusieurs souches cliniques de Candida albicans résistantes aux médicaments antifongiques azolés surexpriment des gènes encodant des effecteurs de la résistance appartenant à deux classes fonctionnelles : i) des transporteurs expulsant les azoles, CDR1, CDR2 et MDR1 et ii) la cible des azoles 14-lanostérol déméthylase encodée par ERG11. La surexpression de ces gènes est due à la sélection de mutations activatrices dans des facteurs de transcription à doigts de zinc de la famille zinc cluster (Zn2Cys6) qui contrôlent leur expression : Tac1p (Transcriptional activator of CDR genes 1) contrôlant l’expression de CDR1 et CDR2, Mrr1p (Multidrug resistance regulator 1), régulant celle de MDR1 et Upc2p (Uptake control 2), contrôlant celle d’ERG11. Un autre effecteur de la résistance clinique aux azoles est PDR16, encodant une transférase de phospholipides, dont la surexpression accompagne souvent celle de CDR1 et CDR2, suggérant que les trois gènes appartiennent au même régulon, potentiellement celui de Tac1p. De plus, la régulation transcriptionnelle du gène MDR1 ne dépend pas seulement de Mrr1p, mais aussi du facteur de transcription de la famille basic-leucine zipper Cap1p (Candida activator protein 1), un régulateur majeur de la réponse au stress oxydatif chez C. albicans qui, lorsque muté, induit une surexpression constitutive de MDR1 conférant la résistance aux azoles. Ces observations suggèrent qu’un réseau de régulation transcriptionnelle complexe contrôle le processus de résistance aux antifongiques azolés chez C. albicans. L’objectif de mon projet au doctorat était d’identifier les cibles transcriptionnelles directes des facteurs de transcription Tac1p, Upc2p et Cap1p, en me servant d’approches génétiques et de génomique fonctionnelle, afin de i) caractériser leur réseau transcriptionnel et les modules transcriptionnels qui sont sous leur contrôle direct, et ii) d’inférer leurs fonctions biologiques et ainsi mieux comprendre leur rôle dans la résistance aux azoles. Dans un premier volet, j’ai démontré, par des expériences de génétique, que Tac1p contrôle non seulement la surexpression de CDR1 et CDR2 mais aussi celle de PDR16. Mes résultats ont identifié une nouvelle mutation activatrice de Tac1p (N972D) et ont révélé la participation d’un autre régulateur dans le contrôle transcriptionnel de CDR1 et PDR16 dont l’identité est encore inconnue. Une combinaison d’expériences de transcriptomique et d’immunoprécipitation de la chromatine couplée à l’hybridation sur des biopuces à ADN (ChIP-chip) m’a permis d’identifier plusieurs gènes dont l’expression est contrôlée in vivo et directement par Tac1p (PDR16, CDR1, CDR2, ERG2, autres), Upc2p (ERG11, ERG2, MDR1, CDR1, autres) et Cap1p (MDR1, GCY1, GLR1, autres). Ces expériences ont révélé qu’Upc2p ne contrôle pas seulement l’expression d’ERG11, mais aussi celle de MDR1 et CDR1. Plusieurs nouvelles propriétés fonctionnelles de ces régulateurs ont été caractérisées, notamment la liaison in vivo de Tac1p aux promoteurs de ses cibles de façon constitutive et indépendamment de son état d’activation, et la liaison de Cap1p non seulement à la région du promoteur de ses cibles, mais aussi celle couvrant le cadre de lecture ouvert et le terminateur transcriptionnel putatif, suggérant une interaction physique avec la machinerie de la transcription. La caractérisation du réseau transcriptionnel a révélé une interaction fonctionnnelle entre ces différents facteurs, notamment Cap1p et Mrr1p, et a permis d’inférer des fonctions biologiques potentielles pour Tac1p (trafic et la mobilisation des lipides, réponse au stress oxydatif et osmotique) et confirmer ou proposer d’autres fonctions pour Upc2p (métabolisme des stérols) et Cap1p (réponse au stress oxydatif, métabolisme des sources d’azote, transport des phospholipides). Mes études suggèrent que la résistance aux antifongiques azolés chez C. albicans est intimement liée au métabolisme des lipides membranaires et à la réponse au stress oxydatif. / Many azole resistant Candida albicans clinical isolates overexpress genes encoding azole resistance effectors that belong to two functional categories: i) CDR1, CDR2 and MDR1, encoding azole-efflux transporters and ii) ERG11, encoding the target of azoles 14-lanosterol demethylase. The constitutive overexpression of these genes is due to activating mutations in transcription factors of the zinc cluster family (Zn2Cys6) which control their expression. Tac1p (Transcriptional activator of CDR genes 1), controlling the expression of CDR1 and CDR2, Mrr1p (Multidrug resistance regulator 1), regulating MDR1 expression and Upc2p (Uptake control 2), controlling the expression of ERG11. Another determinant of clinical azole resistance is PDR16, encoding a phospholipid transferase, whose overexpression often accompanies that of CDR1 and CDR2 in clinical isolates, suggesting that the three genes belong to the same regulon, potentially that of Tac1p. Further, MDR1 expression is not only regulated by Mrr1p, but also by the basic-leucine zipper transcription factor Cap1p (Candida activator protein 1), which controls the oxidative stress response in C. albicans and whose mutation confers azole resistance via MDR1 overexpression. These observations suggest that a complex transcriptional regulatory network controls azole resistance in C. albicans. My Ph.D. studies are aimed at identifying the direct transcriptional targets of Tac1p, Upc2p and Cap1p using genetics and functional genomics approches in order to i) characterize their regulatory network and the transcriptional modules under their direct control and ii) infer their biological functions and better understand their roles in azole resistance. In the first part of my studies, I showed that Tac1p does not only control the expression of CDR1 and CDR2, but also that of PDR16. My results also identified a new activating mutation in Tac1p (N972D) and revealed that the expression of CDR1 and PDR16 is under the control of another yet unknown regulator. The combination of transcriptomics and genome-wide location (ChIP-chip) approaches allowed me to identify the in vivo direct targets of Tac1p (PDR16, CDR1, CDR2, ERG2, others), Upc2p (ERG11, ERG2, MDR1, CDR1, others) and Cap1p (MDR1, GCY1, GLR1, others). These results also revealed that Upc2p does not only control the expression of ERG11 but also that of MDR1 and CDR1. Many new functional features of these transcription factors were found, including the constitutive binding of Tac1p to its targets under both activating and non-activating conditions, and the binding of Cap1p which extends beyond the promoter region of its target genes, to cover the open reading frame and the putative transcription termination regions, suggesting a physical interaction with the transcriptional machinery. The characterization of the transcriptional regulatory network revealed a functional interaction between these factors, notably between Cap1p and Mrr1p, and inferred potential biological functions for Tac1p (lipid mobilization and traffic, response to oxidative and osmotic stress) and confirmed or suggested other functions for Upc2p (sterol metabolism) and Cap1p (oxidative stress response, regulation of nitrogen utilization and phospholipids transport). Taken together, my results suggest that azole resistance in C. albicans is tightly linked to membrane lipid metabolism and oxidative stress response.

Identificação de interações proteína-proteína envolvendo os produtos dos Loci hrp, vir e rpf do fitopatógeno Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri / Identification of protein-protein interactions involving the products of the loci hrp, vir and rpf the phytopathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri

Marcos Castanheira Alegria 24 September 2004 (has links)
O Cancro Cítrico, um dos mais graves problemas fitossanitários da citricultura atual, é uma doença causada pelo fitopatógeno Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac). Um estudo funcional do genoma de Xac foi iniciado com o intuito de identificar interações proteína-proteína envolvidas em processos de patogenicidade de Xac. Através da utilização do sistema duplo-híbrido de levedura, baseado nos domínios de ligação ao DNA e ativação da transcrição do GAL4, nós analisamos os principais componentes dos mecanismos de patogenicidade de Xac, incluindo o Sistema de Secreção do Tipo III (TTSS), Sistema de Secreção do Tipo IV (TFSS) e Sistema de \"Quorum Sensing\" composto pelas proteínas Rpf. Componentes desses sistemas foram utilizados como iscas na triagem de uma biblioteca genômica de Xac. O TTSS é codificado pelos genes denominados hrp (\"hypersensitive response and pathogenicity\"), hrc (\"hrp conserved\") e hpa (\"hrp associated\") localizados no locus hrp do cromossomo de Xac. Esse sistema de secreção é capaz de translocar proteínas efetoras do citoplasma bacteriano para o interior da célula hospedeira. Nossos resultados mostraram novas interações proteínaproteína entre componentes do próprio TTSS além de associações específicas com uma proteína hipotética: 1) HrpG, um regulador de resposta de um sistema de dois componentes responsável pela expressão dos genes hrp, e XAC0095, uma proteína hipotética encontrada apenas em Xanthomonas spp; 2) HpaA, uma proteína secretada pelo TTSS, HpaB e o domínio C-terminal da HrcV; 3) HrpB1, HrpD6 e HrpW, 4) HrpB2 e HrcU e 5) interações homotrópicas envolvendo a ATPase HrcN. Em Xac, foram encontrados dois loci vir que codificam proteínas que possuem similaridade com componentes do TFSS envolvido em processos de conjugação/secreção bacteriana: TFSS-plasmídeo localizado no plasmídeo pXAC64 e TFSS-cromossomo localizado no cromossomo de Xac. O TFSS-plasmídeo, o qual possui maior similaridade com sistemas de conjugação, mostrou interações envolvendo proteínas cujos genes estão localizados na mesma região do plasmídeo pXAC64: 1) interação homotrópica da TrwA; 2) XACb0032 e XACb0033; 3) interações homotrópicas da proteína XACb0035; 4) VirB1 e VirB9; 5) XACb0042 e VirB6; 6) XACb0043 e XACb0021b. O TFSS-cromossomo apresentou interações envolvendo as proteínas: 1) VirD4 e um grupo de 12 proteínas que contém similaridade entre si, incluindo XAC2609 cujo gene encontra-se no locus vir, 2) XAC2609 e XAC2610; 3) Interações homotrópicas da VirB11; 4) XAC2622 e VirB9. A análise do sistema de \"Quorum-Sensing\" composto pelas proteínas Rpf mostrou interações envolvendo componentes do próprio sistema: 1) RpfC e RpfF; 2) RpfC e RpfG; 3) interações homotrópicas da RpfF; 4) RpfC e CmfA, uma proteína similar a Cmf de Dictyostelium discoideum que, neste organismo, é fundamental para processos de \"quorum-sensing\". As interações proteína-proteína encontradas permitiram-nos entender melhor a composição, organização e regulação dos fatores envolvidos na patogenicidade de Xac. / Citrus Canker, caused by the bacterial plant pathogen Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac) presents one of the most serious problems to Brazilian citriculture. We have initiated a project to identify protein-protein interactions involved in pathogenicity of Xac. Using a yeast two-hybrid system based on GAL4 DNA-binding and activation domains, we have focused on identifying interactions involving subunits, regulators and substrates of: Type Three Secretion System (TTSS), Type Four Secretion System (TFSS) and Quorum Sensing/Rpf System. Components of these systems were used as baits to screening a random Xac genomic library. The TTSS is coded by the hrp (hypersensitive response and pathogenicity), hrc (hrp conserved) and hpa (hrp associated) genes in the chromosomal hrp locus. This secretion system can translocate efector proteins from the bacterial cytoplasm into the host cells. We have identified several previously uncharacterized interactions involving: 1) HrpG, a two-component system response regulator responsible for the expression of Xac hrp operons, and XAC0095, a previously uncharacterized protein encountered only in Xanthomonas spp; 2) HpaA, a protein secreted by the TTSS, HpaB and the C-terminal domain HrcV; 3) HrpB1, HrpD6 and HrpW; 4) HrpB2 and HrcU; 5) Homotropic interactions were also identified for the ATPase HrcN. Xac contains two virB gene clusters, one on the chromosome and one on the pXAC64 plasmid, each of which codes for a unique and previously uncharacterized TFSS. Components of the TFSS of pXAC64, which is most similar to conjugation systems, showed interactions involving proteins coded by the same locus: 1) Homotropic interactions of TrwA; 2) XACb0032 and XACb0033; 3) XAC0035 homotropic interactions; 4) VirB1 and VirB9; 5) XACb0042 and VirB6; 6) XACb0043 and XACb0021 b. Components of the chromosomal TFSS exhibited interactions involving: 1) VirD4 and a group of 12 uncharacterized proteins with a common C-terminal domain motif, include XAC2609 whose gene resides within the vir locus; 2) XAC2609 and XAC261 O; 3) Homotropic interactions of VirB11; 4) XAC2622 and VirB9. Analysis of Quorum Sensing/Rpf System components revealed interactions between the principal Rpf proteins which control Xanthomonas quorum sensing: 1) RpfC and RpfF; 2) RpfC and RpfG; 3) RpfF homotropic interactions; 4) RpfC and CmfA, a protein that presents similarity with Cmf (conditioned medium factor) of Dictyostelium discoideum, which contrais quorum sensing in this organism. The protein-protein interactions that we have detected reveal insights into the composition, organization and regulation of these important mechanisms involved in Xanthomonas pathogenicity.

A recombineering pipeline for functional genomics applied to Caenorhabditis elegans

Sarov, Mihail 11 December 2006 (has links)
Genome sequencing and annotation projects define the complete sets of RNA and protein components for living systems. They also present the challenge to generate functional information for thousands of previously uncharacterized genes. Protein tagging with fluorescent or affinity tags provides a generic way to describe protein expression and localization patterns and protein-protein interactions. The genome wide application of this approach in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has resulted in a comprehensive picture of the core proteome of a simple, well-studied model system. Extending these studies to more complex, multicellular model organisms, would allow us to place protein function onto a 4 dimensional space-time map, and will improve our understanding of the complex processes of development and differentiation. This will require efficient protein tagging methods and new high performance tags. Here we present a generic protein tagging approach for the model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The method is based on recombination mediated DNA engineering of genomic BAC clones into tagged transgenes for integrative transformation. C.elegans offers unique advantages for function discovery through protein tagging: compact and a well annotated genome, combined with a simple and well-understood anatomy and pattern of development. However, the methods for protein tagging in C.elegans have so far been inefficient and largely dependent on artificial cDNA based constructs, which can lack important regulatory elements. In contrast, our approach combines the advantages of authentic regulation with a new application of recombineering, which is simple, fast and efficient. For the first time we apply liquid culture cloning for multiple recombineering steps. This is particularly important when high throughput applications are considered, as it offers significant advantages in scale up and automation. We show that the BAC derived transgenes can be used for stable, integrative transformation in C. elegans. We show that the tagged transgene can take over the function of its endogenous counterpart. Using florescent reporter, we reproduce known and document new expression patterns. The second part of the thesis describes a project that we undertook to develop improved double affinity cassettes for protein purification. We evaluated the performance of 5 new double tag combinations in vitro and in mammalian culture cells. All of the new cassettes performed well and present a valuable tool for protein interaction studies in higher model systems.

Plant Carnivory and the Evolution of Novelty in <i>Sarracenia alata</i>

Wheeler, Gregory Lawrence 07 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Drinking Rhythms in Alcohol Preferring Mice

Matson, Liana M. 29 August 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Multiple lines of High Alcohol Preferring (HAP) mice were selectively bred for their intake of 10% ethanol (v/v) during 24-h daily access over a four-week period, with the highest drinking lines exhibiting intakes in excess of 20 g/kg/day. Drinking rhythms and corresponding blood ethanol concentrations (BEC) of the highest drinking HAP lines to those of the C57BL/6J (B6) inbred strain. Adult male and female crossed HAP (cHAP), HAP1 and B6 mice had free-choice access to 10% ethanol and water for 3 weeks prior to bi-hourly assessments of intake throughout the dark portion of a reverse 12:12 light dark cycle. In another cohort of cHAP mice, the same procedure was used to assess bi-hourly ethanol intake, and blood samples were taken across the day to look at the pattern of accumulation in these mice. Finally, considering the high level of intake by cHAP mice, we were interested in assessing whether metabolic and functional tolerance develop following chronic free-choice access, which were assessed using 2.0 and 1.75 g/kg challenge doses of 20% ethanol, respectively. cHAP and HAP1 mice maintained an excessive level of intake throughout the dark portion of the cycle, accumulating mean BEC levels of 261.5 + 18.09 and 217.9 + 25.02 mg/dl at 7-8 hours following lights off, respectively. B6 mice drank comparatively modestly, and did not accumulate high BEC levels (53.63 + 8.15 mg/dl). In the cHAP cohort, mean BECs were 112.47 + 19.91 at 2 hours after lights off, 189.00 + 27.40 at 6 hours after lights off, 193.80 + 29.66 at 10 hours after lights off, and 89.68 + 22.19 at 2 hours after lights on. Further, following 3 weeks of ethanol access, cHAP mice had a faster rate of ethanol metabolism and fewer hind slips than water-only exposed mice (ps < .05). In conclusion, the excessive free-choice drinking demonstrated by the HAP1 and cHAP lines, as well as the pattern of sustained high BECs in cHAP mice, challenge the notion that rodents will not reliably and voluntarily sustain ethanol intake at pharmacologically relevant levels. These results suggest that the highest drinking HAP lines may provide a unique opportunity for modeling the excessive intake that has been observed in alcohol-dependent individuals. Further, we observed that cHAP mice develop both metabolic and functional tolerance to the ataxic effects of ethanol following 3 weeks of free-choice access. Together, these findings support HAP mice as translational rodent model of alcoholism, and provide rationale for exploration of the predisposing factors for excessive consumption, as well as the development of physiological, behavioral, and toxicological outcomes following alcohol exposure.

Developmental differences in hypothermic and behavioral responses to ethanol treatment in Alcohol Preferring and Non-Preferring Rats

Myers, Mallory Lynn 30 August 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Differences in voluntary consumption of ethanol have been negatively correlated with differences in initial sensitivity and tolerance to ethanol’s pharmacological effects. From this perspective, both adolescent and adult alcohol-nonpreferring (NP) rats would be expected to be initially more sensitive to the sedative and hypothermic effects of ethanol and fail to acquire tolerance to those effects than preferring (P) rats. The first objective of this experiment was to assess alcohol-induced hypothermia and locomotor sedation in adolescent and adult P and NP rats over five consecutive daily administrations (saline, 1.5 g/kg, or 3.0 g/kg ethanol 17%v/v), testing the hypothesis that the P rats would acquire tolerance to the hypothermic response whereas the NP rats would not show changes across days. In addition, it was hypothesized that there would be age-related differences in initial sensitivity to ethanol, evident by adolescent rats displaying less ethanol-induced hypothermia and locomotor sedation than adult rats on Day 1. The second objective was to determine if conditioning was occurring between the administration environment and the hypothermic response and locomotor sedation elicited by ethanol exposure, via a sixth injection of saline. Female rats were surgically implanted with intraperitoneal Mini Mitter telemetry probes on postnatal day 25 or 85 and experimental manipulations began five days later. Data were collected every minute; temperature data were then converted to change from baseline scores and locomotor data were totaled for each session. On Day 1, maximum temperature reduction elicited by the 3.0 g/kg dose was greater in the NP rats than the P rats, regardless of age. That dose also produced greater levels of locomotor sedation in the adult rats compared to the adolescent rats, regardless of line. The 1.5 g/kg dose of ethanol produced a greater hypothermic response in adult rats compared to adolescent rats, locomotor activity was reduced equally across the groups. With repeated administrations, NP adult rats displayed sensitization to the hypothermic response elicited from the 3.0 g/kg dose; in contrast, tolerance to the hypothermic response was found within the 1.5 g/kg dose for the adolescent P, adult P, and the adult NP rats. Repeated saline administrations also resulted in tolerance to the hypothermic response associated with administration in the adult NP and adolescent P rats. On the Day 6 saline administrations, adult rats which had previously been exposed to the 3.0 g/kg dose, maintained their baseline body temperatures better than both of the other exposure groups. Adolescent rats failed to show any signs of conditioning when administered saline on Day 6. Contrary to prediction the P rats failed to acquire tolerance to the 3.0 g/kg dose for either measure; and the line difference in ethanol-induce hypothermia was due to sensitization of the hypothermic response in adult NP rats. These results also provide further support that adolescent rats are less sensitive to the initial aversive effects of ethanol at the 1.5 g/kg dose for ethanol-induced hypothermia and the 3.0 g/kg dose for locomotor activity. The current experiment provides evidence that initial sensitivity as well as the acquisition of tolerance to ethanol-induced hypothermia may be behavioral phenotypes correlated with selection for high and low alcohol drinking preference.

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